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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Literatura e educação na memória de uma cidade: um olhar sobre Thales Castanho de Andrade / Literature and education in the memory of a city: a point of a view about Thales Castanho de Andrade

Alexandre, Fernando Luiz 17 April 2007 (has links)
Esta pesquisa, circunscrita à área da história da educação brasileira, tem como objeto de estudo o educador e escritor de literatura infantil Thales Castanho de Andrade (1890-1977). O trabalho tem como objetivo tratar de elementos relativos ao autor, à sua produção literária e atuação no magistério vistos na perspectiva da análise dos principais aspectos que envolveram a sua trajetória, a qual é acompanhada desde o período de sua formação nos anos de 1910, a divulgação de sua obra mais conhecida, o livro Saudade, publicado em 1919, até os anos de 1930, quando ao final da década percebe-se um arrefecimento de suas publicações. Assim, primeiramente, situamos o lugar de sua formação, a cidade de Piracicaba, e observamos determinados tópicos da história das instituições de ensino a que ele esteve relacionado, o Grupo Escolar, a Escola Complementar e a Escola Prática Agrícola de Piracicaba. O evento do Primeiro Congresso de Ensino Agrícola, ocorrido em 1911 em São Paulo é outro dos temas tratados. Agregamos à análise, como fundamentação teórica, as proposições de Nicolau Sevcenko e Ângela de Castro Gomes, que ao trabalharem com a história dos intelectuais, examinando para tanto o material literário e o da imprensa na análise do pensamento e do contexto histórico, apropriaram-se dos instrumentos teóricos da história social, a mesma a opção desta pesquisa. As noções de \"rede de sociabilidade\" e de \"microclimas\" referidas por Ângela de Castro Gomes são aplicadas neste trabalho para explicar o surgimento do \"bloomsbury caipira\", um agrupamento de intelectuais e artistas local, do qual fazia parte Thales de Andrade, que contribuiu para a sua inserção no campo literário e educacionais dos anos vinte e trinta. A contextualização da produção literária e a apresentação do conjunto dessas obras publicadas são outros pontos abordados. Também averiguamos a discussão a respeito da concepção de literatura, promovida pelo autor, bem como a confrontação de sua produção com a de Monteiro Lobato. Finalmente, procuramos observar os aspectos referentes à construção de perfis do autor realizada pela imprensa piracicabana. O material privilegiado para este momento da análise é a coleção de recortes da hemeroteca da Biblioteca Municipal de Piracicaba. Apresentamos como resultados e conclusões do trabalho o exame da produção literária, realizada no âmbito da educação. Dessa maneira, a análise procura responder em que medida seus livros foram elaborados e postos ao serviço da escola. É preciso levar em conta que o autor, ao fazer a sua literatura, tinha como horizonte a realização da vida no campo como principal objetivo de sua produção, tornando-se por isso, uma referência ao ruralismo. Entretanto, aliado a esse ideal, Thales se identificava às tendências da educação em desenvolvimento na época, unindo, dessa maneira, seu projeto literário ao educativo, o qual contemplava a modernização da instrução pública contextualizada ao ambiente rural. Nesse sentido é possível perceber na produção andradeana certo grau de aproximação entre a sua literatura e as sugestões propostas pelos movimentos educacionais dos anos vinte e trinta. / This research is circumscribed to the brazilian education history. Its aim is to study the educator and writer of infantile literature Thales Castanho de Andrade (1890-1977). It deals with elements related to the author, his literary works, and mastery seen under the perspective of analyzing the main aspects which involved his trajectory since his formative period in the 1910 decade, the divulging of his best known book Saudade, published in 1919, till the late years of the 30 decade, when a slackening of his work is noticed. So, to begin with, we firstly located Piracicaba City, his background place, and detected some topics of the teaching establishments to which he was related such as the \"Grupo Escolar\", \"Escola Complementar\" and \"Escola Prática Agrícola de Piracicaba\". The \"Primeiro Congresso de Ensino Agrícola\" (First Congress of Agricultural Teaching), which happened in 1911 in São Paulo City is also one the themes dealt with. As a theoretical basis, we have aggregated to the analysis the propositions by Nicolau Sevcenko and Angela de Castro Gomes, who, on working about the history of intellectuals examined the literary and the press materials to analyze thinking and the historical context. They used the theoretical instruments of social history, the same option of this research. The notions of \"sociability net\" (rede de sociabilidade) and \"microclimates\" (microclimas) which Angela de Castro Gomes refers to are mentioned in this work to explain the arising of \"Bloomsbury caipira\" (countryman Bloomsbury), a local gathering together of artists and intellectuals in which Thales de Andrade took place, contributed to his entering the literary and educational fields in the 20 and 30 decades. The context of the literary production and the presentation of the published works are also subjects approached. We also inquired about the discussion on literature concept by the author, as well as about the comparison of his works with Monteiro Lobato\'s. Finally we searched about the aspects referring to the building of the author\'s profiles by the \"Piracicaba\" press. The material chosen for this research is a clipping collection of \"Biblioteca Municipal de Piracicaba\". We can present as a result and conclusion of the research, the examination of the literary production in the education field. This way the analysis is expected to answer to what extent his books were elaborated and put at the disposal of education. It is necessary, however, to take on account that the author, on doing his literary works, had as his landmark the reality of rural life as the chief purpose of his works, becoming so, a reference to ruralism. Meanwhile, searching for ideal, Thales identified himself, with the tendencies of the developing education of the time, so linking his literary project to the educational on which looked at the modernization of public education in the context of rural environment. In this sense, it is possible to get from the \"andradeana\" production a certain degree of approach between his literature and proposals by the education movements in the 20 an 30 decades.

