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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desajustes identificados em relatórios de estudos de impactos ambientais em empreendimentos hidrelétricos focando os grupos de aves e mamíferos silvestres / Discrepancies identified in environmental impact assessment reports for hydropower projects focused on analyses of wild birds and mammals

Adriana Akemi Kuniy Kamogawa 19 March 2013 (has links)
Os Estudos de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) foram legalmente institucionalizados no Brasil durante a década de 1980. Estes são balizados a partir do Termo de Referência (TR) que define as diretrizes que o EIAs deverão seguir, mas não determina qual grupo faunístico e metodologias devem ser adotadas, o que fica a critério dos empreendedores e consultores contratados. Visando verificar se esse procedimento resulta ou não em ausência de padronização entre os TRs e os relatórios de EIAs, bem como em outros possíveis desajustes que resultem na menor eficácia dos relatórios de EIA, foram compararados nove relatórios de empreendimentos hidrelétricos das décadas de 1980, 1990 e dos anos 2000. Para tanto, foram utilizadas informações como atendimento às exigências contidas nos TRs e metodologias utilizadas, no que diz respeito aos métodos de coleta, esforço amostral, levantamento de grupos de aves e mamíferos dependentes de hábitats específicos relacionados, solidez das listas de faunas e análise dos dados. Além disso, foi avaliada a aplicabilidade do delineamento RAPELD na avaliação de impacto de empreendimentos hidrelétricos. Os resultados indicaram que há discrepância quanto aos esforços amostrais e às metodologias utilizadas nos estudos, além da ausência de informações requeridas pelos Termos de Referência e a escassez de dados relacionados aos grupos de fauna associada aos ambientes que serão afetados e a aves e mamíferos dependentes de ambientes aluviais. O delineamento RAPELD muitas vezes não é aplicável em regiões com alterações antrogênicas, mas deve-se levar em consideração que a recomendação de sua utilização pelo órgão ambiental para um casos analisados indica uma sutil evolução recente no delineamento amostral. As análises realizadas neste trabalho podem servir como indicadores sobre o estado geral da efetividade dos EIA como ferramentas a serem utilizadas pela sociedade no que se refere às intervenções ambientais. / Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies were legally institutionalised in Brazil in the 1980s, and their elaboration is based on guidelines established by Terms of Reference (TR) which define the main directives to be followed by each project\'s EIA, but often do not determine the faunal groups to include and the methods to be employed choices which are then left at the discretion of the company proposing the project and their hired consultants. In order to analyse whether this procedure does or does not result in an absence of standardisation among Terms of Reference and EIA studies, as well as in other disparities which may impair the effectiveness of EIA reports, this work compared 9 EIA reports for hydro-power projects from the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s. The reports were compared with regard to such information as compliance with the requirements set by the TRs and methodology used (including sampling methods, sampling effort, study of bird and mammal groups dependent on specific habit types, reliability of the fauna lists provided and data analysis). The appropriateness of the RAPELD sampling design for Hydro-power environmental impact assessments was also analysed. The results indicated incongruities as to the sampling effort and the methodologies employed for the studies, as well as an absence of information required according to the Terms of Reference and a paucity of data specifically dealing with fauna groups associated with environments to be directly affected by the projects and with mammals and birds dependent on alluvial environments. The RAPELD sampling design is often considered inappropriate for highly human-modified regions, but it is noted that its recommendation by environmental agencies for some of the cases analysed indicates a recent improvement in sampling designs. This work\'s findings may serve as indicators of the overall state of the effectiveness of EIA studies as tools for the society to assess the effects of interventions in the environment.

