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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣地區本國銀行與外商銀行效率和生產力分析-全域共同邊界法之應用 / The efficiency and productivity analysis of domestic banks and foreign banks in Taiwan - the application of global metafrontier approach

陳昱銘, Chen,Yu Ming Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣於1990年放寬銀行設立的限制後,本國銀行和外商銀行的數目快速增加,使得金融市場更加競爭,因此銀行的經營績效是個重要的議題,銀行可透過績效的評估結果找出可能的改善方向。本國銀行與外商銀行的進入條件、經營形態、銀行制度等因素可能使得兩種類型的銀行生產技術有所不同,因此本研究採用全域共同邊界法研究37家本國銀行與20家外商銀行在2005-2015年間效率與生產力的分析,並採用變動規模的方式拆解Malmquist生產力指數,使得生產力變動來源能更精準地衡量。最後使用Tobit迴歸分析找出影響銀行技術效率、最佳實務差距和技術差距比率之因素。 / Since Taiwan relaxed the restriction of setting up a bank in early 1990s, the number of both domestic and foreign banks in Taiwan had increased rapidly. This leads to the result that the financial market become more competitive. Consequently, the performance of bank is an important issue. It can be used to find some way for improvement. Due to the different entry conditions, types of operating system and bank systems between domestic and foreign banks, this paper uses global metafrontier approach to research the efficiency and productivity change of 37 domestic banks and 20 foreign banks during 2005-2015 in Taiwan. Furthermore, this research adopts VRS to decompose Malmquist productivity indexes, which makes the sources of the productivity change can be measured more accurately. Finally, Tobit regression analysis is used to investigate the factors accounting for the differences in technical efficiency, best practice gap and technology gap.


翁竹君, Weng, Chu-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用一階段隨機邊界分析方法,建立一多投入多產出之投入距離函數模型,衡量民國81~91年間台灣66家國際觀光旅館經營之相對技術效率,同時探討造成不效率之因素。並利用投入導向Malmquist生產力指數進一步分析國際觀光旅館產業生產力改變的原因與幅度。 整體而言,台灣國際觀光旅館產業之經營效率大致呈現緩慢進步之趨勢。造成整體產業生產力提升之原因,主要為業者對於投入產出配置使用之效率改善,而非生產技術進步。除了整體經濟景氣因素當然影響觀光產業之興衰外,個別國際觀光旅館業者之效率表現仍受到許多因素影響。諸如規模、國際化程度等內部原因,及旅館是否位處風景區、所在地縣市政府對觀光發展投注之資源預算和該地市場競爭程度等外在因素。 從政府政策方面來分析,若以整體國際觀光旅館產業經營效率來衡量我國觀光產業興衰,民國87年隔週休二日政策及民國90年實施之全面週休二日政策,的確有效帶動國人休閒旅遊之風潮,促進國內觀光發展。而各縣市政府觀光相關支出與國際觀光旅館生產力變動之關係,呈現正向相關,則表示政府支出增加有助於觀光產業蓬勃發展,並增加國際觀光旅館之經營效率。由於觀光產業生產具外部性,政府積極利用觀光產業以帶動經濟景氣繁榮成長的政策應當可行。 / In this paper a multi-output, multi-input and input oriented distance function is built by one-stage stochastic frontier approach (Battese and Coelli, 1995) to estimate the relative efficiency of the 66 international tourist hotels in Taiwan in 1992~2002 and to explore the determinants of technical efficiency. In addition, the Malmquist productivity index model is used to analyze the range and the causes of the productivity changed. The results reveal that managerial efficiency of international tourist hotel industry improves gradually. The productivity growth can be attributed to efficiency gains, but not the effects of technical progress. There are significant differences in efficiency due to difference not only in the macroeconomic situation, but also in many other individual factors, such as scale, joining an international chain, located in scenic area, local government other economic service expenditure and competitiveness. Analyzing the government policy, the implementations of two-day-off twice a month policy in 1998 and two-day-off per week policy in 2001 have fostered domestic traveling and expanded tourist hotel industry. The local government other economic service expenditure has positive effect on efficiency of international tourist hotels. That is to say, increasing in local government tourist expenditure will promote tourism market and improve efficiency of a hotel. Because of the production externality in tourism industry the idea that government tries to promote tourism to benefit economic development would be workable.

