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Social and healthcare factors of methicillin-resistant <i>Staphylococcus aureus</i> resistance to targeted antibioticsTumin, Rachel Ann 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Patientens upplevelse av att vara smittad av MRSA : En litteraturöversikt / Being infected by MRSA – the patients experience : A literature reviewBarin, Yasemin, Franco, Caroline January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Patienters upplevelser av att vara MRSA-bärare : En litteraturöversikt / Patients´ experiences of being MRSA- carrier : A literature reviewAndersson, Stina, Lindström, Sofie January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: En kontinuerlig ökning av antibiotikaresistenta bakterier ses i Sverige, men trots detta är situationen fortfarande relativt hanterbar jämfört med andra länder runt om i världen. Resistensutveckling är ett resultat av den mängd antibiotika som används i dagens samhälle. Bakterien Staphylococcus aureus är orsaken till många typer av infektioner, lindriga till livshotande. Bakterien har orsakat problem på sjukhus sedan 1955 och är den mest beryktade orsaken till vårdrelaterade infektioner. Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är en av de tillhörande stammarna hos Staphylococcus aureus som utvecklat resistens mot antibiotika. I Smittskyddslagen fastställs det att meticillinresistenta gula stafylokocker (MRSA) är en allmänfarlig sjukdom. Allmänfarliga sjukdomar är smittsamma sjukdomar som medför svårt lidande, långvariga sjukdomsperioder och andra allvarliga konsekvenser. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att vara MRSA-bärare. Metod: En litteraturöversikt enligt Fribergs metod där tio vetenskapliga artiklar valdes till resultatet. Artiklarna valdes ur Cinahl Complete och Medline. Resultat: Med utgångspunkt i de tio vetenskapliga artiklarna identifierade författarna sex teman: upplevelser av att få en diagnos, upplevelser av isolering, upplevelser av bemötande, upplevelser av kunskap och information, rädsla att smitta andra och tankar om framtiden. Diskussion: Utifrån Callista Roys adaptionsteori, konsensusbegreppet hälsa, bakgrunden och annan forskning diskuteras litteraturöversiktens resultat. Huvudfynden som valts att diskuteras är isoleringens påverkan, kunskapsbrist och anpassning till livet med MRSA. / Background: There is a continuous increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Sweden, but the situation is still relatively manageable compared to other countries. The development of resistance is a result of the amount of antibiotics used in today's society. The bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is the cause of many types of infections, from mild to life threatening. The bacteria have caused problems at hospitals since 1955 and are the most notorious cause of healthcare-associated infections. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is one of the associated strains of Staphylococcus aureus that have developed resistance to antibiotics. The communicable diseases act (smittskyddslagen) stipulates that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a dangerous disease. General dangerous diseases are infectious and cause suffering, prolonged periods of illness and other serious consequences. Aim: To describe patients’ experiences of being MRSA-carrier. Method: A literature review according to Fribergs` method where ten scientific articles were elected to the result. The articles were selected from Cinahl Complete and Medline. Results: In the articles analyzed the authors identified six themes: getting a diagnosis, experiences of isolation, experiences of treatment, experiences of knowledge and information, fear of infecting others and thoughts about the future. Discussion: Based on Callista Roys adaptation theory, the concept of health, background and other research the result is being discussed. The main findings chosen for discussion are the isolation impact, lack of knowledge and adaptation to life with MRSA.
