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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaulation of liquid-exfoliatedgraphene as additive in Ag-basedsliding contacts

Juhlin, Stina January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis work is performed at ABB Corporate Research Center inVästerås. The aim of this study is to investigate Ag:graphene composites as slidingelectrical contacts, suitable for use in e.g. tap-changers. Three different graphenematerials, all produced by a low-cost exfoliation process, are evaluated in this study. The results are compred to an ongoing work on Ag:GO (graphene oxide) composites. This material has shown very good tribological properties, however it hasbeen difficult to handle during sintering processing. The goal of this study is to geteven better tribological, electrical and mechanical properties than Ag:GO, and also todevelop a new powder-metallurgical method to produce the Ag:graphene composites.The study also investigates the influence of graphene flake size and concentration aswell as microstructure of the Ag:graphene composites. This report focuses on aninvestigation of the graphene raw material quality from the suppliers, and friction,wear and resistance analysis of the composites. This is done by using Ramanspectroscopy, SEM with EDS, LOM, tribometer tests and resistivity analysis. Raman and SEM analyses show that none of the supplied LEG materials are ofhigh-quality G (single or bilayer), but rather multi-layer graphene or even graphite.Small amounts of graphene added to Ag gave extremly low friction (μ<0.2 vs. pureAg μ~1.3, 5 N load and 5 cm/s speed). The composite manufacturing process hadcritical steps, which have to be optimized, to obtain low values of friction. Severedegassing of the composites was observed for some sampes, but the samples stillmaintained good friction values. SEM and EDS analyses of 2dfab’s wear track show abuild-up thin carbon-containing tribofilm on the Ag surface. Indicating that G ispresent, and works as a lubricant, creating good tribological properties. The resultsfrom this project may for sure be of importance for future ABB products in specificindustrial applications.

As-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy properties : Effects of microstructure and temperature

