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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional capacity and multiple conditionality in ACP-EU development cooperation

Matheson, James Henry Edward January 1997 (has links)
The negotiations for the Mid-Term Review of the Fourth Lome Convention marked the introduction of multiple conditionality - economic adjustment and good governance - into the Lome relationship. It placed additional demands on the two parties, giving rise to the essential concern of this thesis: do the two sides possess the requisite institutional capacity to meet those demands. The introduction was not a sudden development. The origins of multiple conditionality lay in the Pisani Memorandum and its proposal of policy dialogue. The path from the proposal to multiple conditionality was assisted by developments within the Lome relationship, including the unintended effects of ACP initiatives. This thesis is thus, in one sense, the history of the Memorandum's legacy of inverted conditionality through policy dialogue. It is also an analysis of the capacities generated by the Convention and their applicability to multiple conditionality. My analysis of bargaining, operational and instrumental capacities demonstrates a weak ACP capacity and an asymmetrically greater EU capacity. My initial conclusion is that the EU is much more capable of meeting the demands of multiple conditionality. However, it too faces limits on its capacity, especially in dealing with the sociopolitical aspects of governance. This recognition highlights an ignored factor: there is a second legacy of the Pisani Memorandum. In addition to the instrument of policy dialogue, the Memorandum identified institutional capacity as the means to help overcome the problems of development. The new tale of two legacies illustrates an EU emphasis on policy control at the expense of capacity building. It has failed to perceive the importance of the link, in the Pisani Memorandum, between the instrument and the means. It forces me to amend my initial conclusion: neither side is adequately prepared for the demands of multiple conditionality.

Fartyg från grå- och svartlistade flaggstater som trafikerar Sveriges närområde : En analys av samband mellan flaggstater, klassningssällskap och potentiella miljöhot / Vessels from flag states listed as grey and black that navigate in or near Swedish coastal areas : An analysis of correlations between flag states, classification societies and potential threats to the environment

Kristoffersson, Jessica, Brandt, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) utfärdar varje år listor över hur väl flaggstater presterar vid hamnstatskontroller, uppdelade i en vit, en grå och en svart lista, där den svarta listan visar de flaggstater vars fartyg belagts med kvarstad flest gånger. Med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik analyserades fartyg som seglat under en flagg som presenteras på Paris MoUs svarta och grå lista, och som trafikerat Östersjön och Västerhavet. Arbetet baseras på data från 841 fartyg som trafikerade Östersjön och Västerhavet mellan åren 2013 och 2017. Studien undersöker om det finns något som utmärker fartygen, hur ofta de byter flagg och om det finns ett samband mellan flaggstater och klassningssällskap. Det som framgick var att fartyg som tillhör svart- eller grålistade flaggstater kan utgöra ett potentiellt hot för den svenska närmiljön, då nästan hälften av de fartyg som undersöktes har fått miljörelaterade anmärkningar i rapporterna från hamnstatskontroller. Fartygen är även äldre än genomsnittet för världshandelsflottan och vid flaggbyten byter de oftare till flaggstater som har en lägre prestanda med avseende på hamnstatskontroller. Det visade sig dessutom finnas ett samband mellan klassningssällskap som har en sämre rankning av Paris MoU och fartyg tillhörande svartlistade flaggstater. / Each year, Paris Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) issues lists of how well flag states perform in Port State Controls, divided into a white, a grey and a black list, where the black list displays the flag states with the largest ratio of detentions. This study uses descriptive statistics to analyse vessels that have sailed under flags presented in the Paris MoU grey and black lists and have trafficked the Baltic Sea, Kattegatt and Skagerrak. The study is based on data from 841 vessels that trafficked the area during the years 2013 to 2017. It investigates if there is anything that distinguishes the vessels, how often they change flags and if there is a connection between flag states and classification societies. The study found that vessels registered under flag states presented in the grey or black list can pose a potential threat to the Swedish marine environment, as nearly half of the examined vessels had received environment related observations during Port State Controls. The vessels were also older than the world fleet average and when changing flags they often changed to flag states with a lower ranking according to Paris MoU. A relationship between classification societies with a lower ranking according to Paris MoU and vessels from blacklisted flag states was also discovered.

Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner : <em>– Innebörden av ett Letter of Intent</em>

Wangson, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
<p>Dagens affärsklimat ställer höga krav på bolag beträffande strategiska val på en allt mer globaliserad marknad. I uppsatsen föreslås att denna eskalerande globalisering kan vara associerad med bolagens framgång. Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner samt de initiala avsiktsdeklarationer som förkommer vid dessa transaktioner blir då centrala faktorer att beakta för bolagen, i sökandet efter förbättrade resultat. Baserat på detta skildrar uppsatsen innebörden av en initial avsiktsdeklaration, närmare bestämt ett Letter of Intent (LOI). Uppsatsen belyser innebörden av ett LOI ur ett strukturellt, juridiskt och praktiskt perspektiv. Den strukturella och praktiska innebörden av ett LOI återges genom två, för uppsatsen, exklusiva undersökningar. Den första undersökande delen beskriver strukturen för ett LOI genom att betrakta praktiska exempel som använts, vid bolagsförvärv och fusioner, i publika aktiebolag. Resultatet visar att strukturen samt de klausuler som ingår i ett LOI till viss del varierar. Oräknat det återfinns generaliserat, i undersökningen, följande klausuler i ett LOI: Bakgrund, Syfte, Villkor, Förbehåll, Sekretess, Exklusivitet, Due Diligence (DD), Tidplan, Avslut, Ersättning, Lagval samt Skiljedom. Den andra undersökande delen, om den praktiska innebörden av ett LOI, är baserad på intervjuer med personer som är aktiva ledamöter i bolagsledningen för större publika aktiebolag. Undersökningens sammanvägda resultat pekar på att ett LOI bör innehålla klausuler och preciserade villkor för en tilltänkt affär. I praktiken torde ett LOI innebära en framtida utfästelse om att ingå avtal eller samarbete mellan bolag. Vidare kan den juridiska innebörden emellertid antas vara begränsad till att en part som medvetet bryter mot villkoren eller uppträder svekligt kan ådra sig ett skadeståndansvar. I näringslivet anser respondenterna att ett LOI allmänt innebär en första signal om att två parter avser att söka träffa ett avtal. Sammanfattningsvis kan ett LOI effektivisera processerna i samband med bolagens globalisering, därigenom kan ett LOI dessutom främja bolagens presumtiva framgång i dagens affärsklimat.     </p>

Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner : – Innebörden av ett Letter of Intent

Wangson, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
Dagens affärsklimat ställer höga krav på bolag beträffande strategiska val på en allt mer globaliserad marknad. I uppsatsen föreslås att denna eskalerande globalisering kan vara associerad med bolagens framgång. Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner samt de initiala avsiktsdeklarationer som förkommer vid dessa transaktioner blir då centrala faktorer att beakta för bolagen, i sökandet efter förbättrade resultat. Baserat på detta skildrar uppsatsen innebörden av en initial avsiktsdeklaration, närmare bestämt ett Letter of Intent (LOI). Uppsatsen belyser innebörden av ett LOI ur ett strukturellt, juridiskt och praktiskt perspektiv. Den strukturella och praktiska innebörden av ett LOI återges genom två, för uppsatsen, exklusiva undersökningar. Den första undersökande delen beskriver strukturen för ett LOI genom att betrakta praktiska exempel som använts, vid bolagsförvärv och fusioner, i publika aktiebolag. Resultatet visar att strukturen samt de klausuler som ingår i ett LOI till viss del varierar. Oräknat det återfinns generaliserat, i undersökningen, följande klausuler i ett LOI: Bakgrund, Syfte, Villkor, Förbehåll, Sekretess, Exklusivitet, Due Diligence (DD), Tidplan, Avslut, Ersättning, Lagval samt Skiljedom. Den andra undersökande delen, om den praktiska innebörden av ett LOI, är baserad på intervjuer med personer som är aktiva ledamöter i bolagsledningen för större publika aktiebolag. Undersökningens sammanvägda resultat pekar på att ett LOI bör innehålla klausuler och preciserade villkor för en tilltänkt affär. I praktiken torde ett LOI innebära en framtida utfästelse om att ingå avtal eller samarbete mellan bolag. Vidare kan den juridiska innebörden emellertid antas vara begränsad till att en part som medvetet bryter mot villkoren eller uppträder svekligt kan ådra sig ett skadeståndansvar. I näringslivet anser respondenterna att ett LOI allmänt innebär en första signal om att två parter avser att söka träffa ett avtal. Sammanfattningsvis kan ett LOI effektivisera processerna i samband med bolagens globalisering, därigenom kan ett LOI dessutom främja bolagens presumtiva framgång i dagens affärsklimat.

