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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of <i>Petunia x hybrida</i> ‘Mitchell Diploid’ Metacaspases during Petal Senescence

Moon, Youyoun 14 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Expressão e caracterização de metacaspases e estudos mitocondriais em plantas superiores / Expression and characterization of metacaspases and mitochondrial studies in higher plants

Souza, Wagner Rodrigo de 17 December 2009 (has links)
RESUMO A morte celular programada (PCD) é um processo vital que ocorre em todos os eucariotos. Em plantas, os mecanismos básicos que governam a PCD não estão esclarecidos. Sabe-se que a PCD em plantas é ativada pelo acúmulo de ácido salicílico e influxo de íons cálcio, bem como pela geração de ERO que ocorre nos cloroplastos e nas mitocôndrias. Além disso, as plantas possuem um grupo de proteases denominadas metacaspases, que assemelham-se estruturalmente com as caspases, proteínas que executam PCD em animais. Apesar destes conhecimentos, os mecanismos que governam a ativação da PCD são desconhecidos. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho procurou investigar alguns fatores possivelmente envolvidos em PCD vegetal. Com esse objetivo, foram isoladas e caracterizadas mitocôndrias de cultura de células em suspensão de Rubus fruticosus. Foram avaliados os efeitos do Ca2+ e do AS sobre as funções mitocondriais, dentre elas a geração de ERO, diminuída pelo AS, porém aumentada por Ca2+. Um mecanismo foi proposto para explicar a diminuição de ERO pelo AS e as respostas observadas para AS e Ca2+ sobre as mitocôndrias são discutidas com base no possível envolvimento na PCD vegetal. A segunda parte do trabalho envolveu a expressão e caracterização de metacaspases (AtMCPs) em Arabidopsis thaliana. As proteases demonstraram autoprocessamento quando superexpressas in planta, assim como ocorre com as caspases em animais. A expressão de AtMCPs nesse modelo não produziu nenhum fenótipo de morte celular, sugerindo que o fenômeno ocorra por meio da integração de duas ou mais metacaspases. Foram estudadas também as propriedades biológicas de AtMCPs recombinantes em E. coli, demonstrando-se diferentes efeitos. Nossos estudos visam contribuir para a melhor compreensão de mecanismos básicos possivelmente envolvidos na PCD em plantas superiores. / ABSTRACT Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental process that occurs in all eukaryotes. In plants, such phenomenon is not well understood. It is known that PCD in plants is activated through salicylic acid (SA) accumulation, Ca2+ ion fluxes, as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, which occurs mainly in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Besides, plants have a family of proteases, named metacaspases, which are proteases structurally similar to the caspases, members of proteins involved in animal PCD execution. In despite of this knowledge, the mechanism by which plant PCD is activated remains elusive. In this context, the aim of this work was to investigate some factors potentially involved in plant PCD. To this purpose, mitochondria from cell suspension cultures of Rubus fruticosus were isolated and characterized. It was investigated the effects of SA and Ca2+ on mitochondrial functions, as well. We have focused on ROS generation, which are important signals involved in plant PCD. It was shown that Ca2+ increased ROS generation, while SA decreases such production. A mechanism was proposed to explain the SA effects on isolated mitochondria, and the responses obtained from Ca2+ and SA addition on the organelle are discussed, based on the possible involvement of these effects in plant PCD. In the second part of this work, it was investigated the expression of metacaspases (AtMCPs) in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The proteases have demonstrated self-processing when expressed in planta, similar to the animal caspases. Such expression did not cause any cell death phenotype, suggesting that PCD could be activated through the integration of two or more MCPs, if they are involved. It was investigated the effects of recombinant AtMCPs in E. coli, as well, demonstrating different responses. Our work contributes to a better understanding of factors potentially involved in plant PCD.

Métacaspases : cibles thérapeutiques contre le paludisme / Metacaspases : New Targets for Malaria Treatment

