Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ligase"" "subject:"tigase""
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Analyse transcriptomique du développement du grain de blé (Triticum aestivum) : implication des E3 ligases et des gènes relatifs aux hormonesCapron, Delphine 14 December 2011 (has links)
Le blé tendre, Triticum aestivum, représente une grande ressource dans l’alimentation humaine mais également dans l’industrie. En conséquence, la taille finale du grain de blé constitue une cible privilégiée des programmes de sélections variétales. Pour ces raisons, comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires qui contrôlent le développement du grain, en particulier lors des phases précoces de la mise en place des structures cellulaires et leur remplissage par des réserves, constitue un enjeu majeur. Le développement du grain de blé est un processus complexe qui nécessite l’intervention séquentielle ou combinée d’un très grand nombre de gènes et de voies métaboliques. Parmi ces voies, le métabolisme carboné (en particulier celui du saccharose), les voies de signalisation par les hormones et la voie Ubiquitine / Protéasome 26S (UPS) semblent jouer un rôle déterminant dans la taille finale et donc le rendement en grain chez les céréales. Pour étudier le développement du grain de blé tendre, des plantes de la variété Récital ont été cultivées en serre dans des conditions optimales sans contraintes. Les grains ont été récoltés à onze stades de développement après floraison, allant de 40°CJ (soit deux jours après floraison) à 500°CJ (soit 25 jours après floraison). Les ARN totaux ont été extraits à partir de ces grains et utilisés pour analyser l’expression des gènes par une approche transcriptomique, soit en utilisant une lame « dédiée », soit en utilisant une lame Nimblegen comprenant 39 179 gènes. Une analyse différentielle utilisant le test LIMMA a permis d’identifier 9284 gènes différentiellement exprimés. L’analyse globale de ces gènes a montré que des modifications transcriptionnelles majeures ont lieu entre les stades 80 et 120 °CJ ainsi qu’entre 220 et 240°CJ. La répartition de ces 9284 en 10 clusters, en fonction de leurs profils d’expression, permet d’identifier les gènes activés en début de la phase de division cellulaire chez le grain, ceux activés pendant la phase de remplissage et ceux présentant un profil dit en « cloche ». Parmi les gènes différentiellement exprimés, nous nous sommes intéressés à ceux qui codent pour des E3 ligases impliquées dans la voie UPS et aux gènes relatifs à 7 hormones végétales (auxine, acide abscissique, acide jasmonique, brassinostéroïdes, cytokinines, gibbérellines et éthylène). Nous avons alors identifié 173 gènes codant pour des E3 ligases (dont certaines sont également des récepteurs hormonaux) et 126 gènes impliqués dans les voies hormonales. Un modèle global décrivant la chronologie d’intervention de ces gènes a été proposé. La majorité des gènes E3 de type SCF (SKP1-Cullin-Fbox), APC/C, Cul3-BTB et Ubox interviendrait dans les phases précoces du développement du grain de blé. Parallèlement, la majorité des gènes relatifs à l’auxine, à l’acide jasmonique et aux brassinostéroïdes interviendrait lors des phases de divisions cellulaires alors que les gènes relatifs à l’éthylène et à l’acide abscissique interviendraient dans les phases de remplissage. Par ailleurs, une méta-analyse a été réalisée et a permis d’identifier 26 gènes candidats codants pour des E3 ligases ainsi que de 12 gènes candidats impliqués dans les voies hormonales qui seraient préférentiellement exprimés dans l’albumen, un tissu du grain à haute valeur agro-économique. Le modèle proposé et l’identification de ces gènes candidats établissent un cadre pour de futures études visant à comprendre les mécanismes moléculaires contrôlant le développement du grain de blé. / Wheat grain is an important source of food, feed, and industrial raw materials, but current production levels cannot meet world needs. Elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying wheat grain development will contribute valuable information to improving wheat cultivation. One of the most important mechanisms implicated in plant developmental processes is the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System (UPS). Among several implications of the UPS, it has become clear that it plays an essential role in hormone signaling. In particular E3 ubiquitin ligases, from the UPS, have been demonstrated to play critical roles in hormone perception and signal transduction. During these work, wheat cv. Recital were grown in optimum growth conditions. By comparing eleven consecutive time-points from 40°CJ (2 days after anthesis) to 500°CJ (around 25 days after anthesis), 9284 differentially expressed genes were identified during this study. A comparison of these genes in terms of time revealed dynamic transcript accumulation profiles with major re-programming events that occurred during the time intervals of 80-120°Cdays and 220-240°Cdays. The gene expression comparison allows observing genes potentially involved in cell division or grain filling stage. An emphasis was made on the E3 ligases and hormone-related genes (Abscisic acid, Auxin, Brassinosteroid, Cytokinine, Gibberellic acid, Ethylene and Jasmonic acid). 