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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impacts de gouttes en caléfaction sur substrat localement texturés / Drop impacts in Leidenfrost regime on locally textured substrates

Ehlinger, Quentin 17 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse expérimentale porte sur des impacts de gouttes en caléfaction, aussi appelée régime Leidenfrost. Dans ce cas, la goutte est isolée thermiquement et mécaniquement du substrat surchauffé par une fine couche de vapeur. On s'affranchit ainsi de la friction visqueuse. Les substrats présentent des textures micrométriques localisées. On retrouve un régime autosimilaire d'étalement aux temps courts. On caractérise des régimes de recouvrement d'un défaut ponctuel par la goutte. Ces régimes sont dictés par l'épaisseur de lamelle par rapport à celle du défaut. Les défauts génèrent des excroissances dans leur sillage dont la dynamique peut être approchée selon deux modèles inertio-capillaires ; l'un valable aux temps courts, l'autre aux temps plus longs. En présence de plusieurs défauts, on fragmente la lamelle depuis plusieurs sites selon le ratio entre largeur des défauts et épaisseur de la lamelle. On simule par un algorithme de pavage le motif final sur lequel le fluide se concentre à la fin de la fragmentation. Grâce à des rugosités plus complexes on peut canaliser l'étalement de la goutte. On exacerbe alors l'étalement maximal dans l'axe des canaux. On peut aussi inhiber l'étalement par des textures circulaires. Les rugosités affectent le temps avant rebond de la goutte. On exhibe une dépendance générale unique entre temps avant rebond et étalement maximal. La dépendance est valable lorsque les textures exacerbent l’étalement, aussi bien que lorsqu’elles l’inhibent / The presented work deals with drop impacts in Leidenfrost regime. In such a case, the drop is thermally and mechanically isolated from the overheated substrate by a thin vapor layer. Viscous friction can therefore be neglected. The substrates are shaped with localized micrometric textures. We rediscover a self-similar spreading regime at short times. We characterize covering regimes of a single defect by the drop. Those regimes are driven by the ratio between lamella thickness and defect thickness. Defects give rise to excrescences in their wake, whose dynamic can be approached by two inertial-capillary recoil models. One is valid at short times and the other at longer times. In the case of several defects, we break up the lamella from different sites according to the ratio between defect width and lamella thickness. We numerically predict, with a tessellation algorithm, the pattern on which the fluid is localized at the end of the fragmentation. Through more complex textures, we can channel the drop spreading. The spreading is increased in the directions of the channels. One can also inhibit the spreading with circular textures. The textures affect the time before drop rebound. We exhibit a general and unique dependency between time before rebound and maximal spreading. This dependency is valid when textures increase the spreading as well as when they inhibit it

Analyse des phénomènes liés à la présence de la phase liquide dans les turbines à vapeur et élaboration de modèles méridiens pour en prédire les effets

