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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beethovens Klaviersatz - Technik und Stilistik /

Rücker, Andreas, January 2002 (has links)
Diss.--Philosophie--Heidelberg, 1999--Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. / Bibliogr. Index à la fin du vol. 2.

Das Klavierkonzert des 19. Jahrhunderts und die Kategorie des Symphonischen : zur Kompositions- und Rezeptionsgeschichte der Gattung von Mozart bis Brahms /

Koch, Juan Martin. January 2002 (has links)
Diss.--Regensburg, 1999. / Bibliogr. p. 355-382.

An historical exploration of Franz Liszt's role preparing, performing, and promoting Richard Wagner's Lohengrin

Alexander, Mark Willard 28 August 2008 (has links)
Not available / text

An historical exploration of Franz Liszt's role preparing, performing, and promoting Richard Wagner's Lohengrin

Alexander, Mark Willard, 1963- 05 August 2011 (has links)
Not available / text

Two Unfamiliar Works of Franz Liszt (1811-1886): A Comparison of Liszt's Grosses Konzertsolo (1849-1851) and Concerto Pathetique (1856)

Park, Chanwook January 2009 (has links)
This document provides a resource for Franz Liszt's unfamiliar piano work, the Grosses Konzertsolo and his subsequent rearrangement of the work for two pianos entitled Concerto pathetique. The Introduction places the work in its historical context as a precursor to the great Sonata in B minor and discusses possible reasons for its various revisions. Chapter One details Liszt's productive years from 1849-1853 in Weimar and selected keyboard works from this period which are closely related to the Grosses Konzertsolo. Chapter Two provides information on Liszt's first published piano works and his experiments with form, as well as a comparison of the Grosses Konzertsolo with the Sonata in B minor, in terms of motivic and thematic development. Technical issues and obstacles to performance are also addressed. Chapter Three compares the Concerto pathetique with the Grosses Konzertsolo showing how Liszt's rearrangement becomes more practical as well as effective. Chapter Four discusses Hans von Bulow's version of the Concerto pathetique and includes a brief biography.

The four Mephisto waltzes of Franz Liszt

Barrington, Barrie M. 05 1900 (has links)
The four Mephisto Waltzes of Franz Liszt constitute the focus of the present paper. Aside from the fascination they hold as individual works, they form an intriguing group related by title and heritage yet made distinct by important structural differences. Also, the separation of more than 20 years between the completion of the first and the last means that as a group they illustrate well the changes of style and concerns in Liszt’s composing. In this paper, the four works are discussed in a manner that reflects a shift in their dramatic source. The first two waltzes are closely tied to the poem Faust by Nikolaus Lenau and derive most of their drama from that extra musical link. The latter two pieces, however, exhibit fewer connections to the poem but contain compelling tonal and structural features. The first two chapters discuss the First and Second Mephisto Waltzes respectively with an emphasis on those aspects that are most closely associated with Lenau's Faust. In addition, certain passages that are not necessarily tied to the poem but are interesting in themselves are discussed. An example of this is the coda of the Second Mephisto Waltz and its effect on the piece's overall tonality. The third chapter discusses those few elements of the Third and Fourth Mephisto Waltzes that can be seen as stemming from Lenau's poem, while the final two chapters are made up of tonal and structural analyses of these latter two waltzes. The Third Mephisto Waltz, in particular, is treated to a more intense analysis since it is the most problematic of the group. In this piece, the overall tonic is unclear as two different, yet related, keys struggle to dominate, with neither coming to a clear and decisive victory. F-sharp major and D-sharp minor are supported in turn throughout the work and can be seen to coexist at times when the piece is viewed in its background. The Fourth Mephisto Waltz, although tonally more clear, contains a dramatic game of frustrated expectations and then unexpected fulfillment as the tonic, F-sharp, is strongly implied twice and only later is attained with little preparation. In order to come to terms with some of the problems posed by these works, I have used a modified form of Schenkerian analysis. Departures from, or additions to standard techniques are mentioned within the appropriate chapters. Since the four Mephisto Waltzes (especially the latter two) have not been exhaustively analysed, it is hoped that this study makes some contribution to the field of Liszt research.