Efeito de variáveis ambientais e perturbações antrópicas sobre o comportamento animal /

Mendes, Calebe Pereira. January 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Mauro Galetti Rodrigues / Banca: Marcelo Magioli / Banca: Katia Maria Paschoaletto Micchi de Barros Ferraz / Banca: Marco Aurelio Pizo Ferreira / Banca: Marina Correa Cortes / Resumo: O comportamento de uma determinada espécies define a forma e intensidade das interações desta para com o ambiente, com muitas espécies ajustando suas estratégias comportamentais de acordo com o contexto físico e biológico ao seu redor. No entanto, o processo de tomada de decisões, intrínseco a qualquer sistema comportamental, requer que o organismo possua a capacidade de obter, interpretar e processar informações úteis. Devido à grande magnitude e novidade evolutiva dos distúrbios antrópicos, estes são capazes de interferir no processo cognitivo das espécies, interferindo na percepção e avaliação das informações necessárias para a tomada de decisões eficientes, e dessa forma, gerando comportamentos não adaptativos, aumento de mortalidade e interferências nas interações ecológicas das espécies. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a ocorrência de plasticidade comportamental, em diversas espécies modelo, em resposta a fatores ambientais e atividades antrópicas. Foram realizados dois capítulos experimentais e um capitulo de revisão. O primeiro capitulo foi desenvolvido no Arizona, E.U.A., e avaliou o volume de alimentos estocados pelo esquilo-vermelho-de-Graham Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis em resposta a variáveis climáticas, de relevo e vegetação. Foi observado que apenas as fêmeas responderam a variações no relevo e vegetação, mas não a variáveis climáticas, enquanto os machos não responderam a nenhuma variável testada. O segundo capítulo, desenvolvido em São P... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The behavior of a given species defines the style and intensity of its interactions with the environment, with several species adjusting their behavioral strategies in response to the physical and biological circumstances. However, the decision-making process, intrinsic of any behavioral system, requires the organism to is able of obtain, interpret and process useful information. Due to the large scale and evolutive novelty of the anthropic disturbances, they are able to interfere in the cognitive processes of the species, disrupting the perception and evaluation of the information needed to efficient decision-making, and therefore, cause nonadaptative behaviors, increase in mortality and effects on species ecological interactions. This way, the objective of this study is to evaluate the occurrence of behavioral plasticity, in several model species, in response to environmental factors and anthropic activities. Two experimental chapters and one literature revision was performed. The first chapter was developed in Arizona, U.S.A., and evaluate the amount of food cached by the Mt. Graham red squirrel Tamiasciurus fremonti grahamensis in response to variables of climate, relief and vegetation. It was found that only the females did respond to relief and variations in relief and vegetation, but not climate, while males did not respond to any examined variable. The second chapter, developed in São Paulo, Brazil, evaluate the effect of general anthropic disturbances on dial activit... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Eco-epidemiologia e dinâmica espaço-temporal da hantavirose com contribuições para geração e uso de dados abertos /

Muylaert, Renata de Lara. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Cezar Ribeiro / Resumo: Os hantavírus provocam doenças de alta letalidade e já foram alvo de diversas propostas de investigação. Com o avanço da tecnologia, da Ciência e dos movimentos Open, trabalhar com um volume massivo de dados é muito mais possível hoje do que 20 anos atrás. Há uma demanda por estudos que possam sumarizar, disponibilizar e avaliar o papel da biodiversidade em processos de difusão de doenças zoonóticas. Nesta tese, que se iniciou como um entendimento da extensão e distribuição da biodiversidade da Mata Atlântica, busquei compreender a patogeografia da hantavirose. A dinâmica da infecção por hantavirose pode depender de diversos fatores interagindo, como clima e paisagem, bem como a distribuição de populações de roedores hospedeiros. No primeiro capítulo eu apresento a iniciativa ATLANTIC que permite livre acesso a dados de biodiversidade. No segundo capítulo eu busco compreender a extensão espacial da Mata Atlântica e levantar a discussão sobre áreas para delimitação de estudos ecológicos, um aspecto essencial para se investigar patogeografia. No terceiro capítulo busco entender os fatores que melhor explicam a variação na proporção de roedores de espécies potencialmente reservatório de tipos letais de hantavírus encontrados na Mata Atlântica. Neste capítulo também exploro a ideia de hotspots de vulnerabilidade à doença em humanos. No quarto capítulo, investiguei as consequências da alteração da paisagem na incidência de hantavirose no Brasil, gerando mapas de risco a partir de ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Hantaviruses cause diseases with high lethality and have been the target of several research proposals. With the advancement of technology, science, and Open movements, working with massive data is much more possible today than it was 20 years ago. There is a demand for studies that can summarize, make available and evaluate the role of biodiversity in processes of diffusion of zoonotic diseases. In this thesis, which began as an understanding of the extent and distribution of Atlantic Forest biodiversity, I aimed to understand the dynamics and eco-epidemiology of hantavirus. The dynamics of hantavirus infection may depend on several interacting factors such as climate and landscape, as well as the distribution of host rodent populations. In the first chapter I introduce the ATLANTIC initiative that allows free access to biodiversity data, which I have participated in intensely. In the second chapter I seek to understand the spatial extent of the Atlantic Forest and to raise the discussion about delimiting areas of ecological studies, an essential aspect to investigate pathogeography. In the third chapter I seek to understand the drivers that best explain the variation in the proportion of rodents of potentially reservoir species of lethal types of hantavirus found in the Atlantic Forest. In this chapter I also explore the idea of disease vulnerability hotspots in humans. In the fourth and final chapter, I investigated the consequences of landscape change on the incidence of ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Contribution to artificial tactile sensors for object contour recognition using coupled technical vibrissae

