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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of management skills within graded establishments in South Africa / Walter Johan Wessels

Wessels, Walter Johan January 2015 (has links)
The tourism industry is one of the biggest economic contributors in South Africa and it is predicted that the industry will grow significantly over the years to come. This growth pressures South Africa to stay competitive and adhere to the needs of the visitors. The latter being one of the core functions of any tourism establishment. Labour structures in the tourism industry are constantly changing and to deliver quality products, employees should be well skilled and prepared for the demands of the industry. The accommodation sector, one of the biggest sectors in the tourism industry, provides a variety of services to tourists when visiting this country. It was determined in the literature review that the skills needed by an accommodation manager, to provide the expected services include flexibility, people skills, the ability to train other employees and the ability to explore the ever changing needs of the tourist. Higher education organisations in South Africa educate potential tourism employees in a variety of skills and knowledge. However, some employees are still of the opinion that these students are not adequately prepared for the demands of the industry and therefore complain. Added to this, there is very little communication between the industry and higher education organisations. Therefore the tourism industry feels that students are not employable which creates challenges for students, higher education organisations and the tourism industry. Education and skills development should contribute directly to the economic growth of South Africa and the government, a very important role player in the tourism industry, encourages education opportunities in South Africa. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine, through industry participitation, what the management skills required within graded establishments in South Africa are. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were set: To analyse the literature available regarding the managerial theories, managerial levels, managerial processes and universal skills needed by managers, to analyse the tourism industry and hospitality sector, identify the important role played by managerial skills within this sector and to identify higher education programmes available in South Africa that focus specifically on managerial skills development for the accommodation sector. Thirdly, to collect and analyse the perceptions of accommodation owners and managers regarding the managerial skills and knowledge required by graduate managerial employees and then to draw conclusions and make recommendations to higher education organisations to adapt tourism management qualification programmes. This was achieved by making use of a quantitative research method by means of self-administered questionnaires, distributed to 254 Tourism Grading Counsil of South Africa’s (TGCSA) graded establishment managers in the nine (9) provinces of South Africa. The data, gathered from the questionnaire, was captured electronically by an online programme, SurveyMonkey. The data was then processed by means of SPSS and analysed. The descriptive results revealed that most of the responding accommodation establishments do employ graduates, but these graduates have to display certain characteristics. The top three characteristics for an accommodation manager included trustworthiness, responsibility and motivation in that order. Being ambitious, intelligent and sensitive rated the lowest. A factor analysis revealed that there are 10 important factors that contributes to being an effective accommodation manager. These skills included: 1) Personal characteristics, 2) Forecasting skills, 3) Strategic management skills, 4) Human resource skills, 5) Problem solving and crisis management skills, 6) Communication skills, 7) Information technology skills, 8) Customer service skills, 9) Financial skills and 10) Marketing skills. The comparisons (by means of ANOVA’s, t-tests and spearman rank order correlations) between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected business characteristics (the province in which the accommodation establishment is located, the grading status, the size, the number of employees and the years that the accommodation establishment has been in operation) are unique to this study and various significant differences were identified. Comparisons have also been done between skills needed by an accommodation manager and selected personal characteristics (age, current position, duration of employment, level of higher education and the necessity of practical skills before employment of the respondent) which also revealed significant differences. The highest number of significant differences was identified for larger establishments, age, position of the respondents and the duration of employment. The results of this study can be used by higher education organisations to adapt their current tourism management qualifications, and by accommodation establishments to understand the training needs of employees. It did however voice the concerns of industry role players when it comes to new graduates and their employability. / MA (Tourism Management), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Rozvoj manažerských dovedností a budování týmu v rámci projektu Pro-Women Odyssey / Development of Managerial Skills and Team Building in the Frame of the Pro-Women Odyssey Project

