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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A ironia como vocação: mais uma epistemologia das ciências sociais / Irony as vocation: one more epistemology of social science

Paulo Henrique Sette Ferreira Pires Granafei 14 August 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese pretende estabelecer o que estaria o mais próximo possível de uma lógica da descoberta para as ciências sociais. A narrativa dessas disciplinas não seria neutra nem objetiva, mas procuraria produzir, retoricamente, os efeitos de neutralidade e objetividade, evitando a heroicização, a vilanização e a vitimização dos agentes. Isso decorreria da necessidade de o cientista social validar sua narrativa perante um auditório ideal ou potencialmente universal, abrigando, em princípio, todo o tipo de valores. Essa pluralidade de visões de mundo não permite que os agentes sejam ingenuamente tratados como heróis, vilões ou vítimas. Com isso, o autor do texto de ciências sociais procuraria simular um ponto de vista de Deus, como ironista supremo, que tudo vê, acima dos participantes imperceptivos de seu relato. Foi feito um estudo de caso a partir do debate sobre populismo no Brasil, no qual foram identificados quatro pontos básicos em torno dos quais girou a controvérsia: o das estruturas prototípicas, o da estruturação imaginária, o da estrutura intersubjetiva e a dinâmica da relação entre grande teoria e pesquisa empírica. / The aim of this thesis is to get as close as possible to a logic of discovery for the social sciences. Those disciplines do not have a neutral and objective narrative, but try to achieve, rhetorically, neutrality and objectivity effects, avoiding to portrait agents as heroes, villains or victims. It follows from the need to validate scientific narratives in face of an ideally or potentially universal auditory, withholding, in principle, all kinds of values. Such plurality of world visions makes it difficult to naively treat agents as heroes, villains, or victims. As a consequence, the social scientist simulates a Gods Eye view, placing himself in a Supreme Ironist perspective, who sees everything from above, whose vision reaches beyond what nonperceptive agents can see. To make my point, I took as case study the Brazilian controversy over populism. Based on it, four main topics of development were identified: one refered to the prototypical theoretic structures, other to its imaginary structuration, another to its intersubjective structure, and a last one to the relationship of empirical research to grand theory.

A ironia como vocação: mais uma epistemologia das ciências sociais / Irony as vocation: one more epistemology of social science

Paulo Henrique Sette Ferreira Pires Granafei 14 August 2012 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese pretende estabelecer o que estaria o mais próximo possível de uma lógica da descoberta para as ciências sociais. A narrativa dessas disciplinas não seria neutra nem objetiva, mas procuraria produzir, retoricamente, os efeitos de neutralidade e objetividade, evitando a heroicização, a vilanização e a vitimização dos agentes. Isso decorreria da necessidade de o cientista social validar sua narrativa perante um auditório ideal ou potencialmente universal, abrigando, em princípio, todo o tipo de valores. Essa pluralidade de visões de mundo não permite que os agentes sejam ingenuamente tratados como heróis, vilões ou vítimas. Com isso, o autor do texto de ciências sociais procuraria simular um ponto de vista de Deus, como ironista supremo, que tudo vê, acima dos participantes imperceptivos de seu relato. Foi feito um estudo de caso a partir do debate sobre populismo no Brasil, no qual foram identificados quatro pontos básicos em torno dos quais girou a controvérsia: o das estruturas prototípicas, o da estruturação imaginária, o da estrutura intersubjetiva e a dinâmica da relação entre grande teoria e pesquisa empírica. / The aim of this thesis is to get as close as possible to a logic of discovery for the social sciences. Those disciplines do not have a neutral and objective narrative, but try to achieve, rhetorically, neutrality and objectivity effects, avoiding to portrait agents as heroes, villains or victims. It follows from the need to validate scientific narratives in face of an ideally or potentially universal auditory, withholding, in principle, all kinds of values. Such plurality of world visions makes it difficult to naively treat agents as heroes, villains, or victims. As a consequence, the social scientist simulates a Gods Eye view, placing himself in a Supreme Ironist perspective, who sees everything from above, whose vision reaches beyond what nonperceptive agents can see. To make my point, I took as case study the Brazilian controversy over populism. Based on it, four main topics of development were identified: one refered to the prototypical theoretic structures, other to its imaginary structuration, another to its intersubjective structure, and a last one to the relationship of empirical research to grand theory.

