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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Croissance épitaxiale, structure atomique et couplage d'échange de bicouches ultra-minces d'oxydes sur métaux / Epitaxial growth, atomic structure and exchange coupling of ultra-thin bilayers of oxides on metals

Lamirand, Anne 16 October 2014 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur la détermination de la structure atomique, électronique et magnétique de couches ultraminces ferromagnétique et antiferromagnétique pour une meilleure compréhension du mécanisme de couplage d'échange qui peut avoir lieu à leur interface. Le couplage d'échange, effet de l'interaction entre les deux matériaux, se manifeste par un décalage du cycle d'hystérésis et une augmentation de la coercivité en-dessous de la température de blocage. Nous avons porté notre attention sur les systèmes de CoO/FePt sur Pt(001), CoO/Fe et CoO/Fe3O4 sur Ag(001) et combiné des techniques expérimentales principalement utilisant le rayonnement synchrotron pour les caractériser. Dans un premier temps, nous avons optimisé l'élaboration de ces systèmes dans un environnement d'ultra-haut vide (UHV) par la recherche de surfaces adaptées, le contrôle fin des conditions de croissance et le suivi de la structure par diffraction de surface des rayons X in situ. Leur structure cristalline a ensuite été caractérisée avec précision. Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons étudié leurs structure et propriétés magnétiques ex situ via le dichroïsme magnétique circulaire et linéaire des rayons X et l'effet Kerr magnéto-optique. La relation entre le couplage d'échange et la structure de l'interface est discutée tout au long de ce manuscrit. / This thesis deals with the determination of atomic, electronic and magnetic structure of ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic ultrathin layers to better understand the mechanism of the exchange coupling which could takes place at their interface. Exchange coupling, expression of the interaction between the two materials, manifests itself by a shift of hysteresis loop and an increase in coercivity below the blocking temperature. We have paid attention to the systems of CoO/FePt on Pt(001), CoO/Fe and CoO/Fe3O4 on Ag(001). We combined experimental techniques mainly using synchrotron light to characterize them. As a first step, we optimized in a ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment the elaboration of the systems looking for an appropriate surface, the high control of growth conditions and the supervision of the structure by in situ X-ray surface diffraction. The crystalline structure was precisely then detailed. As a second step, we studied the magnetic structure and properties ex situ by X-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroïsm and magneto-optic Kerr effect. The relation between exchange coupling and interface structure is discussed all along the manuscript.

Determinação de estruturas magnéticas de novos compostos intermetálicos / Magnetic structure determination of new intermetallic compounds