Eckhardt, Stefan 29 September 2020 (has links)
Einige Säugetiere verfügen zur taktilen Umgebungserkundung über spezielle Tasthaare, die sog. Vibrissen. Die Verwendung dieses komplexen Sinnesorgans ermöglicht es bspw. Rat-ten Abstände und Orientierungen von Objekten sowie deren Konturen und Oberflächenbe-schaffenheiten auf Basis weniger Berührungen durch ihre Vibrissen zu detektieren. Vibrissen kommen meist in Gruppen an verschiedensten Körperstellen (z.B. im Gesichtsfeld oder den Extremitäten) der Tiere vor. In der Literatur beschränken sich die meisten mechanischen Vibrissenmodelle auf die Betrachtung einer einzelnen Vibrisse, die zumeist als eingespann-ter Biegebalken modelliert wird. An dieser Stelle setzt die vorliegende Arbeit an und leistet einen Beitrag zur Untersuchung realitätsgetreuerer, elastisch gekoppelter Vibrissensysteme. Der Fokus liegt auf der Objektkonturabtastung und der theoretischen Erzeugung der Lager-reaktionen jeder einzelnen Vibrisse. Dabei werden das elastische Gewebe der Tiere, in das die Vibrissen eingebettet sind und die dadurch gegebene mechanische Beeinflussung der Vibris-sen untereinander berücksichtigt. Zunächst erfolgt die Modellierung einer einzelnen Vibrisse durch einen langen, schlanken Balken zylindrischer Form dessen Verformungen mithilfe der nicht-linearen Euler-Bernoulli Theorie beschrieben werden. Das Modell wird anschließend in verschiedenen Abstraktionsstufen zunächst um eine elastische Lagerung und anschließend um eine zweiten Vibrisse erweitert. Die Kopplung der Vibrissen wird durch verschiedene Federstrukturen realisiert. Für die Objektabtastung wird das Vibrissenmodell quasi-statisch und translatorisch an einer exemplarisch betrachteten, streng konvexen Objekt-Profilkontur vorbeigezogen. Während der Abtastung wird zwischen den Kontaktphasen des Spitzen- und Tangentialkontakts unterschieden. Darüber hinaus werden für den Fall der Objektabtastung mithilfe mehrerer Vibrissen verschiedene Szenarien abgeleitet, um zu berücksichtigen, welche und wie viele der Vibrissen sich gleichzeitig in Kontakt mit dem Objekt befinden. Basierend auf dieser Einteilung werden verschiedene Gleichungen zur Ermittlung der Fußpunktpositio-nen aller Vibrissen hergeleitet. Das mechanische Modell dient als Grundlage für die Durch-führung von Parameterstudien, in denen der Einfluss der Lager- bzw. Kopplungselastizität sowie des Objektabstandes auf die Lagerreaktionen der einzelnen Vibrissen untersucht wird. Dabei zeigt sich u. a., dass, im Gegensatz zum Objektabstand, eine Lagerelastizität in Ab-tastrichtung keinen Einfluss auf die Maximalwerte der Lagerreaktionen hat. Im Falle zweier gekoppelter Vibrissen können bestimmte Events, wie das Ablösen einer Vibrisse vom Objekt, in den Lagerreaktionen der jeweils anderen Vibrisse detektiert werden. / Some mammals exhibit special tactile hairs (vibrissae) for tactile exploration of their environment. This complex sensory organ enables, e.g., rats to detect distances and orientations of objects as well as their contours and surface textures. Vibrissae are located in groups at various parts of the animal’s body, e.g., in the snout region or at the extremities. In litera- ture, most mechanical vibrissa models are limited to the consideration of a single vibrissa, usually modelled as a clamped bending beam. The present work contributes to the inves- tigation of more realistic vibrissae systems, which are elastically coupled. The focus is on object contour scanning and a theoretical generation of the support reactions of each vibris- sa. In doing so, a mutual influence of the vibrissae is taken into account. Firstly, a single vibrissa is modeled as a long, slender, cylindrically shaped beam, whose deformations are described using nonlinear Euler-Bernoulli theory. The model is extended in different levels of abstraction. First, the model is adapted for an elastic support. Secondly, it is extended by a further vibrissa. The coupling of the vibrissae is realized by different structures of springs. For object scanning, the vibrissae model is swept along a strictly convex object profile con- tour quasi-statically and translationally. During the scanning process, a distinction is made between tip and tangential contacts. In addition, different scenarios are derived, respecting which and how many of the vibrissae are in contact with the object simultaneously. Based on this classification, the base positions of all vibrissae are determined during scanning. The mechanical model serves as a basis for parameter studies, which clarify the influence of the elasticities as well as the object distance on the support reactions of each individual vibrissa. The results shows that, in contrast to the object distance, a elastic support, which is aligned with the scanning direction has no influence on the maximum values of the support reactions. Due to the elastic coupling, the snap-off of one vibrissa from the object, can be detected in the support reactions of both coupled vibrissae. / Tesis