Dini, Hoda January 2017 (has links)
Today, there is an essential need for lightweight, energy-efficient, environmentally benign engineering systems, and this is the driving force behind the development of a wide range of structural and functional materials for energy generation, energy storage, propulsion, and transportation. These challenges have motivated the use of magnesium alloys for lightweight structural systems. Magnesium has a density of 1.74 g/cm3, which is almost 30% less than that of aluminium, one quarter of steel, and almost identicalto polymers. The ease of recycling magnesium alloys as compared to polymers makes them environmentally attractive, but their poor mechanical performance is the primary reason for the limited adoption of these alloys for structural applications. The Mg-Al-Zn alloy AZ91D exhibits an excellent combination of strength, die-castability, and corrosion resistance. However, its mechanical performance with regard to creep strength, for example, at evaluated temperatures is poor. Moreover, very little is known about the correlation between its mechanical properties and microstructural features. This thesis aims to provide new knowledge regarding the role played by microstructure in the mechanical performance of the magnesium alloy. The properties/performance of the material in relation to process parameters became of great interest during the investigation. An exhaustive characterisation of the grain size, secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) distribution, and fraction of Mg17Al12 was performed using optical and electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). These microstructural parameters were correlated to the offset yield point (Rp0.2), fracture strength, and elongation to failure of the material. It was proposed that the intermetallic phase, Mg17Al12, plays an important role in determining the mechanical and physical properties of the alloy in a temperature range of room temperature to 190°C by forming a rigid network of intermetallic. The presence of this network was confirmed by studying the thermal expansion behaviour of samples of the alloy containing different amounts of Mg17Al12. A physically based constitutive model with a wide validity range was successfully adapted to describe the flow stress behaviour of AZ91D with various microstructures. The temperature-dependent variables of the model correlated quite well with the underlying physics of the material. The model was validated through comparison with dislocation densities obtained using EBSD. The influence of high-pressure die-cast parameters on the distortion and residual stress of the cast components was studied, as were distortion and residual stress in components after shot peening and painting. Interestingly, it was found that intensification pressure has a major effect on distortion and residual stresses, and that the temperature of the fixed half of the die had a slight influence on the component's distortion and residual stress. / Numera finns det ett väsentligt behov av lätta, energieffektiva och miljövänliga tekniksystem. Detta behov är drivkraften för utveckling av ett brett utbud av material för energigenerering, energilagring, framdrivning och transport. Dessa utmaningar motiverade användningen av magnesiumlegeringar för lättviktskonstruktioner. Magnesium har en densitet på 1,74 g/cm3, vilket är ca 30% lägre än för aluminium, en fjärdedel av densiteten för stål och nästan i nivå med många polymerer. Då magnesiumlegeringar dessutom är lätta att återvinna, jämfört med polymerer, gör det dem miljömässigt attraktiva. Låga mekaniska egenskaper är den främsta orsaken till begränsad användning av dessa legeringar för lastbärande tillämpningar. Mg-Al-Zn-legeringen AZ91D uppvisar en utmärkt kombination av styrka, gjutbarhet och korrosionsbeständighet. Dess mekaniska egenskaper vid förhöjd temperatur, som tex kryphållfasthet, är låga. Dessutom är korrelationen mellan mikrostruktur och mekaniska egenskaper oklar. Denna avhandling syftade till att ge ny kunskap om mikrostrukturens roll för magnesiumlegeringars mekaniska egenskaper. Slutligen var materialets egenskaper i förhållande till processparametrar vid tillverkningen av stort intresse. En omfattande karaktärisering av kornstorleks-, sekundära dendritarmavstånds (SDAS)-fördelning och fraktion av Mg17Al12 utfördes med hjälp av optisk mikroskopering och diffraktion av bakåtspridda elektroner (EBSD). Mikrostrukturen korrelerades till sträckgränsen (Rp0.2), brottstyrkan och brottförlängningen. Det föreslogs att den intermetalliska fasen, Mg17Al12, spelar en viktig roll vid bestämning av legeringens mekaniska och fysikaliska egenskaper vid temperaturintervall från rumstemperatur upp till 190°C genom att bilda ett styvt nätverk av intermetaller. Uppkomsten av ett sådant nätverk stöddes genom en studie av den termiska expansionen av legeringen för olika fraktioner av Mg17Al12. En fysikalisk konstitutiv modell med ett brett giltighetsområde användes framgångsrikt för att beskriva det plastiska flytbeteendet hos AZ91D för olika mikrostrukturer. De temperaturberoende variablerna i modellen korrelerade ganska väl med materialets underliggande fysik. Modellen validerades genom att jämföra dislokationstätheten som predikterades av modellen och den med EBSD uppmätta dislokationstätheten. Påverkan av pressgjutningsparametrar på geometrisk tolerans och restspänning hos de gjutna komponenterna studerades. Vidare studerades geometrisk tolerans och restspänning av komponenter efter pening och målning. Intressant nog hade eftermatningsfasen en stor effekt på geometrisk tolerans och restspänningar. Dessutom hade temperaturen på den fasta formhalvan av verktyget även ett visst inflytande på komponentens geometriska tolerans och restspänning.

A Study on Vanadium Extraction from Fe-V-P Melts Derived from Primary and Secondary Sources

