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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ozonização: uma alternativa para clarificação do caldo de cana-de-açúcar. / Ozonation: an alternative for clarification of sugarcane.

Christiane Reis Fonseca 16 February 2017 (has links)
A agroindústria canavieira no Brasil é um setor de destaque por exercer papel fundamental na economia, sendo responsável pela geração de empregos, renda e produtos e subprodutos de interesse como, açúcar, etanol e energia. A clarificação do caldo de cana é um dos processos unitários mais críticos das usinas açucareiras. Atualmente, o açúcar brasileiro é clarificado utilizando-se o processo de contato com dióxido de enxofre, conhecido como sulfitação. Existe, porém, uma tendência mundial na redução do uso de compostos à base de enxofre nos alimentos, devido a possíveis efeitos nocivos à saúde. Além disso, a queima de enxofre elementar nas usinas é fonte de emissões de gases sulforosos, desconforto no ambiente de trabalho das fábricas e corrosão de metais nas instalações industriais. Dessa forma, alternativas à sulfitação têm sido avaliadas, entre as quais a ozonização, processo que carece de estudos fundamentais. No presente trabalho foram avaliados parâmetros de transferência de massa do ozônio, tanto em água como em solução modelo contendo sacarose e compostos fenólicos presentes no caldo de cana (ácidos ácido p-cumárico, cafeico, siríngico e clorogênico, além do flavonoide quercetina). A partir destes experimentos foi verificado que a ozonização da mistura de fenólicos é caracterizada por uma reação lenta devido à presença de ozônio dissolvido no meio. Observou-se que não houve degradação da sacarose e os principais intermediários identificados foram ácidos orgânicos, não ocorrendo, porém, mineralização completa dos compostos fenólicos. Após este estudo foram realizados experimentos de ozonização com caldo de cana seguindo um projeto experimental com o objetivo de verificar a remoção de cor ICUMSA e também de compostos fenólicos. Verificou-se importante remoção de cor (80%) após duas horas de ozonização a 40 oC, empregando-se 30 mg L-1 de ozônio no gás alimentado à vazão de 0,5 L min-1. Por outro lado, obtiveram-se 50% de remoção de compostos fenólicos para concentração de O3 no gás de 20 mg L-1, vazão de gás de 0,5 L min-1 e temperatura de 60 °C. Realizou-se por fim uma análise econômica preliminar para fins de comparação entre o processo de sulfitação e ozonização. O processo de ozonização demanda um investimento inicial maior que a sulfitação e à peroxidação. Quando os custos operacionais são comparados verifica-se que o custo operacional para a ozonização é 29% menor que a sulfitação e 43% menor que a peroxidação. Os resultados sugerem a possível aplicação da ozonização como tecnologia alternativa à utilização de enxofre no processo de clarificação. / The sugarcane agroindustry in Brazil currently stands out because it plays a major role in the economy, being responsible for generating jobs, income and products and by-products of interest, such as sugar, ethanol and power. The clarification of sugarcane juice is one of the most critical unit processes in sugar mills. Brazilian sugar is clarified using the sulphitation process. There is a worldwide trend in reducing the use of sulfur compounds in food because of its possible harmful effects on the consumer. In addition, burning elemental sulfur causes serious environmental problems, such as emissions of sulfurous gases, causing acid rain, discommodity in the working environment of plants and corrosion of metals in industrial facilities. Alternative treatments of sugarcane juice, replacing sulfur dioxide have been considered, among them ozonation. The main limitation of ozonation processes is gas-liquid mass transfer. In the present work, ozone mass transfer parameters were evaluated both in water and in model solutions of sucrose containing phenolic compounds present in the sugarcane juice. The main degradation products formed during the process were identified. From these experiments, ozonation of phenolic compounds in solution is characterized by a slow reaction due to the presence of dissolved ozone in the medium. The main intermediates identified were organic acids demonstrating that complete mineralization of the phenolic compounds does not occur. Ozonation experiments with sugarcane juice were carried out following an experimental design aiming at studying color and phenolic compounds removals. After two-hour experiments 80% color removal was achieved ozone concentration of 30 mg L-1, 0.5 L min-1 flow rate and 40 ° C. Moreover, 50% removal of phenolic compounds was achieved for 20 mg L-1 ozone concentration, 0.5 L min-1 flow rate and 60 ° C. The results confirm the efficiency of color removal, main target of the sugar industry. Finally, a preliminary economic analysis was carried out the purpose of comparing the sulphitation and ozonation process, and it was verified that ozonation requires an initial investment greater than sulphitation. Ozonation process requires an initial investment greater than sulphitation and peroxidation. On the other hand, operating costs were compared, the operating cost for ozonation is 29% lower than sulphitation and 43% lower than peroxidation. Results suggest the possible application of ozonation as an alternative technology to the use of sulfur in the clarification process.