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Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med Meticillin-resistenta Staphylococcus aureus : En litteraturstudie / Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus : A literature reviewHalvarsson, Adam, Karlsson, Madeleine January 2016 (has links)
Meticillin-resistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är ett problem som ökar i hela världen. När MRSA identifieras på en vårdavdelning ingår det i sjuksköterskans arbete att kontrollera och förebygga spridning genom att följa rutiner och riktlinjer. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med MRSA. En strukturerad litteraturstudie genomfördes där systematiska artikelsökningar mynnade ut i relevanta artiklar som granskades och värderades. För att analysera artiklarna genomfördes en induktiv innehållsanalys som resulterade i tre teman: Rädsla för att bli smittad, Trygghet i sin kompetens och Känsla av stress. Sjuksköterskornas upplevelser av att vårda patienter med MRSA varierade. Rädsla uttrycktes för att själv bli smittad samt för att smitta den egna familjen. God kunskap och en fungerande kommunikation var viktigt för att sjuksköterskan skulle kunna ge patienter med MRSA god vård. Slutsatsen som dras från litteraturstudien är att rädslan försvinner genom kunskap, fungerande kommunikation och adekvat bemanning. Vidare forskning behövs om sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter med MRSA med avsikt att utveckla strategier för att hantera rädslan och uppnå god vård. / Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a growing problem worldwide. When MRSA is identified on a care unit, it is part of the nurses’ responsibility to control and prevent further spread by following the infection control routines. The aim of this literature review was to investigate nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with MRSA. A structured literature review was conducted where systematic searches resulted in relevant articles which were viewed and valued. An inductive content analysis was performed and resulted in three themes: Fear of becoming contaminated, Feeling secure in your competence and Feeling stressed. The experiences of caring for patients with MRSA varied among the nurses. Fear of becoming contaminated and of contaminating ones’ family were expressed. Adequate knowledge and functioning communication was important in order for the nurses to care for patients with MRSA. The conclusion of this study is that the fear diminishes with knowledge, functioning communication and enough staff. Further research is needed about nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with MRSA in order to develop strategies to manage the fear and achieve adequate care-giving.
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Utmaningar i vårdpersonalens möten med patienter som drabbats av MRSA : en litteraturstudie / Challenges in the health care staff’s encounters with patients affected by MRSAForsberg, Sandra, Ingman, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ökande användning av antibiotika har resulterat i att bakterier blivit resistenta mot antibiotika. Staphylococcus aureus är en vanligt förekommande hudbakterie som orsakar de flesta sårinfektionerna och har utvecklat en resistens mot meticillin. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva utmaningar i vårdpersonalens möten med patienter som drabbats av MRSA. Metod: En litteraturstudie där resultatet av 9 studier med kvalitativ ansats har sammanställts. Sökningarna gjordes i databaserna CiNAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, PsykInfo och Scopus samt manuellt. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i fyra kategorier och nio underkategorier. Kategorierna är: behov av kunskap, hinder för följsamhet i vården, belastningar i den dagliga vården, att sträva efter en god vård för patienter med MRSA. Konklusion: Kontinuerlig utbildning och följsamhet av riktlinjer som implementerats av ansvarig sjuksköterska möjliggör ett bättre smittskyddsarbete och en ökad patientsäkerhet. För att klara av utmaningar som kan finnas i vården av patienter som drabbats av MRSA och för att kunna utföra god omvårdnad, är det viktigt att vårdpersonal strävar efter att upprätthålla god hälsa hos sig själva. Nyckelord: MRSA, utmaningar, vårdpersonal, omvårdnad / Background: Increased use of antibiotics has made many of the bacteria resistant. Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium on the skin and causes the most of the wound infections, it has developed a resistance towards methicillin. Aim: The aim was to describe challenges in health care staff’s encounters with patients affected by MRSA. Method: A literature study where the results of nine studies with qualitative approach are compiled. The searches were performed in the databases CiNAHL, MEDLINE, PubMed, PsykInfo, Scopus and manually. Result: The result is presented in four categories and nine subcategories. The categories are: The need for knowledge, Barriers for compliance in care, Strain in the daily caregiving, To strive for a good care for patients with MRSA. Conclusion: Continuous education and compliance with guidelines that is implemented by the responsible nurse enables improved infection control and increases patient safety. To manage challenges that appear while caring for patients affected by MRSA and to be able to accomplish good caregiving, it is important that health care staff strives to maintain good health for themselves.