Theoretical and experimental investigations of multiple contact points between a biologically inspired tactile sensor and various objects

Fischer Calderón, Juan Sebastián 15 September 2021 (has links)
The somatosensory system of mammals includes sensory hairs (vibrissae) for tactile perception during near field exploration. Interacting with the environment, the tactile hair transfers mechanical stimuli to the hair follicle (follicle-sinus complex). The follicle-sinus complex transduces the singnals and transmits them to the central nervous system. Rats, e.g., are able to characterize objects with regard to their surface and geometric shape. Inspired by the biological paragon, the implementation of a vibrissa-like tactile sensor is an object of engineering research. According to the sensory organ, the function of a technical vibrissa is based on the recording of stimuli by the artificial hair shaft and their measurement at the support. This enables the detection of technically relevant information. In this context, the present work focuses on the task of object contour reconstruction. For that purpose, the support reactions are determined during scanning of an object. Previous investigations have been restricted on scanning objects with convex contours. This is due to the limitation of mechanical models to single-point contact scenarios. Goal of the present work is the consideration of multiple contact points between sensor shaft and object contour. The sensor shaft is modelled as a Euler-Bernoulli beam. The mathematical/theoretical description of the deformation of the beam during quasi-static scanning results in a multipoint boundary value problem with switching point. In order to simulate scanning sweeps along two different object types, the corresponding multipoint boundary value problems are solved by applying a shooting method incooperating a Runge Kutta Method of 4th order. The support reactions are calculated during scanning. It shows that multi-point contacts can be identified in the support reactions. The simulation is validated by experiments using selected examples.