Fendler, Yoann 03 December 2012 (has links)
Lors de sa détente dans une turbine, la vapeur subit une chute d’enthalpie qui entraîne sa condensation spontanée sous forme d’un nuage de gouttelettes submicroniques. Ces gouttes vont se déposer sur les aubes aval et y former un film d’eau. Ce dernier est arraché sous l’effet de l’écoulement de vapeur environnant ce qui crée des gouttes de quelques dizaines de microns qui peuvent se redéposer sur les aubes aval. Ces phénomènes sont à l’origine de pertes, généralement regroupées sous le terme générique de ”pertes par humidité”, estimées grâce à la loi de Baumann. Le but de cette thèse est de mettre en place dans un code méridien des modèles permettant la prise en compte des phénomènes de condensation, de déposition et d’écoulement des films liquides afin de pouvoir estimer les pertes liées à chacun d’entre eux. Dans cette optique un modèle diphasique homogène permettant d’avoir accès à la fraction massique de liquide et au nombre de gouttes est implanté dans le code méridien. Ce modèle est validé sur un cas test expérimental de détente en tuyère et alimente le modèle de déposition. Les contributions de la diffusion, de la turbophorèse, de la thermophorèse, de la gravité et de l’inertie des gouttes à la déposition sont étudiées. Il apparaît nécessaire de prendre en compte la diffusion, la turbophorèse et la déposition inertielle sur les bords d’attaque des aubes. Un modèle permettant d’avoir accès à l’épaisseur et à la vitesse d’un film liquide soumis au cisaillement d’un écoulement environnant, à la force de frottement sur la paroi et aux effets de la rotation est mis en place. Ce modèle est validé par rapport à des résultats expérimentaux d’écoulement de film liquide sur une plaque plane dans des conditions proches de celles rencontrées en turbine à vapeur basse pression. Finalement, un calcul réalisé sur une géométrie réelle de turbine basse pression de 8 étages permet de démontrer l’applicabilité de la méthodologie mise en place sur un cas industriel. Les contributions des phénomènes étudiés aux pertes par humidité sont explicitées. / During the expansion in a turbine, the enthalpy of the steam fall. This fall leads the steam to cross the saturation line and brings about its spontaneous condensation and the appearance of fog droplets. The deposition of these droplets on downstream blades lies at the root of the creation of a liquid film. This film is torn off by steam flow and creates coarse water. These big droplets can impact downstream blades. Each of these phenomena induces some losses which are generally grouped in the ”wetness losses” estimated thanks to Baumann’s rule. The aim of this work is to develop, in a throughflow code, some models which allow to take into account the condensation, deposition and liquid film flow and the losses linked to each of these phenomena. An homogeneous two phases flow model is implemented in the throughflow code. Two transport equations on the mass fraction of liquid and on the droplets number are added to Euler’s equations written for gas phase. This model is validated on an experimental test case of expansion in nozzle and feeds the model of deposition. The influences of diffusion, turbophoresis, thermophoresis, gravity and of inertia of droplets on the deposition are studied. It appears to be necessary to take into account diffusion, turbophoresisand deposition due to inertia on the leading edges of blades. A model which allows to evaluate the thickness and the velocity of a liquid film submitted to aerodynamic shear, friction on blades and rotational effects has been developed. This model is validated on experimental results of a liquid film flow on a flat plate in some conditions representatives of those encountered in low pressure steam turbines. Finally a calculation realised on a real geometry of a 8-stages low pressure steam turbine has demonstrated that the methodology developed during this work can be used on an industrial test case. The contributions of the phenomena studied to wetness losses are evaluated.

Řešení vývoje nestabilit kapalného filmu s následným odtržením kapek / Modeling of Liquid Film Instabilities with Subsequent Entrainment of Droplets

Knotek, Stanislav January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation deals with instabilities of thin liquid films up to entrainment of drops. Four types of instabilities have been classified depending on the type of structure and process on the liquid film surface: two-dimensional slow waves, two-dimensional fast waves, three-dimensional waves, solitary waves and entrainment of drops from the film surface. This thesis analyzes the physical principles of instabilities and deals with the mathematical formulation of the problem. Shear and pressure forces acting on the surface of the liquid film are identified as the cause of instabilities. Mathematical models for predicting instabilities are demonstrated using approaches based on solving the Orr-Sommerfeld equation and the equations of motion in integral form. Models of shear and pressure forces acting on the surface of the film and selected models of film thickness are presented. The work is focused on the prediction of the initiation of two-dimensional waves using the integral approach. Shear stress and pressure forces acting on the liquid film surface have been modeled using the simulation of air flow over a solid surface. Finally, criteria for drop entrainment are presented with their dependence on air velocity and film thickness.