Análise teórico-experimental do transporte de oxigênio e gás carbônico em oxigenadores de sangue. / Theorical and experimental analysis of the oxygen and carbonic gas transfer in blood oxygenators.

Fabio Turri 23 June 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um simulador numérico para o transporte convectivo-reativo, não linear, de oxigênio, em oxigenadores de sangue, compostos por fibras ocas. O modelo computacional possui caráter bi-dimensional e obtém para a condição de regime permanente, a condição de saída do sangue, frente a uma condição de entrada especificada. Os parâmetros de entrada do sangue são: vazão, temperatura, pH, PCO2 , PO2 e concentração de hemoglobina. Já os parâmetros de entrada do gás são, basicamente: vazão, temperatura, umidade relativa, frações molares de oxigênio e gás carbônico. O simulador numérico também contempla a simulação do transporte de gás carbônico, uma vez que a afinidade da oxihemoglobina é afetada pelo pH local do sangue, que depende principalmente do conteúdo local de CO2 no sangue. O simulador baseia-se num coeficiente global de transporte de massa obtido a partir de resultados experimentais em sangue bovino. As equações utilizadas para o transporte de oxigênio e gás carbônico estão parametrizadas em função da temperatura, o que permite simular o desempenho do oxigenador em circulações extracorpóreas tanto em normo como em hipotermia. O modelo computacional foi desenvolvido para a geometria de escoamento de sangue externo a um feixe de fibras, com o gás escoando no interior das mesmas, com uma única passada de ambos os fluidos. O modelo foi aplicado para dois tipos de geometrias: feixe de fibras alinhadas e feixe de fibras em quicôncio. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a viabilidade da predição do transporte de massa no sangue, calibrando-se o simulador numérico a partir de ensaios em água. Como principais resultados do trabalho desenvolvido, temos: 1) A modelagem utilizada para o transporte convectivo-reativo no sangue mostrou ser adequada para a calibração do simulador numérico desenvolvido. Desta forma, obteve-se uma estimativa precisa dos coeficientes locais de transporte de massa para o oxigênio e o gás carbônico. 2) A obtenção da distribuição de pH, ao longo do oxigenador, demonstrou que valores de pH alcalino elevado são observados no trajeto do sangue, na vizinhança do local de entrada de gás. 3) O simulador numérico obtido pode ser utilizado como uma ferramenta computacional de auxílio no projeto de oxigenadores de sangue. 4) Os testes com água são pouco eficientes na calibração do simulador, uma vez que, para isto, é necessário o conhecimento das difusividades de oxigênio e gás carbônico no sangue, as quais são modificadas pela ocorrência de intensificação. / A numeric simulator was developed to predict the non-linear, convective-reactive, oxygen transport in hollow fibers blood oxygenators. The bidimensional computational model calculates, at the steady state condition, the blood outlet for a specified inlet condition. The blood flow inlet parameters taken into account are: flow, temperature, pH, PCO2 PO2 and hemoglobin concentration. The gas flow inlet parameters are: flow, temperature, relative humidity, molar fractions of oxygen and carbonic gas. The numeric simulator also simulates the CO2 transport, as the oxyhemoglobin affinity is affected by the pH local value, which depends mostly on CO2 local blood content. The simulator is calibrated against experimental data which allows the determination of the global mass transport coefficient for oxygen and CO2. Oxygen and CO2 blood content equations are explicitly temperature dependent to allow the simulation of both normothermic and hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. The computational model was tested for in-line and staggered fibers bundles. In addition, it was evaluated the advantages of simulator calibration from water tests. The principal results are: 1) The convective-reactive transport modeling showed to be adequate to the calibration of the numeric simulator. 2) Local values for pH, PCO2 and PO2 were obtained along the blood path. This analysis shows that very alkaline pH values occur at the blood path at the gas inlet side of the fiber bundle. 3) The numeric simulator can be used as a computational tool to support blood oxygenators development. 4) The water tests are not effective in the prediction of blood mass transport once different values for the oxygen and CO2 blood diffusivities were used to correlate blood-water results according to fiber bundle type, which is in agreement with other results, that point out that, at blood, intensification phenomena modifies blood gases diffusivities.

