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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estabilização segmentar lombar e TENS na hérnia discal lombar: um ensaio clínico randomizado / Lumbar segmental stabilization and TENS in lumbar disc herniation: a randomized controlled trial

França, Fabio Jorge Renovato 01 October 2013 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hérnia de disco lombar (HDL) acomete cerca de 5% dos pacientes com de dor lombar e o tratamento cirúrgico nestes casos é cada vez menos indicado, optando-se, na maior parte dos casos, pelo conservador. Embora o método estabilização lombar (EL) e a estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea (TENS) tenham mostrado bons resultados em indivíduos portadores de dor lombar inespecífica, há escassa literatura que tenha verificado a eficácia destes tratamentos isoladamente em sujeitos acometidos por hérnia de disco lombar. OBJETIVO: Comparar a eficácia dos exercícios de estabilização lombar e da TENS na dor, incapacidade funcional, e capacidade de ativação do músculo transverso do abdome (TrA) de indivíduos com hérnia de disco lombar. METODOLOGIA: Participaram da pesquisa 40 indivíduos com idade variando de 25 a 58 anos com dor lombar e hérnia de disco, e foram randomizados em dois grupos: Grupo estabilização lombar (EL) (exercícios específicos para os músculos TrA e multífido lombar(ML)) (n=20) e Grupo TENS (GT) (n=20) que receberam atendimento com corrente de estimulação elétrica nervosa transcutânea. Foram avaliados quanto à dor (Escala Visual Analógica e Questionário McGill de Dor), incapacidade funcional (Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry), e capacidade de recrutamento do TrA (Unidade de Biofeedback Pressórico-UBP). Os grupos foram tratados em duas sessões semanais com duração de 60 minutos por oito semanas. Cada indivíduo foi avaliado antes e após o tratamento. O nível de significância estabelecido foi de alfa=0,05. RESULTADOS: Após oito semanas, o grupo estabilização lombar mostrou melhora significativa na dor (p < 0,001), incapacidade funcional (p < 0,001), e capacidade de ativação do TrA (p < 0,001). O grupo TENS apresentou diferença estatisticamente significante apenas na dor (p < 0,012). A estabilização foi superior à TENS na melhora na dor (p < 0,001), incapacidade funcional (p < 0,001), e capacidade de ativação do TrA (p < 0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam que a estabilização é efetiva na melhora da dor, incapacidade funcional, e capacidade da ativação do TrA, e a TENS apenas na dor. A estabilização foi superior à TENS em todas as variáveis / INTRODUCTION: Lumbar disc herniation (LDH) affects about 5% of low back pain (LBP) patients. Surgical treatment in these cases is increasingly less suitable, opting, in most cases, for the conservative. Although lumbar stabilization method and transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS) have shown good results in patients with nonspecific low back pain, there is scarce literature that has verified the effectiveness of these treatments alone in subjects suffering from lumbar disc herniation.OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of lumbar stabilization exercises and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), on pain, functional disability and activation of the transversus abdominis muscle (TrA), in individuals with lumbar disc herniation (LDH). METHODS: This study involved 40 patients (age range 25-58 years) with lumbar disc herniation randomized into two groups: Stabilization group (SG: n=20); which received of stabilization exercises (transversus abdominis and lumbar multifidus muscles) and TENS group (TG: n=20), which received electrotherapy. The following instruments were used: visual analogue pain scale and McGill Pain Questionnaire for pain, Oswestry Disability Index for functional disability, and pressure biofeedback unit (PBU) for ability to contract the TrA. Analyses within and between groups were performed after treatment. Groups underwent 16 sessions, for 60 minutes, twice a week and they were evaluated before and after eight weeks. Significance level was set at alfa= 0.05. RESULTS: After eight weeks, lumbar stabilization group showed significant improvements in pain (p < 0.001), functional disability (p < 0.001), and the ability to contract the TrA (p < 0.001). There were no significant differences in TENS group in terms of disability (p < 0.264) or ability to contract the TrA muscle (p < 0.181), however, improvement in pain was demonstrated (p < 0.012). The stabilization was superior to TENS in terms of improvements in pain (p < 0.001), functional disability (p < 0.001), and ability to contract the TrA (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: The results indicate that stabilization is effective in improving pain, functional disability, and the ability to contract the TrA in individuals with LDH. In the TENS group, the only improvement after treatment was in terms of pain. Stabilization was superior to TENS in all outcomes

"Efeitos de um programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional sobre a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica" / The effects of a postural and functional approach-based exercise program on the functional capacity and quality of life of chronic nonspecific low back pain patients

