Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mediumvoltage"" "subject:"dualvoltage""
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Algorithmische Bestimmung der Alterungscharakteristik von Mittelspannungskabelmuffen basierend auf diagnostischen Messwerten und Betriebsmitteldaten / Algorithmic determination of the aging characteristics of medium voltage cable joints based on diagnostic measured values and operating medium dataHunold, Sven 21 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln steht derzeit das Mittelspannungsnetz im Fokus der Betrachtungen. Das Mittelspannungsnetz verbindet das Hochspannungsnetz mit dem Niederspannungsnetz und nimmt damit eine besondere Bedeutung ein. Störungen in diesem Netz wirken sich direkt als Versorgungsunterbrechung auf den Letztverbraucher aus. Rund 80 bis 85 % der Versorgungsunterbrechungen resultieren aus Problemen im Mittelspannungsnetz, sodass dortige Aktivitäten den größten Hebel bei der Steigerung der Versorgungsqualität entwickeln.
Mittels Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln können verdeckte Fehler aufgedeckt oder deren Alterungszustand bestimmt werden. Nicht jeder diagnostizierte Fehler führt unmittelbar zum Ausfall. Er beschleunigt jedoch die Alterung, die letztendlich zum Ausfall führt.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Identifizierung von Fehlern in Mittelspannungskabelmuffen im Zusammenhang mit der Alterung, um die Restlebensdauer auszunutzen und dem Ausfall zuvorzukommen. / By evaluating the status of cables, hidden errors can be detected or their aging condition can be determined. Not every diagnosed fault leads directly to failure. However, it accelerates aging, which ultimately leads to failure.
The work deals with the identification of faults in medium-voltage cable joints in connection with aging in order to exploit the remaining life and to prevent the failure.
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Algorithmische Bestimmung der Alterungscharakteristik von Mittelspannungskabelmuffen basierend auf diagnostischen Messwerten und Betriebsmitteldaten / Algorithmic determination of the aging characteristics of medium voltage cable joints based on diagnostic measured values and operating medium dataHunold, Sven 21 July 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Bei der Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln steht derzeit das Mittelspannungsnetz im Fokus der Betrachtungen. Das Mittelspannungsnetz verbindet das Hochspannungsnetz mit dem Niederspannungsnetz und nimmt damit eine besondere Bedeutung ein. Störungen in diesem Netz wirken sich direkt als Versorgungsunterbrechung auf den Letztverbraucher aus. Rund 80 bis 85 % der Versorgungsunterbrechungen resultieren aus Problemen im Mittelspannungsnetz, sodass dortige Aktivitäten den größten Hebel bei der Steigerung der Versorgungsqualität entwickeln.
Mittels Zustandsbewertung von Kabeln können verdeckte Fehler aufgedeckt oder deren Alterungszustand bestimmt werden. Nicht jeder diagnostizierte Fehler führt unmittelbar zum Ausfall. Er beschleunigt jedoch die Alterung, die letztendlich zum Ausfall führt.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Identifizierung von Fehlern in Mittelspannungskabelmuffen im Zusammenhang mit der Alterung, um die Restlebensdauer auszunutzen und dem Ausfall zuvorzukommen. / By evaluating the status of cables, hidden errors can be detected or their aging condition can be determined. Not every diagnosed fault leads directly to failure. However, it accelerates aging, which ultimately leads to failure.
The work deals with the identification of faults in medium-voltage cable joints in connection with aging in order to exploit the remaining life and to prevent the failure.
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Μελέτη βλαβών σε εξοπλισμό μέσης τάσηςΠαπαδημάτος, Παναγιώτης 04 November 2014 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία θα ασχοληθούμε με την ποσοτική καταγραφή και στατιστικοποίηση των αιτίων βλάβης με κριτήριο το Σημείωμα Αποκατάστασης Βλάβης της ΔΕΗ (Σ.Α.Β), στις περιοχές των δήμων Πατρώων, Ερύμανθου και Αιγιάλειας. Οι μετρήσεις αυτές μας δόθηκαν σε ηλεκτρονική μορφή και παρέχουν λεπτομερή αναφορά των βλαβών που υπέστησαν οι εξοπλισμοί Μέσης Τάσης στις εν λόγω περιοχές. Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο θα προσπαθήσουμε να ορίσουμε και να επεξηγήσουμε κάποιες βασικές έννοιες, ώστε να διευκολύνουμε την μελέτη αυτής της διπλωματικής εργασίας και από έναν μέσο αναγνώστη.
Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο γίνεται παρουσίαση της μορφής των συστημάτων ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στο σύστημα διανομής. Παρουσιάζεται η δομή του συστήματος διανομής, τα επιμέρους μέρη και εξαρτήματα από τα οποία αποτελείται καθώς και τα χαρακτηριστικά τους. Στο τέλος παρουσιάζονται δεδομένα και στατιστικά του ελληνικού συστήματος διανομής.
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο, γίνεται μια σύντομη παρουσίαση των σφαλμάτων και υπερτάσεων που παρουσιάζονται στο σύστημα διανομής καθώς και των μέσων προστασίας που χρησιμοποιούμε προκειμένου να εξασφαλίσουμε την αδιάλειπτη λειτουργία του συστήματος διανομής
Στο τέταρτο κεφάλαιο θα παρουσιάσουμε όλες τις βλάβες για όλες τις προαναφερθείσες περιοχές συνολικά και για όλα τα πιθανά αίτια βλάβης. Επίσης θα απεικονίσουμε στατιστικά και συγκριτικά τα αίτια βλάβης της κακοκαιρίας και του κεραυνού για τα έτη 2003 έως 2011 και για τους δήμους Πατρώων, Ερύμανθου και Αιγιάλειας ξεχωριστά. Τέλος ακολουθούν τα τελικά συμπεράσματα που απορρέουν από την επεξεργασία των στοιχείων που διαχειριστήκαμε. / In this diploma work we intend to deal with the quantitative report and statistics of the causes of damages concerning the damage repair document of ΔΕΗ, (Σ.Α.Β.), around the areas of the municipals of Patrai, Erymanthos and Egialia. All these measurements were given to us in electronic form including a detailed report of damages which occurred to the medium voltage equipment in the whole place of Achaia.
In the first chapter our effort will be to determine and explain a number of basic concepts, so that the study of this diploma work will be easy understood by an average reader.
The second chapter contains the presentation of the form of electric power systems, with special emphasis on the distribution system. It is a presentation of the distribution system structure, the individual parts and devices as well as their features. Data and statistics of the Greek distribution system are presented at the end of the section.
The third section is a brief presentation of the faults and overvoltage occurring at the distribution system as well as of the protection measures we use in order to ensure the uninterrupted operation and the integrity of our system.
In chapter four what will be presented are the damages of all the above mentioned areas in total, as well as the possible causes of them. Moreover there will be a presentation of damages caused by bad weather and thunder from the year 2003 up to 2011 for the municipals of Patrai, Erymanthos and Egialia separately. All this work will be done through statistics and comparison. At the end we will expose the final conclusions that come from the data we handled.
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Improved fault localization method for electrical power distribution networks / Améliorations de méthodes de localisation de défauts pour les réseaux de distribution électriqueMarguet, Raphaël 05 March 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux proposent des améliorations de méthodes de localisation desdéfauts électriques sur les réseaux électriques de distribution. Les réseaux de transportont rapidement été instrumenté en élément de protection. En effet, un incident survenantsur le réseau de transport peut entrainer de graves conséquences s’il n’est pas traité rapidement.Les réseaux de distribution quand à eux possèdent un schéma de protectionminimal. Cependant le développement des smart grids (ou réseaux intelligents) amène denouvelles possibilités avec l’ajout d’équipements de mesures sur le réseau de distribution.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse développent deux méthodes de localisation de défaut.La première permet de mieux utiliser l’équipement déjà en place (indicateurs depassage de défaut) afin d’isoler de manière rapide et fiable la zone concernée par le défaut.La deuxième permet une localisation précise (en distance) des différents lieux de défautspossibles à partir de mesures électriques. / This thesis proposes to improve fault localization methods for electricalpower distribution networks. Transmission networks were quickly equipped with protectionand fault localization equipments. Indeed, faults on the transmission network need tobe dealt with quickly in order to avoid serious consequences. Unlike transmission networks,distribution networks have a minimal protection scheme. The smart grid developmentsbring new possibilities with the installation of new equipments giving access to many newvariables. The work presented in this thesis develop two fault localization method. Thefirst aims in using the equipment already installed (fault indicators) in order to isolatequickly and efficiently the zone concerned by the fault. The second method performs aprecise localization (in distance) of the different possible fault locations from the electricalmeasurements made on the network.
