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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sequenz, Energie, Struktur - Untersuchungen zur Beziehung zwischen Primär- und Tertiärstruktur in globulären und Membran-Proteinen

Dressel, Frank 30 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Proteine spielen auf der zellulären Ebene eines Organismus eine fundamentale Rolle. Sie sind quasi die „Maschinen“ der Zelle. Ihre Bedeutung wird nicht zuletzt in ihrem Namen deutlich, welcher 1838 erstmals von J. Berzelius verwendet wurde und „das Erste“, „das Wichtigste“ bedeutet. Proteine sind aus Aminosäuren aufgebaute Moleküle. Unter physiologischen Bedingungen besitzen sie eine definierte dreidimensionale Gestalt, welche für ihre biologische Funktion bestimmend ist. Es wird heutzutage davon ausgegangen, dass diese dreidimensionale, stabile Struktur von Proteinen eindeutig durch die Abfolge der einzelnen Aminosäuren, der Sequenz, bestimmt ist. Diese Abfolge ist für jedes Protein in der Desoxyribonukleinsäure (DNS) gespeichert. Es ist allerdings eines der größten ungelösten Probleme der letzten Jahrzehnte, wie die Beziehung zwischen Sequenz und 3D-Struktur tatsächlich aussieht. Die Beantwortung dieser Fragestellung erfordert interdisziplinäre Ansätze aus Biologie, Informatik und Physik. In dieser Arbeit werden mit Hilfe von Methoden der theoretischen (Bio-) Physik einige der damit verbundenen Aspekte untersucht. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt dabei auf Wechselwirkungen der einzelnen Aminosäuren eines Proteins untereinander, wofür in dieser Arbeit ein entsprechendes Energiemodell entwickelt wurde. Es werden Grundzustände sowie Energielandschaften untersucht und mit experimentellen Daten verglichen. Die Stärke der Wechselwirkung einzelner Aminosäuren erlaubt zusätzlich Aussagen über die Stabilität von Proteinen bezüglich mechanischer Kräfte. Die vorliegende Arbeit unterteilt sich wie folgt: Kapitel 2 dient der Einleitung und stellt Proteine und ihre Funktionen dar. Kapitel 3 stellt die Modellierung der Proteinstrukturen in zwei verschiedenen Modellen vor, welche in dieser Arbeit entwickelt wurden, um 3D-Strukturen von Proteinen zu beschreiben. Anschließend wird in Kapitel 4 ein Algorithmus zum Auffinden des exakten Energieminimums dargestellt. Kapitel 5 beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, wie eine geeignete diskrete Energiefunktion aus experimentellen Daten gewonnen werden kann. In Kapitel 6 werden erste Ergebnisse dieses Modells dargestellt. Der Frage, ob der experimentell bestimmte Zustand dem energetischen Grundzustand eines Proteins entspricht, wird in Kapitel 7 nachgegangen. Die beiden Kapitel 8 und 9 zeigen die Anwendung des Modells an zwei Proteinen, dem Tryptophan cage protein als dem kleinsten, stabilen Protein und Kinesin, einem Motorprotein, für welches 2007 aufschlussreiche Experimente zur mechanischen Stabilität durchgeführt wurden. Kapitel 10 bis 12 widmen sich Membranproteinen. Dabei beschäftigt sich Kapitel 10 mit der Vorhersage von stabilen Bereichen (sog. Entfaltungsbarrieren) unter externer Krafteinwirkung. Zu Beginn wird eine kurze Einleitung zu Membranproteinen gegeben. Im folgenden Kapitel 11 wird die Entfaltung mit Hilfe des Modells und Monte-Carlo-Techniken simuliert. Mit dem an Membranproteine angepassten Wechselwirkungsmodell ist es möglich, den Einfluss von Mutationen auch ohne explizite strukturelle Informationen vorherzusagen. Dieses Thema wird in Kapitel 12 diskutiert. Die Beziehung zwischen Primär- und Tertiärstruktur eines Proteins wird in Kapitel 13 behandelt. Es wird ein Ansatz skizziert, welcher in der Lage ist, Strukturbeziehungen zwischen Proteinen zu detektieren, die mit herkömmlichen Methoden der Bioinformatik nicht gefunden werden können. Die letzten beiden Kapitel schließlich geben eine Zusammenfassung bzw. einen Ausblick auf künftige Entwicklungen und Anwendungen des Modells.