Vilela, Rodrigo Pinheiro 30 August 2006 (has links)
Introdução: Programas de exercícios para pacientes lombálgicos tem sido amplamente descritos na literatura; contudo a efetividade de programas de exercícios para esta condição clínica ainda encontra-se controversa. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional sobre a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Desenho Experimental: Randomized Controlled Trial. Amostra: 30 pacientes do sexo feminino com lombalgia crônica não-específica. Instrumentos de Análise: Capacidade Funcional (Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire), Qualidade de Vida (SF-36) e intensidade de dor (Escala Numérica de Dor). Métodos: As pacientes foram divididas em Grupo Controle (GC) e Grupo Experimental (GE). Pacientes em ambos os grupos foram submetidas a três avaliações durante seis semanas, em intervalos de três semanas envolvendo o preenchimento dos questionários Roland-Morris, SF-36 e Escala Numérica de Dor. O grupo experimental foi submetido a um programa de exercícios durante seis semanas objetivando a melhora do recrutamento muscular para melhor manutenção postural e treino de funcionalidade. O grupo controle, após o período de observação, recebeu intervenção idêntica à recebida pelo grupo experimental. Grupos controle e experimental foram comparados através do teste t – student. Resultados: O grupo experimental apresentou melhora significativa na capacidade funcional (p= 0,0), qualidade de vida (SF 36;escalas variando com p = 0,0 até 0,02) e intensidade de dor (p= 0,0) ao ser comparado com o grupo controle. Após a intervenção em ambos os grupos, a melhora manteve-se significativa. Conclusão: O programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional mostrou-se eficiente na melhora da dor, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica. / Background: Exercise programs for low back pain have been largely studied; however its effectiveness on this clinical condition is still controversial. Purpose: To assess the effects of a postural and functional approach-based exercise program on functional capacity, quality of life and pain condition of subjects with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Patient Sample: 30 women with nonspecific CLBP. Outcome Measures: functional capacity (RMQ, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire), quality of life (SF-36 subscales) and pain condition (NRS, Numerical Rating Scale). Methods: Patients were randomly assigned to control (CG) and treatment groups (TG). Patients from both groups were submitted to a three-week interval evaluation involving the completion of RMQ, SF-36 and NRS. TG was submitted to a six-week program of treatment addressing improvement of muscular recruitment for better postural maintenance and functional training. The CG was submitted to the same intervention program, after six weeks of no intervention. CG and TG were compared by applying t student test to the variables. Results: TG showed significant improvement in functional capacity (p= 0.0), quality of life (SF 36 subscales with p ~ 0.0 to 0.02) and pain condition (p= 0.0) compared to CG. The refferences remained significant when the results of intervention in the control group were added to the treatment group and compared to the control group baseline. Conclusions: The postural and functional approach-based exercise program showed efficient in improving the functional capacity, quality of life and pain condition of CLBP patients.

Estudo prospectivo, comparativo, randomizado, duplamente coberto, controlado com placebo sobre a eficácia das ondas de choque no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial das regiões lombar e glútea / A prospective, comparative, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study on the efficacy of shock waves in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome of the lumbar and gluteal regions

Kobayashi, Ricardo 13 July 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento com ondas de choque (TOC) é utilizado para tratar numerosas afecções musculoesqueléticas, incluindo-se as pseudartroses e as tendinopatias. Há poucos estudos bem estruturados sobre a eficácia do TOC no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) e não há ensaio clínico aleatorizado sobre sua utilização no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia do TOC no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, controlado, com amostra aleatória e duplamente encoberto sobre o tratamento de doentes com dor moderada a intensa decorrente de SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea com duração superior a seis meses, submetidos previamente a tratamento padronizado com antidepressivo, analgésico, terapia física e orientações fisioterápicas durante seis semanas. Foram elegíveis 46 doentes que apresentavam dor com intensidade >= 4 de acordo com a EVA dentre os 121 convocados. Durante seis semanas os doentes elegíveis foram submetidos a tratamento farmacológico e fisioterápico padronizado. Sete doentes usufruíram melhora clínica importante e oito abandonaram o estudo, restando 31 doentes que participaram efetivamente do estudo. Após a randomização, 14 doentes foram submetidos a TOC com cabeçote ativo e 17 a TOC com cabeçote placebo. Foram avaliados os aspectos demográficos, a apresentação clínica, a incapacidade funcional, a intensidade e as características da dor até um ano após a realização dos procedimentos destes 31 doentes. As avaliações foram realizadas com uso da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland-Morris (RDQ), Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (ODI), Versão Reduzida do Questionário de Dor McGill (SF-MPQ) e Inventário Diagnóstico da Dor Neuropática 4 (DN4). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quanto às características sociodemográficas dos doentes. Entretanto, a duração das queixas de dor dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo foi significativamente superior (p < 0,05) a dos do grupo TOC placebo. Em relação aos doentes tratados com TOC placebo, os doentes tratados com TOC ativo usufruíram redução estatisticamente significativa da dor de acordo com a EVA na interação grupo versus tempo a partir do momento \"três meses\"; a melhora manteve-se estatisticamente significativa durante um ano (p < 0,001), achado que sugere que o efeito analgésico instala-se em longo prazo e mantém-se prolongadamente. Não ocorreu modificação estatisticamente significativa na interação grupo versus tempo nas pontuações dos questionários RDQ, ODI e SF-MPQ ao longo do tempo nos doentes de ambos grupos. No momento \"12 meses\" ocorreu redução superior a 50% da incapacidade funcional da dor lombar avaliada de acordo com o RDQ em 70,0% dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes tratados com TOC placebo; diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). Ocorreu também redução superior a 50% das pontuações do ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" em 70,0% dos doentes incluídos no grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes do grupo TOC placebo, diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com o TOC ativo dos doentes com SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea proporcionou melhora significativa da dor a partir do momento \"três meses\" até, pelo menos, o momento \"12 meses\" de acompanhamento, achado que sugere que seu efeito analgésico instala-se tardiamente. Adicionalmente, proporcionou melhora da funcionalidade de acordo com o RDQ e ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" / INTRODUCTION: Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been used successfully in different musculoskeletal conditions, including pseudarthrosis and tendinopathies. However, there are very few well-structured studies on the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of myofascial pain syndromes (MPSs) and no randomized clinical trial about the ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal myofascial pain. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal MPSs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was prospective, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. From 121 patients with moderate or severe pain due to MPS in the lumbar and gluteal regions lasting more than six months were enrolled; a total of 46 patients with pain intensity >= 4 according to the VAS were considered eligible. The elected patients were treated with antidepressant, analgesic and physical therapy as a standard protocol during six weeks. Seven patients had significant clinical improvement with the pharmacological and physical therapies and eight dropped out the study. The remainder 31 patients were randomized and 14 underwent active ESWT and 17 underwent placebo ESWT. The demographic aspects, clinical presentations, functional disabilities, severity and characteristics of pain were evaluated previously to the inclusion in the study until the end of the first year after the treatment with active or placebo ESWT. The evaluations were based on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Roland- Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Short- Form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), and the Neuropathic Pain Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 (DN4). RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between the groups regarding the baseline characteristics of the patients. However, the duration of pain of the patients treated with active ESWT was significantly higher (p < 0,05) than those treated with placebo ESWT. There was no statistically significant variation over time in the RDQ, ODI and SF-MPQ scores between the patients from each group. Patients treated with active ESWT presented a significant reduction of pain severity according to the VAS from the third until the 12nd month of follow-up (p < 0,001), finding indicative that the analgesic effect of the ESWT starts late but remains over time. At the 12nd month of follow-up, 70,0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and just 14.3% of the patients from de placebo ESWT group had more than 50% improvement of the functional disability of the low back pain according to the RDQ, statistically significant difference (p < 0,05). There was also a reduction of more than 50% of ODI scores in the 12th month of follow-up in 70.0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and in only 14.3% of the patients treated with placebo ESWT (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: The active ESWT provided a significant and lasting reduction in pain intensity from the third until the 12th month of follow-up, finding that suggests that its analgesic effect settles late and has long duration. Additionally, it provided improvement of the functionality according to the RDQ and ODI at the 12th month of follow-up