Lindvall, Mikael January 2017 (has links)
Vanadium extraction methods were developed for iron-vanadium-phosphorus (Fe-V-P) melts derived from processing of V-bearing titanomagnetites and steel slags. Studies on phase relationships of V slags were carried out to provide important understanding of the extraction processes. Phase relationship in vanadiferous slag was investigated experimentally at 1573K, 1673K and 1773K, for the compositional range of 0-6mass% Al2O3, 1-5mass% CaO, 10-17mass% SiO2, with MnO and V2O3 fixed at 5.5mass% and 30mass%, balanced with FeO. The slags were found to be solid-liquid mixtures, of liquid, spinel and in some cases free silica. Alumina was identified as the preferred additive to prohibit precipitation of free silica. A method for V extraction to vanadiferous slag was developed based on Fe-V(2mass%)-P(0.1mass%) melts at 1677K using a semi-industrial scale BOF. Oxidation was carried out with an oxygen enriched air jet and iron ore pellets. The complete dissolution of pellets was achieved by deliberately creating good stirring conditions utilising high momentary decarburisation rates. The P distribution to the slag was low when good stirring conditions was obtained. Phase relationship in Al2O3-CaO(25-35mass%)-SiO2-VOx slag was investigated experimentally at an oxygen partial pressure of 9.37•10-11atm and 1873K. The maximum solubility of V-oxide in the slag was 9-10mass% V2O3. Two solid phases were found, a solid solution of Al2O3 in V2O3 (karelianite) and hibonite with fractionation of V into the crystal structure. V extraction experiments to Al2O3-CaO-SiO2 based slags were carried out in 150kg scale by blowing CO2 gas into the metal bath consisting mainly of 1-10mass% V and 1mass% P. At these conditions, oxidation of V was favoured over Fe. Up to 10-13mass% V2O3 could be dissolved in the slag before a viscous slag saturated in V-oxide was observed. The phosphate capacity in the slag was low and as a result this slag could at once be subjected to a final reduction step for production of ferrovanadium with 40-50mass% V. / Metoder för att utvinna vanadin till högvärdiga vanadinslagger från metallsmältor innehållande främst järn (Fe), vanadin (V) och fosfor (P) utvecklades. Metallsmältorna framställs genom att processa primära V råvaror, såsom titanomagnetit, och sekundära råvaror av i huvudsak vanadinrik stålslagg. Fasstudier av högvärdiga vanadinslagger genomfördes som grund för utvecklingsarbetet. Experimentella fasstudier av vanadinspinellslagg med 30vikt% V2O3 och 5.5vikt% MnO genomfördes vid en temperatur av 1573K, 1673K och 1773K. Övriga komponenter i slaggen varierades inom ett intervall av 0-6vikt% Al2O3, 1-5vikt% CaO och 10-17vikt% SiO2, viktad med järnoxid. Samtliga slagger var sammansatt av både flytande- och fastfas. Den fasta fasen utgjordes främst av en vanadin- och järnrik spinellfas och i vissa fall även av fri SiO2. Genom försök i en stålkonverter i semi-industriell skala utvecklades och validerades en metod för vanadinutvinning från råjärnsmältor innehållande 2vikt% V och 0.1vikt% P, vid en temperatur av 1677K. Oxidationen utfördes med syreanrikad luft via en vattenkyld topplans och genom tillsats av hematit pellets. Omsättningen av pellets säkerhetsställdes genom god omrörning som erhölls under korta perioder med höga gasvolymer som en effekt av hög avkolningstakt. Råjärnet efter behandlingen innehöll cirka 3vikt% C och 0.1vikt% V. Producerad vanadinspinellslagg bestod av upp till 30vikt% V2O3. Fosforfördelningen till slaggen var låg under processbetingelser med god omrörning. Experimentella fasstudier av Al2O3-CaO(25-35vikt%)-SiO2-VOx slagg genomfördes vid en temperatur av 1873K och ett syrepartialtryck av 9.37·10-10atm. Den maximala lösligheten av vanadinoxid i slaggen var 9-10vikt% V2O3. Två fasta faser identifierades, V2O3 (Karelianit) med fast löslighet av Al2O3 och Hibonit med vanadinoxid inlöst i kristallstrukturen. Experimentella försök för att utvinna vanadin från en stålsmälta bestående av 1-10vikt% V och 1vikt% P till en slagg med en initial sammansättning av 7-40vikt% Al2O3, 25-35vikt% CaO och 27-64vikt% SiO2 utfördes i en skala av 150kg. Oxidation av vanadin åstadkoms genom att blåsa in CO2 gas i stålsmältan via en spolsten. Under dessa processförhållanden var oxidationen av vanadin gynnsam framför järn och fosfor. Lösligheten av vanadinoxid i slaggen var upp till 10-13vikt% V2O3. Slagg mättad med vanadinoxid var viskös som en konsekvens av utfällning av V2O3 med inlöst Al2O3. Slaggens gynnsamma vanadin och järn- samt vanadin och fosfor förhållande möjliggör att genom slutreduktion producera ferrovanadin med en vanadinhalt av 40-50vikt% och låg fosforhalt. / <p>QC 20170912</p>