Estudo da formação de gelo durante o armazenamento a granel de vegetais congelados

Urquiola Mujica, Ana January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho propõe um modelo de transferência de calor e massa para prever a formação de gelo em um container preenchido com legumes congelados. O problema físico é modelado como um meio poroso composto pelo próprio produto e o ar em seu entorno. O regime de convecção natural é assumido dentro do container, o qual promove o transporte de massa. Como uma primeira validação, o modelo é simulado considerando diferentes temperaturas de ar externo, causadas por flutuações da vizinhança. Resultados para quatro ciclos de temperaturas foram comparados, variando separadamente a temperatura média do ar, amplitude e frequência de oscilação. De modo geral, é observado que a temperatura do produto se comporta assim como era esperado e este resultado é diretamente associado à formação de gelo dentro do container. A formação de gelo cresce com uma maior amplitude de oscilação, porém decresce com um aumento na frequência e na temperatura média. Os parâmetros do modelo foram obtidos para dois diferentes produtos: fatias de cenouras congeladas e vagens congeladas, ambos em meio ao ar. As definições de parâmetros são oriundas de revisão bibliográfica, medições experimentais e simulações numéricas. Os parâmetros encontrados para a caracterização desses meios porosos foram similares para ambos os produtos, mesmo eles possuindo diferentes geometrias. A validação experimental foi feita para as fatias de cenoura considerando dois ciclos de temperatura O modelo numérico é capaz de prever o campo de velocidades do ar, as temperaturas do produto e a formação de gelo local. Os resultados foram validados em relação a um grupo independente de resultados numéricos, tal comparação apresentou uma boa concordância. A circulação de ar encontrada é, de fato, devido à convecção natural. O comportamento da temperatura dos produtos simulados concorda com os valores medidos e os valores de temperaturas diferem por menos de 12%. Com respeito à formação de gelo, o modelo é capaz de prevê-la corretamente nas regiões mais suscetíveis a este fenômeno. Porém, a quantidade de gelo formado prevista pelo modelo (1,56 g/semana) é menor do que a experimental (4,67 g/semana), apesar de serem de mesma ordem de magnitude. O efeito de cada parâmetro no modelo é estudado visando detectar maneiras de aprimorar o modelo. Foi encontrado que os parâmetros mais importantes para a formação de gelo total são a difusividade de massa efetiva e o coeficiente de transferência de calor convectivo dentro do container. Ajustando estes parâmetros duas vezes foi possível encontrar resultados melhores com respeito à formação de gelo (3,09 g/semana). / A model of heat and mass transfer is proposed in order to predict frost formation into a closed container filled with frozen vegetables. The physical problem is modeled as a macroporous media composed by the product itself and the surrounding air. Natural convection air flow is assumed into the container, who promotes water mass transport. As a first validation, the model is simulated for several exterior air temperatures, under environmental fluctuations (boundary conditions). Results of four temperature cycles were compared, varying average air temperature, amplitude and frequency of oscillation, one by one. As a general result, it is observed that the product temperature behavior is as expected, and it is directly associated with frost formation into the container. Frost formation increases with large amplitude of oscillation, but decreases with higher frequencies and higher mean temperatures. Model parameters were obtained for two assembling: frozen slices of carrots and air, and frozen extra thin green beans and air. Parameter definition and evaluation combines literature review, measurements and numerical simulation. In general, parameters which characterize these porous media were similar for both products, even though they display different geometries. The experimental validation is performed for carrot slices with two temperature cycles The numerical model is able to predict air velocity field, air and product temperatures, and local frost formation. Results are validated in respect to a set of independent experimental results that shown a good agreement. Air flow circulation is as expected due to natural convection. Product temperature simulated behavior agrees with measurements, and temperature values differ by less than 12%. Respect to frost formation predictions, the model predicts correctly the most susceptible regions to frost formation. However, the quantity of frost formed predicted by the model (1.56 g/ week)is lower than the experimental one (4.67g/week), despite being of the same order of magnitude. The effect of each parameter in the model is study in order to detect how to improve the model. The most important parameters affecting total frost formation are effective mass diffusivity and convective heat coefficient into the storage container. Adjusting these parameters to twice, better results in terms of frost formation could be obtained (3.09 g/ week).

Etude des conditions de mise en œuvre de la pertraction pour l’extraction et la purification de métaux d’intérêt / Study of pertraction implementation conditions for metals of interest extraction and purification

