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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recovering the common sense of high modernism : embodied cognition and the novels of Joyce, Faulkner, and Woolf

Clissold, Bradley January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Automatic Real-time Targeting of Single-Voxel Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

Storrs, Judd M. 06 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

From Chawton to Oakland : configuring the nineteenth-century domestic in Catherine Hubback's writing

Davids, Courtney Laurey 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis engages the ideological ambivalence about the nineteenth-century middle-class domestic that emerged at mid-century by focusing on the non-canonical British and Californian writing of a fairly unknown but prolific author, Catherine Hubback, Jane Austen’s niece. It explores the tension between ideology and practice in Hubback’s writing, and argues that her work simultaneously challenges and endorses the ideal of domesticity. To the extent that it challenges this ideal, Hubback’s fiction, in its representation of domestic practice, negotiates class and gender ideologies that play out in the middle-class home. The thesis also traces how her endorsement of middle-class domesticity became more pronounced in the story and letters she wrote after her emigration to California, taking the form of overt criticism of American femininity and domesticity. Hubback’s concern with women’s position in relation to law and marriage is read within the context of developments in the genre of domestic fiction. My close reading of four novels – The Younger Sister, May and December: A Tale of Wedded Life, The Wife’s Sister; or, The Forbidden Marriage and Malvern; or, The Three Marriages – examines Hubback’s representation of marital and domestic configurations that are consistently viewed in relation to the social and legal position of women. The novels explore alternative options for women’s lives illustrated by their negotiation of the constraints of middle-class womanhood on their own terms; in marriage, or by choosing not to marry. Similarly, my discussion of Victorian masculinity in Hubback’s fiction focuses on the concern with moral and industrious middle-class manhood that establishes middle-class values as the definition of proper Englishness. As part of this discussion, I demonstrate how Hubback’s fiction reworks middle-class masculinity in order to establish a model for marriage that ensures domestic stability and ultimately the order of the English nation. In the final chapter of this thesis, I continue my exploration of Englishness and domestic ideology by reading Hubback’s short story and letters from California. In contrast to the ideological ambivalence registered in the novels, these texts more overtly subscribe to middle-class English values. My reading of Hubback’s work for this thesis thus aims to contribute to an understanding of the complex interrelation between ideology, domestic practice and literature in the nineteenth-century. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die ideologiese ambivalensie aangaande die negentiende eeuse middelklashuishouding wat teen die middel van die eeu te voorskyn getree het deur te fokus op die nie-kanonieke Britse en Kaliforniese skryfwerk van ʼn redelik onbekende,dog produktiewe,skrywer, Catherine Hubback, Jane Austen se niggie. Dit ondersoek die verhouding tussen ideologie en praktyk in Hubback se skryfwerk en voer aan dat haar werk die ideaal van huishoudelikheid gelyktydig uitdaag en goedkeur.In soverre dit hierdie ideal uitdaag, baan Hubback se fiksie, deur middle van die voorstelling van huishoudelike praktyke,ʼn weg deur die klas-en geslagsideologieë wat in die middelklaswoning afspeel.Die tesis ondersoek ook hoe haar ondersteuning van middelklashuishoudelikheid meer prominent geword het in die verhale en briewe wat sy na haar emigrasie na Kalifornieë geskryf het, en wat die vorm aangeneem het van openlike kritiek teenoor Amerikaanse vroulikheid en huishoudelikheid. Hubback se belangstelling in die posisie van vroue ten opsigte van die wet en die huwelik word gesien in die konteks van ontwikkelinge in die genre van huishoudelikefiksie. My bestudering van vier romans – The Younger Sister, May and December: A Tale of Wedded Life, The Wife’s Sister; or, The Forbidden Marriage en Malvern; or, The Three Marriages – ondersoek Hubback se voorstelling van konfigurasies in die huwelik en in die huishouding wat deurgaans beskou word ten opsigte van die sosiale en wetlike posisie van vroue. Die romans ondersoek alternatiewe opsies vir vroue se lewens wat geïllustreer word deur die wyse waarop hulle hul weg baan deur die beperkings wat op hulle geplaas is as vroue van die middelklas; in die huwelik, of deur te verkies om nie te trou nie.My bespreking van Viktoriaanse manlikheid in Hubback se fiksie focus ook op die belangstelling in morele en hardwerkende middelklasmanlikheid wat middelklaswaardes as die definisie van ware Engelsheid bepaal. As deel van hierdie bespreking demonstreer ek hoe Hubback se fiksie middelklasmanlikheid hersien om ʼn model vir die huwelik te skep wat huishoudelike stabiliteit en uiteindelik ook die orde van die Engelse nasie verseker. In die laaste hoofstuk van die tesis sit ek my ondersoek van Engelsheid en die huishoudelike ideologie voort deur Hubback se kortverhaal en briewe van Kalifornieë te lees. In teenstelling met die ideologiese ambivalensie wat in die romans geregistreer word, onderskryf hierdie tekste meer openlik die waardes van die Engelse middelklas. My lees van Hubback se werk vir hierdie tesis poog dus om by te dra tot ʼn begrip van die komplekse onderlinge verhouding tussen ideologie, huishoudelike praktyk en die letterkunde in die negentiende eeu.

