Spelling suggestions: "subject:"logistics dervice providers"" "subject:"logistics dervice roviders""
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LSPs employees’ perception of customer service : How it influences the brandGranat, Mattias, Nilsson, Camilla January 2014 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this research is to analyse how employees’ perception of customer service is linked to the brand. The aim is to analyse the connections between brand and the employees’ perceptions and develop managerial implications based on those findings. Problem – Davis et al. (2008) brought the attention of the influence employees have in increasing or decreasing the firms’ brand. Connecting the employees work role in customer service to see how these influence the brand in reality at LSPs. Method – A deductive mixed method was applied throughout this research and used in the format of several case studies. The qualitative data was retrieved from interviews with employees at LSPs both in Thailand and Sweden and regarded as the primary source of data collection with the quantitative data as support. The survey, based on the frame-work of SERV*OR, was structured on a 7-point Likert Scale and distributed from the same sampling as for the interviews. Pattern matching was applied to analyse the qualitative and quantitative data to determine if reality matched theory. Conclusions – As seen from the findings, employees and customer service are inter-twined and not separate entities. This is due to them reflecting on their personal perception of what customer service is and how they view their position. Through customer service, employees become an extension of the firms’ brand and based on their individual perception they will project it to the customer thus being able to influence the customer’s overall perception. This shows how brand and employee-customer service are interdependent in the communication which is often based on individual perceptions and not from what the LSP wants their employees to perceive of their brand. The branding of the firms in this study is perceived by employees in a way that reflects their individual roles in customer service in terms of being fast, professional and having the ability to problem solve. It is also indicated that employees wish for more training and guidance from managers, consequently they have needed to rely on each other to handle the function of customer service at the LSPs.
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Hållbarhetsarbete för transportföretag : En fallstudie utförd hos företag i Gävleborg / How logistics service providers can be more sustainable.Wiklund, Emma, Eriksson, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Introduktion: Ökade transporter på den globala marknaden påverkar miljön negativt. Detta har lett till ett ökat intresse för mer hållbara logistiklösningar. Transportföretagen spelar en stor roll för att uppnå de satta miljömålen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur transportföretag arbetar med hållbarhetsfrågor idag och vilka faktorer som kommer vara viktiga i framtiden. Metod: För att kunna svara mot syftet antogs ett angreppssätt i två steg. Litteratur samlades in och användes som grund för kunskap inom området. Samtidigt som intervjuer genomfördes med tre transportföretag. Deras svar jämfördes med varandra och ställdes mot den insamlade teorin i en analys. Utifrån denna analys drogs en slutsats. Resultat: De två mindre företagen hade inga kundkrav på sig angående hållbarhet, deras arbete kom främst inifrån. För alla deltagande företag innebär hållbarhet mest miljödimensionen. Fokus för alla ligger på att minska koldioxidutsläppen, främst genom val av miljöklassade fordon, val av drivmedel samt minskning av bränsleåtgången. Transportföretagen är miljöcertifierade och arbetar kontinuerligt med att bli bättre i sitt miljöarbete. De har utbildat sina chaufförer och satt in IT-system för direkt återkoppling, detta gör att förarna lättare kan tänka på miljön i sin körning. För att uppnå en hög fyllnadsgrad gäller det att utnyttja lastkapaciteten till max och undvika tomma körningar. Därför samarbetar företagen med konkurrenter och hämtar gods åt varandra. Slutsats: Det finns hjälpmedel att tillämpa för att erhålla hållbarare transporter. Dessa är val av fordon, val av bränsle, utbildning, IT-system, packningslösningar och samkörning. De viktigaste faktorerna för transportföretagen är idag val av fordon, drivmedel och bränsleåtgången. Inför framtiden händer det mycket på bränslefronten, bland annat en utveckling gällande elfordon och elvägar samt biobränslen. Även en attitydförändring gällande hållbarhet för uppköparna av transporttjänster behövs då det i dagsläget fokuseras för mycket på priset. / Introduction: Increased transports on the global market is effecting the environment negatively, which has led to an increased interest in sustainable logistics. The logistics service providers (LSPs) play a major role in achieving the set environmental goals. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how LSPs can be more sustainable today and in the future. Methodology: In order to answer the purpose of the paper two phases were used. Literature was collected and used as the basis of knowledge in the field. At the same time interviews were conducted with three LSPs. Their answers were compared with each other and with the literature. From the analysis a conclusion was drawn. Results: The two smaller companies had no demands from customers regarding their work with sustainability. For all the involved LSPs sustainability mostly meant the environmental aspect. Their focus is on reducing carbon dioxide emissions, this is achieved by using environmentally certified vehicles, choice of fuels and reducing the fuel consumption. The three LSPs all have an environmental management system and work continuously to be more sustainable. They have trained their drivers and have set up an IT-system for direct feedback. This helps the drivers to see the impact their driving has on the environment. To achieve a high fill ratio the companies avoid empty runs and try to maximize the cargo capacity. The LSPs collaborate with competitors and pick up cargo for each other. Conclusion: There are tools to apply to obtain more sustainable transports. These are the choice of vehicle, the choice of fuel, fuel consumption, training, IT-systems, packaging solutions and collaboration. The most important factors for the LSPs today are the choice of vehicles, the choice of fuel and fuel consumptions. A lot is happening in the area of alternative fuels including the development of biofuels, electric vehicles and electric roads. Also a change of attitude from the transport buyers regarding the sustainability is needed because today they mainly focus on the price.
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Developing green innovations within 4PLs : Pursuing green logisticsStenbrink Gommel, Philip, Westerberg, Peter January 2016 (has links)
Problem – Logistics services worldwide are not considered to be environmental sustainable because of their high emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHG) as well as its air, soil and water pollution. Since fourth party logistics providers (4PLs) manage the entire supply chain they can reduce their harmful environmental impact on a large scale through green logistics innovation., There are however difficulties for 4PLs to innovate in green logistics. Purpose – This paper investigates how 4PLs generate and manage green logistics innovation. It also explores what drivers and barriers there are for developing green logistics innovation. Method – This paper is based on a single case study that uses CIMO logic in the theoretical framework to thoroughly explore and clarify the area of green logistic innovation among 4PLs. Semi structured interviews and a questionnaire were constructed as the main source for gathering empirical evidence. Results – The case company provided evidence for how 4PLs innovate by being close to their suppliers and customers and finding new opportunities for green logistics innovation. Drivers and barriers are also identified for green logistics innovation. Conclusions – The study shows how 4PLs can manage and generate innovations as well as create their own playing field by developing competence for new areas of business, enlarging the boundaries for 4PLs to innovate in. The study also shows the importance of considering the goods as a factor in green logistics (particularly reverse logistics).
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Towards greener supply chains : Inclusion of environmental activities in relationships between logistics service providers and shippersMartinsen, Uni January 2014 (has links)
It is well-recognised that companies are under pressure to take responsibility for the environmental impact of their operations. Logistics service providers (LSPs), who through their transport and logistics operations have a large negative impact on the environment, are one type of supply chain actor that is under such pressure. However, in order for LSPs to be able to lower their environmental impact sufficiently, their customers, the shippers, also need to take responsibility. This thesis takes its starting point in the relationships between LSPs and shippers and argues that in order for LSPs’ environmental activities to reach their full potential, the shippers must be included in the activities. The purpose of this thesis is to describe and explain how supply chain actors, with a specific focus on logistics service providers and shippers, can include environmental activities in their relationships with each other. This comprises identifying those environmental activities that are relevant for relationships between LSPs and shippers, as well as describing the extent to which environmental activities are included in such relationships. By means of the theoretical perspective of power between supply chain actors, the thesis also sets out to further understand how power balances between LSPs and shippers can influence the extent to which they include environmental activities in their relationships with each other. Finally, the use of the theoretical perspective of coordination aims, through the analysis of coordination mechanisms, to shed light on how environmental activities are included in LSP-shipper relationships. The research in this thesis has mainly descriptive and explanatory aims, although due to the novelty of research into LSPshipper relationships in an environmental context, the research process as such is mainly exploratory. Following an abductive approach, the