Toure, Moussa 11 December 2015 (has links)
La pertraction est une technologie émergente d’extraction liquide-liquide utilisant une barrière membranaire comme surface d’échange entre la phase aqueuse et le solvant. Un solvant très émulsif et/ou constitué par un extractant pur peut ainsi être utilisé sans la contrainte d’un écart de densité avec la phase aqueuse. Utiliser un extractant pur est d’un grand intérêt dans la perspective d’avoir une forte capacité de charge du solvant (>100 g.L-1). A ce titre, l’étude de la faisabilité de l’usage d’un extractant pur comme solvant dans le procédé de pertraction apparait pertinent. Cette thèse a donc pour objet l’étude du procédé de pertraction pour l’extraction des métaux d’intérêt en utilisant un solvant sans diluant. L’extraction des terres rares (néodyme (Nd), praséodyme (Pr) et dysprosium (Dy)) a été choisi comme objet de cette étude, par une démarche visant tout d’abord la sélection d’un solvant spécifique des lanthanides (le Nd comme modèle), le montage et l’optimisation d’un module de pertraction, et enfin la mise en œuvre d’un modèle de transfert de matière pour étudier l’influence des différents paramètres qui gouvernent le procédé. Le choix du solvant s’appuie ainsi sur 3 critères : son affinité pour le Nd, sa viscosité ainsi que sa solubilité en phase aqueuse. Pour la sureté du procédé son point éclair a également été pris en compte dans la sélection. Par cette approche, le N, N dibutylacétamide (DBAc) a été retenu pour sa viscosité modérée (< 5 mPa.s) mais son utilisation a nécessité l’addition de sels de nitrates en phase aqueuse pour augmenter son affinité pour le Nd par le déplacement de l’équilibre d’extraction dans le sens de la formation des complexes DBAc-Nd. Avec une capacité de charge supérieure 126 g.L-1, une application remarquable du DBAc s’oriente vers le recyclage des terres rares à partir d’un lixiviat de déchet d’aimant NdFeB, précisément dans la récupération sélective du Nd, du Pr, du Dy à partir d’un lixiviat nitrique contenant le fer, le bore, le cobalt et le nickel comme métaux compétiteurs. Les essais de pertraction ont tout d’abord été effectués à co-courant et en circuit fermé sur un module à monofibre creuse en polypropylène hydrophobe. Un modèle de transfert de matière a été développé sur la base des hypothèses classiques de la théorie des résistances en série afin de décrire le mécanisme de transfert à travers la membrane et prédire le profil de concentration du Nd en fonction du temps. L’utilisation du modèle a requis entre autres paramètres d’entrée le coefficient de diffusion du Nd en phase aqueuse et dans le solvant. La technique d’Analyse de la Dispersion de Taylor (TDA) a été développée pour la détermination expérimentale des valeurs du coefficient de diffusion. Les résultats expérimentaux de l’étude du système DBAc pur / Nd sont jugés en bon accord avec les données du modèle. Les valeurs des coefficients de transfert de matière dans les films et dans la membrane indiquent que l’étape limitante dans le transfert de matière est la diffusion des complexes Nd-DBAc dans le solvant, précisément à l’intérieur des pores de la membrane et dans le film coté solvant. Cette limitation pourrait s’expliquer par une viscosité relativement plus importante du DBAc pur en comparaison de la viscosité de la phase aqueuse. Pour rappel, le coefficient de diffusion est inversement proportionnel à la viscosité dans la corrélation de Stock-Einstein. Une perspective de développement de la pertraction comme technique d’extraction/recyclage est la récupération de métaux réfractaires comme le tantale et le niobium. Les études préliminaires de recherche d’un solvant de forte affinité et de grande sélectivité présentent la propriété de la méthylacétophénone pure (MAcPh) à extraire sélectivement le tantale à partir d’un lixiviat fluorhydrique de déchet de condensateur contenant du fer, du manganèse, du nickel et de l’argent comme impuretés, avec une capacité de charge supérieure à 150 g.L-1. / Pertraction is an emerging liquid-liquid extraction technology which use a membrane barrier as surface area between the aqueous phase and solvent. It thus offers the possibility to use very emulsive solvent and / or consisting of a pure extractant without any necessity of different density with the aqueous phase. The advantage of using a pure extractant is the possibility to have a high loading capacty of solvent (>100 g.L-1). So, we have studied the feasibility of pertraction of metals of interest by using a pure extractant as solvent. The extraction of rare earth metals (neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr) and dysprosium (Dy)) was chosen as the aim of this study. The approach was defined by tree steps : identification of selective solvent for lanthanids (Nd as model), set-up and optimization of pertraction module, mass transfer modeling. The screening of solvent was governed by namely three criteria : its affinity for Nd, its viscosity and solubility in water. To avoid fire risk, the flashpoint of solvent was also taken into account in the selection. In this framework, N, N-dibutylacetamide was selected especially for its moderate viscosity (<5 mPa.s) but its employment required the use of nitrates for increase its affinity for Nd. With high loading capacity (> 126 g.L-1), a remarkable application of DBAc could be its use for selectively extract Nd, Pr, Dy and separate them each other from magnet waste containing impurities such as iron, boron, nickel, cobalt. Pertraction of Nd by DBAc pure has been made in recycle mode on polypropylene hollow fiber module. The mass transfer model has been developed on the basis of conventional assumptions of resistances in series theory in order to predict the concentration of Nd at different times. It has required some input parameters such as diffusion coefficient of Nd in aqueous and organic phases. Taylor dispersion analysis (TDA) has been used for the experimental determination of diffusion coefficients. Experimental data and model results were found to be in good agreement for the system DBAc/Nd. The values of mass transfer coefficients in films and membrane indicate that the mass transfer limiting step is the diffusion of DBAc-Nd in the solvent present in the membrane pores and in the diffusional film of the solvent. This can be explained by the relative high viscosity of solvent because diffusion coefficient is inversely proportional to viscosity in Stock-Einstein correlation. A development perspective of pertraction as liquid-liquid technology is the recovery of refractory metals like tantalum (Ta) and niobium (Nb). Preliminary studies for identify selective solvent present the properties of methylacetophenone pure (MAcPh) to extract selectively Ta from hydrofluoric solution of capacitor waste containing iron, manganese, nickel and silver as impurities with a loading capacity superior than 150 g.L-1.