Molecular assemblies observed by atomic force microscopy

Cisneros Armas, David Alejandro 25 June 2007 (has links) (PDF)
We use time-lapse AFM to visualize collagen fibrils self-assembly. A solution of acid-solubilized collagen was injected into the AFM fluid cell and fibril formation was observed in vitro. Single fibrils continuously grew and fused with each other until the supporting surface was completely covered by a nanoscopically well-defined collagen matrix. Laterally, the fibrils grew in steps of ~4 nm suggesting a two-step mechanism. In a first step, collagen molecules associated together. In the second step, these molecules rearranged into a structure called a microfibril. High-resolution AFM topographs revealed substructural details of the D-band architecture. These substructures correlated well with those revealed from positively stained collagen fibers imaged by transmission electron microscopy. Secondly, a covalent assembly approach to prepare membrane protein for AFM imaging that avoids crystallization was proposed. High-resolution AFM topographs can reveal structural details of single membrane proteins but, as a prerequisite, the proteins must be adsorbed to atomically flat mica and densely packed in a membrane to restrict their lateral mobility. Atomically flat gold, engineered proteins, and chemically modified lipids were combined to rapidly assemble immobile and fully oriented samples. The resulting AFM topographs of single membrane proteins were used to create averaged structures with a resolution approaching that of 2D crystals. Finally, the contribution of specific amino acid residues to the stability of membrane proteins was studied. Two structurally similar proteins sharing only 30% sequence identity were compared. Single-molecule atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy was used to detect molecular interactions stabilizing halorhodopsin (HR) and bacteriorhodopsin (BR). Their unfolding pathways and polypeptide regions that established stable segments were compared. Both proteins unfolded exactly via the same intermediates. This 3 Molecular Assemblies observed by AFM observation implies that these stabilizing regions result from comprehensive contacts of all amino acids within them and that different amino acid compositions can establish structurally indistinguishable energetic barriers. However, one additional unfolding barrier located in a short segment of helix E was detected for HR. This barrier correlated with a Pi-bulk interaction, which locally disrupts helix E and divides into two stable segments.

Observing molecular interactions that determine stability, folding, and functional states of single Na+/H+ antiporters

Kedrov, Alexej 02 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Selective ion and solute transport across cell membranes is a vital process occurring in all types of cells. Evolutionarily developed transport proteins work as membrane-embedded molecular machines, which alternately open a gate on each side of the membrane to bind and translocate specific ions. Sodium/proton exchange plays a crucial role in maintaining cytoplasmic pH and membrane potential, while, if not regulated, the process causes severe heart diseases in humans. Here I applied single-molecule force spectroscopy to investigate molecular interactions determining the structural stability of the sodium/proton antiporter NhaA of Escherichia coli, which serves as a model system for this class of proteins. Mechanical pulling of NhaA molecules embedded in the native lipid bilayer caused a step-wise unfolding of the protein and provided insights into its stability. Modified experiments allowed observing refolding of NhaA molecules and estimating folding kinetics for individual structural elements, as well as detecting eventual misfolded conformations of the protein. The activity of NhaA increases 2000fold upon switching pH from 6 to 8. Single-molecule force measurements revealed a reversible change in molecular interactions within the ligand-binding site of the transporter at pH 5.5. The effect was enhanced in the presence of sodium ions. The observation suggests an early activation stage of the protein and provides new insights into the functioning mechanism. When studying interactions of NhaA with the inhibitor 2-aminoperimidine, I exploited single-molecule force measurements to validate the binding mechanism and to describe quantitatively formation of the protein:inhibitor complex. The ability of single-molecule force measurements to probe structurally and functionally important interactions of membrane proteins opens new prospects for using the approach in protein science and applied research.