Efeito do laser e ultrassom na dor e incapacidade funcional de mulheres com lombalgia crônica não específica: ensaio clínico randomizado / Effect of laser, continuous and pulsed ultrasound on pain, functional disability of women with non-specific low back pain: a randomized controled trial

Rubira, Ana Paula Fernandes De Angelis 20 August 2015 (has links)
Introdução: A lombalgia é frequentemente acompanhada por exacerbação da dore incapacidade funcional. Entre os recursos usados no tratamento estão o laser, ultrassom contínuo e pulsátil,porém os efeitos são controversos. Objetivos:Verificar o efeito do laser e do ultrassom contínuo e pulsátil na dor e na incapacidade funcional de mulheres com lombalgia crônica não específica.Casuística e Método: A amostra foi composta por 100 voluntárias alocadas aleatoriamente em quatro grupos: Laser (n=26) tratadas com 3J; Ultrassom Pulsátil(n=24)de 3 MHz, tratadas com 1W/cm²; Ultrassom Contínuo (n=26) de 1 MHz, tratadas com 1W/cm²; e Controle (n=24), que aguardou tratamento.A intensidade da dor foi avaliada com a Escala Visual analógica (EVA), a qualidade da dor com o questionário de dor McGille a incapacidade funcional com o questionário de Roland Morris, antes e após 10 sessões de tratamento.Resultados:Os três grupos tratados tiveram diminuição na dor(p < 0,001), mas o grupo Laser apresentou ganho relativo de 91,2%; Ultrassom Pulsátil 76,8%; grupo Ultrassom Contínuo 81,5% e o grupo Controle piora de -5,8%. Os três grupos tratados tiveram melhora na qualidade da dor (McGill) total, sensorial e afetiva (p < 0,005; p < 0,002; p < 0,013, respectivamente).Todos os grupos tratados apresentaram diminuição na incapacidade funcional (p < 0,001),porém o grupo Ultrassom Pulsátil obteve o maior ganho relativo de 83,3% em comparação com os grupos Laser (62,5%), Ultrassom Contínuo (50%) e Controle(-37,5%). Conclusão: O laser pulsátil de baixa intensidade, ultrassom terapêutico 3 MHz e 1 MHz nos modos pulsátil e contínuo, respectivamente, tem efeitos significativos na diminuição da dor lombar e na melhora da incapacidade funcional em portadoras de lombalgia crônica não específica. Quanto ao ganho relativo, o laser pulsátil de baixa intensidade teve melhor efeito na dor enquanto o ultrassom 3 MHz, modo pulsátil, na melhora da incapacidade funcional / Introduction: low back pain is often accompanied by exacerbation of pain and functional disability. Laser, Continuous and Pulsatile Ultrasound are used for the treatment, but its effects are controversial. Objectives: To assess the effect of the laser, the pulsatile and the continuous ultrasound on pain and functional disability in women with chronic non-specific low back pain. Material and methods: The sample was composed of 100 volunteers randomly allocated into four groups: Laser (n= 26) treated with 3 J; Pulsed Ultrasound (n= 24) of 3 MHz, treated with 1W/cm2; Continuous Ultrasound (n= 26) of 1 MHz, treated with 1W/cm2); and a Control Group (n= 24), who waited for treatment. The intensity of pain was assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), the quality of pain with the of the McGill pain questionnaire and the functional disability with the Roland-Morris questionnaire, before and after 10 session of treatment.Results: The three treated groups had decrease in pain (p < 0.001), but the Laser group showed relative gain of 91.2 %; pulsed Ultrasound 76.8 %; group Continuous Ultrasound 81.5% and the Control group worsening of -5.8 %. The three treated groups had improvement in the quality of pain (McGill), total, sensory and affective dimension (p < 0.005; p < 0.002; p < 0.013, respectively). All treated groups showed a decrease in functional disability (p < 0.001), but the Pulsatile Ultrasound group showed the highest relative gain (83.3%) in comparison with the Laser (62.5 % ), Continuous Ultrasound (50 %) and Control groups (-37.5 % ). Conclusion:The pulsed laser, pulsed and continuous ultrassom have significant effects in decrease of low back pain and improve the functional disability in women with non-specific chronic low back pain, but the pulsed low level laser had the best results on pain while the pulsed ultrasound had the best results on improve the functional disability

