Spelling suggestions: "subject:"aan / environment"" "subject:"nan / environment""
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Paléoenvironnements holocènes et anthropisation en région aride : signaux polliniques actuels et fossiles du complexe paralique de Bahiret el Bibane (Tunisie méridionale) / Holocene paleoenvironments and human impact under arid climate : modern and fossil pollen data from the paralic complex of Bahiret el Bibane (southern Tunisia)Jaouadi, Sahbi 17 March 2017 (has links)
Cette étude vise à reconstituer les paysages et les paléoclimats holocènes des marges désertiques de la Tunisie méridionale. Elle se fonde sur les données de la pluie pollinique actuelle et les données polliniques holocènes de la Sebkha Boujmel et de Bahiret el Bibane, complétées par des datations 14C et l’analyse de la fraction argileuse du sédiment. La relation pollen/végétation/climat est élaborée à partir d’échantillons de surface au sol recueillis le long du réseau hydrographique et à la surface de la Sebkha Boujmel et de Bahiret el Bibane. Les résultats obtenus indiquent une bonne représentation des écosystèmes régionaux à la surface de ces réceptacles. La variabilité spatiale des spectres polliniques traduit bien les gradients d’humidité climatique et édaphique selon deux axes nord-sud et est-ouest. L’étude de l’influence des événements d’inondations sur la concentration et la composition des spectres polliniques, à partir d’une carotte couvrant le dernier siècle (BL12-10), ne révèle pas des modifications majeures des spectres polliniques guidés par les évènements d’inondation. Les données paléoécologiques sont obtenues à partir de l’analyse pollinique de deux carottes, BJM2 dans la Sebkha Boujmel et BL12-7 dans la Bahiret el Bibane. La séquence BJM2 couvrant les 8 deniers millénaires est complétée par l’analyse de la composition de la fraction argileuse du sédiment modulé par les dynamiques de mobilisation des sables désertiques. L’ensemble des données est intégré dans un modèle âge-profondeur issu de 11 datations 14 C AMS. La tendance climatique millénaire en Tunisie méridionale au cours de l’Holocène moyen et supérieur indique une aridification croissante à partir de 5,7 ka, en accord avec les changements des paramètres orbitaux et de l’insolation et l’épisode d’aridité enregistré au sud de la Méditerranée à la fin de la Période Humide Africaine. Cette aridification s’achève vers 3 ka avec la mise en place des écosystèmes végétaux prédésertiques et des événements climatiques rapides désormais synchrones des événements de refroidissement Nord Atlantique. La biogéographie régionale montre la présence d’une végétation arborée méditerranéenne sur le relief et une steppe graminéenne sur les piedmonts et dans la plaine au cours des phases humides de l’Holocène moyen. Les changements de la végétation jusqu’à 3ka sont largement modulés par l’aridification climatique et l’impact anthropique demeure limité. A partir du 3ème siècle BC, l’enregistrement d’Olea et de Vitis marque l’intensification de l’impact anthropique, à travers l’agriculture, qui se superpose à celui des sociétés pastorales au cours des périodes Punique et Romaine. L’impact anthropique s’observe ensuite par phases récurrentes d’intensification engendrant des modifications dans les paysages végétaux, en particulier entre 850 AD et 1150 AD avec une augmentation des taux de l’armoise ainsi qu’au cours du 20ème siècle. Cette dernière période enregistre une importante dégradation des environnements locaux traduisant les changements socio-économiques des sociétés avec la sédentarisation et les développements du pastoralisme et de l’agriculture. / This study aims at reconstructing the Holocene landscapes and palaeoclimates of the desert margins of southern Tunisia. It is based on the study of modern pollen rain and Holocene pollen data from Sebkha Boujmel and Bahiret el Bibane, supplemented by 14C dates and sediment clay mineralogy. The pollen/vegetation/climate relationship is based on soil surface samples collected along the hydrographic network and on the surface of Sebkha Boujmel and Bahiret el Bibane. The obtained results indicate a good representation of the regional ecosystems on the surface of the Sebkha and the lagoon. The spatial variability of pollen spectra clearly reflects climatic and edaphic humidity gradients along two north-south and east-west axes. The study of the influence of flood events on the concentration and composition of pollen spectra from a core spanning the last century (BL12-10) does not reveal major changes in pollen spectra triggered by these flooding events. Paleoecological data are obtained from the pollen analysis of two cores, BJM2 in Sebkha Boujmel and BL12-7 in Bahiret el Bibane. The BJM2 sequence spanning the last 8 millennium is supplemented by clay mineralogical analysis of the sediment related to the dynamics of desert sand mobilization and by the integration of the data in an age-depth model based on 11 14C AMS dates. During the Middle and Upper Holocene, the millennial climate trend in Southern Tunisia indicates increased aridity from 5.7 ka, in accordance with changes in orbital and insolation parameters and increased aridity recorded in the southern Mediterranean after the African Humid Period. This aridity trends ends at ca 3 ka with the establishment of pre-desert plant ecosystems and Rapid Climate Changes henceforth synchronous of North Atlantic cooling events. Regional biogeography shows the presence of Mediterranean vegetation on the mountains and a grassy steppe on the piedmonts and the plain during the humid phases of the Middle Holocene. Changes in vegetation up to 3ka are largely modulated by climatic aridification while the anthropogenic impact remains limited. From the 3rd century BC, the record of Olea and Vitis indicates an intensification of the anthropogenic impact through agriculture, which is superimposed on that of the pastoral societies during the Punic and Roman periods. The anthropogenic impact thus marks phases of intensification that cause changes in plant landscapes especially between 850 AD and 1150 AD with an increase in wormwood, and during the 20th century. The latter period shows a significant degradation of local environments reflecting the socio-economic changes of local societies with sedentism and intensive pastoralism and agriculture.