An Experimental Study to Improve the Casting Performance of Steel Grades Sensitive for Clogging

Svensson, Jennie January 2017 (has links)
In this study, the goal is to optimize the process and to reduce the clogging tendency during the continuous casting process. The focus is on clogging when the refractory base material (RBM) in the SEN is in contact with the liquid steel. It is difficult or impossible to avoid non-metallic inclusions in the liquid steel, but by a selection of a good RBM in the SEN clogging can be reduced.   Different process steps were evaluated during the casting process in order to reduce the clogging tendency. First, the preheating of the SEN was studied. The results showed that the SEN can be decarburized during the preheating process. In addition, decarburization of SEN causes a larger risk for clogging. Two types of plasma coatings were implemented to protect the RBM, to prevent reactions with the RBM, and to reduce the clogging tendency. Calcium titanate (CaTiO3) mixed with yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) plasma coatings were tested in laboratory and pilot plant trials, for casting of aluminium-killed low-carbon steels. For casting of cerium alloyed stainless steels, YSZ plasma coatings were tested in laboratory, pilot plant and industrial trials. The results showed that the clogging tendency was reduced when implementing both coating materials.   It is also of importance to produce clean steel in order to reduce clogging. Therefore, the steel cleanliness in the tundish was studied experimentally. The result showed that inclusions originated from the slag, deoxidation products and tundish refractory and that they were present in the tundish as well as in the final steel product. / VINNOVA

Pressurizing of high-pressure fuel system forsingle cylinder test cell / Trycksättning av högtrycksbränslesystem för encylindertestcell

