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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sensory information to motor cortices: Effects of motor execution in the upper-limb contralateral to sensory input.

Legon, Wynn 22 September 2009 (has links)
Performance of efficient and precise motor output requires proper planning of movement parameters as well as integration of sensory feedback. Peripheral sensory information is projected not only to parietal somatosensory areas but also to cortical motor areas, particularly the supplementary motor area (SMA). These afferent sensory pathways to the frontal cortices are likely involved in the integration of sensory information for assistance in motor program planning and execution. It is not well understood how and where sensory information from the limb contralateral to motor output is modulated, but the SMA is a potential cortical source as it is active both before and during motor output and is particularly involved in movements that require coordination and bilateral upper-limb selection and use. A promising physiological index of sensory inflow to the SMA is the frontal N30 component of the median nerve (MN) somatosensory-evoked potential (SEP), which is generated in the SMA. The SMA has strong connections with ipsilateral areas 2, 5 and secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) as well as ipsilateral primary motor cortex (M1). As such, the SMA proves a fruitful candidate to assess how sensory information is modulated across the upper-limbs during the various stages of motor output. This thesis inquires into how somatosensory information is modulated in both the SMA and primary somatosensory cortical areas (S1) during the planning and execution of a motor output contralateral to sensory input across the upper-limbs, and further, how and what effect ipsilateral primary motor cortex (iM1) has upon modulation of sensory inputs to the SMA.

Sensory information to motor cortices: Effects of motor execution in the upper-limb contralateral to sensory input.

Legon, Wynn 22 September 2009 (has links)
Performance of efficient and precise motor output requires proper planning of movement parameters as well as integration of sensory feedback. Peripheral sensory information is projected not only to parietal somatosensory areas but also to cortical motor areas, particularly the supplementary motor area (SMA). These afferent sensory pathways to the frontal cortices are likely involved in the integration of sensory information for assistance in motor program planning and execution. It is not well understood how and where sensory information from the limb contralateral to motor output is modulated, but the SMA is a potential cortical source as it is active both before and during motor output and is particularly involved in movements that require coordination and bilateral upper-limb selection and use. A promising physiological index of sensory inflow to the SMA is the frontal N30 component of the median nerve (MN) somatosensory-evoked potential (SEP), which is generated in the SMA. The SMA has strong connections with ipsilateral areas 2, 5 and secondary somatosensory cortex (S2) as well as ipsilateral primary motor cortex (M1). As such, the SMA proves a fruitful candidate to assess how sensory information is modulated across the upper-limbs during the various stages of motor output. This thesis inquires into how somatosensory information is modulated in both the SMA and primary somatosensory cortical areas (S1) during the planning and execution of a motor output contralateral to sensory input across the upper-limbs, and further, how and what effect ipsilateral primary motor cortex (iM1) has upon modulation of sensory inputs to the SMA.

The design of prosthetic and orthotic facilities for the Tshwane University of Technology in central Pretoria.

Van der Merwe, Jaune-Marie. January 2013 (has links)
M. Tech. Architecture (Professional)

Apatinių galūnių įtvarų ilgaamžiškumo tyrimas / Research of durability of lower limbs splints