Lejčková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This master thesis discusses the possibilities of education of women managers/entrepreneurs. The aim of the thesis is to identify the form of an educational project suitable for the development of women entrepreneurs. As a result, I analyze not only the skills typical for successful managers, but also the features of managerial development and education and factors influencing the development and education of women entrepreneurs. Then I am trying to outline suitable methods for development of women entrepreneurs, with a special focus on women only training programs. In order to analyze the educational program better, I also focus on the design and evaluation of an educational activity. In the practical part of the thesis, I analyze the effectiveness of the PROFI ŽENA I. project and of the training course Managerial Skills and Team Building, and I am trying to identify the educational preferences of women entrepreneurs. Although, according to the survey, the concept of two-day courses seems to be insufficient for gaining new skills and knowledge, the project appears to be very beneficial for the participants, especially in terms of gaining new contacts, experience, self- affirmation and raising self-confidence. A good way to increase the effectiveness of the course would be some form of a follow-up...

Firemní mateřské školy (jako aktuální otázka vzdělávací politiky v České republice) / Company nursery (as a current issue of educational policy in the Czech Republic)

Jabůrková, Alena January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with current topic of lack of capacity of public nurseries and sketches possibilities of establishment of company nurseries as another way of preschools in the theoretical part. The diploma thesis makes an effort to summarize basic factors which can influence establishment and development of these company nurseries. Emphasis is put on importance of preschool education. The research part describes poossibilities of establishment and operation of company nurseries, finds out current development a identifies factors which influence their establlishment and operations. The research part is also focused on quality of education in these company nurseries. The qualitative research was used to achieve the research goal, the main method used to achieve the goal was multiple-case study.

