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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bio-based Composites from Soybean Oil Thermosets and Natural Fibers

Adekunle, Kayode January 2011 (has links)
In order to reduce over-dependency on fossil fuels and to create an environment that is free of non-degradable plastics, and most importantly to reduce greenhouse gas emission, bio-based products are being developed from renewable resources through intense research to substitute conventional petrochemical-based plastics with renewable alternatives and to replace synthetic fibers with natural fibers. Many authors have done quite a lot of work on synthesizing polymers from renewable origin. Polylactic acid (PLA) has been developed and characterized, and it was found that it has enormous potential and can serve as an alternative to conventional thermoplastics in many applications. Modification of the plant oil triglycerides has been discussed by many authors, and research is still going on in this area. The challenge is how to make these renewable polymers more competitive in the market, and if possible to make them 100% bio-based. There is also a major disadvantage to using a bio-based polymer from plant oils because of the high viscosity, which makes impregnation of fibers difficult. Although natural fibers are hydrophilic in nature, the problem of compatibility with the hydrophobic matrix must be solved; however, the viscosity of the bio-based resin from plant oils will complicate the situation even more. This is why many authors have reported blending of the renewable thermoset resin with styrene. In the process of solving one problem, i.e reducing the viscosity of the renewable thermoset resin by blending with reactive diluents such as styrene, another problem which we intended to solve at the initial stage is invariably being created by using a volatile organic solvent like styrene. The solution to this cycle of problems is to synthesize a thermoset resin from plant oils which will have lower viscosity, and at the same time have higher levels of functionality. This will increase the crosslinking density, and they can be cured at room temperature or relatively low temperature. In view of the above considerations, the work included in this thesis has provided a reasonable solution to the compounded problems highlighted above. Three types of bio-based thermoset resins were synthesized and characterized using NMR, DSC, TGA, and FT-IR, and their processability was studied. The three resins were subsequently reinforced with natural fibers (woven and non-woven), glass fibers, and Lyocell fiber and the resulting natural fiber composites were characterized by mechanical, dynamic mechanical, impact, and SEM analyses. These composites can be used extensively in the automotive industry, particularly for the interior components, and also in the construction and furniture industries. Methacrylated soybean oil (MSO), methacrylic anhydride-modified soybean oil (MMSO), and acetic anhydride-modified soybean oil (AMSO) were found to be suitable for manufacture of composites because of their lower viscosity. The MMSO and MSO resins were found to be promising materials because composites manufactured by using them as a matrix showed very good mechanical properties. The MMSO resin can completely wet a fiber without the addition of styrene. It has the highest number of methacrylates per triglyceride and high crosslink density. / Akademisk avhandling för avläggande av teknologie doktorsexamen vid Chalmers Tekniska högskola försvaras vid offentlig disputation, den 6:e maj, Chalmers, KE-salen, Kemigården 4, Göteborg, kl. 10.00.

Bio-based nonwoven fabric-like materials produced by paper machines

Uusi-Tarkka, Eija Katariina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is, in collaboration with the Swedish company Innventia, to explore the possibilities of using paper machines to create fabric-like nonwoven materials. As part of a relatively new research-area, it serves as some of the ground knowledge that is needed to drive this field forward. The research of this thesis is born from the increasing need for more environmental friendly textiles, and to find new uses for the paper production facilities and companies that are currently experiencing a decline in paper production. The materials used in the research were produced with the Finnish handsheet former and the StratEx sheet-maker made by Innventia. The research consists of the following tests: Tissue Softness Analysis, (TSA), tensile strength and bending stiffness. The tests are done with different combinations of lyocell, PLA, softwood and dissolving pulp in the tested sheets. It is also tested if the lyocell can be a meaningful substitution for PLA in combination with softwood pulp and dissolving pulp when creating the fabric-like materials. In conclusion of this research it can be said that, compared to benchmarking samples like bedding sheets, table cloths and cotton shirts, the sheets created and tested are competitive alternatives to existing materials when it comes to softness. It also became clear that the tensile strength has to be increased to make fabric-like nonwoven materials applicable on the same level as existing textiles. Even so, it is still evident that there is a potentiality in the use of paper machines in the development and creation of new fabric-like materials.