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Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA) isolados de sítios de infecção de pacientes em um hospital de São Carlos / Phenotipic characterization of Meticillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolated from infection sites of pactients from a São Carlos (SP) hospitalOkado, Jessica Baleiro 13 November 2017 (has links)
MRSA podem ser resistentes à maioria dos antimicrobianos por aquisição de elementos genéticos móveis ou mutações e algumas linhagens representam um grande desafio para o tratamento de suas infecções. Além disso, resistência heterogênea pode existir em taxas subestimadas e causar falha em tratamento. A investigação de disseminação de linhagens específicas de MRSA, adoção de medidas que diminuam a possibilidade de surtos e políticas que evitem uso excessivo de antibióticos são ações importantes que devem ser tomadas em hospitais. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar MRSA, de um hospital de São Carlos-SP, genotipica e fenotipicamente. No período de julho de 2011 a janeiro de 2012, foram isolados 34 S. aureus de diferentes pacientes, sendo que 27 (79,4%) foram identificados como MRSA. Tipagem por PFGE resultou em três pulsotipos e prevalência das linhagens ST105/ST5-SCCmecII. Beta hemólise e presença simultânea dos genes seh/sei/sem/seo/sem/lukDE/hla/hlb/hlg foram encontrados em 96,3% e 85% dos isolados, respectivamente, com nenhum isolado alta produção de biofilme, pelo método utilizado. Nos ensaios de sensibilidade, o isolado SCMSC29 foi caracterizado como S. aureus com resistência intermediária heterogênea à vancomicina (hVISA) e SCMSC29 e SCMSC35 como S. aureus não-sensíveis heterogenêos à daptomicina (hDNSSA), todos confirmados por análise de população. Na tentiva de elucidar os mecanismos de heterorresistência, foram realizados ensaios comparando os isolados heterogêneos com o sensível SCMSC31, relacionado por similaridade. O fenótipo hVISA e hDNSSA apresentado pelo isolado SCMSC29, aparenta estar relacionado com um aumento da expressão dos genes graR, vraR, rpoB, mprF e dltA, sutil aumento da espessura de parede celular, redução de autólise e uma mutação no gene mprF (T551A). O fenótipo hDNSSA de SCMSC35, pode estar associado a mutação encontrada nos genes rpoB (T622A), mprF (M347L, L720F) e aumento da espessura da parede celular. Apesar destes preocupantes fenótipos encontrados, alternativas de tratamento testadas (teicoplanina, linezolida, tetraciclina, tigeciclina, quinupristinadalfopristina e tedizolida) foram ativas contra todos os isolados. Assim, hVISA e hDNSSA foram encontrados entre isolados ST105/ST5-SCCmecII, que demonstraram mutações pontuais e tendência de espessamento de parede celular. O novo antimicrobiano tedizolida, ainda não utilizado no Brasil, possuiu alta eficiência para estes isolados, mostrada in vitro por ensaios de concentração inibitória mínima. A aparição dos perfis de heteroresistência é um achado preocupante e devem ser tomadas medidas para melhorar o diagnóstico deste fenótipo nos laboratórios clínicos além de se evitar disseminação. A adoção de programas de vigilância e a cautela no uso destes antibióticos são importantes para monitorar possível disseminação e para não haver seleção de clones resistentes e co-resistentes a vários outros antibióticos. / MRSA may be resistant to most antimicrobials by the acquisition of mobile genetic elements or mutations and some strains represent a huge challenge for infection treatment. In addition, heterogeneous resistance may exist at underestimated rates and cause treatment failure. Actions such as research of specific MRSA strains spread, adoption of measures that reduce the possibility of outbreaks and policies that avoid excessive use of antibiotics are important and must be taken in hospitals. This study aimed to characterize genotypically and phenotypically, MRSA from a São Carlos-SP hospital. From July 2011 to January 2012, 34 S. aureus from different patients were isolated, among those 27 (79.4%) were identified as MRSA. Typing by PFGE resulted in three pulsotypes and prevalence of ST105/ST5-SCCmecII strains. Beta hemolysis and simultaneous presence of the seh / sei / sem / seo / sem / / lukDE / hla / hlb / hlg genes were found in 96.3% and 85% of the isolates, respectively, with no good biofilm forming sample. In the sensitivity assays, SCMSC29 isolate was characterized as S. aureus heterogeneous vancomycin intermediate resistant S. aureus (hVISA) and SCMSC29 and SCMSC35 as heterogeneous daptomycin non-susceptible S. aureus (hDNSSA), all confirmed by population analysis profile. In order to elucidate mechanisms of heteroresistance, we performed several comparative analyses between heterogeneous samples and a related sensitive isolate (SCMSC31). The hVISA and hDNSSA phenotype presented