Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cow density"" "subject:"cow clensity""
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / With the discovery of Turbo Codes in 1993, interest in developing error control coding schemes that approach channel capacity has intensified. Some of this interest has been focused on lowdensity parity-check (LDPC) codes due to their high performance characteristics and reasonable decoding complexity. A great deal of literature has focused on performance of regular and irregular LDPC codes of various rates and on a variety of channels. This paper presents the simulated performance results of a serial concatenated LDPC coding system on an AWGN channel. Performance and complexity comparisons between this serial LDPC system and typical LDPC systems are made.
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UNEQUAL ERROR PROTECTION FOR JOINT SOURCE-CHANNEL CODING SCHEMESSankaranarayanan, Sundararajan, Cvetković, Aleksandar, Vasić, Bane 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 20-23, 2003 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / A joint source-channel coding scheme (JSCCS) used in applications, like sending images, voice, music etc. over internet/ wireless networks, involves source coding to compress the information and channel coding to detect/ correct errors, introduced by the channel. In this paper, we investigate the unequal error protection (UEP) capability of a class of low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes in a JSCCS. This class of irregular LDPC codes is constructed from cyclic difference families (CDFs).
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Molecular investigation into regulatory regions of the LDLR gene involved in lipoprotein metabolismScholtz, C. L.(Charlotte Latitia) January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The advent of the new millennium saw the complete sequencing of the entire human genome.
Only approximately 30 000 genes, much less than was initially predicted, have been identified
to be responsible for the genetic diversity in humans. This discovery has prompted a shift in
the approach to disease research, since one gene can be involved in numerous diseases. This
phenomenon seems to be especially true for the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)
gene. Various substances beside sterols can induce transcription of the LDLR gene.
Non-communicable diseases (e.g. hypertension) are common in the developing world and
contribute significantly to mortality rates. The fmding that a promoter variant (-175 g~t) in
the LDLR gene is associated with elevated diastolic blood pressure may explain the
phenomenon of high LDL-cholesterollevels in hypertensive individuals. Studies have
demonstrated that the lowering of cholesterol, especially LDL-cholesterol, can reduce the
incidence of hypertension. The -175 g~t variant is located in a newly described cis-acting
regulatory element which contains a putative binding site for Yin Yang (YY)-l and also
demonstrates great homology to the cAMP response element (CRE) which bind the Ca2+-
dependent transcription factor, CRE binding protein (CREB). The fact that Ca2+ can induce
transcription of the LDLR gene may, at least in part, explain the association between the -
175g~t variant and elevated diastolic blood pressure.
Cholesterol is important for various processes, such as apoptosis, maintenance of cellular
membranes and immune function. The -59 c-ot mutation in repeat 2 of the LDLR gene
abolishes binding of the sterol regulatory element binding protein(SREBP) to the SRE-l site.
SREBP is proteolytically activated during apoptosis by two caspases (CPP32 and Mch3) to induce cholesterol levels. Our results imply that the -59C/T mutation, in repeat 2 of the LDLR
gene promoter, may inhibit apoptosis under normal immunological conditions.
Atherosclerosis can be considered an immunological disease, since various humoral and
cellular immune processes can be detected throughout the course of the disease. The fmding
that certain lipoproteins can protect against infection by binding and lysing of pathogens, or
competing with pathogens for cellular receptors, prompted the investigation into the potential
role of variation in the LDLR gene promoter in immune function. A significant difference in
allelic distribution was detected between asymptomatic HIY -infected subjects and fast
progressors for the -124 c-ot variant (P=O.006), shown to increase (~160%) transcriptional
activity of the LDLR gene. Of relevance to this particular study is the fact that human
herpesvirus (HHV) 6 can transactivate CD4 promoters through a partial CRE site. It has been
shown that the CREB and YYl can regulate viral and cellular promoters, and these
transcription factors can potentially bind to the LDLR promoter at the FP2 site.