The Growth of Executive Power and the Modern Presidency: Nixon to Clinton

Hylton, Joseph G 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis tracks the direction of the development of unilateral executive power from Nixon to Clinton. The thirty-two-year process saw a mostly continuous growth of the power of the president to act unilaterally through a variety of mechanisms seizing the ability to act first from the other branches of government and the bureaucracy. The ability to enhance presidential power depends on many factors such as one time shocks (such as Watergate) and congressional support. The minority presidency of Richard Nixon responded to democratic control of Congress by aggressive assertions of presidential power via unilateral decrees. In fights such as impoundment, wage and price controls, and affirmative action plans, Nixon attempted to increase the power of the presidency while also laying groundwork for future regulatory reforms. Nixon’s resignation and Watergate crated stiff headwinds for the development of the unilateral powers of the presidency with Congress passed meaningful attempts to claw back presidential powers that had accumulated over time. Nevertheless, the Ford and Carter presidencies still saw the groundwork laid for the next major expansion of presidential authority. Under Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, the “Reagan Revolution” saw the Presidency gain new powers to aggressively combat the growing state. The assault on government saw the creation of modern signing statements, and harsh anti-regulatory actions. Clinton’s presidency saw a continued evolution of executive power albeit shaped by the significantly different ends trying to be achieved than under the two previous Republican presidents while also seeing new innovations in the mix of powers.

