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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analise comparativa entre tratamentos instituídos para fraturas de côndilo mandibular / Comparative analysis among the treatments provided for the mandibular condyle fractures

Grempel, Rafael Grotta 16 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luis Augusto Passeri / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T05:13:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Grempel_RafaelGrotta_D.pdf: 3448168 bytes, checksum: 63d5cf62525db52fd98171c2d6056cd2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: As fraturas faciais detêm uma importante participação junto ao atendimento dos pacientes vítimas de traumatismos. Dentre estas fraturas, aquelas envolvendo o côndilo mandibular são com certeza as que mais levantam questionamento e discussão quanto à forma de tratamento e, quando tratadas de forma incorreta podem trazer conseqüências severas e por vezes irreversíveis ao sistema estomatognático. Desta forma, ressalta-se a necessidade de estabelecer um protocolo quanto ao tratamento destas fraturas, por meio de ensaios clínicos e acompanhamento a longo prazo dos resultados adquiridos com os diversos tratamentos protocolados. Realizou-se então este estudo observacional, retrospectivo e longitudinal, visando a avaliação epidemiológica específica das fraturas de côndilo mandibular, tratadas pela Área de Cirurgia Buco-maxilo-facial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), avaliando a forma de tratamento instituído e as complicações decorrentes deste. Foram analisados todos os prontuários de 1999 a 2006, totalizando 223 pacientes com 265 fraturas de côndilo, sendo 174 (78%) do gênero masculino e 49 (22%) do feminino, com média de idade de 28,2 anos ± 14,6 anos. O grupo etário mais acometido foi aquele entre 11 e 30 anos com 60% dos casos. Em 113 (50,7%) pacientes as fraturas ocorreram de forma isolada, existindo no restante pelo menos uma fratura em outra região da mandíbula. A maior parte dos pacientes era branca (65,1%), economicamente ativa (66,4%) e dentada (49,7%). O agente etiológico mais comum foram os acidentes envolvendo meios de transporte (58,9%), destes, 40% foram ciclísticos, 29,2% automobilísticos, 15,7% motociclísticos e 2,2% atropelamentos. As quedas foram responsáveis por 21,5% dos casos, seguidas pela agressão (11,6%), acidentes de trabalho (4%), acidentes esportivos (3,1%) e outros (1,3%). Dos pacientes que receberam tratamento, 178 (79,8%) receberam tratamento fechado (sem abordagem direta à fratura), 41 (18,4%) receberam tratamento aberto e quatro (1,8%) não receberam tratamento. Onze (4,9%) pacientes evoluíram com alguma complicação, sendo oito com má-oclusão. Pôde-se concluir que o tratamento fechado foi o mais predominantemente instituído e que as complicações advindas do tratamento foram raras. / Abstract: Facial fractures have an important contribution on the care of patients suffering from trauma. Among these fractures, those involving the mandibular condyle are certainly the ones with more discussion and controversies on treatment options and, the incorrect treatment can bring severe and sometimes irreversible consequences on the stomatognathic system. There for, it's emphasized the requirement for standardization regarding the treatment of these fractures through clinical trials with a long-term evaluation of the results obtained with the different treatment options. Thus, it was developed an observational, prospective and longitudinal study, aiming a specific epidemiological assessment of fractures of mandibular condylar process, treated by the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the Piracicaba Dental School - Campinas State University (Unicamp), in order to evaluate the treatment and the complications arising from it. There were analyzed all patient records from 1999 to 2006, totaling 223 patients with 265 fractures of the condyle, being 174 (78%) male and 49 (22%) female, with an average age of 28.2 years ± 14.6 years. The most affected age group was between 11 and 30 years with 60% of the cases. In 113 (50.7%) patients fractures were isolated, and in the rest, there was at least one another mandible fracture. Most patients were white (65.1%), economically active (66.4%) and dentate (49.7%). The most frequent causal agent were accidents involving means of transport (58.9%) of these, 40% were by bicycicle, 29.2% by car, 15.7% motorcycle and 2.2% were pedestrians. Falls were responsible for 21.5% of the cases, followed by assault (11.6%), accidents at work (4%), sports accidents (3.1%) and others (1.3%). Regarding the patients that received treatment, 178 (79.8%) received closed treatment, 41 (18.4%) received open treatment and four (1.8%) didn't receive any treatment. Eleven (4.9%) patients have presented some complication, such as malocclusion (eight cases). It could be concluded that the surgical closed treatment was the most predominantly established and that the complications arising from the treatment were rare. / Doutorado / Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Faciais / Doutor em Clínica Odontológica