The mutation enrichment in the LDLR gene promoter seen in the South African Black and
Coloured population groups can possibly provide insight into the pathogenesis of various
diseases. This could also potentially, provide novel targets for treatment, since manipulation
of cholesterol levels may affect the pathogenesis of various diseases. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die volledige DNA volgorde bepaling van die mensgenoom is voltooi vroeg in die nuwe
millennium. Slegs ongeveer 30 000 gene is geidentifiseer, heelwat minder as wat in die
verlede voorspel is, wat verantwoordelik is vir die genetiese diversiteit in die mens. Hierdie
ontdekking het gelei tot 'n verandering in die benadering van navorsing ten opsigte van
siektes, aangesien een geen 'n rol by verskeie siektes kan speel. Hierdie gewaarwording blyk
veral waar te wees vir die lae digtheids lipoproteien reseptor (LDLR) geen. Verskeie stimuli,
buiten sterole, kan transkripie van die LDLR geen inisieer.
Verskeie siektes soos hipertensie is algemeen in die ontwikkelende wereld, en dra by tot die
hoe mortaliteit syfers. Die bevinding dat 'n promoter variant in die LDLR geen (-175g-H)
geassosieer is met verhoogde diastoliese bloeddruk, kan moontlik verhoogde lipiedvlakke in
hipertensiewe individue verklaar. Studies het aangetoon dat die verlaging van cholesterol,
veral LDL-cholesterol, die voorkorns van hipertensie kan verlaag. Die -175 g~t variant is
gelee in 'n cis-regulerende element wat na bewering 'n bindingsetel vir die Yin Yang (YY)-l
transkripsie faktor bevat asook sterk homologie met die cAMP respons element (CRE) toon,
wat bind aan die Ca2
+_ afhanklike transkripie faktor, CRE bindings proteiene (CREB). Die feit
dat Ca2+ transkripsie van die LDLR geen kan inisieer, kan dalk tot 'n mate, 'n verklaring bied
vir die assosiasie tussen die -175 (g~t) variant en verhoogde diastoliese bloeddruk.
Cholesterol is noodsaaklik vir verskeie prosesse soos apoptose, die instandhouding van
selmembrane sowel as immuun funksies. Die -59 c-ot mutasie in die sterol regulerende
element 1 (SRE-l) van die LDLR geen vernietig binding van die sterol regulerende element
bindingsprotei'en (SREBP) aan SRE-l. SREBP word proteolities geaktiveer tydens apoptose deur twee kaspases (CPP32 en Mch3) om cholesterolvlakke te induseer. Ons resultate
impliseer dat die -59C/T mutasie, in herhaling-2 van die LDLR-geen promoter, apoptose kan
inhibeer onder normale immunologiese toestande.
Aterosklerose kan beskou word as 'n immunologiese siekte, aangesien verskeie humorale en
sellulere immuun prosesse deur die verloop van die siekte waargeneem kan word. Die feit dat
Iipoproteiene beskermend kan wees teen infeksies, deur binding en lisering van virusse of
kompeteer met patogene vir sellulere reseptore, het aanleiding gegee tot 'n ondersoek na die
potensiele rol van variasies in die promoter area van die LDLR geen in immuun funksie.
Betekenisvolle verskille in alleel verspreiding vir die -124c~t variant (P=0.006) is
waargeneem tussen asimptomatiese MIV -geinfekteerde pasiente en individue met vinnige
siekte progressie. In vitro studies het voorheen getoon dat die -124c~t 'n verhoging in LDLR
geen transkripsie (160%) tot gevolg het. Dit is noemenswaardig dat 'n vroee studie getoon het
dat die mens like herpesvirus-6 (MHV6) transaktivering van die CD4 promoters deur 'n
gedeeltelike CRE bindingsetel kan bewerkstellig. Beide CREB en YYl kan virus en sellulere
promotors reguleer, en hierdie transkripsie faktore toon bindingshomologie met die FP2
element van die LDLR promotor
Die mutasie verryking van die LDLR geen promoter soos waargeneem in Suid Afrikaanse
Swart en Kleurling populasies, kan moontlik lig werp op die patogenese van verskeie
siektetoestande. Hierdie bevindinge kan potensieel nuwe teikens vir behandeling identifiseer,
aangesien manipulasie van cholesterolvlakke 'n effek mag he op die patogenese van verskeie
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Blood flow modeling and mass transport in the human aorta / Ανάπτυξη μοντέλων ροής και μεταφορά μάζας στην αορτήΧατζηκωνσταντή, Αναστασία 11 October 2013 (has links)
Atherosclerosis is a disease of cardiovascular system and is usually located within large arteries. It is a major cause of death and mortality and it is related to over 12 million deaths annually affecting nearly all people in the modern world. It is a disease that involves the circulation of low density lipoproteins –LDLs (a main carrier of cholesterol) within the blood stream. These eventually accumulate in the cell wall of large and medium sized arteries to form plaques or atherosclerotic patches gradually narrow the lumen and gradually become the site of bleeding and thrombus formation.
