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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le vocabulaire médical du point de vue des trois fonctions primaires. / Vocabulary medical perspective of three primary functions

Chebouti, Karim 08 April 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit à la fois dans le cadre de la théorie des trois fonctions primaires qui s’inspire de la théorie distributionaliste de Z. Harris (la fonction prédicative, la fonction argumentale et la fonction actualisatrice) et dans la lignée des travaux qui ne distinguent pas la langue générale des langues spécialisées, du point de vue de leur fonctionnement syntaxique et sémantique. La terminologie médicale est décrite, ici, dans le cadre de la phrase. Nous avons analysé les termes médicaux selon leurs emplois prédicatifs ou argumentaux. Cette analyse a donné lieu à l’élaboration de bases de données. Une interface d’interrogation a été élaborée, par la suite, afin de permettre aux utilisateurs potentiels d’effectuer des recherches ciblées. / This thesis falls within the framework of the Three Primary Functions theory based on Z. Harris’s distributionalist theory (predicative function, argumental function and actualizing function), as well as in the line of work that does not distinguish between general and specialized languages considering their syntactic and semantic functioning. The medical terminology is described here in the context of the sentence. We analyzed the medical terms according to their argumental or predicative employment. This analysis led to the development of databases. A query interface has been developed subsequently, to allow potential users to conduct targeted research.

HEALTH BY CHOCOLATE : "Food of the Gods: Cure for Humanity? A Cultural History of the Medicinal and Ritual Use of Chocolate"

Green, Frida January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Translation is not an easy task. There is a plethora of problems and difficulties which needs to be tackled in the process of translating a text from one language to another. This analysis concentrates on three of them – terminology, connectors and cultural aspects. The study is based on the Swedish translation of an English text concerning the medical and ritual use of chocolate in ancient Native American cultures as well as in Europe during the colonial era. The main problem encountered in the translation of this text was how to generalize it so it would suit the Swedish public but still maintain the level of formality of the source text. The specialized terminology found belongs to the fields of medicine and botany and these terms were often explained or replaced with more common words. A couple of the cultural aspects were also explained, since, for example, the cultural area Mesoamerica may not be known to the target readers unless they are knowledgeable in anthropology or archaeology. This made the target text somewhat less formal than the original so, to compensate, the translation of the adverbial connectors however and thus were on occasion translated with the more formal Swedish emellertid and således.</p>

Nominalphrasen in medizinischer Fachsprache : Übersetzung von Termini und erweiterten Attributen in einem deutschen wissenschaftlichen Artikel

Nilsson, Therese January 2009 (has links)
<p>Medical information must be available for all people in the world. Therefore it is important to translate medical research articles into foreign languages. The aim of this essay was to translate a German medical research article called “Troponinerhöhung und EKG-Veränderungen bei Schlaganfall und Subarachnoidalblutung” into Swedish and to analyse how problems that appeared during the translation process could be solved. The analysis was based on Vinay and Darbelnets, Kollers and Ingos translation theories and dealt with the question how to translate German noun phrases into Swedish. Special attention was paid to noun phrases consisting of medical terms and noun phrases containing extended modifiers.</p><p>The medical terms in the source text were divided into three categories depending on their origin, Greek and Latin terms, German terms and English terms. The translation of a large number of Greek and Latin terms was based on the translation procedure called borrowing. Calque was represented especially in the translation of terms of German origin, whereas borrowing or paraphrasing was preferred when translating English terms.</p><p>There were 63 noun phrases with extended modifiers in the source text. Two fifths of these corresponded to Swedish noun phrases with extended modifiers, whereas the rest must be translated into Swedish noun phrases with adjective premodifiers or relative clauses or into verbal expressions.</p>

Ελληνική ιατρική ορολογία : μορφοσημασιολογική ανάλυση της ελληνικής ιατρικής ορολογίας : παραγωγή, σύνθεση και σημασιολογικά χαρακτηριστικά