Makt utan magi : En studie av chefers yrkeskunnande

Snickare, Lotta January 2012 (has links)
What do executives do, and how do their actions impact on the company’s results? Questions such as these are constantly targeted in leadership research. Despite thousands of reports in the field, there is no consensus on what the concept of leadership entails. Nor can companies and organisations be said to have a clear idea of what executives actually do. Nevertheless, the investments in leadership development seem to indicate that executives are considered vital to the company’s results. The vague notions about what executive work entails, together with assumptions concerning their importance to the company or organisation, lend a certain magical aura to their work. In this study, executives are regarded as a professional category, and are consequently examined with a qualitative method whereby the professionals begin by reflecting in writing on their skills, and then take part in a group discussion on their skills based on their written reflections. This method, known as the dialogue seminar method, has been used on other professional categories with good results. Since executives have not previously been studied in terms of their skills, the results have been compared to leadership research. Leadership studies with a gender perspective have shown that gender impacts on the likelihood of obtaining and practising executive positions and skills. Therefore, the results of this study have also been analysed from a gender perspective. The skills of executives and other staff are described as the capacity to follow rules, i.e. interpreting rules and then applying them in concrete situations. A rule says nothing about how it should be followed, however. If the way in which a rule should be followed were to be described in a rule, another rule would be needed to describe how that rule should be followed, and so on, ad infinitum. Thus, rules must be interpreted as something that requires access to an “archive” of examples. One specific executive skill consists of developing co-workers’ rule-following skills. For executives, following the rules involves making decisions based on tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge, in turn, is based on an inner vision of what is taking place right now in the organisation, and what is crucial to customers, employees, the organisation and the world at large. It also includes understanding people’s urges, thoughts, needs, wishes, and what they are saying. Tacit knowledge develops in the interplay between reflecting over examples and taking strategic action. Decision-making situations can often be unclear and contradictory. Therefore the executive’s skills must include the ability to handle uncertainty in three different ways. The first is by being honest about the fact that all decisions cannot be made, and that some decisions take time. The second is explaining to employees that an organisation cannot be entirely regulated by guidelines, and that judgement in the form of reflected experience is therefore a crucial element in all action. The third is coping with the fact that an executive position does not automatically entail being able to make the right decision. Thus, the executive must accommodate uncertainty in the world at large, the employees’ uncertainty, and his or her own uncertainty. Empirical analysis also highlights another aspect of executive skills. Executives need to be fast, not merely in the sense of having a high work capacity, but in the sense of never saying no or questioning deliveries. Above all, comparisons with leadership research reveal differences in the interpretation of empirical data. The way in which executives follow rules, for instance, is also described in research on leadership, but only as a phenomenon linked with unusual situations, as when executives need to take emergency action in unforeseen circumstances, or make decisions in cases that are not covered by the general rules, rather than as a day-to-day occurrence. Similarly, there is a difference in perspectives on handling uncertainty. In leadership research, this is described as the executive dealing with something that has gone wrong and putting it right. In the study at hand, the concept is expanded, to demonstrate that the executive’s actions can involve accommodating the worries that this uncertainty breeds within the organisation. Empirical data do not show any differences in the descriptions of the executive skills of women and men. Women and men practise these executive skills similarly. Men’s tendency to identify themselves with senior management, however, is interpreted as a sign of homosocial structures in the organisation. The fact that men are more ambivalent than women faced with the opportunity and responsibility of promoting change consequently indicates that admittance into a homosocial structure restricts their freedom of action. There is a difference, however, between the executive skills of women and men in that women, unlike men, have to relate to the issue of their own gender. Their approach to this can vary between two leadership discourses; one that is gender-neutral, and one where gender is significant. Women’s knowledge of how gender is constructed in organisations, in leadership and in other structures and processes, is thus included in the tacit knowledge that comprises their skills. Keywords: executive, manager, management, leadership, gender, skills, tacit knowledge, follow rules, breaking rules, rules, decision-making, accommodate uncertainty, homosocial structures. / Vad en chef gör och vilken betydelse chefens agerande har för företagets resultat är frågor som ständigt sysselsätter ledarskapsforskare. Men trots många tusen studier finns det inom forskningen inte någon gemensam uppfattning om vad begreppet ledarskap innebär. Inte heller inom företag och organisationer finns någon tydlig bild av vad chefer egentligen gör. Däremot visar till exempel satsningar på ledarutveckling att cheferna uppfattas som mycket viktiga för företagets resultat. Otydligheten i vad chefers arbete innebär tillsammans med föreställningen om chefens betydelse för företag och organisationer resulterar i att bilden av chefers arbete får inslag av magi. I den här studien ses chefskap som ett yrke och undersöks därför med en kvalitativ metod som innebär att yrkesutövare först skriftligt reflekterar över sitt yrkeskunnande och sedan i grupp diskuterar yrkeskunnandet utifrån de skriftliga reflektionerna. Metoden som kallas dialogseminariemetoden har använts i andra yrkesgrupper än chefer med goda resultat. Eftersom chefers yrkeskunnande inte tidigare undersökts som yrkeskunnande har resultaten jämförts med ledarskapsforskning. Att kön har betydelse för förutsättningarna att få och att utöva chefskap visas i ledarskapsforskning med könsperspektiv. Därför har även studiens resultat analyserats ur detta forskningsperspektiv. Yrkeskunnande för såväl chefer som medarbetare beskrivs som regelföljande det vill säga att tolka regler och därefter agera i en konkret situation. En regel säger ingenting om hur den ska följas. Om följandet av en regel skulle beskrivas i en regel skulle följandet av denna regel behöva beskrivas i en regel och så vidare i all oändlighet. Istället måste regler tolkas något som kräver tillgång till ett ”bibliotek” av exempel. Ett specifikt yrkeskunnande för chefer är att utveckla medarbetarnas yrkeskunnande i form av regelföljande. För chefer innebär regelföljande att fatta beslut utifrån tyst kunskap. Den tysta kunskapen bygger på en inre bild av vad som händer just nu i verksamheten och är viktigt för kunder, medarbetare, organisation och omvärld. Samt en förståelse för vad människor drivs av, tänker, behöver, önskar och säger. Den tysta kunskapen byggs upp i ett växelspel mellan reflektion över exempel och ett strategiskt agerande. Ofta är beslutssituationerna otydliga och motstridiga. Det innebär att chefens yrkeskunnande innebär att härbärgera osäkerhet på tre olika sätt. Det första genom att stå för att alla beslut inte kan fattas och att vissa inte kan fattas snabbt. Det andra genom att tydliggöra för medarbetarna att verksamheten inte går att fullt ut styra med regelverk och att omdöme i form av reflekterad erfarenhet därför är en viktig del i allt handlande. Det tredje genom att hantera insikten om att chefspositionen inte automatiskt innebär att det går att fatta rätt beslut. Chefen härbärgerar således omvärldens osäkerhet, medarbetarnas osäkerhet och den egna osäkerheten. I analys av empirin framkommer också en annan aspekt av chefers yrkeskunnande. Chefer måste vara snabba, inte bara i betydelsen att ha hög arbetskapacitet utan också som att aldrig säga nej till eller ifrågasätta leveranser. Jämförelsen med ledarskapsforskning visar framför allt på skillnader i tolkningen av empirin. Chefers regelföljande beteende beskrivs till exempel även inom ledarskapsforskningen. Men där beskrivs det som något som sker ibland, att chefen gör en brandkårsutryckning när något oväntat händer eller fattar beslut i de fall som inte hanteras av regelverken, inte som något som sker ständigt. På samma sätt finns en skillnad i synen på hanterandet av osäkerhet. Det beskrivs inom ledarskapsforskningen som att chefen hanterar det som gått fel och ställer allt till rätta. I denna studie utvecklas begreppet genom att visa att hanterandet för chefen kan innebära att härbärgera den oro osäkerheten medför i organisationen. Empirin visar inte några skillnader mellan kvinnor och män i beskrivningarna av chefers yrkeskunnande. Kvinnor och män utövar chefskap på samma sätt. Männens identifikation med högre chefer tolkas dock som tecken på homosociala strukturer i organisationen. Att männen är mer ambivalenta än kvinnorna till både möjligheten och det egna ansvaret för att driva förändring innebär då att upptagande i en homosocial struktur begränsar handlingsutrymmet. Däremot finns det en skillnad mellan kvinnors och mäns yrkeskunnande som chefer på så sätt att kvinnor till skillnad från män måste förhålla sig till sitt kön. Kvinnorna väljer att hantera detta genom att växla mellan två ledarskapsdiskurser; en könsneutral och en där kön har betydelse. Kvinnornas kunskap om hur kön görs i organisationer, i konstruktionen av ledarskap såväl som i övriga strukturer och processer, är således en del i den tysta kunskap som utgör deras yrkeskunnande. / <p>QC 20120514</p>