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Improved fault localization method for electrical power distribution networks / Améliorations de méthodes de localisation de défauts pour les réseaux de distribution électriqueMarguet, Raphaël 05 March 2015 (has links)
Ces travaux proposent des améliorations de méthodes de localisation desdéfauts électriques sur les réseaux électriques de distribution. Les réseaux de transportont rapidement été instrumenté en élément de protection. En effet, un incident survenantsur le réseau de transport peut entrainer de graves conséquences s’il n’est pas traité rapidement.Les réseaux de distribution quand à eux possèdent un schéma de protectionminimal. Cependant le développement des smart grids (ou réseaux intelligents) amène denouvelles possibilités avec l’ajout d’équipements de mesures sur le réseau de distribution.Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse développent deux méthodes de localisation de défaut.La première permet de mieux utiliser l’équipement déjà en place (indicateurs depassage de défaut) afin d’isoler de manière rapide et fiable la zone concernée par le défaut.La deuxième permet une localisation précise (en distance) des différents lieux de défautspossibles à partir de mesures électriques. / This thesis proposes to improve fault localization methods for electricalpower distribution networks. Transmission networks were quickly equipped with protectionand fault localization equipments. Indeed, faults on the transmission network need tobe dealt with quickly in order to avoid serious consequences. Unlike transmission networks,distribution networks have a minimal protection scheme. The smart grid developmentsbring new possibilities with the installation of new equipments giving access to many newvariables. The work presented in this thesis develop two fault localization method. Thefirst aims in using the equipment already installed (fault indicators) in order to isolatequickly and efficiently the zone concerned by the fault. The second method performs aprecise localization (in distance) of the different possible fault locations from the electricalmeasurements made on the network.
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Monitoring of abnormal events in a distribution feeder by using a single technique is a challenging task. Many abnormal events can cause unsafe operation, including a high impedance fault (HIF) caused by a downed conductor touch ground surface, an incipient fault (IF) caused by partial breakdown to a cable insulation, and a circuit breaker (CB) malfunction due to capacitor bank de-energization to cause current restrikes. These abnormal events are not detectable by conventional protection schemes. In this dissertation, a new technique to identify distribution feeder events is proposed based on the complex Morlet wavelet (CMW) and on a decision tree (DT) classifier. First, the event is detected using CMW. Subsequently, a DT using event signatures classifies the event as normal operation, continuous and non-continuous arcing events (C.A.E. and N.C.A.E.). Additional information from the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) can be used to precisely identify the event. The proposed method is meticulously tested on the IEEE 13- and IEEE 34-bus systems and has shown to correctly classify those events. Furthermore, the proposed method is capable of detecting very high impedance incipient faults (IFs) and CB restrikes at the substation level with relatively short detection time. The proposed method uses only current measurements at a low sampling rate of 1440 Hz yielding an improvement of existing methods that require much higher sampling rates.
