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Ergebnisse der laserinduzierten Thermotherapie (LITT) in der Behandlung von LebertumorenErnst, Sandra 19 February 2003 (has links)
Die Dissertation handelt über die Ergebnisse der Laserinduzierten Thermotherapie bei Lebertumoren aus Februar 2000 mit einem Follow up bis Februar 2002. Dabei wurden 43 Patienten mit 89 Läsionen therapiert. Betrachtet wurden Komplikationen, Liegezeiten, metastasenfreie Intervalle, Stichkanalmetastasen, Auswertungen der bildmorphologischen Ablationskontrollen und die Analyse der klinischen Verläufe. Dabei wurden die Patienten in drei Altersgruppen eingeteilt, so dass man die Ergebnisse auf das Alter beziehen konnte. Zu den Primärtumoren zählten zu 70 Prozent das Kolorektale Karzinom, zu 10 Prozent das HCC und zu 20 Prozent andere Tumoren. Liegezeit und Komplikationen waren in allen Altersklassen gleich. Die komplette Ablationsrate betrug 80 Prozent. Die Liegezeit betrug weniger als 3 Tage im Durchschnitt. Komplikationen, die zur Verlängerung der Liegezeit führten, waren intrathorakale Blutungen, subkapsuläre Hämatome und Fistelbildungen. Es wurde ein durchschnittlich sechsmonatiges metastasenfreies Intervall festgestellt. / The dissertation acts about the results of the Laser-Induced Thermotherapy of manignant liver tumors from February 2000 in follow up to February 2002. 43 patients with 89 lesions became to treat in this case. Were considered complications, time to stay in bed, metastasis-free interval, metastasis from prick in the duct, evaluations of the picture-morphological controls and the analyses of the clinical progresses. The patients were divided into 3 age-groups in this case so that one could get the results on the age. To the primary tumors counted in 70 percent the colorectal cancer, to 10 percent the HCC and to 20 percent other tumors. The time to stay in bed and complications were identical in all age-groups. The complete ablation was 80 percent. The time to stay in bed was on average little as 3 days. Complications which led to the prolongation of the time to stay in bed were pleural effusions, subcapsular hematoma and fistulae. It was found on the average an metastases-free interval for 6 month.
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Grundlagen und Anwendung autofluoreszenzbasierter Diagnoseverfahren in der Chirurgie des kolorektalen KarzinomsMoesta, K. Thomas 05 April 2004 (has links)
Kolorektale Karzinome weisen eine Rotfluoreszenz auf. Die Art des zugrunde liegenden Fluorophors und sein diagnostisches Potential waren Gegenstand der Arbeit. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) wurde als das prädominant vorkommende Fluororphor in Primärtumoren und ihren Metastasen identifiziert. Das Fluorophor wurde in Abwesenheit von Nekrose und in sterilen Lokalisationen nachgewiesen. Affymetrix-GeneChip und quantitative PCR untersuchungen der Enzyme der Häm-Synthese machen eine Minderexpression als Ursache der PpIX Akkumulation wahrscheinlich. In Nicht-vorbehandelten Fällen erlaubt die PpIX-Fluoreszenz eine Diskrimination der metastatisch befallenen Lymphknoten mit einer Sensitivität von 62% bei einer Spezifität von 78% (p / Colorectal cancers exhibit a red fluorescence. The nature of the responsible fluorophore and its eventual diagnostic potential were investigated. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) was identified as the predominant fluorophore in primary tumors and their metastases. The fluorophore occurred in the absence of necrosis and in sterile locations. Affymetrix-GeneChip and quantitative PCR investigations of the heme metabolic pathway enzymes suggest a reduced expression of the enzyme ferrochelatase to cause the PpIX accumulation. In untreated cases, PpIX fluorescence discriminates metastatically involved lymph nodes from all other palpable nodes with a sensitivity of 62% at a specificity of 78% (p
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Untersuchungen zur antiangiogenen Aktivität des matrizellulären Proteins Thrombospondin-2 / Researches into the antiangiogenic activity of the matricellular protein Thrombospondin-2Hussein, Fadi 01 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Retrospektive Analyse von Diagnostik, Klinik und Verlauf bei Patienten mit Vena-cava-superior-Syndrom (obere Einflussstauung) / A retrospective analysis of the diagnosis, treatment and course in patients with superior vena cava syndromeBertram, Nick 04 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Identifizierung metastasierungsassoziierter molekularer Faktoren durch genomweite Expressionsanalysen an pulmonalen Metastasen und Primärtumoren des klarzelligen NierenzellkarzinomsWuttig, Daniela 17 December 2010 (has links)
Aufgrund ihres sehr hohen Metastasierungsrisikos weisen Patienten mit klarzelligem Nierenzellkarzinom (kzNZK) eine sehr hohe Sterblichkeit auf. Mit den zurzeit zur Verfügung stehenden klinischen Parametern kann der Krankheitsverlauf der Patienten nach der operativen Entfernung des Primärtumors nur unzureichend vorhergesagt werden. Um das Nachsorge- und Therapieregime der Patienten zu optimieren, muss die Vorhersagegenauigkeit der bestehenden Prognosemodelle durch molekulare Marker erhöht werden.
