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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procedural and postoperative pain-reducing methods in newborns /

Larsson, Björn A., January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst. / Härtill 6 uppsatser.

Působnost obcí / Powers of municipalities

Mráčková, Jana January 2016 (has links)
Resüme Titel: Die Zuständigkeit der Gemeinden Das Hauptziel dieser Diplomarbeit besteht darin, die Zuständigkeit der Gemeinden in der Tschechischen Republik zu beschreiben. Die heutige gesetzliche Regelung schließt sich seit 1990 wieder an die ehemals Ősterreichisch-Deutsche kommunale Tradition des gemischten Vollzugs der öffentlichen Verwaltung an. Nach einer nötigen kontextuellen Einführung (in der Form der Abgrenzung des Begriffes der "Zuständigkeit" und in der Form eines kurzen historischen Exkurses des Verlaufs der gesetzlichen Regelung bis zum Jahr 1990), folgt das Kapitel über den übertragenen Wirkungskreis der Gemeinden. Das Ziel dieses Kapitels ist die Verankerung dieser Zuständigkeit innerhalb der Rechtsordnung der Tschechischen Republik, ihre Prinzipien und ihre Funktionieren zu zeigen. Der eigene Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit ist in den Kapiteln zu finden, die den eigenen Wirkungskreis der Gemeinden beschreiben. Erst beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit der verfassungsrechtlichen Verankerung und mit dem Vergleich des Rechts auf die Selbstverwaltung in der Tschechischen und Deutschen Rechtsordnung. Danach ist die Konzeption und die eigene Regelung des eigenen Wirkungskreises der Gemeinden in der Tschechischen Republik und in der Bundesrepublik Niedersachsen beschrieben. Der Vorsatz der Beschreibung der...

Länsförvaltningen i Sverige 1434-1520

Retsö, Dag January 2009 (has links)
For long there has been lacking a systematic survey of local fiscal administration in Sweden for the period between the Engelbrekt uprising 1434 and the Stockholm blood-bath 1520. At the same time, scholarly research has paid much attention to issues of fiefs and vassalage during the period. In particular, there has been a tendency to highlight the period as one during which direct crown administration slowly replaced fiefs in return for service to the realm as the main form of local fiscal administration. Thus, the late medieval period has been regarded as one of increased centralization, pointing towards the centralized bureaucratic state of the 16th and 17th centuries. Implicitly, such a development away from a weak feudal state form has been seen as a sign of incipient modern state-building. The purpose of this dissertation is to chart local fiscal administration in Sweden between 1434 and 1520. The emerging picture is not in accordance with earlier research. Instead, fiefs are found to be the overall dominating form of local fiscal administration during the whole period and no unambiguous tendencies towards centralization can be observed. Furthermore, the result is interpreted within the framework of modern research on the medieval state, in which the general concept of feudalism has been questioned. Fiefs are here seen as an integral part of the state apparatus rather than an infringement upon it, and a fully rational device for reducing administrative transaction costs. Ultimately, it means that the decentralized local fiscal administration of late medieval Sweden is not a manifestation of a weak state but of a full-fledged medieval state structure and an administrative apparatus which adequately fulfilled its required functions.

A Comparative Analysis Of Local Administration Reforms Of Poland And Turkey On The Way To The European Union Accession

Acar, Yeliz 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis aims to analyze the reform projects and the implementation of these projects both in Poland and in Turkey within a comparative perspective in the field of local administration. Focusing on the similarities and differences between the two cases, it tries to elaborate on the role, significance and contributions of the European Union to the reform processes of these two countries, and draws lessons from the Polish experience for Turkey. In addition, by comparing the Polish case with the Turkish case, this thesis identifies Turkey&rsquo / s problems with respect to the requirements of the European Union as regards democratization. Furthermore, it sheds a light on what other reforms Turkey should implement in order to become a full member of the European Union. As a result, this thesis shows that Turkey carries out her reform process in the field of local government much more slowly and cautiously than Poland does, and the anxieties of violating the existing system &ndash / especially the unitary state character- of Turkey is the primary reason of this caution.