173 E3 ligase coding genes and 126 hormone–related genes were found to be differentially expressed during the cell division and grain filling stages, with a different expression profile for each family. A model describing the timing of the involvement of these genes is proposed to provide a framework for the design of future experiments and for the identification of genes and pathways for further characterization. A majority of the E3 SCF (SKP1-Cullin-F-box), APC/C, Cul3-BTB and Ubox are found expressed in early wheat developmental stages (cell division stage). A majority of auxin, jasmonic acid and brassinostéroïde related genes were found to be up-regulated in early wheat developmental stages while ethylene and abscisic acid related genes were found to be activated during grain filling stage. The differential expression of genes involved in E3 ligase pathways and plant hormone signalling suggested that phytohormones and UPS crosstalk might play a critical role in the wheat grain developmental process. A meta-analysis of these genes led to the identification of 26 E3 ligase candidate genes and 12 hormones-related candidate genes that are preferentially expressed in the endosperm. The functional model that we proposed and the identification of candidate genes should help to better understand wheat grain development.
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Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic libraryBooyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
<p>A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations.</p>
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Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic libraryBooyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
<p>A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations.</p>
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The Role of ABI3-interacting Protein2 in the Regulation of FUSCA3 in Arabidopsis thalianaDuong, Simon 22 November 2013 (has links)
Seed maturation is an important process that is evolutionarily advantageous, allowing for seed dispersal and germination under favourable growth conditions. The B3-domain transcription factor FUSCA3 (FUS3) is a master regulator of seed maturation and controls developmental phase transitions through hormonal regulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. The aim of this study was to determine the post-translational regulation of FUS3 during embryonic and vegetative development. Here, FUS3 was found to interact with the E3 ubiquitin ligase ABI3-INTERACTING PROTEIN2 (AIP2) in yeast two-hybrid, in vitro, and in planta assays. Analysis of transcriptional and translational reporters also showed overlapping spatial and temporal expression patterns of AIP2 and FUS3. Furthermore, in vitro FUS3 degradation was delayed in aip2-1 mutant and increased FUS3-GFP levels were observed during mid-embryogenesis in aip2-1. Finally, double transgenic plants overexpressing AIP2 and FUS3 showed reduced FUS3 levels and reversion of the gain-of-function FUS3 phenotypes back to WT. Together, these results indicate that AIP2 is a negative regulator of FUS3.
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Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic libraryBooyse, Dean January 2011 (has links)
A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations. / Magister Scientiae - MSc
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Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic libraryBooysen, Dean January 2011 (has links)
A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the
sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E.coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations. / Magister Scientiae - MSc
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Analyse des mécanismes assurant la robustesse d’un événement de transdifférenciation : rôle de l’ubiquitine ligase E3 SEL-10 / Analysis of robustness in a transdifferentiation event : role of ubiquitin ligase E3 SEL-10Delance, Cécile 17 January 2018 (has links)
Les cellules différenciées peuvent changer de destin cellulaire de manière induite ou naturelle. Afin de comprendre et connaître les acteurs et mécanismes contrôlant les processus de reprogrammation, notre laboratoire étudie le changement d'identité (ou transdifférenciation, Td) naturel d’une cellule épithéliale rectale (nommée Y) en motoneurone (nommé PDA) chez Caenorhabditis elegans. Les travaux préliminaires ont montré qu’il existe une synergie entre les modifications d’histone (jmjd-3.1 et wdr-5.1) et l’ubiquitination (sel-10). SEL-10 est une ubiquitine ligase E3 possédant un domaine Fbox et une répétition de domaines WD40. Dans cette étude, nous avons pu mettre en évidence : i) une implication du domaine Fbox, des indications sur la localisation intracellulaire de SEL-10 et un rôle inattendu du protéasome au sein de la Td. ii) un rôle de SEL-10 dans la robustesse de la Td (résistance aux stress environnementaux). iii) sel-10, jmjd-3.1 et wdr-5.1 agissent sur la transcription de gènes impliqués dans la transdifférenciation (testé par smFISH). Ainsi qu’une caractérisation du