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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interaction of dissolved and colloidal substances with fines of mechanical pulp - influence on sheet properties and basic aspects of adhesion

Rundlöf, Mats January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Forces on bars in high-consistency mill-scale refiners

Olender, Dustin James 24 December 2007 (has links)
Refiners are used in the pulp and paper industry to separate wood chips into individual fibres and to develop the morphology of fibres to be suitable for the type and grade of paper to be produced. Within a refiner are discs, at least one of which rotates at high speed and all of which are lined with radial patterns of bars on their opposing surfaces. As the chips and fibres are accelerated through the refiner, compressive and shear forces are applied to them by the bars as the opposed discs cross each other. Experiments have shown that the contact mechanics of bar-crossings are a significant factor in the development of fibre properties. To investigate the contact mechanics in operating refiners, a prototype piezoelectric-based sensor was developed to measure the forces applied by the bars. This work re-designs the prototype sensor to function at the mill-scale, and validates the design in two trials. Performance during these trials is presented along with an in-depth analysis of the recorded data. Arrays of force sensors were installed in two single-disc refiners: a pilot-scale machine operating as a primary stage, and a mill-scale machine operating as a rejects stage. In the rejects refiner, mean forces were highest at the periphery of the refining zone, while in the primary stage, mean forces were higher at the sensor closest to the refiner axis. Higher coefficients of friction were measured in the primary stage refiner, which also showed less active bar-crossings. Distributions of peak force values were generated for a range of standard operating conditions. Primary stage refining showed near decreasing exponential distributions, while rejects refining showed skewed normal distributions. These results indicate a fundamental difference in the behavior of these refiners, which is explained in terms of the processing stage of the wood fibre and scale of the refiner. Past laboratory experiments in a single-bar refiner have shown that pulp consistency can greatly affect the contact mechanics of bar-crossing impacts. The effect was observed as a positive correlation between the coefficient of friction and the mass fraction of fibre in the stock, known as the consistency. In the present work, a similar correlation was found in the primary stage refiner, but only in the sensor closest to the refiner axis. No significant changes in the coefficient of friction were observed in the rejects refiner; however, only a small range of consistencies was tested. These initial findings suggest relationships found in past laboratory tests may translate to larger-scale equipment. The clashing of plates during refining accelerates bar wear, and delays production. An investigation of the ability of the sensor to predict plate clash was conducted. The force sensors consistently provided advanced warning of a clash event, many seconds before the accelerometer-based plate protection system currently in use by the mill. A sensitivity study showed that the new system was able to outperform the accelerometer system over a range of detection settings, and that the accelerometer could not be tuned to match the performance of the new system.

Réduction de l'impact environnemental du blanchiment au peroxyde d'hydrogène en milieu alcalin des pâtes mécaniques / Reducing environmental impact during alkaline peroxide bleaching of mechanical pulps