Uticaj procesa osmotske dehidratacije na prenos mase i kvalitet mesa svinja / The Effect of the Osmotic DehydrationProcess on Mass Transfer and Pork MeatQuality

Filipović Vladimir 23 May 2013 (has links)
<p>Ispitivan je proces osmotske dehidratacije mesa<br />svinja u tri osmotska rastvora (vodeni rastvor<br />natrijum hlorida i saharoze, kombinacija<br />vodenog rastvora natrijum hlorida i saharoze i<br />melase i melasa &scaron;ećerne repe) različitih<br />koncentracija, na tri temperature (20&deg;C, 35&deg;C i<br />50&deg;C) i pri tri vremena trajanja procesa (1, 3 i<br />5h). Mereni i računati odzivi procesa osmotske<br />dehidratacije bili su: sadržaj suve materije,<br />gubitak vode, prirast suve materije, indeks<br />efiksanosti procesa, vrednost aktivnosti vode.<br />Rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju da povećanje<br />tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara temperature i vremena<br />procesa, kao i koncentracije osmotskih rastvora<br />dovode do intenziviranja prenosa mase u<br />procesu i povećanja vrednosti odzivnih<br />parametara procesa, u oba slučaja, istostrujne i<br />protivstrujne osmotske dehidratacije.<br />Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata razvijeni su<br />modeli zavisnosti odziva procesa od<br />primenjenih tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara za<br />istostrujne i protivstrujne procese osmotske<br />dehidratacije. &ldquo;Score&rdquo; analizom određene su<br />vrednosti tehnolo&scaron;kih parametara koje su za<br />rezultat dale optimalnu efiksanost procesa.<br />U radu je ispitan enegetski bilans procesa<br />osmotske dehidratacije i upoređen sa<br />konvektivnim su&scaron;enjem, gde su se kao<br />energentski najefikasniji pokazali procesi na<br />temperaturi od 20&deg;C.<br />Karakteristike osmotski dehidriranog svinjskog<br />mesa su pokazale da dolazi do pobolj&scaron;anja<br />mikrobiolo&scaron;kog, hemijskog i nutritivnog profila<br />mesa nakon procesa, kao i promene boje i<br />teksture, gde je melasa &scaron;ećerne repe kao<br />osmotski rastvor, iskazala najbolje uticaje na<br />promene karakteristika dehidiranog mesa.<br />Na osnovu svih ispitanih uticaja variranih<br />parametara kao optimalni parametri procesa<br />mogu da se defini&scaron;u: protivstrujni proces, u<br />trajanju od 5 časova na temperaturi od 20&deg;C, u<br />melasi kao osmotskom rastvoru. Ovakav proces<br />dovodi do sveukupnog pobolj&scaron;anja<br />karakteristika svinjskog mesa uvodeći nutritivna<br />pobolj&scaron;anja iz hemijskog sastava melase u<br />ljudsku ishranu.</p> / <p>Process of osmotic dehydration of pork meat in<br />three different osmotic solutions (sodium<br />chloride and sucrose dissolved in water, mixture<br />of sodium chloride, sucrose dissolved in water<br />and molasses and sugar beet molasses) of<br />different concentrations, at three temperatures<br />(20&deg;C, 35&deg;C &amp; 50&deg;C) and three different times<br />of duration of the process (1, 3 &amp; 5h) was<br />investigated.<br />Measured and calculated responses of the<br />osmotic dehydration process were: dry matter<br />content, water loss, solid gain, dehydration<br />efficiency index and value of water activity.<br />The results showed that the increase of<br />technological parameters: time and temperature<br />of the process, as well as the concentration of<br />the osmotic solutions led to the intensified mass<br />transfer in the process and increased values of<br />process responses, in either co-counter or<br />current processes of osmotic solutions.<br />Based on obtained results mathematical models<br />of dependence of process responses from<br />applied technological parameters for co- and<br />counter-current processes of osmotic<br />dehydrations were developed. By the means of<br />&ldquo;Score&rdquo; analyses the values of technological<br />parameters which produced optimal efficiency<br />of the process were calculated.<br />In this research process energy balance was<br />investigated by comparison to the convective<br />drying, where the highest energy efficiency was<br />determined in the processes at the temperature<br />of 20&deg;C.<br />Characteristics of osmo-dehydrated pork meat<br />were also investigated, pointing at the<br />improvement of microbiological, chemical and<br />nutritive profile of the meat after the process, as<br />well as the change of color and texture, where<br />sugar beet molasses, as an osmotic solution, had<br />shown the best effects on changes of dehydrated<br />meat characteristics.<br />Based on all investigated effects of varied<br />parameters, the optimal process parameters can<br />be defined as: counter-current process, of 5<br />hours duration, at 20&deg;C, in molasses as an<br />osmotic solution. Process like that leads to the<br />total improvement of pork meat characteristics<br />introducing nutritive benefit from molasses<br />chemical composition into human nutrition.</p>

