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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den enes lyx, den andres vardag : En kvantitativ studie om hur svenska bostadsköpares personlighetsdrag relaterar till motivationsgrunder för lyxkonsumtion på bostadsmarknaden

Berglund, Julia, Spejare, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att analysera och öka förståelsen för hur svenska bostadsköpare, utöver behov och nytta, resonerar kring val av bostad utifrån ett prestige- och statusbehov med fokus på lyx. Studien har ett deduktivt synsätt med en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätstudie. Enkäten skickades ut via sociala medier vilket gör det svårt att avgöra det totala urvalet. Författarnas uppskattade bedömning på 675 612 potentiella respondenter, resulterade i 1294 enkätsvar. Därefter analyserades och redovisades datan genom nätverksanalys i statistikprogrammet JASP. Där tillämpades funktionerna: “Network plot”, “Centrality plot” och “Clustering plot” samt “Weight Matrix” som visar exakt vikt på de olika sambanden. Studien visar på ett samband mellan svenska bostadsköpares personlighetsdrag och preferenser på bostadsmarknaden. Detta då bostäder av hög kvalitet och hållbarhet samt ytligt lyxiga bostäder är viktigt för alla bostadsköpare förutom neurotiska. För bostadsköpare med personlighetsdragen Openness to Experience och Agreeableness är det dock kvinnliga bostadsköpare som värdesätter bostäder med ett lyxigt yttre. Neurotiska individer gillar däremot att imitera andras bostäder. Detta gäller dock främst neurotiska kvinnor som uppskattar och strävar efter att deras egen bostad ska efterlikna bostäder som ägs av människor de jämför sig med. Dessutom kan ett bostadsköp ske i syfte att tillfredsställa status- och prestigebehov. Detta gäller främst för män med höga värden av Agreeableness och individer med höga värden av Neuroticism, även där främst män. Denna studie kan fördjupas ytterligare genom att betrakta lyx på bostadsmarknaden utifrån ett åldersperspektiv eller en specifik stad i Sverige. Alternativt genom att fokusera på varför bostadskonsumenter tycker som de gör sett till preferenser på bostadsmarknaden. Studien bidrar till att mäklarbranschen kan använda resultaten på spekulanter och kunder som ett verktyg för att effektivisera vid behovsanalys. / The purpose of the study is to analyze and increase the understanding of how Swedish home buyers, in addition to needs and benefits, reason about choosing a home based on a prestige and status need with a focus on luxury. The study has applied a deductive approach with a quantitative method in the form of a questionnaire study. The questionnaire was sent out via social media and it is thus difficult to determine the total sample. The authors make their own assessment and of 675,612 potential respondents, 1294 answered the survey. The data were then analyzed by network analysis in the JASP statistics program. Reporting and analysis of the data took place via a network analysis. The functions were applied there: “Network plot”, “Centrality plot” and “Clustering plot” as well as “Weight Matrix” which shows the exact weight of the different relationships. The study shows a connection between Swedish home buyers' personality traits and preferences in the housing market. This is because homes of high quality and durability as well as superficially luxurious homes are important for all home buyers except neurotic ones. For home buyers with personality traits Openness to Experience and Agreeableness, however, it is female home buyers who value homes with a luxurious exterior. Neurotic individuals, on the other hand, like to imitate other people's homes. However, this mainly applies to neurotic women who appreciate and strive for their own home to imitate homes owned by people they compare themselves with. In addition, a home purchase can be made in order to satisfy status and prestige needs. This is especially true for men with high values of Agreeableness and individuals with high values of Neuroticism, even there mainly men. This study can be further deepened by looking at luxury in the housing market from an age perspective or a specific city in Sweden. Alternatively, by focusing on why home consumers think as they do in terms of preferences in the housing market. The study helps the brokerage industry to use the results on speculators and customers as a tool to streamline needs analysis.

Маркетинг товаров класса «роскошь» на примере ОАО "Ювелиры Урала" : магистерская диссертация / Marketing of "luxury" goods on the example of JSC "Jewelers of the Urals"

Сергеева, Е. А., Sergeeva, E. A. January 2017 (has links)
Аналитики и маркетологи в последние два десятилетия отмечают бурный рост рынка предметов роскоши. Несмотря на большой интерес со стороны ученых, практиков и даже обывателей к товарам категории роскоши, до сих пор в научной литературе нет единой теории маркетинга и менеджмента этих товаров. / Analysts and marketers in the last two decades have noted the rapid growth of the luxury goods market. Despite the great interest on the part of scientists, practitioners and even philistines to luxury goods, there is still no unified theory of marketing and management of these goods in the scientific literature.