Promoção de atividades de inovação organizacional da visão do líder: estudo de caso em empresa do setor energético brasileiro

Monti, Carlo Bruzaferro 16 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2016-01-29T17:58:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Carlo Bruzaferro Monti.pdf: 2502180 bytes, checksum: 678f8cd1b6f320299ab6fbb349aae510 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-29T17:58:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Carlo Bruzaferro Monti.pdf: 2502180 bytes, checksum: 678f8cd1b6f320299ab6fbb349aae510 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-16 / O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar de que forma o desempenho da liderança e a importância dos seus papéis podem influenciar a promoção de atividades de inovação organizacionais. Para isso, esta pesquisa tem como objetivos específicos registrar qual a percepção dos gestores quanto à importância e o desempenho dos seus papéis, registrar quais tipos de atividades de inovação são promovidos pelos gestores sob a ótica de cada um dos seus papéis, analisar todas as variáveis de forma cruzada e criar um índice de coerência na promoção das atividades de inovação. A metodologia utilizada é um estudo de caso, com levantamento de informação feito por meio de questionário com perguntas fechadas. Foram feitas análises quanto aos tipos de atividades mais frequentes, aos tipos de atividades por cada papel do gestor, à importância de cada responsabilidade dos gestores, ao desempenho de cada responsabilidade dos gestores e ao desempenho em conjunto com a importância. Por fim, conclui-se que os gestores desta empresa não se comportam exatamente como esperado pela literatura. Este comportamento cria a oportunidade de se propor uma metodologia para que os gestores avaliem periodicamente suas responsabilidades e promovam as atividades de inovação necessárias de modo a maximizar sua coerência. / The aim of this study is to analyze how the performance of leadership and the importance of their roles can influence the promotion of organizational innovation activities. To do this, this research has the following specific objectives: registering the perception of managers on the importance and performance of their roles, record which types of innovation activities are promoted by managers from the perspective of each of their roles, analyze all the variables crosswise and create a consistency index in the promotion of innovation activities. The methodology used is a case study with information from survey through a questionnaire made of closed questions. Analyses were made for the most frequent types of activities, types of activities for each role of the manager, the importance of each one of manager’s responsibilities, the performance of each manager’s responsibilities and the performance together with the importance. Finally, it is concluded that managers of this company do not behave exactly as expected by literature. This behavior creates the opportunity to propose a methodology for managers periodically evaluate their responsibilities and promote the necessary innovation activities in order to maximize their coherence.