福建省農村信用社效率分析 --DEA方法與SFA方法比較 / The efficiency of Fujian Province rural credit cooperatives A comparison of DEA and SFA

許雅峰, Xu,Ya-Feng Unknown Date (has links)
從2015年統計數據來看,中國大陸涉農金融機構地方滲透性比重較高。03年中國大陸國務院下發《深化農村信用社改革試點方案》到現在為止雖然14年了,但是農村信用社還是存在很多問題。 所以研究農村信用社經營效率,對提高涉農金融機構質量和促進中國大陸農村金融市場的發展具有重大的意義。 本研究以數據包絡分析法為主,由於dea方法沒有考慮到誤差項的分配,因此加入了隨機前沿分析法。 本研究發現雖有個別農村信用社效率不足的情況存在,但福建地區整體農村信用社各項指標都很穩定。只是要針對個別經濟環境不景氣的地區重點研究,造成其效率低下的主要原因,改善其經營效率,也能提高整體指標。 從本研究對福建省地區農村信用社效率的比較影射到全國農村信用社。在國務院對農村金融改革後,雖農信社還存在部分問題,但也慢慢趨向穩定發展。可看出國務院的金融改革日漸成效。 / The statistical data of 2015 indicates that most of the Chinese local financial institutions are served as agriculture-related financial institutions.Although state council promulgated<The reform of rural credit cooperatives >in 2003, there are still lots of problems to be solved today. Therefore, the researches about the operating efficiency of rural credit cooperatives can help not only the improvement in the quality of agriculture-related financial institutions but also the development of rural financial market in China. This paper is mainly based on the data envelop analysis (DEA). Because the DEA doesn't consider the distribution of residuals, we also use the stochastic frontier analysis. In this paper, we find that the inefficiency problem still exists in some rural credit cooperatives, but all indexes of overall rural credit cooperatives in Fujian area are still stable. Moreover, we think that the improvement in the operating efficiency of individual rural credit cooperatives can also improve the overall indexes. Applying our analysis into whole districts of China, we find that the development becomes stable gradually, meaning the reform by state council works.


孫松增 Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣,未來很有可能帶領台灣高科技產業向上突破的新英雄---薄晶電晶體液晶顯示器(TFT-LCD),已逐漸為人所重視,近來,TFT-LCD產業的更是利多頻傳,不但在股票成交量創下新高,股價更是一再突破新高。本文則是希望以資料包絡分析法(DEA)來比較分析台灣各家廠商(友達、華映、奇美電、廣輝、彩晶)的相對經營績效,研究範圍從2001年第四季一直到2004年的第一季,所採用的投入變數即為資產總額、營業成本、營業費用和員工人數,產出變數我們則採用營業收入和營業淨利。 總結來看,廠商在CCR和BCC模式下,雖然在平均排名上,兩個模式並不盡相同,但由時間趨勢來看,五家廠商在趨勢變動上,大致是一樣的;效率值表現較好的時期為2002Q1、和2002Q2和2004Q1,較差的則為2002Q4和2003Q1,推測其原因,一部分當然是和景氣的波動有關,但也和面板的價格波動有一定程度的相關。 藉由Tobit 迴歸分析,意味著廠商可藉由提高每人配備率、總資產週轉率、流動比率、研發費用率及經營年限等變數,可提昇廠商的整體技術效率,提供了一些政策方向供廠商參考。 以Malmquist生產力指數來看,總要素生產力的變動(Tfpch)大部分的因素,是來自於生產技術的變動(Tech);彩晶在總要素生產力的變動上,平均有16.8%的成長,是第1名,其他的廠商則呈現不大的差別;但若以時間趨勢來看,2001Q4到2002Q1和2003Q1到2003Q2兩各階段都有滿大的成長,但在2002Q2到2002Q3和2002Q3到2002Q4兩個階段卻呈現衰退的表現。 / In Taiwan, TFT-LCD, which is likely to lead high-tech to strive upward in the future, has been receiving more and more attention. Recently, TFT-LCD industry has come into great blossom. Not only does the stock transaction amount achieve a record-breaking peak, but the stock price also makes breakthroughs at all times. This research is to use Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) to compare and analyze the relative operating efficiency of chief leaders in the high-tech industry, including AUO, CPT, CMO, QDI to HannStar. The research ranges from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2004. The researcher adopts input variables, which include total assets, business costs, business expenses and employees, and output variables, business revenues and business net profits, as well. On the whole, in spite of CCR and BCC model, the average order is different, but approximately similar. The quarters, which perform well, are the 1st quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2004; the bad quarters are the 4th quarter in 2002 and the 1st quarter in 2003. To speculate reasons, it has to do with the business cycle and panel board price fluctuation. Under the frame, by use of Tobit analysis, factories can strengthen total technology efficiency by raising equipment per employee, total asserts turnover, current ratio, R & D ratio, and the period of operating. It provides these factories a referential direction. In conclusion, according to Malmquist index analysis, the Tfpch is the better part from the tech. HannStar, with 16.8% average growth in Tfpch, is the top one. The other factories are nearly close. In the time period, from the 4th quarter in 2001 to the 1st quarter in 2002, and from the 1st quarter in 2003 to the 2nd quarter in 2003, the other factories has a high growth, but from the 2nd quarter in 2002 to the 3rd quarter in 2002 and from the 3rd quarter in 2002 to the 4th quarter in 2002, there is a decline in growth.