Ardatov, Oleg 26 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe yra atliekamas apatinių galūnių įtvarų ilgaamžiškumo tyrimas. Yra iškeliama čiurnos sąnario įtvarų patvarumo problema ir sudaroma jos sprendimo metodika. Darbe yra atliekama čiurnos sąnario biomechanikos analizė, įtvarų konstrukcijų ir medžiagų analizė, nagrinėjama ilgaamžiškumo reikšmė ir tyrimo būdai. Sudaroma tyrimo metodika. Kompiuterinio modeliavimo būdu, panaudojant SolidWorks programinę įrangą, yra sudaromas įtvaro modelis, nustatomos veikiančios apkrovos, atliekami įtempių ir poslinkių pasiskirstymo tyrimai. Atliekami modelio nuovargio bandymai. Atsižvelgiant į tyrimų rezultatus, yra sudaromi įtvarų iš aukštos temperatūros plastikų tinkamo pritaikymo nurodymai. Pateikiamos išvados ir literatūros sąrašas. / Final thesis presents the research of durability of lower limbs splints. The problem of fatigue behaviour of ankle joint splint is raised and its solution is suggested. Final thesis contains ankle joint biomechanics analysis, lower limbs splints design and material analysis. Review of durability research methods is also done. The methodology of research is arranged. Using the computer aided modeling with SolidWorks software the model of ankle joint splint is created. Load parameters are determined, research of stresses and deformations are performed. Fatigue test is also performed. Due to the results of research, the instructions for ankle joint splints made of high density polyethylene and polypropylene use and adaptation are listed. Final thesis also contains conclusions and list of literature. Size of work – 77 pages of text without attachments, 55 pictures, 9 tables and 25 bibliographical sources.

Effect of rhythmic arm movement on soleus H-reflex amplitudes in the less and more affected legs after stroke

Barzi, Yasaman 16 May 2008 (has links)
Rhythmic arm cycling suppresses the soleus H-reflex amplitude in stationary legs in neurologically intact (NI) participants. It has been suggested that interlimb pathways connecting cervical and lumbosacral spinal cord are responsible for modulating the reflex excitability. After stroke, stretch reflex and its electrical analogue the H-reflex become hyperactive. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of arm cycling on the H-reflex amplitude in the stationary legs after stroke. It was hypothesized that rhythmic arm movement would suppress the H-reflex amplitudes in the Iegs after stroke. Sixteen stroke participants performed bilateral arm cycling at 1Hz and at the highest frequency possible they could maintain. Additionally, thirteen age-matched neurologically intact individuals participated as a control group. Tibial nerves were stimulated to evoke H-reflexes simultaneously in both legs. M-wave, H-reflex (M-H) recruitment curves (RC) were collected during arm cycling and with arms stationary. Four variables (i.e.. M-H slope, H at threshold. Hmax, and 50% Hmax] obtained from the ascending limb of the M-H RC were compared across conditions. Results showed that the general effects of arm cycling in suppressing H-reflex size are preserved after stroke. However, effects after stroke were limited in that arm cycling did not affect the whole recruitment curve similarly, as it does in the NI population. Overall the results suggest that incorporation of rhythmic arm movement in rehabilitation paradigms after stroke might be helpful in suppression of hyperactive reflexes in the legs and therefore assist in locomotion.

Análise cinemática da marcha de amputados transtibiais: comparação dos encaixes KBM e a vácuo

