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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bases morfo-funcionais da alimentação e o papel trófico de iLychnorhiza lucerna (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) / Morphofunctional bases of feeding and the trophic role of Lychnorhiza lucerna

Nagata, Renato Mitsuo 16 March 2015 (has links)
Nas últimas duas décadas, esforços têm sido direcionados para se compreender o papel ecológico de medusas de Scyphozoa, devido a aumentos populacionais e intensos blooms ao redor do mundo. Apesar de medusas de Rhizostomeae, causarem os mais intensos blooms recentemente reportados, quase nada se conhece sobre seu papel ecológico. O objetivo desta tese foi descrever as bases morfológicas e funcionais da alimentação de Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880 (Rhizostomeae), para se compreender seu papel predatório e suas interações tróficas. O projeto investigou (i) o desenvolvimento inicial de medusas de L. lucerna, com foco nos mecanismos locomotor-alimentar (ii) a dieta, seletividade alimentar e os potenciais impactos predatórios da espécie e (iii) a estrutura trófica de um sistema estuarino conservado, para compreender o papel ecológico e relações tróficas entre organismos gelatinosos e peixes. A abordagem metodológica envolveu: i- métodos videográficos em alta velocidade, para a quantificação de parâmetros biomecânicos em animais de diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento; ii- coletas de animais e plâncton na superfície da água para a quantificação de conteúdos estomacais no estudo de dieta, seletividade e taxas alimentares ao longo do litoral do estado São Paulo e Paraná; e iii- a análise de isótopos estáveis (&delta;13C e &delta;15N) de tecidos de consumidores (mesozooplâncton, gelatinoso, outros invertebrados e peixes) do estuário de Cananéia, São Paulo. A ontogenia inicial de éfiras de L. lucerna envolve mudanças na umbrela e o desenvolvimento dos braços orais filtradores. No ambiente fluido ao redor das éfiras (6 mm de diâmetro umbrelar) as forças de viscosidade são relativamente importantes (Re<100). Por isso, os fluxos gerados pelas pulsações umbrelares rapidamente se dissipam, antes de atingirem as superfícies distais nos braços orais. O mecanismo de transporte de presas através das pulsações da umbrela só foi observado a partir do aumento ontogenético da força da pulsação (>10 mm) proporcionando um ambiente dominado pelas forças inerciais (Re>300). Em adultos, as pulsações umbrelares produzem vórtices que escoam fluidos para os braços orais, os quais retêm partículas através de um mecanismo aderente e filtrador. Medusas de Rhizostomeae possuem as pulsações de umbrela mais robustas entre as cifomedusas, porém as velocidades máximas dos vórtices (&sim;10 cm*s&minus;1) de L. lucerna (<7 cm) são de 3 a 5 vezes menores que a velocidade de escape dos copépodes calanóides. Embora essa diferença possa sugerir sucesso aos copépodes para escapar, tanto as sequências de vídeo, quanto os conteúdos estomacais demonstraram que essas presas podem ser capturadas e ingeridas em quantidades similares às suas densidades no ambiente. Copépodes podem falhar na detecção do predador, sendo transportados contra as estruturas de captura de presas, mesmo se tiverem velocidades que permitiriam sua fuga. A interação de presas com os vórtices das pulsações é complexa e presas podem saltar em ângulos que resultam em captura pelos braços orais. Através da análise de conteúdo estomacal foram encontrados 43 taxa compondo a dieta de L. lucerna, dos quais, copépodes representaram &sim;80% da composição numérica. A medusa é um predador generalista, com a dieta predominantemente similar à disponibilidade de mesozooplâncton. A capacidade de L. lucerna capturar os evasivos copépodes calanóides (Paracalanus spp. e Acartia spp.) aumenta com seu tamanho, devido ao aumento na força de suas correntes alimentares. Taxas alimentares da medusa variaram de 110 a 102871 copépodes ingeridos medusa &minus;1 dia&minus;1. Com essas taxas, estimou-se que uma agregação de L. lucerna reportada no norte da Argentina (14 indiv. 100 m&minus;3) poderia ingerir de 6 a 12% do estoque de copépodes dia&minus;1, demonstrando o potencial impacto predatório de blooms da espécie. Aumentos populacionais de L. lucerna certamente seriam deletérios para o recrutamento de diversas espécies de peixes, que habitam águas costeiras estuarinas quando juvenis. A análise de isótopos estáveis revelou que o nicho isotópico ocupado por L. lucerna e o de outros gelatinosos zooplanctívoros, se sobrepõe aos nichos de peixes e outros consumidores de hábito alimentar semelhante. Pouco se sabe sobre dinâmicas compensatórias em ecossistemas costeiros subtropicais. No entanto, devido a sua biomassa, hábitos alimentares generalistas e seu impacto predatório, L. lucerna é um forte candidato a repor estoques de peixes em declínio, de nicho trófico similar. Atualmente não existem indícios de que populações de L. lucerna estejam aumentando. As informações aqui apresentadas representam um avanço no conhecimento da