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The Man-Environment Nexus in Morocco : A Qualitative Study of Hegemonic Masculinity Norms and Attitudes Towards Pro-Environmental Behavior amongst Male University Students in Rabat, MoroccoJilg, Mathilda January 2023 (has links)
Whilst several studies acknowledge the role of gender norms and structures in environmental research, little attention is paid to the explicit influence of men and masculinities in pro-environmental behavior. Additionally, research concerning this man-environment nexus is almost nonexistent in the context of the Global South. This thesis aims to address this research gap by analyzing the influence of hegemonic masculinity norms on the attitudes of male university students in Rabat, Morocco to engage in pro-environmental behavior. The research is conducted by qualitative semi-structured focus group interviews with 15 male university students in Rabat during May and June 2023, with a theoretical framework drawing upon Martin Hultman and Paul M. Pulé’s theoretical efforts of Ecological Masculinities. The findings suggest that the contextual hegemonic masculinity norms socialize the respondents into internalizing a myopic approach to engaging in pro-environmental behavior; materializing into either anti-environmental attitudes or, more prominently, techno-scientific solutionist attitudes. Relatedly, the respondents dismiss engaging in the individual pro-environmental behaviors considered feminine in order to avoid judgements, social exclusion and demasculinization. The thesis concludes by delineating the importance of including men and multiple masculinities in environmental research, especially as men can be considered the gatekeepers to transformative climate change adaptation and mitigation.
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De l'architecture organique à l'architecture environnementale, itinéraire dans l'autre tradition constructive du XXe siècle / From organic architecture to environmental architecture, itinerary in the other building tradition of the twentieth centuryRemaud, Romain 24 June 2017 (has links)
Et si l’architecture pouvait être vécue comme élément d’intercession orienté entre l’homme et son environnement ? Cette idée a été soutenue par un mouvement architectural cohérent, l’architecture organique, formant une tradition constructive alternative traversant tout le XXe siècle et repérable dans le monde entier. En considérant qu’une pratique architecturale adaptée favorise une relation apaisée entre l’homme et son environnement bâti ainsi qu’une reconnexion entre l’homme et son environnement naturel, l’organicisme peut véritablement être considéré comme une architecture environnementale. Cependant, en dépit de ce que nous pensions à l’origine, cette tradition architecturale ne se définit que difficilement par sa forme. Il faut plutôt en passer par la théorie architecturale pour voir émerger une vision commune à un ensemble de théoriciens ou d’architectes. Cette manière de pratiquer ou d’envisager l’architecture est lisible dans les idées de Kenneth Frampton ou de Christian Norberg-Schulz, dans les positionnements sur la question centrale de la fonction en architecture ou à travers la théorie de la pure visibilité et son corolaire, la connaissance corporelle. Bruno Zevi, entre autres, apporte également sa pierre à l’édifice théorique mais c’est Frank L. Wright qui est le grand bâtisseur de l’architecture organique au sens propre comme au figuré. Il n’en est cependant pas le seul pratiquant et les carrières d’autres architectes majeurs comme Eladio Dieste, Hassan Fathy, Gaudí, les époux Griffin, Hundertwasser, Alistair Samuel Knox, Rudolf Steiner ou Gustav Stickley notamment, peuvent être examinés avec intérêt sous l’angle de l’architecture environnementale. / What if architecture could be lived as an oriented element of intercession between human and his environment ? This idea was supported by a coherent architectural movement, organic architecture, forming an alternative building tradition through the entire 20th century and noticeable throughout the world. Considering that an appropriate architectural practice promote a peaceful relationship between man and his built environment and a reconnection between man and his natural environment, organicism can truly be considered as an environmental architecture. However, in spite of what we thought originally, this architectural tradition is not easy to define by its formal aspect. Rather, it is necessary to go through architectural theory to see the emergence of a common vision to a group of theorists and architects. This way of practising or considering architecture can appears in the ideas of Kenneth Frampton or Christian Norberg-Schulz, in the opinion on the key question of function in architecture, or through the theory of pure visibility and its corollary, physical knowledge. Bruno Zevi, among others, also contributes to the theoretical edifice but it is Frank L. Wright who is the great builder of organic architecture both literally and figuratively. However, he is not the only proponent of this type of architecture and the careers of other major architects such as Eladio Dieste, Hassan Fathy, Antoni Gaudí, the Griffin’s, Friedensreich Hundertwasser, Alistair Samuel Knox, Rudolf Steiner or Gustav Stickley, especially, can be analyzed with interest from the perspective of environmental architecture.