insights from literature are combined with empirical data from two cases studies, a homepage scan, a survey and a study of city logistics projects. Most of the applied research methods take a dual perspective of relationships between supply chain actors and thus include both LSPs and shippers. One conclusion from the research conducted for this thesis comprises the identification of environmental activities as well as a suggestion for a classification based on the activities’ role in the business between LSPs and shippers. With a starting point in the identified activities, a comparison of a market perspective and a relationship perspective of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships indicates that LSPs are able to fulfil the requirements set by shippers and that shippers’ requirement thus are met. The research does, however, point to a passiveness among LSPs in their relationships with shippers, who in turn would like the LSPs to be more proactive. Further, based on an analysis of power balances in LSP-shipper relationships, it is suggested that in an LSP-shipper relationship in which the shipper has a power advantage, the shipper’s environmental ambitions for logistics sets the agenda for the environmental activities in that relationship. An analysis of coordination of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships indicates that the mechanisms of direct supervision, which is when one actor tells the other actor in the relationship what to do, and mutual adjustment can be chosen to be used in order to include environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships. While direct supervision is suggested to be a coordination mechanism that is easy for shippers to apply, mutual adjustment appears to hold greater potential for the development of environmental activities. Finally, these findings in combination are suggested to have implications for the coordination of environmental activities in LSP-shipper relationships. More specifically, this thesis offers a categorisation of different types of LSP-shipper relationships and the involved actors’ environmental ambition. Depending on whether the environmental ambition of the LSP and shipper in a specific relationship is high or low appears to have implications for the possibility to work towards greener supply chains for each type of relationship. / Många företag känner av pressen av agera för att minska sin miljöpåverkan. Flera företag har också insett att ett sådant agerande även har affärsmässiga fördelar. När det gäller miljöpåverkan så tillhör logistikföretagen, till stor del på grund av sina transporter, de företag som insett att något måste göras. Möjligheten för dessa företag att göra olika miljöåtgärder påverkas av varuägarna som köper logistikföretagens tjänster. Som en följd av detta blir länken mellan dessa företag – relationen – viktig för att möjliggöra förbättringar när det gäller påverkan från logistiken. Denna avhandling har som syfte att beskriva och förklara hur aktörer i försörjningskedjan, med ett speciellt fokus på relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare, kan inkludera miljöåtgärder i sina relationer med varandra. För att över huvud taget kunna diskutera miljöåtgärder i relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare så är det viktigt att veta vad för typer av miljöåtgärder detta kan röra sig om. Första forskningsfrågan i avhandlingen behandlar detta och i avhandlingen identifieras ett antal sådana åtgärder. Det kan röra sig om relativt tekniska åtgärder så som alternativa bränslen, olika typer av fordon och energieffektiv körning, till åtgärder som handlar om styrning av logistiken, så som design av logistiksystemen, till åtgärder som är väldigt relationsspecifika som exempelvis specifika projekt eller miljögrupper. Med avstamp i de identifierade åtgärderna analyseras sedan relationerna mellan logistikföretag och varuägare i några olika steg. En jämförelse mellan logistikföretagens och varuägarnas perspektiv på de miljöåtgärder som erbjuds, efterfrågas samt ingår i relationerna dem emellan visar att logistikföretagen ofta kan tillgodose sina kunders önskemål. Samtidigt som detta visar att varuägarnas önskemål verkar vara uppfyllda, så finns det en frustration från varuägarnas sida över att logistikföretagen inte är mer proaktiva. En av anledningarna till detta kan vara maktbalansen mellan logistikföretag och varuägare. Resultaten i avhandlingen pekar nämligen på att varuägarna oftast har makten över logistikföretagen, vilket verkar leda till att varuägarens ambitioner gällande miljö ofta är det som sätter agendan för vilka miljöåtgärder som inkluderas i relationen mellan dessa företag. Vidare så kan de miljöåtgärder som ingår i en relation mellan logistikföretag och varuägare koordineras på olika sätt och flera sådana tas upp i avhandlingen. Resultaten pekar även på att maktbalansen i relationerna påverkar i vilken grad miljöåtgärder inkluderas i relationer mellan logistikföretag och varuägare samt hur dessa koordineras. En matris, som bygger på logistikföretagets och varuägarens ambitioner gällande miljö för en specifik relation, sammanfattar resultaten i avhandlingen. Beroende på om denna ambition är hög eller låg för de båda aktörerna påverkar i sin tur möjligheten för varje typ av relation att arbeta mot gröna försörjningskedjor.
