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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prevalência e perfil epidemiológico do uso de tabaco da população psiquiátrica dos níveis secundário e terciário de atenção comparados à população geral da rede básica de saúde / Prevalence and epidemiological profile of tobacco use in the psychiatric population from secondary and tertiary levels of care compared to the general population from basic health network

Renata Marques de Oliveira 12 September 2016 (has links)
O uso de tabaco no meio psiquiátrico é um grave problema de saúde pública. Este estudo teve por objetivo estimar a prevalência e identificar o perfil epidemiológico do uso de tabaco da população psiquiátrica dos níveis secundário e terciário de atenção comparados à população geral da rede básica de saúde do município de Marília (SP). Foi realizado um estudo epidemiológico descritivo- analítico, de corte transversal, com três grupos populacionais de Marília/SP: P1 - portadores de transtornos mentais do ambulatório de saúde mental (ASM), P2 - portadores de transtornos mentais das unidades de agudos do hospital psiquiátrico (HP) e P3 - população geral de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Foi selecionada uma amostra probabilística composta por 378 participantes, 126 em cada serviço. As entrevistas foram realizadas entre abril e julho de 2014. Os questionários, avaliados por juízes, foram inseridos no aplicativo TabacoQuest, desenvolvido especialmente para a coleta dos dados deste estudo. Utilizaram-se ferramentas de estatística descritiva, análise bivariada e multivariada (? de 5%). Dentre os 378 participantes, 255 (67,5%) eram mulheres. A idade variou de 15 a 79 anos (em média, 48 anos). Confirmou-se a hipótese de maior prevalência de fumantes entre a população psiquiátrica dos níveis secundário e terciário de atenção do que entre a população geral da rede básica de saúde (ASM= 27% , HP= 60,3%, UBS= 19%). Ademais, a dependência do tabaco foi mais intensa na psiquiátrica (grau muito elevado: ASM= 14,7%, HP= 32,9%, UBS= 4,2%). O perfil pessoal e sociodemográfico dos fumantes foi assim definido: homens; jovens; analfabetos ou com ensino fundamental; solteiros; sem religião; sem ocupação e recebedores de mais de um benefício do governo. Os fumantes com dependência muito elevada também foram representados por pessoas com essas características, porém com maior escolaridade. Houve maior prevalência de fumantes entre os pacientes psiquiátricos graves: diagnóstico de esquizofrenia/transtorno esquizoafetivo; mais tempo de diagnóstico; uso de três ou mais psicofármacos; uso de antipsicóticos de 1ª geração; quatro ou mais internações psiquiátricas e tentativas de suicídio; sintomas psiquiátricos intensos; ansiedade-traço altíssima. O fumo atual esteve independentemente associado aos grupos etários mais jovens, ao catolicismo ou à ausência de religião, aos transtornos mentais graves, aos transtornos ansiosos/outros, ao uso atual e pregresso de álcool e de substâncias ilícitas. Os fatores independentes associados à intensa dependência do tabaco foram sexo masculino, grupo etário, transtornos mentais graves, transtornos ansiosos/outros e risco alto de suicídio. A principal razão que motivava os fumantes a usar tabaco era a redução da tensão/relaxamento. Identificou-se baixo percentual de ex-fumantes no HP (4,8%), o que mostra a dificuldade que os pacientes psiquiátricos graves e crônicos têm em parar de fumar (tentativas de parar no último ano: ASM= 75%, HP= 35,1%, UBS= 62,5%). A população psiquiátrica, especialmente a internada no HP, foi menos favorável à proibição do fumo nos serviços de saúde (ASM= 84,1%, HP= 69,1%, UBS=100%), tendo refletido a cultura do tabagismo dessa instituição. Concluiu-se que a prevalência de fumantes e a dependência do tabaco foram superiores na população psiquiátrica dos níveis secundário e terciário de atenção do que na população geral da rede básica de saúde, especialmente entre os pacientes psiquiátricos graves. Espera-se que esses resultados contribuam para o planejamento de intervenções contra o fumo na população psiquiátrica, fortalecendo a política nacional de controle do tabagismo e o cuidado dos profissionais que atuam nos serviços de saúde mental / The use of tobacco by the psychiatric population is a serious problem in public health. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of smoking and to identify the epidemiological profile of tobacco use in the psychiatric population from secondary and tertiary levels of care compared to the general population from basic health network in the city of Marília (SP). A descriptive analytical cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out, with three population groups from Marília/SP: P1 - individuals with mental disorders from mental health outpatient (MHO), P2 - individuals with mental disorders from acute unities of the Psychiatric Hospital (PH) and P3 - general population from a Basic Unit of Health (BUH). It was selected a probability sample of 378 participants, 126 in each service. The interviews were conducted in April-July 2014. The questionnaires, assessed by judges, were recorded in TabacoQuest application, which was developed specially to data collection for this study. It were used descriptive statistics tools, bivariate and multivariate analysis (? of 5%). Among the 378 participants, 255 (67.5%) were women. The age ranged between 15 and 78 years (mean, 48 years). It was confirmed the hypothesis of higher smoking prevalence in the psychiatric population from secondary and tertiary levels of care compared to the general population from basic health network (MHO= 27%, PH= 60.3%, BUH= 19%). Moreover, the addiction to tobacco was more intense among psychiatric population (very high level: MHO= 14.7%, PH= 32.9%, BUH= 4.2%). The personal and socio- demographic profile of smokers was well defined: men; youth; illiterate people or with basic education; unmarried; individuals without religion; individuals without occupation and recipients of more than one government benefit. People with those characteristics also represented smokers with high-level dependence, but with higher level of schooling. There was higher prevalence of smokers among the severe psychiatric patients: diagnosis of schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder; more time of diagnosis; use of three or more psychotropic drugs; use of first generation antipsychotics; four or more psychiatric hospitalizations and suicide attempts; more intense psychiatric symptoms; highest trait anxiety. Current smoking was independently associated to younger age-groups, to Catholicism or absence of religion, to severe mental disorders, to anxiety disorders/others, to current and former use of alcohol and illicit substances. The independent factors associated to intense tobacco dependence were male, age group, severe mental illness, anxiety disorders/others and high risk of suicide. Reduction of tension/relaxing was the main reason for smokers to use tobacco. It was identified low percentage of former smokers in PH (4.8%), showing that severe and chronic psychiatric patients find more difficult quitting smoking (attempts to quit in last year: MHO= 75%, PH= 35.1%, BUH= 62.5%). The psychiatric population, especially those in PH, was less favorable to no-smoking police in health services (ASM= 84.1%, PH= 69.1%, BUH= 100%), reflecting the smoking culture of the institution. It was concluded that the prevalence of smokers and tobacco dependence were higher in the psychiatric population from secondary and tertiary levels of care compared to the general population from basic health network, especially among the severe psychiatric patients. We hope that these results contribute to the planning of interventions against psychiatric population smoking, strengthening the national non-smoking policy and the care of the professionals who work at the mental health care services