Experimental analysis of mass transfer of Taylor bubble flow in small channels

Haghnegahdar, Mohammadreza 14 February 2019 (has links)
Multiphase flows in chemical reactors with micro- and millimeter-size channel structures such as monolith froth reactors, compact heat exchangers and fuel cells have received great attention in the last years. They are considered as a promising alternative to conventional reactors, such as fixed bed reactors and bubble columns which are mainly used for gas absorption, catalytic hydrogenation and biochemical conversions. Slug or Taylor bubble flow is a desired operating state for this type of contactors due to the frequent change of efficient gas-liquid contacting in the film around the bubbles and the enhanced mixing in the liquid slugs behind the bubbles. Consequently, capillary Taylor flow is currently a target of intensive investigations. However, a full understanding of design parameters and optimum operating conditions are still lacking. For milli- and microreactors mass transfer between gas and liquid phases depends upon various parameters such as bubble shape, relative velocity between the two phases, degree of liquid contamination and many more. To further advance the fundamental understanding of micro- and milli-channel reactors with Taylor flow, main design parameters and operating conditions were investigated, which include (a) the effect of bubble size, channel diameter and cross sectional shape of channel on the mass transfer coefficient of dissolving bubbles, (b) the influence of the presence of surface active agents on the bubble shape, velocity and also on the mass transfer rate of bubbles and (c) the intensification effect of oscillation of channels on the mass transfer performance of Taylor bubbles. For the study of gas-liquid mass transfer high-resolution X-ray radiography and tomography were used as measurement techniques. The X-ray imaging methods were chosen as their accuracy is less affected by changes in the refractive index, as it is the case for conventional optical methods. The mass transfer was calculated by measuring the changes in the size of the bubbles at constant pressure. The utilization of X-ray visualization enabled the acquisition of a series of radiographic images of bubbles. The images gave the volume, interfacial area and length of the bubble with high accuracy as a function of time and were used to evaluate the mass transfer coefficient using the mass conservation equations. In case of circular channels, the results show that Sherwood numbers have a large dependency on the bubble length and also equivalent diameter which is in accordance with previous results for larger channel diameters. However, the values of measured Sherwood numbers could not be predicted by available correlations which are valid only for larger pipes. As a result, a new mass transfer correlation in the form of Sherwood number as a function of Peclet number as well as bubble size ratio was derived. The proposed correlation is applicable for a large range of bubble sizes with high accuracy. The comparison of the results for the square and circular channels showed that despite the fact that the rise velocity of bubbles in the square channel is about three times higher than in the circular channel, the mass transfer coefficient is about the same. Furthermore, the results show that in square channels the dissolution curves are relatively even, while the dissolution curves of circular channels exhibit some distinguishable change in the slope. In addition, the results show that the calculated mass transfer coefficient based on the measured data show good agreement with the data predicted by the penetration theory. Regarding the influence of surfactants on the mass transfer in small channels with Taylor flow, it was shown that a small amount of surfactant reduces the mass transfer and its impact is more pronounced on small bubbles. Furthermore, it was demonstrated that the presence of surfactants causes the change of the bubble shape and leads to a slight increase of the liquid film thickness around the bubble and as a result the elongation of contaminated bubbles. Intensification of mass transfer in small channels with Taylor bubbles was investigated by measuring the motion, shape and dissolution rate of individual elongated Taylor bubbles of air and CO2 in water. The comparison of the results for the stationary and oscillating channel showed that mechanical vibration of the channel is able to enhance the mass transfer coefficient from 80% to 186%. Moreover, the mass transfer rate positively correlates with frequency and amplitude of oscillation, which is more pronounced at higher amplitudes. In addition, it was shown that the intensification of mass transfer with increase of amplitude/frequency of vibration is mainly attributed to the increase of bubble surface wave oscillations that causes an enlargement of contact area between the phases and also a reduction of mass transfer resistance in the liquid-side boundary layer.

Theoretical And Experimental Investigation Of The Cascading Nature Of Pressure-Swirl Atomization

Choudhury, Pretam 01 January 2015 (has links)
Pressure swirl atomizers are commonly used in IC, aero-engines, and liquid propellant rocket combustion. Understanding the atomization process is important in order to enhance vaporization, mitigate soot formation, design of combustion chambers, and improve overall combustion efficiency. This work utilizes non-invasive techniques such as ultra -speed imaging, and Phase Doppler Particle Anemometry (PDPA) in order to investigate the cascade atomization process of pressure-swirl atomizers by examining swirling liquid film dynamics and the localized droplet characteristics of the resulting hollow cone spray. Specifically, experiments were conducted to examine these effects for three different nozzles with orifice diameters .3mm, .5mm, and .97mm. The ultra-speed imaging allowed for both visualization and interface tracking of the swirling conical film which emanated from each nozzle. Moreover, this allowed for the measurement of the radial fluctuations, film length, cone angle and maximum wavelength. Radial fluctuations are found to be maximum near the breakup or rupture of a swirling film. Film length decreases as Reynolds number increases. Cone angle increases until a critical Reynolds number is reached, beyond which it remains constant. A new approach to analyze the temporally unstable waves was developed and compared with the measured maximum wavelengths. The new approach incorporates the attenuation of a film thickness, as the radius of a conical film expands, with the classical dispersion relationship for an inviscid moving liquid film. This approach produces a new long wave solution which accurately matches the measured maximum wavelength swirling conical films generated from nozzles with the smallest orifice diameter. For the nozzle with the largest orifice diameter, the new long wave solution provides the upper bound limit, while the long wave solution for a constant film thickness provides the lower bound limit. These results indicate that temporal instability is the dominating mechanism which generates long Kelvin Helmholtz waves on the surface of a swirling liquid film. The PDPA was used to measure droplet size and velocity in both the near field and far field of the spray. For a constant Reynolds number, an increase in orifice diameter is shown to increase the overall diameter distribution of the spray. In addition, it was found that the probability of breakup, near the axis, decreases for the largest orifice diameter. This is in agreement with the cascading nature of atomization.