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La stratégie d’alliance entre prestataires de services logistiques dans un cluster logistique en Chine / The strategy of alliance between logistics services providers in a logistic cluster of ChinaChai, Yina 17 December 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objet de discuter les stratégies d'alliance entre prestataires de services logistiques (PSL) dans un cluster logistique chinois. Nous nous focalisons sur les impacts des caractéristiques d'un cluster sur le maintien d'une alliance. En utilisant la méthodologie qualitative, nous avons mené les entretiens avec les acteurs dans quatre clusters logistiques de la province de Guangdong qui est la plus développée en Chine. Les résultats de cette thèse nous ont permis d'abord d'avoir un premier panorama des motivations des PSL d'entrer dans un cluster logistique, ainsi également des motivations et des défis d'une stratégie d'alliance entre PSL. Nous mettons en évidence ensuite que la proximité géographique entre PSL favorise le choix de partenaires fiables et compétents et la coordination d'une alliance. De plus, les réseaux sociaux « Guanxi » permettent un contrôle informel des comportements opportunistes et aussi la construction de la confiance dans l'alliance. Enfin, l'attention portée par les pouvoirs publics sur le cluster logistique a un impact positif indirect sur le contrôle informel d'une alliance entre PSL. Nos contributions enrichissent le corps théorique de l'alliance horizontale entre PSL et du cluster logistique, et offrent des arguments pour aider des PSL à choisir d'entrer dans les clusters logistiques et à former des alliances au sein de ces clusters logistiques. En prenant compte les caractéristiques culturelles et politiques de la Chine, nous avons réalisé une recherche exploratoire sur ce sujet qui manque encore dans les études spécialisées. / The present research aims to discuss the strategies of alliance between logistics service providers (LSP) in a Chinese logistics cluster. The study focus on the impact of the characteristics of a cluster on the maintain of an alliance. With the principe of qualitative methodology, we conducted interviews with principal actors in four logistics clusters of Guangdong Province which is the most developed province in China. There are several results of this thesis. First of all, it gives an overview of the motivations of LSP to enter a logistics cluster, also the motivations and challenges of a strategic alliance between LSP. Then the results show that geographical proximity between LSP promotes coordination of an alliance and the choice of reliable and competent partners. In addition, the social networks "Guanxi" could be source of informal control of opportunistic behavior and build confidence. Finally, the attention paid by the government on the logistics cluster has an indirect positive impact on the informal control of an alliance between LSP. As theoretical contributions, this research enrichs the aspect of alliance between LSP and logistics cluster and offers arguments to help LSP choose logistics cluster and form strategies alliances within these logistics clusters. Taking into account the cultural and political characteristics of China, an exploratory research was conducted on this topic which is still lacking in the literature.
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Supply Chain Integration of LSPs : Real-life insights into how and why logistics companies integrate with their customersOsnes, Tone-Lise, Schmitz, Annika January 2013 (has links)
Problem: In today’s competitive business world, companies are faced with challenges due to increasing competition, changes in customer demands, new technologies, and globalization. Due to these changes, competition does not take place between single companies anymore but rather whole SCs. To cope with such challenges, more and more companies focus on SCI. Business managers and academics emphasize the potential of integration. However, existing literature shows a gap concerning the integration of LSPs. In this thesis, LSPs are divided into three different types; carriers, intermediaries, and 3PL providers. Due to differences in their business focus and the deriving logics, their way of integrating with customers will likely differ. Hence, based on these differences and the gap in literature concerning the integration of LSPs, this thesis focuses on an investigation of two carriers, two intermediaries, and two 3PL providers. Purpose: The purpose of this Master thesis is to explore how and why LSPs integrate with their main customers. Therefore, motivators and obstacles, advantages and disadvantages, as well as the extent of integration and possible integration approaches are investigated. Method: This qualitative study makes use of a case study strategy which includes six companies. Data is gathered from semi-structured interviews and documentary secondary data. The findings are analyzed using a two-stage process. First, a comparison of the findings for each of the three types of LSP is conducted. Second, a cross-analysis among carriers, intermediaries, and 3PL providers is performed in order to identify similarities and differences. Conclusions: The findings of this thesis reveal integration of technologies and systems, flows, and relationship evaluation as approaches for LSPs. Further, LSPs integrate externally, upstream and downstream in terms of intermediaries and 3PL providers and downstream in regards to carriers, and on different levels ranging from relatively shallow in case of carriers to deep in terms of 3PL providers. Moreover, LSPs are motivated by factors such as competition, differentiation, and business safety, whereas aspects such as resource investments and customer power differences present potential obstacles. Furthermore, LSPs benefit from integration, e.g. due to improved problem-solving ability, expansion of business, and better responsiveness to market changes. In contrast, aspects such as increased customer expectations, the risk of sunk costs, and dependence present potential disadvantages for LSPs.