Modelagem analítico-numérica do escoamento laminar convectivo em tubos associada à filtração tangencial / Analytical-numerical modeling of convective laminar flow in tubes associated with cross-flow

Venezuela, Antonio Luís 22 April 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese de doutorado é utilizada a técnica híbrida analítico-numérica, conhecida internacionalmente por GITT (Generalized Integral Transform Technique), para modelagem e simulação da equação de conservação das espécies químicas, na investigação do escoamento laminar incompressível, newtoniano e permanente em tubos permeáveis. O escoamento é aplicado ao processo de filtração tangencial com membranas e foram realizados dois estudos relacionados à equação convectiva-difusiva elíptica e parabólica, para as quais são utilizadas as mesmas condições de fronteira. Na modelagem a velocidade na parede permeável é considerada uniforme e os perfis de velocidade para a região de entrada do escoamento são obtidos na literatura. O modelo matemático utiliza originalmente uma expressão para a espessura da camada limite de concentração, com uma metodologia que determina a taxa assintótica, com a qual se estabelece a espessura da camada de concentração. Os resultados são apresentados com análise de convergência através de tabelas e com gráficos para o fluxo transmembrana local e médio, a correlação de Sherwood e a espessura da camada limite de concentração e ainda são comparados com outros resultados e metodologias reportadas na literatura. / In this doctoral thesis, the analytical-numerical hybrid technique, internationally known as GITT (Generalized Integral Transform Technique), is used for the modeling and simulation of the equation of chemical species conservation, in the investigation of the incompressible, Newtonian and permanent laminar flow in permeable tubes. The flow is applied to the cross-flow process with membranes and two studies related to the elliptic and parabolic convective-diffusive equation were accomplished, for which the same boundary conditions are used. In the modeling, the velocity on the permeable wall is considered uniform and the velocity profiles for the entrance region flow are obtained from the literature. The mathematical model originally uses an expression for the concentration boundary layer thickness, with a methodology that determines the asymptotic ratio, establishing the concentration boundary layer thickness. The results are presented with convergence analysis through tables and with graphs for the mean local transmembrane flux, Sherwood correlation and the concentration boundary layer thickness, and they are also compared with other results and methodologies reported in the literature.

Modélisation électrothermique, commande et dimensionnement d’un système de stockage d’énergie par supercondensateurs avec prise en compte de son vieillissement : application à la récupération de l’énergie de freinage d’un trolleybus / Electrothermal modeling, control and sizing of supercacitor’s energy storage system taking into account the ageing : application to the recovery of braking energy of electrical bus

Hijazi, Alaa 13 December 2010 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse concernent la modélisation, le dimensionnement et la commande d'un coffre composé de supercondensateurs et d'un convertisseur DC/DC permettant d’alimenter les auxiliaires d’un trolleybus ou les moteurs de traction lors des coupures de la ligne aérienne. Dans la première partie, nous nous sommes intéressés au dimensionnement du système destockage pour une application du type récupération de l'énergie au freinage d'un trolleybus. Les modèles directes et inverses de la chaine cinématique ont été étudiés afin de définir une stratégie de dimensionnement du coffre s'appuyant sur le plan de Ragon. La seconde partie aborde la problématique de la fiabilité de l'élément de stockage. Le but est d'évaluer les contraintes que subissent les supercondensateurs en cours de fonctionnement et de prédire le vieillissement de ces derniers. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé et validé un modèle électrothermique du coffre de supercondensateurs. Ce modèle électrothermique a également été couplé à des lois de vieillissement permettant ainsi de prendre en compte les variations paramétriques majeures de ce système. Les résultats de ce couplage montrent l'impact de la dispersion des températures à l'intérieur du coffre sur la durée de vie de chaquesupercondensateur et du système de stockage. Finalement, le contrôle du convertisseur statique (hacheur Buck/Boost) associé auxsupercondensateurs est abordé. Une étude théorique a été menée pour synthétiser des lois de commande par mode de glissement et par PI appliqués au mode élévateur du hacheur (Boost). Ces lois de commande ont été validées sur un banc de test constitué d'un hacheur réversible, d'une alimentation DC, d'une charge résistive et de huit supercondensateurs. La comparaisondes résultats expérimentaux mettre en évidence l'intérêt de la commande par mode glissant enraison de sa robustesse et de sa réactivité par rapport à une commande classique (PI). / The studies presented in this thesis concern the thermal modeling, sizing and control of a stack composed of supercapacitors and DC/DC converter that feeds the auxiliaries or traction motors of the trolleybus in the case of electrical microcuts. In the first part, we were interested in the sizing of the storage system for an application concerning the recovering braking energy of a trolleybus. Direct and inverse models of the kinematic chain were studied in order to define a design strategy based on the Ragon. The second part concerns the reliability of the storage system. The aim is to evaluate the stresses on supercapacitors during cycling and to predict the aging of the components. Toachieve this goal, we have developed and validated an electrothermal model of the stack. This model was then coupled to aging laws allowing taking into account the major parametric variation of the system. The results show the impact of the dispersion of temperatures inside the stack on the life time of each supercapacitors in the storage system. Finally, the control of the static converter (Buck/Boost converter) combined with supercapacitors is analyzed. A theoretical study was conducted to synthesize PI and sliding mode controller applied to a boost converter. This control laws has been validated on a test bench consisting of a reversible converter, a DC power supply, a resistive load and eight supercapacitors. The experimental results show the advantage of sliding mode control in terms of robustness and reactivity compared to a classical PI control.