Determination of the signals recorded by carpal vibrissae of rats during locomotion and forelimb touch down

Müller, Sebastian 04 September 2020 (has links)
Verschiedene Säugetiere, so auch Ratten, verfügen an ihren Pfoten über Tasthaare, die sog. karpalen Vibrissen. Untersuchungen der Fortbewegung von Ratten haben gezeigt, dass der Kontakt zwischen den karpalen Vibrissen und dem Untergrund Einfluss auf das Fortbewegungsverhalten der Tiere hat. Karpale Vibrissen bestehen aus einem Haarschaft und einem Follikel. Der Haarschaft ist lang, schlank, elastisch und im Follikel gelagert, in dem sich die Mechanorezeptoren befinden. Ausgehend von Vorarbeiten der Fachgebiete BiomechatronikundTechnischeMechanikderTechnischenUniversitätIlmenausowieder Section of Mechanical Engineering, Pontificial Catholic University of Peru, wurde ein mech- anisches Modell einer karpalen Vibrisse erstellt. Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, die imFollikelwirkendenKräfteundMomente währendder FortbewegungeinerRatte zu bestimmen. Aus den ermittelten Signalen sollen Rückschlüsse auf die Beschaffenheit des Kontaktes zwischen Haarschaft und Oberfläche gezogen werden. Hierzu wurde die in einer Vorarbeit ermittelte Bewegungsbahn einerRattenpfotemitdem indieserArbeit erstellten mechanischen Modell kombiniert. Die daraus entstandene invers dynamische Analyse wurde im Mehrkörpersimulationsprogramm ALASKA durchgeführt. Da nicht alle Eigenschaften und Parameter des biologischen Vorbilds bekannt sind, wurden z.B. der Reibkoeffizient, die Lagerungseigenschaften oder die Materialeigenschaften des Haarschaftes variiert. Als Ergebnis der durchgeführten Parameterstudien konnten verschiedene Einflüsse bestätigt werden. Hierbei zeigen sich u. a. Effekte wie eine Änderung der Signalstärke sowie Än- derungen in der Kontaktzeit. / Variousmammals, e.g. rats, have tactile hairs on their paws, the so-called carpal vibrissae. Studies of the locomotion ofrats have shown that the contact between the carpal vibrissae and the ground have an influence on the locomotion behaviour of the animals. Carpal vibrissae consist of a hair shaft and a follicle. The hair shaft is long, slender, elastic and is located in the follicle. The follicle includes the mechanoreceptors. A mechanical model of acarpalvibrissawasdesignedonthebasisofpreliminaryworks fromtheBiomechatronics Group and Technical Mechanics Group of the Technische Universität Ilmenau and the Section of Mechanical Engineering, Pontificial Catholic University of Peru. The objective ofthepresent work is to determine the forces and moments acting in the follicle during the locomotion of a rat. From the determined signals, conclusions could be drawn about the nature ofthe contact between hair shaft and surface. Forthis purpose, the in a preliminary work determined trajectory of a rat’s paw was combined with the in this work created mechanical model. The resulting inverse dynamic analysis was performed in the multi-body simulation program ALASKA. Since not all properties and parameters of the biological model are known, e.g.,the coefficient offriction,the support characteristics orthematerial properties of the hair shaft were varied. As a result of the parameter studies, various influences could be confirmed. Amongst other things, effects had been shown, such as a change in signal strength and changes in contact time. / Tesis

Theoretical and numerical investigations of the parametric resonance of the mechanical vibrissa

Perez Tineo, Cesar Augusto 25 February 2019 (has links)
In nature, vibrissae are tactile hairs of mammals used as sensor elements for the exploring the surrounding area. These hairs, also known as whiskers, can be found in different locations on an animals body. Mystacial vibrissae are distributed over a whiskerpad on a muzzle. Carpal vibrissae are located on the downside aspect of the forelimbs of mammals. The vibrissal hair has a conical shape and grows from a special heavily innervated hair follicle incorporating a capsule of blood. As the hair itself has no receptors along its length, the vibrissa may be considered as a system for transmitting forces and torques that arise from the contact between the hair and an object to sensory receptors inside the follicle. The present thesis deals with the vibrational motion of vibrissae dur- ing natural exploratory behaviour from the mechanical point of view. The phenomenon of the parametric resonance of the vibrissa is investigated the- oretically and numerically. In the first part of this thesis, two mechanical models of an elastic beam are presented based on findings in the literature. The first model considers a straight beam with the linearly decreasing radius of the circular cross-section. The second model takes into account the circu- lar natural configuration of the cylindrical beam. Within these models, the small transverse vibration of the beam under a periodic following force at the tip are analysed using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory and asymptotic methods of mechanics. In the second part of the thesis, the numerical analysis of the problems is performed based on the finite element method using ANSYS 16.2 software. For each model, the dynamical response of the system on the parametric excitation is simulated for different frequency values. It is shown theoretically and numerically that at specific ranges of the excitation frequency the phenomenon of the parametric resonance of the beam takes place. That means that the amplitude of vibrations of the beam increases exponentially with time, when it is stimulated within one of the frequency ranges of the parametric resonance. These ranges depend on the geometrical and material parameters of the beam model, as well as the am- plitude of the periodic excitation. / Tesis

A diversidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte e o potencial desta fauna na regeneração de clareiras artificiais na região do Rio Urucu, Coari, Amazonas

SANTOS, Fernanda da Silva January 2009 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-02-04T19:24:13Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DiversidadeMamiferosMedios.pdf: 2282634 bytes, checksum: 933e9e809134357467b907728adf78ac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-02-06T16:15:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DiversidadeMamiferosMedios.pdf: 2282634 bytes, checksum: 933e9e809134357467b907728adf78ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-02-06T16:15:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DiversidadeMamiferosMedios.pdf: 2282634 bytes, checksum: 933e9e809134357467b907728adf78ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / A região do rio Urucu, localizada na porção oeste da Amazônia brasileira, está entre as áreas consideradas prioritárias para conservação devido a sua grande riqueza de espécies e importância biogeográfica. Nesta região são desenvolvidas atividades de exploração de petróleo e gás natural, as quais geram a abertura de clareiras em meio a floresta contínua. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) estimar a riqueza, composição e abundância da comunidade de mamíferos de médio e grande porte em Urucu a qual foi amostrada através dos métodos de transecção linear, busca por vestígios e armadilhas fotográficas; e 2) registrar a presença de mamíferos nas clareiras e verificar a participação destes animais no processo de regeneração através do onitoramento das clareiras artificiais por meio de armadilhas fotográficas e por observações in loco (clareira-focal). Adicionalmente, também foram instaladas armadilhas fotográficas no interior da floresta (amostras-controle). No total foram registradas 40 espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte, sendo 25 através da transecção linear, 16 pela busca por vestígios e 15 por armadilhas fotográficas. A espécie Lagothrix cana foi a mais abundante através do método de transecção linear, enquanto Tapirus terrestris foi a mais abundante para os métodos de busca por vestígios e armadilhas fotográficas. O monitoramento através das armadilhas fotográficas resultou no registro de sete espécies em clareiras e 14 espécies em floresta. Nas clareiras registrouse maior freqüência de espécies herbívoras-frugívoras. Já na floresta, espécies de diferentes hábitos alimentares foram registradas em proporção equilibrada. O monitoramento visual (clareira-focal) nas clareiras totalizou 144 horas de observação, sendo registradas três espécies. A espécie D. fuliginosa exibiu com maior freqüência as categorias comportamentais deslocamento e parado, enquanto que as espécies T. terrestris e S. pileatus despenderam maior tempo na categoria alimentação. Os dados obtidos através do monitoramento das clareiras sugerem que estes animais podem atuar ativamente na regeneração destas áreas através dos processos de herbivoria e dispersão de frutos e sementes. / The region of Urucu River, in western Brazilian Amazon, is a priority area for conservation due to its species richness and biogeographical importance. In this region activities of oil and natural gas extraction are developed, which results gaps opening in the continuous forest. The objective of this study was to 1) estimate the species richness, composition and abundance of the medium and large-sized mammals community by linear transect, indirect evidences and camera traps; and to 2) record the presence of the mammals species on the gap through camera traps and direct observations, verifying its participation on the gap regeneration process. Additionally, camera traps were also installed in forest to work as control-areas. A total of 40 mammal species were recorded, 25 by linear transect, 16 by indirect evidences, and 15 by camera traps. The species Lagothrix cana was the most abundant by using linear transect, while T. terrestris was the most abundant by using camera traps and indirect evidences. Camera traps sampled seven species in gaps and 14 in forest. The most frequent species sampled in gaps are herbivore-frugivorous. The direct observation in gaps totalized 144 hours, where three species were registered. In gaps, the specie Dasyprocta fuliginosa frequently exhibited behavioral categories “walking” and “stopped”, while the species Tapirus. terrestris and Saguinus pileatus spent more time feeding. Data obtained by monitoring gaps let us to suggest that mammals can play an important role on the regeneration of these areas through the processes of herbivory and dispersal of fruits and seeds.