Savoye, Liliane 12 October 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation d'une source d'alcali forte, telle que l'hydroxyde de sodium (NaOH), au cours du blanchiment au peroxyde d'hydrogène (H2O2) des pâtes mécaniques a pour inconvénient majeur de solubiliser certains composés du bois. Or, cette matière organique dissoute (MOD) induit une forte valeur de demande chimique en oxygène (DCO) dans les effluents de blanchiment. De plus, une fraction de cette matière organique, nommée DCO récalcitrante (R-DCO), n'est pas biodégradable dans les stations de traitement des eaux usées industrielles. Cette étude a prouvé qu'il était possible d'atteindre la blancheur cible de 75 % ISO en substituant partiellement le NaOH par l'hydroxyde de magnésium (Mg(OH)2) ou le carbonate de magnésium (MgCO3) lors du blanchiment en un stade au peroxyde d'hydrogène d'une pâte TMP d'épicéa. Parallèlement, la consommation en peroxyde d'hydrogène diminuait fortement lors des blanchiment à base de Mg(OH)2 et MgCO3. La DCO a ainsi été réduite de 26 et 31%, respectivement, pour les blanchiments alternatifs en comparaison du blanchiment conventionnel. En outre, seulement 10 et 8 kg O2.ton-1 de R-DCO ont été générés au cours des procédés de blanchiment à base de Mg(OH)2 et MgCO3 contre 13,3 kg O2.ton-1 lors du procédé conventionnel. L'analyse par chromatographie à exclusion stérique couplée à l'absorbance UV, la fluorescence et au carbone organique dissous (HPSEC/UVA-Fluo-COD) a permis de montrer que la MOD dans les effluents de blanchiments conventionnel et alternatifs était caractérisée par les mêmes masses moléculaires. Ces travaux ont également mis en évidence que les blanchiments alternatifs avec des sources d'alcali à base de magnésium affectaient la résistance de la pâte blanchie. Il a été montré que l'indice de rupture diminuait de 10% par rapport à la pâte blanchie de manière conventionnelle. Par ailleurs, la réversion de blancheur de la pâte blanchie avec une source d'alcali alternative a diminué de 2% ISO durant le photo-vieillissement à la lumière. L'analyse structurelle de la lignine a également permis de comprendre les mécanismes réactionnels mis en jeu en fonction de la source alcaline utilisée au cours du blanchiment. Dans le cas d'une pâte chimicothermomécanique (CTMP d'érable), il est envisageable de remplacer totalement le NaOH avec différentes sources d'alcali alternatives mais au détriment des propriétés physiques de la pâte (-25 et 16% sur l'indice de rupture et déchirement). / The use of a strong alkali source, such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH), during hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) bleaching of mechanical pulps is responsible for the solubilization of some wood components. Yet, this dissolved organic matter (DOM) induces a high value of chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the bleaching effluents. In addition, a fraction of this organic matter, called recalcitrant COD (R-COD), is not biodegradable in industrial wastewater treatment plants. This study has proven that it was possible to reach the brightness target of 75% ISO during a one stage peroxide bleaching of spruce TMP when NaOH was partially substituted by magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2) or magnesium carbonate (MgCO3). Meanwhile, hydrogen peroxide consumption decreased significantly during Mg(OH)2- and MgCO3-based bleachings. COD has been reduced by 26 and 31%, respectively, during alternative bleachings in comparison with the conventional one. Furthermore, only 10 and 8 kg O2.t-1 R-COD were generated during Mg(OH)2- and MgCO3-based processes respectively against 13.3 kg O2.t-1 during the conventional process. DOM analysis by size exclusion chromatography coupled with UV absorbance, fluorescence and dissolved organic carbon (HPSEC/UVA-Fluo-DOC) has shown that the MOD in conventional and alternative bleaching effluents were characterized by the same molecular weights. This work has also pointed out that alternative bleachings with magnesium-based alkali sources affected bleached pulp strength properties. A reduction up to 10% of the tensile index was measured compared to the conventional bleached pulp. Otherwise, the brightness reversion of alternative bleached pulps decreased by 2% ISO during photo-ageing under UV irradiation. Structural analysis of lignin enabled us to understand reaction mechanisms brought into play during alternative bleaching. In the case of a chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP maple), it is feasible to completely replace NaOH by different alternative alkali but at the expense of the strength properties of the bleached pulp (-25 and 16 % on tensile and tear indexes).

Ultrastructural Aspects of Pulp Fibers as Studied by Dynamic FT-IR Spectroscopy

Åkerholm, Margaretha January 2003 (has links)
Dynamic (or 2D) FT-IR spectroscopy in combination withpolarized IR irradiation has been used in this work to studywood polymer orientation and interactions on theultrastructural level in wood fibers in the native state aswell as the effects of different pulping processes. The woodpolymer interactions were studied under both dry and humidconditions. The matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses located between thewell-ordered cellulose fibrils in the wood cell wall of sprucewas here shown to be more highly ordered than has earlier beenrevealed. It was confirmed that glucomannan is orientedparallel to the cellulose fibrils and is highly coupled to it.The lignin was also shown to have a main orientation in thestructure although this is probably not as strong as that ofglucomannan. The orientation of the lignin may derive from thefact that the polysaccharides act as templates during thelignification of the cell wall. This organization implies thatnot only the cellulose but also the lignin and thehemicelluloses have different mechanical properties in thelongitudinal and cross-fiber directions. The ability to gain molecular information on the stresstransfer in polymers with dynamic FT-IR spectroscopy made itpossible to verify experimentally earlier molecularcalculations on the stress transfer within the cellulose chain.It was also possible to show, on the molecular level, thedominant importance of the cellulose fibrils for the stresstransfer in the longitudinal direction of pulp fibers,including lignin-rich mechanical pulp fibers. The glucomannanof softwood fibers was also shown to participate in the stresstransfer in the fiber direction indicating a close associationwith the cellulose, whereas the xylan showed no dynamicresponse. Already under dry conditions, the lignin was shown tohave a more viscoelastic response than the polysaccharidesduring the loading of pulp fibers and it was thus able to moveindependently of the cellulose. The enhanced spectral resolution obtained with dynamic FT-IRspectroscopy made it possible to study the crystalstructure/chain order of cellulose in pulp fibers. Thepossibility of following changes in the relative cellulose Iallomorph composition of pulp fibers was demonstrated for somechemical pulps. Dynamic FT-IR experiments under humid conditions and ofelevated temperatures made it possible to study the softeningof the biopolymers in their native environment. This was alsodemonstrated for some different pulps, and this may be apromising tool for obtaining viscoelastic information on themolecular level in composite systems such as wood fibers. <b>Keywords:</b>cellulose, cooperation, crystallinity, dynamictest, glucomannan, hardwood, holocellulose, humidity, infraredspectroscopy, kraft pulp, lignin, mechanical pulp, orientation,polarised light, softwood, strain, sulphite pulp,viscoelasticity, xylan