Ράπτη, Μαρία 31 August 2011 (has links)
Με την παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία επιχειρώ να προσεγγίσω αυτό που ονομάζεται ορολογία και συγκεκριμένα επιχειρώ μία πρώτη προσέγγιση της ορολογίας της ιατρικής. Θα ήθελα όμως στο σημείο αυτό να σημειώσω ότι, αν και έχουν γίνει αρκετές μελέτες τόσο για την ορολογία γενικά όσο και για συγκεκριμένους κλάδους της ορολογίας, ο τομέας της ιατρικής ορολογίας αποτελεί έναν σχεδόν ολοκληρωτικά ανεξερεύνητο τομέα. Με δεδομένο λοιπόν το γεγονός ότι πρόκειται για έναν ‘άγνωστο’ από ερευνητικής άποψης χώρο και προσπαθώντας να ‘υπερβώ’ αυτή την ερευνητική δυσκολία, επέλεξα να εστιάσω τη γλωσσολογική μου έρευνα στα ακόλουθα θέματα: α) μορφοσημασιολογική ανάλυση των προσφυμάτων στο ελληνικό ιατρικό λεξιλόγιο και ξεχωριστά των επιθημάτων –ία και -ωση και β) μορφοσημασιολογική ανάλυση μιας ιδιαίτερης κατηγορίας σύνθετων όρων, των συνθέτων πολλαπλής σύστασης. Κριτήριο της επιλογής μου αυτών των θεμάτων ήταν πρώτον η ιδιαίτερα υψηλή συχνότητα εμφάνισης στο ιατρικό λεξιλόγιο των επιθημάτων ία και –ωση και δεύτερον η ιδιαιτερότητα από μορφοσημασιολογικής πλευράς των συνθέτων πολλαπλής σύστασης. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο πρώτον αναφέρομαι στην ορολογία γενικά παρουσιάζοντας την ιστορική της εξέλιξη, τα γενικά και λεξιλογικά της χαρακτηριστικά και την πραγματολογική της διάσταση και δεύτερον κάνω μία πολύ σύντομη αναφορά στην ιατρική επιστήμη προσπαθώντας να συσχετίσω την πορεία της με τους ιατρικούς όρους. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο αναφέρομαι στην ελληνική ιατρική ορολογία παρουσιάζοντας την εξέλιξή της, τα τυπικά και μορφοσημασιολογικά της χαρακτηριστικά και ολοκληρώνω την ενότητα αναλύοντας το σημασιολογικό ρόλο των προσφυμάτων στο ιατρικό λεξιλόγιο. Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο επιχειρώ την μορφοσημασιολογική ανάλυση των Συνθέτων Πολλαπλής Σύστασης. Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο το οποίο χωρίζεται σε δύο ενότητες αναλύω τα επιθήματα –ία και -ωση από σημασιολογικής πλευράς. Κάθε ενότητα αναφέρεται σε ένα επίθημα και στις δύο αυτές ενότητες παρουσιάζω και τις σημασιολογικές κατηγορίες των όρων που δίνει το κάθε επίθημα εφόσον πρόκειται για δύο πολύσημα επιθήματα τα οποία δίνουν παραπάνω από μία εννοιακή κατηγορία το καθένα. Στο πέμπτο κεφάλαιο εκθέτω τα συμπεράσματα στα οποία κατέληξα σε όσα θέματα διαπραγματεύτηκα σε όλα τα κεφάλαια της διπλωματικής μου εργασίας. Στο έκτο κεφάλαιο αναφέρω όρους για τους οποίους δε κατέστη δυνατό, από την έρευνα που έκανα για την εν λόγω διπλωματική εργασία, να καταλήξω σε ένα συμπέρασμα σχετικά με το σημασιολογικό ρόλο των προθημάτων τους. Τέλος, ολοκληρώνω την παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία με το έβδομο κεφάλαιο στο οποίο εκθέτω ερευνητικές προτάσεις για περαιτέρω έρευνα του τομέα της ιατρικής ορολογίας. / --

O estudo e desenvolvimento do protótipo de uma ferramenta de apoio a formulação de consultas a bases de dados na área da saúde / The study and development of the prototype of a tool for supporting query formulation to databases in the health area

