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HTML5-based Travel HabitApplication: Investigation of VectorWeb Mapping Possibilities / HTML5-baserad res-logg applikation:Undersökning av möjligheterna med vektor kartläggningIsaksson, Camilla January 2013 (has links)
The subject of the report is to review and evaluate the potential for vector graphics in web maps. It ishoped that a web mapping only should display vector graphics. Compared to the traditional webmapping approach, that has raster tiles pre-rendered on the server side for each zoom level. Thedrawback with raster data is that it lacks in information content compared to vector data, which interms can contribute to a richer user interface. However, vector graphics, in comparison to raster datahave a complex data structure and are inefficient to handle such as raster data traditionally is managed.Thanks to new rendering techniques for vector graphics, such as by VML, SVG, but mainly throughthe canvas element, web maps can be improved since vector graphics can be drawn directly in theclient through the browser without the need to generate data on the server side and sent it to the client.By selecting three vector-based mobile mapping libraries that use HTML5, in particular the canvaselement, each library is examined and evaluated based on their ability to use vector graphics, bothperformance-wise, by randomly generating vector data on a map comprising of the world, but alsoaccording to a number of usability criteria. Thereafter, a mobile travel habit implementation isdeveloped based on one of the libraries that meets the criteria the best. The travel habit application isdesigned to register the user’s geographical movements and subsequently display the user’s completedtrip in terms of vector data on a map. The application is developed with the ASP.NET technique thatconsists of HTML, JavaScript and C# languages. Results show that each library is superior / comparesfavourably to the others for at least one of the assessment criteria. Based on the performance test forthe rendering of vector data, the Tile5 library performed best with a rendering time corresponding toapproximately half the time it took for the second best library Leaflet. However, since Tile5 indicatesdeficiencies in the documentation, Leaflet fits the overall established assessment criteria best and isselected for the implemented of the mobile application for travel habits. For future development, Tile5has the potential to become a useful and effective tool for vector web mapping and to compete withthe traditional mapping platforms that renders raster data. / Motivet till rapporten är att granska och utvärdera möjligheterna för vektorgrafik i webbkartor,förhoppningen är att i en webbkarta endast visa vektorgrafik. Istället för på det traditionella sättet medraster data som genererats färdigt på server-sidan för varje zoom-nivå av kartan. Nackdelen medrasterdata är att den är fattig på information jämfört med vektordata, som i sin tur kan bidra till ettrikare användargränssnitt. Dock har vektorgrafik jämfört med rasterdata en komplex datastruktur ochär ineffektivt att hantera så som rasterdata traditionellt görs.Tack vare nya rittekniker för vektorgrafik, så som genom VML, SVG men främst via canvaselementet, kan webbkartor förbättras i och med att vektorgrafik kan ritas upp direkt genom browserutan att behöva generera data på server-sidan. Genom att välja ut tre vektor-baserade utvecklingsbibliotek som använder sig utav HTML5 och speciellt canvas elementet, så undersöks och utvärderasrespektive bibliotek utifrån deras möjlighet att använda vektorgrafik, både prestandamässigt, genomatt slumpmässigt generera vektor data på en karta omfattande av hela världen, men också utifrån ettantal användbarhetskriterier. Därefter utvecklas en test implementation, d.v.s. en applikation för resvanor,baserat på den utav biblioteken som uppfyller kriterierna bäst. Res-vane applikationen ärinriktad på att registrera användarens geografiska rörelser och kan sedan visa användarens genomfördaresa i form av vektordata på en karta. Applikationen är utvecklad med ASP.NET tekniken som bestårutav HTML, JavaScript och C# språken. Resultatet från den empiriska undersökningen visar attkartbiblioteken utmärker sig på förmånligt men på olika områden. Utifrån prestandatestet förrendering av vektordata, presterade Tile5 bibliotek bäst med en renderingstid motsvarande ungefärhäften av tiden det tog för det näst bästa biblioteket, Leaflet. Dock ledde bristande dokumentation förTile5 till att Leaflet, till det stora hela sett, passade bedömningskriterierna bäst och kom attimplementeras i den mobila test applikationen för resvanor. För framtida utvecklings, har Tile5potential att utvecklas till ett användbart och effektivt verktyg för vektorkartläggning och för attkonkurrera med traditionella webbkartor som renderar rasterdata.