The dynamics of the G protein-coupled neuropeptide Y2 receptor in monounsaturated membranes investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Thomas, Lars, Kahr, Julian, Schmidt, Peter, Krug, Ulrike, Scheidt, Holger A., Huster, Daniel 08 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In contrast to the static snapshots provided by protein crystallography, G protein-coupled receptors constitute a group of proteins with highly dynamic properties, which are required in the receptors’ function as signaling molecule. Here, the human neuropeptide Y2 receptor was reconstituted into a model membrane composed of monounsaturated phospholipids and solid-state NMR was used to characterize its dynamics. Qualitative static 15N NMR spectra and quantitative determination of 1H-13C order parameters through measurement of the 1H-13C dipolar couplings of the CH, CH2 and CH3 groups revealed axially symmetric motions of the whole molecule in the membrane and molecular fluctuations of varying amplitude from all molecular segments. The molecular order parameters (Sbackbone = 0.59-0.67, SCH2 = 0.41-0.51 and SCH3 = 0.22) obtained in directly polarized 13C NMR experiments demonstrate that the Y2 receptor is highly mobile in the native-like membrane. Interestingly, according to these results the receptor was found to be slightly more rigid in the membranes formed by the monounsaturated phospholipids than by saturated phospholipids as investigated previously. This could be caused by an increased chain length of the monounsaturated lipids, which may result in a higher helical content of the receptor. Furthermore, the incorporation of cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, or negatively charged phosphatidylserine into the membrane did not have a significant influence on the molecular mobility of the Y2 receptor.

Molecular assemblies observed by atomic force microscopy

Cisneros Armas, David Alejandro 25 June 2007 (has links)
We use time-lapse AFM to visualize collagen fibrils self-assembly. A solution of acid-solubilized collagen was injected into the AFM fluid cell and fibril formation was observed in vitro. Single fibrils continuously grew and fused with each other until the supporting surface was completely covered by a nanoscopically well-defined collagen matrix. Laterally, the fibrils grew in steps of ~4 nm suggesting a two-step mechanism. In a first step, collagen molecules associated together. In the second step, these molecules rearranged into a structure called a microfibril. High-resolution AFM topographs revealed substructural details of the D-band architecture. These substructures correlated well with those revealed from positively stained collagen fibers imaged by transmission electron microscopy. Secondly, a covalent assembly approach to prepare membrane protein for AFM imaging that avoids crystallization was proposed. High-resolution AFM topographs can reveal structural details of single membrane proteins but, as a prerequisite, the proteins must be adsorbed to atomically flat mica and densely packed in a membrane to restrict their lateral mobility. Atomically flat gold, engineered proteins, and chemically modified lipids were combined to rapidly assemble immobile and fully oriented samples. The resulting AFM topographs of single membrane proteins were used to create averaged structures with a resolution approaching that of 2D crystals. Finally, the contribution of specific amino acid residues to the stability of membrane proteins was studied. Two structurally similar proteins sharing only 30% sequence identity were compared. Single-molecule atomic force microscopy and spectroscopy was used to detect molecular interactions stabilizing halorhodopsin (HR) and bacteriorhodopsin (BR). Their unfolding pathways and polypeptide regions that established stable segments were compared. Both proteins unfolded exactly via the same intermediates. This 3 Molecular Assemblies observed by AFM observation implies that these stabilizing regions result from comprehensive contacts of all amino acids within them and that different amino acid compositions can establish structurally indistinguishable energetic barriers. However, one additional unfolding barrier located in a short segment of helix E was detected for HR. This barrier correlated with a Pi-bulk interaction, which locally disrupts helix E and divides into two stable segments.