by the SCMSC29 isolate appeared to be related to increased expression of graR, vraR, rpoB, mprF and dltA genes, slight increase in cell wall thickness, reduction of autolysis and a mutation in the mprF (T551A), when compared to SCMSC31. The hDNSSA phenotype of SCMSC35 may be associated with a mutation found in rpoB (T622A), mprF (M347L, L720F) and increased cell wall thickness. Despite these worrying phenotypes found, treatment alternatives tested (teicoplanin, linezolid, tetracycline, tigecycline, quinupristindalfopristine and tedizolide) were active against all isolates. In conclusion, hVISA and hDNSSA were found to be among ST105/ST5-SCCmecII lineage and demonstrated cell wall thickening. The new antimicrobial tedizolide, not yet used in Brazil, had greater efficiency, shown in vitro by tests of minimum inhibitory concentration. The appearance of heteroresistance profiles is a troubling finding and measures should be taken to improve the diagnosis of this phenotype in clinical laboratories in addition to avoiding dissemination. The adoption of surveillance programs and the caution in the use of these antibiotics are important to monitor possible dissemination and to avoid the selection of resistant clones and coresistant to several other antibiotics.
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Uso de antimicrobianos em suinocultura no Brasil: análise crítica e impacto sobre marcadores epidemiológicos de resistência / Use of antimicrobials in swine in Brazil: critical analysis and impact on epidemiological markers of resistanceDutra, Mauricio Cabral 09 August 2017 (has links)
O uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos na suinocultura nacional e mundial tem sido uma prática comum, visando minimizar possíveis falhas no manejo e no ambiente em que vivem os animais, no entanto, este uso é descrito como potencial fator de risco na seleção de estirpes resistentes à antimicrobianos, entre elas as estirpes de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA). O presente estudo revelou o uso médio de 358,0 mg diferentes antimicrobianos/ kg de suíno produzido nos 25 sistemas de produção pesquisados, sendo este valor considerado elevado, quando comparado a tendência global de 172,0 mg, bem como período médio de exposição de 66,3% da vida dos animais e exposição à 7 diferentes princípios ativos em média, variando de 2 a 11. A pesquisa de animais carreadores de estirpes MRSA revelou 80,0% dos sistemas de produção positivos, sendo 68,0% positivos para LA-MRSA-ST398, e 60,0% positivos para a presença do gene czrC, codificador de resistência ao óxido de zinco e cádmio. Não foi evidenciada correlação significativa entre o uso de antimicrobianos, nível de biossegurança, produtividade, status dos rebanhos para Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, tipo de criação em sítio único (ciclo completo) ou dois sítios e positividade para MRSA. Apesar da ausência das correlações significativas ficou evidente no presente estudo a possibilidade de grandes melhorias nos programas de biossegurança, manejo, assim como nos programas de utilização de antimicrobianos. A alta frequência de sistemas de produção positivos para as estirpes MRSA são um importante alerta para o risco de disseminação deste agente para os seres humanos. / The indiscriminate use of antimicrobials in Brazilian and global pig farms has been a common practice in order to minimize possible failures in the management and environment in which animals live, however, this use is described as a potential risk factor in the selection of strains resistant to antimicrobials, including strains of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The present study revealed the average use of 358.0 mg of different antimicrobials / kg of pig produced in the 25 production systems surveyed, which is considered high when compared to the overall trend of 172.0 mg, as well as the mean exposure period of 66.3% of the animals life and exposure to 7 different active principles on average ranging from 2 to 11. Research on MRSA strains showed 80.0% of the positive production systems, and 68.0% were positive for MRSA strains. LA-MRSA-ST398, and 60.0% positive for the presence of the czrC gene, encoding resistance to zinc oxide and cadmium. There was no significant correlation between antimicrobial use, biosafety level, productivity, herd status for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, single site (complete cycle) or two sites and MRSA positivity. Despite the absence of significant correlations, it was evident in the present study the possibility of great improvements in biosafety programs, management, as well as in programs for the use of antimicrobials. The high frequency of positive production systems for MRSA strains is an important warning for the risk of dissemination of this agent to humans.
