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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

British foreign relations with the United States during Lord Curzon's tenure as Foreign Secretary

Blake, Timothy R. January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Sade dans l'Histoire : du temps de la fiction à la fiction du temps / Sade in History : from the time of fiction to fiction of time

Vallenthini, Michele 19 May 2014 (has links)
Par une prise en compte de son oeuvre de vieillesse, La Marquise de Gange, Adélaïde de Brunswick, princesse de Saxe et Histoire secrète d'Isabelle de Bavière, reine de France, le travail propose une nouvelle perspective sur l'oeuvre du marquis de Sade. Dans un premier temps ses romans libertins les plus connus sont examinés du point de vue de l'histoire et du temps : au fil de la lecture des textes on constate non seulement ce caractère formel hétérogène et tendant à des surenchères de tout genre, mais surtout cette problématisation de l’histoire et du temps (dans le sens d’une conscience aiguë du passage du temps, liée à une réflexion sur la vérité et la morale) caractéristique de la littérature du tournant des Lumières. Dans chaque texte on retrouve la même ambivalence du propos : tantôt fuite hors du temps et déni de l’histoire, tantôt conscience aiguë et lucide, qui se réfugie dans les plis du texte et derrière les métaphores corporelles et les biographies lubriques.La deuxième partie du présent travail souhaite comprendre les trois romans historiques comme documents uniques du développement littéraire et idéologique d’un écrivain dans la France post-révolutionnaire, d’un homme de lettres désormais septuagénaire, confronté aux nouvelles structures d'un monde en plein effort de reconstitution.Moyennant les catégories qui sont analysées ici, il est possible de dégager des trois romans historiques un substrat commun qui en fait ce que je définis, dans le sillage de Paul Ricoeur comme fiction du temps. La fiction du temps ressent de manière particulièrement aiguë l’aporie du temps. Elle est le symptôme d’un malaise historique : de l’expérience bouleversante de la Révolution, de l’opacité d’un monde en mutation, finalement, d’une fuite irrémédiable du temps. / This thesis wants to propose a new perspective on the oeuvre of the Marquis de Sade by taking into account his late works La Marquise de Gange, Adélaïde de Brunswick, princess of Saxony and the Histoire secrète d'Isabelle de Bavière, queen of France.In a first approach his more known libertine novels are examined from a historical point of view. In the course of reading Sades texts one can observe not only a heterogeneous formal character tending towards an overload into all genres. In particular one also finds the manner of expounding the problems of history and time (in the sense of an acute consciousness for the passing of time, combined with reflections on truth and moral) typical of the literature of Enlightenment. In every text one rediscovers the same ambivalence of intention - be it the escape from time and the denial of history, be it an acute and lucid conscience that finds refuge in the letters of the text and behind bodily metaphors and lubricious biographies.The second part of the present thesis wants to understand the three historic novels of the Marquis de Sade as unique documents of the literary and ideological development of an author in post-revolutionary France, a man of letters henceforth in his seventies confronted with new structures of a world in plain process of reforming.By means of the categories analyzed here, it is possible to remove from these three historic novels the common substrate of what I, in the wake of Paul Ricoeur, have in fact defined as the fiction of time. In a particularly acute manner the fiction of time suffers the aporia of time. This is the symptom of a historic faintness - that of the overwhelming experience of the Revolution, of the obscurity of a world in change and in the end of an irremediable escape from time

Sentir, escrever e governar. A prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida, 2º Marquês do Lavradio (1768 - 1779) / To feel, write and rule: the epistolary practica and the correspondences from D. Luis de Almeida, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio (1768-1779)