Um geeignete Gene für eine Abschätzung von Metastasierungsrisiko und krankheitsfreiem Überleben (DFS) zu identifizieren, wurden genomweite Expressionsanalysen sowohl an Lungenmetastasen (n = 24) als auch an Primärtumoren (n = 24) des kzNZK vorgenommen. Durch Vergleich von Metastasensubgruppen, die sich nach unterschiedlich langen DFS entwickelt hatten bzw. Primärtumoren, die nach unterschiedlich langen DFS Metastasen bedingten, wurden tumorintrinsische DFS-assoziierte Expressionsmuster identifiziert. Weiterhin wurden Gene identifiziert, deren Expression sich zwischen Primärtumoren unterschied, die im Krankheitsverlauf manifeste Metastasen bedingten und solchen, die dies nicht taten. Die differenzielle Expression funktionell interessanter, teilweise auch in anderen publizierten Microarraystudien an kzNZK bestätigter Gene wurde im Folgenden mittels quantitativer Polymerasekettenreaktion (qPCR) validiert.
Anschließend wurde die Assoziation ausgewählter Gene mit klinischen Parametern und dem Überleben der Patienten untersucht. Ein von klinischen Parametern unabhängiger Einfluss auf den Krankheitsverlauf der Patienten wurde dabei für EDNRB und PECAM1 auf Expressionsebene (qPCR; n = 86) sowie für TSPAN7 auf Proteinebene (Immunhistochemie an „Tissue Microarrays“; n = 106) belegt. EDNRB und PECAM1 waren signifikant höher exprimiert in Primärtumoren mit günstigen klinischen Parametern (TNMI/II, G1/2, V0, N0/M0). TSPAN7 war vorwiegend in den Gefäßen der primären kzNZK nachweisbar; eine signifikant höhere Zahl TSPAN7-positiver Gefäße war ebenfalls in Tumoren mit günstigen klinischen Parametern zu verzeichnen (pT1/2, TNMI/II, N0). Überlebensanalysen zeigten ein signifikant längeres DFS für Patienten mit einer hohen im Vergleich zu solchen mit einer geringen EDNRB-Expression und für Patienten, die in beiden untersuchten Gewebestanzen der „Tissue Microarrays“ TSPAN7-positive Gefäße aufwiesen im Vergleich zu Patienten mit nur einer oder keiner TSPAN7-gefäßpositiven Stanze. Für Patienten mit einer hohen im Vergleich zu solchen mit einer geringen EDNRB- bzw. PECAM1-Expression oder mit zwei im Vergleich zu keiner oder einer TSPAN7-gefäßpositiven Gewebestanze war zudem ein signifikant längeres tumorspezifisches Überleben (TSS) zu verzeichnen. Mit Hilfe multivariater Cox-Regressionsanalysen wurde eine unabhängige günstige prognostische Relevanz für EDNRB auf das DFS sowie für EDNRB, PECAM1 und TSPAN7 auf das TSS nachgewiesen. Somit sind diese molekularen Faktoren geeignet, um die Genauigkeit der bestehenden und ausschließlich auf klinischen Parametern basierenden Prognosemodelle zu erhöhen. Für eine Abschätzung von DFS und Metastasierungsrisiko erscheint dabei insbesondere EDNRB geeignet. / Patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) have an extremely poor prognosis due to their high risk of metastases. Currently used clinico-patological parameters are insufficient for reliable prediction of metastatic risk and disease free survival (DFS) after surgical resection of the primary tumor. Molecular markers are strongly needed to improve outcome prediction, and thus to optimize the follow up and treatment schedule for patients with ccRCC.