Estudo comparativo entre duas tecnicas radiograficas transcranianas utilizando o cefalostato Accurad-200, nas posições padrão corrigida e confecção de um gabarito para delimitação dos espaços articulares

Pereira, Teresa Cristina Rangel 28 April 1997 (has links)
Orientador: Frab Norberto Boscolo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-22T03:21:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira_TeresaCristinaRangel_M.pdf: 2396331 bytes, checksum: 6560e28d5c00747cb15d69d307010e69 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1997 / Resumo: Este estudo teve como finalidades realizar uma análise comparativa entre duas técnicas radiográficas transcranianas com o auxílio do cefalostato ACCURAD-200, nas posições Padrão e Corrigida e desenvolver um gabarito que auxilie o profissional a medir os espaços articulares anterior e posterior, fornecendo informações sobre o posicionamento condilar. Foram radiografados 59 pacientes, numa faixa etária entre 18 e 35 anos, que voluntariamente se propuseram a participar deste estudo. Foi realizada uma radiografia ínfero-superior para a correção da incidência do feixe de raios X (posição Corrigida). Sobre as radiografias transcranianas foram realizados os traçados com o auxílio do gabarito e feitas as medidas lineares dos espaços articulares, usando para tal um paquímetro digital. Nossos resultados demonstraram que para ambas as técnicas empregadas o espaço articular posterior apresentou-se menor que o anterior, e que o método desenvolvido permite a avaliação do posicionamento condilar / Abstract: This study had the purpose of making a comparative analyse between transcranial radiographs utilizing ACCURAD-200 headholder in standard and corrected positions and to develop a Template to help professionals measure the anterior and posterior joint spaces and give some information about condyle position. Transcranial radiographs were taken from 59 voluntaries who participated in this study, aged between 18-35 years. A submental-vertex radiograph was obtained to correct the direction of X-rays (corrected position). A drawn was made over the films whith help of the Template and the linear measure of the joint space was made with a digital pachymeter. The results have shown that for both technics used the posterior joint space was smaller than the anterior one, and the method developed permitted the estimation of condylar positioning / Mestrado / Radiologia / Mestre em Odontologia

Estudo retrospectivo de 489 casos de fratura de mandíbula no período de dez anos / A retrospective study of 489 cases of mandibular bone fractures in ten years period

Eduardo Henrique Pantosso de Medeiros 29 May 2014 (has links)
Este estudo tem como objetivo a análise retrospectiva de quatrocentos e oitenta e nove prontuários de pacientes que apresentaram fraturas do osso mandibular, pertencentes ao Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Faciais da Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeirão Preto (FORP/USP) provenientes de atendimentos realizados no período compreendido entre agosto de 2002 e julho de 2012. A análise foi direcionada a dados relativos a variáveis populacionais como idade, gênero, cor e profissão. Também foram analisados os exames de imagem solicitados, vícios, etiologia, sinais e sintomas, classificação da fratura, fraturas associadas de face ou não, abordagem, tratamento, tempo para intervenção cirúrgica e internação, além do período de acompanhamento e complicações. O critério para a inclusão dos prontuários na amostra foram de apresentarem fratura de mandíbula, com preenchimento completo de informações e de possuírem o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Como critérios de exclusão, foram desconsiderados os prontuários com preenchimento incompleto das informações e que não possuiam o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido assinado. Os dados coletados por um único examinador foram transportados para uma planilha eletrônica utilizando o programa Microsoft Excel sendo realizada neste momento uma análise descritiva dos resultados obtidos. Tabelas e gráficos foram utilizados para a apresentação e interpretação destes dados. Concluimos que houve prevalência do gênero. / The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyse four hundred and eighty-nine patients files presenting fractures of the mandibular bone, incident from attendances at the Department of Traumatology and Maxillofacial Surgery, from the School of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto (FORP/USP) during the period between August 2002 and July 2012. The analysis was directed through population data variables such as age, gender, race and profession. Imaging tests requested, addictions, etiology of trauma, signs and symptoms, fractures classification, associated fractures, approach, treatment, time to surgical intervention and hospitalization, apart from follow-up period and complications were also analyzed. The criterion for inclusion of records in the sample were experiencing jaw fracture with complete filling of information and having the Term of Consent. Exclusion criteria were disregarded the charts with incomplete filling of information and lacked the Term of Consent signed. The data collected by a single observer were transported to a spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel program currently being conducted to a descriptive analysis of the results. Tables and graphs were used for the presentation and interpretation of these data. We conclude that there was a prevalence of male gender, white race, aged between 21-30 years with fractures of the left side, unilateral, etiology traffic accident. Most fractures were treated surgically, intraoral access were prevalent and complication rates were low.