Plasma Membrane Plasticity of Xenopus laevis Oocyte Imaged with Atomic Force Microscopy

Schillers, Hermann, Danker, Timm, Schnittler, Hans-Joachim, Lang, Florian, Oberleithner, Hans 20 March 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Proteins are known to form functional clusters in plasma membranes. In order to identify individual proteins within clusters we developed a method to visualize by atomic force microscopy (AFM) the cytoplasmic surface of native plasma membrane, excised from Xenopus laevis oocyte and spread on poly-L-lysine coated glass. After removal of the vitelline membrane intact oocytes were brought in contact with coated glass and then rolled off. Inside-out oriented plasma membrane patches left at the glass surface were first identified with the lipid fluorescent marker FM1-43 and then scanned by AFM. Membrane patches exhibiting the typical phospholipid bilayer height of 5 nm showed multiple proteins, protruding from the inner surface of the membrane, with heights of 5 to 20 nm. Modelling plasma membrane proteins as spherical structures embedded in the lipid bilayer and protruding into the cytoplasm allowed an estimation of the respective molecular masses. Proteins ranged from 35 to 2,000 kDa with a peak value of 280 kDa. The most frequently found membrane protein structure (40/μm2) had a total height of 10 nm and an estimated molecular mass of 280 kDa. Membrane proteins were found firmly attached to the poly-L-lysine coated glass surface while the lipid bilayer was found highly mobile. We detected protein structures with distinguishable subunits of still unknown identity. Since X. laevis oocyte is a generally accepted expression system for foreign proteins, this method could turn out to be useful to structurally identify specific proteins in their native environment at the molecular level. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Protein–Lipid Interactions and the Functional Role of Intra-Membrane Protein Hydration in the PIB-type ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila

Fischermeier, Elisabeth 24 November 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Membrane proteins are vital for cellular homeostasis. They maintain the electrochemical gradients that are essential for signaling and control the fine balance of trace elements. In order to fulfill these tasks, they need to undergo controlled conformational transitions within the lipid bilayer of a cell membrane. It is well-recognized that membrane protein structure and function depends on the lipid membrane. However, much less is known about the role of water re-partitioning at the protein–lipid interface and particularly within a membrane protein during functional transitions. Intra-membrane protein hydration is expected to be particularly important for ion transport processes, where the hydration shell of a solvated ion needs to be rearranged and partially removed in order to bind the ion within the transporter before it is re-solvated upon exiting the membrane protein. These processes are spatially and temporally organized in metal-transporting ATPases of the PIB-subtype of P-type ATPases. Here, the functional role of water entry into the transmembrane region of the copper-transporting PIB-type ATPase CopA from Legionella pneumophila (LpCopA) has been investigated. The recombinant protein was affinity-purified and functionally reconstituted into nanodiscs prepared with the extended scaffolding protein MSP1E3D1. Nanodiscs provide a planar native-like lipid bilayer in a water-soluble nanoparticle with advantageous optical properties for spectroscopy. The small polarity-sensitive fluorophore 6-bromoacetyl-2-dimethylaminonaphthalene (BADAN) was used as a probe for the molecular environment of the conserved copper-binding cysteine-proline-cysteine (CPC) motif which is located close to a wide “entry platform” for Cu+ to the transmembrane (TM) channel. The systematic study of proteins with mutated metal-binding motifs using steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy indicates that strong gradients of hydration and protein flexibility can exist across the narrow range of the CPC motif. The data suggest that Cu+ passes a “hydrophobic gate” at the more cytoplasmic C384 provided by rather stable TM helix packing before entering a more flexible and readily hydratable site in the interior of LpCopA around C382 where the polarity is strongly regulated by protein–lipid interactions. This flexibility could also be partly mediated by rearrangements of an adjacent amphipathic protein stretch that runs parallel to the membrane surface as a part of the cytoplasmic entry site. Using tryptophan fluorescence, circular dichroism, and Fourier-transform infrared absorption spectroscopy of a synthetic peptide derived from this segment, its lipid-dependent structural variability could be revealed. Depending on lipid-mediated helix packing interactions, the CPC motif has the potential to support a strong dielectric gradient with about ten units difference in permittivity across the CPC distance. This property may be crucial in establishing the directionality of ion transport by a non-symmetric re-solvation potential in the ion release channel of LpCopA. The experimental elucidation of these molecular details emphasizes not only the importance of intra-membrane protein water which has been hypothesized particularly for PIB-type ATPases. Moreover it is shown here, that the lateral pressure of a cell membrane may provide a force that restores a low hydration state from a transiently formed state of high internal water content at the distal side of the CPC motif. ATP-driven conformational changes that induce intra-membrane protein hydration of a conformational intermediate of the Post-Albers cycle could thus be set back efficiently by lateral pressure of the cell membrane at a later step of the cycle.