Analys och interpretation av Franz Liszt Pianosonat i H-moll : Sonaten vi idag kallar ett mästerverk som 1853 fick Brahms att somna

Zhang, John Nalan January 2018 (has links)
Franz Liszt levde under 1800-talet och var en av sin tids största pianovirtuoser och kompositörer. Vid 42 års ålder skrev han Pianosonat i H-moll som kom att revolutionera den klassiska sonatformen. Denna sonat möttes av hård kritik i början, men med tiden växte respekten för verket och idag anses det vara ett av Liszts viktigaste pianoverk. Detta arbete kommer att handla om just denna sonat. Uppsatsen innehåller en bakgrundsdel med en sammanfattad historik kring Liszts liv och stycket. Detta segment uppföljs av en analysdel där jag analyserar styckets form och skriver om mina interpretatoriska val och tips. Syftet med arbetet var att skaffa mig en stabil kunskapsgrund att utgå från när jag interpreterar verket. Jag kommer fram till att det är viktigt att man inte spelar alltför rubaterat och att man ska vara sparsam med alla redskap vi kan utrycka oss med som dynamik, accenter och tempi, eftersom risken med stycket är att man lätt tappar den röda tråden genom verket. En förhoppning är att denna uppsats ska ge andra pianister en större förståelse för Liszt och hans Pianosonat i H-moll för att få en bättre uppfattning av stycket och förhoppningsvis på så sätt nå en djupare interpretation och en mer genomarbetad konstnärlig instuderingsprocess.

Palingénésie, régénération et extase dans la musique religieuse de Franz Liszt / Palingenesis, Regeneration and Ecstasy in Liszt’s Church Music