biologia alimentar da espécie e sobre suas interações, que são essenciais para se conhecer as consequências de seus blooms e de possíveis aumentos populacionais. No entanto, muitas outras informações abordando outros aspectos (e.g. reprodutivos) e em escala populacional (e.g. biomassa, sazonalidade) ainda são necessários para uma compreensão mais completa sobre o papel da espécie no ecossistema. / During the past three decades, efforts have been focused in order to understand the ecological role of scyphomedusae, due to population increases around the world. Despite Rhizostomeae medusae cause the most intense recently reported blooms, almost nothing is known about their feeding mechanisms, their trophic impacts and their ecological role. The goal of this thesis was to describe the morphological and functional bases of feeding in Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880 (Rhizostomeae), in order to understand its predatory role and trophic interactions. The project investigated: i- the early development of L. lucerna, focusing on swimming-feeding mechanisms; ii- the diet, prey selectivity, and the potential predatory impact of this species, and (iii) the trophic structure of a relatively pristine ecosystem, in order to understand trophic relationships between gelatinous zooplankton species and fish. The methodological approach included: i- high-speed videography for quantification of biomechanical parameters of swimming medusae at a range of developmental stages; ii- samplings of animals and plankton in surface waters for quantification of gut contents, prey selectivity and feeding rates along the coast of São Paulo and Paraná states; and ii- stable isotope analyses (&delta;13C and &delta;15N) in tissues of consumers (mesozooplankton, gelatinous, other invertebrates and fish) in the estuary of Cananéia, São Paulo. The early ontogeny of ephyrae involves changes in bell and development of filter-feeding oral arms. In the fluid environment around the ephyrae (<6mm bell diameter) the viscous forces are relatively important (Re <100). Therefore, the flows generated by bell pulsations quickly dissipate before reaching the distal surfaces of the oral arms. The transport mechanism via bell pulsations was not observed until ontogenetic increase in the strength of the pulsations (>10mm) providing an environment dominated by inertial forces (Re> 300). In adults bell pulsations produce vortices that induce flows through oral arms, which retain particles by sticking and sieving mechanisms. Rhizostomeae jellyfish have the most robust bell pulsations among scyphomedusae, but maximum velocities of the vortices (&sim;10cm s-1) of L. lucerna (<70mm) are still 3 to 5 times slower than escape velocity of calanoid copepods. Although this difference may suggest success for copepods to escape, both video sequences, and gut contents revealed that these prey can be captured and eaten at similar proportions as their field density. Copepods may fail to detect the predator, being transported against prey capture structures, even if they perform velocities that usually allow escaping. The interaction of prey with vortices is complex and prey may jump at angles that result in captures by oral arms. Through the analysis of gut contents (N=40) 43 taxa were found composing the diet of L. lucerna, of which, copepods comprised &sim;80% of numerical abundance. This medusa is a generalist predator, since its diet was mostly similar to field mesozooplankton availability. Its ability to capture evasive calanoid copepods (Paracalanus spp. and Acartia spp.) increases with medusa size, as a consequence of increasingly stronger feeding currents. Feeding rates ranged from 110 to 102871 copepods eaten medusa&minus;1 day&minus;1. At these rates, it was estimated that an aggregation of L. lucerna reported in northern Argentina (14 ind. 100 m&minus;3) could consume 6-12% of the copepods standing stock day&minus;1, demonstrating the potential predatory impact of the species\' blooms. Population increases of L. lucerna would certainly be detrimental to the recruitment of many fishes that inhabit estuarine coastal waters when juveniles. Stable isotope analyses revealed that the isotopic niche occupied by L. lucerna and by other gelatinous zooplanktivores, overlaps with niches of fishes, and other consumers of similar feeding habits. Little is known about compensatory dynamics in subtropical coastal ecosystems. However, due to its biomass, generalist feeding habits, and predatory impact, L. lucerna is a strong contender to replace depleted fish stocks of similar trophic niche. Currently there is no evidence that L. lucerna populations are increasing. The information presented here represents an advance in the knowledge of the species, its interactions, which are key in order to understand the consequences of its blooms and of possible population increases. However, many other information addressing other aspects (e.g. reproduction) and at population level (e.g. seasonality, biomass) are needed for a more complete understanding of the species role in the ecosystem.