It is well known that atherosclerotic lesions in the arterial wall develop at certain sites in the human arterial system such as along the inner walls of curved segments and the outer walls of arterial bifurcations. This phenomenon is called the localization of atherosclerosis. As the early event leading to the genesis of atherosclerosis is the accumulation of atherogenic lipids such as low density lipoproteins (LDLs) within the arterial wall, mass transport between the blood and the artery wall must play an important role in the genesis and development of atherosclerosis.
In the present study we investigate the correlation of luminal surface LDL concentration (cw) distribution with the distribution of wall shear stress (WSS) and the effects of both non – Newtonian behavior and pulsation of blood flow on the distributions of luminal surface LDL concentration along the wall of the human aorta. The dependence of viscosity and diffusivity and the local density are incorporated in the single and two phase flow models rendering these quantities position dependent. Then we compared the predictions of a single phase model with those of the two phases one under both steady flow and realistic pulsatile flow conditions using a human aorta model constructed from CT images. Then local hemodynamics studied by using computational fluid-dynamics (CFD) applied to realistic geometric model of the aorta. It is therefore important to solve the problem of accurately reconstructing geometric models from CT image in order to gain accuracy in CFD computations and predictions.
The present numerical study revealed an adverse correlation between wall shear stress and the luminal surface LDL concentration in the aorta. The results indicate that the luminal surface LDL concentration depends not only on the local wall shear stress but also on both the global and local flow patterns. Also the results showed that under steady flow conditions, although the shear thinning non – Newtonian nature of blood could elevate wall shear stress (WSS) in most regions of the aorta, especially in areas with low wall shear stress, it had little effect on luminal surface LDL concentration (cw) in most regions of the aorta. Nevertheless, it could significantly enhance cw in areas with high luminal surface LDL concentration through the shear depended diffusivity of LDLs. The pulsation of blood flow could significantly reduce cw in these disturbed places. In conclusion the shear shining non – Newtonian nature of blood has little effect on LDL transport in most regions of the aorta, but in the atherogenic – prone areas where luminal surface LDL concentration is high its effect is apparent. Similar is the effect of pulsatile flow on the transport of LDLs. / Η αθηροσκλήρωση είναι μία νόσος του καρδιαγγειακού συστήματος και βρίσκεται συνήθως μέσα σε μεγάλες αρτηρίες. Πρόκειται για μια σημαντική αιτία θανάτου και η θνησιμότητα της σχετίζεται με πάνω από 12 εκατομμύρια θανάτους ετησίως, η οποία επηρεάζει σχεδόν όλους τους ανθρώπους στο σύγχρονο κόσμο. Είναι μια ασθένεια που περιλαμβάνει την κυκλοφορία των χαμηλής πυκνότητας λιποπρωτεϊνών-LDLs (ένας κύριος φορέας της χοληστερόλης) εντός της κυκλοφορίας του αίματος. Η χαμηλής πυκνότητας πρωτεΐνες συσσωρεύονται στο αρτηριακό τοίχωμα των μεγάλων και μεσαίου μεγέθους αρτηριών και σχηματίζουν πλάκες ή αθηρωματικά μπαλώματα, τα οποία σταδιακά προκαλούν στένωση του αυλού και έπειτα δημιουργείται αιμορραγία στη περιοχή, με αποτέλεσμα το σχηματισμό θρόμβων. Είναι γνωστό ότι οι αθηροσκληρωτικές βλάβες στο αρτηριακό τοίχωμα αναπτύσσονται σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές στο ανθρώπινο αρτηριακό σύστημα, όπως κατά μήκος των εσωτερικών τοιχωμάτων των καμπυλωτών τμημάτων και των εξωτερικών τοιχωμάτων των αρτηριακών διακλαδώσεων. Αυτό το φαινόμενο ονομάζεται localization of atherosclerosis. Καθώς το πρώιμο συμβάν που οδηγεί στη γένεση της αθηροσκλήρωσης είναι η συσσώρευση των αθηρογόνων λιπιδίων όπως είναι οι λιποπρωτεΐνες χαμηλής πυκνότητας (LDLs) εντός του αρτηριακού τοιχώματος, η μεταφορά μάζας μεταξύ του αίματος και του τοιχώματος της αρτηρίας μάλλον διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην γένεση και την ανάπτυξη της αθηροσκλήρωσης .
