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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prezidento teisinė padėtis Lietuvos Respublikoje ir Vokietijos Federacinėje Respublikoje: lyginamoji analizė / The Legal Status Of The President In The Republic Of Lithuania And In The Federal Republic In Germany: Comparative Analysis

Briedytė, Austra 08 January 2007 (has links)
The Presidential institution is described in the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania (1992) as a reflection of the choise made between two types of governing systems: parliamentary democracy and presidential democracy. In the Fundamental Law of Germany (1949) the Federal President is described as a polician in a parliamentary republic. Although two different forms of goverment in both states disclose the differences of presidential institution, the similarities are also obvious. Presidential authority, established by legal acts, and its implementation into a political reality gives basis for discussions in the siciety and attempts to decide upon the role of the President of the Republic of Lithuania and the Federal President of Germany. Both formal and real roles are discussed in judicial and scientific literature. This double character of formal and real authority of both Lithuanian and German presidents forms inadequate understanding of the President as a state institution. Also there exists a problem of a judicial position of both presidents as well as aproblem of strengthening it and making it more effective. In Lithuania there are only few authors dealing with the topic of Federal President of the Federal Republic of Germany and its judicial position. There is no doubt that its historic experience and the development of constitutionalism is important to many states of Eastern Europe. For this reason so much attention in judicial and scientific literature is paid... [to full text]

"Monarchy as it should be"? : British perceptions of Poland-Lithuania in the long seventeenth century

Mirecka, Martyna January 2014 (has links)
Early modern Poland-Lithuania figured significantly in the political perceptions of Europeans in the long seventeenth century – not only due to its considerable size and enormous commercial and military resources, but also, and just as importantly, due to its exceptional religious and political situation. This interest in Poland-Lithuania was shared by many Britons. However, a detailed examination of how Britons perceived Poland-Lithuania at that time and how they treated Poland-Lithuania in their political debates has never been undertaken. This thesis utilises a wide range of the previously neglected source material and considers the patterns of transmission of information to determine Britons' awareness of Poland-Lithuania and their employment of the Polish-Lithuanian example in the British political discourse during the seventeenth century. It looks at a variety of geographical and historical information, English and Latin descriptions of Poland-Lithuania's physical topography and boundaries, and its ethnic and cultural make-up presented in histories, atlases and maps, to establish what, where and who Poland-Lithuania was for Britons. Poland-Lithuania's political framework, with its composite structure and unique relationship between the crown and nobility, elicited a spectrum of reactions, and so this thesis evaluates the role that both criticism and praise of Poland-Lithuania played in British constitutional debates. Consequently, the study argues that Britons' perceptions of Poland-Lithuania were characterised by great plasticity. It claims that Britons' impressions of the country were shaped by multiple – real or imagined - borders, whether cultural, economic or political, but also that Britons were affected by the exposure to a uniform, idealised historiography of this country. Crucially, the thesis asserts that references to Poland-Lithuania constituted an ingenious ideological and polemical device that was eagerly used throughout the period by Britons of diverse political sympathies. Moreover, through the examination of the kingdom's geopolitical role, particularly its fluctuating position as a “bulwark of Christendom”, side by side its engagement against Protestants, the thesis challenges the assumption that anti-Catholicism dominated seventeenth-century British perceptions of the world.

Imigracijos poveikis nacionaliniam saugumui Šengeno erdvėje: Lietuvos atvejis / Immigration’s impact on national security in the Schengen area: the case of Lithuania