A América Latina, de Manoel Bomfim, e Ariel, de José Enrique Rodó : ensaios de interpretação latino-americana /

Santos, Davi Siqueira. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Roberto Velloso Cairo / Banca: Marcos Antonio de Moraes / Banca: Sílvia Maria Azevedo / Resumo: A presente dissertação centra-se no estudo de A América Latina e Ariel, dois ensaios importantes no contexto latino-americano da passagem do século XIX para o século XX. Seus autores, o brasileiro Manoel Bomfim (1868-1932) e o uruguaio José Enrique Rodó (1871- 1917), revelam pontos de convergência e pontos de divergência ao longo de suas análises. Enquanto o primeiro se detém com maior atenção nas características e consequências da colonização ibérica em solo americano, o segundo se volta contra um possível processo de recolonização via Estados Unidos da América. Contudo, apesar dessa focalização distinta, ambos os autores tecem, em seus ensaios, relações de base antitética. Assim, Ariel/Caliban, para José Enrique Rodó, e os parasitas/parasitados, para Manoel Bomfim, são representações antagônicas que simbolizam alternativas desejáveis e indesejáveis para os povos latinoamericanos. O intuito inicial do trabalho é traçar uma breve apreciação biográfica dos autores, seguida de um exame da recepção crítica das obras, de uma análise das questões mais centrais de cada ensaio e, por fim, de uma investigação dos personagens simbólicos criados ao longo das narrativas. Com base nesse cotejo entre as obras, pretendemos compreender melhor o quanto elas contribuem para a construção identitária do imaginário latino-americano / Abstract: The presented dissertation revolves around the study of A América Latina and Ariel, two important essays in the Latin American context of the passing of the nineteenth to the twentieth century. The writers of these essays, the Brazilian Manoel Bomfim (1868-1932) and the Uruguayan José Enrique Rodó (1871-1917), reveal convergence and divergence points all over their analysis. While the former dwells on the characteristics and consequences of the Iberian colonization in American ground, the latter turns against a possible process of resettlement via the United States of America. However in despite of this distinct focalization both writers draw, in their essays, antithetical-based relationship. Hence, Ariel/Caliban of Rodó and parasite/parasitized of Bomfim are antagonistic representations that symbolize desirable and undesirable alternatives for the peoples of the Latin America. The first purpose of the text is to draw a brief biographical appreciation of the authors, followed by an examination of the critical reception of their works, an analysis of the most central questions of each essay and, at last, an investigation about the symbolic characters created along the narratives. Based in the confrontation of the two texts, we shall understand better how much they contribute for the identity construction of the Latin American imaginary / Mestre