Glaad, Gustaf January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis covers the development of a high-pressure fuel system for compression ignitedfuels such as diesel and diesel-like fuels that will be deployed into a single cylinder test cell at AVLMTC Södertälje, Sweden. The test cell is used by AVL to conduct research and testing of new fuelsfor their customers and this new fuel system will widen the span of fuels able to be tested by theequipment.This thesis focuses on pumping and pressurizing of the fuel, ensuring that all ingoing materialsare non-corrosive in this environment and compatible with the necessary fuels and lastly a safetyanalysis of the system with respect to operator and process safety. Other aspects of the projectsuch as mass flow measurements and fuel conditioning is covered in a sister thesis Mass flowrate measurement of compression ignition fuels in high-pressure stand-alone pump unit for singlecylinder test cell written by C. Aksoy [1].The goal of this thesis project was to deliver a finished manufactured fuel system and if the timeallowed for it, also validate its performance and finally installing and incorporating it into the singlecylinder test cell. The development process started with the writing of a product specificationoutlining the requirements and request on the product in a specification of requirements matrix andrelate these to product properties of the system using a quality function deployment (QFD) matrix.This document was then used as a base for further advancement in developing concepts to solveeach product property and weighing these concepts against each other using Pugh’s matrices. Thechosen concepts were then further developed, a flow chart for the system was developed as well asfuel lines and other supporting components were analyzed and chosen.In the end the high-pressure fuel pump from Scania’s XPI fuel system were chosen as well asa pressure transducer in the HP1000 series from ESI. Within the time frame of this thesis, theproject did not end up getting finished to the degree planned, but due to time constraints werehalted before starting manufacturing of the system. Some minor component choices remained aswell as documentation such as drawings and finalizing the physical layout of the system remained.All information regarding the remaining work needed to finalize the project and deploying thesystem in the test cell were outlined and with more time, the fuel system should fulfill its purposeof allowing testing and research of compression ignited fuel to be possible in the test cell. / Kontentan för denna mastersavhandling är utvecklingsprocessen för ett högtrycksbränslesystemför kompressionsbränslen såsom diesel och diesellika bränslen som kommer att installeras i enencylindertestcell hos AVL MTC Södertälje, Sverige. Testcellen används av AVL för forskningoch testning av nya bränslen åt deras kunder och detta nya bränslesystem kommer att utöka typernaav bränslen som kan testas med utrustningen till att inkludera kompressionsantända bränslen.Denna avhandling fokuserar på utvecklingen av tillförseln och trycksättnigen av bränslet, säkerställnigenav att ingående material är icke-korrosiva i den avsedda miljön och kompatibla med allanödvändiga bränsletyper och slutligen en säkerhetsanalys av systemet med avseende på operatörsochprocessäkerhet. Andra aspekter såsom massflödesmätning och bränslekonditionering presenterasi systeravhandlingen Flödesmätning och konditionering av högtryckantända bränslen för encylindertestcellskriven av C. Aksoy [1].Målet med denna avhandling var att leverera ett färdigtillverkad bränslesystem och om tiden tillät,även validera systemets prestanda och slutligen integrera och installera systemet i testcellen. Utvecklingsprocesseninleddes med att skriva en produktspecifikation som innehöll en sammanställningav kundens krav och önskemål för produkten och relaterade dessa till produktegenskaper med hjälpav en quality function deployment (QFD) matris. Detta dokument användes vidare som en bas förfortsatt utveckling av produkten i konceptgenereringsprocessen och för att väga de olika konceptenmot varandra med hjälp av Pugh’s matriser. De valda koncepten blev sedan analyserade ytterligare,ett flödesschema för de ingående komponenterna framtaget och övriga sekundära komponenteranalyserade och valda.Till slut valdes högtrycksbränslepumpen från Scanias XPI system och en tryckgivare från HP1000-serien från ESI. Inom tidsramen för avhandlingen färdigställdes aldrig projektet till den grad somhade planerats, men blev istället avbrutet innan tillverkningen av systemet han påbörjas på grund avtidsbegränsningar. Vissa sekundära komponentval, dokumentation såsom ritningar och färdigställningav den fysiska layouten av systemet kvarstod vid avhandlingens slut. All information angåendeallt nödvändigt fortsatt arbete för att färdigställa projektet och integrera systemet i encylindertestcellendokumenterades och med mer tid borde bränslesystemet kunna uppfylla sitt syfte att möjliggöratestning och forskning av kompressionsbränslen i testcellen.

Modelling the influence of porosity on fatigue strength of sintered steels

Hall, Emily January 2019 (has links)
The pores in pressed and sintered components constitute weak points in the material since the stress concentration is larger than the nominal stress there. Therefore, fatigue cracks initiate at the pores. Specifically, it can be assumed that the fatigue cracks initiate at the largest pore in the stressed volume. Studies have previously looked at finding ways to model the fatigue strength of the material based on the largest pore. This thesis looks at a model previously derived for hardened pressed and sintered materials that is based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and investigates if said model can be modified to include non-hardened pressed and sintered materials that do not necessarily behave linear elastically. A model describing the influence of the size of the largest pore on the fatigue limit using empirical coefficients is suggested. Furthermore, the area of the largest pore is modelled using extreme value statistics. The model proved successful in modelling the density effect of the porosity on the fatigue strength for two materials with different microstructures: one with a homogeneous microstructure and one with a heterogeneous microstructure. For the material with the homogenoeous microstructure the model also accounted well for the notch effect when tested on samples with a different geometry. However, for the heterogeneous material the model did not account for the notch effect. Deformation hardening due to local plastic deformation in the softer phases was suggested as a possible explanation and was supported by tensile tests.