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The Role of Logistics Service Providers in the Logistics Firms' Supply ChainAjakaiye, Ojo Iseghohime January 2012 (has links)
Competition amongst companies in the global market has resulted in increased production of goods and services. Enterprises are now faced with the challenges of shipments of raw materials, spare parts from vendors, and the finished goods to consumers. Logistics companies are springing up to tackle transportation and other logistics problems. There are various logistics companies such as logistics intermediaries, carriers and third party logistics service providers in the market which are in one way or the other competing and at the same time cooperating within the supply chain in order to fulfill their assignments to their customers. Third party logistics service providers are experiencing rapid growth because of the advanced demand of services such as the desire to reduce lead time, inventory management, outsourcing, and a host of other functions. Not much has been written on the logistics firms. Besides, most studies on logistics firms and the third-party logistics providers focus more on such aspects like their skills, services, and their relationships with their customers. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the logistics service providers’ roles within the logistics firms’ supply chain by identifying how the expected roles are performed. In the frame of reference, the author searched several books and articles that are relevant within the scope of the thesis topic. Both qualitative and explorative data collection methods are used in the thesis and these involve conducting interviews, and reading the accounts of other people concerning the thesis topic. The conclusion shows that logistics service providers are able to perform their roles through vertical and horizontal cooperation with other firms and with other logistics firms respectively. Besides, logistics firms do live up to their roles. Carriers and the logistics intermediary now perform more roles than what people think they do, because networks connection and the urge to remain competitive make them to take up value-added services. Third-party logistics service providers add values for their customers through their value-added services in various ways such as time and place utility including tracking and tracing the goods to ensure that they are delivered.
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Logistics Service Providers Going Green : A Framework for Developing Green Service OfferingsIsaksson, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Environmental impact has increasingly become a “buzzword” and an important topic. This topic has been integrated into the agenda of many companies worldwide, and this dissertation focuses on the transportation and logistics industry. Environmental concerns have gained increased attention among many logistic service providers (LSPs) due to the environmental impact from their operations, and they have been identified of having a significant role in reducing the environmental burden in the supply chain. An environmental approach of the LSPs' business has also been identified as a way to achieve competitive advantage and provide market opportunities where the development and marketing of new products and services associated with green issues are suggested as important aspects for future growth. However, considering the scarcity of research regarding this topic, a study that reveals potential aspects in the development of green service offerings can bridge the knowledge gap and provide opportunities for further research within this field. The purpose of this dissertation is therefore to develop and explain a framework for LSPs’ development of green service offerings. The purpose is addressed by first investigating LSPs' service development from a general perspective in order to, in a second stage, reach a better understanding of the implications when integrating green aspects in LSPs' service development efforts. Theoretically, this dissertation departed from service marketing literature or more specifically new service development (NSD) research. This resulted in a conceptual framework including key dimensions and aspects regarding a company’s NSD efforts and activities. From this foundation, the theoretical framework was developed further based on research regarding LSPs' service development and innovation management. Finally the framework was extended with green logistics literature as well as research regarding LSPs' green development and influences on their service offerings. Empirically, this research is mainly based on qualitative data from an in-depth case study on a large LSP active on the Swedish market. In addition, empirical data from a multiple case study and a questionnaire survey conducted for the Licentiate thesis were used in order to enrich the analysis regarding the LSPs' development of green service offerings. The analysis followed a stepwise approach where literature and empirical