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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Srovnání přístupů multiplatformního vývoje mobilních aplikací / Comparison of cross-platform mobile development

Zikmund, Jan January 2014 (has links)
This work deals with the development of cross-platform mobile applications and compares cross-platform development frameworks. First the mobile devices market is defined and its dominant platforms are described. The main objective is to compare the frameworks with defined criteria. The theoretical part analyzes the mobile market and defines the different types of mobile devices. Further, describes the various mobile platforms, including its architecture and de-velopment environment. Subsequently, the approaches to cross-platform development are described with their individual frameworks. In the practical part the selected frameworks are compared to defined criteria and subse-quently evaluated.

Bezpečnost mobilních zařízení na platformě Android / Security of mobile devices running Android

Novotný, Josef January 2015 (has links)
The main subject of this thesis is the security of Android platform mobile devices. The goal of the thesis is to design and develop an application that will check given devices from the security point of view and to check the security of applications developed as the subject of theses created in the last few years at the University of Economics. In the first part of thesis there is an analysis of ways to secure the Android platform devices and applications and ways to attack them. Both the offline and the client/server architecture applications are also taken into consideration. The next part includes a security analysis of the selected application based on the beforehand determined criteria. An analysis and development of the application designated to examine the security of the given device is next. The outcome of the thesis is an easy to use application that can be launched on the mobile devices running Android 2.2 Froyo and higher.

Využití frameworku IONIC pro vývoj multiplatformní mobilní aplikace / Usage of the IONIC framework for development cross-platform mobile application

Gruda, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse framework IONIC and determine the suitability of this framework for cross-platform mobile development. The intent of the theoretical part is to analyse the current market, introduction to the mobile development and a description of the framework IONIC and related technologies. The practical part deals with the analysis and design mobile application PowerFLOW, describing the implemented mobile application and sample code. The last part is about framework IONIC evaluation based on set criteria. The evaluation rating was determined on the experience gained during the implementation of mobile application PowerFLOW. There are also listed personal experience of the implementation. Based on this thesis the IONIC can be recommended as the framework for cross-platform mobile development.


Soria Vargas, Delia Isabel, Tinedo Flores, Erika Esther, More Novoa, Daniella Andrea, Porturas Ventura, Alexandra María Luisa 17 July 2018 (has links)
En la actualidad, el tiempo es un recurso apreciado, sobre todo para las personas cuyas labores de oficina abarcan en promedio 10 horas al día. Bajo esta premisa hemos creado Tramitapp: un aplicativo móvil respaldado por un sistema administrativo y logístico, para poder realizar gestiones y trámites desde el lugar donde te encuentres. Este proyecto surge para que nuestros clientes aprovechen su tiempo y no tengan que realizar colas o engorrosos trámites en diferentes empresas y organismos gubernamentales. Para la elaboración de nuestra estrategia, hemos realizado un estudio interno y externo, y así obtener información relevante y objetiva que nos permita un desarrollo apropiado. Mediante la estadística nacional y posterior toma de una muestra, validamos la cantidad de personas interesadas en el aplicativo (dato obtenido mediante un landing page enlazado un Facebook Add) el cual tuvo un resultado de 37.6% en conversiones. Adicionalmente, según los últimos datos presentados por el INEI el 70.40% de la población hace uso del internet, apresurándose de esta manera un mercado con un modelo de negocio innovador. Esto nos permite confirmar que nuestra idea de negocio (desde el punto de vista de planeamiento estratégico) es rentable. Para el plan de marketing, se utilizó una estrategia de diferenciación de producto en la que a partir de una segmentación adecuada (geográfica y demográfica) identificamos que el 63.8% del NSE A y el 58.7% del NSE B trabajan de manera dependiente, independiente o son dueños de PYMES. Así perfilamos mejor el servicio considerando que este mismo segmento tiene experiencia en e-commerce. Desde el punto de vista de operaciones, nuestro modelo será multinivel, lo que implica que el negocio atenderá los dos niveles de clientes ya sea dueños de trámites y Tramitappdores y la cobertura de nuestra operación (tramites – tramitappdores) abarcara los distritos de Lima Metropolitana. Con respecto al plan económico y al plan financiero, se resuelve que el proyecto es viable debido a que muestra un VAN de S/.15,137.98 con retorno de inversión. Por lo tanto, concluimos que nuestro proyecto de negocio resulta rentable lo que permite tener la oportunidad de poder consolidarnos en el mercado. / Currently, time is an appreciated resource, especially for people whose office tasks cover an average of 10 hours a day. Under this premise we have created Tramitapp: a mobile application backed by an administrative and logistical system, designed to carry out formalities and procedures from the place where you are. Tramitaap is born so that our customers take advantage of their time and do not have to make long queues or exhausting procedures in different companies and government agencies. For the elaboration of our strategy, we have carried out an internal and external study, in order to obtain relevant and objective information that allows us an appropriate development. Through national statistics and subsequent sampling, we validate the number of people interested in the application (data obtained through a landing page linked to a Facebook Add) which had a result of 37.6% in conversions. Additionally, and as is known, according to the latest data presented by the INEI, 70.40% of the population makes use of the internet, thus hastening a market with an innovative business model. This allows us to confirm that our business idea (from the point of view of strategic planning) is profitable. For the marketing plan, a product differentiation strategy was used in which, based on an adequate segmentation (geographical and demographic), we identified that 63.8% of NSE A and 58.7% of NSE B work in a dependent, independent or their own business. This allowed us to profile the service considering that this same segment has experience in e-commerce. From the point of view of operations, our model will be multilevel, which implies that the business will serve the two levels of clients, whether they are process owners or processors and the coverage of our operation (procedures - processors) will cover the districts of Metropolitan Lima. With respect to the economic plan and the financial plan, it is resolved that the project is viable because it shows a NPV of S/.15,137.98 with return on investment. Therefore, we conclude that our business project is profitable, which allows us to have the opportunity to consolidate ourselves in the market. / Tesis