L'astronomie nouvelle de Kepler et la logique de la découverte

Riverin, Céline 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude des raisons théoriques et empiriques impliquées dans l’élaboration d’une nouvelle astronomie par Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) tel qu’exposé dans son ouvrage Astronomia nova (1619). Cette thèse se déroule en deux temps : la première partie touche de près aux textes mêmes de Kepler, tandis que la seconde partie utilise la notion d’abduction pour interpréter logiquement ce processus de découverte et de justification. La première partie débute avec une analyse du projet de Kepler et de ses fondements philosophiques, métaphysiques et théologiques tels qu’exposés dans son premier ouvrage, le Mysterium cosmographicum. Ensuite, une étude des propos explicites de Kepler quant à la nature et au statut des hypothèses astronomiques est proposée via une étude de son traité intitulé Apologia pro Tychone contra Ursum. Une étude attentive des sources philosophiques, mathématiques et scientifiques ayant influencé Kepler pour sa nouvelle astronomie est ensuite proposée avant l’analyse détaillée des arguments scientifiques et des différentes étapes démonstratives qui sont présentés dans l’Astronomia nova. La deuxième partie vise à éclairer le débat sur l’abduction en se penchant d’abord sur trois approches traditionnelles (Platon, Aristote et Épicure) quant à la connaissance scientifique des phénomènes célestes permettant d’obtenir un discours vraisemblable ou une multiplicité d’explications concordantes avec les phénomènes. Enfin, quatre interprétations contemporaines et abductives du processus de découverte suivi par Kepler dans l’Astronomia nova sont présentées, reformulées et critiquées afin de proposer une nouvelle interprétation abductive laissant une plus grande place au projet même de construire une astronomie nouvelle fondée sur les causes. Cela nous donne des outils pour mieux saisir le sens et la portée de ce qui peut être désigné comme étant la « révolution képlérienne », soit le passage d’un système géocentrique à un système non pas simplement héliocentrique mais héliodynamique, ayant permis aux astronomes de s’affranchir du paradigme des orbites circulaires. / This thesis offers a study of the theoretical and empirical reasons involved in the elaboration of a new astronomy by Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) as displayed in his work Astronomia nova (1619). The thesis consists of two parts: the first part deals with Kepler’s actual writings, whereas the second part uses the notion of abduction in order to interpret with logic that process of discovery and justification. The first part begins with an analysis of Kepler’s project and its philosophical, metaphysical and theological foundations as displayed in his first work piece, Mysterium cosmographicum. Then follows a review of Kepler’s own words regarding the nature and status of astronomical hypotheses as proposed through a study of his treatise entitled Apologia pro Tychone contra Ursum. A careful study of philosophical, mathematical and scientific sources that have influenced Kepler for his new astronomy is then proposed prior to a detailed analysis of the scientific arguments and different demonstrative steps that are presented in Astronomia nova. The second part aims at enlightening the debate on abduction first by looking at three traditional approaches (Plato, Aristote and Epicurus) relative to the scientific knowledge of celestial phenomena that bring about a plausible discourse or a series of explanations that fit with the phenomena. Finally, four modern abductive interpretations of the discovery process followed by Kepler in Astronomia nova are presented, reformulated and reviewed in order to propose a new abductive interpretation that leave a greater place to the actual project of building a new astronomy based on causes. This provides tools to better understand the meaning and significance of what can be understood as the “Keplerian revolution”, namely the transition from a geocentric system to a system not simply heliocentric but heliodynamic, which freed astronomers from the paradigm of circular orbits.

Préformation et épigenèse en développement : une analyse épistémologique de l'Entwicklungsgeschichte après Darwin et de l'Entwicklungsmechanik