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Caracterização fenotípica e genotípica de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (MRSA) isolados de sítios de infecção de pacientes em um hospital de São Carlos / Phenotipic characterization of Meticillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA) isolated from infection sites of pactients from a São Carlos (SP) hospitalJessica Baleiro Okado 13 November 2017 (has links)
MRSA podem ser resistentes à maioria dos antimicrobianos por aquisição de elementos genéticos móveis ou mutações e algumas linhagens representam um grande desafio para o tratamento de suas infecções. Além disso, resistência heterogênea pode existir em taxas subestimadas e causar falha em tratamento. A investigação de disseminação de linhagens específicas de MRSA, adoção de medidas que diminuam a possibilidade de surtos e políticas que evitem uso excessivo de antibióticos são ações importantes que devem ser tomadas em hospitais. Este estudo objetivou caracterizar MRSA, de um hospital de São Carlos-SP, genotipica e fenotipicamente. No período de julho de 2011 a janeiro de 2012, foram isolados 34 S. aureus de diferentes pacientes, sendo que 27 (79,4%) foram identificados como MRSA. Tipagem por PFGE resultou em três pulsotipos e prevalência das linhagens ST105/ST5-SCCmecII. Beta hemólise e presença simultânea dos genes seh/sei/sem/seo/sem/lukDE/hla/hlb/hlg foram encontrados em 96,3% e 85% dos isolados, respectivamente, com nenhum isolado alta produção de biofilme, pelo método utilizado. Nos ensaios de sensibilidade, o isolado SCMSC29 foi caracterizado como S. aureus com resistência intermediária heterogênea à vancomicina (hVISA) e SCMSC29 e SCMSC35 como S. aureus não-sensíveis heterogenêos à daptomicina (hDNSSA), todos confirmados por análise de população. Na tentiva de elucidar os mecanismos de heterorresistência, foram realizados ensaios comparando os isolados heterogêneos com o sensível SCMSC31, relacionado por similaridade. O fenótipo hVISA e hDNSSA apresentado pelo isolado SCMSC29, aparenta estar relacionado com um aumento da expressão dos genes graR, vraR, rpoB, mprF e dltA, sutil aumento da espessura de parede celular, redução de autólise e uma mutação no gene mprF (T551A). O fenótipo hDNSSA de SCMSC35, pode estar associado a mutação encontrada nos genes rpoB (T622A), mprF (M347L, L720F) e aumento da espessura da parede celular. Apesar destes preocupantes fenótipos encontrados, alternativas de tratamento testadas (teicoplanina, linezolida, tetraciclina, tigeciclina, quinupristinadalfopristina e tedizolida) foram ativas contra todos os isolados. Assim, hVISA e hDNSSA foram encontrados entre isolados ST105/ST5-SCCmecII, que demonstraram mutações pontuais e tendência de espessamento de parede celular. O novo antimicrobiano tedizolida, ainda não utilizado no Brasil, possuiu alta eficiência para estes isolados, mostrada in vitro por ensaios de concentração inibitória mínima. A aparição dos perfis de heteroresistência é um achado preocupante e devem ser tomadas medidas para melhorar o diagnóstico deste fenótipo nos laboratórios clínicos além de se evitar disseminação. A adoção de programas de vigilância e a cautela no uso destes antibióticos são importantes para monitorar possível disseminação e para não haver seleção de clones resistentes e co-resistentes a vários outros antibióticos. / MRSA may be resistant to most antimicrobials by the acquisition of mobile genetic elements or mutations and some strains represent a huge challenge for infection treatment. In addition, heterogeneous resistance may exist at underestimated rates and cause treatment failure. Actions such as research of specific MRSA strains spread, adoption of measures that reduce the possibility of outbreaks and policies that avoid excessive use of antibiotics are important and must be taken in hospitals. This study aimed to characterize genotypically and phenotypically, MRSA from a São Carlos-SP hospital. From July 2011 to January 2012, 34 S. aureus from different patients were isolated, among those 27 (79.4%) were identified as MRSA. Typing by PFGE resulted in three pulsotypes and prevalence of ST105/ST5-SCCmecII strains. Beta hemolysis and simultaneous presence of the seh / sei / sem / seo / sem / / lukDE / hla / hlb / hlg genes were found in 96.3% and 85% of the isolates, respectively, with no good biofilm forming sample. In the sensitivity assays, SCMSC29 isolate was characterized as S. aureus heterogeneous vancomycin intermediate resistant S. aureus (hVISA) and SCMSC29 