Ultrastructural Aspects of Pulp Fibers as Studied by Dynamic FT-IR Spectroscopy

Åkerholm, Margaretha January 2003 (has links)
<p>Dynamic (or 2D) FT-IR spectroscopy in combination withpolarized IR irradiation has been used in this work to studywood polymer orientation and interactions on theultrastructural level in wood fibers in the native state aswell as the effects of different pulping processes. The woodpolymer interactions were studied under both dry and humidconditions.</p><p>The matrix of lignin and hemicelluloses located between thewell-ordered cellulose fibrils in the wood cell wall of sprucewas here shown to be more highly ordered than has earlier beenrevealed. It was confirmed that glucomannan is orientedparallel to the cellulose fibrils and is highly coupled to it.The lignin was also shown to have a main orientation in thestructure although this is probably not as strong as that ofglucomannan. The orientation of the lignin may derive from thefact that the polysaccharides act as templates during thelignification of the cell wall. This organization implies thatnot only the cellulose but also the lignin and thehemicelluloses have different mechanical properties in thelongitudinal and cross-fiber directions.</p><p>The ability to gain molecular information on the stresstransfer in polymers with dynamic FT-IR spectroscopy made itpossible to verify experimentally earlier molecularcalculations on the stress transfer within the cellulose chain.It was also possible to show, on the molecular level, thedominant importance of the cellulose fibrils for the stresstransfer in the longitudinal direction of pulp fibers,including lignin-rich mechanical pulp fibers. The glucomannanof softwood fibers was also shown to participate in the stresstransfer in the fiber direction indicating a close associationwith the cellulose, whereas the xylan showed no dynamicresponse. Already under dry conditions, the lignin was shown tohave a more viscoelastic response than the polysaccharidesduring the loading of pulp fibers and it was thus able to moveindependently of the cellulose.</p><p>The enhanced spectral resolution obtained with dynamic FT-IRspectroscopy made it possible to study the crystalstructure/chain order of cellulose in pulp fibers. Thepossibility of following changes in the relative cellulose Iallomorph composition of pulp fibers was demonstrated for somechemical pulps.</p><p>Dynamic FT-IR experiments under humid conditions and ofelevated temperatures made it possible to study the softeningof the biopolymers in their native environment. This was alsodemonstrated for some different pulps, and this may be apromising tool for obtaining viscoelastic information on themolecular level in composite systems such as wood fibers.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>cellulose, cooperation, crystallinity, dynamictest, glucomannan, hardwood, holocellulose, humidity, infraredspectroscopy, kraft pulp, lignin, mechanical pulp, orientation,polarised light, softwood, strain, sulphite pulp,viscoelasticity, xylan</p>

The Influence of pH, Temperature and Number of Wash Steps on the Washing Efficiency of CTMP Pulp