Serrano, Raimundo Lora 19 June 2006 (has links)
Orientadores: Carlos Manuel Giles Antunez de Mayolo, Pascoal Jose Giglio Pagliuso / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-08T18:22:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Serrano_RaimundoLora_D.pdf: 2642603 bytes, checksum: 743f3ac1f8dffb9e6358f1a7958794e6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste trabalho investigamos de forma sistemática as propriedades magnéticas macroscópicas (Susceptibilidade magnética, calor específico, resistividade elétrica) e as estruturas magnéticas de uma nova série de compostos tetragonais isoestruturais Rm Mn In3m+2n (R = Gd, Tb, Sm; M = Rh, Ir; m = 1, 2; n = 0, 1) e exploramos suas relações com as interessantes propriedades físicas encontradas em outros compostos desta família, especialmente quando R = Ce, onde tem sido observado um comportamento do tipo férmions pesados com supercondutividade não convencional (USC). Foram determinadas as estruturas magnéticas dos compostos Gd2IrIn8, GdRhIn5, GdIn3, TbRhIn5, Tb2RhIn8, Smn2IrIn8 em amostras monocristalinas de alta qualidade através da técnica de Difração Magnética de Raios-x (DMRX), e encontramos que todos se ordenam antiferromagneticamente com estruturas comensuráveis abaixo da temperatura de ordenamento (TN) com vetores de propagação (1/2,0,0), (0,1/2,1/2),(1/2,1/2,0), (1/2,0,1/2), (1/2,1/2,1/2) e (1/2,0,0), respectivamente. Os momentos magnéticos dos íons de terra rara se orientam no plano ab tetragonal no caso dos compostos com R = Gd e Sm2IrIn8 enquanto que no TbRhIn5 a orientação tem lugar ao longo do eixo c. Os compostos tetragonais inéditos a base de Tb foram todos sintetizados e caracterizados magnética e estruturalmente, pela primeira vez, dentro deste trabalho. Eles apresentam maior TN em relação ao composto cúbico TbIn3 (Tb1-0-3, TN ¿32 K), similar ao comportamento apresentado pelos compostos tetragonais de R = Nd. Com relação à direção dos momentos magnéticos no estado ordenado e à evolução de TN ao longo da série, os nossos resultados estão de acordo com um novo modelo teórico de campo médio, desenvolvido por colaboradores, que considera uma interação de primeiros vizinhos Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) isotrópica e efeitos de campo cristalino (CEF) tetragonal aplicado aos compostos com R = Ce, Nd e Tb. A idéia básica de interpretação dos nossos resultados, extraída dos resultados do modelo, é que as diferentes direções de ordenamento encontrados para diferentes R são determinadas por efeitos de CEF e que a variação dos parâmetros de CEF tetragonal determina a evolulção de TN . De acordo com isto, nos compostos com R = Gd, onde o momento angular orbital L = 0, os efeitos CEF não são importantes, TN é aproximadamente igual quando se comparam os compostos tetragonais com o cúbico GdIn3. Nos outros compostos tetragonais, cuja direção dos momentos tem lugar no plano ab (R = Ce e Sm), TN diminui, e aumenta quando a ordem ocorre ao longo do eixo c. O mecanismo de controle, por efeitos de campo cristalino, do comportamento da orientação dos momentos magnéticos e de TN pode, em particular, ser extrapolado aos compostos tetragonais de Ce já que a supressão de TN , combinada com efeitos de hibridização e efeito Kondo, muito importantes nestes casos, podem provocar fortes flutuações magnéticas no plano ab que, pela sua vez, podem ser relevantes no mecanismo de supercondutividade não convencional quase-2D / Abstract: In this work we present a systematic study of the physical properties (magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity) and the determination of magnetic structures of a new series of isostructural tetragonal compounds RmMnIn3m+2n(R = Gd, Tb, Sm; M = Rh, Ir; m = 1,2; n = 0,1) exploring their relationships with the interesting physical properties found in other compounds of this family, specially when R = Ce compounds, for whose a heavy fermion behavior with unconventional superconductivity (USC) has been reported. The magnetic structures have been determined using high quality single crystalline samples of Gd2IrIn8, GdRhIn5, GdIn3, TbRhIn5, Tb2RhIn8 and Sm2IrIn8 through the resonant x-ray magnetic scattering (RXMS) technique. Our results show that all these systems order antiferromagnetically in commensurate structures below the ordering temperature (TN) with propagation vectors (1/2,0,0),(0,1/2,1/2),(1/2,1/2,0),(1/2,0,1/2),(1/2,1/2,1/2) and (1/2,0,0), respectively. The magnetic moments of rare earth ions are oriented in the tetragonal ab-plane for R = Gd and Sm2IrIn8 compounds, while for the TbRhIn5 they order along the c-axis direction. The tetragonal Tb-based compounds were synthesized and characterized for the first time during this work. In these cases TN is increased when compared to the TN of the cubic TbIn3 (Tb1-0-3, TN¿32 K), as has been found for tetragonal Nd-based compounds. Regarding the magnetic moment directions in the ordered phase and the TN evolution along the series our results agree with those obtained from a mean field theoretical model, developed by collaborators, which considers an isotropic first-neighbors Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction and tetragonal crystal field effects (CEF) applied to Ce-, Nd- and Tb-based compounds. We can conclude from our results that the CEF effects are responsible in determining the magnetic moment directions for different R ions and varying the tetragonal CEF parameters we can also determine the TN evolution along the series. According to this idea, for Gd-based compounds, where the orbital angular momentum L = 0 and CEF effects are not important, TN is approximately the same for the tetragonal compounds when compared with cubic GdIn3. For those cases with ordered moments along any in-plane direction (R = Ce and Sm) TN decreases while it is increased when the moments orientation take place along the c-axis. The CEF effects-driven mechanism to determine the behavior of magnetic moment directions and TN, well explained by the mean field model, could be extrapolated to Ce-based compounds where combined with hybridization and Kondo effects, whose are very important, may create strong in-plane magnetic uctuations that can mediate the quasi-2D unconventional superconductivity in these systems / Doutorado / Física da Matéria Condensada / Doutor em Ciências