台灣地區醫院效率與生產力變動之研究-非參數DEA方法之應用 / Efficiency and Productivity Growth of Hospitals in Taiwan: Nonparametric Data Envelopment Analysis

王媛慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文對於醫療市場的生產績效研究,係由兩篇獨立的學術研究報告所組成,研究重點在於利用非參數資料包絡分析方法 ( nonparametric DEA approach ),估計醫院的生產技術,以衡量醫院的技術效率及不同年度間之生產力變動,進而分析不同醫院間,生產績效差異的主要原因。本論文所採用的研究方法與探討的主題,不同於國內既有的相關文獻。 第一部分:生產不確定性與醫院效率 本部分主要探討在醫院面對不確定性時的效率評估。一般而言,醫院有兩種生產上的不確定性來源:醫師或醫院的診療結果所導致的生產不確定性;及消費者對醫療服務需求的不確定性 (Arrow, 1963)。當醫院面對生產不確定性時,醫院效率將與廠商如何處理不確定性問題有關,亦即,當廠商事前規劃愈縝密,未來可能的產出失靈水準愈低,則其生產效率表現愈佳。本文利用民國 82 及 83 年(準)醫學中心與(準)區域醫院資料,模擬醫院在面對生產不確定性時,各種可能的產出失靈水準,以chance constrained DEA 模式 (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993) 估算醫院的隨機技術效率,並與傳統、確定性的DEA模式所得到之結果,做一比較。 Chance constrained DEA模式與傳統DEA模式的不同,在於前者估計出的生產前緣,並不總是包絡所有的樣本點,亦即,允許某廠商之產出超越生產前緣或說允許產出失靈可能性之存在,而後者則否。實證結果發現,在chance constrained DEA模式下,私立醫院的技術效率高於公立醫院,且呈現統計顯著性的差異,但兩者間的差異隨著醫院事前準備程度的提高而縮小;而傳統DEA模式也顯示,私立醫院的技術效率確實顯著地高於公立醫院。此外,若產出失靈水準夠低,則chance constrained DEA模式的效率值與傳統DEA模式的效率值,兩者間的分配會呈現統計顯著性差異。 在面對生產不確定性時,欲提升公立醫院的生產效率,應提高廠商事先規劃的程度,才能與私立醫院之生產效率並駕齊驅。一般而言,廠商事先準備的程度高低,與醫院本身的特性有關,因此,欲改善公立醫院緩衝產能的準備程度,以降低產出失靈水準,有必要進行體制層面的改革,亦即,從進行人事變革、財務之授權與彈性化等方向開始做起,如此應可提高公立醫院的生產效率。 第二部分:全民健康保險制度與醫院生產力變動 全民健保實施後,民眾對醫療服務的可近性提高,醫院間的市場結構改變,因此,醫院生產力與效率的提升,成為眾所關切的焦點。為瞭解醫院在全民健保實施後,資源是否有效配置,本部分利用民國 82 至 86 年醫學中心、區域醫院與地區醫院等大小型醫院資料,以範疇DEA模式估計Malmquist生產力變動指標,並將之分解為技術變動、純技術效率變動、及規模效率變動等三項變動來源。 實證結果發現,從82至86年醫院整體平均效率而言,CRS(VRS)生產技術下的平均效率為 66.00%(74.87%),表示不論大小型醫院,平均而言,皆存在技術不效率的情形。再者,在民國84年,亦即全民健保實施的年度,其效率水準明顯較其他年度為低,其餘年度的效率水準都相對較高,此一結果意謂,政策干擾對於醫院效率表現的影響,是短期性的。另外,小型醫院皆較大型醫院不效率,兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性;以權屬別而言,不論是大型醫院或小型醫院中的私立醫院,其生產效率均優於公立醫院,且兩者的效率差異呈現統計顯著性。而透過迴歸分析顯示,全民健保實施、權屬別之虛擬變數、佔床率、平均住院日、及以醫院產出衡量的集中度指標等,是影響醫院生產效率的重要因素。 從Malmquist生產力變動( et al., 1994)來看,平均而言,82-86年間醫院生產力成長率約在 -3.06 % 左右。就生產力變動來源而言,技術成長率(-2.74 %)與整體效率成長率(-0.33 %)均為負,而技術變動則是阻礙生產力成長的主要原因。此外,若以醫院整體效率變動來源來看,平均而言,整體效率退步是由於規模效率變動所致(-0.74%)。 此外,本文著重在 et al.(1994)、Ray and Desli (1997) 及Grifell and Lovell (1998) 三種定義下的Malmquist生產力變動指標之比較。研究結果發現,Grifell and Lovell (1998) 的一般化Malmquist生產力指數,並沒有正確衡量廠商的生產力變動及其變動來源項。而利用Kruskal-Wallis檢定結果發現,三個模式中的生產力變動差異,並不具統計顯著性,而變動來源項(技術變動與規模效率變動)亦顯示相同的結果。 / This dissertation is focused on the efficiency and productivity studies of hospitals in Taiwan. It includes two independent academic papers. The primary intention is to introduce the newly developed ideas in the measurement of efficiency and productivity, rather than to create new ones. The utilization of these ideas has not, however, been discussion in print. And some of the arguments we used and brought together are new regarding to the literature of hospital efficiency and productivity measurement. Utilizing the non-parametric data envelopment analysis (DEA) approaches, efficiency scores and productivity change indexes were estimated. Efforts were made to explain the difference of productivity performance among individual hospitals. Nevertheless, the methods we used and the economic approach behind them distinguish this study from other empirical studies of the medical market. Part I  Market Uncertainty and Hospital Efficiency This part of the dissertation is focused on the measurement of efficiency of hospitals, incorporating uncertainty. There are stochastic variations in production relationships for hospitals. Generally speaking, the uncertainty of hospitals comes from two major sources: the natural uncertainty of medical cares; and the uncertainty of demands for medical cares (Arrow, 1963). Given the uncertainty in the medical market, the efficiency of hospitals hinges on how decision-makers deal with it. Undoubtedly, an optimal planning of the output buffers improves the efficiency performance. Using the hospital survey data in 1993 and 1994, and