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Dos mitos acerca do determinismo climático/ambiental na história do pensamento geográfico e dos equívocos de sua crítica: reflexões metodológicas, teórico-epistemológicas, semântico-conceituais e filosóficas como prolegômenos ao estudo da relação sociedade-natureza pelo prisma da idéia das influências ambientais / On myths around climate/environmental determinism in geographic thought history and mistakes of its criticism: methodological reflections, theoretical-epsitemological, semantic-conceptual and philosophical introduction of the study in relation to nature-society through environmental influence viewCarvalho Júnior, Ilton Jardim de 25 February 2011 (has links)
Na história do pensamento geográfico há um grande equívoco na maneira pela qual é concebida a teoria do determinismo geográfico/ambiental. Isso significa que o tema tem sido tratado sob estereotipada roupagem, empobrecendo a Geografia e difamando e subestimando inúmeros geógrafos, bem como suas obras e idéias. O primeiro grande objetivo é o de demonstrar a importância histórica, científica e filosófica da idéia das influências ambientais que subjaz ao determinismo ambiental, a inevitabilidade de sua existência enquanto hipótese básica, e a impossibilidade epistemológica de se negá-la como uma hipóteses básica da Geografia, com ênfase em alguns autores rotulados de deterministas, como Hipócrates, Montesquieu, Semple e Huntington. O segundo grande objetivo é realizar uma crítica da crítica, minando algumas generalizações e equívocos dentre tantos que historicamente têm permeado o temário geográfico, e explicar o emaranhado semântico, filosófico, conceitual e epistemológico do tema das influências ambientais sobre a esfera humana, com ênfase na falsa dualidade determinismo/possibilismo. Assim, deve ser concebida como não mais que um mero prolegômeno, essencial, todavia, ao estudo da relação homem-ambiente, e em particular, ao estudo da história do pensamento geográfico, da idéia das influências ambientais e do determinismo ambiental. Ao final da pesquisa foi possível demonstrar a insustentabilidade da suposta dicotomia entre a escola determinista e a escola possibilista; a confusão conceitual, semântica e filosófica dos textos que comentam os autores deterministas; a impertinência, a leviandade e imprecisão da crítica ao determinismo, baseada mais no rótulo criado do que nas idéias em si; a riqueza de idéias de autores como Huntington e Semple, o pioneirismo possibilista de Hipócrates e Montesquieu e outros autores; a importância do modelo de modos de narrativa e dos estratagemas erísticos de Schopenhauer para a análise textual dos autores deterministas e de seus críticos, culminando com a elaboração de vinte e dois problemas essenciais de pesquisa, lançados como propostas metodológicas e epistemológicas iniciais ao estudo da história da Geografia e de suas idéias / Environmental determinism has been a controversial theme within human sciences and geography. There has been much misunderstanding and understatement concerning this fundamental explanatory hypothesis. A varied assortment of geographical works and authors have been incorrectly labeled and suffered from biased criticism and general misconceptions. The long-standing debate around environmental determinism is marked by a chaotic semantic tangle which shades its real and proper meaning. The first objective is to show the historical, philosophical and scientific importance of environmental determinism in terms of its underlying principle and hypothesis, called the idea of the environmental influences and point to its relevance as a craddle of modern geography and as valid approach to the man-milieu relationships.The second objective is to lauch a counter-criticism on those who irresponsibly dismissed environmental determinism without recognizing its underlying and unavoidable basic hypothesis and who did not read the labeled works in full. Criticism has been frequently incomplete, biased, crude, distorted, unscientific, politically oriented or naïve. The third objective is to disentangle the semantic, epistemologic and philosophic traps that threaten any attempt of covering the theme in full perspective and detail. The fourth objective is to analyse some environmentalists, such as Semple and Huntington, in order to deny the wrong labels attached to them. The fifth objective was to deconstruct the false determinism/possibilism dualism and to present a new way of interpreting this issue. The last objective was to bring a preliminary discussion of the literature of the theme, a short history of environmental ideas from the Greeks to the modern geography in the United States. After a careful analysis some myths were proven incorrect, or misleading and inaccurate at best, and as a final evaluation, twenty-one epistemological and methodological devices were listed as a contribution to the research in history of geography.