Monlars, André January 2021 (has links)
In this report, the washing efficiency of chemi-thermomechanical pulp (CTMP) from Norway spruce (Picea abies) was investigated when adjusting the temperature and pH during washing as well as implementing different number of wash steps. Concurrent effects of having a high pH and temperature were also examined. CTMP pulp has many uses, one of which is for the manufacturing of packaging board. Lately, this end product has seen a precipitous increase due to the increasing demand of an environmentally friendly alternative within the food packaging sector. A notorious problem associated with all mechanical pulps is how extractives are to a large extent still present after the pulping process, especially unsaturated lipids which are subject to oxidation. This results in the formation of odorous aldehydes that can be easily transferred into the food product, thus contaminating it by altering the perception of taste and odor. This is a frequent problem faced by the status quo liquid board industry. Washing is thus employed late downstream to lower the final wood resin content. Here, available literature has been collated for some basic introductory subjects such as softwood anatomy, wood resin and structures. All of this is described with a focus on softwood, leading up to a thorough breakdown of P. abies. Mechanical pulping and relevant deresination methods for CTMP production are also described, including washing. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the trends of the final resin concentration as the chosen parameters are altered during washing. The pulp was provided by Rottneros Mill and their industrial process was simulated by using a Büchner funnel for washing. A Soxhlet extractor was used for determining the final extractive contents. It was found that the implementation of additional wash steps reduced the final resin content (1–4 wash steps). The same was found with increasing temperature (60, 70, 80 and 90 °C). The implementation of a fourth wash step seemed to be more efficient at higher temperatures. No conclusions could be drawn from altering the pH due to scattered data points with high uncertainties (pH 7, 8 and 9). The results are limited in terms of significance and are also subject to bias. / I denna rapport undersöktes tvätteffektiviteten av kemitermomekanisk massa (CTMP, chemi-thermomechanical pulp) tillverkad från gran (Picea abies) och hur den påverkas vid justeringar av temperatur, pH och antal tvättsteg. Ytterligare undersöktes förekomsten av eventuella samverkande effekter vid högre temperatur och pH. CTMP-massa har många användningsområden, däribland vid produktion av vätskekartong. På sistone har efterfrågan av vätskekartong ökat markant som ett svar på en allt större strävan efter ett mer miljövänligt alternativ inom matförpackningssektorn. Ett välkänt problem associerat med mekanisk massatillverkning är den stora mängden exktraktivämnen som kvarhålls i den färdiga massan. En viss del av dessa extraktivämnen utgörs av fleromättade fetter vilket är benägna att genomgå oxidation. Detta leder i sin tur till bildandet av flyktiga aldehyder som kan föras vidare till matprodukten och ge dem förändrad smak och lukt; ett problem som dagens vätskekartongproducenter står inför. Tillgänglig litteratur har sammanställts, där en inledande teoridel beskriver koncept såsom anatomi, strukturer och extraktivämnen hos barrved. Teoridelen övergår därefter till att ge en mer detaljerad beskrivning av P. abies och dess extraktivinnehåll. Ytterligare beskrivs mekanisk massatillverkning över lag och metoder för att eliminera extraktivämnen under produktionen av CTMP-massa (inklusive tvättning). Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utvärdera de trender i den slutliga extraktivhalten då de valda parametrarna justeras under tvättning. Massan tillhandahölls av Rottneros Bruk och deras tvättningsprocess simulerades med hjälp av en Büchner-tratt. En Soxhlet-extraktor användes för att utvärdera den slutliga extraktivhalten. Det visade sig att vid varje insättning av ett ytterligare tvättsteg (1–4 tvättsteg) gav en lägre extraktivhalt hos CTMP-massan. Desamma gällde vid ökande temperatur (60, 70, 80 and 90 °C). Implementering av ett fjärde tvättsteg tycks vara mer effektivt vid högre temperaturer. Det kunde dock inte dras några slutsatser huruvida pH påverkade tvättningen då dessa mätvärden fick stor spridning med höga osäkerheter (pH 7, 8 och 9). Resultaten besitter begränsad signifikans och kan även ha blivit utsatta för bias.