Structural and Magnetic Properties of Epitaxial MnSi(111) Thin Films

Karhu, Eric 12 January 2012 (has links)
MnSi(111) films were grown on Si(111) substrates by solid phase epitaxy (SPE) and molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) to determine their magnetic structures. A lattice mismatch of -3.1% causes an in-plane tensile strain in the film, which is partially relaxed by misfit dislocations. A correlation between the thickness dependence of the Curie temperature (TC) and strain is hypothesized to be due to the presence of interstitial defects. The in-plane tensile strain leads to an increase in the unit cell volume that results in an increased TC as large as TC = 45 K compared to TC = 29.5 K for bulk MnSi crystals. The epitaxially induced tensile stress in the MnSi thin films creates an easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy. The magnetoelastic coefficient was obtained from superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry measurements combined with transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and x-ray diffraction (XRD) data. The experimental value agrees with the coefficient determined from density functional calculations, which supports the conclusion that the uniaxial anisotropy originates from the magnetoelastic coupling. Interfacial roughness obscured the magnetic structure of the SPE films, which motivated the search for a better method of film growth. MBE grown films displayed much lower interfacial roughness that enabled a determination of the magnetic structure using SQUID and polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR). Out-of-plane magnetic field measurements on MBE grown MnSi(111) thin films on Si(111) substrates show the formation of a helical conical phase with a wavelength of 2?/Q = 13.9 ± 0.1 nm. The presence of both left-handed and right-handed magnetic chiralities is found to be due to the existence of inversion domains that result from the non-centrosymmetric crystal structure of MnSi. The magnetic frustration created at the domain boundaries explains an observed glassy behaviour in the magnetic response of the films. PNR and SQUID measurements of MnSi thin films performed in an in-plane magnetic field show a complex magnetic behaviour. Experimental results combined with theoretical results obtained from a Dzyaloshinskii model with an added easy-plane uniaxial anisotropy reveals the existence of numerous magnetic modulated states that do not exist in bulk MnSi. It is demonstrated in this thesis that modulated chiral magnetic states can be investigated with epitaxially grown MnSi(111) thin films on insulating Si substrates, which offers opportunities to investigate spin-dependent transport in chiral magnetic heterostructures based on this system.


丹司, 敬義, 木村, 啓子, 田中, 成泰, 室岡, 義栄 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号:08455142 研究代表者:丹司 敬義 研究期間:1996-1997年度

Nouveaux matériaux magnétocaloriques à base de terres rares pour la réfrigération magnétique / New rare earth-based magnetocaloric materials for magnetic refrigeration