Στην παρούσα μελέτη διερευνάται η συσχέτιση της κατανομής της συγκέντρωσης των LDL (cw) στην επιφάνεια του αυλού με την κατανομή των διατμητικών τάσεων (WSS), καθώς και η επίδραση της μη - Νευτώνειας συμπεριφοράς και της παλμικής ροής του αίματος στις κατανομές της συγκέντρωσης των LDL στην επιφάνεια του αυλού κατά μήκος του τοιχώματος της ανθρώπινης αορτής. Η εξάρτηση του ιξώδους, της διάχυσης και της τοπικής πυκνότητας ενσωματώνονται στο μονοφασικό και το διφασικό μοντέλο ροής, καθιστώντας αυτές τις ποσότητες να εξαρτώνται από τη θέση. Στη συνέχεια, συγκρίνουμε τα αποτελέσματα του μονοφασικού μοντέλου με το διφασικό μοντέλο, τόσο υπό σταθερή ροή όσο και υπό ρεαλιστικές συνθήκες παλμικής ροής, χρησιμοποιώντας ένα ανθρώπινο μοντέλο αορτής κατασκευασμένο από CT εικόνες. Τέλος, μελετάτε η τοπική αιμοδυναμική με τη χρήση υπολογιστικής ρευστοδυναμικής (CFD) που εφαρμόζεται στο ρεαλιστικό γεωμετρικό μοντέλο της αορτής. Επομένως, είναι σημαντικό να λύσουμε το πρόβλημα της ακρίβειας στην ανακατασκευή του γεωμετρικού μοντέλου από την εικόνα CT, προκειμένου να έχουμε ακρίβεια στους CFD υπολογισμούς και στα αποτελέσματα.
Η παρούσα αριθμητική μελέτη έδειξε ένα αντίστροφο συσχετισμό μεταξύ της διατμητικής τάσης του τοιχώματος και της συγκέντρωσης των LDL στην επιφάνεια του αυλού στην αορτή. Τα αποτελέσματα, επίσης έδειξαν ότι η συγκέντρωση των LDL στην επιφάνεια του αυλού εξαρτάται όχι μόνο από την τοπική διατμητική τάση του τοιχώματος αλλά από τα ολικά και τοπικά πρότυπα ροής. Επίσης, τα αποτελέσματα έδειξαν ότι κάτω από συνθήκες σταθερής ροής, η μη - Νευτώνεια φύση του αίματος αυξάνει τη διατμητική τάση του τοιχώματος (WSS) στις περισσότερες περιοχές της αορτής, ιδιαίτερα στις περιοχές με χαμηλή διατμητική τάση και έχει μικρή επίδραση στη συγκέντρωση των LDL (cw) στην επιφάνεια του αυλού, στις περισσότερες περιοχές της αορτής. Παρ 'όλα αυτά, μπορεί να ενισχύσει σημαντικά το cw στις περιοχές με υψηλή συγκέντρωση των LDL στην επιφάνεια του αυλού μέσω της εξαρτώμενης διατμητικής διάχυσης των LDLs. Η παλμικότητα της ροή του αίματος μπορεί να μειώσει σημαντικά το cw σε αυτές τις διαταραγμένες θέσεις. Εν κατακλείδι, η μη - Νευτώνεια συμπεριφορά του αίματος έχει μικρή επίδραση στη μεταφορά των LDL στις περισσότερες περιοχές της αορτής, αλλά στις αθηρογόνες - επιρρεπείς περιοχές όπου η συγκέντρωση LDL στην επιφάνεια του αυλού είναι υψηλή τα αποτελέσματα είναι εμφανή. Παρόμοια είναι η επίδραση της παλμικής ροής στη μεταφορά των LDLs.