Bonding Ability Distribution of Fibers in Mechanical Pulp Furnishes

Reyier, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a method of measuring the distribution of fiber bonding ability in mechanical pulp furnishes. The method is intended for industrial use, where today only average values are used to describe fiber bonding ability, despite the differences in morphology of the fibers entering the mill. Fiber bonding ability in this paper refers to the mechanical fiber’s flexibility and ability to form large contact areas to other fibers, characteristics required for good paper surfaces and strength.</p><p> </p><p>Five mechanical pulps (Pulps A-E), all produced in different processes from Norway spruce (<em>Picea Abies)</em> were fractionated in hydrocyclones with respect to the fiber bonding ability. Five streams were formed from the hydrocyclone fractionation, Streams 1-5. Each stream plus the feed (Stream 0) was fractionated according to fiber length in a Bauer McNett classifier to compare the fibers at equal fiber lengths (Bauer McNett screens 16, 30, 50, and 100 mesh were used).</p><p> </p><p>Stream 1 was found to have the highest fiber bonding ability, evaluated as tensile strength and apparent density of long fiber laboratory sheets. External fibrillation and collapse resistance index measured in FiberLab<sup>TM</sup>, an optical measurement device, also showed this result. Stream 5 was found to have the lowest fiber bonding ability, with a consecutively falling scale between Stream 1 and Stream 5. The results from acoustic emission measurements and cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy analysis concluded the same pattern. The amount of fibers in each hydrocyclone stream was also regarded as a measure of the fibers’ bonding ability in each pulp.</p><p> </p><p>The equation for predicted Bonding Indicator (BIN) was calculated by combining, through linear regression, the collapse resistance index and external fibrillation of the P16/R30 fractions for Pulps A and B. Predicted Bonding Indicator was found to correlate well with measured tensile strength. The BIN-equation was then applied also to the data for Pulps C-E, P16/R30, and Pulp A-E, P30/R50, and predicted Bonding Indicator showed good correlations with tensile strength also for these fibers.</p><p> </p><p>From the fiber raw data measured by the FiberLab<sup>TM</sup> instrument, the BIN-equation was used for each individual fiber. This made it possible to calculate a BIN-distribution of the fibers, that is, a distribution of fiber bonding ability.</p><p> </p><p>The thesis also shows how the BIN-distributions of fibers can be derived from FiberLab<sup>TM</sup> measurements of the entire pulp without mechanically separating the fibers by length first, for example in a Bauer McNett classifier. This is of great importance, as the method is intended for industrial use, and possibly as an online-method. Hopefully, the BIN-method will become a useful tool for process evaluations and optimizations in the future.</p> / <p>Den här studien presenterar en metod för att mäta fördelning av fiberbindning i mekaniska massor. Metoden hoppas kunna användas industriellt, där i dagsläget enbart medelvärden används för att mäta fiberbindnings-fördelning, trots råvarans (fibrernas) morfologiska skillnader.</p><p> </p><p>Fem mekaniska massor (Massa A-E) från olika massaprocesser men från samma råvara, norsk gran (<em>Picea Abies</em>), har fraktionerats i hydrocykloner med avseende på fiberbindningsförmåga. Från hydrocyklon-fraktioneringen bildades fem strömmar, Ström 1-5. Varje ström plus injektet (Ström 0) fraktionerades också med avseende på fiberlängd i en Bauer McNett för att kunna jämföra fibrerna vid samma fiberlängd (Bauer McNett silplåtarna 16, 30, 50 och 100 mesh användes).</p><p> </p><p>Fiberbindingsförmåga i den här studien härrör till fiberns flexibilitet och förmåga att skapa stora kontaktytor med andra fibrer, vilket bidrar till papprets yt- och styrkeegenskaper.</p><p> </p><p>Ström 1 visade sig ha den högsta fiberbindningsförmågan, utvärderat som dragstyrka och densitet av långfiberark, samt yttre fibrillering och kollaps resistans index mätt i den optiska analysatorn FiberLab<sup>TM</sup>. Akustisk emission och tvärsnittsanalyser visade samma resultat. Ström 5 visade sig ha den lägsta fiberbindningsförmågan, med en avtagande skala från Ström 1 till Ström 5. Andelen fibrer från injektet som gick ut med varje hydrocyklon-ström ansågs också vara ett mått på fibrernas bindningsförmåga i varje massa.</p><p> </p><p>Genom att kombinera fiberegenskaperna kollaps resistans och yttre fibrillering från den optiska mätningen på varje fiber genom linjär regression, kunde Bindnings Indikator (BIN) predikteras. Medelvärdet av Bindnings Indikator för varje hydrocyklon-ström korrelerar med dragstyrka för långfiber-labark.</p><p> </p><p>Det visade sig att predikterad Bindnings Indikator inte bara fungerade för Massa A och Massa B P16/R30 fraktionen, som var de fraktioner som användes i den linjära regressionen, utan även för Massa C-E, P16/R30, och Massa A-E P30/R50 som också visade goda korrelationer med långfiber-dragstyrka när de sattes in i BIN-formeln.</p><p> </p><p>BIN-formeln användes sedan för varje enskild fiber, i den rådata som levererats från FiberLab<sup>TM</sup>. Detta gjorde det möjligt att få en BIN-distribution av fibrerna, d.v.s. en fördelning av fiberbindningsförmåga.</p><p> </p><p>Den här rapporten visar också hur det går att få BIN-distributioner också från mätningar på hela massan, för valbara fiberlängder, utan att först mekaniskt separera massan efter fiberlängd. Det är viktigt, då metoden är tänkt att användas som en industriell metod, och eventuellt som en online-metod. Förhoppningsvis kommer BIN-metoden att bli ett användbart verktyg för processutveckling- och optimering i framtiden.</p> / FSCN – Fibre Science and Communication Network / Bonding ability distribution of fibers in mechanical pulp furnishes