Činnost koordinátora školního vzdělávacího programu / Work of the coordinator of school education programme

Radová, Lenka January 2015 (has links)
The thesis offers a comprehensive look at the work of the Coordinator of the school educational programme, his professional and personal prerequisites for the performance of specialized function. In the theoretical part of the work is defined the role of the Coordinator, described the content of his activity and characterized his managerial skills needed to management of creating of the school educational programmes. One part of the work is a description of the activities of the Coordinator in the preparation, formation and implementation of the school educational programme. The empirical part of the thesis includes an analysis of the educational programme entitled: The Coordinator of the school educational programme. By means of interviews with the coordinators of school educational programmes, they were inquired about their experience with the authors of educational programmes and the utilization of knowledge from a preparatory course in real activity. Questionnaire survey was the basis for finding out opinions of the educational programmes creators themselves on the activity of the coordinators. Area of research was focused on the schools in the Pilsen region. Keywords: The Coordinator of the school educational programme, the school educational programme, curricular reform, activity of the...

Osobnost úspěšného manažera / Successful Manager Personality

Spurná, Lenka January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis "Personality of the successful manager" deals with finding the characteristics of successful manager. And this from the perspective of Czech managers and also from the perspective of managers of firms from other countries. The work also describes the interesting problems with which managers encounter in practice, because shared experiences are valuable for the further development of managerial skills. Finally, add additional suggestions for management development.

The challenges facing traffic officers in the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District

Ramavhunga, Muthuhadini Hendrick 21 September 2018 (has links)
MPM / Oliver Tambo Institute of Governance and Policy Studies / The study investigates the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District and explore possible solutions to the challenges facing Vhembe District in the management of traffic law. Road transport safety, particularly enforcement of traffic laws is challenging globally, especially in developing countries, where it affects both road users and governments. Due to a number of reasons the subculture of traffic and other law enforcement agents is not always viewed in a favorable light. Media reports and newspaper articles give evidence of a total disregard for law enforcement and lack of respect for law enforcement officials. The study used both quantitative and qualitative techniques for data collection and analysis. The Quantitative techniques were mostly used in that they provided the researcher with an understanding of experiences and challenges facing traffic officers in the management of traffic law in Limpopo Province with specific reference to Vhembe District. A simple random and purposive sample was used for selection of a sample population. A purposive sampling technique will be employed in selection study participants of qualitative method. A sample of 50 traffic officers was randomly selected for the survey and 10 traffic chiefs and principals were purposively selected for the interviews. The study found that of lack of good managerial skills, lack of motivation to work, shortage of staff, lack of modern equipment and lack of training as challenges. The treatment of traffic offenses as “petty” by the Department of Justice and in particular magistrates was also identified as a major challenge. The study recommends that the Department of Transport Management should provide traffic police officials with sufficient resources and equipment at the traffic police stations in order to perform optimally. / NRF