Conceição, Adriana Angelita da 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre a prática de escrita de cartas na época moderna, sobretudo no século XVIII, incluindo-se a carta como objeto de estudo, ao se considerar seu sentido, produção, marca de sociabilidade, aspecto materiais, espaço de trocas de sensibilidades e dispositivo da prática de governar. Para isso, analisamos alguns manuais modernos de escrita de carta e de secretário, especialmente, o de Francisco José Freire, O secretario portuguez (1745). Ao se estudar a prática epistolar, criou-se o conceito de sensação de fala e sensação de escuta, para pensar a carta enquanto portadora da voz do remetente, despertando no destinatário a audição, ativada pela conexão entre os sentidos questão que também considerou a circularidade da carta entre os espaços de sociabilidade e manifestação do sensível. Assim, depois de pensar a carta em categorias teóricas, estudamos a correspondência de D. Luís de Almeida, o 2º marquês do Lavradio. Cartas produzidas por este português no período no qual deixou Lisboa para servir ao rei como governador da Bahia e depois como vice-rei do Brasil, permanecendo na América de 1768 a 1779. As instituições que abrigam a correspondência que formou o principal corpus da tese são: em Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional, Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino e Academia de Ciência de Lisboa; no Brasil, Arquivo Nacional e Biblioteca Nacional. O corpus foi estudado pormenorizadamente reunindo informações quantitativas e qualitativas, considerando a materialidade da carta e sua trajetória de composição e preservação. Por fim, o terceiro momento do estudo analisou o conteúdo das cartas, para pensar o governo colonial regido através delas, refletindo sobre os diferentes papéis sociais ocupados por D. Luís de Almeida, a atuação do vice-rei e suas problemáticas de governo; e as estratégias utilizadas para impedir a má reputação social diante da perda do território. Contudo, esta tese une sentir, escrever e governar, para pensar a prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida / This thesis studies the practice of writing letters in modern times, mainly in the 18th century, including letters as object of study, considering its sense, production, mark of sociability, material aspects, space of sensibility trades and practice of governments device. Thereunto, we analyze some modern manuals of letters and secretary writing, specially Francisco José Freires, O secretario portuguez (1745). When studying the epistolary practice, the concept of the sensation of speech and the sensation of listening was created, to think letters as voice carrier of the sender, awaking in the addressee the audition, activated by the connection between the senses issue that also considered the circulation of letter between the spaces of sociability and manifestation of the sensible. So, after thinking letter in theoretical categories, we studied D. Luís de Almeidas correspondence, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio. Letters produced by this portuguese in the period in which he left Lisboa to serve the king as governor of Bahia and later as viceroy of Brazil, staying in America from 1768 until 1779. The institutions that house the correspondence that formed the main corpus of this thesis are: in Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Overseas Historical Archive) and Academia de Ciência de Lisboa (Science Academy of Lisbon); in Brazil, Arquivo Nacional (National Archive) and Biblioteca Nacional (National Library). The corpus was studied particularly gathering quantitative and qualitative information, considering the materiality of letter and its trajectory of composition and preservation. Finally, the third moment of the study examined the letters content, to think the colonial government ruled through them, reflecting about the different social roles occupied by D. Luís de Almeida, the performance of the viceroy and its governments problematics; and the strategies used to prevent the bad social reputation facing the loss of the territory. However, this thesis unites feeling, writing and government, to think the epistolary practice and the D. Luís de Almeidas letters.

Os libertinos de Juliette e a libertina de Sade / The libertines of Juliette and the libertine of Sade