Dufetel, Nicolas 24 June 2008 (has links)
Parallèlement à sa vaste production musicale, Franz Liszt (1811-1886) a laissé un certain nombre d'écrits qui permettent de mieux pénétrer sa pensée. La thèse propose d'étudier dans sa musique religieuse, composée principalement entre 1885 et 1886, deux idées qu'il a développées dans des articles au cours des années 1830 : la palingénésie (liée à la régénération) et l'extase. Interroger ces deux points revient à poser la question de la permanence et de l'application de données théoriques et esthétiques : Liszt met-il en pratique après 1855 ce qu'il écrit dans les années 1830 ? . Au seuil de la discussion de ces deux constantes, en partie fondée sur des sources rares et nouvelles, une approche méthodologique et épistémologique des lectures et des écrits de Liszt permet d'éclairer la façon dont le compositeur s'est imprégné de concepts dont on retrouve la trace dans ses œuvres. Jusqu'à présent, les études musicologiques ont presque exclusivement utilisé le terme de "réforme" pour aborder la musique religieuse de Liszt. Cependant, c'est un mot qu'il a très peu, voire jamais employé dans ce contexte. En revanche, en 1835, dans l'avant-dernier article "De la situation des artistes, et de leur condition dans la société", il évoque la "régénération de la musique religieuse". Il s'appuie notamment sur le concept de palingénésie ("renaissance") qui irrigue alors le milieu intellectuel et artistique, particulièrement par le biais des écrits de Ballanche et d'Ortigue. Ce concept, a joué un rôle fondamental dans ses positions esthétiques et dans son langage musical. Étudier la musique religieuse de Liszt sous l'angle de la "régénération" et non de la "réforme" permet donc de soulever de nouvelles perspectives et de mieux cerner le comportement historiciste de Liszt. Selon l'expression de Bülow, la "Missa solennis " de Liszt (1855) avait donné naissance à la "Zukunfts-Kirchenmusik", tournée vers l'avenir. Mais sa musique religieuse plonge également ses racines dans le chant grégorien et dans la musique de la Renaissance : la palingénésie explicite chez Liszt la dialectique entre passé et avenir. Elle explique aussi pourquoi son rapport aux traditions est, à l'inverse par exemple des cécitiens, progressiste et non conservateur. Par le réinvestissement des traditions romaines, Liszt confère à sa musique religieuse une profonde identité catholique. En 1839, Liszt écrit avec la treizième "Lettre d'un bachelier ès-musique" ("La Sainte Cécile de Raphaël") une véritable critique d'art. Il livre alors une lecture originale du tableau, dans lequel il voit une puissante allégorie : sainte Cécile représente "le symbole de la musique à son plus haut degré de puissance" et les quatre personnages qui l'entourent "résument les éléments essentiels de la musique et les effets divers qu'elle produit sur le cœur de l'homme". Mais surtout, il précise que sainte Cécile est en extase alors que les anges de la partie supérieure du tableau chantent "l'éternel "hozannah" [qui] retentit dans l'immensité". Le Hosanna se retrouve ainsi lié aux anges et à l'expression d'une extase contemplative. Contrairement à ce qu'écrivent habituellement les compositeurs, Liszt réserve aux hosannas un traitement particulier, puisqu'à l'instar du tableau de Raphaël, ils sont presque systématiquement doux et éthérés. Comme le montrent leur analyse et leur genèse, les Hosannas et les choeurs d'anges de Liszt expriment la même atmosphère contemplative et mystique que la "Sainte Cécile", rendue par des successions d'harmonies kaléidoscopiques, non fonctionnelles, que le compositeur appelait des "Liszt'sche Progression[s]" et que nous résumons par l'expression "champ transfiguratoire" En 1863, Baudelaire défiait quiconque de "diviser"Liszt. Notre but est enfin de rappeler la diversité de la carrière et de l'œuvre de celui qui ne fut pas seulement "le roi des pianistes". Son identité doit être rendue dans sa variété et, pour reprendre l'expression du poète, dans ses "méandres capricieux". / Among his huge production, Franz Liszt (1811-1886) left a considerable number of writings which allow us to understand his thought. The present dissertation aims at studying in his religious music – composed essentially between 1855 and 1886 – two ideas he developed in different articles during the 1830s: palingenesis (linked to regeneration) and ecstasy. Discussing these two issues means at first asking the question of permanence and the application of theoretical and aesthetical ideas: did Liszt put into practice after 1855 what he wrote in the 1830s? On the threshold of the discussion of these two subjects, partly based on rare and new sources, a methodological and epistemological approach of Liszt’s readings and writings helps us to understand the way the composer was absorbed by the concepts which we can follow through his works. To the present, studies of Liszt’s religious music almost exclusively used the word “reform” and its direct translations. Yet, it is a word the composer seldom used, if ever, in this context. However, in 1835, in the penultimate article of De la situation des artistes, et de leur condition dans la société, he mentioned the « régénération » of religious music. He thus shows himself influenced by the concept of palingenesis, which Liszt primarily accessed through the writings by Ballanche and d’Ortigue, overran intellectual and artistic concerns. This concept, which can be traced throughout his career, played an essential role in his aesthetic views and his musical language. Thus, studying Liszt’s religious music from the “regeneration” point of view as opposed to that of “reform” widens our perspectives on his historicist profile. According to Bülow, Liszt’s Missa solennis (1855) gave birth to the forward-looking “Zukunfts-Kirchenmusik.” However, Liszt’s religious music was firmly rooted in the past – both in the Gregorian Chant repertoire and the music of the Renaissance. With Liszt’s music, it is this very palingenesis that explains why his compositional conception is not conservative but progressive and well explains his opposition to the Cecilian movement. By reinvesting in Roman traditions, Liszt imbues his religious music with a deep catholic identity. In 1839, with the thirteenth “Lettre d’un bachelier ès-musique”, Liszt wrote substantive art criticism. Notably, he fashioned an original reading of Raphael’s powerfully allegorical Saint Cecilia: here the subject represents “a symbol of music at the height of its power” and the four characters surrounding her – (left to right) Saints Paul, John, Augustine and Mary Magdalene – not only embody music’s elements, but also the various effects on human’s soul. Moreover, Liszt pointed out that St Cecilia stands in ecstasy while the angels above her sing “their eternal hosanna”. The hosanna is therefore linked with angels and with expression of contemplative rapture. It is not surprising then that Liszt composed his hosannas in a singular manner, since, as in Raphael’s depiction, they are invariably mild and ethereal. As both studies of the works’ genesis and insightful analyses show, Liszt’s hosannas and angels’ choruses express the same contemplative and mystical atmosphere as Raphael’s Saint Cecilia – an atmosphere created by a succession of kaleidoscopic, non-functional harmonies which the composer himself labelled as “Liszt’sche progression”. In 1863, Baudelaire prophetically challenged anyone to “separate” and “divide” Liszt’s artistic profile. Thus we have to be mindful of Liszt’s versatility, and we cannot consider him only as “le roi des pianistes”, but as a creator characterized, again in Baudelaire’s words, by its “méandres capricieux”.

