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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancement Techniques for Lane PositionAdaptation (Estimation) using GPS- and Map Data

Landberg, Markus January 2014 (has links)
A lane position system and enhancement techniques, for increasing the robustnessand availability of such a system, are investigated. The enhancements areperformed by using additional sensor sources like map data and GPS. The thesiscontains a description of the system, two models of the system and two implementedfilters for the system. The thesis also contains conclusions and results oftheoretical and experimental tests of the increased robustness and availability ofthe system. The system can be integrated with an existing system that investigatesdriver behavior, developed for fatigue. That system was developed in aproject named Drowsi, where among others Volvo Technology participated. / Ett filpositioneringssystem undersöks och förbättringstekniker för ökandet av robusthetoch tillgängligheten av ett sådant system genom att använda ytterligaresensorkällor som kartdata och GPS. Detta examensarbete presenterar beskrivningenav ett system, två modeller och två implementerade filter. Examensarbetetinnehåller också slutsatser och resultat av teoretiska och experimentella testersom plottar och grafer av ökad robusthet och tillgängligheten av systemet. Dettasystem kan bli integrerat med ett framtaget system som tittar på körrelaterat beteendevid trötthet. Systemet är utvecklat i ett projekt kallat Drowsi, där blandandra Volvo Technology deltog.

Creating virtual forests from public map data

Kappel, Axel, Engman, William January 2022 (has links)
Modern tools in the forest management industry lack the features to properly visualizeforests. This study explores the possibilities of recreating real-world forests in a three-dimensional virtual environment to give users the opportunity to remotely view whattheir forest looks like. To keep accessibility high, public map data was used. In this studya proof-of-concept application was developed in Unity using Mapbox’s SDK. Theaccuracy of the virtual world was then evaluated by comparing it to photographs fromthe real world and a point cloud render. Furthermore, performance was evaluated bymeasuring load times and frame rates when the application ran. The results show that itis possible to create a forest that resembles the real one when viewed from afar, butdetails such as individual tree positions and tree species were inaccurate. High-endcomputers with dedicated graphics card ran the application efficiently, while low-endhardware struggled.

Implementing & Evaluating A Standardised MapRepresentation

Persson, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Maps are essential in the robots of today, not only to navigate but also to perform actions.This project’s aim was to create a program able to take map files of older standards suchas ROS Gridmaps or the current IEEE 2D map standard 1873-2015[2] and convert themto the new IEEE P2751/D1[4] standard. The new IEEE P2751/D1 is based of IEEE1873-2015 but improves by allowing 3D map formats such as Pointclouds or Voxel-gridsto be incorporated. This projects main goal was to have a program that is able to convertfrom some of these different map types into the new standard. The existence of sucha program eases any future adaptation. This report also includes a detailed evaluationof the efficiency of the IEEE P2751/D1 standard format in comparison to other mapformats.

Data på liv och död : En studie om vilken data blåljusaktörer behöver för att hitta rätt / Data for life and death : A study about what data emergency services need to navigate