Macunaíma: enumeração e metamorfose / Macunaíma: enumeration and Metamorphose

Priscila Loyde Gomes Figueiredo 09 August 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste num estudo sobre o romance Macunaíma, de Mário de Andrade. Ele procura investigar o estilo enumerativo da obra. A intenção é relacionar tal procedimento, que toma sobretudo objetos da natureza brasileira, ao atraso material e cultural e à tentativa de preencher tal lacuna. Busca-se ainda interpretar as constantes metamorfoses ontológicas como um desdobramento desse estilo e do sentido a que ele dá forma. / This work is a study on Mário de Andrade\'s novel Macunaima. It focuses on numerative style wide used by the author, among others on the same period. The intent is relating such procedure, which involves above all objects from Brazilian nature, to the material and cultural backwardness and to a trial on fulfilling such lack. It seeks also to analyze the frequent ontological metamorphoses as a development of that style and of the meaning that it conceives.

明治日本漢文中國行紀研究: 近代中日文化交流與知識轉型 = On Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji period : modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge. / 近代中日文化交流與知識轉型 / On Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji period: modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge / Mingzhi Riben Han wen Zhongguo xing ji yan jiu: jin dai Zhong Ri wen hua jiao liu yu zhi shi zhuan xing = On Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji period : modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge. / Jin dai Zhong Ri wen hua jiao liu yu zhi shi zhuan xing

January 2015 (has links)
中國歷史上屢有異邦人士親身踏訪禹域,其中不乏有心之人將見聞感受付諸紙筆,撰文紀行。考慮到此類材料的政治意涵與文類屬性,本文採用「中國行紀」的概念指稱明治時代日本人結合親身踏訪禹域體驗撰寫的紀行文字。本文討論之日本明治(1868-1912)在時段上與中國晚清大致相當。不到五十年裏,兩國都經歷了翻天覆地但又截然相反的變動。也就是說,在日本不斷進步、日趨興盛的同時,中國卻世風日下,走向衰頹。一百多年前日本漢學者的中國行紀從異域鄰人的角度爲今人理解與進入晚清提供了嶄新的研究視角。 / 有關明治漢文中國行紀的先行研究側重於中日政治關係的歷史描繪,對兩國知識人士之間文化交流與知識轉型方面的價值則有待繼續討論。本文將集中討論被視為明治三大漢文中國行紀的竹添進一郎《棧雲峽雨日記》、岡千仞《觀光紀游》與山本憲《燕山楚水紀遊》。它們分別代表了明治前期、中期與後期日本人對中國的旅行書寫,顯示出日本漢文中國行紀逐漸走向盡頭的趨勢。上述三書不僅影響到許多同代及其後大正、昭和時期的中國行紀,而且行紀文體的親歷性與權威性也使其對於近代日本人中國認識的轉變與形塑起到潛移默化的作用。三位作者都是受到過傳統舊式教育的漢學者,通過寫作傳達出親歷中國後想像與現實的落差,又以文學家的筆調記錄了晚清社會政治與士民生活的方方面面,在近代中日文化交流與知識轉型上扮演了重要角色。筆者將以漢文筆談為切入點,討論近代中日知識人士圍繞文化交流、知識轉型、文士往來與書籍酬贈等重要議題展開的交際與互動。本文期望通過勾稽相關文獻史料,回歸晚清歷史語境,藉助異域之眼反躬自省。 / In Chinese history, there were always overseas people travelling to China, including Japanese sinologists, many of whom had recorded their impressions of China by composing travelogues. Considering the political implication and the genre application of this kind of materials, this research adopts the term "travelogues about China" to generalize all these records. The time period to be discussed in this research project is the whole Meiji era, namely, from 1868 to 1912, less than half a century, corresponding roughly to the late Qing period. These two countries had undergone tremendous but reversed revolutions during this period. That is to say, when Japan made progress everyday, China, on the other hand, was in an apparent state of decline. Travelogues about China 150 years ago provide people nowadays with a new research angle to comprehend and enter the late Qing history from Japanese sinologists’ perspectives. / Previous research about on Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese during the Meiji Period focused on historical descriptions of Sino-Japanese political relationships, however, the value of cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge between literary elites from both of these two countries remain to be discussed. This research plans to focus on Takezoe Shin’ichirō’s San’un Kyōu Nikki (A Diary of Clouds Hanging between the Mountains and Rain in the Ravines), Oka Senjin’s Kanko Kiyū (Travel Reports for Sightseeing) and Yamamoto Ken’s Enzan Sosui Kiyū (Travel Reports for the Mountains of North China and the Rivers of South China), which were regarded as the three most representative Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese. Respectively, they represented Japanese travel writing about China in the early, the middle and the late Meiji period and indicated that the ending of the traditional Japanese travelogues about China in Chinese was approaching. In addition, they also had a profound impact on the following Japanese travel literature about China. The genre of travelogue also exercised an invisible and formative influence on Japanese views of China in the modern era. All of these three sinologists were educated in the old style and had deep backgrounds of traditional Chinese learning. Through writing, they expressed the distance between imagination and reality after experiencing China for themselves, and various recorded aspects of the late Qing’s social politics and civil life. They played an important role in modern Sino-Japanese cultural exchange and transformation of knowledge. It will also discuss modern Sino-Japanese literati cultural and book exchange, transformation of knowledge and other issues centered on the practice of conversations by writing Chinese. This research hopes to return to the late Qing and reflect on China through its neighbors’ perspectives. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 291-339). / Abstracts also in English.