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Análise comparativa de inversores multiníveis com células h-bridge conectadas em série / Comparison analysis of cascaded multilevel invertersZambra, Diorge Alex Báo 20 April 2006 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This Master Thesis presents a methodology to compare different topologies and configurations of multilevel systems applied to drive medium voltage induction motors. Initially, it presents the input and output parameters that must be supplied by the power drivesystems manufacturer. Then, the mathematical models of the performance indexes used are presented, being, the total harmonic distortion, first order distortion factor and the power losses of the main semiconductors devices. After, it is presented a methodology that allows the amplitude selection of DC sources for the inverter with a specific number of cascaded Hbridge cells. A study regarding the hybrid multilevel modulation strategies and the impact of their variations on the semiconductors devices power losses of the output inverter is developed. Based on this study, it is proposed a new hybrid multilevel modulation technique, it minimizes the semiconductors power losses and allow the use of front-end uncontrolled rectifiers without modifying the total harmonic distortion of the output voltage inverter. After, it is developed a comparative study between the asymmetrical hybrid multilevel inverter and the symmetrical multilevel inverter, which enables the determination of the switching
frequency for the one determined performance and the maximum switching frequency of each converter. This Master Thesis presents complementary methods of design of the hybrid multilevel inverter and a methodology that will make possible to choose the drive system that presents high efficiency and reduced cost, neither penalizing the energy quality of the utility grid nor the induction motor constraints. / Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta uma metodologia para comparar diferentes topologias e configurações de sistemas multiníveis aplicados ao acionamento de motores de
indução de média tensão. Inicialmente são apresentados os parâmetros de entrada e saída que devem ser fornecidos pelos fabricantes de sistemas de acionamento de alta potência. Então, são apresentados os modelos matemáticos dos índices de desempenho utilizados, sendo eles,
distorção harmônica total, fator de distorção de primeira ordem e perdas nos dispositivos semicondutores principais. Posteriormente, é apresentada uma metodologia que permite
selecionar a amplitude das fontes CC para um inversor com um número específico de células H-bridge conectadas em série. Um estudo a respeito das estratégias de modulação multinível híbrida e o impacto de suas variações sobre as perdas dos dispositivos semicondutores do inversor de saída é apresentado. Fundamentado neste estudo, é proposta uma nova técnica de modulação multinível hibrida, que minimiza as perdas nos semicondutores e permite o uso de retificadores não controlados no estágio de entrada sem modificar a distorção harmônica total da tensão de saída do inversor. Depois, é desenvolvido um estudo comparativo entre o
inversor multinível híbrido assimétrico e o inversor multinível simétrico, que permite a determinação da freqüência de comutação para um rendimento específico e a máxima
freqüência de comutação de cada conversor. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta métodos complementares de projeto de inversores multiníveis híbridos e uma metodologia que possibilitará escolher sistemas de acionamento que apresentem alta eficiência e custo
reduzido, sem por isso prejudicar a qualidade da energia drenada da rede pública e fornecida ao motor de indução.
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Challenges and Solutions of Applying Medium-Voltage Silicon Carbide Devices in Medium and High-Voltage SystemsHu, Boxue January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Design of a 405/430 kHz, 100 kW Transformer with Medium Voltage Insulation SheetsSharfeldden, Sharifa 27 July 2023 (has links)
To achieve higher power density, converters and components must be able to handle higher voltage and current ratings at higher percentages of efficiency while also maintaining low cost and a compact footprint. To meet such demands, medium-voltage resonant converters have been favored by researchers for their ability to operate at higher switching frequencies. High frequency (HF) operation enables soft switching which, when achieved, reduces switching losses via either zero voltage switching (ZVS) or zero current switching (ZCS) depending on the converter topology. In addition to lower switching losses, the converter operates with low harmonic waveforms which produce less EMI compared to their hard switching counterparts. Finally, these resonant converters can be more compact because higher switching frequencies imply decreased volume of passive components. The passive component which benefits the most from this increased switching frequency is the transformer. The objective of this work is to design a >400 kHz, 100 kW transformer which will provide galvanic isolation in a Solid-State Transformer (SST) based PEBBs while maintaining high efficiency, high power density, and reduced size. This work aims to present a simplified design process for high frequency transformers, highlighting the trade-offs between co-dependent resonant converter and transformer parameters and how to balance them during the design process. This work will also demonstrate a novel high frequency transformer insulation design to achieve a partial discharge inception voltage (PDIV) of >10 kV. / Master of Science / As the world's population expands and countries progress, the demand for electricity that is high-powered, highly efficient, and dependable has increased exponentially. Further, it is integral to the longevity of global life that this development occurs in a fashion that mitigates environmental consequences. The power and technology sectors have been challenged to address the state of global environmental affairs, specifically regarding climate change, carbon dioxide emissions, and resource depletion. To move away from carbon emitting, non-renewable energy sources and processes, renewable energy sources and electric power systems must be integrated into the power grid. However, the challenge lies in the fact that there is not an easy way to interface between these renewable sources and the existing power grid. Such challenges have undermined the widespread adoption of renewable energy systems that are needed to address environmental issues in a timely manner. Recent developments in power electronics have enabled the practical application of the solid-state transformer (SST). The SST aims to replace the current, widespread form of power transformation: the line frequency transformer (50/60 Hz). This transformer is bulky, expensive, and requires a significant amount of additional circuitry to interface with renewable energy sources and electric power systems. The SST overcomes these drawbacks through high frequency operation (>200 kHz) which enables higher power at a reduced size by capitalizing on the indirect proportionality between the two parameters. The realization of the SST and its implementation has the ability to greatly advance the electrification of the transportation industry which is a top contributor to carbon emissions. This work aims to demonstrate a >400 kHz, 100 kW SST with a novel magnetic design and insulation structure suited for electric ship applications.
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Evaluation and Development of Medium-Voltage Converters Using 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs for EV Charging ApplicationGill, Lee 05 August 2019 (has links)
The emergence of wide-bandgap-based (WBG) devices, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), have unveiled unprecedented opportunities, enabling the realization of superior power conversion systems. Among the potential areas of advancement are medium-voltage (MV) and high-voltage (HV) applications, due to the growing demand for high-power-density and high-efficiency power electronics converters. These advancements have propelled a wide adoption of electric vehicles (EV), which in the future will require great improvements in the charging time of these vehicles. Thereby, this thesis attempts to address such a challenge and bring about technological improvements, enabling faster, more efficient, and more effective ways of charging an electric vehicle through the application of MV 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs. The current fast-charging solution involves heavy and bulky MV-LV transformers, which add installation complexity for EV charging stations. However, this thesis presents an alternative power-delivery solution utilizing an MV dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter. The proposed architecture is designed to directly interface with the MV grid for high-power, fast-charging capabilities while eliminating the need for an installation of the MV-LV transformer. The MV DAB converter utilizes 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs to realize the next 800 V EV charging system, along with an extended zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) scheme, in order to provide an efficient charging strategy across a wide range of battery voltage levels. Lastly, a detailed design comparison analysis of an MV Flyback converter, targeted for the auxiliary power supply for the proposed MV EV charging architecture, is presented. / The field of power electronics, which controls and manages the conversion of electrical energy, is an important topic of discussion, as new technologies like electric vehicles (EV) are quickly emerging and disrupting the current status-quo of vehicle-choice. In order to promote timely and extensive adoption of such an enabling EV technology, it is critical to understand the current challenges involving EV charging stations and seek out opportunities to engender future innovations. Indeed, wide-bandgap (WBG) devices, such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), have unveiled unprecedented opportunities in enabling the realization of superior power conversion systems. Thus, utilizing these WGB devices in EV charging applications can bring about improved design and development of EV fast chargers that are faster-charging, more efficient, and more effective. Hence, this thesis presents an opportunity in EV charging station applications with the utilization of medium-voltage SiC MOSFETs. Because the current fast-charging solution involves a heavy and bulky transformer, it adds installation complexity for EV charging stations. However, this thesis presents an alternative power-delivery solution that could potentially provide an efficient and fast-charging mechanism of EVs while reducing the size of EV chargers. All things considered, this thesis provides in-depth evaluation-studies of medium-voltage 3.3 kV SiC MOSFET-based power converters, targeted for future fast EV charging applications. The development and design of the hardware prototype is presented in this thesis, along with testing and verification of experimental results.
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