Etude numérique des transferts de masse et de chaleur dans un canal contenant un matériau poreux de section carrée / Numerical study of mass and heat transfers in a channel containing a porous material of square section

Mahdhaoui, Hamza 11 July 2018 (has links)
Les caractéristiques des transferts de masse et de chaleur par convection forcée lors de l'évaporation du film liquide dans le canal en présence d'un cylindre carré poreux parcouru par un écoulement transversal sont étudiées numériquement. L'objectif principal de la présente étude est d'évaluer l'effet de l'introduction d'un cylindre carré poreux sur le transfert de chaleur et de masse. Plus précisément, cette étude examine l'influence de paramètres tels que l'humidité relative de l'air ambiant, la température de l'air à l'entrée, le flux de chaleur imposé, la position du cylindre, le taux de blocage et le nombre de Reynolds. Une comparaison entre les deux configurations, avec et sans cylindre carré poreux a été réalisée pour mettre en évidence l'effet de son ajout. Pour modéliser ce phénomène nous avons résolu l'équation classique de convection forcée et le modèle de Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer dans les milieux poreux. Nous avons trouvé que l'insertion d'un cylindre carré poreux dans le canal pourrait perturber l'écoulement et améliorer de manière significative les taux de transfert de masse et de chaleur au niveau des parois du canal. Les transferts de chaleur et de masse deviennent plus importants avec la diminution du nombre de Darcy et lorsque l'obstacle poreux est placé au milieu du canal. Par contre, l'augmentation de l’humidité relative de l’air ambiant et de la température d'entrée réduit le transfert de masse. A Da = 10-6, l'écoulement ne pénètre plus à travers le cylindre poreux, la structure de l'écoulement est similaire à celui d'un cylindre carré plein. Enfin, nous proposons des lois de corrélations qui permettent de prédire les valeurs des nombres de Sherwood et de Nusselt en fonction des nombres de Reynolds, de Biot et du taux de blocage. / The characteristics of mass and heat transfers by forced convection during liquid film evaporation in the channel with a built in porous square cylinder in a cross flow are investigated numerically. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate the effect of introducing a porous square cylinder on the heat and mass transfer. Specifically, this study examines the influence of parameters such as the relative humidity of the ambient air, the air inlet temperature, the imposed heat flux, the variation of the cylinder position, blockage ratio and Reynolds number on the performance of the evaporation at the channel wall. A comparison between the two configurations, with and without, porous square cylinder has been performed to highlight the effect of its addition. To achieve this, we solved the classic equation of forced convection and the Darcy-Brinkman-Forchheimer model in the porous media. We find that the insertion of a porous square cylinder in the channel could make the flow more disturbed and significantly improve mass and heat transfer rates at the channel walls. The heat and mass transfer enhancements is greater with a decrease of the Darcy number and for γ=1 when the porous obstacle is placed in the middle of the channel. It is also greater with a decrease of the temperature and relative humidity of the air at the inlet. At Da = 10-6, the flow does not penetrate through the porous cylinder, the flow pattern is similar to that of a solid square cylinder. Finally, we propose correlations that allow us to define the Sherwood and Nusselt numbers based on the Reynolds, Biot numbers and the blockage ratio.