Bonding Ability Distribution of Fibers in Mechanical Pulp Furnishes

Reyier, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents a method of measuring the distribution of fiber bonding ability in mechanical pulp furnishes. The method is intended for industrial use, where today only average values are used to describe fiber bonding ability, despite the differences in morphology of the fibers entering the mill. Fiber bonding ability in this paper refers to the mechanical fiber’s flexibility and ability to form large contact areas to other fibers, characteristics required for good paper surfaces and strength.   Five mechanical pulps (Pulps A-E), all produced in different processes from Norway spruce (Picea Abies) were fractionated in hydrocyclones with respect to the fiber bonding ability. Five streams were formed from the hydrocyclone fractionation, Streams 1-5. Each stream plus the feed (Stream 0) was fractionated according to fiber length in a Bauer McNett classifier to compare the fibers at equal fiber lengths (Bauer McNett screens 16, 30, 50, and 100 mesh were used).   Stream 1 was found to have the highest fiber bonding ability, evaluated as tensile strength and apparent density of long fiber laboratory sheets. External fibrillation and collapse resistance index measured in FiberLabTM, an optical measurement device, also showed this result. Stream 5 was found to have the lowest fiber bonding ability, with a consecutively falling scale between Stream 1 and Stream 5. The results from acoustic emission measurements and cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy analysis concluded the same pattern. The amount of fibers in each hydrocyclone stream was also regarded as a measure of the fibers’ bonding ability in each pulp.   The equation for predicted Bonding Indicator (BIN) was calculated by combining, through linear regression, the collapse resistance index and external fibrillation of the P16/R30 fractions for Pulps A and B. Predicted Bonding Indicator was found to correlate well with measured tensile strength. The BIN-equation was then applied also to the data for Pulps C-E, P16/R30, and Pulp A-E, P30/R50, and predicted Bonding Indicator showed good correlations with tensile strength also for these fibers.   From the fiber raw data measured by the FiberLabTM instrument, the BIN-equation was used for each individual fiber. This made it possible to calculate a BIN-distribution of the fibers, that is, a distribution of fiber bonding ability.   The thesis also shows how the BIN-distributions of fibers can be derived from FiberLabTM measurements of the entire pulp without mechanically separating the fibers by length first, for example in a Bauer McNett classifier. This is of great importance, as the method is intended for industrial use, and possibly as an online-method. Hopefully, the BIN-method will become a useful tool for process evaluations and optimizations in the future. / Den här studien presenterar en metod för att mäta fördelning av fiberbindning i mekaniska massor. Metoden hoppas kunna användas industriellt, där i dagsläget enbart medelvärden används för att mäta fiberbindnings-fördelning, trots råvarans (fibrernas) morfologiska skillnader.   Fem mekaniska massor (Massa A-E) från olika massaprocesser men från samma råvara, norsk gran (Picea Abies), har fraktionerats i hydrocykloner med avseende på fiberbindningsförmåga. Från hydrocyklon-fraktioneringen bildades fem strömmar, Ström 1-5. Varje ström plus injektet (Ström 0) fraktionerades också med avseende på fiberlängd i en Bauer McNett för att kunna jämföra fibrerna vid samma fiberlängd (Bauer McNett silplåtarna 16, 30, 50 och 100 mesh användes).   Fiberbindingsförmåga i den här studien härrör till fiberns flexibilitet och förmåga att skapa stora kontaktytor med andra fibrer, vilket bidrar till papprets yt- och styrkeegenskaper.   Ström 1 visade sig ha den högsta fiberbindningsförmågan, utvärderat som dragstyrka och densitet av långfiberark, samt yttre fibrillering och kollaps resistans index mätt i den optiska analysatorn FiberLabTM. Akustisk emission och tvärsnittsanalyser visade samma resultat. Ström 5 visade sig ha den lägsta fiberbindningsförmågan, med en avtagande skala från Ström 1 till Ström 5. Andelen fibrer från injektet som gick ut med varje hydrocyklon-ström ansågs också vara ett mått på fibrernas bindningsförmåga i varje massa.   Genom att kombinera fiberegenskaperna kollaps resistans och yttre fibrillering från den optiska mätningen på varje fiber genom linjär regression, kunde Bindnings Indikator (BIN) predikteras. Medelvärdet av Bindnings Indikator för varje hydrocyklon-ström korrelerar med dragstyrka för långfiber-labark.   Det visade sig att predikterad Bindnings Indikator inte bara fungerade för Massa A och Massa B P16/R30 fraktionen, som var de fraktioner som användes i den linjära regressionen, utan även för Massa C-E, P16/R30, och Massa A-E P30/R50 som också visade goda korrelationer med långfiber-dragstyrka när de sattes in i BIN-formeln.   BIN-formeln användes sedan för varje enskild fiber, i den rådata som levererats från FiberLabTM. Detta gjorde det möjligt att få en BIN-distribution av fibrerna, d.v.s. en fördelning av fiberbindningsförmåga.   Den här rapporten visar också hur det går att få BIN-distributioner också från mätningar på hela massan, för valbara fiberlängder, utan att först mekaniskt separera massan efter fiberlängd. Det är viktigt, då metoden är tänkt att användas som en industriell metod, och eventuellt som en online-metod. Förhoppningsvis kommer BIN-metoden att bli ett användbart verktyg för processutveckling- och optimering i framtiden. / FSCN – Fibre Science and Communication Network / Bonding ability distribution of fibers in mechanical pulp furnishes