Bases morfo-funcionais da alimentação e o papel trófico de iLychnorhiza lucerna (Scyphozoa, Rhizostomeae) / Morphofunctional bases of feeding and the trophic role of Lychnorhiza lucerna

Renato Mitsuo Nagata 16 March 2015 (has links)
Nas últimas duas décadas, esforços têm sido direcionados para se compreender o papel ecológico de medusas de Scyphozoa, devido a aumentos populacionais e intensos blooms ao redor do mundo. Apesar de medusas de Rhizostomeae, causarem os mais intensos blooms recentemente reportados, quase nada se conhece sobre seu papel ecológico. O objetivo desta tese foi descrever as bases morfológicas e funcionais da alimentação de Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880 (Rhizostomeae), para se compreender seu papel predatório e suas interações tróficas. O projeto investigou (i) o desenvolvimento inicial de medusas de L. lucerna, com foco nos mecanismos locomotor-alimentar (ii) a dieta, seletividade alimentar e os potenciais impactos predatórios da espécie e (iii) a estrutura trófica de um sistema estuarino conservado, para compreender o papel ecológico e relações tróficas entre organismos gelatinosos e peixes. A abordagem metodológica envolveu: i- métodos videográficos em alta velocidade, para a quantificação de parâmetros biomecânicos em animais de diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento; ii- coletas de animais e plâncton na superfície da água para a quantificação de conteúdos estomacais no estudo de dieta, seletividade e taxas alimentares ao longo do litoral do estado São Paulo e Paraná; e iii- a análise de isótopos estáveis (&delta;13C e &delta;15N) de tecidos de consumidores (mesozooplâncton, gelatinoso, outros invertebrados e peixes) do estuário de Cananéia, São Paulo. A ontogenia inicial de éfiras de L. lucerna envolve mudanças na umbrela e o desenvolvimento dos braços orais filtradores. No ambiente fluido ao redor das éfiras (6 mm de diâmetro umbrelar) as forças de viscosidade são relativamente importantes (Re<100). Por isso, os fluxos gerados pelas pulsações umbrelares rapidamente se dissipam, antes de atingirem as superfícies distais nos braços orais. O mecanismo de transporte de presas através das pulsações da umbrela só foi observado a partir do aumento ontogenético da força da pulsação (>10 mm) proporcionando um ambiente dominado pelas forças inerciais (Re>300). Em adultos, as pulsações umbrelares produzem vórtices que escoam fluidos para os braços orais, os quais retêm partículas através de um mecanismo aderente e filtrador. Medusas de Rhizostomeae possuem as pulsações de umbrela mais robustas entre as cifomedusas, porém as velocidades máximas dos vórtices (&sim;10 cm*s&minus;1) de L. lucerna (<7 cm) são de 3 a 5 vezes menores que a velocidade de escape dos copépodes calanóides. Embora essa diferença possa sugerir sucesso aos copépodes para escapar, tanto as sequências de vídeo, quanto os conteúdos estomacais demonstraram que essas presas podem ser capturadas e ingeridas em quantidades similares às suas densidades no ambiente. Copépodes podem falhar na detecção do predador, sendo transportados contra as estruturas de captura de presas, mesmo se tiverem velocidades que permitiriam sua fuga. A interação de presas com os vórtices das pulsações é complexa e presas podem saltar em ângulos que resultam em captura pelos braços orais. Através da análise de conteúdo estomacal foram encontrados 43 taxa compondo a dieta de L. lucerna, dos quais, copépodes representaram &sim;80% da composição numérica. A medusa é um predador generalista, com a dieta predominantemente similar à disponibilidade de mesozooplâncton. A capacidade de L. lucerna capturar os evasivos copépodes calanóides (Paracalanus spp. e Acartia spp.) aumenta com seu tamanho, devido ao aumento na força de suas correntes alimentares. Taxas alimentares da medusa variaram de 110 a 102871 copépodes ingeridos medusa &minus;1 dia&minus;1. Com essas taxas, estimou-se que uma agregação de L. lucerna reportada no norte da Argentina (14 indiv. 100 m&minus;3) poderia ingerir de 6 a 12% do estoque de copépodes dia&minus;1, demonstrando o potencial impacto predatório de blooms da espécie. Aumentos populacionais de L. lucerna certamente seriam deletérios para o recrutamento de diversas espécies de peixes, que habitam águas costeiras estuarinas quando juvenis. A análise de isótopos estáveis revelou que o nicho isotópico ocupado por L. lucerna e o de outros gelatinosos zooplanctívoros, se sobrepõe aos nichos de peixes e outros consumidores de hábito alimentar semelhante. Pouco se sabe sobre dinâmicas compensatórias em ecossistemas costeiros subtropicais. No entanto, devido a sua biomassa, hábitos alimentares generalistas e seu impacto predatório, L. lucerna é um forte candidato a repor estoques de peixes em declínio, de nicho trófico similar. Atualmente não existem indícios de que populações de L. lucerna estejam aumentando. As informações aqui apresentadas representam um avanço no conhecimento da biologia alimentar da espécie e sobre suas interações, que