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Building Blocks: Utilizing Component-Based Software Engineering in Developing Cross-Platform Mobile ApplicationsOskar, Andersson January 2014 (has links)
Contemporary approaches to cross-platform mobile application development, such as hybrid apps from PhoneGap and generated native apps from Xamarin, show promise in reducing development time towards Android, iOS and other platforms. At the same time, studies show that there are various problems associated with these approaches, including suffering user experiences and codebases that are difficult to maintain and test properly. In this thesis, a novel prototype framework called Building Blocks was developed with the purpose of investigating the feasibility of utilizing component-based software engineering in solving this problem. The prototype was developed towards Android along with a web interface that allowed users to assemble an Android app using software components. The report concludes that component-based software engineering can be – and already is – utilized successfully to improve cross-platform mobile app development with special regards to user experience. Qualitative data indicate that Building Blocks as a concept is flexible and shows promise for mobile app development in which functionality is often reused, such as enterprise apps. Rapid prototyping using the web-based visual editing tool was another promising area. However, future use of Building Blocks would require further work on the prototype to improve its ease of use.
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Symmetric Key Management for Mobile Financial Applications : A Key Hierarchy ApproachAzam, Junaid January 2013 (has links)
In recent times the usage of smart phones has significantly increased. Businesses are transforming to make more out of smart phones. As a consequence, there is an increasing demand to have more and more mobile applications. Among other areas, mobile applications are also being used to make financial transactions. Applications used for financial transactions need to be more reliable and have end-to-end security. To implement security we heavily depend on cryptography and the heart of cryptography is the keys which are used in cryptographic processes (encryption/decryption). Therefore, it is essential not only to protect, but also to properly manage these keys, so that a robust and secure system can be achieved. This research work provides a complete implementation of symmetric key management for mobile phone applications with a focus on financial data using a key hierarchy approach. We have developed a key management system which allows smart phones to download the cryptographic key hierarchy. This key hierarchy is used to encrypt and decrypt financial data, such as PIN and other transaction information. Using this application (key management system), we can achieve an end-to-end security between client (mobile phones) and payment server (banking server). This research work presents implementation of key management system for Android OS only.
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Bokningstjänst – I en mobilapplikation : Skapandet av ett mobilt gränssnitt till Mittuniversitetets bokningstjänstNord, Timmy, Nalin, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Tillgängligheten och användandet av grupprum vid universitet är viktigt för studenter då majoriteten av studenternas studietid är på egen hand. Grupprum erbjuder en plats för diskussion och studier, vilket är viktigt för att uppnå en god studiemiljö. Vid Mittuniversitetet existerar det en webbaserad bokningstjänst för studenter att boka grupprum. I det aktuella bokningssystemet existerar det heller ingen direktkoppling till bokningstjänsten och det finns inget sätt att verifiera att bokningen faktiskt används. Därför har denna studie syftat till att undersöka och utveckla en mobilapplikation för bokandet av grupprum vid Mittuniversitetet. Det presenteras nya funktionaliteter och användargränssnitt för att lösa nuvarande problem. Studien har blivit utförd med hjälp av relaterande arbeten, diskussioner med Mittuniversitetets IT-arkitekter, enkätundersökningar och user stories för att bilda en kravfångst. Därefter skapades en prototyp baserat på kravfångsten, denna prototyp användes som designplan för utvecklingen av mobilapplikationen. Sju deltagare deltog att testa applikationen, där första användartestet var att testa en uppsättning funktionaliteter. Därefter utvärderades applikationen för vidareutvecklingen. I det andra testet genfördes en tidmätning mellan det befintliga bokningssystemet och nya bokningssystemet, detta för att genomföra ett antal funktionalitetstester. Resultatet var att det mobila gränssnittet var snabbare för att utföra testerna vid jämförelse med det aktuella webbgränssnittet. Deltagarna ville också ha möjligheten att använda en mobilapplikation i framtiden för att boka grupprum. / The availability and usage of study spaces in universities is important for students due to that majority of their study time is on their own. Study spaces provides a place for discussions and studies, which is important to achieve a good study environment. At the Mid Sweden University, a web-based booking service is available for students to reserve study rooms. In the current booking system, there exist no direct link to the booking service and there is no way to verify that a reservation that has been made is being used. Therefore, the objective of this study has been to examine and develop a mobile application for booking study rooms at Mid Sweden University that presents new functionalities and user interfaces to solve these problems. The study has been conducted with the aid of previous works, discussions with the IT architects, student surveys and user stories to capture requirement specifications. Thereafter a prototype was made based of said requirements, this prototype was then used as a blueprint when developing the actual mobile application. For testing the application, seven participants were chosen to test a set of functionalities and thereafter evaluate their experiences for further development. After the first test, a second test was done by comparing the time it took for participants to perform a set of tasks using the mobile interface versus the existing booking interface. The mobile interface was faster to perform tasks on and participants would like to use a mobile application for future reservations.