Avaliação do tratamento cirúrgico das fraturas de côndilo mandibular pelo acesso retromandibular transparotídeo / Evaluation of the surgical treatment of mandibular condyle fractures through retromandibular transparotid approach

Endrigo Oliveira Bastos 03 December 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A redução cirúrgica e fixação rígida por meio do acesso retromandibular transparotídeo vem se difundindo como uma das opções para o controverso tratamento das fraturas de côndilo mandibular. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o tratamento cirúrgico pela via retromandibular transparotídea das fraturas extracapsulares de côndilo mandibular em adultos. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente dez pacientes consecutivos operados pelo autor no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Todos eram adultos com fraturas extracapsulares de côndilo mandibular causando encurtamento maior que 2 mm ou desvio maior que 10 graus. Os pacientes foram operados por meio do acesso retromandibular transparotídeo e tiveram suas tomografias pré e pós-operatórias avaliadas por meio de reconstrução tridimensional. A qualidade da redução quanto ao posicionamento no foco de fratura foi classificada como ideal, satisfatória ou pobre. Em sete pacientes com fraturas unilaterais, os lados não fraturados serviram como controles em uma avaliação quantitativa do posicionamento da cabeça condilar. As variáveis altura condilar e inclinações sagital, coronal e axial foram medidas nas tomografias pré e pós-operatórias para os lados fraturados e não fraturados. As diferentes medidas foram comparadas entre si. Quanto à morbidade do acesso, foram avaliadas: assimetrias na mímica facial, incidência de fístulas salivares ou infecções e qualidade das cicatriz. Com pelo menos 18 meses após a cirurgia, os pacientes foram convocados para uma avaliação do pós-operatório tardio. Foram questionados quanto a presença de estalidos articulares, limitação da abertura oral, dor facial e mastigação insatisfatória. A situação referida no pós-operatório tardio foi comparada referida para o período anterior ao trauma. Os pacientes foram examinados em busca de estalidos ou dor à palpação facial, intercuspidação não corrigida, desvio à abertura oral, limitação à protrusão ou à lateralidade. A abertura oral máxima foi quantificada. RESULTADOS: No foco de fratura, a redução foi classificada como satisfatória ou ideal em nove pacientes. Quanto ao posicionamento da cabeça condilar, para as variáveis altura condilar e inclinação coronal, no pré-operatório, houve diferença estatística entre os lados fraturados e os lados normais. No pós-operatório, não houve diferença para nenhuma das variáveis na comparação entre os lados fraturados e os não fraturados. Não foram observadas assimetrias na motricidade da mímica, fístulas salivares ou infecção desde o pós-operatório imediato. Uma paciente apresentou cicatriz hipertrófica. No pós-operatório tardio, encontraram-se abertura oral máxima entre 39 e 55 mm, desvio à abertura oral em um paciente e surgimento de estalidos em dois, o que não se mostrou estatisticamente diferente do período anterior ao trauma. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento aberto por via retromandibular com redução e fixação rígida de fraturas extracapsulares de côndilo mandibular com desvio ou encurtamento em adultos é capaz de prover correção da anatomia condilar com baixa morbidade relacionada ao acesso e com evolução funcional satisfatória. / INTRODUCTION: Open reduction and rigid internal fixation through retromandibular transparotid approach has been increasingly accepted as one of the options for treatment of fractures of the mandibular condyle, which is still a controversial subject. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate surgical treatment through retromandibular transparotid approach for extracapsular fractures of mandibular condyle in adults. METHODS: Ten consecutive patients operated on by the author at University of São Paulo Medical School Hospital were retrospectively evaluated. All of them were adults with extracapsular fractures of mandibular condyle causing shortening greater than 2 mm or deviation greater than 10 degrees. Patients were operated through retromandibular transparotid approach and had their pre and postoperative CT scans assessed with tridimensional reconstruction. Quality of reduction at fracture site was classified as optimal, satisfactory or poor. In seven patients with unilateral fractures, non-fractured sides served as controls in quantitative assessment condylar head positioning. Variables condylar height and sagittal, axial and coronal inclinations were measured in preoperative and postoperative CT scans, on fractured and not fractured sides. The different measures were compared. On morbidity of the approach, were evaluated: facial animation asymmetry, incidence of salivary fistula or infection and quality of scar. At least 18 months after surgery, patients were called for an assessment of postoperative period. They were asked about the presence of clicking joints, limitation on mouth opening, facial pain and poor mastication. Situation at postoperative period was compared with the one previous to trauma. Patients were examined for clicking or pain on palpation, uncorrected intercuspation, chin deviation on mouth opening and limitation on protrusion or laterality. The maximum mouth opening was measured. RESULTS: At the fracture site, reduction was rated as satisfactory or ideal in nine patients. As for the positioning of the condylar head, for the variables height and coronal condylar inclination, preoperatively, there was statistical difference between fractured and normal sides. Postoperatively, there was no difference for any variable when comparing fractured and normal sides. There were no asymmetries in facial animation, salivary fistula or infection since immediate postoperative period. One patient had hypertrophic scar. In the late postoperative period, were found: maximum mouth opening between 39 and 55 mm, chin deviation at oral opening in one patient and the emergence of clicking in two, data that was not statistically different from the period before the trauma. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of shortened or deviated extracapsular fractures of the mandibular condyle in adults by open reduction and rigid internal fixation through retromandibular transparotid approach can provide correction of condylar anatomy with low morbidity and satisfactory functional outcome