Galvanauskaitė, Edita 12 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: iki šiol Lietuvoje laikomasi nuomonės, kad migracija nacionaliniam saugumui grėsmės nekelia, nes imigracija į šalį yra nedidelė ir valstybė nėra potencialiu teroristinių išpuolių taikiniu. Viena vertus, būdama skurdesnė už Vakarų Europos valstybes, Lietuva išties vis dar nėra imigracijos traukos objektu. Tačiau nuo 2007 metų gruodžio 21 d. padėtis pradėjo keistis – dabar Lietuva yra viena iš Šengeno erdvės šalių, kuriose yra panaikinta vidaus sienų kontrolė ir saugomos tiktai išorinės sienos. Tai reiškia, kad turėdama dešimtadalį Šengeno erdvės sausumos sienos, Lietuva nelegaliems migrantams ir žmonių kontrabandininkams tampa patrauklia tranzito šalimi į Vakarų valstybes, ir todėl šalis neišvengiamai susidurs su didesnėmis migracijos keliamomis grėsmėmis saugumui. Antra vertus, klaidinga manyti, kad pagrindinės migracijos keliamos grėsmės saugumui yra susijusios su terorizmu ar socialiniais neramumais. Tai tik pora iš daugelio migracijos keliamų grėsmių saugumui. Todėl dabar yra tinkamas laikas nagrinėti, kokį poveikį migracija turi Lietuvos nacionaliniam saugumui Šengeno erdvėje. Darbo objektu yra imigracijos daromas poveikis nacionaliniam saugumui. Šio darbo tikslas yra aprašius migracijos ir saugumo sąvokų raidą, išskyrus jų tarpusavio ryšį ir įvertinus iš šio ryšio kylančias grėsmes bei išanalizavus Šengeno erdvę, kaip Europos Sąjungos priemonę tinkamai užtikrinti piliečių judėjimo laisvę ir saugumą, nustatyti, kokią įtaką buvimas išorine Šengeno erdvės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem of the study: According to public opinion, migration is not a threat to national security in Lithuania mainly because of to reasons. Firstly, Lithuania does not suffer from immigration flows. Secondly, as threat to national security, immigration is seen only in direct connection with terrorism. On one hand, being poorer than the Western European countries, Lithuania has not been one of the migration target countries. But from 2007 on 21 December situation has changed - now Lithuania is one of the Schengen Area States, where control on internal borders is completely removed and safety of the area is guaranteed by control of external borders. This means, that with a tenth of the Schengen Area external land border, Lithuania is becoming an attractive transit country to Western countries for illegal migrants. Therefore, it will inevitably face with greater immigration threats to security. On the other hand, terrorism is only one of the many immigration threats to security. Because of all this, now is the best time to examine the immigration’s impact to national security of Lithuanian in the Schengen area. The subject of this study is immigration’s impact on national security. The aim of this study is by describing development of the migration and security concepts, finding migration-security nexus and assessing threats arising from this nexus to national security, together with analysis of the Schengen area, as a tool to ensure free movement of citizens and security the... [to full text]

Lietuvos ir Slovėnijos partinių sistemų ypatybės Vidurio Rytų Europos kontekste / The Lithuanian and Slovenian party systems in the context of Central Eastern Europe

Šimkutė, Aistė 06 June 2011 (has links)
Analizuojama posocialistinių valstybių partinių sistemų nestabilumo problematika. Svarbiausi Vidurio Rytų Europos partinių sistemų aspektai - pliuralizmo pradžia pereinamuoju laikotarpiu, partinių sistemų fragmentacija, ideologinis pasiskirstymas, partijų ir rinkėjų ryšys - atskleidžiami Lietuvos ir Slovėnijos partinių sistemų lyginamojoje analizėje. / The subject of this paper is the party systems in Central Eastern Europe. The main characteristics of the party systems in the region, such as the emergence of pluralism in tranzition period, party system fragmentation, ideologigal alignments,and party-citizen connection - are used in comparative analysis of Lithuanian and Slovenian party systems.

Ypač pavojingų užkrečiamųjų ligų istorinė raida Lietuvoje XIV - XVIII a / The history of especially dangerous contagious diseases in lithuania in xiv - xviii centuries