中學中國文學科課文在道德及情感方面的內容分析硏究 =: Content analysis of the moral and affective aspects of secondary. / Content analysis of the moral and affective aspects of secondary / Zhong xue Zhongguo wen xue ke ke wen zai dao de ji qing gan fang mian de nei rong fen xi yan jiu =: Content analysis of the moral and affective aspects of secondary.

January 1988 (has links)
手稿影印本. / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院敎育學部. / Shou gao ying yin ben. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 360-396). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan jiao yu xue bu. / Chapter 第一章 --- 引言 / Chapter 一 --- 教育目標的分類 --- p.1 / Chapter 二 --- 過份重視智育引起的偏差 --- p.2 / Chapter 第二章 --- 研究緣起與目的 / Chapter 一 --- 文學作品的教育作用 --- p.7 / Chapter 1 --- 道德教育作用 --- p.8 / Chapter 2 --- 情感教育作用 --- p.19 / Chapter 3 --- 文學作品對情感的滋養作用 --- p.21 / Chapter 二 --- 中學中國文學科課程課文的規劃 --- p.27 / Chapter 三 --- 中學中國文學科教學目標的貫徹 --- p.30 / Chapter 第三章 --- 論題說明 / Chapter 一 --- 文學的定義與文學的特質 / Chapter 1 --- 文學的定義 --- p.32 / Chapter 2 --- 文學的特質 --- p.35 / Chapter 二 --- 中學中國文學科課文 --- p.36 / Chapter 三 --- 道德的定義與道德發展 / Chapter 1 --- 道德的定義 --- p.38 / Chapter 2 --- 道德的發展 --- p.38 / Chapter 四 --- 情感的定義與情感分類 / Chapter 1 --- 情感的定義 --- p.68 / Chapter 2 --- 情緒、情感和情操的分別 --- p.68 / Chapter 3 --- 情感的特質 --- p.72 / Chapter 4 --- 情感的分類 --- p.73 / Chapter 第四章 --- 理論說明 / Chapter 一 --- 文學作品中的道德成素 --- p.85 / Chapter 1 --- 文學作品中的道德成素的內涵 --- p.91 / Chapter 2 --- 文學作品中道德信息的特徵 --- p.103 / Chapter 3 --- 道德判斷與事實判斷的分別 --- p.105 / Chapter 4 --- 中國文學作品中的道德成素 / Chapter 二 --- 文學作品中的情感成素 / Chapter 1 --- 文學的內涵 --- p.115 / Chapter 2 --- 文學作品中情感信息的特徵 --- p.117 / Chapter 3 --- 中國文學作品中的情感成素 --- p.149 / Chapter 三 --- 文學作品內容分析的方法 / Chapter 1 --- 內容分析理論 --- p.266 / Chapter 2 --- 中國文學作品內容分析的方法 --- p.268 / Chapter 第五章 --- 研究設計 / Chapter 一 --- 研究對象 --- p.288 / Chapter 二 --- 研究假設 --- p.288 / Chapter 三 --- 研究工具 --- p.289 / Chapter 1 --- 課文元次的分類 --- p.289 / Chapter 2 --- 道德元次的分類 --- p.289 / Chapter 3 --- 情感元次的分類 --- p.290 / Chapter 四 --- 研究方法和步驟 --- p.298 / Chapter 五 --- 資料分析 --- p.301 / Chapter 六 --- 研究局限 --- p.301 / Chapter 第六章 --- 研究結果及討論 / Chapter 一 --- 研究結果 / Chapter 1 --- 類目的整理和分析 --- p.303 / Chapter 2 --- 道德成素在課文中的分佈 --- p.306 / Chapter 3 --- 情感成素在課文中的分佈 --- p.307 / Chapter 二 --- 討論 / Chapter 1 --- 道德成素含量及其意義 --- p.315 / Chapter 2 --- 道德教育的模式與文學科教材的規劃 --- p.322 / Chapter 3 --- 情感成素含量及其意義 --- p.319 / Chapter 4 --- 情感教育的模式與文學科教材的規劃 --- p.328 / Chapter 第七章 --- 摘要、結論及建議 --- p.332 / Chapter 一 --- 摘要 --- p.332 / Chapter 二 --- 結論 --- p.333 / Chapter 三 --- 建議 --- p.334 / 附錄 / Chapter 附錄一 --- 中學中國文學科課程內容 --- p.337 / Chapter 附錄二 --- 中學中國文學科課文內容分析藍圖 --- p.339 / Chapter 附錄三 --- 課文的道德及情感成素次數分配及差異分析表 --- p.341 / Chapter 附錄四 --- 中學中國語文科培養品德的資料 --- p.358 / Chapter 附錄五 --- 參考文獻 / 中文部份 --- p.360 / 英文部份 --- p.394

