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A filter in the chain of command : A quantitative study on the extent to which officials in the Swedish Government Offices perceive that they are governed bythe political elite and ministerial advisersFrölander, Njord January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate to what extent the officials within the Swedish Government Offices consider themselves to be governed by the political elite (ministers and state secretaries) and the ministerial advisers (chief of staffs, planning directors, political advisers and press secretaries). In an ideal chain of command, the political elite governs the officials, since the ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister to govern the Government Office’s different policy areas. During recent years, political scientists have started to chart a phenomenon of an increasing number of ministerial advisers within the public administration. The Swedish Parliament has no formal capability to review or dismiss these ministerial advisers. Which is considered to be problematic in terms of democratic legitimacy, since the ministerial advisers are neither recruited through a transparent recruitment process based on their merits, nor are they politically appointed based on election results. Hence, the link between election results and who is given the mandate to take part in the policy process within the Swedish Government Offices can be seen as tenuous. The officials are at the government’s disposal to prepare and implement policies, and to contribute with their expertise in different policy areas, regardless of which political party or political coalition that is governing at the time. Thus, the purpose of this thesis has been to study the government officials’ perspective, and to what extent they consider themselves to be governed by the political elite and ministerial advisers. 91 government officials have answered a survey regarding to what extent they perceive that they are governed by the different roles in the political staff, and to what extent they consider having contact with the different roles in the political staff. The collected material has made it possible to merge the officials’ perspective on the different roles within the political staff into the categories the political elite and the ministerial advisers. This has been done in order to calculate a confidence interval to estimate officials’ perspective on the two categories within the Govern- ment Offices as a whole. The main findings of the study are that officials within the Government Offices consider themselves to be governed to a greater extent by the political elite, compared to the ministerial advisers. Although the officials consider that they are governed by the political elite, they have more contact with the ministerial advisers compared to the political elite. This could indicate that ministerial advisers are to a great extent mediating the contact between the political elite and the officials within the Swedish Government Offices.
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Villkorat förtroende : Normer och rollförväntningar i relationen mellan politiker och tjänstemän i Regeringskansliet / Conditional trust : Norms and role expectations in the relationship between politicians and civil servants in the Government Offices of SwedenNiemann, Cajsa January 2013 (has links)
The relationship between politicians and civil servants is ambiguous and potentially problematic in democratic terms. The aim of the thesis is to examine this relationship in the Swedish core executive, Regeringskansliet. More specifically, the analysis emphasises the respective role expectations of the two groups when interacting with each other. The thesis is based on two extensive qualitative interview studies with politicians and senior civil servants, one carried out in the early 1980’s and one undertaken more recently. Hence it also offers an opportunity to analyse whether these expectations have changed or remained stable during the last decades. The findings reveal that the role expectations of politicians and civil servants to a high extent correspond, and have remained relatively stable over time. The relationship between politicians and civil servants is based on norms such as (conditional) trust, delegation and yet relatively close interaction. If so, politicians are unloaded by the civil service in order to handle their external responsibilities. Although relatively informal, a passive hierarchy of roles ensures the superiority of politicians and more specifically of the minister. Civil servants adapt to roles taken by politicians, although providing guidance to the politicians on how to behave in office. The division of labour is not based on the different tasks performed in the policy-making process. Instead, politicians assume responsibility for all actions and decisions – also those undertaken by the civil servants – within the ministries, while civil servants offer politicians protection and security. Taken together these results indicate that the institutionalised norms that surround the relationship between politicians and civil servants are highly powerful. Nevertheless, the thesis also reveals tendencies towards a departure from these norms, suggesting that this relationship is to some extent fragile and exposed to various attempts at reform.