Capacita??o gerencial para a UFRRJ: uma proposta baseada na aprendizagem dos gestores no escopo de uma gest?o de pessoas por compet?ncias / Managerial development for UFRRJ: Building a Proposal based on managers learning to support a Professional Competencies Management System

SALLES, Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz 01 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2018-11-01T17:34:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz Salles.pdf: 1724285 bytes, checksum: 0c2d93b35fcc3a346de378608aaccdd5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-01T17:34:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Michelle de Andrade Souza Diniz Salles.pdf: 1724285 bytes, checksum: 0c2d93b35fcc3a346de378608aaccdd5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-01 / This is an exploratory qualitative research accomplished at a Higher Education Federal Institution (HEFI), situated in Rio de Janeiro State. It aimed at developing a proposal for public managers? capacity building departing from their managerial learning capacity in order to develop their managerial competency to support a Professional Competencies Management System. Therefore, this research answered: How to develop managerial capacity dedicated to the HEFI real context considering managers emergent learning process at work? Five intermediate goals were also attained: (a) Characterizing the management learning activity in public service; (b) Elucidating the managers? perception about the required competencies for practicing their managerial role; (c) Identifying managerial competencies developed by managers in the exercise of managerial activity; (d) Identifying individual and collective learning processes embedded in managers work, (e) Setting up the managerial development activities. Empirical data collected among 19 managers of the HEFI, through semi-structured individual interviews, were qualitatively analyzed by means of hermeneutic interpretive inductive approach. Empirical results indicates that the managers learning process and managerial competency development occurred through: (a) Self-learning, (b) vicarious learning, c) self-experience, and by solving problems in a trial and error mode (d) Social and collective interactions (e) Formal education (f) Working practice deconstruction; g) Managers? life activities off work. To trigger the development of managerial competencies including the emerging managers learning processes at this HEFI, an institutionalized managerial development project is needed grounded in andragogy pedagogy, this is, specific for adult learning process based on public managers awareness enhancement about the importance of the various ways of learning in the working practice. For instance, encouraging vicarious learning through the presentation of other institutions cases and the collective identification of the required managerial competencies. The managerial development project structure should take into account the need to meet individual managers? development requirement as well as the constraints imposed by the collective election process for being a public manager at this HEFI. Developing managerial competencies should have as structure: a) Evaluation b) learning c) Analysis d) Practice e) Application. Managerial competencies development should follow a continuous learning at work approach, taking into account profile differences concerning the academic and technical managerial positions. / Trata-se de uma pesquisa explorat?ria de natureza qualitativa realizada em uma institui??o federal de ensino superior (IFES), situada no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo do estudo foi subsidiar uma capacita??o de gestores p?blicos com vistas a desenvolver compet?ncias gerenciais no escopo da Gest?o de Pessoas por Compet?ncias. Para tanto partiu-se da quest?o como capacitar gestores da UFRRJ nas compet?ncias gerenciais tendo como base a aprendizagem dos gestores no escopo de uma Gest?o de Pessoas por Compet?ncias? e cinco objetivos intermedi?rios foram alcan?ados: (a) Caracterizar a aprendizagem gerencial no servi?o p?blico; (b) Levantar as compet?ncias requeridas dos gestores segundo a percep??o dos mesmos para o exerc?cio da fun??o gerencial; (c) Identificar as compet?ncias gerenciais desenvolvidas pelos gestores no exerc?cio da atividade gerencial; (d) Identificar processos de aprendizagem individual e coletiva presentes no trabalho dos gestores; (e) Propor atividades de capacita??o gerencial para desenvolvimento de compet?ncias gerenciais pertinentes aos gestores da IFES examinada. A coleta de dados emp?ricos foi feita junto a 19 gestores, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas conduzidas pessoalmente com cada entrevistado. A an?lise qualitativa dos dados se realizou por meio de abordagem indutiva com interpreta??o hermen?utica. Os resultados emp?ricos indicam que o processo de aprendizagem gerencial ocorre por meio de: a) Auto-aprendizagem; b) Aprendizagem vic?ria; c) Experi?ncia pr?pria, resolvendo problemas e por tentativa e erro; d) Intera??es sociais e coletivas; e) Educa??o formal; f) Desconstru??o de pr?ticas de trabalho; g) Atividades na vida dos gestores fora do trabalho. As compet?ncias foram desenvolvidas por meio destes processos de aprendizagem. Para ativar o desenvolvimento de compet?ncias gerenciais por meio de aprendizagem na IFES recomenda-se a institucionaliza??o de um Programa de capacita??o gerencial, com base na andragogia, ou seja especifica para aprendizagem de adultos, pautada em um processo de sensibiliza??o dos quadros gestores, a ser feita propiciando uma aprendizagem vic?ria por meio da apresenta??o de exemplos de outras institui??es e pela identifica??o coletiva das necessidades dos pr?prios gestores da IFES. A estrutura da capacita??o dever? levar em considera??o a necessidade de atender as demandas de desenvolvimento gerencial assim como as restri??es impostas pelo processo de elei??o colegiada de gestores vigente. Recomenda-se uma capacita??o assim estruturada: a) Avalia??o; b) Aprendizagem; c) An?lise; d) Pr?tica; e) Aplica??o. S?o sugeridas capacita??es gerenciais seguindo a abordagem da capacita??o continuada por n?veis, considerando as diferen?as dos respectivos perfis dos cargos t?cnicos e docentes.