O lúdico e o agressivo na psicose infantil: contribuições da etologia a psicopatologia / The play and the aggressive behavior in psychotical children: contributions from ethology to psychopathology

Christian Ingo Lenz Dunker 22 August 1991 (has links)
Estudo observacional que descreve e analisa a ocorrencia dos comportamentos de agressao e brincadeira turbulenta em criancas psicoticas. Os ss sao 11 criancas, com idade entre 7 e 11 anos, de ambos os sexos, com diagnostico de psicose, frequentando instituicoes especializadas. Realiza 5 sessoes de observacao com cada crianca em situacao ludica, com duracao de 10 minutos cada, no local em que normalmente desenvolvem atividades recreativas. Utiliza contribuicoes da antropologia e da psicanalise na articulacao dos resultados. Verifica que os meninos interagem mais que as meninas; que entre as meninas e mais frequente a brincadeira turbulenta do que a agressao, ocorrendo o inverso com os meninos; ha modos preferenciais para a agressao (fisica) e para a brincadeira turbulenta. Constata oposicoes entre os dois comportamentos, tanto para padroes quanto para frequencia, cuja analise demonstra existir uma estrutura interna aos dois comportamentos, sugerindo uma relacao dialetica entre o simbolo e a imagem. Demonstra, parcialmente, a hipotese de que ha um predominio de linguagem iconica na psicose e que no interior dessa o comportamento se estrutura tal como essa linguagem, numa dialetica de ausencia e presenca e numa oposicao entre seus significantes comportamentais / Eleven children between de ages of seven and eleven diagnosed as psycotic were the subjects of na observational study. The research was looking for descriptions and ocurrences of the aggressive behavior and rough-and-tumble play. They were observed at two specialized institution. To the criteria of Blurton-Jones (1967) for rough -and-tumble new ones were added and also context variables were taken into account. Methodological problems linked to the question of the description in ethology and psychiatry were discussed as also the nosology tradition involved. Anthropological and psychoanalytical contributions were used on the articulation of results. It was verified that in general boys interact more than girls. Girls rough-and-tumble was more frequent than aggression. In the case of boys this differences did not appear. Boys are more aggressive than girls. Individual differences were great. There were preferential forms of aggression (physical) and of rough-and-tumble different for each sex. Oppositions shown between one and another behavior were found which refer to motor patterns and occurrences. This opposition was analysed to demonstrate an internal structure to both behavior which leads us to believe that a dialectical relationship exists between the symbol and the image. From this it suggested that behavior has the same structure as a language.