王充劉勰文論比較硏究. / Wang Chong Liu Xie wen lun bi jiao yan jiu.

January 1989 (has links)
梁建輝. / 稿本(據電腦打印本複印) / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院中國語文學部. / Gao ben (Ju dian nao da yin ben fu yin) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 305-323). / Liang Jianhui. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan Zhongguo yu wen xue bu. / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1-26 / Chapter 第一節 --- 硏究本題的目的 --- p.1-11 / Chapter 第二節 --- 硏究本題的困難 --- p.11-15 / Chapter 第三節 --- 硏究本題的方法 --- p.15-18 / 注釋 --- p.19-26 / Chapter 第二章 --- 王充、劉勰論文的基本前提 --- p.27-78 / Chapter 第一節 --- 「文」的意義 --- p.27-54 / 注釋 --- p.55-60 / Chapter 第二節 --- 「文」的功能 --- p.61-76 / 注釋 --- p.77-78 / Chapter 第三章 --- 王充、劉勰的文體論 --- p.79-155 / Chapter 第一節 --- 論「武頌」 --- p.79-105 / 注釋 --- p.106-110 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論「史傳」 --- p.111-123 / 注釋 --- p.124-126 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論「諸子」 --- p.127-135 / 注釋 --- p.136-139 / Chapter 第四節 --- 論「論¨®Ơ」 --- p.140-153 / 注釋 --- p.154-155 / Chapter 第四章 --- 王充、劉勰的創作論 --- p.156-245 / Chapter 第一節 --- 論「模擬」 --- p.156-178 / 注釋 --- p.179-183 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論「言意」 --- p.184-193 / 注釋 --- p.194 / Chapter 第三節 --- 論「夸飾」 --- p.195-220 / 注釋 --- p.221-227 / Chapter 第四節 --- 論「繁簡」 --- p.228-242 / 注釋 --- p.243-245 / Chapter 第五章 --- 王充、劉勰的批評論 --- p.246-297 / Chapter 第一節 --- 論「奇」 --- p.246-267 / 注釋 --- p.268-272 / Chapter 第二節 --- 論「古」、「今」 --- p.273-292 / 注釋 --- p.293-297 / Chapter 第六章 --- 結語 --- p.298-304 / Chapter 第一節 --- 綜論王充、劉勰論文觀點的異同 --- p.298-301 / Chapter 第二節 --- 對漢魏六朝文論發展的一些假設 --- p.301-303 / 注釋 --- p.304 / 參考書目 --- p.305-323

Social influence and the human aspiration for freedom: two fictions of duality in the late Victorian age.