大鵬鐘為誰響起?談維吉尼亞˙吳爾芙《戴洛維夫人》中的城市游擊 / What Happens as Big Ben Strikes? The Politics of City Adventure in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway

陳怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
在晚近的現代城市論述裡,城市常被認為是一抽象、陽剛且具有排外性質的空間;二十世紀初開始成形的概念城市(concept city)即是其例。概念城市將空間轉為清晰可讀,以便於居民生活及加速其政經發展;但相對地來說,這樣的空間也極其霸道。概念城市以其單義、同質的空間性質削弱了、甚至替代了城市裡既存的多元差異;這包含了城市原有的建築、文化及居民生活。 以二十世紀初的英國倫敦為例,當維吉尼亞˙吳爾芙著手撰寫《戴洛維夫人》時,倫敦地鐵(London Underground)已縱行於地底下數十年;地鐵改變了倫敦白天的城市地貌,也影響著外來客的行動、改變了倫敦居民的生活習慣與文化。倫敦地標大鵬鐘(Big Ben)則是另一例的城市指標。鑄造於十九世紀中葉的大鵬鐘,根據格林威治(Greenwich)時間準點報時,迄今已有百餘年;它的報時已成為倫敦人重要的時間指示,它的存在也日復一日地提醒著有關大英帝國過去輝煌的殖民偉業及其驕傲。在《戴洛維夫人》裡,吳爾芙將大鵬鐘的鐘聲與小說人物生命橫向交織;大鵬鐘常在小說人物生命中重要的時刻出現,又或者說,它的每一次報時同時也在小說人物的生命中印下不一樣的記憶。在二十世紀初的倫敦,地鐵已四通八達,而吳爾芙《戴洛維夫人》小說中的人物仍選擇以步行方式體驗城市;這體驗既帶有享受雙腳自由行動的意味,其無可預測的移動性也是對城市既定空間與人為客觀時間規劃的無聲抵抗。十九世紀法國詩人波特萊爾(Charles Baudelaire)在其詩作中,勾勒出了女性行人與男性漫遊者擦身而過下的微妙關係;其中,我們也約略可見現代巴黎城市的初貌。在一次大戰後出版的《戴洛維夫人》裡,書中的主要漫遊者換成了女性;主角克萊麗莎(Clarissa Dalloway)漫步於倫敦市街頭時,她的思緒時而被大鵬鐘的鐘聲所擾,但實際上她又那麼地喜愛它,只因它是大英帝國的驕傲,而身為英國居民的她多年來也深受其惠。相較之下,小說中其他的人物對大鵬鐘的鐘聲也有不同的迴響,但大多數既服從其律、也有抵抗。 因此,本論文第一章將回顧大鵬鐘及其所代表的帝國操控及時間單意化意涵,佐以傅柯(Michel Foucault)空間與權力的論述來強調城市空間權威化與概念化的過程作為中調,最後以近代法國批評家德瑟多(Michel de Certeau)提出的城市使用者的戰術性(tactics)抵抗作為整篇論文概念的啟蒙,來分析吳爾芙《戴洛維夫人》小說人物選擇步行城市的意義。論文第二章以城市漫遊者為主調,再探德瑟多提出的城市步行者的日常生活實踐(practice of everyday life);德瑟多認為處於弱勢的普羅大眾有能力主動創造屬於自己的空間,而此一能動性(mobility)剛好用以規避、抵抗或者顛覆原有空間中所含附的權力論述。在此架構中,處於弱勢的總是大眾整體,所以德瑟多的城市步行者理論男女兼備。但當回溯十九世紀初成形的現代都市漫遊者(flâneur)時,在性別議題上卻爭議不斷,因為當時只有少數女性可以自由在街上行動而不會被視作招攬性生意者(streetwalkers)。因此在探討波特萊爾及班雅明對其詩作及的理解之外,女性主義者對男性漫遊者的觀看(gaze)及其性別(gender)批判也為此章節必要之回顧。而一次戰後的女權運動,也間接影響著吳爾芙小說中的女性角色及其自主意識的塑造。第二章最後以吳爾芙所寫的二篇文章作為結尾;吳爾芙的二文中皆揭露了女性漫遊者與男性漫遊者的不同,在她的文字中,我們已可以嗅到《戴洛維夫人》克萊麗莎行走倫敦的樂趣及限制所在。第三章及第四章則分別為《戴洛維夫人》小說的文本分析;第三章著重於大鵬鐘對人物角色塑造與其故事中日常生活行動的影響,且依據小說中鐘聲敲響的時間先後來鋪序。第四章則與城市空間相關,先提出小說人物為何選擇行走而不搭地鐵為開頭,再分析城市空間如何直接或間接塑造小說人物特質或心理。第五章則為本論文的終章;總結中先提出德瑟多對城市生活的切入觀點,其實是欲挖掘出城市使用者如何在此一愈趨綿密的城市架構下生存,及如何用他們的能動性走出與這城市性格相異的空間故事。吳爾芙的《戴洛維夫人》也許已為現代城市的步行樂趣及抵抗游擊做出最好的註解。 / This thesis starts with an exploration of the ambivalent role of Big Ben in relation to Clarissa Dalloway and some other characters in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. The assumption and focus of the thesis is that they, when walking through London, both succumb to and resist in some ways the imperial symbol and all the others in complicity with it. The urban space that is an abstract, masculine, and exclusionary one which represents a manipulative gaze of city planners is one such example. With that discussion of Big Ben and the urban space that impact a lot upon London residents as a valuable basis, the thesis then proceeds to use Michel de Certeau’s theory on the mobility of city users and their interactions with the urban space as an enlightenment idea. With that, this thesis would be able to present a more positive and encouraging portrayal of the early twentieth century Londoner, particularly female, who has started lately to experience pleasure in urban life that provides both convenience in public transportation as the London Underground and places to shop and stay in as department stores. The main proposition is that women would be the most complicated site of urban pleasure and resistance that deserves detailed analysis in the cityscape of London.

Performing Taboo: The Creation of an Aesthetic through the Exploration of Censorship in Theatre and the Challenges of Directing Killer Joe

Zimmerman, David Todd 30 November 2012 (has links)
This document explores the performance of taboo on the stage. The exploration is focused around the establishment of my personal aesthetic, which was developed through my studies at Virginia Commonwealth University. Starting with my first trip to Broadway, my journey goes through the class work that I did at VCU and the two plays that I did on the Shafer Street Alliance Laboratory Theatre stage: my performance and use of latex costumes in Funnyhouse of a Negro, and my direction and the troubles with producing Killer Joe. The exploration concludes with a look at the theatre in parts of Virginia and the ability to pursue an acting career with an aesthetic that pushes boundaries.