motif d’expression marqueur de Td cog-1 au cours de la redifférenciation. / Differentiated cells can change their cellular fate induced or naturally. In order to understand the mechanisms controlling reprogramming processes, our laboratory is studying the natural change in identity (or transdifferentiation, Td) of a rectal epithelial cell (named Y) and motor neuron (named PDA) in Caenorhabditis elegans.Preliminary work has shown that there is a synergy between histone modifications (jmjd-3.1 and wdr-5.1) and ubiquitination (sel-10). SEL-10 is an E3 ubiquitin ligase with a Fbox domain and WD40 repeat domain.In this study, we highlight: i) the Fbox domain involvement in the Td, indications about the intracellular localization of SEL-10 and an unexpected role of the proteasome within TD. ii) a role of SEL-10 in the robustness of the Td. iii) sel-10, jmjd-3.1 and wdr-5.1 act on gene transcription in transdifferentiation. This one was tested by smFISH and allowed the characterization of the cog-1 transdifferentiation marker expression pattern during redifferentiation.
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Characterisation of a DNA ligase from an Antarctic metagenomic libraryBooysen, Dean January 2011 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / A metagenomic gene library prepared from soil found beneath a mummified seal carcass in the Miers Valley, Antarctica, suggests an environment rich in uncharacterised biodiversity including enzymes with possible application to industrial processes. A sequence based gene mining investigation was performed on a clone, which archives a metagenomic sequence from this environment. The sequence was annotated using de novo bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. A predicted NAD+-dependent DNA ligase, ligDB1 was selected for further characterisation. LigDB1 encodes a gene product that contains all the sequence features of a functional ligase. The protein was overexpressed in a heterologous E. coli host and purified to homogeneity. LigDB1 did not exhibit nick sealing activity, but was able to perform AMP-dependent DNA relaxation in the presence of high concentrations of enzyme. DNA modifying enzymes from cold environments perform optimally at low temperatures and may be of use as molecular tools in biotechnology. Complete characterisation of this enzyme is subject to further investigations
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Efeito do hormônio tireoidiano (T3) sobre a expressão da E3 ligase Mdm2 e suas implicações na regulação do trofismo muscular. / Effects of thyroid hormone (T3) on Mdm2 E3 ligase expression and its implications in the muscle trofism regulation.Gracielle Vieira Ramos 16 July 2014 (has links)
Estudos preliminares através de microarray nos mostraram que a E3 ligase Mdm2 foi regulado positivamente no músculo de animais hipertireoideos. Dessa forma, nós inferimos uma possível relação de Mdm2 com a atrofia causada por T3. Para testar nossa hipótese, ratos foram induzidos ao hipertireoidismo para análises subsequentes. Concomitante com a perda de massa muscular foi confirmado um aumento da expressão de Mdm2 tanto no nível gênico (p<0.05) quanto protéico. Interessantemente, Mdm2 foi preferencialmente expresso em fibras tipo I, mostrando maior sensibilidade dessas fibras ao T3. Além disso, foi observado uma diminuição severa na expressão de Pax7/MyoD associado à superexpressão de Mdm2, sugerindo inatividade das células satélites. Surpreendentemente, a inibição de Mdm2 em miotubos cultivados provocou uma diminuição severa no diâmetro destes (~35%, p<0.05), ou seja, tal inibição foi incapaz de minimizar a proteólise muscular causada por T3. Portanto, nós concluímos que a responsividade de Mdm2 ao T3 agiria como um mecanismo compensatório numa tentativa de minimizar a proteólise muscular causada pelo hipertireoidismo. Esta conclusão é reforçada pela atrofia observada em miotubos durante a inibição de Mdm2 sem a presença de T3. / Previous studies in our lab through microarray assay observed Mdm2, an E3 ligase, up regulated in soleus muscle from hyperthyroid rats. In this sense, we inferred that Mdm2 could be related to muscle atrophy caused by T3. To test our hypothesis, rats were induced to experimental hyperthyroidism for subsequent analysis. Along the muscle mass loss, the increase on Mdm2 gene expression was confirmed (p<0.05) as well as protein expression by RT-PCR and Western Blot, respectively. Interestingly, Mdm2 was expressed predominantly in fiber I type during T3 treatment, demonstrating a higher sensibility when compared to type II fiber. Moreover, it was observed a severe decrease in Pax7/MyoD labeling, associated to an increase on Mdm2 labeling, suggesting that T3 could be associated with inactivation of satellite cells. Surprisingly, Mdm2 inhibition in myotubes have induced severe decrease on myotubes diameter (~35%, p<0.05), in other words, Mdm2 inhibition was not able to decrease muscle proteolysis during high levels of T3. Thus, the increase on Mdm2 levels could be a compensatory effect to reduce the muscle mass loss during T3 treatment. This conclusion is highlighted by the myotubes atrophy observed during the Mdm2 inhibition without T3 treatment.