Bonding Ability Distribution of Fibers in Mechanical Pulp Furnishes

Reyier Österling, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
This thesis presents a method of measuring the distribution of fiber bonding ability in mechanical pulp furnishes. The method is intended for industrial use, where today only average values are used to describe fiber bonding ability, despite the differences in morphology of the fibers entering the mill. Fiber bonding ability in this paper refers to the mechanical fiber’s flexibility and ability to form large contact areas to other fibers, characteristics required for good paper surfaces and strength. Five mechanical pulps (Pulps A-E), all produced in different processes from Norway spruce (Picea Abies) were fractionated in hydrocyclones with respect to the fiber bonding ability. Five streams were formed from the hydrocyclone fractionation, Streams 1-5. Each stream plus the feed (Stream 0) was fractionated according to fiber length in a Bauer McNett classifier to compare the fibers at equal fiber lengths (Bauer McNett screens 16, 30, 50, and 100 mesh were used). Stream 1 was found to have the highest fiber bonding ability, evaluated as tensile strength and apparent density of long fiber laboratory sheets. External fibrillation and collapse resistance index measured in FiberLabTM, an optical measurement device, also showed this result. Stream 5 was found to have the lowest fiber bonding ability, with a consecutively falling scale between Stream 1 and Stream 5. The results from acoustic emission measurements and cross-sectional scanning electron microscopy analysis concluded the same pattern. The amount of fibers in each hydrocyclone stream was also regarded as a measure of the fibers’ bonding ability in each pulp. The equation for predicted Bonding Indicator (BIN) was calculated by combining, through linear regression, the collapse resistance index and external fibrillation of the P16/R30 fractions for Pulps A and B. Predicted Bonding Indicator was found to correlate well with measured tensile strength. The BIN-equation was then applied also to the data for Pulps C-E, P16/R30, and Pulp A-E, P30/R50, and predicted Bonding Indicator showed good correlations with tensile strength also for these fibers. From the fiber raw data measured by the FiberLabTM instrument, the BIN-equation was used for each individual fiber. This made it possible to calculate a BIN-distribution of the fibers, that is, a distribution of fiber bonding ability. The thesis also shows how the BIN-distributions of fibers can be derived from FiberLabTM measurements of the entire pulp without mechanically separating the fibers by length first, for example in a Bauer McNett classifier. This is of great importance, as the method is intended for industrial use, and possibly as an online-method. Hopefully, the BIN-method will become a useful tool for process evaluations and optimizations in the future. / Den här studien presenterar en metod för att mäta fördelning av fiberbindning i mekaniska massor. Metoden hoppas kunna användas industriellt, där i dagsläget enbart medelvärden används för att mäta fiberbindnings-fördelning, trots råvarans (fibrernas) morfologiska skillnader.  Fem mekaniska massor (Massa A-E) från olika massaprocesser men från samma råvara, norsk gran (Picea Abies), har fraktionerats i hydrocykloner med avseende på fiberbindningsförmåga. Från hydrocyklon-fraktioneringen bildades fem strömmar, Ström 1-5. Varje ström plus injektet (Ström 0) fraktionerades också med avseende på fiberlängd i en Bauer McNett för att kunna jämföra fibrerna vid samma fiberlängd (Bauer McNett silplåtarna 16, 30, 50 och 100 mesh användes). Fiberbindingsförmåga i den här studien härrör till fiberns flexibilitet och förmåga att skapa stora kontaktytor med andra fibrer, vilket bidrar till papprets yt- och styrkeegenskaper. Ström 1 visade sig ha den högsta fiberbindningsförmågan, utvärderat som dragstyrka och densitet av långfiberark, samt yttre fibrillering och kollaps resistans index mätt i den optiska analysatorn FiberLabTM. Akustisk emission och tvärsnittsanalyser visade samma resultat. Ström 5 visade sig ha den lägsta fiberbindningsförmågan, med en avtagande skala från Ström 1 till Ström 5. Andelen fibrer från injektet som gick ut med varje hydrocyklon-ström ansågs också vara ett mått på fibrernas bindningsförmåga i varje massa. Genom att kombinera fiberegenskaperna kollaps resistans och yttre fibrillering från den optiska mätningen på varje fiber genom linjär regression, kunde Bindnings Indikator (BIN) predikteras. Medelvärdet av Bindnings Indikator för varje hydrocyklon-ström korrelerar med dragstyrka för långfiber-labark.  Det visade sig att predikterad Bindnings Indikator inte bara fungerade för Massa A och Massa B P16/R30 fraktionen, som var de fraktioner som användes i den linjära regressionen, utan även för Massa C-E, P16/R30, och Massa A-E P30/R50 som också visade goda korrelationer med långfiber-dragstyrka när de sattes in i BIN-formeln. BIN-formeln användes sedan för varje enskild fiber, i den rådata som levererats från FiberLabTM. Detta gjorde det möjligt att få en BIN-distribution av fibrerna, d.v.s. en fördelning av fiberbindningsförmåga. Den här rapporten visar också hur det går att få BIN-distributioner också från mätningar på hela massan, för valbara fiberlängder, utan att först mekaniskt separera massan efter fiberlängd. Det är viktigt, då metoden är tänkt att användas som en industriell metod, och eventuellt som en online-metod. Förhoppningsvis kommer BIN-metoden att bli ett användbart verktyg för processutveckling- och optimering i framtiden. / <p>FSCN – Fibre Science and Communication Network</p> / Bonding ability distribution of fibers in mechanical pulp furnishes