Gatelytė, Ieva 27 June 2014 (has links)
Ypač pavojingos užkrečiamosios ligos ištisus amžius sėjo mirtį pasaulyje. Nuo XIX a. susirgimai šiomis ligomis Europoje registruoti rečiau nei Viduramžiais, o pastaraisiais amžiais tos ligos tapo retenybe. Tačiau Pasaulio sveikatos organizacija įspėja – turime išlikti budrūs, nes sergamumas maru, cholera ir kitomis ypač pavojingomis užkrečiamosiomis ligomis vis dar stebimas kai kuriose Azijos valstybėse (Indija, Kinija), Arabijoje, Afrikoje. Pagal Pavojingų ir ypač pavojingų užkrečiamųjų ligų, dėl kurių ligoniai, asmenys, įtariami, kad serga pavojingomis ar ypač pavojingomis užkrečiamosiomis ligomis, asmenys, turėję sąlytį, ar šių ligų sukėlėjų nešiotojai turi būti hospitalizuojami, izoliuojami, tiriami ir (ar) gydomi privalomai, sąrašą (toliau Pavojingų ir ypač pavojingų užkrečiamųjų ligų sąrašas), ypač pavojingoms užkrečiamosioms ligoms priskiriamos:  maras,  cholera ar sukėlėjo nešiojimas,  beždžionių raupai,  geltonoji karštligė,  virusinės hemoraginės karštligės. Šiame magistro darbe dižiausias dėmesys skiriamas maro istorinei raidai Lietuvoje XIV – XVIII a. a., kadangi ši liga darė didžiausią įtaką tautos demografiniam kitimui mūsų nagrinėtu laikotarpiu. Šis darbas užpildys medicinos ir visuomenės sveikatos istorijos spragą, kurioje labai trūksta duomenų apie minėtų amžių ypač pavojingas užkrečiamąsias ligas. Darbe taip pat pateikta informacija apie sifilio protrūkius Lietuvoje. Sifilis, pagal aukščiau minėtą Pavojingų ir ypač... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The especially dangerous contagious diseases were very important in every century. From the 19th century comparing to the Medieval centuries there were less cases of especially dangerous contagious diseases in Europe and at the last time that cases became very rare. But the World Health Organization warns – people have to stay careful because various dangerious contagious diseases like plague or cholera are still common in such Asia countries like India, China, in Africa continent and in Arabic countries too. According to the Health Care minister’s order of Dangerous and especially dangerous contagious diseases, the especially dangerous contagious diseases are classified like that:  Plague,  Cholera,  Monkey’s variola,  The yellow fever,  The viral haemorrhage fever. On this Master’s Final Thesis the most information is concentrated on plague history in Lithuania in 14th – 18th centuries, because plague was the most important reason of the country’s population demographic changes. These Thesis will fill the section of medicine’s history part of the contagious diseases in 14th – 18th centuries. The syphilis is mentioned on that Thesis too, because this disease is classified as dangerous contagious disease on the list of dangerous contagious diseases by the order of minister. Cholera and variola are important for Lithuania’s medicine history too, but knowing because the diseases started in a country just from the 19th century, so we are... [to full text]

Work characteristics and work-related psychosocial stress among general practitioners in Lithuania

Vanagas, Giedrius January 2005 (has links)
Background. There are a number of studies showing that general practice is oneof the most stressful workplaces for health care workers. Since the Baltic States regained independence in 1990, a reform of the health care systems took place in which a new role and more responsibilities were allocated to general practitioners. This study aimed to explore the psychosocial stress level among Lithuanian general practitioners (GPs) and examine the relationship between their psychosocial stress and work characteristics. Methods. A cross-sectional study was madeof 300 Lithuanian general practitioners. Psychosocial stress was investigated with a questionnaire based on the Reeder scale. Job demands were investigated with the Karasek scale. The analyses included descriptive statistics, interrelationship analysis between the different characteristics, and multivariate logistic regression to estimate odd ratios for each of the independent variables in the model. Results. The study shows that 48% of the respondents could be classified as suffering from work related psychosocial stress by the Reeder scale. The highest job strain prevalence was among widowed, single and female GPs. The lowest job strain prevalence was among males and GPs of older age. Job strain occurs when job demands are high and jobdecision latitude is low. Conclusions. The greatest risk tophysical and mental health from stress occurs to general practitioners facing high psychological workload demands combined with low decision latitude in meeting those demands. High job demands, patient load more than 18 patients per day and young age of general practitioners can predict a statistically significant effect on job strain. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-095-8</p>

Kultūrinio konteksto įtaka grafiniam dizainui: Olandijos ir Lietuvos atvejų studija / Cultural Context Impact on Graphic Design: Dutch and Lithuanian Case Study

Šulikovska, Inga 03 July 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe palyginami dviejų šalių – Lietuvos ir Olandijos kultūriniai kontekstai. Darbo siekis išsiaiškinti priežastis kodėl Olandija tapo grafinio dizaino šalimi ir ko trūksta Lietuvai norint tobulėti šioje srityje. Darbe kultūra apžvelgiama iš istorinio konteksto, kuris padėjo pagrindus tautų mentalitetui, o tuo pačiu kaip rezultatas atsispindi ir grafiniame dizaine. Aptariamas kultūros bei dizaino rėmimas, kuris yra vienas pagrindinių variklių dizaino palaikyme. Taip pat nagrinėjamas meno sektorius, jo bruožai ir svarba visuomenėjea. / This research compares two countries - Lithuanian and Netherlands cultural contexts. Intension is to find out the reason why the Netherlands has become a graphic design country and what is missing in Lithuania to lead in this field. The research examine historical context, which laid the foundation for the nation's mentality, but at the same time as a result is reflected in the graphic design field. Discusses the support of culture and design, which is one of the main impulse on design supporting system. Research also examines the art sector, its features and importance in society.