Processamento da dor em indivíduos com lombalgia mecânica comum crônica com e sem afastamento do trabalho: um estudo de ressonância magnética funcional / Pain processing in individuals with chronic joint mechanical disease with and without work remission: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study

Feitosa, Aloma da Silva Alvares 24 October 2017 (has links)
A lombalgia mecânica comum (LMC) representa um problema particularmente importante no ambiente ocupacional, muitas vezes associado a incapacidade, afastamento do trabalho e alto custo socioeconômico. O surgimento da neuroimagem funcional permitiu novos conhecimentos sobre a estrutura cerebral e a fisiologia da dor crônica. Embora os aspectos relacionados ao trabalho sejam importantes fatores de risco para a cronicidade, existem poucos estudos que abordam especificamente a fisiopatologia da LMC em indivíduos afastados do trabalho. A esse respeito, questionamos se um fator como a atenção, conhecida como um importante modulador da dor, poderia desempenhar um papel distintivo na modulação da dor nos indivíduos com LMC afastados do trabalho. Objetivos: comparar os correlatos neuronais entre indivíduos com lombalgia mecânica comum com afastamento do trabalho, com indivíduos lombálgicos sem afastamento. Métodos: Foram selecionados 74 indivíduos com LMC crônica, divididos em três grupos: indivíduos com LMC e afastamento do trabalho (LMC/A); indivíduos com LMC sem afastamento do trabalho (LMC) e indivíduos sem qualquer tipo de dor crônica e sem afastamento do trabalho (Controle). O estudo foi realizado no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE). A ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) foi utilizada durante o desempenho de dois paradigmas (dor e atenção). Resultados: Após a estimulação dolorosa, na comparação entre os grupos, verificamos diferença significativa na condição estimulação > repouso, sendo que o contraste LMC > LMC/A mostrou maior resposta hemodinâmica (efeito BOLD) no córtex cingulado anterior e giro frontal superior e médio direito (p < 0,001). No contraste controles > LMC/A, o grupo controle apresentou maior efeito BOLD em região do polo frontal e paracingulado (p = 0,002). Conclusão: Nosso estudo corrobora o conceito de que a presença de dor crônica está associada a uma alteração na plasticidade neuronal em áreas cerebrais que se estendem além das regiões somatossensoriais, para incluir áreas que processam emoções / Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is a particularly important problem in the occupational environment, often associated with incapacity, sick leave and high socioeconomic cost. The emergence of functional neuroimaging allowed new insights into the brain structure and physiology of chronic pain. Although work-related aspects are important risk factors for chronicity, there are few studies that specifically address the pathophysiology of CLBP in individuals with sick leave. In this regard, we questioned whether a factor such as the attention known as an important pain modulator could play a distinctive role in modulating pain in individuals with CLBP with sick leave. Objective The overall objective of this study is to compare the neuronal correlates between groups of individuals CLBP with or without sick leave. Methods We selected 74 individuals, divided into three groups: individuals with CLBP, functional incapacity and sick leave (CLBP_L); individuals with CLBP, functional disability without sick leave (CLBP_NL); individuals without any form of chronic pain and without sick leave (Control). Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used during the performance of two paradigms (pain and attention).Results After painful stimulation, a significant difference was observed in the stimulation > rest condition, while the CLBP > CLBP_L contrast showed a higher hemodynamic response in the anterior cingulate cortex and the right medium /superior frontal gyrus (p < 0.001) and in contrast controls > CLBP_L, the control group presented higher hemodynamic response in the frontal pole and paracingulate region (p = 0.002).Conclusions Our study corroborates the idea that the presence of chronic pain is associated with an alteration in neuronal plasticity involving brain areas linked to emotions and not just somatosensory areas

"Efeitos de um programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional sobre a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica" / The effects of a postural and functional approach-based exercise program on the functional capacity and quality of life of chronic nonspecific low back pain patients