To identify genes which are suitable for the prediction of metastatic risk and DFS, genome-wide expression analyses were performed on pulmonary metastases (n = 24) and primary tumors (n = 24) obtained from patients with ccRCC. Tumor-intrinsic DFS-associated expression patterns were observed by comparing subgroups of metastases, which had developed within different DFS as well as primary tumors, which had caused metastases after different DFS. Furthermore, genes differentially expressed in primary tumors, which caused macroscopic metastases and tumors, which did not were identified. The differential expression of genes with a potential function in metastatic spread, which has in part been identified in independent published microarray studies as well, were validated by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR).
Moreover, an independent prognostic impact on the survival of ccRCC patients was observed for the EDNRB und the PECAM1 gene expression (qPCR; n = 86) as well as for the TSPAN7 protein level (immunohistochemistry on tissue microarrays; n = 106). Primary tumors of patients with favourable clinico-pathological parameters (TNMI/II, G1/2, V0, N0/M0) showed a significantly higher EDNRB und PECAM1 gene expression than those with unfavorable parameters. TSPAN7 was predominantly detected in blood vessels of ccRCC tissues. In patients with favourable clinico-pathological parameters (pT1/2, TNMI/II, N0) a significantly higher number of TSPAN7-positive vessels was observed. Using survival analyses, a significantly longer DFS was observed for patients with a high compared to those with a low EDNRB expression as well as for patients with TSPAN7-positive vessels in both cores compared to no or one of the both cores investigated on tissue microarrays. A significantly longer TSS was observed for patients with a high EDNRB or PECAM1 expression as well as for patients with TSPAN7-positive vessles in both tissue cores investigated. Furthermore, EDNRB was an independent prognostic factor for the DFS of the patients; EDNRB, PECAM and TSPAN7 had an independent prognostic impact on the TSS. Therefore, these molecular markers are suitable to improve the accuracy of outcome prediction based on clinico-pathological parameters in ccRCC. For the prediction of DFS and metastatic risk EDNRB is particularly interesting.
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Localisation of kallikreins in the prostate and association with prostate cancer progressionBui, Loan Thuy January 2006 (has links)
At present, prostate cancer is a significant public health issue throughout the world and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in older men. The prostate specific antigen or PSA (which is encoded by the kallikrein 3/KLK3 gene) test is the current most valuable tool for the diagnosis and management of prostate cancer. However, it is insufficiently sensitive and specific for early diagnosis, for staging of prostate cancer or for discriminating between benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer. Recent research has revealed another potential tumour marker, glandular kallikrein 2 (KLK2 gene/hK2 protein), which may be used alone or in conjunction with PSA to overcome some of the limitations of the PSA test. Twelve new kallikrein gene family members have been recently identified and, like hK2 and PSA, many of these genes have been suggested to be involved in carcinogenesis. In this study, the cellular localisation and level of expression of several of these newer kallikreins (KLK4, KLK5, KLK7, KLK8 and KLK11) was examined in prostate tissue, to provide an understanding of the association of their expression with prostatic diseases and their potential as additional biomarkers. Like PSA and hK2, the present observation indicated that each of these proteins, hK4, hK5, hK7, hK8 and hK11, was detected within the cytoplasm of the secretory cells of the prostate glands. For the first time, all of these newly-identified proteins were shown to be expressed in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) lesions, in comparison to normal glands and cancer lesions. In addition to cytoplasmic secretory cell expression, the localisation of hK4 to the basal cells and nuclei in prostatic lesions was intriguing. The intensity of hK4 staining in prostate tissue was strongest in comparison to the other newly-identified kallikrein proteins (hK5, hK7, hK8 and hK11). Therefore, KLK4/hK4 expression was characterised further to define this cellular localisation and examined in non-prostatic tissue and also in a larger number of prostate tissues in an attempt to determine its potential value as a biomarker for prostate disease. Three hK4 antipeptide polyclonal antibodies, derived against N-terminal, mid-region and C-terminal hK4 amino acid sequences, were used. The hK4 N-terminal antipeptide antibody was used to demonstrate the cellular localisation of hK4 in kidney, salivary glands, liver, testis, colon carcinoma, heart, endometrium and ovarian cancer, for the first time. The