Strukturelle und funktionelle Charakterisierung von dem mitochondrialen Membranprotein Menschlicher Spannungsabhängiger Anionen Kanal (HVDAC) und dem Membranprotein bindenden Conotoxin Conkunitzin-S1 mit Flüssigphasen NMR / Structural and functional characterisation of the mitochondrial membrane protein human voltage-dependent anion channel (HVDAC) and the membrane protein-targeting Conotoxin Conkunitzin-S1 by solution NMR

Bayrhuber, Monika 26 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Structure, Function and Dynamics of G-Protein coupled Receptors

Eichler, Stefanie 09 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Understanding the function of membrane proteins is crucial to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which transmembrane signaling based physiological processes,i. e., the interactions of extracellular ligands with membrane-bound receptors, are regulated. In this work, synthetic transmembrane segments derived from the visual photoreceptor rhodopsin, the full length system rhodopsin and mutants of opsin are used to study physical processes that underlie the function of this prototypical class-A G-protein coupled Receptor. The dependency of membrane protein hydration and protein-lipid interactions on side chain charge neutralization is addressed by fluorescence spectroscopy on synthetic transmembrane segments in detergent and lipidic environment constituting transmembrane segments of rhodopsin in the membrane. Results from spectroscopic studies allow us to construct a structural and thermodynamical model of coupled protonation of the conserved ERY motif in transmembrane helix 3 of rhodopsin and of helix restructuring in the micro-domain formed at the protein/lipid water phase boundary. Furthermore, synthesized peptides and full length systems were studied by time resolved FTIR-Fluorescence Cross Correlation Hydration Modulation, a technique specifically developed for the purpose of this study, to achieve a full prospect of time-resolved hydration effects on lipidic and proteinogenic groups, as well as their interactions. Multi-spectral experiments and time-dependent analyses based on 2D correlation where established to analyze large data sets obtained from time-resolved FTIR difference spectra and simultaneous static fluorescence recordings. The data reveal that lipids play a mediating role in transmitting hydration to the subsequent membrane protein response followed by water penetration into the receptor structure or into the sub-headgroup region in single membrane-spanning peptides carrying the conserved proton uptake site (monitored by the fluorescence emission of hydrophobic buried tryptophan). Our results support the assumption of the critical role of the lipid/water interface in membrane protein function and they prove in particular the important influence of electrostatics, i. e., side chain charges at the phase boundary, and hydration on that function. / Für die Aufklärung der molekularen Wirkungsweise von physiologischen, auf Signaltransduktion, d. h. dem Zusammenspiel von extrazellulären Reizen und membrangebundenen Rezeptoren, beruhenden Prozessen ist das Verständnis der Funktion von Membranproteinen unerlässlich. In dieser Arbeit werden von Rhodopsin abgleitete, synthetische transmembrane Segmentpeptide, Opsin-Mutanten und der vollständige Photorezeptor Rhodopsin untersucht, um die physikalischen Prozesse zu beleuchten, die der Funktionen dieses prototypischen Klasse-A G-Protein gekoppelten Rezeptors zugrunde liegen. Die Abhängigkeit der Membranprotein-Hydratation und der Lipid-Protein-Wechselwirkung von der Ladung einer Aminosäuren-Seitenkette wird