Desenvolvimento de placas para fixação interna rígida : estudo da resistência a compressão em fraturas simuladas de côndilo da mandíbula / Development of plates for internal fixation : study of resistance to compression fractures of mandibular condyle simulated

Celegatti Filho, Tóride Sebastião, 1966- 03 July 2013 (has links)
Orientador: Simonides Consani / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-23T15:57:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CelegattiFilho_TorideSebastiao_M.pdf: 4195192 bytes, checksum: e279d02d5c5aabef9927997e90717129 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: O propósito neste estudo foi desenvolver placas em forma de Y com espessuras de 0,6, 1,0 e 1,5 mm para ser usadas em fratura de colo de côndilo da mandíbula e submetê-las ao ensaio de resistência mecânica de compressão. Fo-ram desenvolvidas 10 placas em Y para cada espessura, contendo 8 furos. As placas foram confeccionadas de acordo com projeto idealizado pelo autor e fabricado pela empresa Toride Indústria e Comércio Ltda., Mogi Mirim, SP, Brasil. As placas foram confeccionadas com titânio comercialmente puro (grau ll), conforme norma ASTM F-67. Os processos para desenvolvimento das placas foram feitos em programa de desenho mecânico Solid Works. A confecção das placas seguiu a metodologia de fabricação já existente na empresa, compreendendo processo de usinagem em equipamento modelo Discovery Romi de 4 eixos, o qual mantém precisão e controle dimensional com tolerância de ± 0,10 mm. Foram também confeccionadas 30 hemi-mandíbulas do lado esquerdo, com resina de poliuretano rígido de densidade 40 a 50 PCF onde as placas foram fixadas para conter fratura simulada da cabeça do côndilo. O teste de carregamento foi executado na máquina para ensaio universal Instron, modelo 4411, aplicando carga na posição médio-lateral e ântero-posterior na cabeça do côndilo. ANOVA com 2 fatores e teste de Tukey com 5% de significância foram aplicados nos resultados. Quando a carga foi aplicada no sentido médio-lateral, a placa de maior espessura (1,5 mm) obteve a maior resistência, mas sem diferença estatística entre os deslocamentos de 5,0 e 10,0 mm. No sentido ântero-posterior, a placa com maior resistência foi a de menor espessura, seguida pela de maior espessura. Pode-se concluir que: 1 - No sentido médio-lateral, os maiores valores de resistência foram observados no deslocamento de 15 mm, exceto para as placas 0,6 e 1,5 mm com valores similares em 10 e 20 mm respectivamente; 2 - A placa com espessura de 1,5 mm foi a única que apresentou maior valor médio em todos os deslocamentos; 3 - No sentido ântero-posterior, os maiores valores de resistência foram vistos no deslocamento de 15 mm e os menores em 5 mm para todas as espessuras de placas; 4 - A placa com espessura de 0,6 mm foi a que apresentou maiores valores em todos os deslocamentos e 5 - No sentido ântero-posterior, o carregamento de 20 mm não foi alcançado / Abstract: The