Ferreira, Alana Elisabeth Kuntze 26 August 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A amputação transtibial é uma das amputações de membros inferiores mais frequentemente realizada. Objetivo: Este trabalho teve por objetivo comparar, através da análise tridimensional da marcha, as alterações de marcha de pacientes com amputação transtibial, previamente treinados, que utilizavam próteses com encaixe Kondylen Bettung Münster (KBM) e a vácuo. Metodologia: Foram avaliados voluntários com amputação transtibial que utilizavam encaixe KBM ou a vácuo disponibilizados pelos Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). A amostra final foi de 12 participantes no grupo “KBM” e 5 no grupo “vácuo”. Todos eles passaram por um exame físico, que constou de goniometria, teste de força muscular e coleta de dados antropométricos. Eles também realizaram análise tridimensional (3D) da marcha. Para tal, eles foram paramentados com marcadores reflexivos em pontos anatômicos e os correspondentes da prótese, de acordo com o modelo Helen Hayes e caminharam por uma pista de 10 metros com uma velocidade auto selecionada. O sistema de captura consistiu em 6 câmeras Hawk e software Cortex versão, de captura e edição das caminhadas, ambos da Motion Analysis Corporation. A comparação entre os dois grupos foi realizada através da Pontuação do Perfil da Marcha (GPS), das Pontuações das Variáveis da Marcha (GVS) e dos parâmetros de tempo e espaço da marcha. Além disso, foi testada a correlação entre a GPS e as GVS e entre a GPS e os parâmetros de tempo e espaço da marcha. Resultados: Os dois grupos obtiveram velocidade da marcha significativamente menores, período de apoio significativamente maior e o tempo de apoio simples menor que o normal. Nos dois grupos ainda, os valores de GPS e GVS foram maiores que o normal, porém o “KBM” apresentou maiores desvios que o “vácuo”. Os maiores desvios do grupo do encaixe KBM foram nas GVS flexão/extensão dos quadris, flexão/extensão dos joelhos e dorsi/plantiflexão do tornozelo MIP, podendo assim caracterizar este como o padrão de desvio do Perfil de Análise do Movimento (MAP) deste grupo. O grupo “vácuo” teve os principais desvios nas GVS dorsi/plantiflexão dos tornozelos, flexão/extensão do joelho MIP e rotação pélvica, sendo este o padrão de desvio do MAP deste grupo. Encontraram-se, portanto, padrões diferentes de desvio nos dois grupos. Os dois grupos apresentaram desvios no MICL, os quais representam as compensações realizadas neste membro para possibilitar uma marcha mais funcional com a prótese. Os participantes que utilizaram o encaixe a vácuo apresentaram marcha mais simétrica que os participantes que utilizavam encaixe KBM. O grupo que utilizava o encaixe a vácuo obteve menores valores de GPS e de algumas GVS que o grupo “KBM”, entre elas estão a flexão/extensão do quadril MIP e MICL, flexão/extensão do joelho MIP e a flexão/extensão do joelho MICL, que foi a única diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos de encaixe. O mesmo grupo teve velocidade da macha maior que o grupo “KBM” e, apesar desta diferença não ter sido significativa, sugere uma maior funcionalidade da marcha com o encaixe a vácuo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que os indivíduos que utilizaram encaixe a vácuo apresentaram um padrão de marcha mais funcional e com menores desvios que aqueles que utilizaram encaixe KBM, quando comparados através da GPS, das GVS e dos parâmetros de tempo e espaço. / Introduction: Transtibial amputation is one of the lower limb amputations more often performed. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare, using 3D gait analysis, gait deviations of patients with transtibial amputation, previously trained, using KBM and vacum prosthetic fittings. Methodology: Transtibial amputees that used Kondylen Bettung Münster (KBM) and vacuum prosthetic fitting waived by the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) were evaluated. The final sample consisted of 12 participants in the "KBM" group and 5 in the "vacuum" group. They all underwent a physical examination, which consisted of goniometry, muscle strength testing and anthropometric data. They also performed three-dimensional (3D) gait analysis. For this, they were vested with reflexive markers on anatomical and prosthetic corresponding landmarkers according to the Helen Hayes and walked across a 10-m walk-way at their self-selected speed. The capture system consisted of 6 cameras Hawk and the Cortex software version for capturing and editing the trials, both from Motion Analysis Corporation. The Gait Profile Scores (GPS), Gait Variable Score (GVS) and temporal-spatial parameters performed the comparison between the two groups. In addition, we tested the correlation between GPS and GVS and between GPS and temporal-spatial parameters. Results: The two groups had significantly lower gait speed, significantly longer period of support and shorter time of single support than normal. In both groups, GPS and GVS values were higher than normal, but the "KBM" showed greater deviations than the "vacuum". The largest deviations from the KBM group was in the GVS hips flexion / extension, knees flexion / extension and ankle dorsi / plantarflexion MIP and can thus characterize this as the deviation pattern of the Movement Analysis Profile (MAP) for this group. The "vacuum" group had major deviations of the GVS ankles dorsi / platarflexion, knee flexion / extension MIP and pelvic rotation, the deviation pattern of MAP in this group. There were, therefore, different deviation patterns I the two groups. Both groups showed deviations in MICL, which represent the compensation made by this limb to enable a more functional gait with prosthesis. Participants who used vacuum prosthetic fitting showed more a symmetrical gait than participants that used KBM prosthetic fitting. The group that used vacuum prosthetic fitting had lower values of GPS and some GVS than "KBM" group; these include hips flexion / extension, MIP knee flexion / extension and MICL knee flexion / extension, which was the only statistically significant difference between the groups. The same group had greater walking speed than the "KBM" group and, although this difference was not significant, it suggests more functionality of gait with vacuum prosthetic fitting. Conclusion: It can be concluded that individuals who used the vacuum prosthetic fitting showed more functional gait pattern and smaller deviations than those that used KBM prosthetic fitting, compared by GPS, GVS and temporal-spatial parameters.