Sow, Fatimata 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le paludisme reste une des principales causes de mortalité infantile dans le monde tropical. L'émergence continue des résistances du parasite aux anti-paludiques constitue un sérieux problème de santé publique. La recherche de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques, basée sur une connaissance plus approfondie des mécanismes moléculaires de la vie du parasite, est une nécessité permanente dans un paradigme de « reine rouge » qui s'applique parfaitement à la capacité d'adaptation du parasite. La découverte récente d'une métacaspase de Plasmodium falciparum (PfMCA1) et la mise en évidence de son rôle potentiel dans l'apoptose du parasite, fait qu'elle est une cible thérapeutique contre le paludisme. Dans le but de mieux approfondir les connaissances sur cette protéine cible, nous avons voulu, dans un premier temps, déterminer la structure tridimensionnelle de PfMCA1, afin de confirmer les différentes structures prédites in silico, et chercher de nouvelles molécules candidates par le docking moléculaire. Cependant cet objectif n'a pas pu être atteint, à cause d'un phénomène d'autoclivage de la protéine suite à son expression, ce qui fait que nous n'avons pas réussi à récupérer la protéine. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié la métacaspase de Plasmodium vivax (PvMCA1) en comparaison avec PfMCA1, et nous avons montré que les résidus histidine et cystéine dans la dyade catalytique sont bien conservés. Nous avons identifié un deuxième site potentiel dans le domaine catalytique de PvMCA1. A partir d'échantillons collectés en Mauritanie, au Soudan et à Oman, nous avons montré que les résidus histidine et cystéine, ainsi, que les résidus du second site du domaine catalytique de PvMCA1 sont très variables. Les mutations de ces résidus doivent faire l'objet d'étude approfondie de leurs effets sur la fonction de la protéine PvMCA1. Ce polymorphisme trouvé dans les résidus catalytiques de PvMCA1, doit-être évalué comme marqueurs moléculaires de résistance / Malaria remains one of the main causes of infant mortality in the tropical world.The continuous emergence of parasite resistant to drug treatment is a serious threat to public health. Exploring new therapeutics targets based on depth knowledge on molecular mechanism of the parasite’s life is utmost needed in a paradigm of « red queen», which applies perfectly on the ability of the parasitic adaptation. The recent discovery of metacaspase of Plasmodium falciparum (PfMCA1) and the demonstration of its potential role in apoptosis, make it a therapeutic target against malaria. In order to increase knowledge about this protein, we planned, to determine the three-dimensional structure of PfMCA1, to confirm the different structures predicted in silico, and to look for new drug using molecular docking. However, this goal was not reached, since autoprocessing occurred during expression, and we failed to obtain the full-length protein. Then we studied the metacaspase of Plasmodium vivax (PvMCA1) in comparison with PfMCA1 and, we shown that histidine and cysteine residues in the dyad catalytic are well conserved. We have identified a second potential site in the catalytic domain of PvMCA1. We shown that residues in both putative sites are highly polymorphic in samples from Mauritania, Sudan and Oman. Mutations on these residues need to be deeply studied for their effects on the PvMCA1 function. This polymorphism found in catalytic residues of PvMCA1should be evaluated as new molecular marker of resistance

Expressão e caracterização de metacaspases e estudos mitocondriais em plantas superiores / Expression and characterization of metacaspases and mitochondrial studies in higher plants

Wagner Rodrigo de Souza 17 December 2009 (has links)
RESUMO A morte celular programada (PCD) é um processo vital que ocorre em todos os eucariotos. Em plantas, os mecanismos básicos que governam a PCD não estão esclarecidos. Sabe-se que a PCD em plantas é ativada pelo acúmulo de ácido salicílico e influxo de íons cálcio, bem como pela geração de ERO que ocorre nos cloroplastos e nas mitocôndrias. Além disso, as plantas possuem um grupo de proteases denominadas metacaspases, que assemelham-se estruturalmente com as caspases, proteínas que executam PCD em animais. Apesar destes conhecimentos, os mecanismos que governam a ativação da PCD são desconhecidos. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho procurou investigar alguns fatores possivelmente envolvidos em PCD vegetal. Com esse objetivo, foram isoladas e caracterizadas mitocôndrias de cultura de células em suspensão de Rubus fruticosus. Foram avaliados os efeitos do Ca2+ e do AS sobre as funções mitocondriais, dentre elas a geração de ERO, diminuída pelo AS, porém aumentada por Ca2+. Um mecanismo foi proposto para explicar a diminuição de ERO pelo AS e as respostas observadas para AS e Ca2+ sobre as mitocôndrias são discutidas com base no possível envolvimento na PCD vegetal. A segunda parte do trabalho envolveu a expressão e caracterização de metacaspases (AtMCPs) em Arabidopsis thaliana. As proteases demonstraram autoprocessamento quando superexpressas in planta, assim como ocorre com as caspases em animais. A expressão de AtMCPs nesse modelo não produziu nenhum fenótipo de morte celular, sugerindo que o fenômeno ocorra por meio da integração de duas ou mais metacaspases. Foram estudadas também as propriedades biológicas de AtMCPs recombinantes em E. coli, demonstrando-se diferentes efeitos. Nossos estudos visam contribuir para a melhor compreensão de mecanismos básicos possivelmente envolvidos na PCD em plantas superiores. / ABSTRACT Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental process that occurs in all eukaryotes. In plants, such phenomenon is not well understood. It is known that PCD in plants is activated through salicylic acid (SA) accumulation, Ca2+ ion fluxes, as well as reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation, which occurs mainly in chloroplasts and mitochondria. Besides, plants have a family of proteases, named metacaspases, which are proteases structurally similar to the caspases, members of proteins involved in animal PCD execution. In despite of this knowledge, the mechanism by which plant PCD is activated remains elusive. In this context, the aim of this work was to investigate some factors potentially involved in plant PCD. To this purpose, mitochondria from cell suspension cultures of Rubus fruticosus were isolated and characterized. It was investigated the effects of SA and Ca2+ on mitochondrial functions, as well. We have focused on ROS generation, which are important signals involved in plant PCD. It was shown that Ca2+ increased ROS generation, while SA decreases such production. A mechanism was proposed to explain the SA effects on isolated mitochondria, and the responses obtained from Ca2+ and SA addition on the organelle are discussed, based on the possible involvement of these effects in plant PCD. In the second part of this work, it was investigated the expression of metacaspases (AtMCPs) in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The proteases have demonstrated self-processing when expressed in planta, similar to the animal caspases. Such expression did not cause any cell death phenotype, suggesting that PCD could be activated through the integration of two or more MCPs, if they are involved. It was investigated the effects of recombinant AtMCPs in E. coli, as well, demonstrating different responses. Our work contributes to a better understanding of factors potentially involved in plant PCD.