Mayer, Charlotte 29 September 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur la synthèse et la caractérisation de nouveaux matériaux magnétocaloriques à basse de terres rares pour la réfrigération magnétique. Le premier chapitre constitue une introduction aux notions d’effet magnétocalorique et de réfrigération magnétique et dresse un état de l’art des matériaux magnétocaloriques existants. Dans le but d’obtenir des matériaux à forte capacité de réfrigération (RC) et d’identifier des stratégies d’amélioration de ce critère de performance, deux voies de recherche ont été explorées : l’élargissement de la transition magnétique et l’effet de l’élément de transition M et de l’élément p (X) dans les verres métalliques Gd60M30X10 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu et X = Al, Ga, In) d’une part, et la synthèse de nouveaux siliciures ternaires dans les systèmes R-M-Si (R = Nd, Gd, Tb et M = Co, Ni) à fort potentiel magnétocalorique, d’autre part.Le second chapitre de cette thèse présente les propriétés magnétiques des rubans amorphes à base de gadolinium synthétisés par la technique de melt-spinning, dans lesquels le désordre structural induit un très fort élargissement de la transition magnétique (vis-à-vis de celle du gadolinium par exemple). Il montre dans un premier temps, la faible influence de l’élément p (X) sur les propriétés magnétiques des rubans Gd60Mn30X10 (X = Al, Ga, In). Une seconde partie présente la très forte influence de l’élément de transition M, tant sur la nature de la transition magnétique que sur les propriétés magnétocaloriques des verres métalliques Gd60M30In10 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu), avec en particulier une température de Curie variant entre 86 (M = Ni) et 220 K (M = Fe) et l’existence d’un phénomène de type cluster-glass en dessous de 35 K lorsque M = Mn. Le chapitre trois de cette thèse se décline en trois parties. La première décrit les conditions de synthèse parfois délicates, notamment dans le choix des températures de recuit, des siliciures R5MSi2, Gd5Si3 et du composé à domaine d’existence Gd3Co2,5 ± xSi1,5 ± y. L’utilisation de la méthode Rietveld pour l’affinement des diffractogrammes de rayons X sur poudre et monocristaux et neutrons a permis de montrer que les composés R5MSi2 adoptent une structure de type Cr5B3 avec la particularité de l’occupation mixte du site 8h par Co et Si à 50 %/50 % et que Gd3Co2,5 ± xSi1,5 ± y adopte une structure de type Er3Ge4 avec des sites mixtes Co/Si en positions 4a et 4c. La seconde partie présente les propriétés magnétiques et magnétocaloriques du siliciure Gd5CoSi2. Ce composé subit une transition ferromagnétique à la température de Curie de 169 K qui s’accompagne d’une variation d’entropie magnétique calculée par l’application de la relation de Maxwell, de -4,7 et 8,7 J kg-1 K-1 pour des variations de champ magnétique respectives de 2 et 5 T. Le troisième volet de ce chapitre décrit les propriétés magnétiques de Nd5CoSi2 et Nd5NiSi2 qui présentent une transition ferromagnétique respectivement à 55 et 44 K. Il décrit également l’affinement de la structure ferromagnétique cantée de Nd5CoSi2 obtenue par des mesures de diffraction neutronique.Il ressort de ces travaux que l’évaluation des matériaux magnétocaloriques par le seul critère de capacité de réfrigération ne mène pas vers les matériaux les plus adaptés à l’application. Il faudrait cibler plus spécifiquement, pour chaque type de cycle de réfrigération envisagé, des critères pragmatiques tels qu’une fenêtre de température d’utilisation autour de la