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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MDF kompozity AC-PVAl se zvýšenou odolností proti vlhkosti / MDF composites AC-PVAl with increased moisture resistance

Repka, Martin January 2010 (has links)
Polymerem impregnované cementové materiály představují zajímavou a perspektivní alternativu klasických portlandských cementových past. Hlavním zástupcem těchto materiálů jsou macrodefect-free (MDF) kompozity, složené z anorganického pojiva a organického polymeru. I přes řadu vynikajících mechanických vlastností je plné zavedení MDF kompozitů na trh omezené především z důvodu jejich relativně nízké odolnosti vůči vlhkosti. Jednou z možností jak zvýšit odolnost výsledného MDF vůči vlhkosti je „in situ“ síťování polymeru. V této práci byla připravena počáteční série MDF kompozitů na bázi hlinitanového cementu a polyvinylalkoholu se třemi typy organo-titanátových síťovacích činidel (Tyzory). Efekt modifikace MDF kompozitů byl hodnocen na základě zkoušek pevnosti v tahu za ohybu po uložení materiálů v různých vlhkostních podmínkách.

Porovnání vlastností alternativních pelet / Comparison of properties of alternative pellets

Jansa, Oldřich January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the alternative pellets and the means of production from raw material to final customer. The theoretical part deals with different techniques and manufacturing technologies used. Furthermore, the work deals with Czech and European legislation in the field of fuel pellets. The practical part deals with measuring and comparing the properties of selected standard pellets.

Syntéza vysokopevnostních kompozitů na bázi anorganického cementu a polymeru / Synthesis of High-Strength Composites Based on Inorganic Cement and Polymer

Másilko, Jiří January 2012 (has links)
The subject of the doctoral thesis is the study of moisture resistance of macro-defect-free (MDF) composites based on calcium-aluminate cement and polyvinylalcohol used as polymer. MDF cements are perspective materials providing unique properties relative to traditional cement pastes with great potential to incoming constructional utilization. But it is known that MDF cements exhibit sensitivity to water, with swelling and reduction of strength. Therefore the work is aimed in monitoring of an organic polymer effect on the moisture resistance of MDF materials and phase changes. The effects of three different organotitanate cross-linking agents on the properties were investigated. The organotitanate-modified MDF cement samples exhibited improved moisture resistance as compared to the standard samples when exposed to 100 % relative humidity or water at laboratory conditions. The influence of composition at different curing on the properties of model MDF cement samples was observed. The characterization of MDF samples was based especially on test of flexural strength, XRD, DTA/TGA and EGA, EDS and scanning electron microscopy analyses.

Analýza účinnosti mechanických sanačních metod se zaměřením na problematiku spojů vkládaných materialů / Efficiency Analysis of Mechanical Redevelopment Methods with a Focus to the Problems of Joints of Inserted Materials

Mizerová, Lenka Unknown Date (has links)
Parameters that characterizes quality internal building environment come forth these days. One of the main reasons for the choice of the topic of this thesis is to ensure the quality of the internal environment and well-being during the usage of the buildings. Prevention of the excessive wall dampness is one of the basic conditions of a healthy and quality building environment. The thesis verifies reliability and compares the efficiency of the selected damp-proof materials and its joints. The first part deals with the influences that are reasons for the dampness of the buildings, earmark of an interest area, introducing of the valid legislation focused on the building redevelopment, consideration and evaluation of the building constructions in light of the dampness. The next part of the thesis sets main and partial targets and consecutive steps leading to fulfilment of the targets. Selection of the appropriate redevelopment procedures, materials and joints of the selected materials selected for the experiment realization follows. As this area is relatively large, we selected mechanical redevelopment methods reaching the walls and three most commonly used materials and its joints within the framework of the selected methods. There are three main steps set in the thesis: preparation of the methodology and experiment realization, measurement optimization and measurement within the laboratory and on the real buildings, comparison and evaluation of the measured values. Experimental part of the thesis took place between the years 2008 - 2011. Experiment realization comprises of material acquisition, building of the test samples and application of the single redevelopment measures. The next step includes measurement on the individual samples on the fixed measuring points. Measurements are evaluated through the mathematical statistical methods. Efficiency of the particular materials are compared and evaluated.

Moisture calibration of an R.F based inline moisture sensor : An inline moisture sensor based on radio wave attenuation, Microtec M3 Scan, was calibrated to maximise correlation between real water content in wood and received signal

Antoniadis, Antonios January 2020 (has links)
Sensors based on radio waves are used for inline moisture determination in the sawn wood industry. Placed at the final sorting line such a device can be invaluable, giving the operators real time information on the moisture content of the boards passing through. Information that can then be used to improve process control both upstream and downstream. The equipment must first be trained to correlate radio wave attenuation and phase shift to water conten

Spatial variability of hydraulic properties as affected by physical properties of selected soil types in South Africa