data were analysed. One of the main results in this dissertation is the framework for LSPs' new service development, consisting of five dimensions: NSD culture, NSD strategy, NSD process focus, IT use and expertise and NSD knowledge and skills. The NSD framework presents a holistic view of the LSPs’ NSD efforts by revealing different dimensions, their roles and relations to each other as well as the pre-requisites to take into consideration in the development of new services. Thus, the different NSD dimensions should not solely be viewed as isolated dimensions; instead, there is a need for LSPs to have a holistic view and understanding of the NSD activities’ reciprocity. Another main result concerns the adaption of the NSD framework to green service development. The results reveal some pre-requisites relevant for LSPs to consider in their efforts to develop green service offerings and are summarised in the following main dimensions: Creating green awareness in the NSD culture – encourage participation regarding green initiatives within the organisation, defining a “common picture” in order to facilitate collaboration efforts and knowledge exchange concerning green expertise. The support from top management was also identified of having an influencing impact. Defining the strategic approach of green service offerings – integrate a green concern in the overall business strategy and to define the strategic role and incentives for developing green service offerings. The results also suggest LSPs to adapt green NSD efforts to different business contexts and market possibilities to match existing resources and skills with customers’ green requirements, and to perform a segmentation of customers’ environmental work and ambitions to increase the understanding of customers’ green attitudes and requirements. Create processes and routines to facilitate spreading of green knowledge – highlights the relevance of a process focus for spreading green knowledge both from an external and internal perspective. It involves e.g. adoption of certifications, procedures for environmental calculations and documentation as well as routines to spread and integrate green knowledge among employees as well as identification of customers’ green requirements. Improve green internal knowledge and build green collaborations – provide training and education to increase the level of green awareness and knowledge among employees as well as customers and strive for collaboration efforts both internally and externally to utilise each other’s knowledge and resources towards the development of green service offerings. Increase transparency of green information both internally and externally – improve green information transparency to build both internal and external trust and increase possibilities to effectively use other actors’ knowledge and resources to develop environmental improvements in the supply chain. Integration of IT expertise and synchronisations of IT systems to facilitate and support environmental work and development of green service offerings.
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Selection of a Logistics Service Provider Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Approach : A case study of Swedish Coffee Manufacturer—GevaliaYe, Heshan, Wu, Jiading January 2014 (has links)
Logistics outsourcing has been applied in practices by enterprises for decades, but its efficiency is always restricted because logistics service providers (LSPs) often only have a single function such as delivery or warehousing. In the last few years, LSPs have upgraded their capabilities to support some other logistics services including value-added services, materials management, information-related services etc. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the differences between self-built logistics system and outsourcing logistics system by using the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats (SWOT) strategic analysis; and figure out how to apply the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to make an appropriate selection among LSPs that based on the single-case study of Gevalia. Both quantitative and qualitative methods have been used in this study, authors expect to describe and explore the application of AHP approach regarding to the case company which implements outsourcing logistics system. Accordingly, it could be a good idea for case company to implement the mixed mode of self-built and outsourcing logistics system after using the SWOT strategic analysis. In addition, the production and logistics manager of case company emphasized that the five selection criteria including “compatibility”, “delivery performance”, “location”, “management” and “cost” should be considered as a priority among other different criterion when he selected a LSP. As a result, it will be efficient and effective for us to simulate a best decision for those industrial manufacturing enterprises to achieve a path regarding to the selection of the best logistics partner that based on the significant AHP approach.