Confiabilidade entre avaliadores da versão brasileira da escala Camberwell de Avaliação de Necessidades (CAN) / Reliability of the Brazilian version of the Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CAN)

Ana Cristina Belizia Schlithler 06 July 2006 (has links)
Pessoas com transtornos psicóticos enfrentam mudanças e limitações na vida cotidiana. Suas necessidades podem ser complexas e envolver vários tipos e níveis de cuidados. A avaliação sistemática das necessidades de usuários dos serviços de saúde é importante para a organização dos serviços e para estabelecer propostas individualizadas de tratamento. A avaliação de necessidades de usuários de serviços de saúde mental tem sido utilizada em vários países, mas ainda não é rotineira no Brasil. A CAN avalia necessidades em 22 domínios que envolvem diversas necessidades de ajuda, como problemas com moradia, alimentação, sintomas psicóticos, saúde física e outros. OBJETIVOS: Traduzir e adaptar a versão brasileira da CAN para pesquisa (CAN-R), e avaliar a sua confiabilidade entre avaliadores, em uma amostra de casos incidentes de psicoses funcionais na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados aleatoriamente participantes do \"Estudo de casos incidentes (primeiro contato com serviços de saúde) de psicoses funcionais no Brasil\", no qual este estudo está inserido. Os critérios de inclusão foram: contato pela primeira vez com serviços de saúde no período do estudo, diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, outras psicoses do espectro da esquizofrenia, mania ou depressão psicótica (DSM-IV); idade entre 18 e 64 anos; residir em determinadas regiões geográficas da cidade de São Paulo. A versão da CAN, traduzida e adaptada para o português pelo grupo de pesquisadores do estudo de casos incidentes, foi aplicada aos participantes do estudo por cinco auxiliares de pesquisa. Posteriormente um avaliador cego em relação às avaliações realizadas pelos auxiliares de pesquisa realizou a pontuação da escala de modo independente, utilizando fitas com a gravação das entrevistas. As pontuações das entrevistas realizadas pelos assistentes de pesquisa foram comparadas com as pontuações do avaliador independente utilizando-se o coeficiente kappa e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e dois sujeitos foram incluídos no estudo. Cinqüenta e dois por cento eram mulheres, a maioria dos participantes estava na faixa etária entre 18 e 39 anos, tinha no máximo oito anos de estudo e diagnósticos de esquizofrenia ou outros transtornos mentais do espectro da esquizofrenia. A confiabilidade entre avaliadores para os 22 domínios da escala foi substancial, quase perfeita ou total para 19 (87%) domínios. A confiabilidade para o total de necessidades, avaliada através do ICC, foi 0,95 (IC95% 0,90 - 1,00). CONCLUSÕES: A CAN mostrou boa aplicabilidade e reprodutibilidade segundo avaliação de profissionais de saúde mental com indivíduos em um primeiro episódio psicótico. O uso de instrumentos padronizados como a CAN em serviços de saúde mental no Brasil deve contribuir para a avaliação da efetividade das ações e para o cuidado individualizado das pessoas com transtornos mentais. / People with psychotic disorders usually face changes and limitation in their daily life activities. Their needs are complex and involve different types and levels of care. In several countries, the systematic assessment of needs is considered essential for service planning and to establish treatment goals. However, in Brazil, the assessment of needs is still limited. The Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CAN) assess needs in 22 domains that encompass a wide range of needs of care, as problems with accommodation, food, psychotic symptoms, physical health, and others. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to translate and adapt the CAN for research (CAN-R) and to assess its inter-rater reliability, in a sample of first contact psychosis in São Paulo. METHOD: Subjects were randomly selected from the \'Brazilian First Contact Psychosis Study\' sample. The inclusion criteria were: first contact with health services due to a psychotic episode at the study period; diagnosis of schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders of schizophrenia spectrum, mania or psychotic depression (DSM-IV); age between 18 and 64 years; living in pre-defined areas of São Paulo. Five research assistants carried out the CAN version, adapted and translated into Portuguese by the investigators? group of the incidence study. Afterwards a blind investigator carried out the assessment independently, through tape-records of the interviews. Kappa coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient were used to compare ratings of the independent investigator with ratings of the research assistants group. RESULTS: Fifty-two subjects were included, 27 (52%) of them were women. Most were in 18-39 age group, had studied eight years or less, and had diagnosis of schizophrenia or other schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Inter-rater reliability to 19 (87%) domains was substantial, almost perfect or total as measured by kappa coefficient. Reliability to total of needs measured by ICC was 0.95 (CI 95% 0,90 - 1,00). CONCLUSIONS: The Can showed good applicability and reliability with first contact psychotic individuals. The use of standardized instruments as the CAN in mental health services in Brazil, can contribute to the assessment of effectiveness of interventions, and individualized care to people with mental disorders.