Castro, Clara Carnicero de 06 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo dos protagonistas do romance Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) do Marquês de Sade. O objetivo do trabalho é evidenciar a progressão dos enunciados filosóficos dos personagens, dentro das cenas libidinosas nas quais são proferidos, relacionando as teorias e as práticas particulares de cada herói com os traços de seu caráter. Tal abordagem supõe a tese de que há uma interdependência entre os argumentos do libertino e sua construção dentro da narrativa ficcional. Cada devasso expõe um conjunto singular de ideias, determinado por suas características morais, físicas e por outros aspectos que constituem o gênero do romance filosófico. Logo, este estudo não propõe uma interpretação específica para o pensamento de Sade, mas salienta a oposição e a convergência de ideias em sua obra, acentua o debate entre os personagens, expõe, portanto, a diversidade dos discursos libertinos. / This research intends to analyze the protagonists from the novel Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) by the Marquis de Sade. Our goal is to evidence the development of the philosophical statements of the characters, within the libidinous scenes where they take place, relating the theory and practice of each hero with his/her personality. This approach assumes an interplay between the libertine\'s arguments and their construction in the fictional narrative. Each person presents a unique set of ideas, determined by his/her moral and physical traits, in addition to all the other aspects found in the philosophical novel gender. We, therefore, do not present a specific interpretation for the thinking of Sade, rather, we stress the opposition and convergence of ideas in his work, underlining the debate among the characters to point out the diversity of discourse amidst the libertines.

Deadly Speech: Denunciation and the Radicalization of Discourse during the French Revolution

Sopchik, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
My dissertation examines the question of how the incorporation of literary forms and techniques into written denunciations radicalizes the discursive practices of accusation during the French Revolution. I explore how the exploitation of literary elements such as genre and rhetorical strategies by revolutionary writers increases the scope and virulence of their attacks and contributes to the radicalization in the text of three key figures: the author-narrator, the imagined reader, and the object of denunciation. In the first part, I study the use of these strategies and their impacts on tone and the communication of meaning in two forms of the popular press: the ephemeral newspapers of 1789 (journals with under twenty issues) and the Private Lives (scandalous biographies of important public figures). In part two I show how writers with first-hand knowledge of recent violence and the deadliness of denunciation become confronted with the problem of how to condemn the worst aspects of the Revolution without partaking in incendiary speech themselves. Although still denouncing to a certain extent, these writers also try to resolve this dilemma through plays with perspective and parody. I examine this phenomenon in case studies of three authors who lived through the Revolution and whose writings were impacted to varying degrees by the events of 1789 to 1795: Nicolas Edme Restif de La Bretonne, Louis Sebation Mercier, and the Marquis de Sade. My study is situated at the crossroads of previous historical and literary scholarship on denunciation. Historians examining the practice of denunciation have investigated contemporary debates over calumny and the limits of free speech, the de individualization of the object of attack, and the impact of the period's obsession with transparency on the conceptualization of the denounced individual. These studies concentrate for the most part on political discourses and debates, laws, and the mechanics of the press and print culture. Scholarship analyzing rhetorical and literary aspects of revolutionary texts has slowly begun to emerge, and these literary analyses by historians on clandestine literature have identified important trends and have performed key case studies. My study supplements this existing work by focusing on such neglected areas as the relationship between the author and his imagined reader, while presenting a wider examination of the circulation of discourses between these texts to begin to grasp how these writers responded to, attacked, and adopted the denunciatory culture of their time.

O divisor de águas da política imperial: D. Pedro II, a conciliação e o Marquês de Paraná (1853-1856) / The watershed of the imperial policy: D. Pedro II, the reconciliation and Marquis of Paraná (1853-1856)