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Enhancing Usability and User Experience : A Close Look at COVID Symptom Study Mobile ApplicationSirikul, Boss January 2021 (has links)
COVID-19 is a pandemic and concern throughout 2020 and 2021. Many mobile applications have been developed to track the spread of COVID-19, gather health data from people, and map the spread. In many countries, there are multiple mobile applications made by different companies and groups. However, in Sweden, there is only one mobile application so far in June 2021, and that mobile application is called COVID Symptom Study. While in other countries there are many options to choose from, in Sweden, there is only one alternative for people to use for health tracking through a mobile device. This thesis aims to investigate the usability and UX issues, which would hinder users from using the COVID Symptom StudyApplication (CSSA from now on). The CSSA then should be examined and evaluated to see if it can be improved upon to make sure that the users of the application have the best experience since it is the only one of this type of mobile application in Sweden. In this thesis, the author gathered relevant user reviews from both Google Play Store and App Store, platforms that distribute the CSSA. Document analysis was used in conjunction with heuristic evaluation as a framework to see what the application is lacking, the results then showed what will improve the user experience for the users of the CSSA. The results showed that the CSSA is not lacking in essential user experience (UX from now on) and user interface (UI from now on), but the application can be improved upon with some minor changes. In conclusion, the CSSA is doing a good job enough that there are not any major problems that would hinder the user enough to cause the UX to be unsatisfactory but there are some quality-of-life changes that can be improved upon.
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Un día Nuevo : Aplicativo de ayuda para la salud emocionalCasildo Canedo, Roxana Iris 17 August 2020 (has links)
Este plan de negocios busca aportar en una problemática a nivel mundial, la cual va aumentando en el número de afectados cada año, la salud mental. La OMS afirma que las funciones mentales están interconectadas con el funcionamiento físico, mental y con el estado de salud, donde por ejemplo la depresión constituye un factor de riesgo en el cáncer o en los trastornos cardiovasculares, la ansiedad puede afectar un tratamiento físico de manera sustancial.
La ausencia de salud mental ha traído grandes consecuencias como suicidios en jóvenes y adultos, debido a que no fueron tratados a tiempo ya sea por el poco conocimiento de su relevancia o por el costo alto que esta enfermedad conlleva.
La salud es un estado de completo bienestar físico, mental y social y no solamente la ausencia de afecciones o enfermedades. Es por todo ello que a través de este trabajo se propone un aplicativo de ayuda para la prevención, alivio y mejora de estados emocionales que pueden perjudicar nuestra salud. ¨Un día nuevo¨ app es una propuesta con programas especializados que brindará herramientas de manera integral, que acompañarán diariamente al usuario, abarcando los temas de alimentación, deporte y mente, pensamientos. Ofreciendo también un Chatbot las 24 horas para que el usuario puede encontrar alivio cuando lo necesite, a través de actividades adecuadas a las necesidades que este requiera.
Para este plan de negocios nos hemos enfocado en las mujeres de 15 años a 55 años de edad, de niveles socioeconómicos A, B y C. Debido a que existe una diferencia entre géneros en cuanto a la salud mental, las mujeres son más propensas en padecer trastornos de ansiedad o depresión debido a la internalización de estos estados emocionales y como responde el cuerpo ante estas emociones a diferencia de los hombres.
Con una inversión de S/128,090 proyectado a 5 años en un escenario esperado, muestra indicadores de rentabilidad con un valor neto actual (VAN) de S/740401.48 y una tasa interna de retorno (TIR) de 48% estos valores concluyen que a nivel económico el proyecto es viable y rentable. / This business plan aims to address a worldwide problem, which is increasing in the number of people affected each year, and that is mental health. The WHO states that mental functions are interconnected with physical and mental functioning and health status, where, for instance, depression is a risk factor in cancer or cardiovascular diseases, anxiety can significantly affect physical treatment.