Mental illness stigma: experiences of youth with a mental disorder

Haug, Sally-Anne 05 February 2019 (has links)
Canadian society continues to stigmatize individuals with mental illness, despite the prevalence of mental illness in the population, decades of advocacy to combat mental illness stigma, and known negative sequelae of experiences of stigma by people affected by a mental illness. One negative impact of stigma is internalization of negative connotations attached to mental illness. Although there is extensive research on the stigma of mental illness, there is little information specifically about how youth with mental illness perceive the stigma of mental illness and how they respond to it. The current research sought to understand how youth who self-identify as having a mental illness experienced, perceived and internalized the stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination of the stigma of mental illness. A simple content categorization method was used to identify key themes in the transcribed interviews of eleven youth in Vancouver Canada who identified as having mental illness. Qualitative analysis identified that the most frequent perpetrators of public stigma included casual acquaintances, family, friends, school staff, mental health professionals and authority figures. Youths’ accounts linked mental illness stigma with low mental health literacy, delayed mental health treatment and a low quality of life. The findings are considered with reference to implications for prevention of stigma, including enhanced mental health literacy for mental health professionals and the public aimed at increased understanding, sensitivity and empowerment of youth with mental illness and their families. / Graduate

Avaliação da saúde bucal e impacto na qualidade de vida em pacientes com transtornos mentais atendidos no CAPS/Butantã / Assessment of oral health and impact on quality of life in patients with mental disorders attended the CAPS / Butantan