Ranking of Android Apps based on Security Evidences

Ayush Maharjan (9728690) 07 January 2021 (has links)
<p>With the large number of Android apps available in app stores such as Google Play, it has become increasingly challenging to choose among the apps. The users generally select the apps based on the ratings and reviews of other users, or the recommendations from the app store. But it is very important to take the security into consideration while choosing an app with the increasing security and privacy concerns with mobile apps. This thesis proposes different ranking schemes for Android apps based on security apps evaluated from the static code analysis tools that are available. It proposes the ranking schemes based on the categories of evidences reported by the tools, based on the frequency of each category, and based on the severity of each evidence. The evidences are gathered, and rankings are generated based on the theory of Subjective Logic. In addition to these ranking schemes, the tools are themselves evaluated against the Ghera benchmark. Finally, this work proposes two additional schemes to combine the evidences from difference tools to provide a combined ranking.</p>

Gamification for public transportation - Improving attractiveness with interactive game elements

Olofsson, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
During the last year and a half the Sars-Cov-2 virus has affected the world in many different ways. One of the things that Sars-Cov-2 has had an effect on, is the amount of travelers. Kalmar Länstrafik, the authority responsible for public transportation, has noticed a decline of travelers during the last year. Therefore it has been requested to make a study on gamification. Gamification, the idea of using game elements in non-game contexts, is a term coined by Nick Pelling in 2002. It is commonly used to make users more engaged by earning rewards, finishing tasks and competing with others. Many of the game elements can be found in all different kinds of systems. They are usually referred to as graphical components for levels, achievements and leaderboards. Like games, gamification requires the voluntary participation of users. This thesis presents an overview of the research made on gamification in public transportation, to find out if a gamification strategy can be applied to the public transportation application GoOn to make users more prone to use the application. In addition to the literature review, a proof of concept is implemented into the application GoOn to visually present and evaluate a gamification strategy. After the proof of concept is implemented it is tested by a selected group of users. The users are also handed a survey inside of the implemented program to gauge the potential benefits of using a gamified solution for GoOn. / Under det senaste ett och ett halvt året har Sars-Cov-2 viruset påverkat världen på många sätt. En av dom sakerna som Sars-Cov-2 har påverkat är antalet resenärer i kollektivtrafiken. Kalmar Länstrafik, myndigheten som ansvarar för kollektivtrafiken i Kalmar Län, har noterat en minskning av resande i kollektivtrafiken det senaste året. På grund av minskningen i kollektivtrafiken har Kalmar Länstrafik efterfrågat en undersökning om spelifiering.  Spelifiering är en idé om att använda spel element i miljöer som inte är spelrelaterade. Termen spelifiering myntades av Nick Pelling år 2002. Spelifiering används mest för att få användare mer engagerade genom att låta dom tjäna olika belöningar, klara uppdrag eller tävla med andra användare. Man kan hitta spel element i många olika typer av system men brukar ofta refereras till som grafiska komponenter för levels, achievements och leaderboards. Precis som med spel så kräver spelifiering att användarna volontärt medverkar.  Den här kandidatuppsatsen presenterar en överblick av forskningen som gjorts på spelifiering och spelifiering i kollektivtrafiken, för att ta reda på om en spelifierings-strategi kan appliceras i applikationen GoOn. Detta görs för att ta reda på om detta kan göra användarna mer benägna att använda applikationen. GoOn är en applikation som används för att resa med kollektivtrafiken och har lanserats av Kalmar Länstrafik. Utöver litteraturstudien så implementeras även ett konceptuellt program i GoOn för att visuellt presentera och utvärdera spelifierings-strategin. Efter att det konceptuella programmet har implementerats av en utvald grupp användare få svara på ett frågeformulär i det implementerade programmet. Detta görs för att mäta dem potentiella fördelarna med en gamifierad applikation i kollektivtrafiken.