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Characterization and Advanced Communication Techniques for Free-Space Optical ChannelsAnguita, Jaime A January 2007 (has links)
Free-Space Optical (FSO) communication through the terrestrial atmospheric channel offers many benefits in the wireless communications arena, like power efficiency; suitability for secure communications; absence of electromagnetic interference; and potentially very high bandwidth. An optical beam propagating through the atmosphere is subject to optical turbulence. Optical turbulence is a random process that distorts the intensity and phase structure of a propagating optical beam and induces a varying signal at the receiver of an FSO communication link. This phenomenon (usually referred to as scintillation) degrades the performance of the FSO link by increasing the probability of error. In this dissertation we seek to characterize the effects of the scintillation-induced power fluctuations by determining the channel capacity of the optical link using numerical methods. We find that capacity decreases monotonically with increasing turbulence strength in weak turbulence conditions, but it is non-monotonic in strong turbulence conditions. We show that low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes provide strong error control capabilities in this channel if a perfect interleaver is used. Multiple transmit optical beams can be used to reduce scintillation. We characterize the spatial correlation of the atmospheric optical channel and determine a scintillation model for the multiple-beam scheme. With this model we can predict the effective reduction in scintillation as a function of the system design parameters. A Multi-channel FSO communications system based on orbital angular momentum (OAM)-carrying beams is studied. We analyze the effects of turbulence on the system and find that turbulence induces attenuation and crosstalk among OAM channels. Based on a model in which the constituent channels are binary symmetric and crosstalk is a Gaussian noise source, we find optimal sets of OAM states at each turbulence condition studied, and determine the aggregate capacity of the multi-channel system at those conditions. At very high data rates the FSO channel shows inter-symbol interference (ISI). We address the problem of joint sequence detection in ISI channels and decoding of LDPC codes. We derive the belief propagation equations that allow the simultaneous detection and decoding of a LDPC codeword in a ISI channel.
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Experimental and mumerical analysis of deformation of low-density thermally bonded nonwovensHou, Xiaonan January 2010 (has links)
Nonwoven materials are engineered fabrics, produced by bonding constituent fibres together by mechanical, thermal or chemical means. Such a technology has a great potential to produce material for specific purposes. It is therefore crucial to develop right products with requested properties. This requires a good understanding of the macro and micro behaviours of nonwoven products. In last 40 years, many efforts have been made by researchers to understand the performance of nonwoven materials. One of the main research challenges on the way to this understanding is to link the properties of fibres and the fabric's random fibrous microstructure to the mechanisms of overall material's deformation. The purpose of this research is to study experimentally and numerically the deformation mechanisms of a low-density thermally bonded nonwoven fabric (fibre: Polypropylene; density: 20 gsm). The study started with tensile experiments for the nonwoven material. Specimens with varying dimensions and shapes were tested to investigate the size-dependent deformation mechanisms of the material. Based on obtained results, representative dimensions for the material are determined and used in other experimental and numerical studies. Then standard tensile tests were performed coupled with image analysis. Analysis of the obtained results, allowed the tensile behaviour of the nonwoven material to be determined, the initial study of the effects of material's nonuniform microstructure was also implemented. Based on the experimental results obtained from tensile tests, continuous finite-element models were developed to simulate the material properties of the nonwoven material for its two principle directions: machine direction (MD) and cross direction (CD). Due to the continuous nature of the models, they were only used to establish the mechanical behaviour of the material by treating it as a two-component composite. The effects of bond points, which are a stiffer component within the material, were analysed. Due to the limitations of the continuous FE models, experimental studies were performed focused on the material s microstructure. The latter was detected using an x-ray Micro CT system and an ARAMIS optical strain analysis system. According to the obtained images, the nonwoven fabric is a three-component material. The effects of material's microstructure on stress/strain distributions in the deformed material were studied using advanced image analysis techniques. Based on the experimental results, a new stress calculation method was suggested to substitute the traditional approach, which is not suitable for the analysis of the low density nonwoven material. Then, the fibres orientation distribution and material properties of single fibres were measured due to their significant effects on overall mechanical properties. Finally, discontinuous finite-element models were developed accounting for on the material's three-component structure. The models emphasised the effects of the nonuniform and discontinuous microstructure of the material. Mechanical properties of fibres, the density of fibrous network, the fibres orientation distribution and the arrangement of bond points were used as input parameters for the models, representing features of the material's microstructure. With the use of the developed discontinuous models, the effects of material's microstructure on deformation mechanisms of the low-density nonwoven material were analysed.