January 2002 (has links)
Lee Kar Man Ida. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 101-108). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 論文提要 --- p.iii / Acknowledgements --- p.v / "Introduction The Victorian Age, the Literary Double and Freedom" --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter I --- Struggle against Restraints: Robert Louis Stevenson's The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde --- p.24 / Chapter Chapter II --- The Ambition to Transgress: Locating Freedom in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray --- p.52 / Chapter Chapter III --- Jekyll and Dorian: Impossible Mission to Achieve an Unrestrained Freedom against the Social Orthodoxy --- p.77 / Works Cited List --- p.101

孫德謙駢文理論研究. / Sun Deqian pian wen li lun yan jiu.

January 2006 (has links)
王益鈞. / "2006年12月" / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2006. / 參考文獻(leaves 230-238). / "2006 nian 12 yue" / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Wang Yijun. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2006. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 230-238). / Chapter 第一章 --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節 --- 孫德謙生平簡介 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節 --- 《六朝麗指》述略 --- p.6 / Chapter 第三節 --- 硏究動機及方法 --- p.9 / Chapter 第二章 --- 辨體 --- p.12 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.12 / Chapter 第二節 --- 主張駢散合一 --- p.14 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 不爭文統 --- p.15 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 宗師六朝 --- p.20 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 駢散之功用 --- p.25 / Chapter 〔4〕 --- 孫氏「駢散合一」說探源 --- p.29 / Chapter 〔5〕 --- 小結 --- p.30 / Chapter 第三節 --- 駢文與律賦、四六之異 --- p.31 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 駢文與律賦之別 --- p.31 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 駢文與四六之異 --- p.35 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 小結 --- p.39 / Chapter 第四節 --- 對某些駢文體裁的觀點 --- p.39 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 書序 --- p.40 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 贈序 --- p.43 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 連珠 --- p.44 / Chapter 〔4〕 --- 七 --- p.47 / Chapter 〔5〕 --- 墓志 --- p.49 / Chapter 〔6〕 --- 論 --- p.50 / Chapter 〔7〕 --- 檄移 --- p.53 / Chapter 〔8〕 --- 章表牋奏啓 --- p.54 / Chapter 〔9〕 --- 賀牘 --- p.56 / Chapter 〔10〕 --- 小結 --- p.57 / Chapter 第五節 --- 風格 --- p.57 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 「才氣」與「氣韻」 --- p.58 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 「繁」與「簡」 --- p.63 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 「疏」與「密」 --- p.68 / Chapter 〔4〕 --- 陰柔與陽剛 --- p.71 / Chapter 〔5〕 --- 質重與清空 --- p.73 / Chapter 〔6〕 --- 小結 --- p.75 / Chapter 第六節 --- 結語 --- p.76 / Chapter 第三章 --- 修辭 --- p.78 / Chapter 第一節 --- 引言 --- p.78 / Chapter 第二節 --- 對偶 --- p.79 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 事對 --- p.83 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 排偶 --- p.88 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 駢枝 --- p.102 / Chapter 〔4〕 --- 小結 --- p.106 / Chapter 第三節 --- 用典 --- p.107 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 用典的方法 --- p.100 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 用典的原則 --- p.118 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 小結 --- p.129 / Chapter 第四節 --- 鍊字 --- p.129 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 代字法 --- p.130 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 字「訛」 --- p.134 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 虛字 --- p.135 / Chapter 〔4〕 --- 小結 --- p.139 / Chapter 第五節 --- 聲律 --- p.139 / Chapter 〔1〕 --- 自然諧協 --- p.144 / Chapter 〔2〕 --- 輕重緩急 --- p.146 / Chapter 〔3〕 --- 小結 --- p.148 / Chapter 第六節 --- 比興 --- p.148 / Chapter 第七節 --- 形容 --- p.151 / Chapter 第八節 --- 斷插足縮 --- p.154 / Chapter 第九節 --- 結語 --- p.159 / Chapter 第四章 --- 總結 --- p.161 / 附錄一:〈孫德謙年譜初稿〉 --- p.163 / 附錄二:〈孫德謙交遊名錄〉 --- p.225 / 附錄三:參考書目 --- p.229