The Relationship between Social Responsibility and Chinese Luxury Shoppers' Purchase Decisions

Li, Meng 21 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Rapid Condominium Growth and the Emergence of the Ultra-Luxury Condominium Market in Toronto, Canada

Mager, Andrea 30 April 2013 (has links)
In this thesis, I undertake a study of rapid condominium growth occurring in the City of Toronto, Canada, and the emergence of an ultra-luxury condominium market during a time of global financial instability. This thesis examines the influence of rapid growth on Toronto as a world city during this time by asking the following research questions: 1. Why has Toronto become a place of safe investment for condominium buyers during a time of global economic uncertainty? 2. Why has the ultra-luxury market emerged in Toronto? What are the driving forces behind it, how does it contribute to Toronto’s standing as a world city, and what does the future hold for this niche market? 3. What is the current state of the condominium market in Toronto and what can we expect to see happen in the near future? To answer these questions, this thesis draws insights from urban, political, economic and social geographic literature, statistical and policy data, as well as twenty-five (25) semi- structured interviews with a variety of key industry stakeholders in the City of Toronto. The results of this study point to a changing demographic landscape in a city where fundamental elements have not only secured Toronto’s reputation as a place of safe investment, but also created an environment of pent up demand leading to the emergence of the ultra-luxury condominium market. The City of Toronto has garnered international attention for its rapid rate of high-rise growth, and continues to craft its reputation as a world city through the addition of four, 5-star hotel condominiums. Additionally, this thesis recognizes the pressing social, environmental and political issues that accompany this recent, rapid growth, and provides general recommendations for addressing these complex topics through the suggestion of future research on the topic. / Thesis (Master, Geography) -- Queen's University, 2013-04-29 12:28:08.426

No Accounting for Taste: Luxury Counterfeiting in Today's Retail Industry

Wilson, Amanda 01 January 2017 (has links)
The counterfeiting industry continues to grow worldwide, valued today at $461 billion according to the Global IP Center’s 2016 Report. This proliferation of counterfeiting has permeated many industries, but poses a unique threat to the luxury retail sector. Many factors have precipitated the expansion of this industry: expanded trade and manufacturing networks, enhanced technology, the rise of e-commerce, the globalization of trade, and others. Long viewed as a necessary evil in the luxury business, this booming counterfeit industry threatens retailers and governments alike. For individual retailers, counterfeiting deprives them of revenues, increases anti-counterfeiting expenses, devalues the brand, and disincentivizes growth and innovation. As a result, governments suffer slowed economic growth, higher unemployment and decreased tax revenues. Despite the economic and accounting consequences of luxury counterfeiting, steps can be taken to mitigate its impact. Legislation that defines and protects intellectual property rights, brand enforcement tools, supply chain management, public and private sector partnerships, authentication technology and consumer education present opportunities for building a strong anti-counterfeiting strategy. My research examines the luxury counterfeiting industry from its origins, investigating its history and the reasons for its rise in current global conditions. Taking an accounting-based perspective, I address both the ramifications of the luxury counterfeiting industry and propose strategies to combat it. Curtailing the expansion of this lucrative, black-market industry will be difficult and costly for luxury retailers and governments alike, but given the growing threat it poses around the world, it is in their best interest to pursue some of these proposed strategies.

How to improve a luxury product's value ?

Fiastre, Gautier January 2017 (has links)
This paper is aimed at understanding a luxury product’s value. The luxury market is a really special market, with different rules and a different logic than other markets. Customers are not only looking for useful or efficient product, but for quality, scarcity and well-valued products. Noriaki Kano and its studies on a product’s characteristics allows us to understand widely the customer’s satisfaction. However, in the luxury market, this satisfaction seems to be more complicated to implement. A Micro economic analysis of the luxury market helps us to understand specificities of the market, and ways to improve a luxury product’s value.

Lyxkonsumtion ur Generation Y:s perspektiv : En studie kring attityder, värderingar och varumärkesuppfattningar / Luxury consumption from Generation Y’s perspective : A study in attitudes, values and brand perceptions