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Invävdhet, medlemskap och aktivering : En teoriutveckling av Carnegieskolan och en studie om hur invävdhet i metaorganisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattandeBerg Niemelä, Anton January 2017 (has links)
Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utveckla Carnegieskolans organisationsteori med en kompletterande teoretisering om hur organisationer hanterar sin invävdhet i meta-organisationer när de fattar beslut och handlar. För att möta syftet fokuserar uppsatsen vid att integrera Carnegieskolans teoribildning med Ahrne & Brunssons teori om metaorganisationer för att utveckla en teori om medlemskap i metaorganisationer som en särskild typ av invävdhet och beskriva hur organisationer relaterar till sitt medlemskap i beslutsfattande och handling. Uppsatsens empiriska del består i en jämförande fallstudie över hur regeringskansliet agerat i samband med medlemskapen i Schengensamarbetet respektive FN:s hållbarhetsagenda, Agenda 2030. Resultaten visar att regeringskansliet svarar mot invävdheten genom aktivering och riktning av enskilda delar av sin organisation mot meta-organisationen för att hantera sådana krav och förväntningar som medlemskapet medför. Resultaten visar därtill på hur invävdheten inverkat på regeringskansliets strukturer för beslutsfattande genom att organisationen integrerade element ur metaorganisationen i sina interna beslutsstrukturer för att underlätta beslutsfattande och konflikthantering. Studien visar även på hur medlemskap i meta-organisationen på ett avsiktligt rationellt sätt används som en extern referenspunkt att rikta regeringskansliets arbete mot. Uppsatsen bidrar till organisationsteorin med begreppet aktivering från ett inomorganisatoriskt perspektiv, en beskrivning av hur medlemskap i internationella meta-organisationer inverkar på regeringskansliets beslutsfattande och handling, liksom med grunder för en fördjupad teoretisk förståelse av vilken roll medlemskap tilldelas inom en medlemsorganisation och varför organisationer aktivt väljer att väva in sina beslutsstrukturer i sin omgivning. / The purpose of this thesis is to further develop the organizational theory of the Carnegie school by contributing a theorization of how organizations handle being embedded in meta-organizations when making decisions and acting. To meet this purpose, the thesis focuses on integrating the theory of the Carnegie school with Ahrne & Brunssons theory of meta-organizations to develop a theory of membership in metaorganizations as a certain type of embeddedness and describe how organizations relate to their membership in decision-making and action. The empirical part of the thesis consists of a comparative cross-case study concerning how the government offices of Sweden responded to becoming members in the Schengen Area and the UN:s Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. The thesis’ results shows that the government offices responded to their embeddedness by activating and directing certain parts of its organization towards the meta-organization in order to handle the demands and expectations the membership entailed. The results further show that the embeddedness has affected the government offices’ structures for decision-making as the organization has integrated elements from the meta-organization into its own decision-structures to facilitate decision-making and handling conflicts. The thesis also show how membership in a meta-organization is used as an external point of reference for the organization’s operations in an intendedly rational way. The thesis thereby contributes to organizational theory with the concept of activation from a within-organizational perspective, a description of how membership in meta-organizations affect decision-making and action within the government offices, as well as foundations for a further theoretical understanding of the role membership is assigned within a member-organization and why organizations actively choose to embed their decision-structures in their environment.