The absence of mental health has brought great consequences such as suicides in young people and adults, since they were not treated on time either because of poor knowledge of its relevance or its high cost.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or illnesses. Therefore, through this plan, an application is proposed to help prevent, relieve and improve any emotional state that may be harmful to our health. "Un día nuevo" app is a proposal with specialized programs that will provide tools in a comprehensive manner, which will accompany the user daily, addressing the topics of food, sports and mind, and thoughts. It also offers a 24-hour chatbot so that the user can find relief when needed through activities that meet their needs.
For this business plan, our focus is on women from 15 to 55 years old from A, B and C socioeconomic levels. Since there is a gender difference in mental health, women are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders or depression due to the internalization of these emotions and the way their body responds to these emotions unlike men.
With an investment of S/128,090 planned for 5 years in an expected scenario, it shows indicators of profitability with a net present value (NPV) of S/740401.48 and an internal rate of return (IRR) of 48%. These values conclude that, at an economic level, the project is viable and profitable. / Trabajo de investigación
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Factores de uso de Aplicativos móviles como canal de ventas en el servicio de lavanderías, en hombres y mujeres del NSE A y B en Lima Metropolitana / Factors of use of mobile applications as a sales channel in the laundry service, in men and women of the NSE A and B in Metropolitan LimaOrtega Díaz, César Renzo 03 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, el negocio de lavanderías a nivel nacional ha ido innovando en el transcurso de los últimos años, ya que gracias a la tecnología y a las nuevas tendencias del mercado se ha podido dar un giro al servicio tradicional al cual se estaba acostumbrado. En este caso, existen herramientas tecnológicas como los aplicativos móviles, los cuales se han adaptado para el modelo de negocio de lavanderías simplificándole la vida al consumidor, ya que existen diversas variables como la falta de tiempo para trasladarse a una tienda de servicio y el horario de trabajo de los potenciales clientes que les impide llegar a tiempo a dejar o recoger la ropa.
De esta manera, el tema de investigación consiste en analizar las relaciones entre los factores de uso, tales como: el nivel de entendimiento del usuario, la calidad del sistema y la calidad del diseño de los aplicativos móviles en el servicio de lavanderías en Lima Metropolitana. A través de un estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo, se buscará evidenciar y demostrar que existe una relación y es relevante para el negocio de lavanderías por un aplicativo en la ciudad de Lima, Perú. / Currently, the laundry business nationwide has been innovating in recent years, since thanks to technology and new market trends it has been possible to turn the traditional service to which it was accustomed. In this case, there are technological tools such as mobile applications, which have been adapted for the laundry business model, making life easier for the consumer, since there are various variables such as the lack of time to go to a service store and the schedule of potential customers that prevents them from being on time to drop off or pick up clothes.
In this way, the research topic consists of analyzing the relationships between the use factors, such as: the level of user understanding, the quality of the system and the quality of the design of mobile applications in the laundry service in Metropolitan Lima. . Through a qualitative and quantitative study, it will seek to demonstrate and demonstrate that a relationship exists and is relevant to the laundry business by an application in the city of Lima, Peru. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto empresarial de un aplicativo móvil de servicios de entretenimiento y esparcimiento social denominado EscappeSalomon León, Heydee Marylin, Vásquez de Velasco Duthurburu, Carlos Teodoro, Quispe Luyo, Lisbeth Consuelo, Casas Cuadros, Lissett 14 July 2020 (has links)
El presente plan de negocios surgió ante la necesidad insatisfecha del mercado, de no poder encontrar lugares de entretenimiento y esparcimiento social tanto en Lima como en provincias. Si bien es cierto la oferta del entretenimiento en general ha crecido en nuestro país. Sin embargo, la falta de información y difusión de la oferta representa una oportunidad de desarrollo de este negocio que, además de satisfacer la demanda del mercado, cubrirá la demanda de difusión y puesta en valor de la oferta.