Victor Hugo Baptista Neves 20 September 2010 (has links)
A Conciliação política foi um tema muito altercado no meado do Oitocentos no Segundo Reinado brasileiro. Este debate fora intensamente travado entre os principais partidos imperiais, Liberal e Conservador, que se alternavam no poder ao longo de quase 50 anos de comando do imperador D. Pedro II. Sobre seu governo, considerado por Joaquim Nabuco como a Grande Era Brasileira, é que este autor legou à historiografia posterior a sua obra máxima: Um Estadista do Império. Nossa dissertação parte da seguinte premissa: D. Pedro II no desejo de reinar, governar e administrar, acima dos partidos, encetou o seu Pensamento Augusto, isto é, a Conciliação. Os liberais acusavam a Conciliação de esvaziar suas propostas ao serem implementadas pelos conservadores. Estes que se encontravam no poder desde 1848, liderados pelos saquaremas, rechaçaram completamente tal ideia, pois entendiam que esta política patrocinada pela Coroa poderia enfraquecer seu partido. O Receio virou realidade, mediante algumas das medidas tomadas pelo Gabinete, pois para tal empreendimento, de compor um ministério com políticos liberais e conservadores, a Coroa contou com Honório Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquês de Paraná, para chefiar o primeiro gabinete conciliatório da história do Segundo Reinado enfrentando várias resistências, principalmente entre os referidos saquaremas. O sucesso do gabinete creditou-se à força, tato e prudência do Marquês e, principalmente, ao pensamento do Imperador. A partir daí a história política do Segundo Reinado tomou novas feições. / The Reconciliation policy was an issue very altercado in mid-nineteenth century in the Second Empire of Brazil. This debate was closely fought between the imperial main parties, Liberal and Conservative, who alternated in power for almost fifty years of the emperor's command D. Pedro II. About their government, considered by Joaquim Nabuco as the Great Brazilian Period, is that this author has bequeathed to history after his magnum opus: A Statesman of the Empire. Our investigation starts from the following premise: D. Pedro II in the desire to rule, govern and administer, above party, has launched its Augustus Thought, that is, the Conciliation Committee. The Liberals accused the Conciliation emptied their proposals to be implemented by the Conservatives. Those who were in power since 1848, led by saquaremas, completely rejected this idea because they understood that this policy sponsored by the Crown could weaken his party. The fear became reality through some of the measures taken by the Cabinet, because for such a venture, to compose a ministry with political liberals and conservatives, the Crown had Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquis of Paraná, to head the first cabinet of the history of conciliatory Second Empire facing multiple resistance, especially among those saquaremas. The success of office credited to the strength, tact and prudence of the Marquis, and especially the thought of the Emperor. From there the political history of the Second Empire took new features.

Sentir, escrever e governar. A prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida, 2º Marquês do Lavradio (1768 - 1779) / To feel, write and rule: the epistolary practica and the correspondences from D. Luis de Almeida, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio (1768-1779)

Adriana Angelita da Conceição 29 August 2011 (has links)
Esta tese versa sobre a prática de escrita de cartas na época moderna, sobretudo no século XVIII, incluindo-se a carta como objeto de estudo, ao se considerar seu sentido, produção, marca de sociabilidade, aspecto materiais, espaço de trocas de sensibilidades e dispositivo da prática de governar. Para isso, analisamos alguns manuais modernos de escrita de carta e de secretário, especialmente, o de Francisco José Freire, O secretario portuguez (1745). Ao se estudar a prática epistolar, criou-se o conceito de sensação de fala e sensação de escuta, para pensar a carta enquanto portadora da voz do remetente, despertando no destinatário a audição, ativada pela conexão entre os sentidos questão que também considerou a circularidade da carta entre os espaços de sociabilidade e manifestação do sensível. Assim, depois de pensar a carta em categorias teóricas, estudamos a correspondência de D. Luís de Almeida, o 2º marquês do Lavradio. Cartas produzidas por este português no período no qual deixou Lisboa para servir ao rei como governador da Bahia e depois como vice-rei do Brasil, permanecendo na América de 1768 a 1779. As instituições que abrigam a correspondência que formou o principal corpus da tese são: em Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional, Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino e Academia de Ciência de Lisboa; no Brasil, Arquivo Nacional e Biblioteca Nacional. O corpus foi estudado pormenorizadamente reunindo informações quantitativas e qualitativas, considerando a materialidade da carta e sua trajetória de composição e preservação. Por fim, o terceiro momento do estudo analisou o conteúdo das cartas, para pensar o governo colonial regido através delas, refletindo sobre os diferentes papéis sociais ocupados por D. Luís de Almeida, a atuação do vice-rei e suas problemáticas de governo; e as estratégias utilizadas para impedir a má reputação social diante da perda do território. Contudo, esta tese une sentir, escrever e governar, para pensar a prática epistolar e as cartas de D. Luís de Almeida / This thesis studies the practice of writing letters in modern times, mainly in the 18th century, including letters as object of study, considering its sense, production, mark of sociability, material aspects, space of sensibility trades and practice of governments device. Thereunto, we analyze some modern manuals of letters and secretary writing, specially Francisco José Freires, O secretario portuguez (1745). When studying the epistolary practice, the concept of the sensation of speech and the sensation of listening was created, to think letters as voice carrier of the sender, awaking in the addressee the audition, activated by the connection between the senses issue that also considered the circulation of letter between the spaces of sociability and manifestation of the sensible. So, after thinking letter in theoretical categories, we studied D. Luís de Almeidas correspondence, the 2nd marquis of Lavradio. Letters produced by this portuguese in the period in which he left Lisboa to serve the king as governor of Bahia and later as viceroy of Brazil, staying in America from 1768 until 1779. The institutions that house the correspondence that formed the main corpus of this thesis are: in Portugal, Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (Overseas Historical Archive) and Academia de Ciência de Lisboa (Science Academy of Lisbon); in Brazil, Arquivo Nacional (National Archive) and Biblioteca Nacional (National Library). The corpus was studied particularly gathering quantitative and qualitative information, considering the materiality of letter and its trajectory of composition and preservation. Finally, the third moment of the study examined the letters content, to think the colonial government ruled through them, reflecting about the different social roles occupied by D. Luís de Almeida, the performance of the viceroy and its governments problematics; and the strategies used to prevent the bad social reputation facing the loss of the territory. However, this thesis unites feeling, writing and government, to think the epistolary practice and the D. Luís de Almeidas letters.