são essenciais para se conhecer as consequências de seus blooms e de possíveis aumentos populacionais. No entanto, muitas outras informações abordando outros aspectos (e.g. reprodutivos) e em escala populacional (e.g. biomassa, sazonalidade) ainda são necessários para uma compreensão mais completa sobre o papel da espécie no ecossistema. / During the past three decades, efforts have been focused in order to understand the ecological role of scyphomedusae, due to population increases around the world. Despite Rhizostomeae medusae cause the most intense recently reported blooms, almost nothing is known about their feeding mechanisms, their trophic impacts and their ecological role. The goal of this thesis was to describe the morphological and functional bases of feeding in Lychnorhiza lucerna Haeckel, 1880 (Rhizostomeae), in order to understand its predatory role and trophic interactions. The project investigated: i- the early development of L. lucerna, focusing on swimming-feeding mechanisms; ii- the diet, prey selectivity, and the potential predatory impact of this species, and (iii) the trophic structure of a relatively pristine ecosystem, in order to understand trophic relationships between gelatinous zooplankton species and fish. The methodological approach included: i- high-speed videography for quantification of biomechanical parameters of swimming medusae at a range of developmental stages; ii- samplings of animals and plankton in surface waters for quantification of gut contents, prey selectivity and feeding rates along the coast of São Paulo and Paraná states; and ii- stable isotope analyses (&delta;13C and &delta;15N) in tissues of consumers (mesozooplankton, gelatinous, other invertebrates and fish) in the estuary of Cananéia, São Paulo. The early ontogeny of ephyrae involves changes in bell and development of filter-feeding oral arms. In the fluid environment around the ephyrae (<6mm bell diameter) the viscous forces are relatively important (Re <100). Therefore, the flows generated by bell pulsations quickly dissipate before reaching the distal surfaces of the oral arms. The transport mechanism via bell pulsations was not observed until ontogenetic increase in the strength of the pulsations (>10mm) providing an environment dominated by inertial forces (Re> 300). In adults bell pulsations produce vortices that induce flows through oral arms, which retain particles by sticking and sieving mechanisms. Rhizostomeae jellyfish have the most robust bell pulsations among scyphomedusae, but maximum velocities of the vortices (&sim;10cm s-1) of L. lucerna (<70mm) are still 3 to 5 times slower than escape velocity of calanoid copepods. Although this difference may suggest success for copepods to escape, both video sequences, and gut contents revealed that these prey can be captured and eaten at similar proportions as their field density. Copepods may fail to detect the predator, being transported against prey capture structures, even if they perform velocities that usually allow escaping. The interaction of prey with vortices is complex and prey may jump at angles that result in captures by oral arms. Through the analysis of gut contents (N=40) 43 taxa were found composing the diet of L. lucerna, of which, copepods comprised &sim;80% of numerical abundance. This medusa is a generalist predator, since its diet was mostly similar to field mesozooplankton availability. Its ability to capture evasive calanoid copepods (Paracalanus spp. and Acartia spp.) increases with medusa size, as a consequence of increasingly stronger feeding currents. Feeding rates ranged from 110 to 102871 copepods eaten medusa&minus;1 day&minus;1. At these rates, it was estimated that an aggregation of L. lucerna reported in northern Argentina (14 ind. 100 m&minus;3) could consume 6-12% of the copepods standing stock day&minus;1, demonstrating the potential predatory impact of the species\' blooms. Population increases of L. lucerna would certainly be detrimental to the recruitment of many fishes that inhabit estuarine coastal waters when juveniles. Stable isotope analyses revealed that the isotopic niche occupied by L. lucerna and by other gelatinous zooplanktivores, overlaps with niches of fishes, and other consumers of similar feeding habits. Little is known about compensatory dynamics in subtropical coastal ecosystems. However, due to its biomass, generalist feeding habits, and predatory impact, L. lucerna is a strong contender to replace depleted fish stocks of similar trophic niche. Currently there is no evidence that L. lucerna populations are increasing. The information presented here represents an advance in the knowledge of the species, its interactions, which are key in order to understand the consequences of its blooms and of possible population increases. However, many other information addressing other aspects (e.g. reproduction) and at population level (e.g. seasonality, biomass) are needed for a more complete understanding of the species role in the ecosystem.