Déterminants du handicap moteur en République de Guinée : causes et conséquences des déficiences des membres inférieurs chez les habitants de Conakry / Determinants of motor disability in the Republic of Guinea : causes and consequences of lower limbs deficiencies among the inhabitants of Conakry

Tchirkov, Vitaly 12 April 2012 (has links)
Lorsqu’elle s’inscrit dans un contexte tel que celui des pays en développement, la notion de handicap se caractérise par des tendances bien singulières. C’est notamment en République de Guinée que nous avons décidé de centrer notre travail, traitant des problématiques liées aux handicaps physiques et plus particulièrement aux déficiences des membres inférieurs. Les objectifs fixés dans cette recherche consistent à expliquer les causes et les conséquences de la prédominance de ce type de déficiences à Conakry. De plus, parmi d’autres problématiques que soulève notre travail, nous nous intéressons aux représentations que reflètent les handicaps et aux influences qu’elles subissent de la part des croyances traditionnelles et religieuses. Notre travail s’inscrit donc à la fois dans la volonté d’établir un état des lieux de la situation actuelle et dans la réalisation d’un important travail de terrain qui a été mené à Conakry entre 2008 à 2011 auprès d’un millier de personnes. D’après nos résultats, la principale cause des déficiences des membres inférieurs est liée aux séquelles de la poliomyélite et à la présence d’autres facteurs de risques tels que l’insécurité routière. De plus, selon nos analyses, près de 80% des personnes atteintes de ce type de déficience résidant à Conakry sont issues de l’exode rural. Une fois installées à Conakry, elles optent pour les trois modes de subsistance à savoir : la pratique de la mendicité (48%), l’occupation d’un emploi (16%) et la prise en charge familiale (18%). Par ailleurs, chaque mode semble déterminer leur participation et leur intégration au sein de la société. Enfin, nos résultats montrent que près de la moitié des Guinéens croit en la sorcellerie et en la nature maléfique des handicaps. Comme nous l’expliquons, ces croyances influencent négativement les représentations des handicaps. Pour conclure, selon nos analyses la majorité des Guinéens s’accorde à définir le handicap comme un phénomène biomédical et le considère comme un problème individuel et non social. / While dealing with the context of the developing countries, the notion of handicap is characterized in a specific way. We carried out our study in the Republic of Guinea, particularly related to the problems of the handicap, more specifically with the disability of inferior members. The main objectives of this research consist in explaining the causes and the consequences of the ascendancy of this type of deficiencies in Conakry. Furthermore, among the other problems analyzed in this work, we are interested in the representations which reflect the handicaps and the influence of traditional and religious beliefs on handicap. Our work is aimed to present the current conditions of the situation and to carry out a significant work on the site. In this framework, we organized two surveys during 2008 and 2009, dealing with approximately 1000 persons. According to our results, the main cause of the deficiencies of lower limbs is associated to the aftereffects of the poliomyelitis and to the presence of the other risk factors, such as the lack of safety on the roads. Furthermore, according to our analyses, about 80 % of the people questioned, belonged to the rural depopulation. Once installed in Conakry, they opt for three modes of subsistence: the practice of begging (48 %), working (16 %) and the family care (18 %). Moreover, each mode seems to determine the participation and the integration of these individuals in the society. Finally, our results show that nearly half of the Guineans believe in the witchcraft and in the malefic nature of the handicaps. Consequently, the faith influences negatively on the interpretation of the handicaps. To conclude, according to our analyses, the majority of the Guineans agrees to define the handicap as a biomedical phenomenon and considers it as an individual and not a social problem.

