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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study of L. Van Beethoven’s Sonata Op. 31, No.1; Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 55, No. 2 and Ballade Op. 23; Ponce’s Prelude and Fugue on a theme by Handel; and Larregla’s ¡Viva Navarra! Jota de Concierto: Historical, theoretical and stylistic implications

Vazquez Medrano, Oscar January 1900 (has links)
Master of Music / School of Music, Theatre, and Dance / Slawomir Dobrzanski / The purpose of this Master’s report is to analyze the five-piano works at the author’s piano recital on April 8, 2018. The discussed pieces are Ludwig van Beethoven’s Sonata in G major Op. 31, No.1; Fryderyk Franciszek Chopin’s Nocturne Op. 55, No. 2 and Ballade in G minor, Op. 23; Manuel M. Ponce’s Prelude and Fugue on a theme by Handel; and Joaquín Larregla Urbieta’s ¡Viva Navarra! Jota de Concierto. The author approaches the analysis and study of the pieces from the historical, theoretical, and stylistic perspectives.

Búsqueda y mito en otra dimensión de la realidad : La Ciudad de los Césares de Manuel Rojas

Van Wieren, Rachel Anne January 2005 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Magíster en Literatura mención Literatura Chilena e Hispanoamericana. / Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal estudiar la novela La Ciudad de los Césares (1936) de Manuel Rojas. En el primer capítulo se compara la crítica, utopía, desmitificación y/o remitificación de la leyenda sudamericana de la Ciudad de los Césares en la novela de Rojas, y las posteriores novelas Pacha Pulai de Hugo Silva y En la Ciudad de los Césares de Luis Enrique Délano. El segundo capítulo estudia innovaciones en el modo de narrar esta novela de Rojas. En los capítulos tres, cuatro y cinco se pone a prueba nuestra hipótesis sobre la búsqueda y deseo carente de los aventureros marginales que son los personajes principales de la novela. Estudiamos lo que los aventureros encuentren en esta ciudad escondida que pertenece a otra dimensión de la realidad, y si su interacción con ese mundo imaginario constituye una crítica social. Se analiza el texto usando una metodología estructuralista. El análisis de algunas de las relaciones entre el mito, los personajes, el escenario, los temas y los motivos ayuda a entender posibles significados de la manera en que se configura el mundo imaginario de la novela. A través de la aplicación de este método también se espera encontrar cómo ciertos elementos estructurales, como el narrador y el escenario, se actualizan en esta obra.

Actores sociales, redes y nuevas formas de acción colectiva

Gainza Cortes, Carolina 13 March 2006 (has links)
Socióloga / El desarrollo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación junto con la globalización son sólo la cara visible de un proceso de transformaciones mucho más profundo. Estas transformaciones se relacionan principalmente con la crisis de la modernidad, la reestructuración del capitalismo y el surgimiento de nuevos actores sociales y formas de acción colectiva. La crisis de la modernidad tiene su causa principal en el debilitamiento de la idea de sociedad. Esto se ha producido por dos motivos. En primer lugar, la autonomización de las fuerzas económicas, proceso que se ha acelerado a partir de los últimos cuarenta años, ha producido un proceso de despolitización de la sociedad, ya que las instituciones de la sociedad pierden el control sobre el desarrollo económico, y poco a poco van perdiendo legitimidad ante la sociedad civil. Por otro lado, la perdida de legitimidad de las instituciones produce un proceso de desocialización- una separación del rol que se cumple en la sociedad global y la identidad individual- por lo que las personas buscan fuentes alternativas de sentido en la construcción de su identidad. De esta forma, economía y cultura se separan, y la idea misma de sociedad moderna queda vaciada de sentido. Producto de la autonomización de las fuerzas económicas y de la crisis de las instituciones de control social, el mercado asciende como regulador de la vida social. Lo anterior, junto con las TIC y el desarrollo del proceso de globalización, permiten el ascenso del capitalismo como modo de producción dominante. Sin embargo se trata de una forma de capitalismo distinta. El capitalismo actual se desarrolla y difunde por medio de las redes de información generadas por las TIC, en forma de capital financiero principalmente. Por otro lado, la forma de generación de valor está en el procesamiento de información, en la generación de conocimientos y comunicación de símbolos, lo que da forma al nuevo modo de desarrollo informacional. De esta forma, el capitalismo como modo de producción dominante, penetra todas las dimensiones de la sociedad a través de este modo de desarrollo encarnado en el proyecto de sociedad de la información. Otra de las novedades del capitalismo actual es que traslada las relaciones sociales de producción centradas principalmente en lo económico, a la dimensión cultural. Como la creación de valor radica en la información, se genera una cultura dominante de imágenes y símbolos que traspasa las culturas y amenaza con la homogeneización cultural en torno a la imagen del consumidor. El espacio cultural constituye el espacio del conflicto, y por lo tanto la acción colectiva que da cuenta de este conflicto surge principalmente desde la resistencia en torno a identidades culturales. En el presente trabajo analizaremos tres tipos de actores sociales, que a nuestro juicio son relevantes para dar cuenta de la transformación de la acción colectiva en el contexto actual: los hackers, el empresario- emprendedor, y el movimiento de los Foros Sociales Mundiales realizados en América Latina. Estos tres actores dan cuenta de distintas formas de acción colectiva en la sociedad actual, se sitúan en diferentes niveles del sistema de relaciones sociales, y lo más novedoso, utilizan las redes de información para organizarse, comunicarse y construir su identidad, lo que da cuenta de nuevas formas acción colectiva que se estructuran en torno a las redes posibilitadas por las tecnologías de la información.