文道關係視野下的明末清初散文研究: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties. / Dao and wen: study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties / Wen dao guan xi shi ye xia de Ming mo Qing chu san wen yan jiu: Dao and wen : study of classical prose in late Ming and early Qing dynasties.

January 2014 (has links)
明末清初的散文發展,前人或以載道觀念論之,或以抒情觀念論之,又或以流派分梳論之,各有其理,亦各有其弊。本人認為,明末清初散文發展自有其一以貫之的內在邏輯,因而本文力圖探尋其內在邏輯,重建其發展軌跡。本文指出,文道關係正是影響明末清初散文發展的關鍵因素,時人對於文道關係的不同詮釋與理解,決定了當時散文發展的方向。 / 「古文傳統」與「小品傳統」,是理解明清之際散文發展的重要概念。特別是周作人等以抒情為宗旨建構的「小品傳統」,對理解這一段散文史,產生了深遠的影響。然而本文通過考察「小品傳統」的建構過程,以及其所反抗的「古文傳統」之內涵,並辨析二者關係,相比起「古文傳統」內部「載道、唐宋、法度」的體系,「小品傳統」自身存在局限,並不足以貫穿明清散文的發展。相反,考察晚明小品文家的古文觀,清初古文家的小品創作,本文以為小品儘管一度興盛,然而「古文傳統」才是其時古文發展的主軸。 / 「古文傳統」既是關鍵所在,則如何詮釋文道關係是其時文壇的重要問題。本文指出明清之際的文道論接續了唐宋以來古文家與理學家的討論,並面臨如何承繼二者而有所發展的問題。本文通過辨析各家對文道合一的詮釋,考索其時文道論與唐宋古文家、理學家的論述之關係,指出明清之際的文人一方面推崇理學家道的修養,一方面提倡古文家的文章造詣,來達到文道合一。並通過加強文與經之間的關係,強調文必本於經典,來彌合古文家與理學家的分歧。 / 本文同時以錢謙益、黃宗羲、侯方域、汪琬為中心,具體討論明清之際文道關係的發展過程。指出錢謙益通過批評復古派,推崇反經,提出性情、學問與世運的主張,以道決定文的思路,拉開重建古文傳統的序幕。黃宗羲則在錢謙益的基礎上,通過擴大性情的內涵,以及道在審美上的包容性,重新詮釋文道關係。然而明清之際對侯方域的評價之轉變,從肯定其古文主張,到批評其小說筆法,恰正體現道決定文的思路在重建古文傳統過程中遇到的困境。汪琬則從道的層面維護程朱理學,從文的層面肯定復古派,批評錢謙益,排斥小說筆法,試圖通過文道並重的方法來解決困境。可以說明清之際古文的發展,正是從道決定文走向文道並重的過程。 / Prose development in late Ming and early Qing periods is accounted for by scholars in terms of the theories of Confucianism, the concepts of lyricism or the summaries of different schools of classical prose. This study holds the belief that the prose development within this period of time has its consistent internal logic, and its aim is to establish a new theory to explain and restore the track of such development based on the existing theories by previous scholars. This study points out that the relationship between dao 道 and wen 文 is the major element influencing the prose development in late Ming and early Qing; the interpretation and comprehension of it dictates the direction of prose development. / The two different traditions of classical prose and familiar essay are key concepts in understanding the prose development in late Ming and early Qing, especially the latter, which was constructed by Zhou Zuo-ren under the principle of lyricism. Based on the examination of its establishment, the nature of classical prose tradition it defies, and the relationship between the two, this study reveals that the familiar essay tradition was bound by its limitations which rendered it insufficient in accounting for the entire prose development of the whole period, in contrast to the internal system of classical prose tradition. The review of the view on classical prose by familiar essay writers in late Ming and the familiar essay output of classical prose writers in early Qing indicate that the classical prose tradition was then the main pillar of prose development and familiar essay was its subsidiary, despite its once high popularity. / With classical prose tradition being the key to prose development in late Ming and early Qing, the interpretation of the relationship between dao and wen was a significant issue in the ancient literary society. This study points out that when the scholars in late Ming and early Qing discussed dao and wen, such discussion was a continuation of that contributed by the masters of prose writing and philosophers of Neo-Confucianism since Tang and Song Dynasties, which relates to the problem of finding ways to advance through inheriting the two notions. Literary society in the past upheld the idea of fusing dao and wen. By analyzing the different interpretations of such fusion by various parties, this study investigates the relationship between the discussion of dao and wen in late Ming and early Qing dynasties and also that in Tang and Song dynasties, pointing out that by strengthening the relationship between prose and classics and emphasizing the classical basis of prose, it bridges the gap between Neo-Confucian philosophers’ morality and classical prose writers’ literariness. / Lastly, this study discusses the specific development of the theory of dao and wen during late Ming and early Qing through four case studies, namely, Qian Qian-yi’s criticism on Revival Theory, Huang Zong-xi’s theory of qing 情, the changing reviews on Hou Fang-yu, and Wang Wan’s criticism on Qian Qian-yi and fictional prose. Qian’s criticism marked the beginning of the revival of classical prose tradition during late Ming and early Qing, where he promoted the returning to classic, proposing the concept of qing and knowledge being complementary and the idea of dao determining wen. Huang, based on Qian’s thoughts, reinterpreted the relationship between dao and wen by further expanding the pool of connotations of qing and the aesthetic comprehensiveness of dao. / However, the phenomenon of scholars agreeing on Hou Fang-yu’s stand on classical prose while excoriating his ‘fictional style of prose writing techniques’小說筆法 reflects the predicament faced by the idea of dao determining wen in the process of reconstructing the classical prose tradition. Wang tried to resolve such predicament through putting emphasis on both dao and wen, defending neo-confucianism from the aspect of dao and affirming Ming Classicalists from that of wen, while criticizing Qian and rejecting fictional style. All these illustrate that classical prose development during Late Ming and Early Qing is a process of the transition from dao determining wen to emphasizing both dao and wen. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李向昇. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 215-229). / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Li Xiangsheng.