Webber, Carine Geltrudes January 1997 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é, através do estudo de diversas tecnologias, desenvolver o protótipo de uma ferramenta capaz de oferecer suporte ao usuário na formulacdo de uma consulta a MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). A MEDLINE é um sistema de recuperação de informações bibliográficas, na área da biomedicina, desenvolvida pela National Library of Medicine. Ela é uma ferramenta cuja utilizando tem sido ampliada nesta área em decorrência do aumento da utilizando de literatura, disponível eletronicamente, por profissionais da área da saúde. As pessoas, em geral, buscam informação e esperam encontrá-la exatamente de acordo com as suas expectativas, de forma ágil e utilizando todas as fontes de recursos disponíveis. Foi com este propósito que surgiram os primeiros Sistema de Recuperação de Informação (SRI) onde, de forma simplificada, um usuário constrói uma consulta, a qual expressa sua necessidade de informação, em seguida o sistema a processa e os resultados obtidas através dela retornam ao usuário. Grande parte dos usuários encontram dificuldades em representar a sua necessidade de informação de forma a obter resultados satisfatórios em um SRI. Os termos que o usuário escolhe para compor a consulta nem sempre são os mesmos que o sistema reconhece. A fim de que um usuário seja bem sucedido na definição dos termos que compõem a sua consulta é aconselhável que ele conheça a terminologia que foi empregada na indexação dos itens que ele deseja recuperar ou que possa contar com um intermediário que possua esse conhecimento. Em situações em que nenhuma dessas possibilidades seja verdadeira recursos que viabilizem uma consulta bem sucedida se fazem necessários. Este trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta um estudo geral sobre os Sistemas de Recuperação de Informações (SRI), enfocando todos os processos envolvidos e relacionados ao armazenamento, organização e a própria recuperação. Posteriormente, são destacados aspectos relacionados aos vocabulários e classificações medicas em uso, os quais serão Úteis para uma maior compreensão das dificuldades encontradas pelos usuários durante a interação com um sistema com esta finalidade. E, finalmente, é apresentado o protótipo do Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE, bem como seus componentes e funcionalidades. O Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE foi desenvolvido com o intuito de permitir que o usuário utilize qualquer termo na formulação de uma consulta destinada a MEDLINE. Ele possibilita a integração de diferentes terminologias médicas, originárias de vocabulários e classificações disponíveis em língua portuguesa e atualmente em uso. Esta abordagem permite a criação de uma terminologia biomédica mais completa, sendo que cada termo mantém relacionamentos, os quais descrevem a sua semântica, com outros. / The goal of this work is, through the study of many technologies, to develop the prototype of a tool able to offer support to the user in query formulation to the MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). The MEDLINE is a bibliographical information retrieval system in the biomedicine area developed by National Library of Medicine. It is a tool whose usefulness has been amplifyed in this area by the increase of literature utilization, eletronically available, by health care profissionals. People, in general, look for information and are interested in finding it exactly like their expectations, in an agile way and using every single information source available. With this purpouse the first Information Retrieval System (IRS ) emerged, where in a simplifyed way, a user defines a query, that expresses an information necessity and, one step ahead, the system processes it and returns to the user answers from the query. Most of the users think is difficult to represent their information necessity in order to be succesful in searching an IRS. The terms that the user selects to compose the query are not always the same that the system recognizes. In order to be successfull in the definition of the terms that will compose his/her query is advisable that the user know the terminology that was employed in the indexing process of the wanted items or that he/she can have an intermediary person who knows about it. In many situations where no one of these possibilities can be true, resources that make a successfull query possible will be needed. This work, firstly, presents a general study on IRS focusing all the process involved and related to the storage, organization and retrieval. Lately, aspects related to the medical classifications and vocabulary are emphasized, which will be usefull for a largest comprehension of the difficulties found by users during interaction with a system like this. And, finally, the prototype of the Query Formulation System to MEDLINE is presented, as well as its components and funcionalities. The Query Formulation System to MEDLINE was developed with the intention of allowing the user to use any term in the formulation of a query to the MEDLINE. It allows the integration of different medical terminologies originated from classifications and vocabulary available in Portuguese language and in use today. This approach permits the creation of a more complete biomedical terminology in which each term maintains relationships that describe its semantic.

O estudo e desenvolvimento do protótipo de uma ferramenta de apoio a formulação de consultas a bases de dados na área da saúde / The study and development of the prototype of a tool for supporting query formulation to databases in the health area