employing the chance constrained DEA model (Land, Lovell and Thore, 1993), the stochastic efficiency indexes of public and private medical centers and regional hospitals were estimated. Compared with deterministic frontier enveloping a given set of sample observations all the time, the chance-constrained frontier envelops them most of the time. That is, the chance constrained DEA allows the possibilities of output failure. Imposing different values of output failure probability, the estimation results were compared with the traditional (deterministic) DEA models. The empirical evidences of the chance constrained DEA model showed that, on average, private hospitals performed significantly better than public hospitals. This result matches with the result of the traditional DEA model. With Mann-Whitney U test, we compared the distributions of efficiency indexes under chance constrained DEA and deterministic DEA models. The test results showed that the difference between these two different models is statistically significant given a higher probability of output failure. These results imply that the nature of risk and the manipulation for risk are different for public and private hospitals. We also find that that the efficiency performance of public hospitals could be improved by the increasing of its reserve capacity. Part II  National Health Insurance and Hospital Productivity Change In this part of the dissertation, we examine the impact of NHI on hospitals, and trace the sources of hospital productivity growth in Taiwan. To pursue our goal, we employ a data consisting of 157 medical centers, regional hospitals and district hospitals over the period 1993 to 1997, and resort to the Malmquist productivity index to measure total factor productivity change. The index could be decomposed into three components: technical change, pure technical efficiency change and scale efficiency change. The estimation technique used in the study is the deterministic non-parametric DEA approach. The results we find are revealing and suggestive to the public and the government in order to promote and assure the efficient delivery of quality health care. The average efficiency scores are 66.00% (74.87%) for CRS (VRS) technology and it means that there are substantial efficiency losses for the sample hospitals during the study period. The efficiency score of the hospitals as a whole in 1995 (the beginning year of NHI) was much lower than the other 4 years' efficiency scores. A censored Tobit regression analysis is used and identifies that NHI policy, ownership, rate of bed occupancy, average length of stay and the output-specific concentration level were all the significant determinants of technical efficiency. Empirical results indicate that most medical care regions became more output-specific concentrated. Total factor productivity on average deteriorated at an annual rate of -3.1%, and it was dominated by substantial technical regresses at an annual rate of -2.74%. The small hospitals were severely affected by NHI. Furthermore, within large and small hospital groups, the difference in technical change was statistically significant, but the differences in TFP and the associated components between ownership were not. Special attention was paid to compare  et al.(1994), Ray and Desli (1997) and Grifell and Lovell (1998) approaches to decomposing the Malmquist productivity index. Empirical results indicate that the first 2 approaches yield accurate productivity changes, while GL doesn't. However, they produce almost the same magnitude of average TFP. In addition, no significant differences in the measured technical change and efficiency change were found among the three approaches.

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