Estudo experimental e modelagem do escoamento de emulsão inversa em tubulações / Experimental study and modeling of flow of inverse emulsion in pipes

Rodriguez, Iara Hernandez 18 November 2014 (has links)
O escoamento líquido-líquido, em especial o escoamento óleo-água, vem atraindo a atenção de pesquisadores devido à alta demanda pelo combustível fóssil no atual cenário petrolífero mundial e nacional. Os desafios tecnológicos colocados pelas descobertas de reservas de óleos pesados e altamente viscosos consideram, em especial, a preocupação por minimizar as perdas energéticas nas linhas. Emulsões inversas ou dispersões óleo-em-água, na qual o óleo se encontra disperso de maneira uniforme em água, caracteriza-se pela baixa viscosidade aparente, tornando-se um tipo de emulsão desejável em algumas etapas do transporte de petróleo. Esses fatos tornam essencial o estudo deste tipo de padrão para o dimensionamento e operação ótima de dutos de produção de petróleo. Contudo, não existe ainda um número abrangente de trabalhos sobre padrão disperso líquido-líquido, ao comparar com escoamento em fases separadas. Trabalhos sobre dispersões têm reportado redução de atrito sem a adição de substâncias químicas em regime turbulento. No entanto, não há ainda um entendimento satisfatório do fenômeno. Na maioria dos trabalhos, sendo quase todos realizados com óleos leves e pouco viscosos, a redução é reportada em dispersões água-em-óleo, com escassos trabalhos reportando o fenômeno em dispersões óleo-em-água. A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo experimental e teórico de dispersões óleo-em-água em tubulações. O escoamento foi caracterizado a partir da obtenção de dados de holdup, gradiente de pressão por fricção, distribuição das fases e padrão de escoamento. Uma teoria foi proposta para explicar a redução de atrito detectada neste trabalho, baseada na existência de um filme fino de água que escoa em contato com a parede do tubo, a baixos números de Reynolds, evitando o contato direto do núcleo turbulento (mistura bifásica) com a parede do tubo. O referido filme líquido foi detectado e quantificado utilizando-se técnica visual. Além disso, um modelo dinâmico baseado na teoria de lubrificação hidrodinâmica foi desenvolvido como tentativa de explicar a formação do filme líquido parietal no escoamento turbulento de dispersões óleo-água. / Liquid-liquid flow, especially oil-water flow, has attracted the attention of researchers due to the high demand for petroleum in the current global scenario. The discovery of reserves of heavy and highly viscous oils creates new challenges which are mainly concerned with reducing the significant pressure drop in pipes. Inverse emulsion or oil-in-water dispersions in which the oil is dispersed in water is characterized by its low effective viscosity, making it a desirable type of emulsion in some steps of oil production. These facts make the study of dispersed liquid-liquid flow essential for the design and optimal operation of oil pipelines. However, the studies on such flow pattern are scanty in comparison to those on separate flows, as stratified and annular flow patterns. Drag reduction in oil-water turbulent flow without the addition of any chemical substance has been reported in some studies. This phenomenon has received increasing attention in recent years, because there is not a satisfactory understanding of its dynamics yet. Most studies, almost all using light oils, report drag reduction in dispersion of water-in-oil, with few studies reporting the phenomenon in oil-in-water dispersions. This research comprises an experimental and theoretical study on oil-in-water dispersions in pipes. Pressure gradient, holdup, phase distribution and flow patterns data were obtained to characterize the two-phase flow. A theory was proposed to explain the drag reduction detected in this work, based on the existence of a thin water film flowing in contact with the pipe wall at low Reynolds numbers, avoiding contact between the turbulent core (mixture) and the pipe wall. The liquid film was detected and quantified using visual technique. In addition, a dynamic model based on the hydrodynamic lubrication theory was developed as an attempt to explain the formation of the liquid film.