A Microbiological control of Melampsora medusae Thum. rust on Psuedotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco seedlings

McBride, Richard Phillips January 1965 (has links)
Saprophytic fungi and bacteria were recovered from healthy foliage of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco). The populations of microorganisms on foliage were variable and changed through the growing season. Three species of the bacteria isolated from Douglas fir foliage were used in attempts to control the development of the rust, Melampsora medusae Thum., on Douglas fir seedlings in the greenhouse. Effective control was obtained when Bacillus cereus Frankland and Frankland and B. mycoides Flugge were applied to the seedlings in pure cultures of nutrient broth. The most effective control was obtained from the application of a mixture of these two species and a third unidentified species of Baci1lus in nutrient broth. Less effective control resulted from the application of bacteria suspended in water and cell free filtrates of the bacterial cultures. The numbers of bacteria on the foliage of Douglas fir were estimated using a modification of the soil dilution and bacterial plate count technique. The bacterial populations on foliage of Douglas fir in the greenhouse and in the field were increased by the application of bacteria in nutrient broth and sterile nutrient broth. / Science, Faculty of / Botany, Department of / Graduate

Radar sounding of Lucus Planum, Mars, by MARSIS

Orosei, Roberto, Rossi, Angelo Pio, Cantini, Federico, Caprarelli, Graziella, Carter, Lynn M., Papiano, Irene, Cartacci, Marco, Cicchetti, Andrea, Noschese, Raffaella 07 1900 (has links)
Lucus Planum, extending for a radius of approximately 500km around 181 degrees E, 5 degrees S, is part of the Medusae Fossae Formation (MFF), a set of several discontinuous deposits of fine-grained, friable material straddling across the Martian highland-lowland boundary. The MFF has been variously hypothesized to consist of pyroclastic flows, pyroclastic airfall, paleopolar deposits, or atmospherically deposited icy dust driven by climate cycles. Mars Advanced Radar for Subsurface and Ionosphere Sounding (MARSIS), a low-frequency subsurface-sounding radar carried by European Space Agency's Mars Express, acquired 238 radar swaths across Lucus Planum, providing sufficient coverage for the study of its internal structure and dielectric properties. Subsurface reflections were found only in three areas, marked by a distinctive surface morphology, while the central part of Lucus Planum appears to be made of radar-attenuating material preventing the detection of basal echoes. The bulk dielectric properties of these areas were estimated and compared with those of volcanic rocks and ice-dust mixtures. Previous interpretations that east Lucus Planum and the deposits on the northwestern flanks of Apollinaris Patera consist of high-porosity pyroclastic material are strongly supported by the new results. The northwestern part of Lucus Planum is likely to be much less porous, although interpretations about the nature of the subsurface materials are not conclusive. The exact origin of the deposits cannot be constrained by radar data alone, but our results for east Lucus Planum are consistent with an overall pyroclastic origin, likely linked to Tharsis Hesperian and Amazonian activity. Plain Language Summary Lobe-shaped thick deposits, collectively known as the Medusae Fossae Formation, are found west of the Olympus Mons volcano on Mars. Visual observations of these smooth and relatively unremarkably looking materials have not definitively determined how they formed with hypotheses ranging from volcanic ash to remnants of a materials deposited at a previous location of the north pole, to accumulation of atmospheric dust. In