Význam Boscova testu při určení zdravotně orientované zdatnosti adolescentů / The relevance of Bosco test in objectivisation of health related fitness in age category adolescents

Čaba, Ladislav January 2015 (has links)
Title: The relevance of Bosco test for determination of healthy oriented efficiency adolescents Objective: The main objective is to find and describe the relationship of Bosco test (60 s) to a specific level of health-related fitness among adolescents based on the comparison of the output parameter of Bosco test and test items EUROFIT at physically active and inactive boys and girls. The partial objectives are to describe the influence of anthropometric parameters, gender and competence to physically active people on the current level of power parameters of the lower limbs. Methods: The dissertation has the character of empirical research, it is a descriptive study in which the research has a nature of the association, ie., that the required data are obtained by observation. The study was carried out on a group of purposefully selected probands n=100 age 18.40 ± 0.83 years, a period of adolescence. In the study group was equal representation of boys n=50 (age 18.50 ± 0.84 years) and girls n=50 (age 18.38 ± 0.82 years). Anaerobic capacity and power parameters of the lower extremities were determined by a standardized jumping Bosco test (60 s). The results of laboratory and anthropometric survey results were referenced by a test battery EUROFIT, which provides information on health-related fitness....

Hodnocení rizik,prevence a podpora zdraví na pracovišti vybraného podniku v Olomouckém kraji / Risk assessment, prevention and health support at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative region

SVOBODOVÁ, Klára January 2011 (has links)
The objective of this work was to assess the health risk of local muscular stress of the upper limbs associated with the operator's job at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative region and to propose adequate provisions. Three research questions were asked: (i) "Are the permitted levels, set as percent fractions of the maximum load, complied with in the operator's job?" (ii) "Are the hygiene limits regarding the numbers of movements complied with in the operator's job?" (iii) "Which preventive actions are suitable to counteract the risk of local muscular stress during machinery assembling work?" This research was conceived as qualitative investigation. The group examined comprised employees at the position of operator at a workplace of a selected plant in the Olomouc administrative region. The research work comprised data collection by using the method of direct, non-participating and overt observation, and study of professional literature, applicable legislation and test protocols and reports. I processed the results of measurement and compared them with the hygienic limits laid down by Government Decree No. 361/2007 Coll. (as amended). Based on the assessment of the data obtained, I classed the operator's job as Category 3 with respect to the local muscular stress factor examined, based on the criteria set by Regulation No. 432/2003 Coll. (as amended). Based on the risk assessment and categorization of labour I proposed appropriate preventive measures to mitigate the effect of local muscular stress during the operators' work. I set up a simple questionnaire asking for a subjective assessment of the locomotive system stress during work as a tool for a more comprehensive assessment of the operators' local muscular stress. Based on the research I formulated the following hypothesis: "In view of the increasing trend of incidence of occupational diseases of the limbs due to overload, and taking into account the appreciable social and economic impacts of such diseases, more attention should be devoted to a systematic search, assessment and evaluation of the local muscular stress factor risk during work."