Estudo do processo de desterpenação de óleos essenciais cítricos: dados de equilíbrio líquido- líquido e extração em coluna de discos rotativos perfurados / Study of deterpenation process of citrus essential oils: liquid-liquid equilibrium data and extraction in perforated rotating discs contactor

Gonçalves, Daniel 08 March 2013 (has links)
Os óleos essenciais cítricos possuem uma ampla variedade de aplicações em diversos ramos das indústrias químicas, farmacêuticas, de alimentos, entre outras. Na indústria de cosméticos, mais precisamente no ramo de perfumaria, os ativos naturais cítricos (provenientes dos óleos de bergamota, limão, lima, mandarina, laranja, etc) são empregados nas formulações de colônias, cremes hidratantes e loções. Além disso, estes compostos são largamente utilizados como agentes aromatizantes nas indústrias alimentícias e farmacêuticas e empregados como matéria-prima para as indústrias de aromas. Com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade dos óleos essenciais e sua capacidade aromatizante, alguns processos têm sido desenvolvidos para enriquecer a mistura com compostos oxigenados, os quais são reportados como os principais responsáveis pelo aroma característico da fruta. Tal processo é comumente conhecido como desterpenação e consiste na concentração destes compostos pela retirada de hidrocarbonetos terpênicos do óleo e pode ser realizado por meio da extração líquida ou extração por solvente. Neste contexto, esta dissertação de mestrado teve como finalidade estudar da viabilidade técnica do processo de desterpenação de óleo essencial cítrico modelo composto por limoneno e linalol. Os experimentos foram conduzidos em coluna de discos rotativos perfurados (PRDC) sob condição de temperatura controlada e pressão ambiente local. O equipamento operou de modo contínuo e contracorrente, utilizado como solventes soluções de etanol com teores de água de 30 e 40% (em massa), velocidade de rotação dos discos de 150, 200 e 250 rpm e razão entre a vazão mássica de solvente e alimentação de 0,5; 1,25; 2,5 e 3,0. Avaliou-se, também, o comportamento da densidade e viscosidade das fases extrato e rafinado oriundas da coluna de extração. Através deste estudo foi possível verificar que a tecnologia de desterpenação de óleos essenciais por meio da extração líquido-líquido é viável podendo ser aplicada à processos contínuos utilizando equipamento PRDC, por exemplo, sendo possível a obtenção de frações enriquecidas do composto oxigenado (linalol). / Citrus essential oils are used in a wide variety of applications in various branches of the chemical, pharmaceutical, food and other industries. In the cosmetics industry, specifically in the field of perfumery, natural citrus assets (from the essential oils of bergamot, lemon, lime, mandarin, orange, etc.) are used in the formulations of colonies, moisturizing creams and lotions. Furthermore, these compounds are widely used as flavoring agents in food and pharmaceutical industries and as raw material for the flavor industry. With the aim to improve the quality of essential oils and its flavoring ability, some processes have been developed to enrich the mixture with oxygenated compounds, which are reported as the main responsible for the characteristic aroma of the fruit. Such process is commonly known as deterpenation, and consists in concentration of these compounds by the removal of terpene compounds from the essencial oil and can be performed by liquid or solvent extraction. In this context, the purpose of this dissertation of master\'s degree was to carry out a study of the technical feasibility of deterpenation process of a citrus essential oil model composed by a mixture of limonene and linalool. The experiments of deterpenation were conducted in a perforated rotating discs contactor (PRDC) under controlled conditions of temperature and local environment al pressure. The equipment was operated in continuously and countercurrently mode, using as solvents ethanol solutions with 30 and 40% of water contents (by mass), rotation of discs speed of 150, 200 and 250 rpm and the mass flow rate of the solvent and feed ratio of 0.5, 1.25, 2.5 and 3.0. The behavior of the density and viscosity of the extract and raffinate phases from the extraction column was also evaluated. It was found that the deterpenation of essential oils by liquid-liquid extraction technology is feasible and can be applied to continuous processes using PRDC column extraction type, for instance, being possible to obtain enriched fractions of oxygenated compounds (linalool).