this study we used the ground penetrating radar on board Mars Express to see through these deposits to derive information about Lucus Planum, the central lobe of the Medusae Fossae Formation. Through our analysis of the way the radar waves were reflected by subsurface layering, we concluded that the materials forming Lucus Planum are spatially variable: the east and west portions of the deposits are highly porous and probably composed of ashes and rocks from nearby volcanoes. In the north-west the deposits are much denser, but we could not unequivocally define their nature. Finally, our instrument could not detect signals from the central part of Lucus Planum, which suggests yet a different component in the deposits. This diversity points to a dynamic geological history in this unique region of Mars.

Mitigation of Medusahead (Teaniatherum caput-medusae) Through Grazing and Revegetation on the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington

Stonecipher, Clint 01 May 2015 (has links)
A large portion of the historical steppe and shrub-steppe habitats in eastern Washington have been altered through biotic and abiotic processes resulting in the annual grass medusahead (Taeniatherum caput-medusae (L.) Nevski) becoming a large component of the altered vegetation. Experiments were conducted to determine whether: 1) protein supplementation would help increase utilization of medusahead by cattle, 2) native and introduced grass cultivars could establish in the region, and 3) mechanical disturbance would aid in establishing Vavilov II Siberian wheatgrass (Agropyron fragile [Roth] P. Candargy) and Immigrant forage kochia (Bassia prostrata [L.] A.J. Scott). Cattle grazing medusahead-infested rangeland for 10-d periods during summer months increased consumption of medusahead due to a reduction in the quality of forage alternatives. Cattle supplemented with a protein concentrate increased consumption of medusahead during d 6 to 10 of the grazing periods resulting in a reduction of medusahead abundance over time. Introduced grass cultivars; Vavilov II, Hycrest IIcrested wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum [L.] Gaertn.), and Bozoisky II Russian wildrye (Psathyrostachys juncea [Fisch.] Nevski), and a native grass mix; Sherman big bluegrass (Poa secunda J. Presl), Secar Snake River wheatgrass (Elymus wawawaiensis J. Carlson & Barkworth), Bannock Thickspike wheatgrass (Elymus lanceolatus [Scribn. & J.G. Sm.] Gould), and Recovery Western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb.] Á. Löve) were planted at three locations. Sherman big bluegrass was the only native species that established with 47 % initial establishment and persistence increasing to 65 % over the course of the study. Hycrest II had 64 % stand establishment but persistence decreased to 48 % and Vavilov II had 57 % initial establishment and decreased to 50 %. Sherman Big bluegrass had greater biomass production in May however, the later maturing Hycrest II and Vavilov II had similar biomass production to Sherman Big bluegrass in July. Bozoisky II had poor stand establishment and decreased over the course of the study. Mechanical disturbance from disking in the fall was successful in establishing Vavilov II and Immigrant forage kochia. In conclusion, cattle can be used to reduce medusahead abundance in rangelands and revegetation with Vavilov II, Hycrest II and Sherman big bluegrass was successful. Mechanical disturbance was successful in aiding in establishment of Vavilov II and Immigrant forage kochia.

Redescrição e ciclo de vida de Clytia gracilis e Clytia linearis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Campanulariidae). / Redescription and life cycle of Clytia gracilis and Clytia linearis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Campanulariidae).