Transport Coefficients during Drying of Solids containing Multicomponent Mixtures

Gamero, Rafael January 2011 (has links)
This study investigated the transport coefficients involved in mass and heat transfer during the drying of a porous solid partially saturated with multicomponent mixtures.  It included the coefficients governing liquid transport through the solid, the matrix of multicomponent diffusion coefficients in the liquid phase, and the effective thermal conductivity.  As it is not possible to determine these coefficients by theoretical considerations alone and considerable experimental work is required to determine them in a broad range of process conditions, the principle of this study has been the use of mathematical models complemented with some empirical parameters.  These empirical parameters were determined by comparison between measurements in specially designed experiments and the results of mathematical models that describe the process.  In addition, the application of the multicomponent diffusion coefficients is described in two cases where liquid diffusion is important: convective evaporation of a multicomponent stationary liquid film and a falling film. To study liquid transport through the solid, isothermal drying experiments were performed to determine the transient composition profiles and total liquid content of sand samples wetted with ternary liquid mixtures with different initial compositions and temperatures.  A mathematical model including mass transfer by capillary movement of the liquid and interactive diffusion in both the gas and liquid phases was developed.  To simulate the capillary movement of liquid mixtures, parameters experimentally determined for single liquids were weighed according to liquid composition. A fairly good agreement between theoretical and experimental liquid composition profiles was obtained considering that axial dispersion was included in the model. To study the matrix of multicomponent diffusion coefficients in the liquid phase, the redistribution of liquid composition in a partially filled tube exposed to a longitudinal temperature gradient was analysed.  Experimental work was carried out using two main ternary mixtures with different initial compositions and temperature gradients.  Experimental data were compared with the results of a theoretical model that describes the steady-state liquid composition distribution in a partially filled non-isothermal tube to find the empirical exponent that modifies the matrix of thermodynamic factors.  Correlations for the exponents as a function of temperature were determined for each particular multicomponent mixture. The effective thermal conductivity of a porous solid containing multicomponent liquid mixtures was studied by measuring the liquid composition, liquid content and temperature distributions in a cylindrical sample dried by convection from the open upper side and heated by contact with a hot source at the bottom side.  Simulations performed at a quasi steady state were compared with experiments to estimate the adjusting geometric parameter of Krischer’s model for effective thermal conductivity, which includes the contribution of the evaporation-diffusion-condensation mechanism. The results revealed that a resistance corresponding to a parallel arrangement between the phases seems to dominate in this case. In the study of the convective drying of a multicomponent stationary liquid film, the equations describing interactive mass transfer were decoupled by a similarity transformation and solved simultaneously with a conduction equation by the method of variable separation.  Variations of physical properties along the process trajectory were taken into account by a stepwise application of the solution in time intervals with averaged coefficients from previous time steps.  Despite simplifications, the analytical solution gives a good insight into the selectivity of the drying process and is computationally fast.  On the other hand, numerical simulations of the convective evaporation of the multicomponent falling liquid film into an inert gas with a co-current flow arrangement of the phases almost always revealed a transition from liquid-phase-controlled conditions to a process in which neither the gas nor the liquid completely controls the evaporation. The results obtained in this work would be useful in implementing models to improve the design, process exploration and optimisation of dryers by incorporating the solid-side effects to describe the drying of liquid mixtures along the whole process. / QC 20110124

Estudo experimental e modelagem do escoamento de emulsão inversa em tubulações / Experimental study and modeling of flow of inverse emulsion in pipes