An experimental study of the unrestrained shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets

Mayeli, Nader January 2016 (has links)
The influence of several hardwoods and softwoods pulp fibre on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was investigated. The effect of properties such as density, grammage, Fractional Contact Area (FCA), Water Retention Value (WRV), fines content and fibre morphology were also investigated on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets. Further, the influence of Lyocell fibre and glycerol on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets is reported. Experimental results showed that in general the free shrinkage of hardwood pulps is a few percent higher than that of softwood pulps at the same density. It was found that although free shrinkage increases with fines content, a high fines content does not imply high shrinkage, and some pulp samples with higher amount of fines, exhibited lower free shrinkage. For all pulps at low densities there is little influence of grammage on free shrinkage, though as density increases a significant dependence is observed. The results showed that the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets formed from hardwood pulps is more sensitive to grammage compared to that of softwood pulps. Interestingly, it was shown that some pulp samples with the same intrinsic density, WRV and FCA exhibited different free shrinkage over the range of grammages. In addition, some pulp samples with stiffer fibres but higher amount of fines exhibited higher free shrinkage. Experimental results showed that longitudinal shrinkage of a fibre is an important parameter and pulp samples with higher microfibril angle (MFA) exhibited higher longitudinal shrinkage. Finally, the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was reduced by applying Lyocell fibre and glycerol. Interestingly, by adding a small amount of Lyocell fibre, 2%, an increase in tensile index, tensile energy absorption (TEA) and modulus is observed, while the free shrinkage reduced up to 2%. In addition, adding glycerol to the pulp samples not only reduced the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets up to 1.5%, but also mechanical properties, such as tensile index and stretch slightly improved.

BAMBUVISKOS : En hållbar fiber för framtiden? / Bamboo Viscose : a Sustainable Fibre for the Future?

Svensson, Karin, Magnusson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Naturskyddsföreningen gav författarna uppgiften att undersöka förekommande viskosprocesser och alternativa regenereringsprocesser, detta för att identifiera hur hållbara de är ur ett miljöperspektiv och vilka processer som går att applicera på bambu. Detta för att se möjligheten att märka bambuviskos med Bra Miljöval och för att klargöra frekvent uppkommande frågor angående bambuviskos. Syftet är att se på de olika processernas kemiska innehåll samt vilka utsläpp de orsakar till luft och vatten. Ett delmål med rapporten är att den ska kunna användas som material vid vidareutveckling av kriterierna för Bra Miljöval Textil. Resultat som erhållits vid jämförelser av studerad litteratur är att de betydande faktorerna för miljöpåverkan från massaframställningen samt viskos- och lyocellprocessen beror av: använda kemikalier i processen, energianvändningen och vilken typ av energi, möjligheten till rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten samt återvinning av energi och kemikalier. Beroende på vilket råmaterial som används vid massaframställningen kan skillnader i markanvändning, användning av bekämpningsmedel och gödningsmedel samt upptagande av koldioxid skilja sig. Massa- och fiberframställning bör vara integrerade då energiförbrukning och mängd kemikalier kan minskas. Energin kan dessutom återvinnas till större utsträckning.Genom miljömärkningar från oberoende organisationer blir det lättare för konsumenter att göra miljömedvetna val och veta vad märkningarna står för. Sammanfattningsvis ska det påpekas att om regenererad bambu framställs som den görs idag är den ingen hållbar fiber, men sker framställningen i en integrerad process där kemikalier och energi återvinns samt rening av utsläpp till luft och vatten sker, kan bambuviskos bli en hållbar fiber för framtiden. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (SSNC) gave the authors the task to investigative present viscose processes and alternative regeneration processes to identify how sustainable they are from an environmental perspective, and examine which processes that can be applied to bamboo. This to see the possibility to label bamboo viscose with “Bra Miljöval” (Good Environmental Choice), which is the eco-label of SSNC, and to clarify the frequently emerging issues concerning bamboo viscose. The aim is to look at the various processes, their chemical content and the emissions they cause to air and water. Another objective of the report is that it can be used as material for further development of the criteria for “Bra Miljöval”.Results obtained when comparing the studied literature is that the significant factors of the environmental impact from the pulp production, the viscose and lyocell processes depends on: chemicals used in the process, energy and energy source, the possibility of purifying emissions to air and water and recycling of energy and chemicals. Depending on the raw materials used for pulp production, differences in land use, use of pesticides and fertilizers as well as absorption of carbon dioxide differ. Pulp and fibre production should be integrated to reduce energy consumption and the amount of chemicals used. The energy can also be recycled to a greater extent.Eco-labels from independent organizations will make it easier for consumers to make environmentally conscious choices and be aware of what the labels stand for.In conclusion, it should be noted that if the regenerated bamboo is produced as it is today, it is not a sustainable fibre. If the production is done through an integrated process in which chemicals and energy recovery and purification of air and water occurs, bamboo viscose can be a sustainable fibre for the future. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen

Hållbarhetsfrågor vid produktion av An old friend / Corporal Social Responsibility when producing the line An old friend