Ocupação de paisagens dentro e fora de unidades de conservação pelo veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira Fischer, 1814) no nordeste paulista / Estimating occupancy of protected areas and buffer zones by brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira Fischer, 1814) in the northeast of Sao Paulo State

Rodrigues, Thiago Ferreira 08 June 2015 (has links)
O nordeste paulista é composto por um mosaico de ambientes fortemente antropizado, com predominância de plantios de cana-de-açúcar, além de florestas plantadas de eucalipto e fragmentos de Cerrado. Embora o veado-catingueiro (Mazama gouazoubira) seja uma espécie amplamente distribuída em diferentes biomas do Brasil, pouco é conhecido sobre a sua capacidade de adaptação em paisagens alteradas. Neste contexto, modelos de ocupação da paisagem e dados de armadilhas fotográficas foram utilizados para verificar quais fatores ambientais são importantes na escolha do uso e seleção de hábitat pelo veado-catingueiro. Foram amostradas quatro áreas em três cenas de paisagens, entre os meses de Abril e Setembro de 2013 e 2014, totalizando um esforço amostral de 6240 armadilhas/dia. Os resultados apontam que o veado-catingueiro está amplamente distribuído nos remanescentes de Cerrado do nordeste do estado de São Paulo, além de ocupar com a mesma intensidade tanto o interior como o entorno de unidades de conservação. Foi observado um efeito positivo dos plantios de silvicultura na ocupação da paisagem pela espécie. A distribuição temporal dos registros ao longo do ciclo de 24 horas também foi semelhante dentro e fora de unidades de conservação. Estes resultados sugerem que o veado-catingueiro é uma espécie ecologicamente plástica e que está se beneficiando da heterogeneidade ambiental presente no nordeste paulista. Estes hábitos generalistas lhe atribuem vantagens em comparação a outras espécies mais especialistas nesse cenário. / The northeast of São Paulo state is a region where Cerrado remants are immersed in a landscape with high human influence mediated by vast sugarcane and Eucalyptus plantations. Mammals survival in this landscape has been little explored. Brown brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira, Fischer 1814) is a species with widespread distribution in different biomes of Brazil, however little is known about its capacity of adaptation in landscapes with intensive agriculture. We conducted a study based on occupancy modelling from camera trapping data in order to evaluate which environmental factors are important to habitat selection by brown brocket deer. The study was carried out in three agricultural landscapes at four study areas between April and September (2013 and 2014) with a total effort of 6240 traps-day. Our results show that brown brocket deer are well adapted to Cerrado/agricultural matrix in the state of Sao Paulo, showing high ecological flexibility. This deer used non-protected areas as much as protected areas. Silviculture represented the only landscape covariate with high relative importance for brown brocket deer. Also, brown brocket deer shows rhythm of activity similar in and out protected areas. Our results suggest that brown brocket deer is extremely plastic species that is benefiting from environmental heterogeneity present in São Paulo\'s northeast. The generalist habit of this deer gives it advantage when compared to other more specialist species in this scenario.

Biodiversidade e planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo: estudo de caso Brotas/SP / Biodiversity and landuse planning: case study Brotas, São Paulo State, Brazil