Indiáni jako bezprostřední nebezpečí: Portrét Indiánů v příbězích zajatců / Indians as the Imminent Threat: The Portayal of indians in Captivity Narratives

Brožová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
in English This particular MA thesis concentrates on the portrayal of Indians in captivity narratives of the early seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the essential source material being Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson, first published in 1682. The thesis explores the relationship between Native Americans and settlers who saw Indians as a threat to their own existence and also as a threat to the western expansion. It also focuses on the confrontation of savagery and civilization from the point of view of common presuppositions and prejudices about the Native Americans that are very often depicted in several captivity narratives. Moreover, the thesis provides necessary definition of the genre of the captivity narrative with regard to the reaction of the reading public in the period of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. From the first arrivals of settlers and explorers the American continent symbolized a land of vast opportunities. Nevertheless, the continent not being fully explored was shrouded in a veil of mystery. Explorers and adventurers were fascinated by the extensive natural resources they found in the New World. Moreover, the New World was often called New Canaan or the Garden of Eden as it symbolized for the newcomers a possibility to start a new...

Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) com e sem sintomas psicóticos: investigação neuroquímica por espectroscopia de próton / Major depressive disorder with and without psycotic symptoms: neurochemical investigation by proton ressonance spectroscopy

Sá, Helena Pinho de 25 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução. O Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) é um dos mais prevalentes e incapacitantes entre os transtornos mentais. Apesar disso, sua classificação ainda é baseada em sinais e sintomas, uma vez que suas causas e fisiopatologia ainda não foram totalmente esclarecidas. A presença de sintomas psicóticos é relativamente comum durante um episódio depressivo e está associada a particularidades clínicas e biológicas, mas é subdiagnosticada na prática clínica e os processos fisiopatológicos que caracterizam este tipo de depressão foram insuficientemente estudados, ainda mais ao se considerar a extensa literatura acerca das formas não psicóticas de depressão. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de investigar a neuroquímica do giro do cíngulo anterior (CA), região cerebral constituinte da neurocircuitaria relacionada à fisiopatologia do TDM, na forma psicótica deste transtorno. Para este objetivo, foram comparadas as concentrações absolutas dos metabólitos entre os grupos portadores de TDM com e sem sintomas psicóticos e controles saudáveis por meio de espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética de hidrogênio (1H-ERM). Secundariamente, analisou-se a interferência de variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas na medida desses metabólitos. Esperava-se que os pacientes com sintomas psicóticos (TDM-P) apresentassem alterações neuroquímicas tanto em relação ao grupo de controles saudáveis quanto a pacientes com depressão sem sintomas psicóticos (TDM-NP), independentemente da gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Casuística e métodos. Os pacientes portadores de episódio depressivo maior (com e sem sintomas psicóticos), segundo o DSM-IV, foram recrutados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP) e avaliados através da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID). A gravidade de sintomas depressivos e psicóticos, bem como o nível de funcionamento global foram avaliados por meio das escalas de Hamilton, BPRS e GAF (respectivamente). Foram coletadas informações a respeito de histórico de tentativas de suicídio, tratamento medicamentoso, comorbidades psiquiátricas e clínicas. Controles saudáveis da comunidade geral foram recrutados por convite da equipe de pesquisa. Utilizou-se 1H-ERM de voxel único, com tempo de eco (TE) curto (31ms), em campo magnético de 3 Tesla para a avaliação do CA de 20 pacientes com TDM-P, 22 com TDM-NP e 20 voluntários saudáveis. Foram analisados valores absolutos do glutamato (Glu), glutamato mais glutamina (Gln+Glu), N-acetilaspartato mais N-acetilaspartato-glutamato (NAA + NAAG), Fosforilcolina mais Glicerol-fosforilcolina (PC + GPC), mio-inositol (Myo) e Creatina (Cr). Dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos foram analisados através de ANOVA e qui-quadrado, enquanto os níveis de metabólitos foram comparados através de MANOVA. Correlações bivariadas entre dados clínicos e metabólitos foram analisadas por teste de Pearson ou Spearman. O nível de significância estatística empregado foi o de p <0,05. Resultados. Pacientes com TDM-P apresentaram menor escolaridade e pior funcionamento global, tanto em relação aos controles quanto em relação aos pacientes sem psicose. Os grupos de pacientes não diferiram entre si em relação à gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Em relação aos metabólitos, houve diferença significativamente estatística entre os grupos diagnósticos. O grupo com TDM-P apresentou níveis de Glu