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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

REVIT – ETT BRA HJÄLPMEDEL VID KLIMATDEKLARATION? : EN UNDERSÖKNING OM KLIMATDEKLARATION KAN UNDERLÄTTAS AV REVIT / Revit - a good tool for climate declaration? : A study if Revit can simplify climate declaration

Lind, Lucas January 2019 (has links)
According to SMHI the largest contributing factor to globalwarming is the increased greenhouse gas emissions in theatmosphere. In year 2018 Boverket submitted a proposal for climatedeclaration on new buildings. In the Boverkets climatedeclaration, a building's climate impact is calculated in the formof carbon dioxide equivalents on the material included in thefoundation, building envelope and the non-load-bearing interiorwalls. The unit in the climate declaration is kg Co2e / kg m2where m2 is BTA for the building.The purpose of the theoretical study was to describe what impactthe climate declaration will have in the building industry. Thepurpose of the empirical study was to investigate whether Revit isa good tool for calculating a building climate impact with a focuson greenhouse gas emissions.The result of the theoretical study indicates that the Boverket'sproposal on climate declaration will not lead to changes in theclimate impact of buildings. The study also shows that there willbe changes in the project planning of buildings and increased timespent by participants as the Boverkets estimation of the timerequired for the climate declaration is approximately 180 hours.The result of the empirical study shows that Revit is a good toolfor climate declaration. The study was based on evaluating Revitby the categories easy-to-use, time-consuming and presentationoptions. This resulted in a SWOT analysis showing Revit'scapacity
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Livscykelanalyser i byggbranschen : En kartläggning av den svenska entreprenörssektorn

Strinsjö, Rasmus, Mårtensson, Henrik January 2016 (has links)
The knowledge in the industry varies and it is far from all that works actively and continuously with Life Cycle Assessment. Discussions on issues dealing in particular with standardization,implementation, resources, future scenarios and advocacy opportunities occur frequently, and in the form of different standpoints. A common methodology and standard is demanded by all respondents. It is considered as one of the major inhibitions, as well as knowledge and the lack of interest from clients when it comes to the demand and use of LCA. It will require education in the subject at all levels of the company that deals with the analysis. Adequate knowledge is a must to use the LCA tool optimally and will be required for it to be considered cost effective and worth investing in. Data tools are a prerequisite and requests have been made to develop simpler and more manageable programs. The clients play an important role in the initial stages when the requirements tend to follow throughout the project. The production phase will be more focused as industry reports highlights it. The future of LCA and its implementation is considered to be good.

Användning av glas i kontorsbyggnader : Fokus på energi- och koldioxidutsläpp / Use of glass in office buildings

Moucho, Mohammadkarim, Farhat, Nader January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Att undersöka effekterna vid ersättning av större delar av fasader ikontorsbyggnader med glas, där fokus ligger på energianvändning samtkoldioxidutsläpp. Metod: Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer, litteraturstudier och dokumentanalys. Resultat: En kontorsbyggnad studerades med hänsyn till den specifikaenergianvändningen och koldioxidutsläppen. Glasarean och fasadarea beräknades förden befintliga byggnaden. Sedan utökades glasarean i fasaden från 30 % till 50respektive 70 %. Resultatet visade att en ökning från 30 % till 50 % minskade denspecifika energianvändningen för samtliga fyra energiberäkningar som utfördes iGöteborg, Lund, Stockholm och Umeå. Däremot ökade den specifikaenergianvändningen för samtliga fall vid en ökning från 50 % till 70 %. Vid analyseringav koldioxidutsläppen fick man fram att koldioxidhalten alltid minskade vid ökning avglasarea. Konsekvenser: Rapporten visar tydligt att det finns ett problem gällandeenergiförbrukning och koldioxidutsläpp idag. Byggregler och råd ska följas utavbyggbranschen för att uppnå målen som EU har satt upp. Studien visar att det finns etttydligt samband mellan koldioxidutsläppen och ökningen av glasarean dock saknadesdetta samband för energianvändningen. Begränsningar: Arbetet begränsas till att undersöka en kontorsbyggnad medbetongstomme belägen i Göteborg, Stockholm, Lund och Umeå. Glasets arkitektoniskaperspektiv behandlas inte och påverkar därav inte val eller placering av glaspartier,glaset har inte några bärande egenskaper. / Purpose: To investigate the effects of replacing major parts of facades in officebuildings with glass, focusing on the energy use and the carbon dioxide emissions Method: Qualitative semi- structured interviews, literature studies and documentanalysis. Findings: An office building was studied with regard to the specific energy use andcarbon dioxide emissions. The glass area and façade area were calculated for theexisting building. Then the glass area was expanded from 30 % to 50% and 70%respectively. The result showed that an increase from 30% to 50% decreased thespecific energy use for all four energy calculations carried out in Gothenburg, Lund,Stockholm and Umeå. On the other hand, the specific energy use for all cases increasedwhen expanding the glass area from 50% to 70%. When analyzing carbon dioxideemissions, it was found that the carbon dioxide content always reduced as a result ofthe increasing glass area.Implications: The report clearly shows that there is a problem regarding energyconsumption and carbon dioxide emissions today. Building rules and advice should befollowed by the construction industry in order to achieve the goals set by the EU. Thestudy shows that there is a clear connection between carbon dioxide emissions and theincrease in the glass area, however, this connection was lacking for the energy use. Limitations: The work is limited to investigating an office building with concreteframes located in Gothenburg, Stockholm, Lund and Umeå. The architecturalperspective of the glass is not considered and therefore it does not influence theselection nor does placement of the glass portions, the glass have no bearing attributes.
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Evaluations of how carbon dioxide calculations can be integrated into 3D models at an early design stage for more efficient Life Cycle Assessments on buildings