Webber, Carine Geltrudes January 1997 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é, através do estudo de diversas tecnologias, desenvolver o protótipo de uma ferramenta capaz de oferecer suporte ao usuário na formulacdo de uma consulta a MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). A MEDLINE é um sistema de recuperação de informações bibliográficas, na área da biomedicina, desenvolvida pela National Library of Medicine. Ela é uma ferramenta cuja utilizando tem sido ampliada nesta área em decorrência do aumento da utilizando de literatura, disponível eletronicamente, por profissionais da área da saúde. As pessoas, em geral, buscam informação e esperam encontrá-la exatamente de acordo com as suas expectativas, de forma ágil e utilizando todas as fontes de recursos disponíveis. Foi com este propósito que surgiram os primeiros Sistema de Recuperação de Informação (SRI) onde, de forma simplificada, um usuário constrói uma consulta, a qual expressa sua necessidade de informação, em seguida o sistema a processa e os resultados obtidas através dela retornam ao usuário. Grande parte dos usuários encontram dificuldades em representar a sua necessidade de informação de forma a obter resultados satisfatórios em um SRI. Os termos que o usuário escolhe para compor a consulta nem sempre são os mesmos que o sistema reconhece. A fim de que um usuário seja bem sucedido na definição dos termos que compõem a sua consulta é aconselhável que ele conheça a terminologia que foi empregada na indexação dos itens que ele deseja recuperar ou que possa contar com um intermediário que possua esse conhecimento. Em situações em que nenhuma dessas possibilidades seja verdadeira recursos que viabilizem uma consulta bem sucedida se fazem necessários. Este trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta um estudo geral sobre os Sistemas de Recuperação de Informações (SRI), enfocando todos os processos envolvidos e relacionados ao armazenamento, organização e a própria recuperação. Posteriormente, são destacados aspectos relacionados aos vocabulários e classificações medicas em uso, os quais serão Úteis para uma maior compreensão das dificuldades encontradas pelos usuários durante a interação com um sistema com esta finalidade. E, finalmente, é apresentado o protótipo do Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE, bem como seus componentes e funcionalidades. O Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE foi desenvolvido com o intuito de permitir que o usuário utilize qualquer termo na formulação de uma consulta destinada a MEDLINE. Ele possibilita a integração de diferentes terminologias médicas, originárias de vocabulários e classificações disponíveis em língua portuguesa e atualmente em uso. Esta abordagem permite a criação de uma terminologia biomédica mais completa, sendo que cada termo mantém relacionamentos, os quais descrevem a sua semântica, com outros. / The goal of this work is, through the study of many technologies, to develop the prototype of a tool able to offer support to the user in query formulation to the MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). The MEDLINE is a bibliographical information retrieval system in the biomedicine area developed by National Library of Medicine. It is a tool whose usefulness has been amplifyed in this area by the increase of literature utilization, eletronically available, by health care profissionals. People, in general, look for information and are interested in finding it exactly like their expectations, in an agile way and using every single information source available. With this purpouse the first Information Retrieval System (IRS ) emerged, where in a simplifyed way, a user defines a query, that expresses an information necessity and, one step ahead, the system processes it and returns to the user answers from the query. Most of the users think is difficult to represent their information necessity in order to be succesful in searching an IRS. The terms that the user selects to compose the query are not always the same that the system recognizes. In order to be successfull in the definition of the terms that will compose his/her query is advisable that the user know the terminology that was employed in the indexing process of the wanted items or that he/she can have an intermediary person who knows about it. In many situations where no one of these possibilities can be true, resources that make a successfull query possible will be needed. This work, firstly, presents a general study on IRS focusing all the process involved and related to the storage, organization and retrieval. Lately, aspects related to the medical classifications and vocabulary are emphasized, which will be usefull for a largest comprehension of the difficulties found by users during interaction with a system like this. And, finally, the prototype of the Query Formulation System to MEDLINE is presented, as well as its components and funcionalities. The Query Formulation System to MEDLINE was developed with the intention of allowing the user to use any term in the formulation of a query to the MEDLINE. It allows the integration of different medical terminologies originated from classifications and vocabulary available in Portuguese language and in use today. This approach permits the creation of a more complete biomedical terminology in which each term maintains relationships that describe its semantic.

