Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bmarketing - 3research."" "subject:"bmarketing - 1research.""
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Les conversations des internautes. Approche pragmatique d'acquisition de connaissances à partir de conversations textuelles pour la recherche marketing / Conversations of internet users. A Pragmatic Approach to knowledge Acquisition from Textual Conversations for Marketing ResearchLeenhardt, Marguerite 17 January 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche s'inscrit dans le cadre des méthodes de la linguistique de corpus et procède des besoins d'exploitation formulés dans le domaine du marketing à l'égard des conversations des internautes. Deux pistes sont poursuivies, la première relevant de leur description du point de vue de l'analyse des conversations et de la textométrie, la seconde visant des applications pratiques relatives à la fouille de textes. Une méthode de description systématique et automatisable est proposée, à partir de laquelle un procédé de mesure de l'engagement conversationnel des participants est mis en œuvre. L'étude des diagrammes d'engagement conversationnel (DEC) produits à partir de cette mesure permet d'observer des régularités typologiques dans les postures manifestées par les participants. Ce travail met également en exergue l'apport de la méthode textométrique pour l'acquisition de connaissances utiles à des fins de catégorisation automatique. Plusieurs analyses textométriques sont utilisées (spécificités, segments répétés, inventaires distributionnels) pour élaborer un modèle de connaissance dédié à la détection des intentions d'achat dans des fils de discussion issus d'un forum automobile. Les résultats obtenus, encourageants malgré la rareté des signaux exploitables au sein du corpus étudié, soulignent l'intérêt d'articuler des techniques d'analyse textométrique et de fouille de données textuelles au sein d'un même procédé d'acquisition de connaissances pour l'analyse automatique des conversations des internautes. / This research is part of the methods of corpus linguistics and proceeds from the needs expressed in the field of marketing regarding conversations of internet users. Two lines of research are investigated, the first falling under the perspective of conversation analysis and textometry, the second focuses on practical applications for text mining. A systematic and automated description is provided, from which a method of measuring participants' conversational engagement is implemented. The study of conversational engagement diagrams (CED) produced from this measure allows to observe typological regularities regarding how participants position themselves in conversations. This work also highlights the contribution of the textometric method for acquiring useful knowledge for supervised classification. Several textometric measures are used (specificity, repeated segments, distributional inventories) to develop a knowledge model for the detection of purchase intentions in discussions threads from an automotive forum. The results, encouraging despite the scarcity of usable signals in the corpus, underline the importance of articulating textometric analysis techniques and text mining in the same process of knowledge acquisition for automatic analysis of conversations of internet users.
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Marketingový výzkum spokojenosti zákazníka v oblasti služeb B2B / Marketing Research of Customer Satisfaction in the Area of the Services B2BVlčková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on a new industry of marketing – customer experience in the field of telecommunication services B2B. The theoretical part describes, analyzes and summarizes the basic concepts of information sources in the literature concerning the topic of customer satisfaction. In the analytical part the general theoretical basis and internal information of Vodafone Czech Republic are used for marketing research. On the base of obtained information are created proposals for Sales and Care deparments of B2B clients to increase customer satisfaction.
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Doprava a dopravní výchova jako odraz dopravní gramotnosti účastníka cestovního ruchu / Transportation and traffic ecucation as a reflection of traffic literacy of participant of tourist tradeMARKOVÁ, Pavlína January 2009 (has links)
Graduation thesis is bent on analysis traffic literacy of participants of tourist trade. According to the research only a half of the polled people have heard about a transport education first time in Kindergarten. This is a very bad result because children belong to the most risky group of traffic operations. That is why the analysis was made in Kindergarten, concretely in Kindergarten Bratrská, Dačice, to find out present status of transport education. We set up a project which should obtain an improvement of transport education.
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Marketingový výzkum ve vybrané firmě / Marketing Research in Chosen CompanyKULÍČKOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to establish the contemporary level of geographic information systems use by municipal authorities in the Czech Republic. Far more the task was to design measures based on the results of this research for the GEFOS a.s. company, which is a provider of GIS and WMS and for whom the research has been realized. I chose the following methods: analysis of secondary data and questionnaire investigation via e-mail. The questionnaire consisted of 17 questions about GIS, WMS and companies, which provide GIS and WMS. 714 authority offices in the Czech Republic have been involved (mainly in cities). 34 % had in fact responded, which is 243 offices. It has been determined that 15 % of the offices do not use GIS. The greatest obstruction of the initiation of GIS is financial reason. Some offices do not own it also because of lack of information or because the purchase has already been in progress. As a result of this the communication with potential clients, who do not have GIS, explaining the advantages and working principles, adding the WMS offer and helping with the first GIS project initiation has been suggested. The research cleared factual imperfections of the single GIS and companies offering those. Imperfections of firms: mostly the low adjustment, high prices and long duration for solutions of problems or demands. Software is concerned those imperfections: the data actualization, function in common, graphics and data import. For those improvements have been suggested {--} to react and handle those imperfection and additional demands of the customers. This means to confront the known imperfections and demands with the factual services of the GEFOS company, remove or fulfill those and include some opposites of imperfections in the GIS offer of the GEFOS company. In the Web Map Services (WMS) area it has been discovered that those services have been used by only on third of 243 offices. That is why I have suggested measures to support WMS, which should ensure a higher informedness about WMS and what is more important it should waken the desire for WMS purchase. Far more with my research I found out about the most used GIS software (it is MISYS); the most important companies in this area (the first is GEPRO spol. s r.o.); the sufficiency of the offices with the single software and companies; the most common map servers (it is MISYS-WEB), data for creation of GIS, number of GIS administrators and the methods of data publication (e.g. municipal plans).