purpose of this study was to develop a Y plate with thicknesses of 0.6, 1.0 and 1.5 mm for use in condylar mandible fracture and submit them to the me-chanical strength testing Compression. For this study 30 plates were used for surgical containment internal, Y geometry and holes 8, 10 plates with a thickness of 0.6 10 mm plates with 1.0 mm thickness and 10 plates with thickness of 1.5 mm. This model plate was designed by the author and manufactured by Toride Industry e Comercio Ltda., Mogi Mirim, Brazil. The plates were made from commercially pure titanium (grade II), according to ASTM F-67. The processes for developing the plates were made in program Solid Works mechanical design engineering company by Toride, following the procedures of the project. The making of the plates followed the methodology in an existing manufacturing company, including process equipment machining model Romi Discovery of 04 axes, which keeps ac-curacy and dimensional control with a tolerance of ± 0.10 mm, required by the quality system of the company Toride. Were prepared hemi-jaws 30 on the left side with hard polyurethane resin density 40-50 PCF where the plates were fixed. The load test was run on the test equipment universal Servohidráulico Instron Model 4411 (Instron Corp., Norwood, MA.), and will have to evaluate the strength of plates attached Hemi-mandibles applying the force in mid-lateral position, and the force applied at Antero-posterior position, were predetermined three shifts, ob-taining values of average load in the three, Statistical analysis of variance by ANOVA used 02 factors, the Tukey test at 5% significance level was applied. When the load was applied in the medial-lateral plate of greater thickness (1.5 mm) gave the highest strength, but no statistical difference in displacement of 5.0 and 10.0 mm. Antero-posterior direction on the plate was the biggest strength of thinner, following the greater thickness. It can be concluded that: 1 - In the medial - lateral direction, the highest values of resistance were observed in the displacement of 15 mm, except for the 0.6 and 1.5 mm plates with similar values in 10 and 20 mm respectively; 2 - A plate with thickness of 1.5 mm was the one with the highest average value on all shifts; 3 - In the antero-posterior direction, the highest values of resistance were seen in the displacement of 15 mm and 5 mm in the minors for all thicknesses of plates; 4 - A plate with thickness of 0.6 mm showed the highest values in all shifts and; 5 - In the antero-posterior direction, the loading of 20 mm was not achieved / Mestrado / Materiais Dentarios / Mestre em Materiais Dentários

Estudo epidemiológico das fraturas de ângulo mandibular tratadas pela Área de Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - FOP/Unicamp / Epidemiological study of mandibular angle fractures treated at the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division of Piracicaba Dental School - State University of Campinas