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Fatores de decisão de terceirização logística : análise baseada na percepção dos executivosBandeira, Renata Albergaria de Mello January 2009 (has links)
A terceirização logística é uma prática empresarial adotada por um número cada vez maior de organizações dos mais diversos setores. A opção pela terceirização logística costuma ser respaldada pela literatura. Porém, uma escolha errada pode se tornar uma fonte de insatisfação e falhas corporativas, acarretando na elevação do custo logístico, além de afetar a competitividade e a imagem da empresa. São inúmeros os casos de insucesso nos acordos de terceirização, sendo a maioria atribuída a deficiências no processo decisório. Desta forma, fica evidente a complexidade da decisão de terceirização logística, que envolve um grande número e diversidade de atributos interdependentes entre si, e a falta de compreensão, por parte dos executivos e das organizações, dos fatores que realmente afetam o processo decisório. Neste contexto, esta tese relata um estudo desenvolvido no cenário brasileiro sobre a decisão de terceirização logística sob o enfoque da organização contratante. Optou-se por analisar o processo de terceirização para operadores 3PL porque esta ainda é a tendência do mercado. O foco da pesquisa consiste em identificar os principais fatores que as organizações devem analisar em seu processo decisório de terceirização logística. Assim, as questões de pesquisa são: quais são os fatores envolvidos no processo decisório de terceirização logística e como eles impactam esta decisão? Portanto, foram utilizadas técnicas qualitativas, em um procedimento exploratório, e uma abordagem quantitativa, como um procedimento para confirmação de hipóteses. Inicialmente, foram realizadas entrevistas com executivos da área com o objetivo de verificar a aplicabilidade dos fatores selecionados para o modelo pesquisa. Em seguida, foi realizado um estudo de casos múltiplos com empresas líderes de diferentes mercados que terceirizam atividades logísticas. Essa etapa da pesquisa ratificou e acrescentou fatores às hipóteses propostas com base na literatura. Enfim, a pesquisa survey confirmou o conjunto de fatores de decisão de terceirização. Diferentes técnicas estatísticas foram empregadas para refinar o instrumento de pesquisa, como Análise de Confiabilidade, Análise de Item-Total Corrigido (CITC), Análise Fatorial Exploratória e Análise Fatorial Confirmatória de Ordem Superior. Como resultado desse refinamento, emergiu um modelo teórico de pesquisa final contendo quatro fatores, sendo as dimensões de Estratégia, Custos, características do Ambiente, Características do Processo Logístico a ser terceirizado e características dos Operadores Logísticos disponíveis no mercado, dispostos em quinze itens. A principal contribuição da pesquisa para a prática gerencial é fornecer aos executivos da área um conjunto dos fatores determinantes para a decisão de terceirização logística, no contexto brasileiro, sob o ponto de vista do contratante, de modo a lhes auxiliar na decisão de terceirizar ou não suas atividades logísticas. / Logistics outsourcing is a business practice adopted by a growing number of organizations from a large variety of sectors. The logistics outsourcing process is heavily supported by the literature. Nonetheless, a wrong decision can be a source of corporate problems that may lead to the increase of logistics costs, affecting the company's competitiveness and image. There is a high incidence of unsuccessful cases in outsourcing agreements, mostly due to failures in the decision making process. This fact highlights the complex nature of the logistics outsourcing decision, which involves a large number and a great variety of interdependent criteria, and the lack of understanding, on the part of executives and organizations, concerning the variables that affect the decision process. In this context, the present research reports on a study developed in the Brazilian scene on logistics outsourcing according to the perspective of the hiring company. It is important to mention that the research analyses the outsourcing process to third-party logistics service providers (3PL) because this is still the market tendency. The focus of the thesis consists in identifying the main factors which the organizations should analyze in the decision making process of logistics outsourcing. Hence this research aims to answer the following questions: which are the determinant variables in the decision process of logistics outsourcing and how do they impact on this decision? Thus, both qualitative and quantitative techniques were used, respectively in an exploratory and a confirmatory approach. Initially, interviews were held with logistics executives with the purpose of examining the applicability of the variables selected for the hypothetical model. A multiple case study was also developed in three leading organizations from different sectors that have their logistics activities outsourced. With the case study methodology, the factors were ratified and some variables were added to the hypotheses. Eventually, a survey research confirmed the set of the determinant variables for the decision making process of logistics outsourcing. Different quantitative procedures were used to refine the research instrument, such as Reliability Analysis, Corrected Item-Total Correlation (CITC) Analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The structural model confirmed 20 hypotheses. The result was a model with five factors - Strategy, Costs, Environmental characteristics, Characteristics of the Logistics Process and characteristics of the 3PL providers available in the market - and fifteen variables. The main contribution of this research to the business practice is the development of a set of the main variables that logistics managers may analyze in the decision making process of whether to outsource their logistics activities or not.
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