Johnson, Mikaela, Nordgren, Klara January 2024 (has links)
En förutsättning för en lyckad utryckning är uppdaterad och tillförlitlig vägdata. Bristfällig data kan leda till en kostsam situation när utryckningstiden rinner iväg, där både liv och pengar riskerar att gå förlorade. Tidigare situationer under utryckningar där datan varit ofullständig har lett till sådana konsekvenser, detta har visat på hur viktigt det är att prioritera arbetet med att uppdatera nödvändig data.  För att säkerställa att datan till blåljusaktörer är uppdaterad och tillförlitlig, började Trafikverket och Lantmäteriet, tillsammans med blåljusaktörer och Botkyrka kommun, år 2015 ta fram checklistan Blåljuskollen som fungerar som ett stöd till kommuner när de ajourhåller den data som används av blåljusaktörer vid utryckningar. Däremot är det få kommuner som faktiskt har slutfört Blåljuskollen.  Det finns tecken på att Blåljuskollen kräver mycket resurser och tid av kommunerna och att detta är en anledning till att få har genomfört den. Därför ämnar detta arbete att utreda vad som är kritisk data för att blåljusaktörer snabbt ska hitta rätt vid utryckningar, samt att undersöka om den befintliga datan i Blåljuskollen uppfyller detta syfte. En uppdatering av den datan som ingår i Blåljuskollen skulle kunna leda till att det blir enklare och motivationshöjande för kommuner att genomföra denna. Under arbetets gång har intervjuer genomförts med involverade aktörer för att ta reda på vad som är kritisk data för att blåljusaktörer snabbt ska hitta rätt.  Resultatet av arbetet visar att det finns punkter i Blåljuskollen som bör finnas kvar men även punkter som bör tas bort, samt punkter där det råder delade meningar om de är relevanta för Blåljuskollen eller ej. Dessutom finns det punkter som bör läggas till i Blåljuskollen. Arbetet visar även att det finns mycket arbete kvar att göra med Blåljuskollen för att den ska uppfylla sitt verkliga syfte; att minska utryckningstider och således rädda liv. / A prerequisite for successful emergency responses is updated and reliable data. Deficient data can lead to situations where response times are extended, which can put both lives and money at a risk. Unfortunately, this has shown in previous emergency responses where a lack of data has led to such consequences. These situations have demonstrated how important it is to prioritize the work with updating the required data.  To ensure that the data that the first responders use is updated and reliable, Trafikverket and Lantmäteriet, in collaboration with first responders and Botkyrka municipality, started to create the checklist Blåljuskollen in 2015. This checklist functions as a support for Swedish municipalities when updating the data that is being used by the first responders during their emergency responses. However, few municipalities have completed Blåljuskollen.  There are signs that Blåljuskollen requires a lot of resources and effort from the Swedish municipalities and that this is a reason that very few have completed the checklist. Therefore, this study aims to examine what critical data first responders need to navigate, as well as an examination of whether the existing data in Blåljuskollen satisfies its purpose or not. An update of the existing data in Blåljuskollen could lead to it being easier for the municipalities to complete it. The motivation to complete the checklist could also rise. During this study, interviews have been conducted with the involved actors to find out what data is critical for the first responders to navigate. The result of this study shows that there are elements in Blåljuskollen that should remain, however there are also elements with differing opinions whether they are relevant for Blåljuskollen or not. Furthermore, there are also elements that should be added to Blåljuskollen. This study also shows that the checklist still requires work to fulfill its purpose; to decrease emergency response times and therefore save lives.

Energieprädiktion und Reichweitendarstellung durch Navigationsdaten im Kraftfahrzeug

Lamprecht, Andreas 18 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge der immer größer werdenden Knappheit fossiler Ressourcen und des damit verbundenen Anstiegs des Rohölpreises ergibt sich ein Trend hin zur Elektromobilität. In den nächsten Jahren werden jedoch nur Elektrofahrzeuge mit deutlich eingeschränkter maximaler Reichweite im Vergleich zu Benzin- oder Dieselfahrzeugen produziert werden können. Um den täglichen Umgang des Kunden mit einem Elektrofahrzeug trotzdem möglichst reibungslos zu ermöglichen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine neuartige Anzeige der verbleibenden Reichweite auf der Navigationskarte entwickelt. Nach detaillierter Analyse vorhandener Ansätze wurde je ein empirisches und ein modellbasiertes Verfahren ausgearbeitet. Die Ansätze wurden systematisch verglichen und zu einem komplett neuartigen, hybriden Ansatz kombiniert. Die auftretenden Verbräuche des Fahrzeugs werden im Kundenbetrieb erfasst, je nach Fahrsituation klassifiziert und für eine Extrapolation in der Zukunft verwendet. Die entwickelte Methodik zur Untersuchung der erreichbaren Genauigkeit ergab ein erzielbares Fehlermaß von durchschnittlich unter 10%. / Due to the prospect of a worldwide shortage of fossil fuels and the correlated increase of prices for crude-oil, a global trend to invest in electric mobility has started. During the next couple of years, electric vehicles will still have restrictions on the maximum distance that can be driven before having the need to recharge the battery. The potential costumers face the so-called „range-anxiety“, the fear to be stranded prior to reaching the destination. In order to provide a safe and easy way of operating such a vehicle, the work conducted in the course of this doctoral thesis led to a new way of displaying the remaining range of the vehicle on a navigation map. After detailed analysis of the state of the art, an empirical- and a model-based solution for calculating the remaining range were developed utilizing predictive map-data from a roadnetwork. After a systematical optimization of the developed solutions, an embedded prototype was developed which captured the driving situation of the vehicle together with the corresponding energy-consumption in order to provide a context-aware interpolation of the remaining range, depending on where the costumer would drive next. A developed methodology of objectively determining the error produced by the system resulted in a mean-deviation of 10% of absolute value.