température de Curie ou une valeur de chaleur spécifique optimale afin de mieux guider la recherche de nouveaux matériaux magnétocaloriques. / The studies presented in this manuscript deal with the synthesis and characterization of new rare-earth based magnetocaloric materials for magnetic refrigeration applications. The first chapter is an introduction to the concepts of magnetocaloric effect and magnetic refrigeration and establishes a review of the magnetocaloric materials existing today. Two research axes were explored in order to obtain materials with a high refrigeration capacity (RC) and to identify strategies for improving this performance criterion: the enlargement of magnetic transition and the effect of transition element M and p-element X in the metallic glasses Gd60M30X10 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu et X = Al, Ga, In) on one hand, and the synthesis of new ternary silicides in the RE-M-Si systems (RE = Nd, Gd, Tb et M = Co, Ni) with high magnetocaloric potential on the other hand. The second chapter of this thesis presents the magnetic properties of Gd-based amorphous ribbons synthesized by the melt-spinning technique, in which the structural disorder induces a very strong enlargement of the magnetic transition (compared to that of pure Gd for instance). In a first part, it shows the weak influence of the p element (X) on the magnetic properties of Gd60Mn30X10 (X = Al, Ga, In) ribbons. A second part presents the very strong influence of the transition element M, either on the nature of the magnetic transition and on the magnetocaloric properties of Gd60M30In10 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) metallic glasses with, in particular, a Curie temperature varying between 86 (M = Ni) and 220 K (M = Fe) and the occurrence of a cluster-glass behavior below 35 K when M = Mn. The third chapter of this thesis is composed of three parts. The first one describes the synthesis conditions of RE5MSi2 (RE = Nd, Gd, Tb), Gd5Si3 and of the compound with existence domain Gd3Co2.5 ± xSi1.5 ± y. These syntheses are sometimes delicate, particularly in the choice of annealing temperatures. The use of the Rietveld method to refine the X-ray and neutron powder diffraction patterns allowed showing that RE5MSi2 compounds adopt a Cr5B3 type structure, with a mixed occupation of 8h site by Co and Si at 50 %/50 % and that Gd3Co2.5 ± xSi1.5 ± y adopts an Er4Ge4 type structure with mixed Co/Si occupation in 4a et 4c positions. The second part presents the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the Gd5CoSi2 silicide. This compound exhibits a ferromagnetic transition at the Curie temperature TC = 169 K that is accompanied by a magnetic entropy change of -4.7 and 8.7 kg-1 K-1 at 2 and 5 T, respectively, as calculated by the application of Maxwell’s relationship. The third part is this chapter describes the magnetic properties of Nd5CoSi2 and Nd5NiSi2 which order ferromagnetically at 55 and 44 K, respectively. It also presents the refinement of the canted ferromagnetic structure on Nd5CoSi2, obtained by neutron diffraction measurements.These study show that evaluating the magnetocaloric materials by only considering the criterion of refrigeration capacity does not lead to the elaboration of the best materials for the applications. It could be more efficient to target more pragmatic criteria, for each considered refrigeration cycle, such as a temperature window of use around the Curie temperature or an optimal specific heat value in order to lead the research of new magnetocaloric materials at best.