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FPGA implementation of advanced FEC schemes for intelligent aggregation networksZou, Ding, Djordjevic, Ivan B. 13 February 2016 (has links)
In state-of-the-art fiber-optics communication systems the fixed forward error correction (FEC) and constellation size are employed. While it is important to closely approach the Shannon limit by using turbo product codes (TPC) and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes with soft-decision decoding (SDD) algorithm; rate-adaptive techniques, which enable increased information rates over short links and reliable transmission over long links, are likely to become more important with ever-increasing network traffic demands. In this invited paper, we describe a rate adaptive non-binary LDPC coding technique, and demonstrate its flexibility and good performance exhibiting no error floor at BER down to 10(-15) in entire code rate range, by FPGA-based emulation, making it a viable solution in the next-generation high-speed intelligent aggregation networks.
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An FPGA design of generalized low-density parity-check codes for rate-adaptive optical transport networksZou, Ding, Djordjevic, Ivan B. 13 February 2016 (has links)
Forward error correction (FEC) is as one of the key technologies enabling the next-generation high-speed fiber optical communications. In this paper, we propose a rate-adaptive scheme using a class of generalized low-density parity-check (GLDPC) codes with a Hamming code as local code. We show that with the proposed unified GLDPC decoder architecture, a variable net coding gains (NCGs) can be achieved with no error floor at BER down to 10(-15), making it a viable solution in the next-generation high-speed fiber optical communications.
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Codes correcteurs d'erreurs au niveau applicatif pour les communications par satellite / Application-level forward error correction codes for satellite communicationsPham Sy, Lam 25 May 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est l’étude des codes correcteurs d’erreurs au niveau applicatif (Application Layer – Forward Error Correction, ou AL-FEC) pour les communications par satellite. Dans ce contexte, pendant les deux première années de thèse, nous avons proposé de nouvelles méthodes d’analyse, de construction et d’optimisation des codes à effacements définis par des matrices de parité à faible densité (code LDPC, pour « Low Density Parity Check » en anglais). La troisième année de la thèse a été consacrée à : (1) La suite des études portant sur de nouvelles méthodes de construction des codes LDPC non-binaires. D’une part, nous avons développé un nouvel algorithme (Scheduled-PEG) qui permet d’optimiser la construction des codes LDPC non-binaires pas rapport aux métriques de performance spécifiques à la couche application, notamment dans le cadre des systèmes de diffusion de contenu (broadcasting). D’autre part, nous avons proposé une nouvelle méthode de construction de codes à faible rendement, qui utilise l’image binaire étendue d’un code LDPC non-binaire. Ces études ont fait l’objet de deux publications dans deux conférences internationales : (a) “Scheduled-PEG construction of LDPC codes for Upper-Layer FEC”, International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography, April 2011, Paris, France. (b) “Extended Non-Binary Low-Density Parity-Check Codes over Erase Channels”, IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems, November 2011, Aachen, Germany. (2) Une étude portant sur l’analyse asymptotique de codes cluster-LDPC non-binaires. Cette nouvelle classe de codes – introduite récemment (ISIT’2011) – se distingue par ses excellentes propriétés en termes de distance minimale. Notre étude a permis de déterminer de manière analytique la capacité de correction des codes cluster-LDPC non-binaires, aussi bien pour le décodage itératif par propagation de croyances (BP, pour « Belief Propagation ») que pour le décodage par maximum de vraisemblance (ML, pour « Maximum Likelihood »). Ces résultats seront intégrés à une publication scientifique sur les codes cluster-LDPC, en cours de rédaction, qui sera soumise à « IEEE Transactions on Information Theory », avant la fin de l’année 2011. (3) Une étude portant sur une méthode de construction des codes LDPC qui permet de réduire de manière significative le plancher d’erreur (« error floor ») du code, sans dégrader ses performances dans la région de « waterfall ». Ainsi, nous avons proposé la structuration de la matrice de parité du code, de manière à intégrer une partie irrégulière, optimisée pour la partie « waterfall », et une partie régulière, qui permet de réduire le plancher d’erreur du code. Cette étude fera l’objet d’une publication dans une conférence internationale (à déterminer), à soumettre début 2012. / The advent of content distribution, IPTV, video-on-demand and other similar services accelerate the demand for reliable data transmission over highly heterogeneous networks and toward terminals potentially heterogeneous too. In this context, Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes that operate