El aplicativo móvil Escappe satisface una necesidad del mercado y de la oferta no cubierta de forma innovadora y rentable tanto para la empresa como para los clientes. Se brindará el servicio a empresas y clientes de Lima metropolitana y se buscará cubrir y conectar las necesidades del mercado en el departamento de Lima, ofreciendo a las empresas de entretenimiento y esparcimiento social en general, una ventana donde oferten sus productos y servicios, contribuyendo al incremento de su productividad y rentabilidad. El proyecto empresarial tiene miras de expansión nacional e internacional, ampliando la oferta al mercado consumidor y clientes que usen nuestra plataforma digital.
ESCAPPE espera recaudar S/ 83,496.00 soles de su propio capital y pedir prestados S/ 55,664.00 soles como un préstamo a tres años. Esto proporciona la menor parte del financiamiento actual requerido.
ESCAPPE anticipa ventas de aproximadamente S/ 1'584,000.00 soles en el primer año S/ 1'752,660.00 soles en el segundo año y S/ 1'938,720.00 soles en el tercer año del plan. ESCAPPE debe alcanzar el punto de equilibrio para el primer año de su operación, ya que aumenta constantemente sus ventas. Se espera que las ganancias para este período sean de aproximadamente S/ 22,826.27 soles en el año 1, S/ 105,790.40 soles en el año 2 y S/ 197,986.01 soles en el año 3. La compañía no anticipa ningún problema de flujo de efectivo. Concluimos que la relación costo-beneficio es positiva. / The present business plan arose out of the unmet need of the market, of not being able to find places of entertainment and social recreation both in Lima and in the provinces. Although it is true the offer of entertainment in general has grown in our country. However, lack of information and dissemination of the offer represents an opportunity to develop this business that, in addition to satisfying market demand, will cover the demand for the dissemination and enhancement of the offer.
Escappe mobile application satisfies a market and unmet supply need in an innovative and profitable way for both the company and the customers. Service will be provided to companies and clients in metropolitan Lima and the aim will be to cover and connect the needs of the market in the department of Lima, offering entertainment and social recreation companies in general, a window where they offer their products and services, contributing to increased productivity and profitability. Business project aims at national and international expansion, expanding the offer to the consumer market and clients who use our digital platform.
ESCAPPE expects to raise S/ 83,496.00 soles of its own capital, and to borrow S/ 55,664.00 soles as a three-year loan. This provides the least of the current financing required.
ESCAPPE anticipates sales of about S/ 1'584,000.00 soles in the first year S/ 1'752,660.00 soles in the second year, and S/ 1'938,720 soles in the third year of the plan. ESCAPPE should break even by the first year of its operation as it steadily increases its sales. Profits for this time period are expected to be approximately S/ 22,826.27 soles in year 1, S/ 105,790.40 soles by year 2, and S/ 197,986.01 soles by year 3. The company does not anticipate any cash flow problems. We conclude that the cost-benefit ratio is positive. / Trabajo de investigación
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Breaking Boundaries with Instant Payment: A Nordic Adventure : Challenges and Opportunities to Accommodate the Innovation / Byta Gränser med Omdelbar Betalning: Ett Nordiskt Äventyr : Utmaningar och Möjligheter att Tillgodose InnovationenTampubolon, Debby Nareswari Nauli January 2023 (has links)
As globalization and interconnection between countries increase, the need for efficient cross-border payments becomes more critical. The Nordics, consisting of Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden, share many economic and technological advancement similarities. However, cross-border mobile payment is yet to be seen despite having the solutions to do the process locally. This study then aims to answer the current state, challenges, opportunities, and ways to move forward with the innovation of cross-border mobile payments in the Nordics. A literature review and interviews with experts in the industry were performed to gain more insights into the phenomenon. It is found that currently, the interoperability is none. However, despite the absence of interoperability, efforts are being made to place this agenda at the forefront. Furthermore, there are some challenges, including balancing cooperation and competition among actors in the mobile payment space, addressing pricing issues, establishing a solid business case, managing competition between local perspectives and global technology players, mitigating fraud risks, prioritizing national-scale initiatives, and ensuring standardization and information clarity. On the other hand, opportunities were identified in the availability of