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Dos mitos acerca do determinismo climático/ambiental na história do pensamento geográfico e dos equívocos de sua crítica: reflexões metodológicas, teórico-epistemológicas, semântico-conceituais e filosóficas como prolegômenos ao estudo da relação sociedade-natureza pelo prisma da idéia das influências ambientais / On myths around climate/environmental determinism in geographic thought history and mistakes of its criticism: methodological reflections, theoretical-epsitemological, semantic-conceptual and philosophical introduction of the study in relation to nature-society through environmental influence viewIlton Jardim de Carvalho Júnior 25 February 2011 (has links)
Na história do pensamento geográfico há um grande equívoco na maneira pela qual é concebida a teoria do determinismo geográfico/ambiental. Isso significa que o tema tem sido tratado sob estereotipada roupagem, empobrecendo a Geografia e difamando e subestimando inúmeros geógrafos, bem como suas obras e idéias. O primeiro grande objetivo é o de demonstrar a importância histórica, científica e filosófica da idéia das influências ambientais que subjaz ao determinismo ambiental, a inevitabilidade de sua existência enquanto hipótese básica, e a impossibilidade epistemológica de se negá-la como uma hipóteses básica da Geografia, com ênfase em alguns autores rotulados de deterministas, como Hipócrates, Montesquieu, Semple e Huntington. O segundo grande objetivo é realizar uma crítica da crítica, minando algumas generalizações e equívocos dentre tantos que historicamente têm permeado o temário geográfico, e explicar o emaranhado semântico, filosófico, conceitual e epistemológico do tema das influências ambientais sobre a esfera humana, com ênfase na falsa dualidade determinismo/possibilismo. Assim, deve ser concebida como não mais que um mero prolegômeno, essencial, todavia, ao estudo da relação homem-ambiente, e em particular, ao estudo da história do pensamento geográfico, da idéia das influências ambientais e do determinismo ambiental. Ao final da pesquisa foi possível demonstrar a insustentabilidade da suposta dicotomia entre a escola determinista e a escola possibilista; a confusão conceitual, semântica e filosófica dos textos que comentam os autores deterministas; a impertinência, a leviandade e imprecisão da crítica ao determinismo, baseada mais no rótulo criado do que nas idéias em si; a riqueza de idéias de autores como Huntington e Semple, o pioneirismo possibilista de Hipócrates e Montesquieu e outros autores; a importância do modelo de modos de narrativa e dos estratagemas erísticos de Schopenhauer para a análise textual dos autores deterministas e de seus críticos, culminando com a elaboração de vinte e dois problemas essenciais de pesquisa, lançados como propostas metodológicas e epistemológicas iniciais ao estudo da história da Geografia e de suas idéias / Environmental determinism has been a controversial theme within human sciences and geography. There has been much misunderstanding and understatement concerning this fundamental explanatory hypothesis. A varied assortment of geographical works and authors have been incorrectly labeled and suffered from biased criticism and general misconceptions. The long-standing debate around environmental determinism is marked by a chaotic semantic tangle which shades its real and proper meaning. The first objective is to show the historical, philosophical and scientific importance of environmental determinism in terms of its underlying principle and hypothesis, called the idea of the environmental influences and point to its relevance as a craddle of modern geography and as valid approach to the man-milieu relationships.The second objective is to lauch a counter-criticism on those who irresponsibly dismissed environmental determinism without recognizing its underlying and unavoidable basic hypothesis and who did not read the labeled works in full. Criticism has been frequently incomplete, biased, crude, distorted, unscientific, politically oriented or naïve. The third objective is to disentangle the semantic, epistemologic and philosophic traps that threaten any attempt of covering the theme in full perspective and detail. The fourth objective is to analyse some environmentalists, such as Semple and Huntington, in order to deny the wrong labels attached to them. The fifth objective was to deconstruct the false determinism/possibilism dualism and to present a new way of interpreting this issue. The last objective was to bring a preliminary discussion of the literature of the theme, a short history of environmental ideas from the Greeks to the modern geography in the United States. After a careful analysis some myths were proven incorrect, or misleading and inaccurate at best, and as a final evaluation, twenty-one epistemological and methodological devices were listed as a contribution to the research in history of geography.
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