Bolduc, Ghyslain 01 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse a été évaluée par un jury composé des personnes suivantes: Molly Kao, Présidente-rapporteuse; François Duchesneau, Directeur de recherche; Frédéric Bouchard, Membre du jury; Stéphane Schmitt (CNRS, Paris), Examinateur externe; Jean-François Pflieger (UdeM - Biologie), Représentant du doyen de la FESP. / L'objectif premier de cette thèse est de démontrer l'existence d'une logique de la découverte embryologique à l'œuvre dans la genèse de l'Entwicklungsmechanik et renouvelant l'opposition entre préformation et épigenèse. L'articulation d'une typologie du développement et d'une heuristique mécaniste alimente d'une part la réduction causale des phénomènes. L'expérimentation embryologique dévoile d'autre part des phénomènes complexes de régulation épigénétique qui forcent les biologistes à transformer leurs modèles explicatifs. Cette thèse analyse d'abord le rôle de la théorie darwinienne dans l'établissement d'une heuristique mécaniste appliquée à la morphologie. L'Entwicklungsgeschichte d'Ernst Haeckel opère alors la synthèse du programme embryologique de Karl von Baer et de la théorie darwinienne et la réduction physiologique de l'épigenèse typologique schématisée par la loi biogénétique de récapitulation. Une physiologie du développement s'émancipe de la méthodologie haeckelienne et de son cadre phylogénique. Prenant le relais de la physique du développement menée par Wilhelm His (1874), Wilhelm Roux réalise une synthèse physiologique du darwinisme dans Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus (La Lutte des parties dans l'organisme 1881). Une troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée à l'Entwicklungsmechanik et à ses rapports avec le néo-darwinisme d'August Weismann. On y retrace les étapes primordiales de la conception nucléo-idioplasmique de l'hérédité. Les découvertes de la mitose et de la fécondation (1873-1884), combinées à la théorie de Carl von Nägeli (1884), servent de préalables au néo-préformationnisme weismannien; dès 1885, Weismann postule ainsi une prédétermination interne du développement qui se réaliserait par division inégale de qualités héréditaires sises dans l'architecture chromatique du noyau. Cette théorie trouve appuie dans des expérimentations de destruction de blastomères (Chabry 1887, Roux 1888) mais est remise en cause par la découverte de la Theilbildung (Hans Driesch 1892). La réorganisation des destins morphogénétiques de cellules en différenciation (Umdifferenzierung) échapperait donc à la modélisation mécanique du développement. Deux issues au problème sont analysées : (1) l'invention du premier modèle d'induction embryonnaire (Driesch 1894) combinée à une épigenèse néo-vitaliste; (2) la théorie organiciste d'Oscar Hertwig, alliant les principes de la théorie cellulaire à une critique de l'application biologique de la causalité mécanique. L'analyse épistémologique des moments fondateurs de l'embryologie expérimentale éclaire comment une logique de la découverte a pris en compte présupposés préformationnistes et modèles mécanistes, structurant ainsi le devenir de la biologie développementale contemporaine. / The main goal of this dissertation is to demonstrate the existence of a logic of embryological discovery which contributed to the genesis of Entwicklungsmechanik, and which renewed the opposition between preformation and epigenesis. On the one hand, the synthesis between a typology of development and a mechanistic heuristic led to a causal reductionist account of phenomena. Embryological experimentation, on the other hand revealed complex processes of epigenetic regulation which forced biologists to transform their models of explanation. This dissertation begins with an analysis of the role of Darwinism in the development of a mechanistic heuristic applied to morphology. Ernst Haeckel's Entwicklungsgeschichte proposed a synthesis between Karl von Baer's embryological program and Darwinism, which led to a physiological-reductionist view of typological epigenesis on the basis of the recapitulation law. A physiology of development thus frees itself from Haeckelian methodology and its phylogenic framework. While relying on Wilhelm His' physics of development (1874), Wilhelm Roux carried out a physiological synthesis of Darwinism in Der Kampf der Theile im Organismus (The Struggle of Parts in the Organism 1881). The third part of this dissertation examines the Entwicklungsmechanik and its relationship to August Weismann's Neo-Darwinism. The essential steps of the nuclear-idioplasmic theory of heredity are then described. The discoveries of mitosis and fertilization (1873-1884), combined with Carl von Nägeli's theory (1884), served as preconditions to Weismann's Neo-Preformationism. By 1885 Weismann postulates the existence of an internal predetermination of development, which would be carried out by unequal division of inherited qualities located in the nucleus chromatic architecture. This theory is first supported by experiments on blastomere destruction (Chabry 1887, Roux 1888), but it ends up being challenged by the discovery of Theilbildung (Hans Driesch 1892). The coordinated actions of differentiating cells which led to the reorganization of their morphogenetic fates (Umdifferenzierung) could not be accounted for by a mechanical model of development. Two outcomes are then examined: (1) the development of the first model of embryonic induction (Driesch 1894) coupled with a Neo-vitalistic epigenesis; (2) Oscar Hertwig's organicism, which combined principles of cell theory with a rejection of the use of mechanistic causality in biology. An epistemological analysis of experimental embryology's founding principles thus shows how a logic of discovery has structured the evolution of contemporary developmental biology by taking into account preformationist ideas and mechanistic models.

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