A numerical study of periciliary liquid depth in MDCT-based human airway models

Wu, Dan 01 May 2015 (has links)
Periciliary liquid (PCL) is a critical component of the respiratory system for maintaining mucus clearance. As PCL homeostasis is affected by evaporation and mechanical forces, which are in turn affected by various breathing conditions, lung morphology and ventilation distribution, the complex process of PCL depth regulation in vivo is not fully understood. We propose an integrative approach to couple a thermo-fluid computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model with an epithelial cell model to study the dynamics of PCL depth using subject-specific human airway models based on multi-detector row computed-tomography (MDCT) volumetric lung images. The thermo-fluid CFD model solves three-dimensional (3D) incompressible Navier-Stokes and transport equations for temperature and water vapor concentration with a realistic energy flux based boundary condition imposed at airway wall. A corresponding one-dimensional (1D) thermo-fluid CFD model is also developed to provide necessary information to the 3D model. Both 1D and 3D models are validated with experimental measurements, and the temperature and humidity distributions in the airways are investigated. Correlations for the dimensionless parameters of Nusselt number and Sherwood number are proposed for characterizing heat and mass transfer in the airways. As one of the key applications of the thermo-fluid CFD model, the water loss rates in the both 1D and 3D airway models are studied. It is found that the secondary flows formed at the bifurcations elevate the regional heat and mass transfer during inspiration and hence the water loss rate, which can only be observed in the 3D models. Among the three human airway models studied in both 1D and 3D, little inter-subject variability is observed for the distributions of temperature and humidity. However, the inter-subject variability could be dramatic for the distribution of water loss rate, as it is greatly affected by airway diameter and regional ventilation. A method is proposed to construct an ion-channel conductance model for both normal and cystic fibrosis (CF) epithelial cells, which couples an existing fluid secretion model with an existing nucleotide and nucleoside metabolism model (collectively named epithelial cell model). The epithelial cell models for both normal and CF are capable of predicting PCL depth based on mechanical stresses and evaporation, and are validated with a wide range of experimental data. With these two models separately validated and tested, the integrated model of the thermo-fluid CFD model and epithelial cell model is applied to MDCT-based human airway models of three CF subjects and three normal subjects to study and compare PCL depth regulation under regular breathing conditions. It is found that evaporative water loss is the dominant factor in PCL homeostasis. Between three types of mechanical forces, cyclic shear stress is the primary factor that triggers ATP release and increases PCL depth. In addition, it is found that that greater diameters of the airways in the 4th-7th generations in CF subjects decrease evaporative water loss, resulting in similar PCL depth as normal subjects. Under regular breathing conditions, the average PCL depths of normal and CF is around 6 to 7 µm, with mechanical forces play a greater role in regulating CF PCL depth. Comparing to 7.68 µm normal base level (considered as optimum PCL depth), this average PCL depth is about 8 to 21% lower. This might suggest that mechanical forces alone cannot entirely balance evaporative water loss, and other mechanisms might be involved.

Design And Experimental Testing Of An Adsorbent Bed For A Thermal Wave Adsorption Cooling Cycle

Caglar, Ahmet 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Poor heat and mass transfer inside the adsorbent bed of thermal wave adsorption cooling cycles cause low system performance and is an important problem in the adsorbent bed design. In this thesis, a new adsorbent bed is designed, constructed and tested to increase the heat and mass transfer in the adsorbent bed. The adsorbent bed is constructed from a finned tube in order to enhance the heat transfer. Additionally, the finned bed geometry is theoretically modeled and the model is solved time dependently by using Comsol Multiphysics software program. The distributions of dependent variables, i.e. temperature, pressure and amount adsorbed, are simulated and plotted in Comsol Multiphysics. In the model, the dependent variables are computed by solving the energy, mass and momentum transfer equations in a coupled way and their variations are investigated two-dimensionally. The results are presented with multicolored plots in a 2-D domain. Furthermore, a parametric study is carried out for determining factors that enhance the heat and mass transfer inside the adsorbent bed. In this parametric study, the effects of several design and operational parameters on the dependent variables are investigated. In the experimental study, the finned tube is tested using natural zeolite-water and silica gel-water working pairs. Temperature, pressure and amount adsorbed variations inside the adsorbent bed at various operating conditions are investigated. After that, a second adsorbent bed with a larger size is constructed and tested. The effect of the particle diameter of the adsorbent is also investigated. The experimental and theoretical results are compared.

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