Lantz, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Jag har under detta arbete undersökt hur företaget MAD ELF ART kan arbeta med miljö och sociala aspekter i produktionen. Min uppgift har varit att lokalisera en materialleverantör och producent som kan arbeta med detta på bästa sätt.Under arbetets gång har jag kontaktat flera materialleverantörer och producenter och undersökt hur de jobbar med dessa aspekter. Samtidigt har jag även fördjupat mig i hur man kan ta hänsyn till miljö och sociala aspekter i produktionen, för att undersöka hur vi bäst kan arbeta med det.Vad jag kommit fram till är att materialvalet är det viktigaste och det som skiljer en produkt från att vara en miljöbov och en fara för människor till miljövänlig. Därför har jag i bilagan presenterat en leverantör och producent av materialet 100% silke som är ekologiskt färgad och handvävd. Silke lämnar inget energi-fotavtryck och går att återvinna. Jag tror och hoppas att framtiden kommer handla om att producera alltmer ekologiskt och samtidigt ta vara på det vi har istället för att producera nytt, detta genom ett återvinningssystem för textilier. Utvecklingen hos stora företag pekar även på att det i framtiden kommer att vara en självklarhet att ha uppförandekoder på fabriker och jobba med CSR. Därför är även det viktigt för MAD ELF ART.I have looked into how MAD ELF ART can work with environmental and social aspects during production. My assignment has been to find a materialsupplier and manufacturer who can work with this in the best way possible.During this work I have contacted several materialsuppliers and manufacturers and examined how they work with these aspects. At the same time I have also looked into how we can deal with social and environmental aspects to find the best way for us to work with this.I have come to the conclusion that the choice of material is the most important and what differs a product from being a danger for the environment and human beings to a environmental friend. Because of that I will present a materialsupplier and manufacturer who can provide the material 100% silk wich is organically dyed and handwoven. Silk leaves no energy-footprint and is recycable. I believe that the future will have more focus on the environment and that we will work with more ecologic materials and instead of producing new products, we will recycle what we have through a recyclingsystem for textiles. The development of big companies also points in the direcetion that it will be natural for all companies to have a Code of conduct and work with Corporal Social Responsility. / Program: Textil produktutveckling med entreprenörs- och affärsinriktning

Strength Properties of Paper produced from Softwood Kraft Pulp : Pulp Mixture, Reinforcement and Sheet Stratification

Karlsson, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
For paper producers, an understanding of the development of strength properties in the paper is of uttermost importance. Strong papers are important operators both in the traditional paper industry as well as in new fields of application, such as fibre-based packaging, furniture and light-weight building material. In the work reported in this thesis, three approaches to increasing paper strength were addressed: mixing different pulps, multilayering and reinforcement with man-made fibres. In specific: The effects of mixing Swedish softwood kraft pulp with southern pine or with abaca (Musa Textilis) were investigated. Handsheets of a softwood kraft pulp with the addition of abaca fibres were made in a conventional sheet former. It was seen that the addition of abaca fibres increased the tearing resistance, fracture toughness, folding endurance and air permeance. Tensile strength, tensile stiffness and tensile energy absorption, however, decreased somewhat. Still it was possible to add up to about 60% abaca without any great loss in tensile strength. As an example, with the addition of 30% abaca, the tear index was increased by 36%, while the tensile index was decreased by 8%. To study the effect of stratification, a handsheet former for the production of stratified sheets, the LB Multilayer Handsheet Former was evaluated. The advantage of this sheet former is that it forms a stratified sheet at low consistency giving a good ply bond. It was shown to produce sheets with good formation and the uniformity, evaluated as the variation of paper properties, is retained at a fairly constant level when the number of layers in the stratified sheets is increased. The uniformity of the sheets produced in the LB Multilayer Handsheet Former is generally at the same level as of those produced in conventional sheet formers. The effects of placing southern pine and abaca in separate layers, rather than mixing them homogeneously with softwood pulp were studied. Homogeneous and stratified sheets composed of softwood and southern pine or softwood and abaca were produced in the LB Multilayer Handsheet Former. It was found that by stratifying a sheet, so that a pulp with a high tear index and a pulp with a high tensile index are placed in separate layers, it was possible to increase the tear index by approximately 25%, while the tensile index was decreased by 10-20%. Further, by mixing a pulp with less conformable fibres and no fines with a pulp with more flexible fibres and fines, a synergy in tensile strength (greater strength than that predicted by linear mass fraction additivity) was obtained. The effects of stratifying sheets composed of softwood and abaca were compared to the effects of refining the softwood pulp. Homogeneous and stratified sheets composed of softwood with three different dewatering resistances and abaca were also produced in the LB Multilayer Handsheet Former. It was found that by stratifying the sheets the tear index was retained while the tensile index was increased by the refining. The effects of reinforcing softwood pulp of different dewatering resistances with man-made fibres with low bonding ability were also investigated. Man-made fibres (i.e. regenerated cellulose, polyester and glass fibres) were added in the amounts 1, 3, or 5 wt% to softwood pulp of three different dewatering resistances. It was found that with refining of a softwood pulp and subsequent addition of long fibres with low bonding ability the tensile-tear relationship can be shifted towards higher strength values. The bonding ability of the man-made fibres was evaluated by pull-out tests and the results indicated that, in relation to the fibre strength, regenerated cellulose (lyocell) was most firmly attached to the softwood network while the glass fibres were most loosely attached.

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