Pereira-Santos, Darklilson, 1984- 24 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Luciana Asprino / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T02:22:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pereira-Santos_Darklilson_D.pdf: 3662048 bytes, checksum: 2c99cca5d87f0528027776c536fc225e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / Resumo: As fraturas de ângulo mandibular são comuns, apresentando alta prevalência entre as fraturas da face. Estudos epidemiológicos apresentam informações sobre o perfil dos pacientes vítimas de trauma de face, auxiliando em métodos de prevenção e aperfeiçoando condutas de tratamento. Este trabalho é um estudo retrospectivo, longitudinal e observacional, com o objetivo de avaliar a epidemiologia das fraturas de ângulo mandibular, etiologia, frequência e modalidade de tratamento empregado, assim como complicações, dos pacientes atendidos pela Área de Cirurgia Buco-Maxilo-Facial da Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba - FOP/Unicamp, no período compreendido entre abril de 1999 a dezembro de 2012. Foram incluídos 201 pacientes que sofreram 204 fraturas de ângulo mandibular, com maior prevalência no lado esquerdo (55,9%), cuja análise estatística descritiva demonstrou uma prevalência de indivíduos do gênero masculino (88,6%), cor branca (52,2%), com média de 27,95 anos ± 9,9 anos. A maioria apresentava algum tipo de vício (56,7%), a etiologia mais frequente foi agressão física (33%) e a má-oclusão foi o sinal com maior prevalência (72,6%). O sintoma mais frequente foi a dor (75,6%), e em 111 fraturas (54,4%) havia a presença de terceiros molares na linha de fratura. O tratamento cirúrgico foi empregado na maioria das fraturas (78%), sendo o acesso intraoral o mais frequentemente utilizado (60,0%). A técnica de fixação mais empregada foi a utilização de uma miniplaca do sistema 2,0mm (42,0%), havendo um baixo índice de complicações (9,5%), tendo sido a infecção a mais frequente. Concluiu-se que o grupo mais afetado foi constituído por adultos jovens do gênero masculino, vítimas de agressão física e que possuíam algum vício; a maioria dos pacientes foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico, por acesso intraoral e utilização de uma única miniplaca, e houve baixa incidência de complicações. Estes dados epidemiológicos e das características do tratamento das fraturas de ângulo mandibular poderão auxiliar na instituição de campanhas preventivas, e de protocolos clínicos para o tratamento destas lesões, e também no direcionamento de futuras pesquisas. / Abstract: Mandibular angle fractures are common, with a high incidence among facial fractures. Epidemiological studies provide information on the profile of patients victims of facial trauma, assisting in methods of prevention and perfecting treatment procedures. This is a retrospective, longitudinal, and observational study, aiming to evaluate the epidemiology, etiology, frequency and type of treatment used, as well as complications, regarding mandibular angle fractures in patients treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry of Piracicaba - FOP/Unicamp, from April 1999 to December 2012. 201 patients with 204 mandibular angle fractures were included, showing higher incidence on the left side (55.9%), and a descriptive statistical analysis revealed the following prevalence: male subjects (88.6%), white subjects (52.2%), and mean age of 27.95 years ± 9.9 years. The majority had some kind of addiction (56.7%), the most common etiology was physical aggression (33%) and malocclusion was the sign with the highest incidence (72.6%), while the most frequent symptom was pain (75.6%) and 111 fractures (54.4%) had third molars in the line of fracture. Surgical treatment was employed in most fractures (78%), and intraoral access was the most frequent access used (60.0%). The fixation technique most often employed was the use of one 2.0 mm miniplate system (42.0%), with a low complication rate (9.5%) in the treatment of patients in this study. It was concluded that the most affected group consists of young adults male gender, victims of physical aggression and that most subjects underwent surgical treatment with few complications. Periodic assessments of the epidemiology and treatment characteristics of mandibular angle fractures generate data that assist in the establishment of prevention campaigns, clinical protocols for the treatment of these lesions, and also in directing future research. / Doutorado / Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Faciais / Doutor em Clínica Odontológica

Mandibular condyle dimensions in Peruvian patients with Class II and Class III skeletal patterns.