Angelieri, Cíntia Camila Silva 17 February 2011 (has links)
A conservação da biodiversidade tornou-se uma preocupação mundial devido ao aumento da taxa de extinção de espécies. Mesmo assim a importância da biodiversidade freqüentemente é subestimada, não sendo considerado seu papel chave na evolução e adaptação à mudança de ambientes e no fornecimento de bens e serviços para a humanidade. O Brasil tem importância central na conservação da biodiversidade mundial (é o primeiro em Megadiversidade e em Áreas Selvagens e possui dois Hotspots), sendo indispensável implementar instrumentos que contemplem a inclusão da biodiversidade no planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo. Visto que ainda não foi claramente definido como integrar efetivamente a biodiversidade nesse processo, este estudo investigou instrumentos indicados para esse fim, especialmente o Zoneamento Ambiental (ZA) e a Avaliação Ambiental Estratégica (AAE). O estudo de caso foi realizado no município de Brotas-SP. Primeiramente foram sobrepostos critérios e áreas prioritárias para a biodiversidade em escala nacional, estadual e municipal para a elaboração do mapa das áreas prioritárias para conservação e recuperação da biodiversidade local utilizando o programa IDRISI Andes Edition. Os resultados mostram que princípios e objetivos abordados em diversas escalas e em outros instrumentos de planejamento podem ser integrados ao processo de AAE. Também foram gerados modelos de distribuição de grandes mamíferos Chrysocyon brachyurus (loboguará), Leopardus pardalis (jaguatirica) e Puma concolor (onça-parda) para a região central do Estado de São Paulo (Brotas e municípios do seu entorno). Para isso, foram utilizados dados biológicos do banco de dados do Programa Biota-FAPESP aos quais foi aplicado o modelo MAXENT. As técnicas de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica aplicadas neste estudo permitiram integrar princípios e objetivos relacionados à biodiversidade já abordados em outros instrumentos e estabelecidos em níveis nacionais, estaduais e municipais ao planejamento espacial. A modelagem permitiu a determinação da adequabilidade ambiental das áreas testadas e a inclusão dessas áreas como critérios a serem considerados ao planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo. Os resultados da modelagem mostraram que o território de Brotas abrange áreas altamente adequadas para as três espécies estudadas. Os mapas gerados foram reclassificados para a elaboração dos mapas das áreas prioritárias para conservação de grandes mamíferos na região central do Estado de São Paulo. Tanto o mapa de áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade local quanto o mapa de áreas prioritárias para grandes mamíferos elaborados nesse estudo podem ser incluídos no planejamento de uso e ocupação do solo, tanto em ZAs como em AAEs. As técnicas utilizadas nesse estudo podem embasar a escolha de alternativas de uso e ocupação do solo, direcionando a alocação de Reservas Legais - RLs -, subsidiando a elaboração de ações de recuperação da biodiversidade e direcionando estratégias de manejo. / Biodiversity conservation has become a worldwide concern due to the increased rate of species extinction. Nevertheless, the importance of biodiversity is often underestimated and its key role in the evolution, adaptation to changing environments and the supply of goods and services to humanity is not considered. Brazil has a central importance in global biodiversity conservation (its the first in Megadiversity and Wilderness Areas, and it has two hotspots). Therefore, the implementation of tools that address the inclusion of biodiversity in land-use planning is essential. Seeing that how to integrate biodiversity in this process has not been clearly defined, this study investigated tools for integrate the biodiversity in land-use planning, specially the zoning and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). The case study has been the municipality of Brotas, state of São Paulo, Brazil. Firstly, criteria and priority areas for biodiversity at the national, state and municipal level have been overlapping using the software IDRISI Andes Edition to prepare the map of priority areas for conservation and recovery of local biodiversity. The results indicate that the principles and objectives discussed at various scales and in other planning tools can be integrated by the use of Geographic Information System (GIS). In addition, models of distribution of great mammals - Chrysocyon brachyurus (maned wolf), Leopardus pardalis (Ocelot) and Puma concolor (puma) have been generated for the central region of São Paulo (Brotas and its surrounding cities). For this, biological data from the database of the Biota-FAPESP have been used and the software MAXENT has been applied. Modeling results show that the study area is highly suitable for the three species. The maps of models have been reclassified to prepare maps of priority areas for conservation in the central region of São Paulo. The both final maps developed in this study (map of priority areas for conservation of local biodiversity and maps of priority areas for large mammals) may be included in zoning and SEA process. The techniques applied in this study permit to integrate the principles and objectives relating to biodiversity in land-use planning, supporting the choice of alternatives for use and occupation, basing the allocation of legal reserves, subsidizing the development of management actions and guide decision makers to choose the best alternatives for development.

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