Hagesund, Emelie, Kapic, Arijana January 2014 (has links)
Intresset för lyxprodukter har ökat runt om i världen vilket också blivit allt mer framträdande i Sverige. Marknaden för lyxprodukter har de senaste åren förändrats och banat väg för en ny kategori av lyx tillgänglig för en globalt växande medelklass. Den nya kategorin benämns ofta som new luxury vilket innebär en åtkomlig kategori av statusgivande produkter som är lägre i pris än de traditionella lyxprodukterna. Allt fler lyxföretag väljer att expandera för att kunna nå en bredare kundbas och tillämpar därför produktlinjeutvidgning eller varumärkesutvidgning. En alltför omfattande expandering kan dock innebära risker eftersom den uppfattade exklusiviteten hos ett lyxföretag kan gå förlorad. Många underlinjer riktar sig mot en yngre kundbas och Generation Y har visat sig vara en fördelaktig målgrupp att rikta sig mot på lyxmarknaden.Denna studie har som syfte att bidra med teoretisk kunskap kring vilka lyxprodukter svenska kvinnor av Generation Y konsumerar och vilka attityder och värderingar de har kring lyxkonsumtion och lyxvarumärken inom kategorierna traditionell lyx och new luxury. Det tycks finnas en brist på forskning i Sverige som behandlar kopplingen mellan Generation Y och lyxkonsumtion, varvid denna studie fyller en viktig kunskapslucka. Åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer utfördes med kvinnor i åldrarna 20-26 som är konsumenter av lyxprodukter. Resultaten visar att svenska kvinnor av Generation Y främst konsumerar lyxprodukter i form av accessoarer och framförallt handväskor. Det framgår även att överexponering av ett lyxvarumärke frammanar negativa attityder och att de lätt tröttnar på det om de ser det för ofta och om det används av personer utanför deras referensgrupp. Utifrån kategoriseringen av traditionell lyx och new luxury kan vi se att svenska kvinnor av Generation Y är medvetna om skillnaderna mellan kategorierna. Dock gjorde de inte någon medveten skillnad mellan underlinjer och modervarumärken vilket innebär att dessa delar samma image och kvalitetsuppfattning hos svenska kvinnor av Generation Y.

Study on Perceived Risk of Luxury-bag Consumption Patterns

Yang, Ya-huei 22 June 2010 (has links)
The motivations underlying consumers¡¦ purchase of luxury brands are valued in the industry and in the research field. On the other hand, consumers not only could buy luxury brands from luxury brands¡¦ store, but could buy them from second-hand store or just rent them. They even could buy counterfeit luxury brands which almost have the same performance with luxury brands. There are also many extant literatures about these consumers¡¦ behavior. But it still lacks the discussion about the differences between consumers who have different consumption behaviors. The motivation of this research is to fill up this research gap and to discuss the differences between consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands. Perceived risk theory is adopted in this research. The purpose of this research is to explore the differences in performance risk, financial risk, psychological risk, social risk and time risk between consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands. This research is verified through the survey study. Collectively, the results support that: the consumers who have different consumption behaviors for luxury brands have different combinations of perceived risk.

Application of STP Theory of Luxury Market in Taichung

Chu, Chin-fa 21 July 2010 (has links)
Abstract The development of economic improves the requirement of the high quality of life, and the focus of housing marketing have turned from the amount issues to the quality issues. Thus, the markets of luxury houses were due to be born. Filled with mansions, the New Civic Center of Taichung has become a arena of the building companies. In addition to the real estate boom, whether the sales of the cases of luxury houses could reach the targets is depend importantly on how much the building company grasps the market demand. Therefore, to target customers through accurate market positioning is a prerequisite for product sales, and the use of STP marketing is exactly a key management tool. Based on the background and motivation, there are five objectives of the research, including: (1) understanding the concept of real estates; (2) understanding the concept of luxury houses; (3) understanding the theoretical basis of STP; (4) exploring the development of luxury house markets in Taichung; and (5) using STP to develop the marketing strategy of the luxury house cases for Longbao Building. This research adopts the method of Secondary Data Collection and uses the case study of single-case design and single-analzing unit. It concludes four summaries in the study: 1. There are three types of segment variables in Taichung luxury house market: (1) geographic variables ¡V regional distribution; (2) demographic variables ¡V family income, occupation, and family structure; (3) buying behavior variables ¡V product purpose, product characteristics preference, and brand image. 2. Six market segments are deduced in Taichung luxury house market. 3. Based on the SWOT analysis of Longbao, this study regards the six market segments as the target luxury house market in Taichung. 4. The main target market of Longbao Building in Taichung luxury house marketare are "Segments C" and "Segments E", which use the existing cases as product positioning and high prices as pricing policy. In addition, the direct access model by the building company is adopted. The demand was good and for the promotion of environmental quality, quality of community culture, a strong facility of life, complete major construction, transport facilities, closing the political, economic, social and other locations.

Study on consumption value of luxury-bag consumption pattern

Yang, Shu-li 16 February 2011 (has links)
The issue of consumption pattern of luxury-bag has been concerned for a long time. The early researches of consumption pattern of luxury-bag, scholars studied on single consumption pattern of luxury-bag, it means, there is no research of many consumption patterns of luxury-bag in one time. So the author wants to compare the different consumption patterns of luxury-bag in consumption value, expecting that understanding the influencing factors between different consumers of purchasing patterns. There are two purposes in the research, 1. Make the radar charts in different consumption patterns of luxury-bag, and then according to the results give the suggestions of marketing. 2.Compare the different consumption patterns of luxury-bag in a single consumption value. By collecting and analyzing questionnaires, the results are that consumers with different patterns have different consumption value; people who purchase new luxury-bag have similar consumption value to people who purchase second-hand luxury-bag; people who purchase counterfeits pay much attention to social value; people who rent the luxury-bag pay much attention to condition value.

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