Zegarra-Baquerizo, Hugo, Moreno-Sékula, Katica, Casas-Apayco, Leslie, Ghersi-Miranda, Hugo 26 October 2017 (has links)
Objective: To compare condylar dimensions of young adults with Class II and Class III skeletal patterns using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: 124 CBCTs from 18-30 year-old patients, divided into 2 groups according to skeletal patterns (Class II and Class III) were evaluated. Skeletal patterns were classified by measuring the ANB angle of each patient. The anteroposterior diameter (A and P) of the right and left mandibular condyle was assessed from a sagittal view by a line drawn from point A (anterior) to P (posterior). The coronal plane allowed the evaluation of the medio-lateral diameter by drawing a line from point M (medium) to L (lateral); all distances were measured in mm. Results: In Class II the A-P diameter was 9.06±1.33 and 8.86±1.56 for the right and left condyles respectively, in Class III these values were 8.71±1.2 and 8.84±1.42. In Class II the M-L diameter was 17.94±2.68 and 17.67±2.44 for the right and left condyles respectively, in Class III these values were 19.16±2.75 and 19.16±2.54. Conclusion: Class III M-L dimensions showed higher values than Class II, whereas these differences were minimal in A-P.

The stability of the curve of spee and the overbite after orthodontic treatment

Hattingh, Johannes 13 October 2003 (has links)
The aim of orthodontic treatment is to provide the patient with a good static and functional occlusion. During research that was conducted to complete a seminar on the static and functional aspects of occlusion, the author discovered that there might be a discrepancy between the goals of an ideal static occlusion, and the goals of an ideal functional occlusion. An ideal static occlusion seemed to require a flat mandibular plane and a minimal amount of overbite after active orthodontic treatment, whereas an ideal functional occlusion required a curved mandibular plane and an overbite of 4 mm to prevent cusp interferences during functional mandibular movements. The rationale behind the excessively flat mandibular plane and minimal overbite after orthodontic treatment is to compensate for the tendency of the bite to deepen during the period following orthodontic treatment. This tendency to relapse causes uncertainty about the stability of orthodontic treatment. Little research has been dedicated to examining the long-term stability of the leveled curve of Spee. In addition, there seems to be a considerable amount of controversy surrounding the long-term stability of overbite correction after orthodontic treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of the curve of Spee and the overbite following orthodontic treatment. In addition, the relationship between the curve of Spee and the presence of anterior guidance after a period of orthodontic retention, was examined. The relationship between the overbite and the presence of anterior guidance was also examined, and the results were used to predict an ideal value for the overbite to avoid possible dental cusp interferences. Standardized digital photographs of the dental casts of 40 subjects were taken at three different stages: before treatment (T1), after orthodontic treatment (T2), and three years (mean) post-treatment. Accurate electronic measurement of the curve of Spee, using computer software, was completed for all three stages. The overbite was measured with a dial caliper. Clinical evaluation of the functional occlusion, with special reference to anterior guidance, was performed on all the subjects. Statistical analysis was carried out in search of statistical significant changes between the various stages, and possible correlations between the different variables. The results indicated that the leveling of the curve of Spee is a stable treatment procedure. The overbite was less stable than the curve of Spee, and nearly half the amount of overbite correction obtained during treatment, relapsed in the three years (mean) post-treatment. No relationship was found between the curve of Spee and the presence of anterior guidance at T3. A highly significant relationship was found between the overbite and the presence of anterior guidance. Subjects with a small overbite seemed to be predisposed to posterior interferences during mandibular protrusion. An overbite of not less than 3mm was found to be a desirable feature after orthodontic retention in order to reduce potentially interfering contacts. More research is necessary to clarify the relationship between dental interferences and temporomandibular disorders (TMD). / Dissertation (MChD (Orthodontics))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Orthodontics / unrestricted

Projeções do côndilo mandibular em radiografias transcraniana e panorâmica e em tomografia convencional corrigida