Carvalhaes, Cristina Lima Leite 17 November 2014 (has links)
Estudos epidemiológicos mostram que a incidência de transtornos mentais e comportamentais tem aumentando nos últimos anos e estas condições são acompanhadas de uma gama de doenças bucais que estão relacionadas à medicação utilizada e ao grau de instrução, condições financeiras, idade, estado de saúde geral e acesso ao atendimento odontológico dos pacientes. Entretanto, são escassos estudos que abordam a epidemiologia da saúde bucal e o impacto dela na qualidade de vida destes pacientes. Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar as condições bucais dos pacientes com transtornos mentais e comportamentais atendidos no Centro de Atendimento Psicossocial do Butantã (CAPS/Butantã) e o impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida. Foram coletados dados demográficos, queixa principal, história médica [evolução da doença psiquiátrica, presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial sistêmica, doenças cardiovasculares, diabetes, distúrbios hepáticos, distúrbios hematológicos, distúrbios renais, distúrbios gastrointestinais e distúrbios respiratórios), medicações em uso], hábitos (álcool, fumo e drogas ilícitas), e história odontológica. No exame físico intraoral foram avaliados os índices de CPOD, índice gengival (IG) e índice comunitário periodontal (ICP) e a presença de lesões em mucosa. Como exame complementar, foi avaliado o fluxo salivar. Por fim o impacto da saúde oral na qualidade de vida foi medido através de questionário internacionalmente padronizado, o Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). Foram avaliados 50 pacientes, sendo 28 do sexo feminino e 22 do sexo masculino, com idades entre 22 e 74 anos e mediana de 45 anos. A maioria (66%) apresentava baixa escolaridade e os diagnósticos mais encontrados foram, respectivamente: esquizofrenia, transtornos esquizotípicos e transtornos delirantes, transtornos do humor afetivos e transtornos da personalidade do comportamento do adulto. Com relação às comorbidades, 34% apresentavam hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), 26% Diabetes Mellitus (DM) e 18% doença cardiovascular. A maioria usava mais de dois medicamentos psicotrópicos associados. Com relação à queixa principal do paciente, 68% relataram boca seca, 66% relataram sangramento gengival durante a escovação, 56% relataram bruxismo e 50% relataram dor de origem dentária. O CPOD variou de 1 a 30, com média de 16,3 e mediana de 17, sendo que 64% dos pacientes apresentaram CPOD considerado alto pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Com relação ao ICP, 70,5% apresentaram alguma necessidade de tratamento periodontal, sendo que 56,8% necessitavam de profilaxia e/ou raspagem supragengival e 43,2% necessitavam raspagem subgengival. O IG mostrou que 48% dos pacientes apresentavam gengivite moderada, 34% gengivite severa e 18% gengivite leve. Com relação ao fluxo salivar, observamos que estava diminuído em 46% dos pacientes e normal em 54% deles. O OHIP-14 mostrou que a saúde bucal possui médio impacto sobre a qualidade de vida de 40% dos pacientes, forte impacto para 28% dos pacientes, e fraco impacto para 32% dos pacientes. Conclui-se que estes pacientes apresentam uma condição bucal insatisfatória, que impacta negativamente na qualidade de vida, mostrando a importância de ações em saúde bucal, tanto preventivas quanto curativas, para esta população vulnerável. / Epidemiological studies show that the incidence of mental and behavioral disorders has been increasing in recent years and these conditions are followed by a range of oral diseases that are related to medications used and the level of education, financial condition, age, general health status and access dental care of patients. However, there are few studies on the epidemiology of oral health and the impact on the quality of life of these patients. This study aimed to evaluate the oral conditions of patients with mental and behavioral disorders treated at the Center of Psychosocial Care of Butantã (CAPS/Butantã) and the impact of oral health on quality of life. Demographics, main complaint, medical history [evolution of psychiatric illness, comorbidities (hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver disorders, blood disorders, kidney disorders, gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory disorders), current medications], habits (alcohol, tobacco and illicit drugs) and dental history were collected. In intraoral physical examination, were evaluated the DMFT Index, the Gingival Index (GI), the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) and the presence of mucosal lesions. As a complementary test, we evaluated the salivary flow. Finally the impact of oral health on quality of life was measured using an internationally standardized questionnaire, the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14). A total of 50 patients were evaluated (28 females and 22 males), with ages between 22 and 74 years old and a median of 45 years old. The majority (66%) had a low level of education and the most frequent diagnoses were, respectively: schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders, mood affective disorders and disorders of adult personality and behavior. Regarding comorbidities, 34% had systemic hypertension (SH), 26% had diabetes mellitus (DM) and 18% had cardiovascular disease. Most of the patients took more than two psychotropic medications in association. Regarding the patient\'s main complaint, 68% reported dry mouth, 66% reported bleeding gums during brushing, 56% reported bruxism and 50% reported pain of dental origin. The DMFT ranged from 1 to 30, with a mean of 16.3 and a median of 17, and 64% of the patients had a high DMFT according to the World Health Organization (WHO) standards. With respect to CPI, 70.5% showed some need for periodontal treatment, 56.8% need prophylaxis and/or supragingival scaling and 43.2% required subgingival scaling. The GI showed that 48% of patients had moderate gingivitis, 34% had severe and 18% had mild gingivitis. With respect to salivary flow, we found that it was decreased in 46% of patients and normal in 54% of them. The OHIP-14 questionnaire showed that oral health has an average impact on quality of life for 40% of patients, a strong impact for 28%, and low impact for 32% of the patients. We conclude that these patients have a poor oral condition, which impacts negatively on their quality of life, showing the importance of oral health practices, both preventive and curative, for this vulnerable population.