Shaping public opinion : an investigation of media framing of Trevor Manuel in 1996 and in 2007, in the Financial Mail

Mbunyuza, Lindani January 2011 (has links)
The discussion that follows seeks to critically examine the manner in which a South African financial publication, the Financial Mail (FM) magazine, reported on the country’s Finance Minister over two time periods. The specific time periods are April – June 1996, and February – April 2007. This will be done to assess whether the style of reporting changed over time. In order to accurately analyse the coverage, a content analysis of a number of articles published by the FM over two periods will be conducted. The first period to be examined correlates with Manuel’s first three months in office (April to June 1996) as finance minister, a role he took over after the resignation of then Finance Minister Chris Liebenberg, and the subsequent cabinet re-shuffle. This time period also coincides with the adoption of the internationally acclaimed South African constitution which pre-supposes, amongst others, freedom of the press. Manuel’s first three months in office furthermore coincided with the African National Congress’ (ANC) first period in government under the stewardship of President Nelson Mandela, having taken over power in 1994. The second time period selected is during Manuel’s 11th year in office (February to April 2007). The second time period coincides with a different economic and social situation, with the country’s economy having strengthened to the extent of recording a budget surplus. Relevant media theories and principles will be studied to evaluate which theories, if any, reflect the Financial Mail’s style of writing, language use and choice of stories to cover regarding Minister Manuel. An analysis of the first time period will include a look at the socio-economic conditions that prevailed at the respective times, against the background of the political situation during both periods. Dominant economic policies implemented and decisions taken during both periods relevant to the particular office Manuel held will be critically examined, since FM is a financial publication mostly covering financial and economic news. Research conducted will be qualitative in nature, and include an in-depth content analysis of articles.

Elementos para a elaboração de uma politica cientifica e tecnologica da agroindustria canaireira de Cuba