Uživatelské rozhraní pro řízení dronu s využitím rozšířené virtuality / User interface for drone control using augmented virtuality

Sedlmajer, Kamil January 2019 (has links)
The thesis evaluates the current possibilities and problems of drone control and suggests possible solutions. The aim is to control drones more efficiently and easily. The final system is based on third person view and Augmented Virtuality technology where real data from the drone (video-stream, localization information) has been integrated into the virtual 3D model of the surroundings. The model of the surroundings has been created using free data. The application provides the pilot with the means to navigate in the surroundings and to navigate to destinations. It also offers the possibility to define areas with various potential security risks during mission planning, which will be used to navigate in the mission zones, and to visualize the overall situation in the virtual scene extended with online real data.

Algoritmy pro shlukování textových dat / Text data clustering algorithms

Sedláček, Josef January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with text mining. It describes the theory of text document clustering as well as algorithms used for clustering. This theory serves as a basis for developing an application for clustering text data. The application is developed in Java programming language and contains three methods used for clustering. The user can choose which method will be used for clustering the collection of documents. The implemented methods are K medoids, BiSec K medoids, and SOM (self-organization maps). The application also includes a validation set, which was specially created for the diploma thesis and it is used for testing the algorithms. Finally, the algorithms are compared according to obtained results.

Tomkovo náměstí v Brně / Tomkovo square Brno

Heczko, Michal January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with transport solutions the large city ring road in Brno, around Tomkovo Square. When the proposal was an effort to preserve the route VMO section Brno - Sever, in the main corridor, the subsequent section Brno - Židenice is maintained in the new route. Connection to existing infrastructure is done by flyovers and the proposed new bridge. The newly designed communication is based on zoning and policy transport company of Brno, to the exclusion of public transport from the large city ring road. Furthermore, in this proposal an effort to calm down and speeding traffic, especially in places through which the route passes through public transport.

Energieprädiktion und Reichweitendarstellung durch Navigationsdaten im Kraftfahrzeug: Energieprädiktion und Reichweitendarstellung durch Navigationsdaten im Kraftfahrzeug

Lamprecht, Andreas 02 May 2016 (has links)
Im Zuge der immer größer werdenden Knappheit fossiler Ressourcen und des damit verbundenen Anstiegs des Rohölpreises ergibt sich ein Trend hin zur Elektromobilität. In den nächsten Jahren werden jedoch nur Elektrofahrzeuge mit deutlich eingeschränkter maximaler Reichweite im Vergleich zu Benzin- oder Dieselfahrzeugen produziert werden können. Um den täglichen Umgang des Kunden mit einem Elektrofahrzeug trotzdem möglichst reibungslos zu ermöglichen, wurde im Rahmen dieser Arbeit eine neuartige Anzeige der verbleibenden Reichweite auf der Navigationskarte entwickelt. Nach detaillierter Analyse vorhandener Ansätze wurde je ein empirisches und ein modellbasiertes Verfahren ausgearbeitet. Die Ansätze wurden systematisch verglichen und zu einem komplett neuartigen, hybriden Ansatz kombiniert. Die auftretenden Verbräuche des Fahrzeugs werden im Kundenbetrieb erfasst, je nach Fahrsituation klassifiziert und für eine Extrapolation in der Zukunft verwendet. Die entwickelte Methodik zur Untersuchung der erreichbaren Genauigkeit ergab ein erzielbares Fehlermaß von durchschnittlich unter 10%. / Due to the prospect of a worldwide shortage of fossil fuels and the correlated increase of prices for crude-oil, a global trend to invest in electric mobility has started. During the next couple of years, electric vehicles will still have restrictions on the maximum distance that can be driven before having the need to recharge the battery. The potential costumers face the so-called „range-anxiety“, the fear to be stranded prior to reaching the destination. In order to provide a safe and easy way of operating such a vehicle, the work conducted in the course of this doctoral thesis led to a new way of displaying the remaining range of the vehicle on a navigation map. After detailed analysis of the state of the art, an empirical- and a model-based solution for calculating the remaining range were developed utilizing predictive map-data from a roadnetwork. After a systematical optimization of the developed solutions, an embedded prototype was developed which captured the driving situation of the vehicle together with the corresponding energy-consumption in order to provide a context-aware interpolation of the remaining range, depending on where the costumer would drive next. A developed methodology of objectively determining the error produced by the system resulted in a mean-deviation of 10% of absolute value.

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