Caracterização de três testes funcionais do membro superior : contribuições da eletromiografia para a terapia ocupacional

Silva, Natália Sanches 29 January 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Sebin (lusebin@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-28T18:20:21Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNSS.pdf: 2430631 bytes, checksum: 80e06dbb352e5d774c4359f8a1b25af3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T18:39:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNSS.pdf: 2430631 bytes, checksum: 80e06dbb352e5d774c4359f8a1b25af3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-10-10T18:39:46Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNSS.pdf: 2430631 bytes, checksum: 80e06dbb352e5d774c4359f8a1b25af3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-10T18:39:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNSS.pdf: 2430631 bytes, checksum: 80e06dbb352e5d774c4359f8a1b25af3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-01-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Introduction: when any part of the Upper Limb (UL) is injured, the demands brought by customers are assessed from different instruments, however studies show that there is no consensus on an ideal instrument for assessing the quantity and quality of the UL function, demonstrating the need to find tools that can provide precise measurements of how the UL perform tasks. Objectives: characterize the Box and Block Test (BBT), the Functional Dexterity Test (FDT) and the Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) regarding the electromyographic activity of the trapezius upper fibers muscle (TUF), deltoid anterior fibers muscle (DAF) and posterior fibers (DPF), the pectoralis major muscle (PM), the biceps (BB) and triceps brachii (TB), extensor carpi radialis brevis (ERB) and flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) and verify if there are differences in muscle activation during the three tests between genders. Method: non-experimental research, descriptive transversal quantitative approach. Were selected 20 college students of both genders, average age of 24 years and average Body Mass Index (BMI) of 24 kg m-2. Data analysis was made using MiotecSuite 1.0 software and by Friedman, Dunn, Mann-Whitney and Spearman statistical tests. Results: For the three tests, the TUF was the most activated, followed by FDS. DAF, DPF and PM showed a high percentage of neuroactivation in BBT test. ERB showed percentage of activation between intermediate and high in FDT and NHPT tests. Conclusion: FDT and NHPT tests may be more recommended to assess the function of the UL of persons with upper extremity lesions, while the BBT may be indicated for both proximal and distal lesions of UL. Women have a higher muscle activation than men, and this fact can be justified by the muscular genetic difference between them. / Introdução: Ao se lesionar qualquer parte do membro superior (MS), as demandas trazidas pelos clientes são avaliadas a partir de diferentes instrumentos, porém estudos mostram que não há um consenso sobre um instrumento ideal para avaliação da quantidade e qualidade da função do MS, demostrando que é necessário encontrar ferramentas que possam fornecer medidas precisas sobre como o MS executa tarefas. Objetivos: Caracterizar os testes Box and Blocks Test (BBT), Functional Dexterity Test (FDT) e Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) em relação à atividade eletromiográfica dos músculos trapézio fibras superiores (TFS), deltóide fibras anteriores (DFA) e posteriores (DFP), peitoral maior (PM), bíceps (BB) e tríceps braquial (TB), extensor radial curto do carpo (ERC) e flexor superficial dos dedos (FSD) e verificar se há diferença na ativação muscular durante os três testes entre os gêneros. Método: Pesquisa não experimental, do tipo transversal descritivo de abordagem quantitativa. Foram selecionados 20 estudantes universitários de ambos os gêneros, idade média de 24 anos e Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) médio de 24kg/m2. A análise dos dados foi feita pelo Software MiotecSuite 1.0 e pelos testes estatísticos Friedman, Dunn, Mann-Whitney e Spearman. Resultados: Para os três testes o TFS foi o mais ativado, seguido pelo FSD. O DFA, DFP e PM apresentaram uma porcentagem de neuroativação elevada no teste BBT. O ERC apresentou porcentagem de ativação entre intermediária a alta nos testes FDT e NHPT. Conclusão: os testes FDT e NHPT podem ser mais recomendados para avaliarem a função do MS de sujeitos com lesões de extremidade superior, enquanto que o BBT pode ser indicado para lesões tanto proximais quanto distais do MS. As mulheres apresentaram uma ativação muscular maior à dos homens, podendo ser justificada pela diferença genética muscular existente entre ambos.

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