Le département et l'Assistance publique au XIXème siècle : l'exemple des Landes (1838-1914) / Local administration and social assistance in the XIXth Century : the example of the « Landes » (1838-1914)

Chort, Marc-Olivier 30 January 2012 (has links)
Créés pendant la Révolution française, les départements s'affirment tout au long du XIXème siècle. Malgré les régimes successifs, l'institution perdure et se renforce. Les lois donnent en effet de plus en plus de libertés aux Conseilgénéraux, et à la fin du Second Empire, on peut affirmer que ceux-ci sont responsables de leur budget. C'est dans ce cadre que se développe l'assistance sociale en France. D'essence communale, elle se déploie avec l'aide des départements qui apportent leur concours financier. Cependant nombre d'entre eux, dans un souci permanent de maîtrise des finances, ne s'engagent que de manière limitée dans le champ social. L'exemple du département des Landes est à ce titre particulièrement significatif. Dirigé par un Conseil général plutôt progressiste mais soucieux de réaliser des économies, il ne développe pas une politique d'assistance satisfaisante. / Created for the French Revolution, the “départements” i.e. French administrative lands, are getting increased recognition throughout the XIXth Century. Albeit various governments coming into force, the Institution carries forward and is strengthened. Laws provide increased freedoms to “Conseils généraux”, i.e. authorities administering the “départements”, so that they are fully responsible for their own budget by the end of the Second World War. As a result, social assistance is developed within this framework in France. Originally from communal background, social assistance was being implemented thanks to “départements”’ financial commitment. However, some of them relinquished to enact social assistance politics due to tight financial controls, Landes “département” being a significant illustration of this. Though headed by progressive ideals, Landes “Conseil général” is focused on making savings, thereupon not providing satisfying social politics to their inhabitants.

Obecně závazné vyhlášky obcí / Municipal by-laws

Stuchlík, Karel January 2019 (has links)
Generally binding ordinances of municipalities Abstract This thesis deals with generally binding ordinances of municipalities. Generally binding ordinances are legal regulation which issue municipalities in independent competence on the basis of Article 104 Paragraph 3 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic. It is necessary to distinguish them from decree of municipality issued in delegated competence according to Article 79 Paragraph 3 of Constitution. The approach to generally binding ordinances significantly influenced the Constitutional Court. The first chapter deals with constitutional and legal basics of local administration generally, also with territorial and personal basis and independent and delegated competence of municipalities. The second chapter analyses in more detail process of passing of generally binding ordinances and potential public involvement on this process, also content requirements and structure of generally binding ordinances. It deals also with announcement and record of legal regulation of municipalities and draws attention to planned colection of legal regulation of municipalities and regions. Part of the chapter is dedicated to role of Minstry of the Interior, which administers supervision of issue and content of generally binding ordinances, and to proceedings before the...

Развитие одноуровневой модели местного самоуправления на территории Пермского края: оценка эффективности : магистерская диссертация / Single-tier local government development in Perm Krai: effectiveness evaluation

Яковлева, С. В., Yakovleva, S. V. January 2023 (has links)
В работе анализируется процесс перехода органов местного самоуправления Пермского края Российской Федерации на одноуровневую модель управления. В процессе анализа автор выявляет особенности ее реализации на данной территории. Методология исследования основана на процессном и целевом подходах в оценке эффективности процесса перехода к новой модели местного самоуправления. / The research subject consists in analyzing of Perm regional administration on the move to one-tier model. The territorial specifics are in the focus. The methodology relies on process and goal-setting approaches in evaluating the move to a new model of local administration.

Švietimo srities finansavimo problematika / The problems of funding of the educational sphere