and SCMSC35 as heterogeneous daptomycin non-susceptible S. aureus (hDNSSA), all confirmed by population analysis profile. In order to elucidate mechanisms of heteroresistance, we performed several comparative analyses between heterogeneous samples and a related sensitive isolate (SCMSC31). The hVISA and hDNSSA phenotype presented by the SCMSC29 isolate appeared to be related to increased expression of graR, vraR, rpoB, mprF and dltA genes, slight increase in cell wall thickness, reduction of autolysis and a mutation in the mprF (T551A), when compared to SCMSC31. The hDNSSA phenotype of SCMSC35 may be associated with a mutation found in rpoB (T622A), mprF (M347L, L720F) and increased cell wall thickness. Despite these worrying phenotypes found, treatment alternatives tested (teicoplanin, linezolid, tetracycline, tigecycline, quinupristindalfopristine and tedizolide) were active against all isolates. In conclusion, hVISA and hDNSSA were found to be among ST105/ST5-SCCmecII lineage and demonstrated cell wall thickening. The new antimicrobial tedizolide, not yet used in Brazil, had greater efficiency, shown in vitro by tests of minimum inhibitory concentration. The appearance of heteroresistance profiles is a troubling finding and measures should be taken to improve the diagnosis of this phenotype in clinical laboratories in addition to avoiding dissemination. The adoption of surveillance programs and the caution in the use of these antibiotics are important to monitor possible dissemination and to avoid the selection of resistant clones and coresistant to several other antibiotics.
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Patienters upplevelse av att bära på MRSA : På sjukhus och i samhälle / Patients´ Experience of Carrying MRSA : At Hospital and in the CommunityTimm, Lucas, Kuusela, Vilija January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Meticillinresistenta staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är ett växande problem globalt och är en bakterie som kan orsaka svåra infektioner i olika delar av kroppen. Oftast är den dock symtomfri då de flesta bär på bakterien utan att den orsakar infektion. I Sverige görs sedan länge mycket nationellt för att försöka minska spridningen och detta är antagligen en anledning varför prevalensen är förhållandevis låg. Dessutom måste patienterna själva förhålla sig till lagar och landstingen har utarbetat handlingsplaner för MRSA bärande patienter. MRSA sprids via kontaktsmitta och kan då spridas till sjuka människor som på grund av sin sjukdom är mer mottagliga för dessa bakterier. Följaktligen är isolering och vård genom avdelad personal, så kallat kohortvård, delar av dessa handlingsplaner för MRSA bärande patienter på vårdavdelningar. Utifrån ett omvårdnadsperspektiv blev författarna nyfikna över det aktuella kunskapsläget gällande patienters upplevelse av att bära på MRSA, både på sjukhus och i sina vardagliga liv. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet var att utforska patienters upplevelser av att vara bärare av MRSA, genom att granska tidigare forskning. Metod: Allmän litteraturöversikt baserad på tio kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Resultaten bestod av tre kategorier, som i sin tur bestod av vardera två underkategorier. Kategorin påverkan av MRSA bestod av underkategorierna mental påverkan och fysiska symtom. Kategorin förståelse bestod av underkategorierna kunskap och information. Slutligen bestod kategorin isolering av underkategorierna isolering på sjukhuset och relationellt. Slutsats och klinisk betydelse: Att vara MRSA bärare orsakade ofta negativa känslor, som även uppstod till följd av isoleringen och omgivningens avhållsamma beteende. Patienterna hade ofta lite kunskap om MRSA och fick inte tillräckligt med information från vårdpersonal om MRSA. Att förstå patienternas känslor och ge adekvat information kan bidra till en bättre upplevelse. / Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a growing problem globally and is a bacteria that can cause severe infections in different parts of the body. Usually, the bacteria does not cause infections or produce symptoms, the person is instead merely a carrier. In Sweden much has been done and much is still being done to combat the spread of MRSA. This is presumably a reason why the prevalence of MRSA in Sweden is relatively low. Besides this, patients have to abide to laws and Socialstyrelsen, which is a Swedish Health Authority, has developed action plans regarding MRSA carriers. MRSA is contagious through