presence of hK4 in these non-prostate tissues was consistent with the previous reports using RT-PCR. The dual cytoplasmic and nuclear localisation of hK4 observed in the prostate above was also seen in these tissues. Although hK4 was found widely expressed in many human tissue types, indicating that it is not prostate specific in its expression, the highest expression level of hK4 was seen in the prostate. Therefore, detailed expression patterns and levels of KLK4 mRNA and hK4 protein in the normal prostate and prostatic diseases and histopathological lesions were investigated and reported for the first time in this study. Twelve benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 19 adenocarcinoma (Gleason grade 2-5) and 34 bone metastases from prostate cancer were analysed. Using in situ hybridisation, the expression of KLK4 mRNA was detected in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells of both normal and diseased prostate tissue. KLK4 mRNA was also noted in both secretory and basal cells of PIN lesions, but the basal cells of normal glands were negative. Using the hK4 N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies, hK4 was predominantly localised in the cytoplasm of the secretory cells. The intensity of hK4 staining appeared lowest in normal and BPH, and increased in PIN lesions, high Gleason grade prostate cancer and bone metastases indicating the potential of hK4 as a histopathological marker for prostatic neoplasias. Further studies are required with a larger cohort to determine its utility as a clinical biomarker. Small foci of atypical cells, which were found within normal glands, were also intensely stained. Surprisingly, hK4 protein was found in the nucleus of the secretory cells (but not the basal cells) of high grade PIN and Gleason grade 3 prostate cancer. The detection of KLK4 mRNA and hK4 protein in PIN lesions and small foci of atypical cells suggests that up-regulation of KLK4 expression occurs early in the pathology of prostate carcinogenesis. The finding of basal cell expression is not typical for the kallikreins and it is not clear what role hK4 would play in this cell type. With the use of the hK4 C-terminal antipeptide antibody, the staining was mainly localised in the nuclei of the secretory cells of the prostate glands. Although the nuclear localisation was readily noted in more than 90% of epithelial cells of the prostate gland with the C-terminal antibody, no difference in staining intensity was observed among the histopathological lesions of the prostate. The prominent nuclear localisation with the C-terminal antipeptide antibody was also shown to be distributed throughout the nucleus by using confocal microscopy. Further, by using gold-labelled particles for electron microscopy, the intracellular localisation of these hK4 antipeptide antibodies was reported here for the first time. Similar to the immunohistochemical results, the cytoplasm was the major site of localisation with the N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies. To further characterise the involvement of KLK4/hK4 in human prostate cancer progression, the transgenic adenocarcinoma mouse prostate (TRAMP) model was used in this study. In this study, mouse KLK4 (also known as enamel matrix serine protease -1, EMSP-1) was shown to be expressed in the TRAMP prostate for the first time. Previous studies had only shown the developing tooth as a site of expression for EMSP-1. The level of EMSP-1 mRNA expression was increased in PIN and prostate cancer lesions of the TRAMP model, while negative or low levels of EMSP-1 mRNA were seen in normal glands or in control mouse prostate tissue. The normal mouse prostate did not stain with any the three hK4 antipeptide antibodies. hK4 N-terminal and mid-region antipeptide antibodies showed positive staining in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells of PIN and cancer lesions of the mouse prostate. The C-terminal antipeptide antibody showed distinctively nuclear staining and was predominantly localised in the nuclei of the glandular cells of PIN and cancer lesions of the mouse prostate. The expression patterns of both the mRNA and protein level for mouse KLK4 strongly supported the observations of KLK4/hK4 expression in the human prostate and further support the utility of the TRAMP model. Overall, the findings in this thesis indicate a clear association of KLK4/hK4 expression with prostate cancer progression. In addition, several intriguing findings were made in terms of cellular localisation (basal as well as secretory cells; nuclear and cytoplasmic) and high expression in atypical glandular cells and PIN, perhaps indicating an early involvement in prostate disease progression and, additionally, utility as basal cell and PIN histological markers. These findings provide the basis for future studies to confirm the utility of hK4 as a biomarker for prostate cancer progression and identify functional roles in the different cellular compartments.
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