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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Human rights protection and national interest: the case of border fences in the European Union / Human rights protection and national interest: the case of border fences in the European Union

Ferrario, Ljuba January 2017 (has links)
Ever since the beginning of the refugee crisis, the efficiency of the Common European Asylum System has been questioned by MSs and European institutions. Recently, physical barriers have been built by an increasing number of countries in the European Union for the purpose of border controls. Simultaneously, several human rights organization have expressed their concerns on the violation of the right to asylum and of the prohibition of inhuman and degrading treatment resulting from the adoption of this method. This research will analyze this phenomenon through the perspective of international relations theory. The analysis will consider the realist approach in opposition to the liberal one, trying to assess whether border fences can be defined as an expression of national interest which compromises international cooperation in the field of human rights.

Imigracijos poveikis nacionaliniam saugumui Šengeno erdvėje: Lietuvos atvejis / Immigration’s impact on national security in the Schengen area: the case of Lithuania

Galvanauskaitė, Edita 12 June 2009 (has links)
Tyrimo problema: iki šiol Lietuvoje laikomasi nuomonės, kad migracija nacionaliniam saugumui grėsmės nekelia, nes imigracija į šalį yra nedidelė ir valstybė nėra potencialiu teroristinių išpuolių taikiniu. Viena vertus, būdama skurdesnė už Vakarų Europos valstybes, Lietuva išties vis dar nėra imigracijos traukos objektu. Tačiau nuo 2007 metų gruodžio 21 d. padėtis pradėjo keistis – dabar Lietuva yra viena iš Šengeno erdvės šalių, kuriose yra panaikinta vidaus sienų kontrolė ir saugomos tiktai išorinės sienos. Tai reiškia, kad turėdama dešimtadalį Šengeno erdvės sausumos sienos, Lietuva nelegaliems migrantams ir žmonių kontrabandininkams tampa patrauklia tranzito šalimi į Vakarų valstybes, ir todėl šalis neišvengiamai susidurs su didesnėmis migracijos keliamomis grėsmėmis saugumui. Antra vertus, klaidinga manyti, kad pagrindinės migracijos keliamos grėsmės saugumui yra susijusios su terorizmu ar socialiniais neramumais. Tai tik pora iš daugelio migracijos keliamų grėsmių saugumui. Todėl dabar yra tinkamas laikas nagrinėti, kokį poveikį migracija turi Lietuvos nacionaliniam saugumui Šengeno erdvėje. Darbo objektu yra imigracijos daromas poveikis nacionaliniam saugumui. Šio darbo tikslas yra aprašius migracijos ir saugumo sąvokų raidą, išskyrus jų tarpusavio ryšį ir įvertinus iš šio ryšio kylančias grėsmes bei išanalizavus Šengeno erdvę, kaip Europos Sąjungos priemonę tinkamai užtikrinti piliečių judėjimo laisvę ir saugumą, nustatyti, kokią įtaką buvimas išorine Šengeno erdvės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Problem of the study: According to public opinion, migration is not a threat to national security in Lithuania mainly because of to reasons. Firstly, Lithuania does not suffer from immigration flows. Secondly, as threat to national security, immigration is seen only in direct connection with terrorism. On one hand, being poorer than the Western European countries, Lithuania has not been one of the migration target countries. But from 2007 on 21 December situation has changed - now Lithuania is one of the Schengen Area States, where control on internal borders is completely removed and safety of the area is guaranteed by control of external borders. This means, that with a tenth of the Schengen Area external land border, Lithuania is becoming an attractive transit country to Western countries for illegal migrants. Therefore, it will inevitably face with greater immigration threats to security. On the other hand, terrorism is only one of the many immigration threats to security. Because of all this, now is the best time to examine the immigration’s impact to national security of Lithuanian in the Schengen area. The subject of this study is immigration’s impact on national security. The aim of this study is by describing development of the migration and security concepts, finding migration-security nexus and assessing threats arising from this nexus to national security, together with analysis of the Schengen area, as a tool to ensure free movement of citizens and security the... [to full text]

Trh práce v zemích Evropské unie a možnosti uplatnění občanů České republiky / Job market in the EU countries and employment opportunities for the Czech republic citizens

POUZAROVÁ, Martina January 2008 (has links)
Beginning May 1st 2004 the Czech republic became a part of the EU that brought large opportunities to the Czech republic citizens for job seeking abroad. Personally, I have a three-year job experience in Great Britain and would recommend this to anyone who is not afraid to travel outside their country and to get to know different cultures of other EU countries. The aim of this theses {\clqq}Job market in the EU countries and employment opportunities for the Czech republic citizens`` is to find out what destination countries are the most common choice and if CZ citizens are interested in searching for a job in EU at all. I put together a simple questionnaire and handed it out to 50 students and 50 employed CZ citizens. The Effort was to find out the development of employment in EU. The questionnaire inquiries find out the positions of students and employees in foreign countries.