Nominalphrasen in medizinischer Fachsprache : Übersetzung von Termini und erweiterten Attributen in einem deutschen wissenschaftlichen Artikel

Nilsson, Therese January 2009 (has links)
Medical information must be available for all people in the world. Therefore it is important to translate medical research articles into foreign languages. The aim of this essay was to translate a German medical research article called “Troponinerhöhung und EKG-Veränderungen bei Schlaganfall und Subarachnoidalblutung” into Swedish and to analyse how problems that appeared during the translation process could be solved. The analysis was based on Vinay and Darbelnets, Kollers and Ingos translation theories and dealt with the question how to translate German noun phrases into Swedish. Special attention was paid to noun phrases consisting of medical terms and noun phrases containing extended modifiers. The medical terms in the source text were divided into three categories depending on their origin, Greek and Latin terms, German terms and English terms. The translation of a large number of Greek and Latin terms was based on the translation procedure called borrowing. Calque was represented especially in the translation of terms of German origin, whereas borrowing or paraphrasing was preferred when translating English terms. There were 63 noun phrases with extended modifiers in the source text. Two fifths of these corresponded to Swedish noun phrases with extended modifiers, whereas the rest must be translated into Swedish noun phrases with adjective premodifiers or relative clauses or into verbal expressions.

O estudo e desenvolvimento do protótipo de uma ferramenta de apoio a formulação de consultas a bases de dados na área da saúde / The study and development of the prototype of a tool for supporting query formulation to databases in the health area

Webber, Carine Geltrudes January 1997 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é, através do estudo de diversas tecnologias, desenvolver o protótipo de uma ferramenta capaz de oferecer suporte ao usuário na formulacdo de uma consulta a MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). A MEDLINE é um sistema de recuperação de informações bibliográficas, na área da biomedicina, desenvolvida pela National Library of Medicine. Ela é uma ferramenta cuja utilizando tem sido ampliada nesta área em decorrência do aumento da utilizando de literatura, disponível eletronicamente, por profissionais da área da saúde. As pessoas, em geral, buscam informação e esperam encontrá-la exatamente de acordo com as suas expectativas, de forma ágil e utilizando todas as fontes de recursos disponíveis. Foi com este propósito que surgiram os primeiros Sistema de Recuperação de Informação (SRI) onde, de forma simplificada, um usuário constrói uma consulta, a qual expressa sua necessidade de informação, em seguida o sistema a processa e os resultados obtidas através dela retornam ao usuário. Grande parte dos usuários encontram dificuldades em representar a sua necessidade de informação de forma a obter resultados satisfatórios em um SRI. Os termos que o usuário escolhe para compor a consulta nem sempre são os mesmos que o sistema reconhece. A fim de que um usuário seja bem sucedido na definição dos termos que compõem a sua consulta é aconselhável que ele conheça a terminologia que foi empregada na indexação dos itens que ele deseja recuperar ou que possa contar com um intermediário que possua esse conhecimento. Em situações em que nenhuma dessas possibilidades seja verdadeira recursos que viabilizem uma consulta bem sucedida se fazem necessários. Este trabalho, inicialmente, apresenta um estudo geral sobre os Sistemas de Recuperação de Informações (SRI), enfocando todos os processos envolvidos e relacionados ao armazenamento, organização e a própria recuperação. Posteriormente, são destacados aspectos relacionados aos vocabulários e classificações medicas em uso, os quais serão Úteis para uma maior compreensão das dificuldades encontradas pelos usuários durante a interação com um sistema com esta finalidade. E, finalmente, é apresentado o protótipo do Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE, bem como seus componentes e funcionalidades. O Sistema para Formulação de Consultas a MEDLINE foi desenvolvido com o intuito de permitir que o usuário utilize qualquer termo na formulação de uma consulta destinada a MEDLINE. Ele possibilita a integração de diferentes terminologias médicas, originárias de vocabulários e classificações disponíveis em língua portuguesa e atualmente em uso. Esta abordagem permite a criação de uma terminologia biomédica mais completa, sendo que cada termo mantém relacionamentos, os quais descrevem a sua semântica, com outros. / The goal of this work is, through the study of many technologies, to develop the prototype of a tool able to offer support to the user in query formulation to the MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System On Line). The MEDLINE is a bibliographical information retrieval system in the biomedicine area developed by National Library of Medicine. It is a tool whose usefulness has been amplifyed in this area by the increase of literature utilization, eletronically available, by health care profissionals. People, in general, look for information and are interested in finding it exactly like their expectations, in an agile way and using every single information source available. With this purpouse the first Information Retrieval System (IRS ) emerged, where in a simplifyed way, a user defines a query, that expresses an information necessity and, one step ahead, the system processes it and returns to the user answers from the query. Most of the users think is difficult to represent their information necessity in order to be succesful in searching an IRS. The terms that the user selects to compose the query are not always the same that the system recognizes. In order to be successfull in the definition of the terms that will compose his/her query is advisable that the user know the terminology that was employed in the indexing process of the wanted items or that he/she can have an intermediary person who knows about it. In many situations where no one of these possibilities can be true, resources that make a successfull query possible will be needed. This work, firstly, presents a general study on IRS focusing all the process involved and related to the storage, organization and retrieval. Lately, aspects related to the medical classifications and vocabulary are emphasized, which will be usefull for a largest comprehension of the difficulties found by users during interaction with a system like this. And, finally, the prototype of the Query Formulation System to MEDLINE is presented, as well as its components and funcionalities. The Query Formulation System to MEDLINE was developed with the intention of allowing the user to use any term in the formulation of a query to the MEDLINE. It allows the integration of different medical terminologies originated from classifications and vocabulary available in Portuguese language and in use today. This approach permits the creation of a more complete biomedical terminology in which each term maintains relationships that describe its semantic.