Valdes Borrero, Manuel Antonio 05 December 1994 (has links)
Orientador: Tamas Szmrecsanyi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-19T16:57:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ValdesBorrero_ManuelAntonio_M.pdf: 8671964 bytes, checksum: 598137957b34380764041cc24dc59f45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1994 / Resumo: Devido às atuais mudanças da situação internacional, a sociedade cubana vem enfrentando sérios problemas. Tais problemas são principalmente econômicos e não podem ser resolvidos de uma hora para outra, e sem reformas estruturais e institucionais. No âmbito destas, um papel de realce caberá certamente tanto à política industrial como à política científica e tecnológica. No equacionamento de ambas, a agroindústria canavieira constitui, sem dúvidas, um bom ponto de partida, uma vez que ainda se trata do segmento mais importante da economia de Cuba. Este importante segmento econômico precisa atingir no mais breve prazo de tempo, níveis mais altos de competitividade, e produtividade tanto no plano industrial como no agrícola, e nisso o desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico deverá ter um papel dos mais significativos. As iniciativas nesse sentido visam atender as necessidades de reduzir os custos de produção, tanto do açúcar, como dos demais derivados e subprodutos vinculados à sua produção. A cana-de-açúcar ainda representa uma fonte de riqueza a considerar dentro de qualquer estratégia de superação da crise atual. Ela poderá dar resposta alguns dos maiores problemas atualmente enfrentados, pelo próprio setor e por Cuba. Para tanto é necessário verificar se existem alternativas às técnicas atuais, se existem, quais são as melhores, e quais ajudariam a resolver os problemas mais importantes. Talvez a mais importante consideração no trabalho é a existência em Cuba de uma forte capacidade de pesquisa criada no período revolucionário e em condições de rapidamente assimilar os resultados mais relevantes da ciência moderna. Essa condição permitirá, sem dúvidas, atingir os objetivos, aqui apontados como prioritários, para reverter a atual situação / Abstract: Due to the recent changes in the international order, Cuban society is going through very serious problems. These problems are mainly of an economic nature and, therefore, they cannot be solved in the short rum or without institutional and structural reforms. Among the latter, both industrial and science policies will play an important role. And, in the formulation and implementation of these, the cane sugar industry may undoubtedly be taken as a starting point, due to the fact that it still remains the most important setor of Cuba's Economy. This important economic sector needs to attain in the shortes time higher rates of competitiveness and productivity both in the industrial and agricultural fields. In that increase, scientific and technological development will be a fundamental factor, by inducing the necessary cost reductions in the production of sugar and other goods based on cane. Sugarcane still represents a asset in any strategy designed to overcome the present crisis. This raw material is able to give positive answers to some of the biggest problems freed not only by this industrial sector but also by the Cuban economy as a whole. For this purpose, it is important 'to investigate if there are altematives for the technology now in use, and, if they exist, which are the best and most satisfactory to solve the most urgent problems. Maybe the most relevant finding of this dissertation lays in the discovery of the existance in that country of a solid scientific and technological research capacity created by and during the revolutionary period of the 1960s, a capacity which is able to assimilate and intemalize quite rapidly the most important conquist of contemporary science and technology. This condition by itself may enable the Cuban society to attain the objetives here indicated as priorities, reverting thereby its present crisis / Mestrado / Mestre em Política Científica e Tecnológica

La transition du notariat privé au notariat public dans la campagne florentine (XIe-XIIe siècles) / From private notariate to public notariate in the florentine countries (11th-12th century)

Salini-Acimi, Alicia 28 June 2019 (has links)
Entre le XIe et le XIIe siècle, le notariat connait une transition fondamentale. Cette mutation est déjà une préfiguration très nette d’un notariat pratiqué aujourd’hui encore. Dans les villes, l’environnement du régime politique des communes, la relance économique et commerciale puis la renaissance du droit romain font émerger le notariat public. Une capacité particulière d’authentification des actes commence à être reconnue aux notaires ; ils ne sont plus des praticiens privés, mais acquièrent une qualité publique de plus en plus explicite. Ce bouleversement a évidemment des répercussions sur de nombreux éléments de la pratique du notariat. Or, ce sont ces éléments qui sont analysés dans la présente étude afin de déterminer à quel moment cette transition a lieu dans les milieux ruraux. Le monastère de Passignano est situé dans une vallée au sud du contado florentin. A la fois isolé et à la croisée de quatre grandes villes médiévales, le fonds d’archives qu’il a laissé offre un fantastique observatoire pour évaluer le moment de ce basculement. Ainsi dans les campagnes au sud de la ville de Florence, les indices de l’apparition d’un notariat public sont de plus en plus visibles entre la seconde moitié du XIe siècle et le XIIe siècle. Le formalisme devient de moins en moins rigoureux, la graphie de plus en plus lisible, des bribes de latin grammatical commencent à se disséminer et les concepts juridiques se font de plus en plus audacieux. Surtout, le seing manuel des notaires se meut progressivement. Ce signe, par lequel ils transforment le document en acte, transite d’un seing manuel local et impersonnel à un signe original et individuel. Autrement dit il mute d’un signe de validation à un signe validateur et identificateur. / Between 11th and 12th century, the notariate begins a fundamental transition. This mutation is already a very clear prefiguration of a notariate still practiced today. In the cities, the political regime of the communes, the economic and commercial revival and the reborn of the roman law allow for the emrgence of the public notariate. A special capacity of authentification begins to be granted to the notaries ; they are no more private praticians and they acquire, more and more explicitly, a public quality. This upset has impacts on many elements of the practice of the notariate. Therefore, those elements are the ones analysed in this study, to determine when this transition is happening in the countries. The monastery of Passignano is located in a valley in the south of the florentine contado. Both isolated and crossroad of three important medieval cities, his archival materials is a wonderful viewpoint to evaluate the time of the switching. Thus in the countries of Florence, the indices of the apparition of a public notariate are more and more visible between the 11th and the 12th century. The formalism becomes less and less rigorous, the graphics is increasingly readable, snippets of grammatical latin are disseminated and legal concepts are more and more audacious. Mainly, the sign manual of the notaries is progressively evolving. This sign is transiting from a local and impersonal sign manual to an original and individual sign ; it is switching form a validation sign to a validation and identification sign.