inferiores tanto em relação ao grupo TDM-NP quanto ao grupo controle e níveis de PC + GPC e de NAA + NAAG inferiores ao grupo controle (a redução deste último metabólito atingindo significância estatística em nível de tendência apenas. Entre os sexos, os níveis de Glu e de NAA+NAAG dos participantes do sexo masculino foram inferiores aos do feminino. Por fim, os níveis de Glu e Gln+Glu foram inferiores no sexo masculino do TDM-P em relação aos demais grupos e os de Cr foram inferiores no sexo masculino no TDM-NP também em relação aos outros grupos. No entanto, as diferenças em relação ao sexo não atingiram significância estatística, possivelmente por limitações do tamanho amostral. Conclusão.Os níveis de metabólitos do CA sofreram interferência do diagnóstico e os resultados apontaram para efeito do sexo e da interação diagnóstico-sexo. As diferenças dos níveis de Glu, NAA+NAAG e PC+GPC entre os diagnósticos sugerem alterações de neurotransmissão glutamatérgica, metabolismo de membrana e integridade neuronal na TDM-P e corroboram os achados de outras áreas de estudo em depressão em psicose, que sugerem que a forma psicótica da depressão estaria mais associada ao estado de hipercortisolemia, e esta, por sua vez, levaria às alterações cerebrais compatíveis com as alterações encontradas no CA neste estudo. Além disso, os resultados apontam para a interferência do sexo nos níveis de Glu e NAA+NAAG, sugerindo um papel protetor dos hormônios femininos para o sistema glutamatérgico e ciclo do NAA. Ainda, este estudo não confirma hipóteses prévias de que as alterações biológicas entre os tipos de depressão seriam secundárias a maior gravidade de sintomas depressivos nos pacientes com TDM-P. / Introduction: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent and disabling of mental disorders. Nevertheless, its classification is still based on signs and symptoms, since its causes and pathophysyology has not been fully clarified. The presence of psychotic symptoms are relatively common during a depressive episode and is associated with clinical and biological peculiarities, but is underdiagnosed and its pathophysiology have been insufficiently studied, especially when considering the extensive literature on non-psychotic forms of depression. The aim of this study is to investigate the neurochemistry of the anterior cingulated gyrus (AC), a brain\'s neurocircuitry constituent related to the pathophysiology of MDD with psychosis/in the form of psychotic disorder. For this propose, we compared/ were compared the results of the metabolites between groups of patients with MDD with and without psychotic symptoms and controls by- proton resonance spectroscopy imaging of hydrogen (1rH-MRS). Secondly, the interference of socio-demographic and clinical on the cerebral metabolites. It was expected that patients with psychotic symptoms (MDD-P) present neurochemical changes in relation to the group of health controls and patients with depression without psychotic symptoms (MDD-Wo), regardless of the severity of depression symptons. Methods: The groups were diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). The severity of depressive and psychotic symptoms, as well as the level of overall functioning were assessed using the Hamilton Rating Scale, BPRS and GAF (respectively). We collected information about the history of suicide attempts, drug treatment, psychiatric and medical comorbidities.1\'H-MRS single voxel, with echo time (TE) short (3lms) in a magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla was used for the evaluation of CA in 20 patients with MDD-P, 22 with MDD-Wo and 20 healthy subjects. We analyzed the absolutevalues of glutamate (Glu), glutamate plus glutamine (Gln+Glu), N-acetylaspartate plus N-acetyl aspartate-glutamate (NAA+NAAG), glycerol phosphorylcholine plus phosphorylcholine plus choline (PC+GPC), myo-inositol (Myo) and creatine (Cr). Data on socio-demographic and clinical information were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square, while the levels of metabolites were compared by MANOVA. The statistical significance level used was p <0.05. Results: Patients with MDD-P had less schooling and poorer overall functioning, both in relation to the controls as compared to patients without psychosis. Patient groups did not differ in the severity of depressive symptoms. Glu levels of MDD-P were lower than the MDD-Wo and the control group; NAA+NAAG levels of MDD-P were lower than in control and GPC+PC levels of MDDP were lower than the MDD-Wo. Between the sexes, Glu and NAA + NAAG levels of males were lower than females. Finally, Glu, Glu+Gln and Cr levels were different between the sexes within the groups. Conclusion:The group levels of metabolites of CA have been interfered with diagnosis and the effect of gender and gender-diagnosis interaction were close to be meaningful. The differences in the levels of Glu, NAA + NAAG and GPC + PC between diagnoses are possibly related to higher hypercortisolemia found in the MDD-P and the brain concentration of kynurenine metabolites imballance more similar with schizophrenia than MDD. The interference of sex for the levels of Glu and NAA + NAAG suggests a protective role of female hormones to glutamatergic system and cycle of the NAA. Still, probably the severity of the depressive episodes not implicated in the neurochemical differences between MDD-P and MDD-Wo

Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) com e sem sintomas psicóticos: investigação neuroquímica por espectroscopia de próton / Major depressive disorder with and without psycotic symptoms: neurochemical investigation by proton ressonance spectroscopy

Helena Pinho de Sá 25 November 2011 (has links)
Introdução. O Transtorno Depressivo Maior (TDM) é um dos mais prevalentes e incapacitantes entre os transtornos mentais. Apesar disso, sua classificação ainda é baseada em sinais e sintomas, uma vez que suas causas e fisiopatologia ainda não foram totalmente esclarecidas. A presença de sintomas psicóticos é relativamente comum durante um episódio depressivo e está associada a particularidades clínicas e biológicas, mas é subdiagnosticada na prática clínica e os processos fisiopatológicos que caracterizam este tipo de depressão foram insuficientemente estudados, ainda mais ao se considerar a extensa literatura acerca das formas não psicóticas de depressão. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi o de investigar a neuroquímica do giro do cíngulo anterior (CA), região cerebral constituinte da neurocircuitaria relacionada à fisiopatologia do TDM, na forma psicótica deste transtorno. Para este objetivo, foram comparadas as concentrações absolutas dos metabólitos entre os grupos portadores de TDM com e sem sintomas psicóticos e controles saudáveis por meio de espectroscopia de próton por ressonância magnética de hidrogênio (1H-ERM). Secundariamente, analisou-se a interferência de variáveis sócio-demográficas e clínicas na medida desses metabólitos. Esperava-se que os pacientes com sintomas psicóticos (TDM-P) apresentassem alterações neuroquímicas tanto em relação ao grupo de controles saudáveis quanto a pacientes com depressão sem sintomas psicóticos (TDM-NP), independentemente da gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Casuística e métodos. Os pacientes portadores de episódio depressivo maior (com e sem sintomas psicóticos), segundo o DSM-IV, foram recrutados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMRP) e avaliados através da Entrevista Clínica Estruturada para o DSM-IV (SCID). A gravidade de sintomas depressivos e psicóticos, bem como o nível de funcionamento global foram avaliados por meio das escalas de Hamilton, BPRS e GAF (respectivamente). Foram coletadas informações a respeito de histórico de tentativas de suicídio, tratamento medicamentoso, comorbidades psiquiátricas e clínicas. Controles saudáveis da comunidade geral foram recrutados por convite da equipe de pesquisa. Utilizou-se 1H-ERM de voxel único, com tempo de eco (TE) curto (31ms), em campo magnético de 3 Tesla para a avaliação do CA de 20 pacientes com TDM-P, 22 com TDM-NP e 20 voluntários saudáveis. Foram analisados valores absolutos do glutamato (Glu), glutamato mais glutamina (Gln+Glu), N-acetilaspartato mais N-acetilaspartato-glutamato (NAA + NAAG), Fosforilcolina mais Glicerol-fosforilcolina (PC + GPC), mio-inositol (Myo) e Creatina (Cr). Dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos foram analisados através de ANOVA e qui-quadrado, enquanto os níveis de metabólitos foram comparados através de MANOVA. Correlações bivariadas entre dados clínicos e metabólitos foram analisadas por teste de Pearson ou Spearman. O nível de significância estatística empregado foi o de p <0,05. Resultados. Pacientes com TDM-P apresentaram menor escolaridade e pior funcionamento global, tanto em relação aos controles quanto em relação aos pacientes sem psicose. Os grupos de pacientes não diferiram entre si em relação à gravidade dos sintomas depressivos. Em relação aos metabólitos, houve diferença significativamente estatística entre os grupos diagnósticos. O grupo com TDM-P apresentou níveis de Glu inferiores tanto em relação ao grupo TDM-NP quanto ao grupo controle e níveis de PC + GPC e de NAA + NAAG inferiores ao grupo controle (a redução deste último metabólito atingindo significância estatística em nível de tendência apenas. Entre os sexos, os níveis de Glu e de NAA+NAAG dos participantes do sexo masculino foram inferiores aos do feminino. Por fim, os níveis de Glu e Gln+Glu foram inferiores no sexo masculino do TDM-P em relação aos demais grupos e os de Cr foram inferiores no sexo masculino no TDM-NP também em relação aos outros grupos. No entanto, as diferenças em relação ao sexo não atingiram significância estatística, possivelmente por limitações do tamanho amostral. Conclusão.Os níveis de metabólitos do CA sofreram interferência do diagnóstico e os resultados apontaram para efeito do sexo