Modeling of Precipitation by Structural Phase-Field Crystal Method / Modellering av utfällningar genom structural fasfältskristall method

Holmberg-Kasa, Jacob January 2021 (has links)
Nickel-based alloys are used in components such gas turbines within the aerospace industry and electric power generation due to its high tensile, rapture and creep strength. Increasing the efficiency of gas turbines are crucial to reduce emissions within the aerospace industry and increasing power gain for electric power generation. Innovation to increase the efficiency relies in part on the development of new nickel-based alloys with beneficial material properties. But also on stable and predictable material behavior during processing and post-processing of the components in the gas turbine. In two prominent material processing fields of precipitation hardened nickel-based alloys, additive manufacturing and welding, strain-age cracking (SAC) is a common phenomenon. SAC is a solid state phenomenon that generally occurs in alloys strengthened with 𝛾′, L12(Pm3m), or 𝛾′′, D022(I4/mmm), phase precipitates during post weld heat treatment or reheating where it manifests as intergranular cracking. Even though the existence of SAC has been known for several decades, its dominant mechanisms are still under considerable debate and the undertaken modeling efforts to gain insight on the phenomenon are virtually non-existent. This study aims to clarify the dominant mechanisms behind strain-age cracking. Breaching this gap would allow for new development for nickel-based alloys within both additive manufacturing and welding. To that extent the goal of this study is to provide tools to aid in clarifying the dominant mechanisms behind strain-age cracking. This is done by implementing the recently developed structural phase-field crystal (XPFC) model and examining the capabilities to model a precipitation event during reheating for a reference binary alloy in two dimensions. To evaluate the strain because of precipitation, a simple method based on the principles of neutron and synchrotron strain scanning is outlined and tested on the limited precipitation event achieved within the study. The XPFC model is capable of modeling precipitation with some restrictions that need further development with extended computational recourses. Lastly, the possibilities to extend the implemented XPFC model to cover nickel-based alloys is discussed.

Concept Design Improvement of Shift Fork for New Dog Clutch Actuator : Simulation driven product development approach

Srinivasan, Nirmal January 2021 (has links)
Kongsberg Automotive is developing a brand-new actuator for engaging and disengaging a clutch for different driveline applications. This master thesis research improves the concept design of the shift fork for the new Dog-Clutch Actuator using Design for Manufacturability (DFM). Initially, the knowledge about the mechanism of the product is gained with the aid of the design team and the proper boundary conditions for the boundary value problem are obtained. The conventional die-cast materials are investigated, and appropriate material is selected to create the material model. Most of the traditional HPDC aluminum alloys are aluminum-silicon system; therefore, a detailed study on the nucleation of Silicon in the melt and how it influences the mechanical properties of the alloy is conducted. During gear engagement, the two rotating gears of the dog-clutch collide and synchronize the angular velocity of the hub and the input gear. The synchronization force is dynamic; therefore, explicit time integration is used to capture the system's response with the assistance of FEM software. As the shift fork undergoes cyclic load during the gear shift, the fatigue analysis is performed to evaluate the life (Nf) of the component using Wohler's curve. The value of the maximum principal stress at the critical spots like notch and its direction are determined using the 3D Mohr's circle. In this analysis, the endurance limit correction factors and notch factor (Kf) are used for the S-N curve correction, and Goodman's criteria are used to incorporate the mean stress effect. Fatigue analysis requires a very fine mesh to estimate the precise stress magnitude at the critical locations and, the structural optimization algorithm requires many iterations to determine the optimal layout of the shift fork. Therefore, the explicit integration scheme is not efficient as it will be computationally expensive and time-consuming to solve the problem. Hence, the equivalent static load is determined for the gear shift force at the peak load and used for calculations and product development. As the initial concept design of the shift fork is asymmetrical, it requires varying stiffness in its structure to transfer the force efficiently to the shift sleeve. The FEA results state that one prong of the shift fork experience up to 75% of the total load, which increases the overall stress of the component (up to 0.9Sy). The shift fork also doesn't have adequate torsional stiffness, and as a result, stress concentration has occurred in one of the fillets in the shift fork. The iterative design is set up to improve the design of the shift fork by optimizing the stiffness of the two prongs which provided the key observations that describe the design changes which improved the design. In this phase, the overall stress of the component is reduced by 20% and minimizes the difference in the load between the two prongs by 27.5% compared to the initial design. The shift fork needs to be light to achieve the necessary acceleration during the gear shift. Therefore, topology optimization using the projected subgradient method is implemented to optimize the mass and compliance of the improved design in the iterative design phase. Then the design realization phase is set up to implement the results obtained from the topology optimization to conceptualize the viable product. The optimized result decreased the overall stress and maximum deflection by 20%. It also reduced the load difference in the two prongs of the shift fork by 35% by maintaining the same mass as the initial concept design.