Distributions Of Fiber Characteristics As A Tool To Evaluate Mechanical Pulps

Reyier Österling, Sofia January 2015 (has links)
Mechanical pulps are used in paper products such as magazine or news grade printing papers or paperboard. Mechanical pulping gives a high yield; nearly everything in the tree except the bark is used in the paper. This means that mechanical pulping consumes much less wood than chemical pulping, especially to produce a unit area of printing surface. A drawback of mechanical pulp production is the high amounts of electrical energy needed to separate and refine the fibers to a given fiber quality. Mechanical pulps are often produced from slow growing spruce trees of forests in the northern hemisphere resulting in long, slender fibers that are well suited for mechanical pulp products. These fibers have large varieties in geometry, mainly wall thickness and width, depending on seasonal variations and growth conditions. Earlywood fibers typically have thin walls and latewood fibers thick. The background to this study was that a more detailed fiber characterization involving evaluations of distributions of fiber characteristics, may give improved possibilities to optimize the mechanical pulping process and thereby reduce the total electric energy needed to reach a given quality of the pulp and final product. This would result in improved competitiveness as well as less environmental impact. This study evaluated the relation between fiber characteristics in three types of mechanical pulps made from Norway spruce (Picea abies), thermomechanical pulp(TMP), stone groundwood pulp (SGW) and chemithermomechanical pulp (CTMP). In addition, the influence of fibers from these pulp types on sheet characteristics, mainly tensile index, was studied. A comparatively rapid method was presented on how to evaluate the propensity of each fiber to form sheets of high tensile index, by the use of raw data from a commercially available fiber analyzer (FiberLabTM). The developed method gives novel opportunities of evaluating the effect on the fibers of each stage in the mechanical pulping process and has a potential to be applied also on‐line to steer the refining and pulping process by the characteristics of the final pulp and the quality of the final paper. The long fiber fraction is important for the properties of the whole pulp. It was found that fiber wall thickness and external fibrillation were the fibercharacteristics that contributed the most to tensile index of the long fiber fractions in five mechanical pulps (three TMPs, one SGW, one CTMP). The tensile index of handsheets of the long fiber fractions could be predicted by linear regressions using a combination of fiber wall thickness and degree of external fibrillation. The predicted tensile index was denoted BIN, short for Bonding ability INfluence. This resulted in the same linear correlation between BIN and tensile index for 52 samples of the five mechanical pulps studied, each fractionated into five streams(plus feed) in full size hydrocyclones. The Bauer McNett P16/R30 (passed 16 meshwire, retained on a 30 mesh wire) and P30/R50 fractions of each stream were used for the evaluation. The fibers of the SGW had thicker walls and a higher degree of external fibrillation than the TMPs and CTMP, which resulted in a correlation between BIN and tensile index on a different level for the P30/R50 fraction of SGW than the other pulp samples. A BIN model based on averages weighted by each fiber´s wall volume instead of arithmetic averages, took the fiber wall thickness of the SGW into account, and gave one uniform correlation between BIN and tensile index for all pulp samples (12 samples for constructing the model, 46 for validatingit). If the BIN model is used for predicting averages of the tensile index of a sheet, a model based on wall volume weighted data is recommended. To be able to produce BIN distributions where the influence of the length or wall volume of each fiber is taken into account, the BIN model is currently based on arithmetic averages of fiber wall thickness and fibrillation. Fiber width used as a single factor reduced the accuracy of the BIN model. Wall volume weighted averages of fiber width also resulted in a completely changed ranking of the five hydrocyclone streams compared to arithmetic, for two of thefive pulps. This was not seen when fiber width was combined with fiber wallthickness into the factor “collapse resistance index”. In order to avoid too high influence of fiber wall thickness and until the influence of fiber width on BIN and the measurement of fiber width is further evaluated, it is recommended to use length weighted or arithmetic distributions of BIN and other fiber characteristics. A comparably fast method to evaluate the distribution of fiber wall thickness and degree of external fibrillation with high resolution showed that the fiber wallthickness of the latewood fibers was reduced by increasing the refining energy in adouble disc refiner operated at four levels of specific energy input in a commercial TMP production line. This was expected but could not be seen by the use of average values, it was concluded that fiber characteristics in many cases should be evaluated as distributions and not only as averages. BIN distributions of various types of mechanical pulps from Norway spruce showed results that were expected based on knowledge of the particular pulps and processes. Measurements of mixtures of a news‐ and a SC (super calendered) gradeTMP, showed a gradual increase in high‐BIN fibers with higher amounts of SCgrade TMP. The BIN distributions also revealed differences between the pulps that were not seen from average fiber values, for example that the shape of the BINdistributions was similar for two pulps that originated from conical disc refiners, a news grade TMP and the board grade CTMP, although the distributions were on different BIN levels. The SC grade TMP and the SC grade SGW had similar levels of tensile index, but the SGW contained some fibers of very low BIN values which may influence the characteristics of the final paper, for example strength, surface and structure. This shows that the BIN model has the potential of being applied on either the whole or parts of a papermaking process based on mechanical or chemimechanical pulping; the evaluation of distributions of fiber characteristics can contribute to increased knowledge about the process and opportunities to optimize it.

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