Rodrigo Pinheiro Vilela 30 August 2006 (has links)
Introdução: Programas de exercícios para pacientes lombálgicos tem sido amplamente descritos na literatura; contudo a efetividade de programas de exercícios para esta condição clínica ainda encontra-se controversa. Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional sobre a capacidade funcional e a qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica. Desenho Experimental: Randomized Controlled Trial. Amostra: 30 pacientes do sexo feminino com lombalgia crônica não-específica. Instrumentos de Análise: Capacidade Funcional (Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire), Qualidade de Vida (SF-36) e intensidade de dor (Escala Numérica de Dor). Métodos: As pacientes foram divididas em Grupo Controle (GC) e Grupo Experimental (GE). Pacientes em ambos os grupos foram submetidas a três avaliações durante seis semanas, em intervalos de três semanas envolvendo o preenchimento dos questionários Roland-Morris, SF-36 e Escala Numérica de Dor. O grupo experimental foi submetido a um programa de exercícios durante seis semanas objetivando a melhora do recrutamento muscular para melhor manutenção postural e treino de funcionalidade. O grupo controle, após o período de observação, recebeu intervenção idêntica à recebida pelo grupo experimental. Grupos controle e experimental foram comparados através do teste t – student. Resultados: O grupo experimental apresentou melhora significativa na capacidade funcional (p= 0,0), qualidade de vida (SF 36;escalas variando com p = 0,0 até 0,02) e intensidade de dor (p= 0,0) ao ser comparado com o grupo controle. Após a intervenção em ambos os grupos, a melhora manteve-se significativa. Conclusão: O programa de exercícios baseado em abordagem postural e funcional mostrou-se eficiente na melhora da dor, capacidade funcional e qualidade de vida de pacientes com lombalgia crônica. / Background: Exercise programs for low back pain have been largely studied; however its effectiveness on this clinical condition is still controversial. Purpose: To assess the effects of a postural and functional approach-based exercise program on functional capacity, quality of life and pain condition of subjects with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Study Design: Randomized Controlled Trial. Patient Sample: 30 women with nonspecific CLBP. Outcome Measures: functional capacity (RMQ, Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire), quality of life (SF-36 subscales) and pain condition (NRS, Numerical Rating Scale). Methods: Patients were randomly assigned to control (CG) and treatment groups (TG). Patients from both groups were submitted to a three-week interval evaluation involving the completion of RMQ, SF-36 and NRS. TG was submitted to a six-week program of treatment addressing improvement of muscular recruitment for better postural maintenance and functional training. The CG was submitted to the same intervention program, after six weeks of no intervention. CG and TG were compared by applying t student test to the variables. Results: TG showed significant improvement in functional capacity (p= 0.0), quality of life (SF 36 subscales with p ~ 0.0 to 0.02) and pain condition (p= 0.0) compared to CG. The refferences remained significant when the results of intervention in the control group were added to the treatment group and compared to the control group baseline. Conclusions: The postural and functional approach-based exercise program showed efficient in improving the functional capacity, quality of life and pain condition of CLBP patients.

Estudo prospectivo, comparativo, randomizado, duplamente coberto, controlado com placebo sobre a eficácia das ondas de choque no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial das regiões lombar e glútea / A prospective, comparative, randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled study on the efficacy of shock waves in the treatment of myofascial pain syndrome of the lumbar and gluteal regions

Ricardo Kobayashi 13 July 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tratamento com ondas de choque (TOC) é utilizado para tratar numerosas afecções musculoesqueléticas, incluindo-se as pseudartroses e as tendinopatias. Há poucos estudos bem estruturados sobre a eficácia do TOC no tratamento da síndrome dolorosa miofascial (SDM) e não há ensaio clínico aleatorizado sobre sua utilização no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a eficácia do TOC no tratamento das SDMs das regiões lombar e glútea. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo prospectivo, controlado, com amostra aleatória e duplamente encoberto sobre o tratamento de doentes com dor moderada a intensa decorrente de SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea com duração superior a seis meses, submetidos previamente a tratamento padronizado com antidepressivo, analgésico, terapia física e orientações fisioterápicas durante seis semanas. Foram elegíveis 46 doentes que apresentavam dor com intensidade >= 4 de acordo com a EVA dentre os 121 convocados. Durante seis semanas os doentes elegíveis foram submetidos a tratamento farmacológico e fisioterápico padronizado. Sete doentes usufruíram melhora clínica importante e oito abandonaram o estudo, restando 31 doentes que participaram efetivamente do estudo. Após a randomização, 14 doentes foram submetidos a TOC com cabeçote ativo e 17 a TOC com cabeçote placebo. Foram avaliados os aspectos demográficos, a apresentação clínica, a incapacidade funcional, a intensidade e as características da dor até um ano após a realização dos procedimentos destes 31 doentes. As avaliações foram realizadas com uso da Escala Visual Analógica (EVA), Questionário de Incapacidade de Roland-Morris (RDQ), Índice de Incapacidade de Oswestry (ODI), Versão Reduzida do Questionário de Dor McGill (SF-MPQ) e Inventário Diagnóstico da Dor Neuropática 4 (DN4). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os grupos quanto às características sociodemográficas dos doentes. Entretanto, a duração das queixas de dor dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo foi significativamente superior (p < 0,05) a dos do grupo TOC placebo. Em relação aos doentes tratados com TOC placebo, os doentes tratados com TOC ativo usufruíram redução estatisticamente significativa da dor de acordo com a EVA na interação grupo versus tempo a partir do momento \"três meses\"; a melhora manteve-se estatisticamente significativa durante um ano (p < 0,001), achado que sugere que o efeito analgésico instala-se em longo prazo e mantém-se prolongadamente. Não ocorreu modificação estatisticamente significativa na interação grupo versus tempo nas pontuações dos questionários RDQ, ODI e SF-MPQ ao longo do tempo nos doentes de ambos grupos. No momento \"12 meses\" ocorreu redução superior a 50% da incapacidade funcional da dor lombar avaliada de acordo com o RDQ em 70,0% dos doentes do grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes tratados com TOC placebo; diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). Ocorreu também redução superior a 50% das pontuações do ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" em 70,0% dos doentes incluídos no grupo TOC ativo e em apenas 14,3% dos doentes do grupo TOC placebo, diferença percentual estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento com o TOC ativo dos doentes com SDM nas regiões lombar e glútea proporcionou melhora significativa da dor a partir do momento \"três meses\" até, pelo menos, o momento \"12 meses\" de acompanhamento, achado que sugere que seu efeito analgésico instala-se tardiamente. Adicionalmente, proporcionou melhora da funcionalidade de acordo com o RDQ e ODI na avaliação realizada no momento \"12 meses\" / INTRODUCTION: Extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) has been used successfully in different musculoskeletal conditions, including pseudarthrosis and tendinopathies. However, there are very few well-structured studies on the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of myofascial pain syndromes (MPSs) and no randomized clinical trial about the ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal myofascial pain. OBJECTIVES: To assess the efficacy of ESWT in the treatment of lumbar and gluteal MPSs. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was prospective, randomized, double-blind and placebo-controlled. From 121 patients with moderate or severe pain due to MPS in the lumbar and gluteal regions lasting more than six months were enrolled; a total of 46 patients with pain intensity >= 4 according to the VAS were considered eligible. The elected patients were treated with antidepressant, analgesic and physical therapy as a standard protocol during six weeks. Seven patients had significant clinical improvement with the pharmacological and physical therapies and eight dropped out the study. The remainder 31 patients were randomized and 14 underwent active ESWT and 17 underwent placebo ESWT. The demographic aspects, clinical presentations, functional disabilities, severity and characteristics of pain were evaluated previously to the inclusion in the study until the end of the first year after the treatment with active or placebo ESWT. The evaluations were based on the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Roland- Morris Disability Questionnaire (RDQ), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI), Short- Form of the McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), and the Neuropathic Pain Diagnostic Questionnaire 4 (DN4). RESULTS: There were no statistical differences between the groups regarding the baseline characteristics of the patients. However, the duration of pain of the patients treated with active ESWT was significantly higher (p < 0,05) than those treated with placebo ESWT. There was no statistically significant variation over time in the RDQ, ODI and SF-MPQ scores between the patients from each group. Patients treated with active ESWT presented a significant reduction of pain severity according to the VAS from the third until the 12nd month of follow-up (p < 0,001), finding indicative that the analgesic effect of the ESWT starts late but remains over time. At the 12nd month of follow-up, 70,0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and just 14.3% of the patients from de placebo ESWT group had more than 50% improvement of the functional disability of the low back pain according to the RDQ, statistically significant difference (p < 0,05). There was also a reduction of more than 50% of ODI scores in the 12th month of follow-up in 70.0% of the patients treated with active ESWT and in only 14.3% of the patients treated with placebo ESWT (p < 0,05). CONCLUSIONS: The active ESWT provided a significant and lasting reduction in pain intensity from the third until the 12th month of follow-up, finding that suggests that its analgesic effect settles late and has long duration. Additionally, it provided improvement of the functionality according to the RDQ and ODI at the 12th month of follow-up