Confiabilidade entre avaliadores da versão brasileira da escala Camberwell de Avaliação de Necessidades (CAN) / Reliability of the Brazilian version of the Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CAN)

Schlithler, Ana Cristina Belizia 06 July 2006 (has links)
Pessoas com transtornos psicóticos enfrentam mudanças e limitações na vida cotidiana. Suas necessidades podem ser complexas e envolver vários tipos e níveis de cuidados. A avaliação sistemática das necessidades de usuários dos serviços de saúde é importante para a organização dos serviços e para estabelecer propostas individualizadas de tratamento. A avaliação de necessidades de usuários de serviços de saúde mental tem sido utilizada em vários países, mas ainda não é rotineira no Brasil. A CAN avalia necessidades em 22 domínios que envolvem diversas necessidades de ajuda, como problemas com moradia, alimentação, sintomas psicóticos, saúde física e outros. OBJETIVOS: Traduzir e adaptar a versão brasileira da CAN para pesquisa (CAN-R), e avaliar a sua confiabilidade entre avaliadores, em uma amostra de casos incidentes de psicoses funcionais na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODO: Foram selecionados aleatoriamente participantes do \"Estudo de casos incidentes (primeiro contato com serviços de saúde) de psicoses funcionais no Brasil\", no qual este estudo está inserido. Os critérios de inclusão foram: contato pela primeira vez com serviços de saúde no período do estudo, diagnóstico de esquizofrenia, outras psicoses do espectro da esquizofrenia, mania ou depressão psicótica (DSM-IV); idade entre 18 e 64 anos; residir em determinadas regiões geográficas da cidade de São Paulo. A versão da CAN, traduzida e adaptada para o português pelo grupo de pesquisadores do estudo de casos incidentes, foi aplicada aos participantes do estudo por cinco auxiliares de pesquisa. Posteriormente um avaliador cego em relação às avaliações realizadas pelos auxiliares de pesquisa realizou a pontuação da escala de modo independente, utilizando fitas com a gravação das entrevistas. As pontuações das entrevistas realizadas pelos assistentes de pesquisa foram comparadas com as pontuações do avaliador independente utilizando-se o coeficiente kappa e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI). RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e dois sujeitos foram incluídos no estudo. Cinqüenta e dois por cento eram mulheres, a maioria dos participantes estava na faixa etária entre 18 e 39 anos, tinha no máximo oito anos de estudo e diagnósticos de esquizofrenia ou outros transtornos mentais do espectro da esquizofrenia. A confiabilidade entre avaliadores para os 22 domínios da escala foi substancial, quase perfeita ou total para 19 (87%) domínios. A confiabilidade para o total de necessidades, avaliada através do ICC, foi 0,95 (IC95% 0,90 - 1,00). CONCLUSÕES: A CAN mostrou boa aplicabilidade e reprodutibilidade segundo avaliação de profissionais de saúde mental com indivíduos em um primeiro episódio psicótico. O uso de instrumentos padronizados como a CAN em serviços de saúde mental no Brasil deve contribuir para a avaliação da efetividade das ações e para o cuidado individualizado das pessoas com transtornos mentais. / People with psychotic disorders usually face changes and limitation in their daily life activities. Their needs are complex and involve different types and levels of care. In several countries, the systematic assessment of needs is considered essential for service planning and to establish treatment goals. However, in Brazil, the assessment of needs is still limited. The Camberwell Assessment of Needs (CAN) assess needs in 22 domains that encompass a wide range of needs of care, as problems with accommodation, food, psychotic symptoms, physical health, and others. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to translate and adapt the CAN for research (CAN-R) and to assess its inter-rater reliability, in a sample of first contact psychosis in São Paulo. METHOD: Subjects were randomly selected from the \'Brazilian First Contact Psychosis Study\' sample. The inclusion criteria were: first contact with health services due to a psychotic episode at the study period; diagnosis of schizophrenia, other psychotic disorders of schizophrenia spectrum, mania or psychotic depression (DSM-IV); age between 18 and 64 years; living in pre-defined areas of São Paulo. Five research assistants carried out the CAN version, adapted and translated into Portuguese by the investigators? group of the incidence study. Afterwards a blind investigator carried out the assessment independently, through tape-records of the interviews. Kappa coefficient and intraclass correlation coefficient were used to compare ratings of the independent investigator with ratings of the research assistants group. RESULTS: Fifty-two subjects were included, 27 (52%) of them were women. Most were in 18-39 age group, had studied eight years or less, and had diagnosis of schizophrenia or other schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Inter-rater reliability to 19 (87%) domains was substantial, almost perfect or total as measured by kappa coefficient. Reliability to total of needs measured by ICC was 0.95 (CI 95% 0,90 - 1,00). CONCLUSIONS: The Can showed good applicability and reliability with first contact psychotic individuals. The use of standardized instruments as the CAN in mental health services in Brazil, can contribute to the assessment of effectiveness of interventions, and individualized care to people with mental disorders.