Lindner, Alberto 19 December 2000 (has links)
Os ciclos de vida de Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1899) e de duas espécies apresentando caracteres considerados diagnósticos de Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1850) – aqui denominadas Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 1 e Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 2 – foram estudados com base em espécimes coletados no infralitoral raso da costa de São Sebastião e Ilhabela, sudeste do Brasil, entre fevereiro de 1999 e abril de 2000. Medusas foram cultivadas em laboratório, a temperatura de 22-24oC. Colônias de C. linearis são monossifônicas, simpodiais, com até 21,5mm de altura e portando até 26 hidrantes e 10 gonângios. Medusas adultas, alcançando 2,5-3,6mm de diâmetro e até 29 tentáculos e 28 estatocistos, podem ser distinguidas de outras espécies de Clytia pela presença de nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo C. Medusas adultas de Clytia cf. gracilis spp. 1 e 2 podem ser distinguidas das demais espécies do gênero estudadas até o momento pela presença de uma fileira de nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo A na umbrela, no nível do canal circular. Medusas adultas de C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 e C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 apresentam até 16 tentáculos e podem ser distinguidas entre si pelo diâmetro da umbrela: 6,6-10,1mm e 3,6-5,5mm, respectivamente. Quanto ao estágio de pólipo, C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 apresenta usualmente colônias dicotômicas eretas, hidrotecas alongadas, e gonotecas na hidrorriza e pedículos. Estes caracteres concordam com a descrição de C. gracilis, mas as espécies diferem entre si pela morfometria das gonotecas e dos nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo B: aproximadamente 15mm de comprimento para C. gracilis e 9-10mm para C. cf. gracilis sp. 1. Por outro lado, nematocistos do tipo B de C. cf. gracilis sp. 2, com aproximadamente 14,5mm de comprimento, em média, são morfometricamente semelhantes aos de C. gracilis. No entanto, C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 difere de C. gracilis pela forma da hidroteca, por apresentar gonotecas apenas na hidrorriza, e pelo hábito polissifônico do colônias bem desenvolvidas. Uma terceira espécie, C. cf. gracilis sp. 3, é descrita com base em uma colônia sem gonângios. Aspectos da sistemática de Clytia são discutidos. / he life-cycles of Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1899) and two species with characters considered diagnostic of Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1850) – Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 1 and Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 2 – have been studied based on specimens collected in the shallow subtidal coast of São Sebastião and Ilhabela, southeast Brazil, between February 1999 and April 2000. Medusae were cultured in the laboratory (22-24oC). Colonies of C. linearis are monosiphonic, sympodial, up to 21.5mm high and bearing up to 26 hydranths and 10 gonangia. Adult medusae reached 2.5-3.6mm in diameter, and up to 29 tentacles and 28 statocysts. The presence of microbasic mastigophore type C nematocysts distinguishes adult medusae of C. linearis from other species of Clytia. A band of microbasic mastigophore type A nematocysts in the umbrella, at the level of the circular canal, distinguishes adult medusae of Clytia cf. gracilis spp. 1 and 2 from other species of the genus. Adult medusae of C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 and C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 have up to 16 tentacles, and can be distinguished by the diameter of the umbrella: 6.6-10.1mm and 3.6-5.5mm, respectively. Colonies of C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 are usually erect and dichotomous, the hydrothecae are elongated and the gonothecae present in the hydrorhiza and pedicels. These features closely match with the description of C. gracilis, but both species differ in the morphometry of the gonothecae and microbasic mastigophore type B nematocysts: about 15mm (length) for C. gracilis and 9-10mm for C. cf. gracilis sp. 1. Type B nematocysts of C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 (about 14.5mm in length) are more similar in size to those of C. gracilis. However, the former species differs from the latter in the shape of the hydrothecae, by having gonothecae only at the hydrorhiza and polysiphonic well-developed colonies. A third species, C. cf. gracilis sp. 3, is described based on an unfertile colony. Aspects of the systematics of Clytia are discussed.

Redescrição e ciclo de vida de Clytia gracilis e Clytia linearis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Campanulariidae). / Redescription and life cycle of Clytia gracilis and Clytia linearis (Cnidaria, Hydrozoa, Campanulariidae).