e da interação diagnóstico-sexo. As diferenças dos níveis de Glu, NAA+NAAG e PC+GPC entre os diagnósticos sugerem alterações de neurotransmissão glutamatérgica, metabolismo de membrana e integridade neuronal na TDM-P e corroboram os achados de outras áreas de estudo em depressão em psicose, que sugerem que a forma psicótica da depressão estaria mais associada ao estado de hipercortisolemia, e esta, por sua vez, levaria às alterações cerebrais compatíveis com as alterações encontradas no CA neste estudo. Além disso, os resultados apontam para a interferência do sexo nos níveis de Glu e NAA+NAAG, sugerindo um papel protetor dos hormônios femininos para o sistema glutamatérgico e ciclo do NAA. Ainda, este estudo não confirma hipóteses prévias de que as alterações biológicas entre os tipos de depressão seriam secundárias a maior gravidade de sintomas depressivos nos pacientes com TDM-P. / Introduction: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most prevalent and disabling of mental disorders. Nevertheless, its classification is still based on signs and symptoms, since its causes and pathophysyology has not been fully clarified. The presence of psychotic symptoms are relatively common during a depressive episode and is associated with clinical and biological peculiarities, but is underdiagnosed and its pathophysiology have been insufficiently studied, especially when considering the extensive literature on non-psychotic forms of depression. The aim of this study is to investigate the neurochemistry of the anterior cingulated gyrus (AC), a brain\'s neurocircuitry constituent related to the pathophysiology of MDD with psychosis/in the form of psychotic disorder. For this propose, we compared/ were compared the results of the metabolites between groups of patients with MDD with and without psychotic symptoms and controls by- proton resonance spectroscopy imaging of hydrogen (1rH-MRS). Secondly, the interference of socio-demographic and clinical on the cerebral metabolites. It was expected that patients with psychotic symptoms (MDD-P) present neurochemical changes in relation to the group of health controls and patients with depression without psychotic symptoms (MDD-Wo), regardless of the severity of depression symptons. Methods: The groups were diagnosed by the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID). The severity of depressive and psychotic symptoms, as well as the level of overall functioning were assessed using the Hamilton Rating Scale, BPRS and GAF (respectively). We collected information about the history of suicide attempts, drug treatment, psychiatric and medical comorbidities.1\'H-MRS single voxel, with echo time (TE) short (3lms) in a magnetic field of 3.0 Tesla was used for the evaluation of CA in 20 patients with MDD-P, 22 with MDD-Wo and 20 healthy subjects. We analyzed the absolutevalues of glutamate (Glu), glutamate plus glutamine (Gln+Glu), N-acetylaspartate plus N-acetyl aspartate-glutamate (NAA+NAAG), glycerol phosphorylcholine plus phosphorylcholine plus choline (PC+GPC), myo-inositol (Myo) and creatine (Cr). Data on socio-demographic and clinical information were analyzed using ANOVA and chi-square, while the levels of metabolites were compared by MANOVA. The statistical significance level used was p <0.05. Results: Patients with MDD-P had less schooling and poorer overall functioning, both in relation to the controls as compared to patients without psychosis. Patient groups did not differ in the severity of depressive symptoms. Glu levels of MDD-P were lower than the MDD-Wo and the control group; NAA+NAAG levels of MDD-P were lower than in control and GPC+PC levels of MDDP were lower than the MDD-Wo. Between the sexes, Glu and NAA + NAAG levels of males were lower than females. Finally, Glu, Glu+Gln and Cr levels were different between the sexes within the groups. Conclusion:The group levels of metabolites of CA have been interfered with diagnosis and the effect of gender and gender-diagnosis interaction were close to be meaningful. The differences in the levels of Glu, NAA + NAAG and GPC + PC between diagnoses are possibly related to higher hypercortisolemia found in the MDD-P and the brain concentration of kynurenine metabolites imballance more similar with schizophrenia than MDD. The interference of sex for the levels of Glu and NAA + NAAG suggests a protective role of female hormones to glutamatergic system and cycle of the NAA. Still, probably the severity of the depressive episodes not implicated in the neurochemical differences between MDD-P and MDD-Wo