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Styrning bakom kulisserna : Regeringskansliets politiska staber och regeringens styrningskapacitet / Backstage Steering? : Ministerial Staffs and the Policy Capacity of GovernmentUllström, Anna January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses one of the less explored areas of Swedish politics: the political appointees in the ministerial staffs of the Swedish core executive. The study draws attention to the everyday life of the ministerial staff in order to give an idea of their function: What do the political appointees do? How is the work of the ministerial staffs organized? How is policy coordinated at the political level? The main empirical focus of this thesis is the 2002-2006 term of office. The study contributes to an understanding of the role of political advisers in steering and policy making, and, in the light of this, their potential influence on the policy capacity of the government is considered. Political advisers occupy an ambiguous place within the political system. They play a vital political role, but their presence also challenges the traditional relationship between ministers and public servants. The study shows that political advisers certainly have a leeway to participate in the steering of the ministry's civil servants: they can be said to have a number of steering functions. At the same time, it is made clear that this does not mean that the political advisers are in the position to influence government policy to any great extent. In conclusion, it is suggested that the ministerial staffs do have importance for the government's policy capacity in the sense that they reduce the work load of both the minister and the state secretary and thereby make space for them to govern. The research questions are answered by means of empirical material gathered through a combination of methods, providing data with a range as well as depth and context rarely found in studies of core executives: a survey, participatory observations, focus groups and a series of interviews. The dissertation demonstrates that the ethnographic method is a useful tool for anyone who seeks to highlight and explain the relationships within political organizations. / Avhandlingen analyserar en av de mer outforskade delarna av svensk politik: de politiskt anställda i Regeringskansliets politiska staber. Regeringskansliet betraktas i studien som en politisk organisation, snarare än som enbart en politiskt styrd organisation. Avhandlingen utgör ett bidrag till The Core Executive Approach, som definierar exekutiven i termer av funktion och ställer frågor om vem som gör vad i exekutiven. Studien uppmärksammar vardagslivet i de politiska staberna för att ge en bild av deras funktion: Vad gör de politiskt anställda? Hur är arbetet i de politiska staberna organiserat? Hur samordnas politiken på politisk nivå i Regeringskansliet? Ansatsen är organisationsteoretisk och de olika aktörernas funktion och plats i organisationen står i centrum. Studien bidrar även till förståelse av de politiskt sakkunnigas roll i policyskapande och i styrning av departementen. I ljuset av detta, diskuteras de politiskt sakkunnigas betydelse för regeringens styrningskapacitet. De politiskt sakkunniga spelar en betydande roll för statsrådets politiska och personliga stöd, men deras närvaro i Regeringskansliet utmanar även det traditionella förhållandet mellan statsråd och tjänstemän. Eftersom de politiskt sakkunniga inte ingår i departementens linjeorganisation ingår de inte i den parlamentariska styrningskedjan som helhet, d.v.s. de kan inte utkrävas ansvar av riksdagen. Ur ett demokratiskt perspektiv är det därför angeläget att analysera denna grupps deltagande i skapandet av politiken. Därutöver studeras empiriskt hur de politiskt anställda själva resonerar om styrning och vilka styrningsstrategier de lyfter fram. Avhandlingens huvudsakliga empiriska fokus är begränsat till mandatperioden 2002-2006. Studiens tillvägagångssätt utgörs av en kombination av metoder som ger material med såväl bredd som djup och kontext, vilket är ovanligt i studier av regeringskanslier: en enkätundersökning, deltagande observation, fokusgrupper och kvalitativa intervjuer. Avhandlingens etnografiska inslag är särskilt tydliga i de dagboksutdrag som kompletterar analysen. Avhandlingen visar att etnografisk metod är ett användbart verktyg för den som vill belysa och förklara relationer inom politiska organisationer. Den empiriska undersökningen visar att statssekreterare, planeringschefer och pressekreterare har olika funktioner, som inte överlappar varandra i större utsträckning. De kan snarare sägas komplettera varandra. De politiskt sakkunniga har å andra sidan en bredare funktion, som överlappar de övriga politiskt anställdas funktioner i förhållandevis stor grad. De kan påverka policyprocesser, och i egenskap av statsrådets nära medarbetare, även statsrådets inställning. Studien visar också att politiskt sakkunniga deltar i styrningen av departementen: de kan sägas ha en rad olika styrningsfunktioner. Samtidigt innebär inte detta att de politiskt sakkunniga har möjlighet att påverka regeringens politik i större utsträckning. Styrning från de politiskt sakkunniga betraktas endast som legitimt när den överensstämmer med och kan härledas till statsrådets eller statssekreterarens styrning. Närhet och möjligheten att ta reda på statsrådets åsikt är en viktig förutsättning för att detta ska fungera. Om de politiska staberna är för stora finns en risk att de politiskt anställdas förmåga att agera i enighet med statsrådets vilja minskar. Sammanfattningsvis föreslås att de politiska staberna har betydelse för regeringens styrningskapacitet i den meningen att de avlastar såväl statsrådet från statssekreteraren, och därigenom skapar utrymme för dem att styra. / Regeringskansliet och samhällets organisering (Reko)
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