physical contact and can spread to already ill patients, who because of their illness, are more susceptible. Therefore, care through the use of isolation and cohort in the care unit, is part of Swedish Health Authorities’ action plan. The authors became curious about the current knowledge regarding patient’s experience of being MRSA carriers in the in-patient hospital environment as well as in their ordinary lives. Aim: The aim was to explore patient’s experience of being MRSA carriers, by reviewing previous studies. Method: Common literary survey based on ten qualitative articles. Results: The results consisted of three categories, which each consisted of two subcategories. Influence of MRSA consisted of the subcategories mental influence and physical symptoms. The category understanding consisted of the subcategories knowledge and information. Finally, the category isolation consisted of the subcategories isolation at the hospital and interpersonal. Conclusion and clinical impact: Being a MRSA carrier was related to negative feelings, which were also caused by isolation and other people, such as family and friends, withdrawing themselves from the patient. Patients often lacked knowledge about MRSA and did not receive enough information from hospital staff. Understanding patient’s emotions as well as supplying adequate information can contribute to a better patient experience.
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Upplevelser och erfarenheter av att leva med MRSA : Ett patientperspektiv / Experiences and perceptions of living with MRSA : A patient perspectiveMårtensson, Jennie, Svanholm, Hilda January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: MRSA är i dagens samhälle ett globalt problem. Denna bakterie producerar ett enzym, vilket gör en del antibiotiska läkemedel verkningslösa. Flertalet MRSA-infekterade patienter upplever negativa känslor till följd av infektionen. Dessa tros orsakas av bristande kunskap hos både sjuksköterskor och patienter.Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa patienters upplevelser och erfarenheter av att vara MRSA-infekterad.Metod: I litteraturstudiens resultat har 9 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats sammanställts. Dessa har analyserats med inspiration från det beskrivande metasyntestänkandet. Databaserna Cinahl, Medline, Pubmed och Scopus användes vid sökning av artiklar.Resultat: Patienternas upplevelser vid en MRSA-infektion var komplexa. Känslor av skuld, stigmatisering och att vara smittsam återkom upprepade gånger. Varierande kunskapsnivåer beträffande MRSA påvisades också hos patienterna. Anpassningen till infektionen upplevdes ofördelaktigt påverka möjligheten till ett normalt liv. Information erhållen från vården ansågs otillräcklig och vårdpersonalen upplevdes även agera oprofessionellt i vissa situationer. Konklusion: Ökad kunskap och förståelse för MRSA-infekterade patienter kan bidra till att en god omvårdnad möjliggörs. För att understödja en mer personcentrerad omvårdnad bör eventuellt upplevda skillnader i relation till genus och ålder beforskas. / Background: MRSA is a global problem in today's society. This bacterium produces an enzyme, making some antibiotic drugs ineffective. Most patients infected with MRSA experience negative emotions as a result of the infection. The lack of knowledge of both nurses and patients are believed to be causing these emotions. Aim: The purpose of this literature review was to illuminate patients' perceptions and experiences of being infected with MRSA. Method: 9 articles with a qualitative approach have been compiled in this review. These have been analyzed with inspiration from descriptive meta-synthesis method. The search for articles was performed in the databases of Cinahl, Medline, PubMed and Scopus. Results: The result shows that patients' perceived the MRSA infection as complex. Feelings of guilt, stigma and being contagious recurred repeatedly. Varying levels of knowledge regarding MRSA were also detected. Adaptation to the infection was perceived as an unfavorably affect to the possibility of a normal life. Information obtained from the care was considered inadequate and nursing staff were experienced to act unprofessional.Conclusion: Increased knowledge and understanding of patients' infected with MRSA can make a good healthcare possible. Any perceived differences in relation to gender and age should be further studied in order to contribute a more person-centered healthcare.
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