erforscht. Hierzu werden synthetische, transmembrane Segmentpeptide in Lipid und Detergenz, als Modell transmembraner Segmente von Rhodopsin in der Membran mittels Fluoreszenzspektroskopie untersucht. Aus den erhaltenen Ergebnissen wird ein thermodynamisches und strukturelles Modell hergeleitet, welches die Kopplung der Protonierung des hochkonservierten ERY-Motivs in Transmembranhelix 3 von Rhodopsin an die Restrukturierung der Helix in der Mikroumgebung der Lipid-Wasser-Phasengrenze erklärt. Des Weiteren werden sowohl die Segementpeptide als auch die vollständigen Systeme Opsin und Rhodopsin mittels zeitaufgelöster FTIR-Fluoreszenz-Kreuzkorrelations-Hydratations-Modulation untersucht. Diese Technik wurde eigens zur Aufklärung von zeitabhängigen Hydratationseffekten auf Lipide und Proteine oder Peptide entwickelt. Dabei werden zeitaufgelöste FTIR Differenz-Spektren und gleichzeitig statische Fluoreszenzsignale aufgenommen und diese zeitabhängigen multispektralen Datensätze mittels 2D Korrelation analysiert. Die Auswertung der Experimente enthüllt einen sequentiellen Hydratationsprozess. Dieser beginnt mit der Bildung von Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen an der Carbonylgruppe des Lipids, gefolgt von Strukturänderungen der Transmembranproteine und abgeschlossen durch das Eindringen von Wasser in das Proteininnere. Letzteres wird nachgewiesen durch die Fluoreszenz von Tryptophan im hydrophoben Peptid- oder Proteininneren. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit unterstreichen die Annahme, dass Lipid-Protein-Wechselwirkungen eine entscheidende Rolle in der Funktion von Membranproteinen spielen und das insbesondere Elektrostatik, in Form von Ladungen an der Phasengrenze, und die Hydratisierung einen kritischen Einfluss auf diese Funktion haben.

The dynamics of the G protein-coupled neuropeptide Y2 receptor in monounsaturated membranes investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy

Thomas, Lars, Kahr, Julian, Schmidt, Peter, Krug, Ulrike, Scheidt, Holger A., Huster, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
In contrast to the static snapshots provided by protein crystallography, G protein-coupled receptors constitute a group of proteins with highly dynamic properties, which are required in the receptors’ function as signaling molecule. Here, the human neuropeptide Y2 receptor was reconstituted into a model membrane composed of monounsaturated phospholipids and solid-state NMR was used to characterize its dynamics. Qualitative static 15N NMR spectra and quantitative determination of 1H-13C order parameters through measurement of the 1H-13C dipolar couplings of the CH, CH2 and CH3 groups revealed axially symmetric motions of the whole molecule in the membrane and molecular fluctuations of varying amplitude from all molecular segments. The molecular order parameters (Sbackbone = 0.59-0.67, SCH2 = 0.41-0.51 and SCH3 = 0.22) obtained in directly polarized 13C NMR experiments demonstrate that the Y2 receptor is highly mobile in the native-like membrane. Interestingly, according to these results the receptor was found to be slightly more rigid in the membranes formed by the monounsaturated phospholipids than by saturated phospholipids as investigated previously. This could be caused by an increased chain length of the monounsaturated lipids, which may result in a higher helical content of the receptor. Furthermore, the incorporation of cholesterol, phosphatidylethanolamine, or negatively charged phosphatidylserine into the membrane did not have a significant influence on the molecular mobility of the Y2 receptor.

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