Iara Hernandez Rodriguez 18 November 2014 (has links)
O escoamento líquido-líquido, em especial o escoamento óleo-água, vem atraindo a atenção de pesquisadores devido à alta demanda pelo combustível fóssil no atual cenário petrolífero mundial e nacional. Os desafios tecnológicos colocados pelas descobertas de reservas de óleos pesados e altamente viscosos consideram, em especial, a preocupação por minimizar as perdas energéticas nas linhas. Emulsões inversas ou dispersões óleo-em-água, na qual o óleo se encontra disperso de maneira uniforme em água, caracteriza-se pela baixa viscosidade aparente, tornando-se um tipo de emulsão desejável em algumas etapas do transporte de petróleo. Esses fatos tornam essencial o estudo deste tipo de padrão para o dimensionamento e operação ótima de dutos de produção de petróleo. Contudo, não existe ainda um número abrangente de trabalhos sobre padrão disperso líquido-líquido, ao comparar com escoamento em fases separadas. Trabalhos sobre dispersões têm reportado redução de atrito sem a adição de substâncias químicas em regime turbulento. No entanto, não há ainda um entendimento satisfatório do fenômeno. Na maioria dos trabalhos, sendo quase todos realizados com óleos leves e pouco viscosos, a redução é reportada em dispersões água-em-óleo, com escassos trabalhos reportando o fenômeno em dispersões óleo-em-água. A pesquisa realizada tratou do estudo experimental e teórico de dispersões óleo-em-água em tubulações. O escoamento foi caracterizado a partir da obtenção de dados de holdup, gradiente de pressão por fricção, distribuição das fases e padrão de escoamento. Uma teoria foi proposta para explicar a redução de atrito detectada neste trabalho, baseada na existência de um filme fino de água que escoa em contato com a parede do tubo, a baixos números de Reynolds, evitando o contato direto do núcleo turbulento (mistura bifásica) com a parede do tubo. O referido filme líquido foi detectado e quantificado utilizando-se técnica visual. Além disso, um modelo dinâmico baseado na teoria de lubrificação hidrodinâmica foi desenvolvido como tentativa de explicar a formação do filme líquido parietal no escoamento turbulento de dispersões óleo-água. / Liquid-liquid flow, especially oil-water flow, has attracted the attention of researchers due to the high demand for petroleum in the current global scenario. The discovery of reserves of heavy and highly viscous oils creates new challenges which are mainly concerned with reducing the significant pressure drop in pipes. Inverse emulsion or oil-in-water dispersions in which the oil is dispersed in water is characterized by its low effective viscosity, making it a desirable type of emulsion in some steps of oil production. These facts make the study of dispersed liquid-liquid flow essential for the design and optimal operation of oil pipelines. However, the studies on such flow pattern are scanty in comparison to those on separate flows, as stratified and annular flow patterns. Drag reduction in oil-water turbulent flow without the addition of any chemical substance has been reported in some studies. This phenomenon has received increasing attention in recent years, because there is not a satisfactory understanding of its dynamics yet. Most studies, almost all using light oils, report drag reduction in dispersion of water-in-oil, with few studies reporting the phenomenon in oil-in-water dispersions. This research comprises an experimental and theoretical study on oil-in-water dispersions in pipes. Pressure gradient, holdup, phase distribution and flow patterns data were obtained to characterize the two-phase flow. A theory was proposed to explain the drag reduction detected in this work, based on the existence of a thin water film flowing in contact with the pipe wall at low Reynolds numbers, avoiding contact between the turbulent core (mixture) and the pipe wall. The liquid film was detected and quantified using visual technique. In addition, a dynamic model based on the hydrodynamic lubrication theory was developed as an attempt to explain the formation of the liquid film.

Etude numérique des transferts de masse et de chaleur en convection naturelle dans un canal : influence de la forme de la paroi / Numerical study of mass and heat transfer in natural convection in a channel : influence of the shape of the wall

Mechergui, Olfa 05 July 2017 (has links)
Le présent travail apporte une contribution à la compréhension des mécanismes des transferts combinés de chaleur et de masse en convection naturelle lors de l’évaporation d’un film liquide d’eau d’épaisseur négligeable dans un canal vertical ondulé. L’écoulement est laminaire et bidimensionnel. Les équations régissant le phénomène sont résolues à l’aide d’une méthode aux volumes finis et le traitement du couplage vitesse-pression est réalisé par la méthode de projection. Les influences de la densité de flux de chaleur, de la température ainsi que l’humidité de l’air à l’entrée et la forme de la paroi du canal sur les transferts sont étudiées. Les résultats sont présentés sous la forme de ligne de courant, d’isothermes et d’iso-concentrations.Les simulations numériques effectuées ont permis l’étude détaillée de la structure de l’écoulement ainsi que des champs thermiques et massiques. Nous représentons également, les nombres de Nusselt et de Sherwood. / The present work is a contribution to the understanding of the mechanisms of combined heat and mass transfers in natural convection during the evaporation of a liquid film with negligible thickness in a wavy vertical channel. The flow is laminar and two-dimensional. The equations governing the phenomenon are resolved using the finite volumes method and the treatment of the coupling between velocity and pressure is carried out by the projection method. The influences of the heat flux density, the temperature and the humidity of the inlet air and the shape of the channel wall on the transfers are studied. The results are presented in the form of cstreamlines, isotherms and iso-concentrations.The numerical simulations carried out have allowed the detailed study of the flow structure as well as the thermal and mass fields. We also represent the Nusselt and Sherwood numbers.

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