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Échapper à la mort cellulaire dans le cancer : mitophagie et régulation de la mort indépendante des caspases / Escape from cell death in cancer : mitophagy and regulation of caspase independent cell deathVilla, Elodie 12 December 2017 (has links)
Une des caractéristiques des cellules tumorales est leur habileté à échapper à la mort cellulaire. Pour y parvenir, elles ont développé une stratégie consistant à éliminer sélectivement les mitochondries endommagées par un processus de mitophagie. L’acteur principal de la mitophagie est l’ubiquitine ligase Parkin ; mais elle est mutée ou absente dans la majorité des cancers. Nous avons découvert qu’une autre ligase, ARIH1, appartenant à la même famille des RBR ligases que Parkin, est capable d’induire la mitophagie en réponse à un stress. Contrairement à Parkin, ARIH1 est surexprimée dans de nombreux cancers, notamment dans les cancers du poumon permettant ainsi une augmentation de la mitophagie conférant ainsi à ces cellules une résistance au stress induit par des agents chimiothérapeutiques. La mort cellulaire la mieux caractérisée est l’apoptose qui est directement liée à l’activation de caspases. Il a pourtant été établi qu’une inhibition des caspases ne permet pas d’empêcher la mort cellulaire car il existe la « mort cellulaire indépendante des caspases » ou CICD. Cependant, sa définition moléculaire précise reste toujours inconnue. Ainsi dans ce but, un criblage siRNA pan génomique a révélé l’importance de la voie ubiquitine/protéasome. Nous avons pu identifier en particulier une enzyme E3 ligase comme étant protectrice de la CICD. Cette enzyme est surexprimée dans de nombreux cancers et pourrait permettre aux cellules cancéreuses de résister à la CICD et favoriser la progression tumorale. En résumé, ce travail a permis de souligner l’importance des ubiquitines ligases dans les mécanismes d’échappement à la mort cellulaire mis en place par les cellules cancéreuses. / One of the hallmarks of tumor cells is their ability to escape cell death.To achieve this, they have developed a strategy of selectively removing damaged mitochondria by a process of mitophagy. The main actor of mitophagy is the ubiquitin ligase Parkin; but it is mutated or absent in the majority of cancers. We have discovered that another ligase, ARIH1, belonging to the same family of RBR ligases as Parkin, is capable of inducing mitophagy in response to stress. In contrast to Parkin, ARIH1 is overexpressed in many cancers, especially in lung cancer, allowing an increase in mitophagy conferring resistance to stress induced by chemotherapeutic agents. The most characterized cell death pathway is apoptosis, which is directly related to caspases activation. However, it has been established, that caspase inhibition does not prevent cell death because there is another type of cell death called "caspase-independent cell death" or CICD. However, its precise molecular definition is still unknown. Thus for this purpose, pan-genomic siRNA screening was performed and revealed the importance of the ubiquitin / proteasome pathway. In particular, we have been able to identify an enzyme E3 ligase as being protective towards CICD. This enzyme is overexpressed in many cancers and could allow cancer cells to resist CICD and promote tumor progression. In summary, this work has highlighted the importance of ubiquitin ligases in the escape mechanisms to cell death implemented by cancer cells.
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