Electronic and Magnetic Structures of Some Selected Strongly Correlated Systems

Pal, Banabir January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Transition metal oxides and chalcogenides are an ideal platform for demonstrating and investigating many interesting electronic phases of matter. These phases emerge as a result of collective many body interactions among the electrons. The omnipresent electron, depending on its interaction with other electrons and with the underlying lattice, can generate diverse phases of matter with exotic physical properties. The ultimate objective of Materials Science is to provide a complete microscopic understanding of these myriad electronic phases of matter. A proper understanding of the collective quant-tum behaviour of electrons in different system can also help in designing and tuning new electronic phases of matter that may have strong impact in the field of microelectronics, well beyond that predicted by Moore s law. Strong electron correlation effects produce a wide spectrum of ground state prop-retires like superconductivity, Metal Insulator Transition (MIT), charge-orbital ordering and many more. Similarly, different spin interactions among electrons, essentially due to various kinds of exchange coupling, give rise to varying magnetic ground state prop-retires like ferromagnetism, anti-ferromagnetism, spin glass, among others. The main objective of this thesis is to understand and rationalize diverse electronic and magnetic phases of matter in some selected strongly correlated systems. In chapter 1 we have provided an overview of various electronic and magnetic phases of matter which are relevant and necessary for understanding the chapters that follow. The first part of this chapter describes the fundamental concepts of the so called Metal Insulator Transition (MIT). A small section is dedicated to the subtle interactions among electrons and lattice that actually drive a system from a highly conducting metallic state to a strongly resistive insulating state. The second part of this chapter offers a compilation of different magnetic ground states which are discussed in detail in the last two chapters. In Chapter 2, we have explained various methodologies and experimental tech-antiques that have been used in the work reported in this thesis. In Chapter 3, we have provided a detailed understanding of the MIT in different polymorphic forms of Vanadium dioxide (VO2). Although VO2 exhibits a number of polymorphic forms, only the rutile/monoclinic VO2 phase has been studied extensively compared to other polymorphic forms. This phase shows a well-established MIT across ∼340 K, which has been extensively investigated in order to understand the relative importance of many body electron correlation effects arising primarily from on-site Coulomb interactions within the Vanadium 3d manifold, and single electron effects flounced by the dimerization of Vanadium atoms. Unlike the rutile phase of VO2, little is known about the MIT appearing across 212 K in the metastable B-phase of VO2. This phase shows dimerization of only half of the Vanadium atoms in the insulating state, in contrast to rutile/monoclinic VO2, which show complete dimerization. There is a long standing debate about the origin of the MIT in the rutile/monoclinic phase, that contrasts the role of the many-body Hubbard U term, with single particle effects of the dimerization. In light of this debate, the MIT in the B-phase offers a unique opportunity to understand and address the competition between many body and single particle effects, that has been unresolved over several decades. In this chapter we have investigated different polymorphs of VO2 to understand the underlying electronic structure and the nature of the MIT in these polymorphic forms. The MIT in VO2 B phase is very broad in nature. X-ray photoemission and optical conductivity data indicate that in case of VO2 B phase both correlation effects and dimerization is necessary to drive the MIT. We have also established that the correlation effects are more prominent for VO2 B phase compared to rutile/monoclinic phase. In Chapter 4, we have discussed the electronic structure of LaTiO3 (LTO)-SrTiO3 (STO) system. At the interface between polar LTO and non-polar (STO) oxides, an unique two dimensional electron gas (2DEG) like state appears, that exhibits a phenomenal range of unexpected transport, magnetic, and electronic properties. Thus, this interface stands as a prospective candidate for not only fundamental scientific investigation, but also application in technological and ultimately commercial frontiers. In this chapter, using variable energy Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES), we have experimentally investigated the layer resolved evolution of electronic structure across the interface in LTO-STO system. HAXPES results suggest that the interface is more coherent in nature and the coherent to incoherent feature ratio changes significantly as we probe deeper into the layer In chapter 5, we have investigated the electronic structure of the chemically exfoliated trigonal phase of MoS2. This elusive trigonal phase exists only as small patches on chemically exfoliated MoS2, and is believed to control functioning of MoS2 based devices. Its electronic structure is little understood, with total absence of any spec-troscopic data, and contradictory claims from theoretical investigations. We have ad-dressed this issue experimentally by studying the electronic structure of few layered chemically exfoliated MoS2 systems using spatially resolved X-ray photoemission spec-otoscopy and micro Raman spectroscopy in conjunction with electronic structure calculations. We have established that the ground state of this unique trigonal phase is actually a small gap (∼90 meV) semiconductor. This is in contrast with most of the claims in existing literature. In chapter 6, we have re-examined and revaluated the electronic structure of the late 3d transition metal monoxides (NiO, FeO, and CoO) using a combination of HAX-PES and state-of-the-art theoretical calculations. We have observed a strong evolution in the valence band spectra as a function of excitation energy. Theoretical results show that a combined GW+LDA+DMFT scheme is essential for explaining the observed experimental findings. Additionally, variable temperature HAXPES measurement In chapter 8, we have differentiated the surface and the bulk electronic structure in Sr2FeMoO6 and also have provided a new route to increase the Curie temperature of this material. Sr2FeMoO6 is well known for its high Curie temperature (Tc ∼410 K), half-metallic ferromagnetism, and a spectacularly large tunnelling magnetoresistance. The surface electronic structure of Sr2FeMoO6 is believed to be different from the bulk; leading to a Spin-Valve type Magnetoresistance. We have carried out variable energy HAXPES on Sr2FeMoO6 to probe electronic structure as a function of surface depth. Our experimental results indicate that surface is more Mo6+ rich. We have also demonstrated what we believe is the first direct experimental evidence of hard ferro-magnetism in the surface layer using X Ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) with dual detection mode. In the second part of this chapter we have designed a new route to increase the Curie temperature and have been successfully able to achieve a Curie temperature as high as 515 K.

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