Pimpytė, Agnė 09 January 2007 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tema pasirinkta dėl jos aktualumo. Šio darbo autorė yra akademinės bendruomenės narė, todėl minėtoje srityje kylančios problemos ir nesklandumai yra aktualūs ne tik valstybiniame ar tarptautiniame, bet ir asmeniniame lygmenyje. Šiuo metu viena iš labiausiai aptarinėjamų sričių Lietuvoje - švietimo ir mokslo sistema, jos struktūra, o ypatingai finansavimas. Prie temos aktualumo nemenkai prisidėjo ir 2005 m. spalio 13 d. visuotinis studentų streikas, Lietuvos įstojimas į ES, kur mokslas ir žinios seniai tapę vienais iš esminių prioritetų, todėl itin svarbu užtikrinti tinkamą švietimo srities finansavimą ir lėšų paskirstymą taip, kad tai maksimaliai atitiktų visų suinteresuotų socialinių grupių interesus ir esamas galimybes. Šiuo metu švietimo sistemos finansavimas Lietuvoje yra nepakankamas, lėšos skirstomos neefektyviai. Lietuvos švietimo sistemą sudaro keli etapai – tai pagrindinis ugdymas, aukštasis ir profesinis mokslas, suaugusiųjų mokymas, perkvalifikavimas arba kvalifikacijos kėlimas. Jos finansavimui skiriami asignavimai iš valstybės biudžeto, savivaldybių biudžetų bei ES paramos (struktūrinių fondų). Nagrinėjant baigiamojo darbo temą, remtasi Lietuvos Respublikos ir ES įstatymais, poįstatyminiais teisės aktais, lietuvių ir užsienio autorių darbais, periodiniais LR Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos leidiniais ir kita literatūra. Darbe pateikiamos švietimo, švietimo sistemos, biudžetinio finansavimo ir su tuo susijusios sąvokos, jų išaiškinimai... [to full text] / This theme of the science work was chosen taking it into account its urgency. The authoress of this work belongs to the academic society, so the problems, which arise in this field, are important and urgent at the State or international level as well as at the personal level. Nowadays one of the most discussed spheres in Lithuania is the system of the education and science, its’ structure, especially its’ funding. The theme of this work is topical as well for the universal strike of students on the 13th of October 2005, Lithuania’s joining EU, where the education is one of the most important priorities for long time, that’s why it is so important to ensure the proper funding of the educational system and assure that funds would be distributed in the way, which would maximally accord interests and current possibilities of all interested social groups. The system of the education in Lithuania consists of few stages – it is the main education, high and professional education, adults’ education, re-qualification or constitution of qualification. Assignations from the State budget, budgets of local administrations and EU financial support (structural funds) are addressed for its’ funding. In the analysing of this work’s topic where used laws of the Republic of Lithuania and EU, under-legal acts works of Lithuanian and abroad authors, periodical publications of the Lithuania’s ministry of education and science and other literature. In the science work are presented notions of... [to full text]

Housing Management Models And Household Behaviour

Kizildag, Yelda 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
A significantly large stock of housing has been realised In Turkey during the past five decades, building the cities almost entirely anew. This has shifted the central concern from production, design and ownership issues in the housing sector to that of housing management. The major problem in housing for the coming decades is not how to maintain the growth of the stock further, but how to efficiently use and improve the existing assets. Currently, no central or local authority is responsible for the management, running or control at any scale, but only the residents and property owners responsibilities exist at the individual plot scale. There is evidence of greater efficiency however, for the need of housing management at supra-plot scales. The hypothesis of the study in this context is that no part of the stock is without problems in terms of management. This is empirically investigated by two complementary analyses based on two distinct surveys. The first analysis demonstrated that the role of tenure and income on expenditures on housing, especially expenditures for repairs and maintenance are dominant. A three-fold difference is observed between tenants and owner-occupiers, and 10 times between households of highest and lowest incomes. Expenditures for repairs and maintenance is 1.9 times greater in the apartment stock and 1.2 times more in the &amp / #8216 / gecekondu&amp / #8217 / dwellings than in individual &amp / #8216 / houses&amp / #8217 / . Lowest levels of expenditures are observed in oldest part of the stock, in less developed neighbourhoods, and in stock with lowest rental values. According to the results of the second analysis, organisational tendencies of household groups varying in their characteristics are not sharply differentiated as in their expenditures. One most significant factor is tenure. Tenants are observed to have a weaker sense of dedication and identity in the dwellings they occupy and in neighbourhoods they live. Current management problem issues could then be identified as: low-income households, tenant households, stock with low rental values, aged stock and undeveloped neighbourhoods. Some of the most significant policy tools for tackling these problems are credit opportunities to be made available to households for repairs and maintenance in such problem areas, subsidies in terms of tax deductions, material incentives, technical support and public investments in degraded localities to boost economic activities which are eventually to initiate private investments.

Týn nad Vltavou 1850 až 1918 - samospráva města a úloha místních elit v ní / Týn nad Vltavou 1850 - 1918 - local administration and role of local elites

JANOŠOVÁ, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
In my diploma thesis I have mainly focused on the transferred authority - it is that agenda which was delegated by the state. By this way I have extended my bachelor thesis where I especially wrote about the separate authority of the area and the elections for the local authority. I have pointed out the related problems, as the questions of finance and cooperation on particular levels of the civil service. In the beginning of my thesis I have engaged the theoretical part about the origins of the local and district administration, the development of the political administration and finally I have engaged some biograms about the famous representatives of the area. The next main part of my thesis is dedicated to the laws that were issued for the area in provincial and of the empire codes of law. Then I have completed the elections to the local school council and to the particular departments of the local authority. I have mainly derived from the methods of the school in Brno which is leaded by Lukáš Fasora, Jiří Malíř and Jiří Hanuš.

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