Os efeitos jurídicos das cartas de intenções e memorandos de entendimentos

Moraes, Lívia Lenz de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objeto a análise dos documentos preliminares, usualmente chamados de carta de intenções e memorando de entendimentos, firmados na fase das tratativas durante o período pré-contratual. Em um primeiro momento, busca-se entender a natureza desses documentos, mediante o exame dos atos das partes na fase das tratativas, em especial as negociações e as declarações de vontade, e a comparação com figuras afins, como a proposta, o contrato, o contrato preliminar, a carta-conforto e a minuta. A partir dessa compreensão, aliada à demonstração de sua tipicidade social, chega-se a uma definição de documentos preliminares, baseada no acordo de vontades capaz de produzir efeitos obrigacionais de intensidade variada. Em um segundo momento, expõe-se a principal forma de tratamento dispensada a esses documentos na common law, dividindo-os entre aqueles que têm eficácia jurídica contratual (binding) e aqueles que não têm eficácia jurídica (nonbinding). Posteriormente, são trazidos casos da jurisprudência brasileira, seguindo-se o mesmo método, culminando com o papel da figura do abuso de direito nos casos de rompimento das negociações, identificada como a principal situação que desencadeia a discussão dos efeitos desses documentos nos tribunais. Adiante, as obrigações autônomas, como a de confidencialidade, exclusividade e divisão de custo, muitas vezes verificadas nesses documentos, são objeto de estudo, finalizando-se com a análise de determinadas cláusulas, perquirindo-se sua validade e efeitos. O resultado deste estudo revela que os efeitos que serão produzidos por um documento preliminar dependem não apenas do seu conteúdo, mas também do comportamento das partes condizente com ele. A partir desses dois fatores será possível determinar se o documento produzirá algum efeito, incluindo efeitos de vinculação aos deveres de proteção ou de vinculação contratual. / The subject of this work is the analysis of the preliminary documents, usually known as letter of intent or memorandum of understanding, executed in the negotiation phase during the precontractual period. Firstly, it seeks to understand the nature of these documents, through the examination of the parties’ acts during the negotiation phase, especially their dialogues and declarations, and the comparison with the proposal, the contract, the preliminary contract, the comfort letter and the minute. Given this comprehension, added to its social typicality, it reaches a definition of the preliminary document, based on the agreement capable of producing obligational effects of varied intensity. Secondly, it introduces the main approach given to these documents by the common law system, dividing them between those that have contractual legal effects (binding) and those that don’t have any legal effects (non-binding). Subsequently, cases from the Brazilian Case Law are brought, following the same method, ending with the role of the abuse of the law in the cases in which the parties break the negotiations, which are identified as the main situation that triggers the courts debate about the effects of such documents. Furtherly, the independent obligations, such as confidentiality, exclusivity and sharing of expenses, commonly identified in these documents, are studied, finalizing with the analysis of certain clauses investigating its validity and effects. The result of this work reveals that the effects that will be produced by a preliminary document depend not only of its content, but also of a parties’ behavior suitable with it. From these two factors it will be possible to determine whether or not the document will produce any effect, including binding effects in relation to protection duties or binding contractual effect.

Zakladatelská smlouva (listina a stanovy akciové společnosti) / The memorandum of association (deed of incorporation and by-laws of a joint-stock company)

Karásek, Radim January 2012 (has links)
in English The thesis analyzes memorandum of association and by-laws of a joint-stock company, from both general point of view as well as from the point of their required particular informations. The part concerning general point of view describes and evaluates memorandum of association as document incorporating a joint-stock company, it is described what role is performed by this document throught the whole process of incorporation of a joint-stock stock company and what role is assigned to this document after the company has been established. The part concerning general point of view then covers the by-laws as a document which is a basic norm for functioning of a particular joint-stock company. The functions of a by-laws in relation to the chosen subjects are described and evaluated. The two general parts are connected through the tract about the relation between a memorandum of association and by- laws, where the relation is evaluated and the role and significance of the two documents is compared. The other part of the thesis concerns itself with particular required informations, every one of the information describes and evalutes relevant legal regulation which is confronted with the opinions contained in the scientific literature, in the court decisions and my opinions. Eeach required...

Perceived Roles and Responsibilities of Secondary School Principals and School Resource Officers towards School Security

Ely, Macel, II 01 December 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this qualitative study is to identify the perceptions of Tennessee’s high school principals and school resource officers as to their roles and responsibilities during a school security crisis. Four thematic elements are discussed as existing among principals and school resource officers. Those thematic elements include relationships, school environment, roles, and obstacles between both groups. Previous research has examined an array of school security issues, but few have delved into this specific topic. Such knowledge is essential for the citizenry to maximize efforts of protecting students attending public schools.

Social responsibility in New Zealand’s offshore supply chains: What would it take to contribute towards improved labour conditions in China?