Os Sonetos de Petrarca 47, 104 e 123 = um estudo interpretativo da segunda versão para piano / The Petrarch's Sonnets 47, 104 and 123 : a interpretative study of the second piano version

Oliveira, Priscila Ott Falcão 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Fernando Fiorini / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T02:31:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Oliveira_PriscilaOttFalcao_M.pdf: 40472969 bytes, checksum: 819f80eebcbf8211e35c5ad3661415b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal propor sugestões interpretativas para a segunda versão para piano dos Sonetos de Petrarca 47, 104 e 123 de Franz Liszt (1811-1886). Para isso, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico e histórico da vida do compositor, juntamente com a pesquisa sobre Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), autor dos poemas utilizados como base da composição musical. Considerando a importância das demais versões escritas pelo compositor - para tenor e piano, duas para piano e para barítono e piano - foi realizada uma análise comparativa entre estas quatro versões existentes, abordando sua estrutura, forma e harmonia. Com base nestes elementos e no estudo ao piano, foram elaboradas e apresentadas as sugestões interpretativas. A pesquisa é voltada mais a pianistas que buscam subsídios para interpretação, a cantores e a interessados pela composição musical de Liszt, uma vez que as quatro versões englobam 44 anos da vida do compositor / Abstract: This work's main objective is to propose interpretative suggestions to the second piano version of Franz Liszt's (1811-1886) Petrarch's Sonnets 47, 104 and 123. To accomplish this goal a bibliographical and historical survey has been made on the composer's life, and also a research on Francesco Petrarch (1304- 1374), the author of the poems used as the basis of the musical composition. Considering the importance of the other versions written by the composer -for tenor and piano, two for piano and for baritone and piano - a comparative analysis has been made between these four existent versions, approaching their structure, form and harmony. With the support of these elements and the piano study, the interpretative suggestions have been prepared. The research is mainly addressed to pianists that look for interpretative information, to singers and to people concerned with the musical composition of Liszt, since the four versions cover 44 years of the composer's life / Mestrado / Praticas Interpretativas / Mestre em Música

Från ett piano till en orgel : En studie om Franz Liszt som orgeltonsättare med särskilt fokus på hans ”Preludium och fuga BACH”

Gamar, Tetyana January 2018 (has links)
Examensarbetet handlar om min instudering av hur F. Liszts hanterade orgel och fugaformen. Som exempel tog jag hans BACH Preludium och fuga, eftersom fugaformen och harmoniken var viktiga för honom. Det finns både orgel och piano version av detta verk och det kommer att vara intressant för mig som både pianist och organist att jämföra båda versioner.

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