Alberto Lindner 19 December 2000 (has links)
Os ciclos de vida de Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1899) e de duas espécies apresentando caracteres considerados diagnósticos de Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1850) – aqui denominadas Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 1 e Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 2 – foram estudados com base em espécimes coletados no infralitoral raso da costa de São Sebastião e Ilhabela, sudeste do Brasil, entre fevereiro de 1999 e abril de 2000. Medusas foram cultivadas em laboratório, a temperatura de 22-24oC. Colônias de C. linearis são monossifônicas, simpodiais, com até 21,5mm de altura e portando até 26 hidrantes e 10 gonângios. Medusas adultas, alcançando 2,5-3,6mm de diâmetro e até 29 tentáculos e 28 estatocistos, podem ser distinguidas de outras espécies de Clytia pela presença de nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo C. Medusas adultas de Clytia cf. gracilis spp. 1 e 2 podem ser distinguidas das demais espécies do gênero estudadas até o momento pela presença de uma fileira de nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo A na umbrela, no nível do canal circular. Medusas adultas de C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 e C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 apresentam até 16 tentáculos e podem ser distinguidas entre si pelo diâmetro da umbrela: 6,6-10,1mm e 3,6-5,5mm, respectivamente. Quanto ao estágio de pólipo, C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 apresenta usualmente colônias dicotômicas eretas, hidrotecas alongadas, e gonotecas na hidrorriza e pedículos. Estes caracteres concordam com a descrição de C. gracilis, mas as espécies diferem entre si pela morfometria das gonotecas e dos nematocistos microbásicos mastigóforos do tipo B: aproximadamente 15mm de comprimento para C. gracilis e 9-10mm para C. cf. gracilis sp. 1. Por outro lado, nematocistos do tipo B de C. cf. gracilis sp. 2, com aproximadamente 14,5mm de comprimento, em média, são morfometricamente semelhantes aos de C. gracilis. No entanto, C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 difere de C. gracilis pela forma da hidroteca, por apresentar gonotecas apenas na hidrorriza, e pelo hábito polissifônico do colônias bem desenvolvidas. Uma terceira espécie, C. cf. gracilis sp. 3, é descrita com base em uma colônia sem gonângios. Aspectos da sistemática de Clytia são discutidos. / he life-cycles of Clytia linearis (Thornely, 1899) and two species with characters considered diagnostic of Clytia gracilis (M. Sars, 1850) – Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 1 and Clytia cf. gracilis sp. 2 – have been studied based on specimens collected in the shallow subtidal coast of São Sebastião and Ilhabela, southeast Brazil, between February 1999 and April 2000. Medusae were cultured in the laboratory (22-24oC). Colonies of C. linearis are monosiphonic, sympodial, up to 21.5mm high and bearing up to 26 hydranths and 10 gonangia. Adult medusae reached 2.5-3.6mm in diameter, and up to 29 tentacles and 28 statocysts. The presence of microbasic mastigophore type C nematocysts distinguishes adult medusae of C. linearis from other species of Clytia. A band of microbasic mastigophore type A nematocysts in the umbrella, at the level of the circular canal, distinguishes adult medusae of Clytia cf. gracilis spp. 1 and 2 from other species of the genus. Adult medusae of C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 and C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 have up to 16 tentacles, and can be distinguished by the diameter of the umbrella: 6.6-10.1mm and 3.6-5.5mm, respectively. Colonies of C. cf. gracilis sp. 1 are usually erect and dichotomous, the hydrothecae are elongated and the gonothecae present in the hydrorhiza and pedicels. These features closely match with the description of C. gracilis, but both species differ in the morphometry of the gonothecae and microbasic mastigophore type B nematocysts: about 15mm (length) for C. gracilis and 9-10mm for C. cf. gracilis sp. 1. Type B nematocysts of C. cf. gracilis sp. 2 (about 14.5mm in length) are more similar in size to those of C. gracilis. However, the former species differs from the latter in the shape of the hydrothecae, by having gonothecae only at the hydrorhiza and polysiphonic well-developed colonies. A third species, C. cf. gracilis sp. 3, is described based on an unfertile colony. Aspects of the systematics of Clytia are discussed.

Wasserhaushalt und Wassernutzungseffizienz von vier perennierenden Pflanzenarten im Vorland einer zentralasiatischen Flussoase / Water use and water use efficiency of four perennial plant species in the foreland of a Central-Asian river oasis

Foetzki, Andrea 30 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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