Translating emergency medicine from English to Swedish : A translation study on noun compounds in medical terminology

Kronvall, Maria January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Translation Strategies Used in Translating Tess Gerritsen’s Medical Thrillers: Paulina Kruglinskienė’s translation of the Novel The Surgeon and Jonas Čeponis’ Translation of the Novel Life Support / Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių "Chirurgas" ir "Užkratas" vertimų analizė: Paulinos Kruglinskienės ir Jono Čeponio vertimai

Statkutė, Kotryna 02 June 2014 (has links)
The Master Thesis “Translation Strategies Used in Translating Tess Gerritsen’s Medical Thrillers: Paulina Kruglinskienė’s Translation of the Novel The Surgeon and Jonas Čeponis’ Translation of the Novel Life Support” analyses two novels written by Tess Gerritsen (The Surgeon and Life Support) and their Lithuanian translations by Paulina Kruglinskienė and Jonas Čeponis. The following hypothesis was raised: translation by using an equivalent item and low localization strategy are the most popular and useful translation strategies in translating medical terminology. The aim of this paper is to find out what translation strategies are the most popular while translating medical terminology in Paulina Kruglinskienė’s and Jonas Čeponis’ translations of Tess Gerritsen’s medical thrillers. These particular translators were chosen for this analysis due to the following reasons: they are the main translators of Tess Gerritsen’s novels into the Lithuanian language (both have transated six novels each), what is more, they both have medical background as well as long experience in translation. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether Paulina Kruglinskienė and Jonas Čeponis use similar translation strategies while translating medical terms into the Lithuanian language and how these strategies influence the quality of translation. The theoretical part analyses various aspects related with the translation of Tess Gerritsen’s medical thrillers: genre theory, features of thriller... [to full text] / Baigiamajame Magistro darbe “Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių “Chirurgas” ir “Užkratas” vertimų analizė: Paulinos Kruglinskienės ir Jono Čeponio vertimai” analizuojami du šios rašytojos romanai ir jų vertimai į lietuvių kalbą. Buvo iškelta hipotezė, kad tikslus atitikmuo (equivalent) ir angliškų terminų vertimas, pakeičiant tik nelietuviškas raides ir galūnes šitaip pritaikant juos prie lietuvių kalbos taisyklių (low localization) yra pagrindinės medicininių terminų vertimo strategijos. Šio darbo tikslas yra sužinoti, kokias vertimo strategijas naudoja Paulina Kruglinskienė ir Jonas Čeponis, versdami Tess Gerritsen medicininius trilerius. Šie du vertėjai buvo pasirinkti dėl kelių priežasčių: jie abu yra pagrindiniai Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių vertėjai į lietuvių kalbą (abu yra išvertę po šešis šios autorės romanus), abu vertėjai turi medicininį išsilavinimą ir didelę vertimo patirtį. Darbo tikslas yra išsiaiškinti, ar šie vertėjai naudoja panašias vertimo strategijas medicininiams terminams versti, ar ne ir kokią įtaką tam tikrų vertimo strategijų pasirinkimas turi vertimo kokybei. Teorinėje dalyje yra analizuojami įvairūs aspektai, susiję su Tess Gerritsen medicininių trilerių vertimu: žanras, trilerio žanras, jo požanriai, medicininių trilerių bruožai ir savybės, medicininės terminologijos ištakos ir pagrindiniai terminų vertimo sunkumai bei Eirly E. Davies vertimo strategijos, pagal kurias buvo grupuojami medicininiai terminai ir medicininių terminų ištakos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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