As práticas judiciais locais e a lei da boa razão: os autos cíveis de Sorocaba, segunda metade do século XVIII. / The local judicial practices and the law of good reason: the civil cases of Sorocaba, in the second half of the eighteenth century

Friedmann, Daniel Isaac 15 April 2011 (has links)
Na segunda metade do século XVIII, Portugal e seus domínios ultramarinos experimentaram uma ampla tentativa de reestruturação, tendo o Marquês de Pombal como um dos principais artífices deste processo. A reforma empreendida foi substancialmente influenciada por uma mentalidade ilustrada e alcançava, entre outros aspectos, as práticas judiciais. Por meio da análise da vida jurídica local e de sua adequação à lei da boa razão, a qual sintetizava as transformações pretendidas no campo do direito e na atitude dos agentes responsáveis por sua aplicação, buscou-se medir a repercussão das medidas adotadas pelos idealizadores do projeto em uma vila colonial. / During the second half of the XVIII century, Portugal and it\'s ultramarine domains experimented an extensive attempt of reconstruction. One of the main architect of this process was the Marquis of Pombal. This reform was considerably influenced by an advanced and enlightened mentality. Amongst other aspects, it comprised juridical practices. The law of good reason synthesized the desired transformations in the field of law and the attitudes of the agents responsible for it\'s application. The analysis of the adequacy of this law to the local juridical practice intended to measure the repercussion of the reform in a colonial village.

O divisor de águas da política imperial: D. Pedro II, a conciliação e o Marquês de Paraná (1853-1856) / The watershed of the imperial policy: D. Pedro II, the reconciliation and Marquis of Paraná (1853-1856)