Maripa, Mahlodi Ramsy 20 September 2019 (has links)
MSCAGR / Department of Soil Science / Soil hydraulic and hydraulic-related physical properties are key to soil productivity and these properties are widely studied. Nevertheless, their spatial variability is least understood. Two sites were selected for this study (University of Venda Experimental farm and Roodeplaat, Agricultural Research Council farm). The objectives of this study were to determine the spatial variability of soil water content, water infiltration and hydraulic conductivity on selected soils. Field measurements were done on a 20 m × 20 m. Soil hydraulic and hydraulic-related physical properties were studied at two depths, 0 – 0.2 m top soil and 0.2 – 0.4 m sub soil. The field was irrigated to saturation and let to drain freely for two days. The soil was quickly secured in water cans to avoid further loss of water by evaporation and taken to the laboratory for analysis. Data was analysed using ordinary kriging method in ArcMap® software version 10.4 to generate spatial variability maps and semi variograms. The University of Venda Experimental farm had lesser spatial variability with coefficient of variation ranging from 9.6 to 33.4%. The spatial variability of soil was very low confirmed by contour maps depicting slightly homogeneity. Whereas, the soil hydro-physical properties displayed greater spatial variability at Roodeplaat, Agricultural Research Council Experimental farm. The empirical variograms of spherical model fits were also assuming weak spatial dependence with a curve variogram. The coefficient of variation ranged from 10.5 to 51.9%. Therefore, the greater variability at Roodeplaat, Agricultural Research Council Experimental farm indicated that coarse soil texture under conventional tillage has a greater influence on the spatial variability of the soil hydro-physical properties. / NRF

Fasadpanelens fuktskydd : Har droppnäsan någon betydelse?

Bengtsson Asplin, Björn, Norén, Tommy January 2020 (has links)
Fuktinnehållet i fasadpaneler av trä varierar över tid beroende på faktorer som till exempel frekvensen av slagregn. Fasadpaneler kan ta skada av inträngande fukt och bör därför skyddas på bästa sätt för att inte förlora den primära funktionen att stoppa snö och regn att ta sig innanför byggnadens omslutande klimatskal. Forskningsstudier visar att ett grundläggande fuktskydd kan skapas genom att ytbehandla fasadpanelen och välja rätt träslag. Ett annat känt fuktskyddsråd inom byggbranschen är att snedsåga ändträet på fasadpanelen (även kallad droppnäsa), men inga studier kunde identifieras som styrker att det verkligen gör någon skillnad för fuktinnehållet i materialet. För att undersöka det här närmare togs en bevattningsmodell fram med syftet att ta reda på droppnäsans betydelse för fasadpanelens fuktskydd. Hypotes 1 var att fasadpaneler med droppnäsa generellt absorberar mindre fukt jämfört med fasadpaneler där ändträet inte är snedsågat, oavsett utförande. Det baserades på antagandet att en snävare vinkel på ändträet resulterar i att vattnet från vattenfilmen rinner av fasadpanelen istället för att fastna på ytan av ändträet och sugas upp kapillärt. Hypotes 2 var att ytbehandlade fasadpaneler med droppnäsa tar upp mindre fukt jämfört med ytbehandlade fasadpaneler utan droppnäsa, baserat på att försöka efterlikna rådet gällande snedsågning och ytbehandling, där ytbehandlingen används i syftet att reducera kapilläruppsugningen. Experimentet genomfördes med tre testställningar där alla hade utrustats med likadant stående fasadpanel som var grupperade efter ändträvinkel och ytbehandling. Resultaten från de tre testställningarna kunde sedan jämföras och kontrolleras mot varandra för att undersöka reliabiliteten i studien. För att efterlikna den vattenfilm som kan uppstå vid slagregn och öka den ekologiska validiteten bevattnades fasadpanelerna via en hängränna av trä. Resultatet visade att fuktkvoten för fasadpaneler med droppnäsa fluktuerade över och under fuktkvoten för fasadpanel där ändträet inte var snedsågat, oavsett om utförandet beaktades eller inte. Det snedsågade ändträet visade sig därmed inte vara bättre jämfört med det icke snedsågade ändträet, vilket innebar att ingen av hypoteserna kunde få något stöd. En något lägre fuktkvot kunde däremot observeras på grundbehandlade fasadpaneler, oavsett vinkel på ändträet. Slutsatsen utifrån använd bevattningsmodell var att droppnäsan inte hade någon betydelse för fuktskyddet av fasadpaneler av trä. Istället fanns det indikationer på att det är ytbehandlingen som gör skillnad på fuktinnehållet, vilket stöds av befintlig forskning. / The moisture content of wooden façades changes over time due to external factors, for example the frequency of driving rain. Wooden façades can take damage from penetrating moisture and therefore should be protected so they do not lose their primary function of stopping snow and rain from getting inside the climate shell of the building. Science studies have shown that a fundamental protection from moisture can be created through surface treatment of the façade and choosing the right type of wood. Another known moisture protecting advice within the field of construction is to mitre the corners on the lower part of the façades (also known as dripping channel) but no studies could be found that confirmed that it actually effect the moisture content of the material. To investigate this a little further an irrigation model was created which the purpose to find out the significance of the dripping channel for the moisture protection of the façades. Hypothesis 1 was that façades with dripping channels generally absorb less moisture then façades with an end grain without a mitred corner, regardless of treatment. This was based on the assumption that a more narrow angle on the end grain causes the water from the water film to drip of the façades instead of getting trapped on the surface, and be absorbed by capillary forces. Hypothesis 2 was that treated façades with dripping channels absorb less moisture then treated façades without dripping channels, based on the attempt to mimic the advice regarding mitre and surface treatment, where the surface treatment is used for the purpose of reducing capillary uptake. The experiment consisted of three testing riggs with vertical wooden façades which were sorted by the angle of the end grain and surface treatment. The results from the three testing riggs could then be compared to each other to evaluate the reliability of the study. To mimic the water film that can appear during driving rain, the façades were irrigated through a wooden gutter. The results showed that the moisture ratio for façades with dripping channels was fluctuating under and above the moisture ratio for façades where the corner of the end grain was not mitred, regardless of treatment. The same results could be seen even when the treatment was considered. Façades with mitred end grains could therefore not be seen as better then façades without mitred end grains, so none of the hypotheses could get any support. However, a slightly smaller moisture ratio could be observed on surface treated façades, regardless the angle of the end grain. The conclusion based on the used irrigation model was that the dripping channel is of no significance for the moisture protection of the wooden façades. Instead there were indications that it is the surface treatment which makes a difference on the moisture content, something that is supported by existing research.