Frames in Harmony - A Critical Analysis of Song Sequences in the Films of Guru Dutt

Kulkarni, Anagha 01 January 2010 (has links)
Guru Dutt was one of the most important filmmakers in India, who worked for a little over a decade starting in 1951. He died prematurely in 1964. In those few years, he made some of Indian cinema?s most memorable films. Song and dance sequences are an integral part of the narrative structure of popular Indian cinema. Guru Dutt, working within that paradigm, devised innovative methods of using song sequences. In his films, the song sequences were not a distraction, but they served the purpose of carrying the narrative forward, expressing the inexpressible, and replacing scenes. He achieved this by his creative use of locations, lyrics, music, camera angles, and placement of the song within the narrative. This study critically analyzes song sequences from five of his films ? Aar Paar (Through and Through, 1954), Mr. and Mrs. 55 (1955), Pyaasa (The Thirsty One, 1957), Kaagaz ke Phool (Paper Flowers, 1959) and Saahib Biwi aur Ghulam (Master Mistress and Slave, 1962). Guru Dutt?s style of song direction focused on realistic depiction and the quality of storytelling. He used each feature of the song to his advantage never losing control of the larger narrative. This study also brings to the fore Guru Dutt?s conflicted views as an artist on the issues of tradition and modernity, and the position of women in the emerging nation.

Modernist Aesthetics of "Home" in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Rebecca West's the Return of the Soldier

Strom, James Harper 01 December 2009 (has links)
The First World War wrought untold destruction on the physical and psychological landscape of Europe. For Britain, the immediate post-war period represented no less than a national “nostos,” or homecoming, and few social institutions were so fragmented by the conflict as the home. This thesis will explore the various conceptions of “home,” from the nation and the domestic sphere to post-war consciousness, through the lens of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and Rebecca West’s The Return of the Soldier. Though unique in style and scope, Woolf and West interrogate and revise pre-war notions of “home” and suggest a Modernist aesthetic of what it is to be both at “home” and at home in the world.

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