Victor Hugo Baptista Neves 20 September 2010 (has links)
A Conciliação política foi um tema muito altercado no meado do Oitocentos no Segundo Reinado brasileiro. Este debate fora intensamente travado entre os principais partidos imperiais, Liberal e Conservador, que se alternavam no poder ao longo de quase 50 anos de comando do imperador D. Pedro II. Sobre seu governo, considerado por Joaquim Nabuco como a Grande Era Brasileira, é que este autor legou à historiografia posterior a sua obra máxima: Um Estadista do Império. Nossa dissertação parte da seguinte premissa: D. Pedro II no desejo de reinar, governar e administrar, acima dos partidos, encetou o seu Pensamento Augusto, isto é, a Conciliação. Os liberais acusavam a Conciliação de esvaziar suas propostas ao serem implementadas pelos conservadores. Estes que se encontravam no poder desde 1848, liderados pelos saquaremas, rechaçaram completamente tal ideia, pois entendiam que esta política patrocinada pela Coroa poderia enfraquecer seu partido. O Receio virou realidade, mediante algumas das medidas tomadas pelo Gabinete, pois para tal empreendimento, de compor um ministério com políticos liberais e conservadores, a Coroa contou com Honório Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquês de Paraná, para chefiar o primeiro gabinete conciliatório da história do Segundo Reinado enfrentando várias resistências, principalmente entre os referidos saquaremas. O sucesso do gabinete creditou-se à força, tato e prudência do Marquês e, principalmente, ao pensamento do Imperador. A partir daí a história política do Segundo Reinado tomou novas feições. / The Reconciliation policy was an issue very altercado in mid-nineteenth century in the Second Empire of Brazil. This debate was closely fought between the imperial main parties, Liberal and Conservative, who alternated in power for almost fifty years of the emperor's command D. Pedro II. About their government, considered by Joaquim Nabuco as the Great Brazilian Period, is that this author has bequeathed to history after his magnum opus: A Statesman of the Empire. Our investigation starts from the following premise: D. Pedro II in the desire to rule, govern and administer, above party, has launched its Augustus Thought, that is, the Conciliation Committee. The Liberals accused the Conciliation emptied their proposals to be implemented by the Conservatives. Those who were in power since 1848, led by saquaremas, completely rejected this idea because they understood that this policy sponsored by the Crown could weaken his party. The fear became reality through some of the measures taken by the Cabinet, because for such a venture, to compose a ministry with political liberals and conservatives, the Crown had Honorio Hermeto Carneiro Leão, Marquis of Paraná, to head the first cabinet of the history of conciliatory Second Empire facing multiple resistance, especially among those saquaremas. The success of office credited to the strength, tact and prudence of the Marquis, and especially the thought of the Emperor. From there the political history of the Second Empire took new features.

Os libertinos de Juliette e a libertina de Sade / The libertines of Juliette and the libertine of Sade

Clara Carnicero de Castro 06 July 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta um estudo dos protagonistas do romance Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) do Marquês de Sade. O objetivo do trabalho é evidenciar a progressão dos enunciados filosóficos dos personagens, dentro das cenas libidinosas nas quais são proferidos, relacionando as teorias e as práticas particulares de cada herói com os traços de seu caráter. Tal abordagem supõe a tese de que há uma interdependência entre os argumentos do libertino e sua construção dentro da narrativa ficcional. Cada devasso expõe um conjunto singular de ideias, determinado por suas características morais, físicas e por outros aspectos que constituem o gênero do romance filosófico. Logo, este estudo não propõe uma interpretação específica para o pensamento de Sade, mas salienta a oposição e a convergência de ideias em sua obra, acentua o debate entre os personagens, expõe, portanto, a diversidade dos discursos libertinos. / This research intends to analyze the protagonists from the novel Histoire de Juliette, ou Les prospérités du vice (1801) by the Marquis de Sade. Our goal is to evidence the development of the philosophical statements of the characters, within the libidinous scenes where they take place, relating the theory and practice of each hero with his/her personality. This approach assumes an interplay between the libertine\'s arguments and their construction in the fictional narrative. Each person presents a unique set of ideas, determined by his/her moral and physical traits, in addition to all the other aspects found in the philosophical novel gender. We, therefore, do not present a specific interpretation for the thinking of Sade, rather, we stress the opposition and convergence of ideas in his work, underlining the debate among the characters to point out the diversity of discourse amidst the libertines.

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