Rozšíření Schengenského prostoru v roce 2007 se zaměřením na Českou republiku / The enlargement of the Schengen area in 2007 with a view to the Czech Republic

Klemšová, Veronika January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis aims to describe the enlargement of the Schengen area in 2007 with nine states that became members of the EU in 2004- without Cyprus. The great attention is paid to the Czech Republic. In the first chapter I explain the basic terms and mechanisms of the Schengen cooperation. The next chapter deals with the preparation course and the evaluation proces of the states preparing for the accession to the Schengen area. It was the Visegrad group (V4) which played a very important role during the preparation that is why I focused on the cooperation of this group in the third part of my diploma thesis. At the same time there is the visa harmonization cooperation within V4 mentioned there. The main part of the diploma thesis is the chapter called the Czech Republic and the Schengen area where I analyse a strategy and arrangements implemented in the Czech Republic. The enlargement of the Schengen area with nine new states was accomplished in 2007 thanks to consistent preparation of all countries that was verified by evaluation mission experts. The participation in the Schengen area has its positive and negative sides. The impacts of the Schengen enlargement and the problems rised after accession of nine states to the Schengen are more described in the last chapter.

Norsko a integrace do EU - vnitrostátní a mezinárodní aspekty / Nórsko a integrácia do EÚ - vnútroštátne a medzinárodné aspekty

Šťastný, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is based on the historical base, a deep look at the Norwegian referendum results and public opinion development. We concentrated on three research questions and on three related hypotheses studying Norway history, Norwegian politics and the possibilities of Norwegian integration to the European Union. We studied intrastate and also international aspects of this integration process. The Nordic cooperation is very important for this research. This Nordic cooperation provided a platform for alternative economic cooperation and this cooperation is also a special first stage on the way to the EU. We fulfilled the thesis goals, we answered the research questions and we verified all three hypotheses. In conclusion, we think that Norwegian admission to the EU is unreal nowadays because there are non-sufficient economic and non- economic reasons and stimuli for that. Norwegian political parties are not interested in this topic because this topic is very risky. Moreover, Norwegian public opinion is against the full membership in the EU.

Nelegální migrace a Česká republika po roce 1989 z pohledu bezpečnostních složek státu / Illegal Migration and the Czech Republic after 1989 from the Police Forces Point of View

MAN, Tomáš January 2010 (has links)
In this disertation I deal with the problem of illegal migration in our country after the year 1989 from the Police forces point of view. I try to compare streams of migration from the historical aspect {--} which is represented by beginning or fall of iron curtain and evaluace the situation after the entry to the European Union. Next I want to analyze the phenomenon of illegal migration in the frame of graduate spreading of the Schengen Area a I try to resume stats of the illegal migration from The Czech Statistical Office and Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. That is way I want to refer to that illegal migrants we can allure to the final state by legal way when we use unitary and synoptical imigration laws and cooperation with the third countries.

Invävdhet, medlemskap och aktivering : En teoriutveckling av Carnegieskolan och en studie om hur invävdhet i metaorganisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande

Berg Niemelä, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utveckla Carnegieskolans organisationsteori med en kompletterande teoretisering om hur organisationer hanterar sin invävdhet i meta-organisationer när de fattar beslut och handlar. För att möta syftet fokuserar uppsatsen vid att integrera Carnegieskolans teoribildning med Ahrne & Brunssons teori om metaorganisationer för att utveckla en teori om medlemskap i metaorganisationer som en särskild typ av invävdhet och beskriva hur organisationer relaterar till sitt medlemskap i beslutsfattande och handling. Uppsatsens empiriska del består i en jämförande fallstudie över hur regeringskansliet agerat i samband med medlemskapen i Schengensamarbetet respektive FN:s hållbarhetsagenda, Agenda 2030. Resultaten visar att regeringskansliet svarar mot invävdheten genom aktivering och riktning av enskilda delar av sin organisation mot meta-organisationen för att hantera sådana krav och förväntningar som medlemskapet medför. Resultaten visar därtill på hur invävdheten inverkat på regeringskansliets strukturer för beslutsfattande genom att organisationen integrerade element ur metaorganisationen i sina interna beslutsstrukturer för att underlätta beslutsfattande och konflikthantering. Studien visar även på hur medlemskap i meta-organisationen på ett avsiktligt rationellt sätt används som en extern referenspunkt att rikta regeringskansliets arbete mot. Uppsatsen bidrar till organisationsteorin med begreppet aktivering från ett inomorganisatoriskt perspektiv, en beskrivning av hur medlemskap i internationella meta-organisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande och handling, liksom med grunder för en fördjupad teoretisk förståelse av vilken roll medlemskap tilldelas inom en medlemsorganisation och varför organisationer aktivt väljer att väva in sina beslutsstrukturer i sin omgivning. / The purpose of this thesis is to further develop the organizational theory of the Carnegie school by contributing a theorization of how organizations handle being embedded in meta-organizations when making decisions and acting. To meet this purpose, the thesis focuses on integrating the theory of the Carnegie school with Ahrne & Brunssons theory of meta-organizations to develop a theory of membership in metaorganizations as a certain type of embeddedness and describe how organizations relate to their membership in decision-making and action. The empirical part of the thesis consists of a comparative cross-case study concerning how the government offices of Sweden responded to becoming members in the Schengen Area and the UN:s Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The thesis’ results shows that the government offices responded to their embeddedness by activating and directing certain parts of its organization towards the meta-organization in order to handle the demands and expectations the membership entailed. The results further show that the embeddedness has affected the government offices’ structures for decision-making as the organization has integrated elements from the meta-organization into its own decision-structures to facilitate decision-making and handling conflicts. The thesis also show how membership in a meta-organization is used as an external point of reference for the organization’s operations in an intendedly rational way. The thesis thereby contributes to organizational theory with the concept of activation from a within-organizational perspective, a description of how membership in meta-organizations affect decision-making and action within the government offices, as well as foundations for a further theoretical understanding of the role membership is assigned within a member-organization and why organizations actively choose to embed their decision-structures in their environment.

Schengenský systém a aktuální problémy jeho realizace / Schengen System and Current Issues of its Realization

Klesnil, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis lies in detail description of the whole Schengen system including its links to the general EU legal framework and in critical analysis of selected issues that the Schengen system is currently facing. The first chapter of the thesis deals with a general legal framework of the free movement of persons and the area of freedom, security and justice. The second chapter is devoted to the formation, development, actual legal framework and territorial scope of the Schengen system. Further there is a detail description of schengen cooperation with emphasis put on the protection of external borders and FRONTEX agency. By using a journal articles and relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the EU the third chapter is aiming to analyze selected issues of realization of Schengen system and to name its current challanges.

Bezpečnost hranic Schengenského prostoru z hlediska teorie veřejných statků. / Border Security of the Schengen Area from the Perspective of the Public Goods Theory

Hokovský, Radko January 2016 (has links)
Radko Hokovský Border Security of the Schengen Area from the Perspective of the Public Goods Theory Abstract In the context of increasing illegal immigration to the European Union, doubts arise whether Schengen Area is fit to face this challenge, or whether it needs to be reformed. The aim of this dissertation thesis is to clarify questions surrounding functionality of the Border Security System of the Schengen Area by applying the theory of public goods. The main inquiry of the thesis is, whether it is necessary to further strengthen the EU competences in order to improve the functioning of the Schengen Border Security System (SBSS). First, a model of an ideal- type border security system is constructed in order to identify core functions of border security in relation to protection from illegal immigration: (a) deterrence of illegal immigrants, (b) prevention of illegal border crossings, (c) interdiction of illegal immigrants, (d) apprehension of illegal immigrants, (e) apprehension of illegal residents, and (f) removal of illegal population. Second, theory of public goods is introduced as an analytical framework, which allows to identify possible solutions to collective action problems associated with production of public goods such as security in transnational contexts comparable to the EU. Third, the...

Italský politický diskurs a sekuritizace imigrace: případ revolucí v Maghrebu v roce 2011 / Italian political discourse and securitization of imigration: the case of revolutions on Maghreb in 2011

Kaleta, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
The master thesis titled Italian Political Discourse and Securitization of Immigration: the Case of the Maghreb revolutions in 2011 deals with the issue of mass immigration waves reaching Italian shores and, in particular, the tiny island of Lampedusa during the initial phase of the so called Arab Spring. Its main goal lies in reconstruction and interpretation of the political discourse led by Silvio Berlusconi's centre-right government presenting the immigration crisis as a serious threat to national and potentially to European security. The first part introduces the general theoretical framework. The securitization theory of the Copenhagen School was used as an instrument for the thesis, including major criticism raised by the authors belonging to the social constructivist approach. In the second part, the author tries to characterize the basic historical and political context and clarifies the specifics of immigration in contemporary Italy. The last segment contains structuralized discourse analysis of the 2011 events and explores the extraordinary measures adopted and implemented in reaction to the government rhetoric at both the national and supranational levels. In this respect, the author pays special attention to how the process of negotiations finally led to the revision of the EU...

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