Promoção de atividades de inovação organizacional na visão do líder: estudo de caso em empresa do setor energético brasileiro

Monti, Carlo Bruzaferro January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Silva (marcia@latec.uff.br) on 2015-12-11T17:16:59Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Carlo Bruzaferro Monti.pdf: 2502180 bytes, checksum: 678f8cd1b6f320299ab6fbb349aae510 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-11T17:16:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissert Carlo Bruzaferro Monti.pdf: 2502180 bytes, checksum: 678f8cd1b6f320299ab6fbb349aae510 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / O objetivo geral deste trabalho é analisar de que forma o desempenho da liderança e a importância dos seus papéis podem influenciar a promoção de atividades de inovação organizacionais. Para isso, esta pesquisa tem como objetivos específicos registrar qual a percepção dos gestores quanto à importância e o desempenho dos seus papéis, registrar quais tipos de atividades de inovação são promovidos pelos gestores sob a ótica de cada um dos seus papéis, analisar todas as variáveis de forma cruzada e criar um índice de coerência na promoção das atividades de inovação. A metodologia utilizada é um estudo de caso, com levantamento de informação feito por meio de questionário com perguntas fechadas. Foram feitas análises quanto aos tipos de atividades mais frequentes, aos tipos de atividades por cada papel do gestor, à importância de cada responsabilidade dos gestores, ao desempenho de cada responsabilidade dos gestores e ao desempenho em conjunto com a importância. Por fim, conclui-se que os gestores desta empresa não se comportam exatamente como esperado pela literatura. Este comportamento cria a oportunidade de se propor uma metodologia para que os gestores avaliem periodicamente suas responsabilidades e promovam as atividades de inovação necessárias de modo a maximizar sua coerência. / The aim of this study is to analyze how the performance of leadership and the importance of their roles can influence the promotion of organizational innovation activities. To do this, this research has the following specific objectives: registering the perception of managers on the importance and performance of their roles, record which types of innovation activities are promoted by managers from the perspective of each of their roles, analyze all the variables crosswise and create a consistency index in the promotion of innovation activities. The methodology used is a case study with information from survey through a questionnaire made of closed questions. Analyses were made for the most frequent types of activities, types of activities for each role of the manager, the importance of each one of manager’s responsibilities, the performance of each manager’s responsibilities and the performance together with the importance. Finally, it is concluded that managers of this company do not behave exactly as expected by literature. This behavior creates the opportunity to propose a methodology for managers periodically evaluate their responsibilities and promote the necessary innovation activities in order to maximize their coherence.

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