at the transport or the Application Layer (AL-FEC) are used in conjunction with the FEC codes implemented at the physical layer, in order to improve the overall performance of the communication system. AL-FEC codes are aimed at recovering erased data packets and they are essential in many multicast/broadcast environments, no matter the way the information is transported, for instance using a wired or wireless link, and a terrestrial, satellite-based or hybrid infrastructure.This thesis addresses the design of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes for AL-FEC applications. One the one hand, we provide an asymptotical analysis of non-binary LDPC codes over erasure channels, as well as waterfall and error-floor optimization techniques for finite-length codes. On the other hand, new concepts and coding techniques are developed in order to fully exploit the potential of non-binary LDPC codes.The first contribution of this thesis consists of the analysis and optimization of two new ensembles of LDPC codes. First, we have derived the density evolution equations for a very general ensemble of non-binary LDPC codes with rank-deficient coefficients. This allows improving the code performance, as well as designing ensembles of LDPC codes that can be punctured in an effective manner. The second approach allows the asymptotical optimization of a particular ensemble of LDPC codes, while ensuring low error-floors at finite lengths.The second contribution is the construction of finite length LDPC codes with good waterfall and error floor performance. Two approaches were investigated, according to the metric used to evaluate the code. The “Scheduled” Progressive Edge Growth (SPEG) algorithm is proposed, in order to optimize the waterfall performance of the code. Another method is proposed which consists in optimizing a specific structure of the parity check matrix. This approach gives low error-floors.The third contribution investigates a new technique of rate adaptability for non-binary LDPC codes. We propose a new method to generate “on-the-fly” incremental redundancy, which allows designing codes with flexible coding rates, in order to cope with severe channel conditions or to enable Fountain-like distribution applications.The fourth contribution focuses on a new class of LDPC codes, called non-binary cluster-LDPC codes. We derive exact equations of the density evolution for the iterative decoding and an upper bound for the maximum-likelihood decoding.Finally, we propose a practical solution to the problem of reliable communication via satellite to high-speed trains. Here, the challenge is that obstacles present along the track regularly interrupt the communication. Our solution offers optimal performance with a minimum amount of redundancy.
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Modification des propriétés rhéologiques des polymères branchés par traitement thermomécanique : application aux défauts d'extrusion des PEBD / Modification of rheological properties of branched polymers by thermomecanical treatment : application to extrusion defects of LDPEPeiti, Christian 21 December 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’observer la modification du comportement rhéologique dedifférents polyéthylènes branchés, suite à un traitement de cisaillement. Après avoir décrit lesmatériaux et les moyens utilisés, nous avons caractérisé le plus complètement possible lecomportement rhéologique des différents matériaux, aussi bien en cisaillement qu'en élongation.Nous avons également déterminé des données calorimétriques et des informations sur lescaractéristiques moléculaires, permettant entre autres de définir la masse entre enchevêtrements.Nous avons ensuite mesuré l’évolution de la viscosité dans différentes conditions de pré‐cisaillement,en faisant varier le temps et le taux de cisaillement dans un rhéomètre cône‐plan et dans unegéométrie de Couette montée en amont d’un rhéomètre capillaire. Nous avons montré que lesmécanismes de désenchevêtrement sont complexes et qu'ils ne sont pas directement explicables parun seul paramètre, comme la masse entre enchevêtrements. Enfin, l’observation des extrudats à lasortie de la filière nous a permis de mettre en évidence la modification des défauts d'extrusion sousl’effet d’un pré‐cisaillement. / The aim of this work is to characterize the effects of shear modification on differentbranched polyethylenes. After a short description of materials and methods, we have characterizedthe rheological behaviour of the different materials, both in shear and elongation. We have alsoobtained calorimetric and molecular data, allowing us to define the molar mass betweenentanglements. Then, we have characterized the viscosity changes induced by a pre‐shear, indifferent conditions of shear rate and time, both in cone and plate and Couette geometries. We haveshown that the mechanisms of disentanglement are complex and cannot be directly explained by aunique parameter like the mass between entanglements. Finally, the observation of the extrudatesat the die exit has permitted to evidence the change in extrusion defects induced by shearmodification.
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