Numerical Modeling of Plasticity in FCC Crystalline Materials Using Discrete Dislocation Dynamics

Hosseinzadeh Delandar, Arash January 2015 (has links)
Plasticity in crystalline solids is controlled by the microscopic line defects known as “dislocations”. Decisive role of dislocations in crystal plasticity in addition to fundamentals of plastic deformation are presented in the current thesis work. Moreover, major features of numerical modeling method “Discrete Dislocation Dynamics (DDD)” technique are described to elucidate a powerful computational method used in simulation of crystal plasticity. First part of the work is focused on the investigation of strain rate effect on the dynamic deformation of crystalline solids. Single crystal copper is chosen as a model crystal and discrete dislocation dynamics method is used to perform numerical uniaxial tensile test on the single crystal at various high strain rates. Twenty four straight dislocations of mixed character are randomly distributed inside a model crystal with an edge length of 1 µm subjected to periodic boundary conditions. Loading of the model crystal with the considered initial dislocation microstructure at constant strain rates ranging from 103 to 105s1 leads to a significant strain rate sensitivity of the plastic flow. In addition to the flow stress, microstructure evolution of the sample crystal demonstrates a considerable strain rate dependency. Furthermore, strain rate affects the strain induce microstructure heterogeneity such that more heterogeneous microstructure emerges as strain rate increases. Anisotropic characteristic of plasticity in single crystals is investigated in the second part of the study. Copper single crystal is selected to perform numerical tensile tests on the model crystal along two different loading directions of [001] and [111] at two high strain rates. Effect of loading orientation on the macroscopic behavior along with microstructure evolution of the model crystal is examined using DDD method. Investigation of dynamic response of single crystal to the mechanical loading demonstrates a substantial effect of loading orientation on the flow stress. Furthermore, plastic anisotropy is observed in dislocation density evolution such that more dislocations are generated as straining direction of single crystal is changed from [001] to [111] axis. Likewise, strain induced microstructure heterogeneity displays the effect of loading direction such that more heterogeneous microstructure evolve as single crystal is loaded along [111] direction. Formation of slip bands and consequently localization of plastic deformation are detected as model crystal is loaded along both directions. / <p>QC 20151015</p>

Assessment of Raw Materials in Stainless Steelmaking-Their Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission

Wenjing, Wei January 2021 (has links)
In stainless steelmaking, around 68% of the total greenhouse gas emissions come from the processing of raw materials. Thus, it is important for steelmakers to make efforts together with their raw material suppliers to implement low-carbon initiatives. To facilitate such initiatives, assessment of raw materials will provide guidance. In this work, the assessment of materials consists of two parts: i) different production scenarios are studied by using a static process model coupled with life cycle assessment approach to investigate the reduction potential of environmental impacts for Mo and Ni alloys; ii) assessment of the effect of trace element content (phosphorus) in stainless steel scrap on steel’s manufacturing cost, resource consumption and environmental impact using an online static process model. The results show that the overall GHG emission of FeMo production varies between 3.16-14.79 t CO2-eq/t FeMo (i.e. 5.3-24.7 tCO2-eq/t Mo). The main variance comes from the mining and beneficiation stages and depends mainly on the ore’s beneficiation degree. However, whether molybdenum is extracted as a co-product from copper mine or not can have an even greater effect on the total GHG emission of molybdenum due to the allocation of the impacts.  In the case of nickel alloys, the GHG emissions for producing nickel metal, nickel oxide, ferronickel and nickel pig iron are 14, 30, 6 and 7 tCO2-eq/t alloy (i.e. 14, 40, 18, and 69 tCO2-eq/t Ni), respectively. Extracting sulfide ore through flash smelting process has been shown to have the least energy requirement and greenhouse gas emissions. In comparison to sulfide ore processing, oxide ore processed in an electric furnace is much more energy intensive and less environmental friendly primarily due to high content of gangue. However, by using a sustainable electricity source such as hydro-powered electricity, or applying a thermal heat recovery, it is possible to reduce the impact from electric furnace smelting of laterite. Furthermore, the use of stainless steel scraps with low phosphorous contents reduces slag amount, alloy consumption, production cost and carbon footprint. An estimation equation between phosphorous content and scrap’s value-in-use is obtained in the study to support the development of purchasing strategy. To conclude, the application of static process model based on mass and energy balance provides the possibility to assess raw materials’ environmental impact (energy consumption and GHG emissions) and to identify potentials to realize sustainable stainless steelmaking. / Vid tillverkning av rostfritt stål kommer cirka 68% av växthusgaserna ifrån råvaruanvändningen. Därför är det viktigt för ståltillverkare att göra en samordnad insats med sina levenrantörer för att reducera dessa utsläpp. Den här avhandlingen ämnar att undersöka råvaror ur två perspektiv: i) att utvärdera olika produktionsscenarier för  molybden och nickelleggeringar genom en statisk processmodell i kombination med livscykelanalys för att undersöka potentialen för att minska miljöbelastningen; ii) att undersöka hur spårämnesinnehållet (fosfor) i rostfritt stålskrot påverkar ståltillverkningskostnaden, resursförbrukningen och miljöpåverkan med ett webbaserat verktyg för processmodellen. Resultaten visar att växthusgasutsläppen från produktionen av FeMo varierar mellan 3.16-14.79 t CO2-eq/t FeMo (d.v.s. 5.3-24.7 tCO2-eq/t Mo). Variationen beror främst på malmets anrikningsgrad under malmbrytnings- och anrikningsprocessen. När molybden förekommer  i kopparmalm och utvinns som en co-produkt så kan det ha en större effekt på molybdens energiförbrukning och växthusgasutsläpp än vad malmens anrikningsgrad har. I fallet för tillverkning av nickelmetall, nickeloxid, ferronickel och nickeltackjärn är växthusgasutsläppen 14, 30, 6 respektive 7 tCO2-eq/t legering (motsvarande 14, 40, 18, respektive 69 tCO2-eq/t Ni). Användningen av sulfidmalm i flashsmältningsprocessen har visat sig ha lägst energibehov och växhusgasutsläpp medan användningen av oxidmalm i ljusbågsugn både är mer energiintensiv och utsläppsintensiv  på grund av en stor mängd oxider i nickelmalmen. Dessa utsläpp kan dock förbättras genom användningen av hållbar energi (till exempel el från vattenkraft), eller genom värmeåtervinning under processen. Utöver detta kan skrot med lågt fosforinnenhåll också användas vid tillverkningen av rostfritt stål för att minska slaggmängden, förbrukningen av legeringar, produktionskostnaden och växthusgasutläppen.  En ekvation mellan fosforinnehållet och skrotets värde föreslås här som underlag för att utveckla en inköpsstrategi för skrot. Sammanfattningsvis så kan en statisk processmodell baserad på mass- och energibalans tillämpas för att utvärdera råvarors miljöbelastning (energiförbrukning och växthusgasutsläpp) och identifiera potentialen för en hållbar tillverkning av rostfritt stål.

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