Tylioji Lietuvos Revoliucija / Silent revoliution of Lithuania / Тихая революция в Литве

Jankus, Karolis 03 July 2014 (has links)
Tyliosios Lietuvos revoliucijos projektą sudaro trys lygiavertės dalys: pirmoji – Pilnametražis dokumentinis filmas/ kino poema, 7 h, hdv. Lietuvos nepriklausomas kinas. 2009/2013. Antra dalis – tai sklaida klasikinėje bei internetinėje žiniasklaidoje apie projekto tikslus, autoriaus interviu. Trečioji – ,,Tyliosios Lietuvos revoliucijos“ sklaida socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ .Visos šios dalys glaudžiai susisijusios ir sudaro nedalomą vienį. / Silent revoliution of Lithuania project is divided into three equal parts: the first - a full-length documentary / movie poem, 7 h, HDV. Production of Lithuanian independent cinema. 2009/2013. The second part - it's a classic and dissemination of online media about the objectives of the project, the author interviews. Third - 'The Silent Revolution in Lithuania "scatter on Facebook." All parts of the project consists of an indivisible unity. / Каролис Янкус Karolis Jankus Родился в 1974 году в Вильнюсе, Литва, СССР. Литовский режиссер, продюсер, скульптор и писатель. В 1992-1998 гг. - учился в Вильнюсской академии художеств на скульптура. В 1997 году стажировка в Париже на студии "Media et Media". В 2001-2003 гг. - получал стипендию от Министерства культуры Литвы, хотя он изучал скульптуру,но больше всего известен как создатель короткометражных фильмов. Участвует в групповых выставках современного искусства. Также вместе с Дейма Келясам написал роман "Слепой" (Blinda) Принимает участие в различных международных кинофестивалях.

ISO standartų pritaikomumas kaimo turizmo versle / The iso standards applicability to rural tourism business

Bričkutė, Ernesta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvos kaimo turizmo asociacija klasifikuoja kaimo turizmo sodybas, suteikdama joms pagal nustatytus standartus nuo 1 iki 5 gandrų ženklus, tačiau ISO standartai netaikomi kaimo turizmo sodybų kokybės vertinime, todėl kyla probleminis klausimas, ar ISO standartai yra patrauklūs Lietuvos kaimo turizmo apgyvendinimo sektoriui? Tyrimo tikslas – išsiaiškinti ISO standartų pritaikomumą Lietuvos kaimo turizmo versle. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti ISO standartų sampratą. 2. Atlikti ISO standartų taikymo apgyvendinimo sektoriuje analizę. 3. Atlikti ISO standartų ir kaimo turizmo klasifikavimo lyginamąją analizę. 4. Išsiaiškinti ISO standartų pritaikomumo galimybes kaimo turizmo versle. Norint pasiekti iškeltą tikslą, tyrimo objektu pasirinktos Lietuvos kaimo turizmo sodybos ir jų kokybės vadyba. Siekta išsiaiškinti, ar jose reikalinga taikyti ISO standartus ir kokia naudą duotų jų pritaikymas vartotojams (kaimo turizmo sodybų poilsiautojams). Apklausa vyko 2014 m. kovo 29 – balandžio 14 dienomis, dalyvavo 93 kaimo turizmo sodybos. Atlikto tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad kaimo turizmo sodybų savininkai ir kitas vadovaujantis personalas rūpinasi sodybomis kaip savo namais, siekia, kad jos būtų tvarkingos, patrauklios, su gražiai sutvarkyta aplinka. Didžiąją dalį respondentų ISO standartai domina arba domina iš dalies, todėl teigtina, kad jie būtų aktualūs kaimo turizmo sodybose ir galėtų būti pritaikomi. Maždaug penktadalis respondentų neturi nuomonės apie ISO standartus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Lithuanian Tourism Association classifies rural tourism, giving them to the standard 1 to 5 stork signs, but ISO standards do not apply to rural tourism quality assessment. The problem question – or ISO standards are attractive to Lithuanian rural tourism accommodation sector? The aim of the study - to clarify the applicability of the ISO standards in Lithuanian rural tourism business. The tasks of the study : 1. To analyze the concept of ISO standards. 2. To perform ISO standards for accommodation sector analysis. 3. To make ISO standards and rural tourism classification benchmarking. 4. To find out the applicability of ISO standards in rural tourism business. To achieve the target the selected studied Lithuanian rural tourism and the quality of management. The aim was to find out if they needed to apply ISO standards and what would benefit their application users (leisure of rural tourism). The survey was conducted in 2014 March 29 - April 14, attended 93 rural homestead. The survey results showed that rural tourism owners and other management staff taking care of the house as homesteads, seeking that they are tidy and attractive, with beautiful surroundings. The majority of the respondents are interested in ISO standards or are interested in part, therefore it is possible that they are relevant to rural tourism homesteads and could be adapted. Approximately one-fifth of the respondents have no opinion about ISO standards, which suggests that the lack of information... [to full text]