Klinička efikasnost programa vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije i torakalne mobilizacije u sanaciji hroničnog lumbalnog bola / Clinical efficacy of the program of the lumbar stabilization and thoracic mobilization exercises in low back pain repair

Kostadinović Stefan 24 January 2019 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Individualno kreiran program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije, mogao bi da doprinese boljem oporavku pacijenata sa hroničnim bolom u donjem delu leđa. Program vežbi u lečenju hroničnog lumbalnog bola je prilično raznolik, ali je dokazano da su vežbe stabilizacije najefikasnije, posebno vežbe u zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu. Cilj: je bio da se uporedi program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije u otvorenom i zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu, u odnosu na program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije i torakalne mobilizacije u zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu kao i da se proceni klinička efikasnost oba programa vežbi. Metode: Istraživanje je sprovedeno kao prospektivna, eksperimentalna studija na 80 ispitanika oba pola (35 mu&scaron;karaca, 45 žena), prosečne životne dobi (48.45+/- 10.22 godina) sa hroničnim lumbalnim bolom. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na Klinici za rehabilitaciju &bdquo;dr Miroslav Zotović&ldquo; u Beogradu u periodu od juna 2017. do marta 2018. godine. Ispitanici su podeljeni u dve grupe od 40 pacijenata. Prva grupa ispitanika je sprovodila program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije i torakalne mobilizacije u zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu (LSTMZ), a druga program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije u zatvorenom i otvorenom kinetičkom lancu (LSZO). Pored op&scaron;tih demografskih, antropometrijskih podataka o ispitanicima, kori&scaron;ćeni su sledeći upitnici i testovi: za procenu intenziteta bola u leđima i donjim ekstremitetima- vizuelna analogna skala (VAS), za procenu neuropatske komponente bola- DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions), za procenu funkcionalnog statusa kori&scaron;ćen je Osvestrijev upitnik o onesposobljenosti (ODI), procena sagitalne pokretljivosti lumbosakralne kičme Schober testom, procena mi&scaron;ićne snage - manuelnim mi&scaron;ićnom testom; Ispitivanje senzitivnosti na ključnim senzornim tačkama za dermatome je vr&scaron;eno prema ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) skali, testom istezanja ishiadičnog (Lazarevićev) i femoralnog nerva ispitivano je prisustvo kompresije nervnih korenova, za procenu stabilnosti lumbosakralne kičme- je kori&scaron;ćen test nestabilnosti u proniranom položaju (Prone Instability test). Ispitanici su ergonomski edukovani, sprovedena je transkutana elektro-nervna stimulacija (TENS) i primenjivana je laseroterapija male snage. Pacijentima je određena osmonedeljna kineziterapija koja je obuhvatala vežbe za jačanje dubokih stabilizatora lumbalne kičme. Retestiranje je rađeno nakon 4 i 8 nedelja. Rezultati: Kod obe grupe ispitanika u svim intervalima merenja je nađena visoka statistički značajna (p&lt; 0,001) redukcija intenziteta bola prema VAS skali za lumbalnu kičmu i donje ekstremitete,&nbsp;&nbsp; pobolj&scaron;anje funkcionalnog statusa (Oswestry) i sagitalne pokretljivosti (Schober). Statistički značajan (p&lt;0,05) oporavak ispitanika grupe 1 u odnosu na grupu 2, ostvaren je u svim intervalima merenja kod parametara: Intenzitet bola (VAS LS i VAS za nogu), stepen onesposobljenosti (ODI),vrednost motornog skora za trup merenog ASIA skalom i vrednost neuropatske komponente bola (DN4). Statistički značajan (p&lt; 0,05) oporavak ispitanika u grupi 2 u odnosu na grupu 1, ostvaren je posle 8 nedelja kod parametra za procenu vrednosti&nbsp; senzornog skora dodir prema ASIA skali. Utvrđeno je da veće početne vrednosti intenziteta bola prema skalama Vas ls i Vas za nogu i stepena onesposobljenosti prema ODI, negativno utiču na krajnji ishod ovih parametara kod pacijenata sa HLB-om u obe grupe (p&lt;0,05). Pacijenti sa pozitivnom neuropatskom komponentom bola imaju lo&scaron;iji ishod lečenja HLB-a vežbama stabilizacije i torakalne mobilizacije (p&lt;0,05). Zaključci: Pacijenti koji su radili program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije i torakalne mobilizacije u zatvorenom kinetičkom lancu su imali bolji funkcionalni oporavak i značajniju redukciju intenziteta bola u odnosu na ispitanike koji su radili program vežbi lumbalne stabilizacije u zatvorenom i otvorenom kinetičkom lancu.</p> / <p>Introduction: An individual program of lumbar stabilization exercises could contribute to a better recovery of patients with chronic lower back pain. The exercise program in the treatment of chronic lumbar pain is quite diverse, but it has been proven that stabilization exercises are most effective, especially in a closed kinetic chain. Objective: was to compare the program of lumbar stabilization exercises in the open and closed kinetic chain, in relation to the program of lumbar stabilization exercises and thoracic mobilization in a closed kinetic chain, and to evaluate the clinical efficacy of both exercise programs. Methods: The study was conducted as a prospective, experimental study of 80 subjects of both sexes (35 men, 45 women), average life expectancy (48.45 +/- 10.22 years) with chronic lumbar pain. The research was conducted at the Rehabilitation Clinic &quot;Dr. Miroslav Zotović&quot; in Belgrade in the period from June 2017 to March 2018. Respondents were divided into two groups of 40 patients. The first group of respondents carried out a lumbar stabilization and thoracic mobilization program in a closed kinetic chain (LSTMZ) and the second, program of lumbar stabilization exercises in closed and open kinetic chain (LSZO). In addition to general demographic, anthropometric data on respondents, the following questionnaires and tests were used: for assessing the intensity of back pain and lower extremities - visual analogue scale (VAS), for assessing the neuropathic pain component DN4 (Douleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions),&nbsp; for functional status assessment was used Oswestry disability index (ODI), for assessment of sagittal mobility of the lumbosacral spine- Schober test, muscular strength assessment - manual muscle test; Sensitivity testing at key sensory points for dermatomas was performed according to the ASIA (American Spinal Injury Association) scale, stretching test of the ishiadic (Lazarević) and femoral nerves was udes for detection of nerve root irritation, and the Prone Instability test was used to assess the stability of the lumbosacral spine. Respondents were ergonomically educated, transcutaneous electrical-nerve stimulation (TENS) and low-power laser therapy were performed. Patients were given an eight-week kinesiotherapy that included exercises to strengthen the deep lumbar spine stabilizers. Retesting was done after 4 and 8 weeks. Results: In both groups of subjects, high statistically significant (p &lt;0.001) reduction of pain intensity to VAS scale for lumbar spine and for the leg, functional disability (Oswestry) sagital mobility of lumbar spine (Schober) improvement were found at all measurement intervals. The statistically significant (p &lt;0.05) recovery of group 1 subjects compared to group 2 was achieved at all measurement intervals in the parameters: Pain intensity (VAS LS and VAS for the leg), degree of disability (ODI), motor score value for the trunk measured by the ASIA scale and the value of the neuropathic pain component (DN4). Statistically significant (p &lt;0.05) recovery of group 2 subjects compared to group 2 was achieved after 8 weeks with the parameter for assessing the sensory touch score value to the ASIA scale. It has been found that higher initial pain intensity values to VAS ls and VAS for leg and degree of disability to ODI, negatively affect the final outcome of these parameters in patients with chronic low back pain in both groups of subject (p&lt;0,05). Patients with a positive neuropathic pain component have a lower outcome of chronic low back pain treatment with lumbar stabilization and thoracic mobilization exercises (p&lt;0,05). Conclusions: Patients who performed lumbar stabilization and thoracic mobilization exercises program in a closed kinetic chain had better functional recovery and a significant reduction in pain intensity compared to respondents who performed a lumbar stabilization program in a closed and open kinetic chain.</p>

Réponses hémodynamiques et métaboliques des muscles paravertébraux à l'exercice : influence de la lombalgie chronique et de la pratique d'activités physiques / Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to exercise in paraspinal muscles : influence of chronic low back pain and of the practice of physical activities