The construction of women as national body in twentieth century China: "Robust Beauty Girls" and "Iron Maidens".

January 2012 (has links)
Liang, Yue. / "November 2011." / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / ACKNOWLEDGMENTS --- p.i / INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter One: --- "The Appearance of the ""Robust Beauty Girl"" in the late 1920s" --- p.9 / "The Infatuation with the ""Western Beauty""" --- p.10 / "The Western ""Robust Beauty Girl:"" Hollywood Film Stars" --- p.13 / "The Chinese ""Robust Beauty Girl:"" Female Students" --- p.19 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- "The Reconstruction of the western ""Robust Beauty"" in the 1930s-40s" --- p.27 / "The Suspicion on the Western ""Robust Beauty""" --- p.29 / "The Reconstruction of the western ""Robust Beauty"": critique on the ""Modern Girl""" --- p.37 / "The Kuomintang's Response to the western ""Robust Beauty""" --- p.52 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- The Construction of the Chinese Womanhood in the War Period --- p.70 / The Communist Womanhood in the Jiangxi Period --- p.72 / The Women's Steering Committee and the Wartime Womanhood --- p.80 / The New Outlook of the Communist Womanhood in the Yan'an Period --- p.91 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- "The National Communist Womanhood: the ""Iron Maiden"" in the 1960s-70s" --- p.107 / "National Model: Two Categories of the ""Iron Maiden""" --- p.109 / From Person to the Nation: Organization Form and Political Consciousness --- p.114 / CONCLUSION --- p.126 / APPENDIX --- p.132 / BIBLIOGRAPHY --- p.139

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