Haugsbakk, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Life Cycle Assessments on buildings and various environmental certificates are starting to become customary for newbuilding projects in Sweden. Building materials play a big part in a building’s environmental impact. Earlier research indicates that Life Cycle Assessments is not a routine in today’s construction process and it may depend on uncertainties in the methods of quantifying carbon dioxide emissions. This master thesis focuses on how equivalent carbon dioxides, a standard unit to quantify greenhouse gas emissions, of building materials can be integrated with Building Information Modelling. Through meetings with experts in the field, data has been collected. A 3D model of a house was built in order to evaluate both an integration with a cost calculation tool and directly with the 3D model. The results showed how the cost calculation tool works for calculations of equivalent carbon dioxides, early in the pre-construction phase. Difficulties in finding corresponding materials in their database were found and issues with summarizing carbon dioxide data. The integration directly into the 3D model, with visual programming, proved an insert for each materials’ carbon dioxide emissions worked. This allows further updates throughout the building process. It was also possible to import material information to a carbon dioxide calculation tool. This evaluation opened up a possibility to change and update carbon dioxide emissions at an early design stage of a building process with Building Information Modelling along with a need of organizational change due to today's traditional building processes. / Livscykelanalyser på byggnader och olika typer av miljöbyggnads-certifieringar blir allt vanligare för nya byggprojekt i Sverige. Materialet i en byggnad spelar en stor roll av hela byggnadens miljöpåverkan. Tidigare forskning indikerar att livscykelanalyser inte är en rutin i dagens byggprocesser vilket kan bero på att osäkerheter i de olika metoderna bakom koldioxidberäkningar. Den här artikeln fokuserar på hur koldioxidekvivalenter av byggnadsmaterial kan bli integrerade med Byggnadsinformationsmodellering. Genom möten med experter i området har datainsamling gjorts för det ändamålet. För att undersöka integreringen byggdes en 3D-modell upp och som senare användes för beräkningar av koldioxidutsläpp i ett kostnads-kalkyleringsverktyg samt undersöka hur en införing av koldioxidekvivalenter direkt i 3D-modellen kunde göras. Resultaten visade hur kostnads-beräkningsverktyget fungerar för beräkningar av koldioxidekvivalenter, tidigt i byggprocessen. Svårigheter i att hitta motsvarande material i kalkyleringsverktygets databas upptäcktes under utvärderingen samt en sammanfattande rapport för beräkningarna. Integrationen direkt i 3D-modellen med visuell programmering visade att en inmatning av koldioxidutsläpp för varje material fungerade vilket möjliggör uppdateringar under hela byggprocessen. Det var också möjligt att importera materialinformation till ett koldioxidberäkningsverktyg. Det öppnar upp möjligheter att ändra och uppdatera koldioxidutsläpp för material tidigt i byggprocessen med hjälp av Byggnadsinformationsmodellering och visar behov av organisationsförändringar på grund av dagens traditionella byggprocess.
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Klimatförbättrad betong- eller trästomme i en byggnad : - Vilket alternativ är mest fördelaktigt ur ett livscykelperspektiv / Climate-improved concrete or wooden frame in a building : - Which alternative is most advantageous from a lifecycle perspective

Pezic, Nedim, Al-Omari, Saif January 2021 (has links)
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