Proyecto Just Talk App

Fajardo Rojas, Mirella Roseli, Flores De La Breña, José Guadalupe, Mejorada Choy, Erika Daniela, Pinares Gallegos, Alison Illean, Rivera Laura, Sebastián Astolfo 07 July 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación, se desarrollará el proyecto de negocio y aplicativo Just Talk, el cual se define como medio que permite hacer conexiones reales, en base a intereses en común. Just Talk está dirigida a hombres y mujeres entre 18 y 25 años, que viven en Perú pertenecientes a los NSE A, B y C, quienes cuentan con tiempo libre y disposición para conocer nuevas personas. Se realizaron experimentos que nos brindaron la capacidad de validar la problemática, la cual se basa en la dificultad de interacción que se presenta al momento de iniciar una conversación con una persona que recién se conoce por medio de redes sociales. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto se hizo un análisis a la industria y sus competidores, además, de diversas validaciones para verificar la viabilidad de Just Talk, así como el interés de nuestro público objetivo. Se desollaron estrategias en base del Marketing Mix (precio, promoción, plaza y producto) para realizar una proyección de ventas, establecer nuestros egresos e ingresos y el plan financiero. Como resultado se estableció una inversión inicial de S/65, 540.36 para el lanzamiento del aplicativo, obteniendo ganancias de S/1,795,649.91 para el primer año, S/8,929,878.28 para el segundo año y S/9,467,486.25 para el tercer año. / In this research work, the business project Just Talk will be developed. Just Talk is defined as a mean that allows real connections, based on common interests. This app is made for men and women between 18 and 25 years old, who live in Peru belonging to the NSE A, B and C, who have free time and willingness to meet new people. During the development, our team made experiments that gave us the ability to validate the problem, which is based on the difficulty of interaction that arises when starting a conversation with a person who is newly known through social networks. To carry out this project, an analysis was made to the industry and its competitors, in addition to various validations to verify the viability of Just Talk, as well as the interest of our target audience. Strategies were made based on the Marketing Mix (price, promotion, place and product) to make a sales projection, establish our expenses and revenues and the financial plan. As a result, with an initial investment of S/65, 540.36 for the launch of the application, we will be making profits of S/1,795,649.91 for the first year, S/8,929,878.28 for the second year and S/9,467,486.25 for the third year. / Trabajo de investigación

Případová studie mobilní aplikace - průvodce Národním muzeem / Case Study of Mobile Application - Audio Guide for the National Museum

Cironis, Adam January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with a case study of the development of a mobile audio guide for the expositions of the National Museum. In the theoretical part, the author focuses on defining the basic concepts related to the topic of a case study of a mobile guide for cultural institutions, which include concepts such as culture, digital culture and its connection with technology. Subsequently, the author deals with a general introduction of mobile applications, the history of such designed applications and also the first examples of the use of mobile applications in galleries and museums. The main emphasis is placed on the procedures of mobile application development with a focus on the individual phases of the process, chronological sequence and at the same time technological extensions that can be used to achieve a more intensive visitor experience. The third chapter includes the current state of mobile applications of foreign museums. The practical part describes in detail the process of designing a mobile application in the form of a case study of a mobile guide for the National Museum. The main aim is to critically evaluate and compare the real way of development in a specific cultural institution, which can differ significantly from the theory. In specific cases, it is also described what...

Výběr a implementace informačního systému / Information System Selection

Čelková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the selection of an information system for Webnode, which offers on-line services to its customers. The company wants to expand its services and wants to give customers the ability to manage their websites through a mobile application. The thesis deals with the selection of an information system for creating a mobile application. The first chapter of the thesis explains the theoretical starting points that we will use in the practical part. The following chapter introduces the company and its vision, mission, and marketing mix and offers detailed analysis of the company, using a variety of methods. The third chapter deals with problem solving, information system selection and its implementation. At the end of the thesis, the benefits of the solution are summarized.

Nativní aplikace pro mobilní zařízení / Native Application for Mobile Devices

Beníčková, Zuzana January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the universal mobile client-server application of Android and iOS devices solved in the native environment of the given operating systems. The work explores approaches to solving the problem in both environments. The application solution will display, store and process a variety of data sent to the server in a unified form as well as customize the look given the conditions addressed conditions and equipment. The aim of the thesis is to show and compare the native potential of the mobile device as well as to design a unified application of frequently asked issues - to view and access a large amount of stored data to the user.

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