Rôle de l’apoptose dans la transmission de Plasmodium falciparum / Role of apoptosis in the transmission of Plasmodium falciaprum

Beavogui, Abdoul Habib 12 February 2010 (has links)
Ce travail avait pour objectif : 1) évaluer le portage de gamétocytes et leur génotype avant et après le traitement d’une part, et d’étudier leur infectivité ; 2) exprimer le domaine catalytique (PfMCA1-cd-Sc) de la métacaspase de Plasmodium falciparum (PfMCA1) chez la levure et 3) tester in vitro l’activité antiplasmodiale de nouvelles molécules synthétiques dérivées des pyrano et ferro-quinoléines sur des clones de laboratoire 3D7 et Dd2. Pour cela, le test in vivo de 28 jours de l’OMS, les marqueurs moléculaires de résistance et le « direct feeding » ont été utilisés pour le premier objectif. La culture des levures, l’expression des protéines de la métacaspase 1 de Plasmodium falciparum, le western blot, le test de prolifération et de survie, et les marqueurs de mort cellulaire ont servi pour le second objectif et enfin, la culture parasitaire et tests in vitro par la méthode de fluorimétrie au Sybr Green I ont permis l’évaluation de l’activité antiplasmodiale de nouvelles molécules. Nous avons démontré que les gamétocytes post-traitement étaient porteurs de mutations ponctuelles et plus infectants dans le groupe chloroquine ; que l’expression hétérologue du domaine catalytique de la métacaspase de Plasmodium falciparum (PfMCA1) dans la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae entraînait une mort clonale de type apoptotique et un retard de croissance dépendant de l’activité VAD-Protéase et enfin, que les substitues aromatiques à base de pyrimidine ou de benzylméthylamine ferrocène révèlent une activité satisfaisante par rapport à la méthoxyéthylidene sur les clones 3D7 et Dd2. / Plasmodium species use programmed cell death for the survival of their offspring as some prokaryotic parasites. This study was designed to - assess the gametocytes carrier and their genotypes before/ after treatment and studying their infectivity; - express the catalytic domain (PfMCA1-cd-Sc) of Plasmodium falciparum metacaspase (PfMCA1) in yeast; - Test the “in vitro” anti-plasmodial activity of pyrano and ferro- quinolines derived new synthetic molecules on 3D7 and Dd2 Chloroquine laboratory clones. The 28-day “in vivo” WHO test, molecular markers of resistance and direct feeding; yeast culture, protein expression of P. falciparum metacaspase 1, Western blot, proliferation and survival test, and cell death markers were used to achieve the first two objectives while parasite culture and in vitro tests by the method of fluorimetry in SYBR Green I was used to evaluate the anti-plasmodial activity of new molecules. Results show that post-treatment gametocytes were carriers of point mutations and the most infective in the Chloroquine group. The heterologous expression of PfMCA1 catalytic domain in Saccharomyces cerevisiae resulted in apoptotic clonal death and growth retardation activity-dependent Protease-VAD, showing the involvement of PfMCA1 in the process of cell death. The aromatic substitutes with pyrimidine or benzyldimethylamine ferrocene residues showed satisfactory activity against the methoxyethylidene on 3D7 and Dd2. The data suggest that the structural optimization of these compounds based on pyrimidine and ferrocene is more interesting from the standpoint anti-plasmodial activity for candidate molecules in the near future.

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