Historical, Contemporary and Future Issues in Research in Behavior Disorders: The Role of Single Subject Research in Building a Science and Practice

Fox, James J., Conroy, M. A. 01 October 2015 (has links)
Behavior disorders has varied conceptual and methodological roots. Effective answers to working with students with EBD require pragmatic solutions. One of the most productive approaches has been the behavioral model and single subject methodology. Using research on EBD preschoolers as a focus, we review methodological history, exemplary research findings, and critical issues.

Identifying Clinical Distinctions Between Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Eating Disorders in Adolescents

Perkins, Natalie Marie 01 July 2018 (has links)
Eating disorders and non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) are pervasive behaviors that typically begin in early to mid-adolescence. They commonly co-occur, resulting in increasingly negative psychological and physical outcomes than either behavior alone. Emotion reactivity and family functioning have been studied in relation to both eating disorders and NSSI. Both constructs have demonstrated strong relationships to these behaviors, but emotion reactivity appears to be more strongly associated with NSSI, while family functioning appears to be more strongly related to eating disorders. The current study sought to determine whether emotion reactivity and family functioning could differentiate between adolescents with only an eating disorder, only NSSI, or both behaviors. Data were collected from 229 adolescents in both inpatient and outpatient treatment programs who reported either a diagnosed eating disorder, past week NSSI, or both. Results indicated that increased emotion reactivity increased the likelihood that an individual was categorized in the NSSI only group compared to the eating disorder group and the comorbid group. There was no main effect for family functioning across all analyses. Based on these results, emotion reactivity may be an important variable to consider in distinguishing between adolescents with eating disorders who may or may not engage in NSSI, and may provide further insight when examined longitudinally

Into the Wild: Factors Mediating the Positive Outcomes of Wilderness Based Therapy

Moehring, Layla 01 January 2018 (has links)
Wildnerness therapy is becoming increasingly popular as a treatment for adolescents. It has been established as an efficacious treatment in previous literature, but the mechanisms as to why have thus far remained a mystery. This research is looking at the connection between wilderness therapy and DBT, another evidence-based treatment. This study will examine 156 adolescents, comparing the efficacy of wilderness therapy to traditional inpatient and intensive outpatient. Pre-treatment assessments of suicidal ideation, emotional regulation, and distress tolerance will be taken. It is expected that there will be main effects for each of the treatments, but that wilderness therapy will be strongest. Additionally, it is expected that emotion regulation and distress tolerance will act as mediators, and their effect on suicidal ideation will be even greater than that of treatment.

Investigating Neurogenesis as a Veritable Epigenetic Endophenotype for Alzheimer's Disease

Wells, Layne 01 January 2019 (has links)
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disease, characterized by progressive amyloid plaque aggregation, neurofibrillary tangles, and cortical tissue death. As the prevalence of AD is projected to climb in coming years, there is a vested interest in identifying endophenotypes by which to improve diagnostics and direct clinical interventions. The risk for complex disorders, such as AD, is influenced by multiple genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. Significant strides have been made in identifying genetic variants linked to AD through the genome-wide association study (GWAS). It has been estimated in more recent years, however, that GWAS-identified variants account for limited AD heritability, suggesting the role of non-sequence genetic mechanisms, such as epigenetic moderators. By influencing gene expression, epigenetic markers have been linked to age- associated decline through modulation of chromatin architecture and global genome instability, though such mechanisms are also involved with a number of normal biological processes, including neurogenesis. As the strategies of clinical genetics shift to include a heavier focus on epigenetic contributors, altered adult neurogenesis presents itself as a strong candidate for an endophenotype of AD development. This thesis proposes that, due to neuropathological dysfunction of epigenetic mechanisms in AD, new generations of neurons fail to proliferate, differentiate, and mature correctly, resulting in the larger loss of neurons and cognitive deficits characteristic to neurodegenerative disease. The plasticity of the epigenome and the role of epigenetic factors as mediators of the genome and the environment make such alterations attractive in AD research and implies the potential for therapeutic interventions. The present review submits neurogenesis as a viable target of epigenetic research in AD, highlights shared loci between neurogenesis and AD in the epigenome, and considers the promises and limitations of the neurogenic endophenotype.

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