Bodenfeuchtemessung in Echtzeit

Meinel, Till 15 November 2017 (has links)
- Einleitung: Projektvorstellung 3D – Saat - Material und Methode zur Einflussermittlung von Bodenparametern auf die Ergebnisse der Feuchtemessung - Präsentation und Diskussion der Ergebnisse - Zusammenfassung und Ausblick

Einfluss des Feuchtigkeitsgehalts des Wurzelkanaldentins auf die Entstehung und den Nachweis von Mikrorissen - Eine Mikro-Computertomografie-Studie / Moisture content of root canal dentin affects detection of microcracks using micro-computed tomography

Müller, Christine 22 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Barkpressning : Underlag till körstrategi på Kvarnsvedens Pappersbruk

Eriksson, Andreas, Sköld, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
På Kvarnsvedens Pappersbruk används gran som vedråvara för mekanisk massatillverkning. Bark är en biprodukt och används som bränsle vid ångproduktion. Innan barken eldas behöver den avvattnas för att öka det effektiva värmevärdet. Detta sker i roterande barkpressar från Saalasti. Torrhalten på barken efter pressarna varierar från ca 37–48 % beroende på många parametrar. Medeltorrhalten under perioden år 2018–2019 var 42 %. En tumregel säger att varje % ökad torrhalt på barken innebär en besparing på 1 MSEK per år eftersom mindre skogsbränsle och kol behöver köpas in. Då torrhalterna efter barkpressarna varierar mycket så var syftet i den här studien att ta fram ett underlag för lämplig körstrategi genom att undersöka och utvärdera i vilken grad parametrarna påverkar utfallet av barkpressningen. Detta gjordes genom omfattande mätningar före och efter barkpressningen på de parametrar som gick att mäta. Resultat från studien visar att olika torrhalter erhölls beroende på vilken barkpress som användes och kan kopplas till slitaget på utrustningen. Vidare är kaktjocklek den parameter som tydligast visar korrelation med torrhalten. Brist på mätdata gjorde att övriga resultat blev svårtolkade. För bästa torrhalter bör låg tjocklek på barkkaka och låg pressvalshastighet eftersträvas, samt att körning i den barkpressen med minst slitage bör prioriteras. För vidare analys och slutsatser krävs ytterligare undersökning. / At Kvarnsveden Paper Mill, spruce is used as a raw material for mechanical pulping. Bark is a by-product and is used as a fuel for steam production. Before the bark is burnt, it needs to be dewatered to increase the effective heating value. This is done in rotating bark presses from Saalasti. The dry content of the bark after the presses varies from around 37–48 % depending on many parameters. The average dry content during the period 2018–2019 was 42 %. A rule of thumb says that every % of increased dry content on the bark means a saving of 1 MSEK per year, since less hogged fuel and coal need to be purchased. Since the dry contents of the bark presses vary widely, the aim of this study was to develop a basis for a suitable operating strategy, by examining and evaluating how different specific parameters affect the outcome of the bark pressing. This was done through extensive measurements before and after the bark pressing, on the parameters that were measurable. Results from the study show that different dry contents were obtained depending on which bark press was used and can be linked to the wear of the equipment. Furthermore, the bark bed thickness is the parameter that most clearly shows correlation with the dry content. Lack of measurement data made other results difficult to interpret. For best dry contents, low thickness of bark and low rotational speed of the press roll should be sought and operating in that bark press with least wear should be prioritized. For additional analysis and conclusions, further research is required.

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