use cases, the collaborative culture in the Nordics, the gateway to the point-of-sale feature, the international push towards the feature, and the potential of technology bridges to enhance interoperability. Lastly, to move forward with the innovation, it is suggested to create the use-cases and critical mass, focus on the technological hub, put the cross-border payment on regulatory focus, and compare the use-cases and lessons learned from other regions that do similar work. / I takt med att globaliseringen och sammankopplingen mellan länder ökar, blir behovet av effektiva gränsöverskridande betalningar mer kritiskt. Norden, som består av Danmark, Finland, Norge och Sverige, delar många ekonomiska och tekniska framstegslikheter. Men gränsöverskridande mobilbetalning är ännu inte att se trots att man har lösningarna för att göra processen lokalt. Denna studie syftar sedan till att svara på det aktuella läget, utmaningar, möjligheter och sätt att gå vidare med innovationen av gränsöverskridande mobilbetalningar i Norden. En litteraturgenomgång och intervjuer med experter inom branschen gjordes för att få mer insikter om fenomenet. Det har visat sig att interoperabiliteten för närvarande inte är någon. Men trots avsaknaden av interoperabilitet görs ansträngningar för att placera denna agenda i framkant. Vidare finns det vissa utmaningar, inklusive att balansera samarbete och konkurrens mellan aktörer inom det mobila betalningsområdet, ta itu med prissättningsfrågor, etablera ett solidt affärscase, hantera konkurrensen mellan lokala perspektiv och globala teknikaktörer, mildra bedrägerierisker, prioritera initiativ i nationell skala, och säkerställa standardisering och informationstydlighet. Å andra sidan identifierades möjligheter i tillgängligheten av användningsfall, samarbetskulturen i Norden, porten till funktionen för försäljningsställen, den internationella pushen mot funktionen och potentialen hos teknikbryggor för att förbättra interoperabiliteten. Slutligen, för att gå vidare med innovationen, föreslås det att skapa användningsfall och kritisk massa, fokusera på det tekniska navet, sätta gränsöverskridande betalning på regleringsfokus och jämföra användningsfall och lärdomar från andra regioner som gör liknande arbete.
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Utilizing modern technology to promote tourism and reduce physical contact / Utnyttja modern teknologi för attfrämja turism och minska fysiskkontaktGustafsson, Johan, Wallgren, Petter January 2021 (has links)
Tourism is an important factor for economic growth. Unfortunately, the on going COVID-19 pandemic has struck hard on the tourism sector due to the lockdowns and travel restrictions. The lockdowns have also led to an increasing isolation among people which in the long term can lead to a decline in people’s psychological wellbeing.Together with Cybercom Group AB, an idea to solve this problem was to developan application with the intention to nurture the tourism sector and get people out of their homes while keeping the human interactions at a satisfactory level. The main feature of the application developed was a scheduler that carefully planned out people’s daily activities depending how crowded a specific location was. An application such as the one developed could lead to an increase in foot traffic while simultaneously decreasing the amount of physical contact between people. The result of this thesis mainly focuses on the developed application but more specifically the developed algorithms to schedule your day using crowd data. The algorithmdeveloped, the Optimal Time Slot Algorithm, averaged a crowding value of18,8% while the average of the best possible crowding value was 17,8%. / Turism är en viktig faktor för ekonomisk tillväxt. Tyvärr så har den pågående COVID-19 pandemin slagit hårt mot turismsektorn till följd av nedstängningar och restriktionerpå resande. Nedstängningarna har även lett till en ökad isolering hos personersom långsiktigt kan leda till en försämring av människors psykologiska välmående.Tillsammans med Cybercom Group AB växte en idé fram om att utveckla enapplikation som har till uppgift att främja turismsektorn och hjälpa folk att ta sig utur sina hem samtidigt som de undviker trängsel. Huvudfunktionen hos den utvecklade applikationen var en planerare som noggrantplanerar en persons dagliga aktiviteter beroende på hur mycket folk det var på denspecifika platsen vid ett visst tillfälle. En applikation likt den som utvecklats kan ledatill en ökad mängd personer i rörelse i kombination med att minska mängden fysiskkontakt mellan människor. Resultatet av detta examensarbete fokuserar huvudsakligen på den utvecklade applikationenoch specifikt de algoritmer som utvecklats för att planera din dag genomträngseldata. Den framtagna algoritmen, Optimal Time Slot Algorithm, resulteradei ett trängselsnitt på 17,8% där 18,8% var snittet av det bästa möjliga resultatet.
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