The Modern Trombone in the African American Church: Shout Bands and the African American Preacher in the United House of Prayer

Block, Tyrone J. 05 1900 (has links)
The United House of Prayer was established by Marcelino Manuel da Graça (1881-1960), who is also known as Charles Manuel “Sweet Daddy” Grace, or “Daddy” Grace. He founded and developed the use of the shout bands which are charismatic gospel trombone ensembles within this church. This study explores the importance of shout bands and examines them from multiple perspectives focusing in particular on worship practices. Additionally, it examines rhythmic elements as the most important characteristic of music performed by these unique ensembles, rhythms that reflect the preacher’s personal timing and inflections that the trombones then imitate. The approach used here supports a deeper understanding of the United House of Prayer and of the trombone in church services of this denomination. Indeed, it ultimately establishes the trombone’s role in the United House of Prayer.

The Mystery of the “Althorn (Alto Horn) Sonata” (1943) by Paul Hindemith

Hemken, Jennifer Ann 08 1900 (has links)
A unique and significant composition, the Althorn Sonata by Paul Hindemith contains several enigmas and anomalies: details about the premiere remain unknown; scored for the alto horn, a band instrument of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, the piece seldom finds itself performed on that instrument; although Hindemith composed his instrumental sonatas as composition exercises, for the instruments he intended to use in his large-scale works, his sonata for alto horn marks an unusual exception; the work evolves through Baroque sonata da chiesa form; a Morse code message from a Renaissance painter appears in the second movement, along with references to numerology; and, after the third movement, the horn player and pianist recite a poem, penned by the composer, which becomes musically depicted in the final movement. Hindemith’s apparent fondness, for the art of word play, proves the inspiration for enigmas and anomalies found in this sonata. The key to his mystery lies in plain sight: “Alt” translates as both “alto” and “old.” The purpose of this dissertation is to unveil to the musical world, especially to horn and saxophone players, the several enigmas and anomalies found in Hindemith’s Althorn Sonata. By exposing the nature and depth of this mystery, it will illuminate the intellectual prowess of Paul Hindemith, elevating his Althorn Sonata to a place it deserves in the horn repertoire.

Vems historia ryms inom våra ramar? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur verksamma historielärare ser på och arbetar med elevers mångfald av identiteter i skolan. / Whose history fits within our frames? : A qualitative interview study of how professional history teachers view and work with students’ diversity of identities in school.

Svensson, Martin January 2021 (has links)
This essay is a qualitative interview study of how six upper secondary school history teachers view and work with students’ diversity of identities in teaching. The questions that the study sought to answer were how history teachers viewed and worked with students’ diversity of identities, as exemplified by specific assignments, along with their selection of teaching materials, and the impact of their own identity on their teaching. These questions were analysed using Manuel Castells’ three aspects of legitimate identity, resistance identity, and project identity, complemented by Carsten Ljunggren’s reasoning concerning a national identity, as the main theoretical framework. In doing so, the study concluded that the teachers viewed working with identity in the history subject as a luxury, dependent on factors such as lesson time, adaption to students, citizen education, and the room for a norm-critical approach. Due to these factors, it was concluded that the history subject unintentionally and mainly conveyed a legitimate identity to the students.  From their exemplified assignments, the study found that student-centred assignments more often enabled the inclusion of resistance identities as well as project identities. The teachers claimed that teaching materials such as textbooks were Eurocentric and needed to be complemented by other material to include other perspectives. It was also concluded that teachers’ gender, social class, and ethnicity had an impact on their teaching. The study found that a new national identity in the history subject, as illustrated by the inclusion of project identities, was linked to the use of intercultural pedagogy and student-centred assignments.

Los rasgos del periodismo narrativo peruano (2006 al 2013) en base a los trabajos de Daniel Titinger, Marco Avilés, David Hidalgo y Juan Manuel Robles

Noboa Herrera, Lucía 01 January 2016 (has links)
Realiza un análisis para determinar las características del periodismo narrativo peruano (2006 al 2013) en base al trabajo de David Hidalgo, Daniel Titinger, Marco Avilés y Juan Manuel Robles. Se analizaron diez crónicas de los cuatro autores mencionados utilizando el análisis narratológico postulado por Gérard Genette y simplificado para este trabajo. La principal conclusión a la que se llegó es que la construcción narrativa interna de las crónicas responde a criterios similares entre uno y otro autor. / Tesis

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