Lietuvos Respublikos įvaikinimo reguliavimas ir įgyvendinimas / Regulation and implementation of Child Adoption in the Republic of Lithuania

Gončiarova, Natalja 20 June 2014 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikos įvaikinimo politikos reguliavimo nuostatų vertinimo tyrimu siekiama geriau suprasti tiriamąjį reiškinį, identifikuojant pagrindines problemas, trukdančias siekti efektyvaus įvaikinimo reguliavimo ir įgyvendinimo, nurodant priemones šios viešosios politikos gerinimui. Todėl tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti įvaikinimo reguliavimą ir įgyvendinimą Lietuvos Respublikoje. Siekiant tyrimo tikslo, buvo išsikelti šie uždaviniai: išanalizuoti reguliavimo ir įgyvendinimo koncepcijas, parenkant įvaikinimo reguliavimo įgyvendinimui tirti teorinę prieigą; apibrėžti įvaikinimo sampratą ir ištirtumą; išnagrinėti įvaikinimo reguliavimo ir įgyvendinimo procesą, pasitelkus ex ante ir ex poste teorinę prieigą; remiantis ekspertų ir įtėvių požiūriu, identifikuoti teisines ir socialines problemas, trukdančias siekti efektyvaus praktinio įvaikinimo reguliavimo ir jo įgyvendinimo. Siekiant atskleisti tyrimo dalyvių požiūrį į įvaikinimo reguliavimą ir jo įgyvendinimą, pasirinktas kokybinis tyrimas. Tyrime dalyvavo 9 asmenys: du seimo nariai, dvi įtėvių šeimos, ekspertas, VTAT, VTAS, NVO, VTAKĮ specialistai. Duomenims rinkti pasirinktas pusiau struktūrizuotas interviu. Tyrimo metu gauti duomenys atskleidė, jog praktiniame įvaikinimo kontekste sėkmingai pritaikyta GIMK programa, griežtai laikomasi tarptautinių įsipareigojimų bei įvaikinus suteikiamos socialinės garantijos. Tačiau nepaisant šių privalumų egzistuoja struktūrinės, teisinės, socialinės problemos, kurios sudaro sudėtingų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The research deals with the evaluation of regulations and rules of child adoption in the Republic of Lithuania. It tries to explain the phenomenon while revealing the main problems that prevent from seeking effective control and implementation of adoption as well as showing how the public policy may be improved. Thus, the aim of the research is to analyze the regulating and implementation of child adoption in the Republic of Lithuania. In order to achieve the aim the following objectives have been set out: to analyze the concepts of regulating and implementation in order to choose the theoretical approach to investigate the implementation of adoption regulating; to define the concept and exploration of child adoption; to examine the process of regulating and implementation of adoption using ex-ante and ex-post theoretical approaches; to identify legal and social problems that prevent from seeking effective regulating and implementation of adoption with regard to experts and parents‘ opinions. The qualitative research was chosen in order to reveal the research participants‘ attitudes towards the regulating and implementation of child adoption. Nine participants took part in the research: two members of the Seimas, two adoptive families, an expert and specialists from VTAT, VTAS, NVO and VTAKI. The semi-structured interview was chosen as a method to gather data. The data that was gathered during the research revealed that GIMK programme is successfully applied in the... [to full text]

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