Anthierens, Agathe 14 May 2019 (has links)
Introduction : Les muscles paravertébraux interviennent en permanence dans les tâches de la vie quotidienne pour la stabilisation et la mobilisation du rachis. Cela nécessite la contribution du métabolisme aérobie musculaire. La lombalgie chronique est caractérisée par un haut niveau de fatigabilité et des sensations de douleur au regard des muscles paravertébraux, qui pourraient être en partie attribués à l’altération des réponses du métabolisme aérobie musculaire, tandis que la pratique d’activités physiques et sportives (APS) pourrait améliorer ces réponses Objectif : L’objectif général était de déterminer la spécificité des réponses du métabolisme aérobie des muscles paravertébraux chez des patients lombalgiques chroniques, avant et après un programme de restauration fonctionnelle, et chez différents athlètes en bonne santé. Méthode : Quatre études ont été menées. Chaque participant a effectué des exercices isocinétiques sous-maximaux d’extension du tronc pendant cinq minutes, afin d’évaluer les réponses du métabolisme aérobie des muscles paravertébraux à l’exercice. Des sujets lombalgiques chroniques ont été appariés et comparés à des sujets sains, puis suivis au cours d’un programme de restauration fonctionnelle, dont la principale composante était l’exercice physique. Des sujets jeunes et en bonne santé, sportifs et non sportifs, ont été comparés entre eux. Résultats/Conclusion : Chez les lombalgiques chroniques, le programme de restauration fonctionnel a permis une accélération des cinétiques de V̇O2, une augmentation de l’oxygénation musculaire, et une augmentation de l’efficience mécanique à l’exercice. Chez les jeunes sportifs, les réponses aérobies étaient aussi améliorées, et la modification de ces réponses était dépendante des modalités d’entrainement. Ces résultats suggèrent que la pratique d’APS améliore la contribution du métabolisme aérobie au cours d’un exercice prolongé d’extension du tronc, au regard des muscles paravertébraux. Il n’y avait pas de différence entre les réponses métaboliques et hémodynamiques à l’exercice des lombalgiques chroniques, et celles des sujets sains, malgré un faible niveau de force maximale, et un haut niveau de fatigabilité musculaire à l’exercice chez les lombalgiques chroniques. Bien que les résultats préliminaires ne témoignent pas d’une altération des réponses chez les lombalgiques chroniques, nos travaux suggèrent que la pratique d’activités physiques pourrait diminuer le niveau de fatigabilité des muscles paravertébraux, et ainsi limiter les risques de blessure et de contre-performance, en améliorant les réponses aérobies à l’exercice. / Introduction: Paraspinal muscles are required continuously during daily tasks for trunk stabilization and mobilization. For this, aerobic metabolism muscle contribution is required. Chronic low back pain is characterized by a high level of fatigability and pain sensations in regard to paraspinal muscles. These symptoms may be attributed to an alteration in aerobic metabolism responses. Conversely, practising physical and sports activities (PSA) could improve these responses.Objective: The main objective was to determine the specificities in aerobic metabolism responses in regard to paraspinal muscles, in chronic low back pain patients following a functional restoration program and in healthy athletes.Method: Four studies have been conducted. Participants performed submaximal trunk extension exercises on an isokinetic dynamometer for five minutes, to assess paraspinal muscle aerobic metabolism responses to exercises. Chronic low back pain patients were paired with and compared to healthy individuals and followed during a functional restoration program, in which physical exercise was the main component. Also, healthy young individuals, with and without sport specialization, were compared with each other.Results/Conclusion: In chronic low back pain patients, the functional restoration program allows an acceleration in V̇O2, kinetics, an increase in paraspinal muscle oxygenation, and an increase in mechanical efficiency to exercise. In young athletes, the aerobic responses were also improved, and the changes in responses depended on the training modalities. Practicing SPA enhances the aerobic metabolism contribution during prolonged trunk extension exercise, in regard to paraspinal muscles. There was no difference in aerobic metabolism responses between the chronic low back pain patients and the healthy individuals, despite weak levels of maximal strength and high levels of muscle fatigability when exercising (for the chronic low back pain patients). Although the preliminary results did not attest to an alteration in aerobic responses in chronic low back pain patients, our results suggest that practising physical activities could limit paraspinal muscle fatigability, which could be a way to prevent injury and disappointing performances, by improving aerobic metabolism responses to exercise.

Musculoskeletal Disorders among Farmers and Referents, with Special Reference to Occurence, Health Care Utilization and Etiological Factors : A Population-based Study

Holmberg, Sara January 2004 (has links)
<p><i>Objectives.</i> To study the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms among farmers as compared to rural referents and to evaluate the effects of physical work exposures, psychosocial factors, lifestyle and comorbidity.</p><p><i>Material and methods.</i> A cross-sectional population-based survey of 1013 farmers and 769 matched referents was performed. Data on various symptoms, consultations and sick leave and information on primary health care and hospital admissions were obtained along with information on physical workload, psychosocial factors and lifestyle. </p><p><i>Results.</i> The farmers reported higher lifetime prevalence of symptoms from hands and forearms, low back and hips as compared to the referents. However, the farmers did not seek medical advice more often than the referents, and they reported significantly fewer sick leaves. After adjustment for the influence of physical work exposure, farmers still had a excess rate of low back pain (LBP) and hip symptoms as compared with the referents, while a lower rate of neck-shoulder symptoms was revealed. Several of the psychosocial variables were associated with LBP but the difference in LBP prevalence between farmers and referents could only be explained to some extent. LBP was associated with musculoskeletal symptoms other than LBP and with chest discomfort, dyspepsia, symptoms from mucous membranes, skin problems, work-related fever attacks, and primary care for digestive disorders. Presence of both respiratory and digestive disorders doubled the LBP prevalence.</p><p><i>Conclusions.</i> Symptoms from hips and low back were more frequent among farmers than among referents, but farmers did not seek more health care and reported fewer sick leaves than referents. Physical work exposure and psychosocial factors did not explain the differences in low back and hip symptoms between the two groups. Significant associations between LBP and digestive and respiratory disorders might indicate that these disorders may have etiological factors in common.</p>

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