Day (nee Alexander), Kate January 2012 (has links)
New Zealand initiatives to address supply-chain labour conditions are tending towards reliance on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a form of private regulation. This thesis explores the effectiveness of private regulation for improving labour conditions, and reasons for its emergence, using the case study of the New Zealand-China relationship. It is argued that CSR brings only cosmetic improvements to a minority of workers in China. It is no replacement for strengthened law enforcement and organisation of workers for affecting significant improvements. CSR can also undermine improvements, and should be approached with caution. The trend towards CSR in New Zealand can be explained by businesses‘ gradually-increasing need and capacity to defend and pursue competitive advantage. However, the trend is best explained as a result of the constraints and power imbalances resulting from the neoliberal political context. For New Zealand to make a genuine commitment to social responsibility would require a shift in power, to groups that will challenge existing constraints and demand explicit action from the Government. It would also require New Zealand consumers and businesses to assume a greater share of the true costs of production. For New Zealand to contribute to improved labour conditions in China would require greater support for the Chinese labour movement and state enforcement. This support could take the form of increased cooperation, highlighting non-compliances, union collaboration and development aid.

Os efeitos jurídicos das cartas de intenções e memorandos de entendimentos

Moraes, Lívia Lenz de January 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objeto a análise dos documentos preliminares, usualmente chamados de carta de intenções e memorando de entendimentos, firmados na fase das tratativas durante o período pré-contratual. Em um primeiro momento, busca-se entender a natureza desses documentos, mediante o exame dos atos das partes na fase das tratativas, em especial as negociações e as declarações de vontade, e a comparação com figuras afins, como a proposta, o contrato, o contrato preliminar, a carta-conforto e a minuta. A partir dessa compreensão, aliada à demonstração de sua tipicidade social, chega-se a uma definição de documentos preliminares, baseada no acordo de vontades capaz de produzir efeitos obrigacionais de intensidade variada. Em um segundo momento, expõe-se a principal forma de tratamento dispensada a esses documentos na common law, dividindo-os entre aqueles que têm eficácia jurídica contratual (binding) e aqueles que não têm eficácia jurídica (nonbinding). Posteriormente, são trazidos casos da jurisprudência brasileira, seguindo-se o mesmo método, culminando com o papel da figura do abuso de direito nos casos de rompimento das negociações, identificada como a principal situação que desencadeia a discussão dos efeitos desses documentos nos tribunais. Adiante, as obrigações autônomas, como a de confidencialidade, exclusividade e divisão de custo, muitas vezes verificadas nesses documentos, são objeto de estudo, finalizando-se com a análise de determinadas cláusulas, perquirindo-se sua validade e efeitos. O resultado deste estudo revela que os efeitos que serão produzidos por um documento preliminar dependem não apenas do seu conteúdo, mas também do comportamento das partes condizente com ele. A partir desses dois fatores será possível determinar se o documento produzirá algum efeito, incluindo efeitos de vinculação aos deveres de proteção ou de vinculação contratual. / The subject of this work is the analysis of the preliminary documents, usually known as letter of intent or memorandum of understanding, executed in the negotiation phase during the precontractual period. Firstly, it seeks to understand the nature of these documents, through the examination of the parties’ acts during the negotiation phase, especially their dialogues and declarations, and the comparison with the proposal, the contract, the preliminary contract, the comfort letter and the minute. Given this comprehension, added to its social typicality, it reaches a definition of the preliminary document, based on the agreement capable of producing obligational effects of varied intensity. Secondly, it introduces the main approach given to these documents by the common law system, dividing them between those that have contractual legal effects (binding) and those that don’t have any legal effects (non-binding). Subsequently, cases from the Brazilian Case Law are brought, following the same method, ending with the role of the abuse of the law in the cases in which the parties break the negotiations, which are identified as the main situation that triggers the courts debate about the effects of such documents. Furtherly, the independent obligations, such as confidentiality, exclusivity and sharing of expenses, commonly identified in these documents, are studied, finalizing with the analysis of certain clauses investigating its validity and effects. The result of this work reveals that the effects that will be produced by a preliminary document depend not only of its content, but also of a parties’ behavior suitable with it. From these two factors it will be possible to determine whether or not the document will produce any effect, including binding effects in relation to protection duties or binding contractual effect.

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