Martins Novais Barbosa, Joanna 31 January 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T23:02:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo4262_1.pdf: 7030992 bytes, checksum: 834632c966bc36d678614bbdb8616f46 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / No presente estudo, o objetivo foi avaliar a projeção da imagem do côndilo mandibular em radiografias transcraniana, panorâmica e em tomografia convencional corrigida e verificar se há influência da angulação horizontal e do comprimento condilar na projeção dessa imagem. A amostra foi composta por 17 cabeças ósseas. Em cada côndilo mandibular, foram fixados marcadores metálicos distintos nas porções lateral, intermédia e medial e nos pólos medial e lateral. Os crânios com suas respectivas mandíbulas foram submetidos a radiografias transcraniana, panorâmica e tomografia convencional corrigida. A angulação horizontal e o comprimento dos côndilos foram determinados através da radiografia submento-vértice. Os posicionamentos dos marcadores foram mensurados e comparados com os posicionamentos das imagens visíveis dos côndilos. Diferenças importantes no sentido horizontal e vertical foram observadas entre a imagem dos marcadores metálicos e a imagem do côndilo. O comprimento condilar não demonstrou nenhuma correlação com a projeção do côndilo mandibular. No entanto em relação à angulação horizontal, na técnica transcraniana observou-se a existência da influência da angulação horizontal nas projeções das porções medial e lateral do côndilo mandibular e, na radiografia panorâmica, na porção lateral. As radiografias transcraniana e panorâmica não são adequadas para uma avaliação precisa do côndilo mandibular, possuindo valor limitado no diagnóstico de alterações ósseas no côndilo, sendo a tomografia corrigida um exame mais apropriado para esta finalidade

The retromolar foramen in the South African population : prevalence, structure and clinical significance of an anatomical variation

Gamieldien, Mohamed Y. January 2014 (has links)
The retromolar foramen represents a little known anatomical variation in the posterior mandible of uncertain clinical importance. It has been the subject of limited study. Findings and conclusions of these studies have been placed under little scrutiny. Suggested clinical consequences associated with the presence of the retromolar foramen include local anaesthetic failure, local haemorrhage during surgery, perineural spread of infectious and invasive pathology, and loss of sensation in the normal distribution of the buccal nerve due to surgical intervention. Reports of the possibility of these complications seem to suggest that the retromolar foramen, canal and its associated neurovascular bundle are structures of great clinical importance. Case reports seem to have, however, only included reports of loss of gingival and buccal sensation as a consequence of third molar surgery in the presence of this anomaly. This study therefore aimed to report the prevalence of the retromolar foramen and canal in the South African population, describe its course and structure, and produce a clinical framework in which to approach the presence of the retromolar foramen. Comparisons between the present and existing studies were made and conclusions concerning the clinical importance of this structure were drawn. Inspection of a sample containing 946 mandibles was performed. Of these, 885 were regarded as suitable for inclusion. These mandibles were inspected for the presence of a retromolar foramen in which a 1 mm diameter needle could pass through without resistance. The distance from the last tooth in the arch to the retromolar foramen was also measured. Fifty of these mandibles were then randomly selected and scanned using microfocus computed tomography. Seventy mandibles were found to have at least one retromolar foramen (7.9% of the total sample). No statistically significant differences were found when the presence of the retromolar foramen was correlated with race, sex or age. The finding that sex and age played no significant role in the presence of the retromolar foramen is in agreement with available literature. Detected prevalence seemed to be heavily influenced by the method used to determine the presence of the retromolar foramen. The average distance between the second mandibular molar and the retromolar foramen was 16.83 ± 5.57 mm and the average distance between the third mandibular molar and the retromolar foramen was 10.47 ± 3.77 mm. These findings were found to be in agreement with most other reports. Fifty retromolar canals were selected at random and scanned using microfocus computed tomography. Analysis revealed four basic patterns. These were type A, a vertical canal between the inferior alveolar canal and the retromolar area of the mandible, type B, a curved canal taking a recurrent course between the inferior alveolar canal and the retromolar area, type C, a canal with an approximately horizontal path between the inferior alveolar canal and the retromolar area, and the temporal crest canal (TCC, not designated as type D to create a distinction between it and types A, B and C), a canal terminating on either side of the temporal crest. Type B was the most common presentation (68% of retromolar canals in the study), a finding contrary to that of other studies. The presence of the retromolar neurovascular bundle is of uncertain clinical importance and requires further anatomical and pharmacological study to determine its effect on local anaesthetic failure. A model in which the retromolar canal branches from the inferior alveolar canal does not seem to support a conclusion in which local anaesthetic failure may be directly attributable the presence of this anatomical variation alone. Classification of the retromolar canal is of limited clinical use and may require a revised scheme if clinical application is sought. Complications associated with the presence of the retromolar foramen are poorly documented and seem to be of little consequence. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / tm2015 / Anatomy / MSc / Unrestricted

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