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Vztah cestovního ruchu k životnímu prostředí a možnosti trvale udržitelného rozvoje ve vybrané turistické oblasti / The relation of tourism to environment and sustainable development possibilities in the selected regionPANCOVÁ, Miluše January 2008 (has links)
Problems of sustainable tourism, which is solved in this diploma work, was applied to Sedlčany district. The Sedlčany region is situated in the Central Bohemia region. Region abounds in attractive scenic views and offers ample possibilities for recreation and relaxation. The work realized goals and hipothesis, which were set at the beginning. There were performed research, the analysis of district Sedlčansko and suggested proposals of posibilities for the next destinations development and problems solving. It´s successfully determined the present condition of tourism in this destination and made relevant conclusions of it. Thanks to nature and position this area has high potential for tourism development. There are ideal preconditions for sustainable forms of tourism in destination as biking, hiking and rural tourism. The important aims of Sedlčany district are to support development of tourism activities, construction and improve tourism infrastructure, the effective cooperation of all subjects operating in tourism, building ecological information system, the creation of products of tourism, co-operation with nearby tourism regions, making standarts of accommodation and catering, established through certificates.
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Marketingový výzkum při realizaci nákupního centra Černý Pelikán / Marketing research during development of the shopping centre Černý PelikánPETERKOVÁ, Pavla January 2009 (has links)
Master's thesis "Marketing research during the development of the Black pelican shopping centre" deals with the use of marketing research in the preparatory and the operational phase of the project Black Pelican shopping centre. The shopping centre is to be completed in the downtown of the České Budějovice in 2011. Theoretical part of the thesis dealing with the basics of marketing research is followed by the marketing research analysis during the preoperational part of the project. In this analysis, particular emphasis is set on the methodology of the carried out studies and on the summary of the importance of the marketing research in the project of Black Pelican shopping centre.. Next part of the thesis deals with the importance of the marketing research since the opening of the commercial gallery Black Pelican. . Beside the specific research studies that are proposed in this part of the thesis and that should be implemented, their organizational backup is also described.
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Návrh změn marketingových aktivit vybrané společnosti zaměřených na podporu volby dalšího vzdělávání / Proposal of Changes of Marketing Activities in a Selected Company Focused at Promoting Further Education OptionsŠatníková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
This Master’s thesis focuses on promoting of specialization Mechanic of plastic machinery at The Secondary Vocational School in Svitavy with the support of REHAU, s.r.o. in order to obtain more candidates for this specialization. Suggestions are made based on financial analysis and implemented marketing research. Changes of communication activities, improvements of product of school and modification of personnel information system for SVS Svitavy a company REHAU, s.r.o. are proposed.
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Komunikační strategie podniku / Company Communication StrategyŠkrlantová, Hana January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the optimization of marketing communication strategy of the hospital institution SurGal Clinic s.r.o. The goal of this thesis is to formulate more effective marketing communication strategy with hospital`s clients on the basis of obtained results from both conducted analyses of inner and outer environment and own marketing research. The suggested solutions were processed according to project management principals.
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Návrh na zlepšení marketingového mixu v oblasti služeb / The Proposal for Improvement of the Marketing Mix in the Services AreaŠimoníková, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
The main aim of this Master's thesis is evaluation of the current state of marketing mix in selected company. It specifies individual elements of the extended marketing mix and compares theoretical knowledge with reality. It analyses internal and external company's environment and evaluates the questionnaire survey focused on customer's satisfaction. The result of thesis is a proposal for amendments, which shoul lead to an improvement of the current marketing mix in the company.
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Užitky produktu hokejového utkání HC Slavia Praha / HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefitsŠafránek, David January 2017 (has links)
Title: HC Slavia Praha ice hockey benefits Objectives: The aim of this paper is to identify and describe individual benefits of product ice hockey match HC Slavia Praha. There is also the aim to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits that come out from observing the home match of HC Slavia Praha. The accumulated data is used to create recommendation which might help to increase satisfaction and viewers audience as well. Methods: Marketing research that was used to find out viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of HC Slavia product was realized via quantitative method. Data was collected by observing as well as questioning. Techniques of personal, written, and electronical questioning of a great deal of respondents were used to reach satisfying amount of data that showed viewers satisfaction with partial benefits of matches. Results: It was found out from collected data that HC Slavia Praha home match viewers are mostly satisfied. For viewers, the most important part of a match is sport performance as well as atmosphere on the stadium. Accompanying program is also the important part. Based on the data from the research, there were specific suggestions and recommendations for increasing viewers satisfaction made. The recommendations were mostly about food, viewers' comfort, and...
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