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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Particules ultra-fines et santé : caractérisation des particules ultra-fines dans l'air et dans les tissus humains / Ultrafine particles and health : characterization of ultrafine particles in air and human tissues

Rinaldo, Mickaël 21 December 2015 (has links)
Les études épidémiologiques sur les effets de la fraction ultrafine de la pollution particulaire et les études sur la toxicité in vitro et in vivo des nanoparticules manufacturées témoignent d’un danger potentiel pour l’homme en raison de nouvelles propriétés physico-chimiques de la matière à l’échelle nanométrique. L’évaluation du risque lié à des expositions professionnelles ou environnementales ou le diagnostic d’un lien causal entre ces expositions et d’éventuelles pathologies peuvent être limités par l’absence de méthode de référence pour caractériser et quantifier les particules nanométriques dans les tissus et fluides biologiques. Ce travail a permis de mettre au point une méthode remplissant ces objectifs, basée sur la préparation des échantillons par digestion alcaline et microfiltration et sur l’analyse en microscopie électronique analytique. L’application de cette méthode dans deux études a permis de confirmer qu’une translocation des particules nanométriques était possible d’une part au niveau pleural avec concentration dans les black spots et d’autre part à travers le placenta avec une possible exposition du foetus. Ce travail a également permis de caractériser des sources d’expositions professionnelles ou environnementales aux particules nanométriques. Sous réserve d’optimiser le coût et le temps nécessaire pour ce type d’analyse, cette méthode pourrait permettre de définir des valeurs de référence sur des échantillons plus larges et représentatifs de la population générale ou être utilisée dans le cadre de la surveillance de travailleurs exposés. / Epidemiologic studies on the health effects of ultrafine particles from atmospheric pollution and in vitro or in vivo studies on manufactured nanoparticles toxicity suggest that potential hazards may result from new physico-chemical properties of materials at nanometric scale. To assess human health risk after occupational or environmental exposure or to demonstrate a causal relationship between such exposures and diseases may be hindered by the lack of reference method to characterize and quantify nanometric particles in biological tissues and fluids. This work allowed us to develop such a method based on samples preparation by alkaline digestion and microfiltration followed by analytical electron microscopy analysis. This method applied in two studies allowed us to confirm that pleural translocation of nanometric particles and accumulation in black spots were possible in human and that they also may pass through the placental barrier with potential fetal exposure. This work also allowed us to characterize some sources of occupational and environmental exposures. After time-cost optimization of this method, it could be used to define reference values on larger population-representative samples or used for the medical follow-up of exposed workers.

Dynamics of Near-Threshold, Attosecond Electron Wavepackets in Strong Laser Fields

Kiesewetter, Dietrich 04 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Laser Metrology for assembly of ATLAS ITk-Strips

Arvin, Jonathan, Berg Wallin, Johannes, Eskner, Hugo, Lindman Jardfelt, Olof January 2023 (has links)
The ATLAS detector at CERN's Large Hadron Collider has been instrumental in scientific discoveries,including the Higgs particle. As part of the High Luminosity (HL) upgrade, the current Inner Detector (ID) isbeing replaced by the new IInner Tracker (ITk), and Uppsala University is collaborating with industrypartner NOTE to produce around 700 modules for the ITk. The production process involves gluing hybridsto sensors using a glue robot, which currently lacks a complete metrology system needed to verify thegeometry of produced items. This project aims to integrate a Micro Epsilon ILD1900 laser sensor with theglue robot to enable accurate measurements in the z-axis. In order to reach this goal, a few differenttasks had to be completed. These included creating a measurement API to enable the utilisation of thelaser sensor, recommending modifications to the glue robot syringe and camera holder in order to holdthe laser sensor, performing validation tests of the laser sensor's measuring capability, developing a lasersensor mount for a mock-up glue robot used during the validation process and developing a holder for aUSB/RS422 converter necessary for communication with the laser sensor. As a result of the project, themeasurement API was successfully created and utilised, appropriate modifications to the syringe holderwere made, validation tests were conducted though deemed insufficient due to limitations of the setup,and, finally, the laser sensor mount for the mock-up glue robot and the USB/RS422 holder weresuccessfully designed and produced.


PEDRO CUNHA CAMPOS ROQUETTE 23 December 2005 (has links)
[pt] O desempenho de sistemas inerciais de navegação ou de indicação de rumo e atitude é fortemente ligado à qualidade metrológica dos sensores inerciais, acelerômetros e giroscópios, que compõem esses sistemas. É proposta uma metodologia para calibração e cálculo de incertezas de acelerômetros pendulares servo controlados do tipo Q-flex e de giroscópios de dois graus de liberdade do tipo sintonizado seco ou DTG. É proposta uma metodologia para calcular o envelope de incerteza dos parâmetros de navegação e estabilização fornecidos por um sistema inercial ao longo de um perfil dinâmico previamente estabelecido. Estes estudos servirão de base para emissão de laudos de calibração de acelerômetros e giroscópios pelo Laboratório de Sensores Inerciais do Instituto de Pesquisas da Marinha, assim como orientação em projetos de sensores inerciais a serem fabricados no Brasil e análise de desempenho de sistemas a partir de um perfil dinâmico típico. / [en] The performance of navigation and attitude or heading indication of inertial systems is directly influenced by the metrological quality of the accelerometers and gyroscopes used for supplying information to the servo controlled systems. This thesis presents a methodology for estimating the metrological confidence level of servo controlled pendular accelerometer and dry tuned gyroscope parameters. This thesis also presents a methodology for calculating the uncertainty envelope of inertial system parameters as a function of time when submitted to a dynamic profile. Based on these studies the Navy Research Institute Inertial Laboratory will be able to provide detailed test report on the inertial systems. The methodologies that were developed in this thesis will help design people to achieve a better performance when a typical dynamic profile is applied to an inertial system.


[pt] Interferometria tem sido utilizada para estudar uma variedade de efeitos físicos, desde os experimentos iniciais de Michelson e Morley que forneceram evidências para a teoria da relatividade restrita até os aparelhos de detecção de ondas gravitacionais utilizado no Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO). O Propósito dessa dissertação é entender como explorar anyons e suas características únicas para construir interferômetros. Anyons são quasipartículas bi-dimensionais conhecidas por apresentarem estatística fracionária e possuírem aplicações em modelos de computação quântica. Para estudar sua utilidade no contexto de interferometria nós apresentamos uma perspectiva de computação quântica para experimentos de interferência. Em seguida, introduzimos modelos anyônicos e suas aplicações em computação quântica universal. Propomos um circuito quântico que implementa um certo tipo de interferômetro, e como realizá-lo em diferentes modelos anyônicos. Finalmente, discutimos um modelo de computação quântica baseado em ótica linear de anyons fermiônicos que permitiria a criação de uma versão lógica do nosso interferômetro em termos de um interferômetro físico. / [en] Interferometry has been used to study a variety of physical effects, from the early experiments of Michelson and Morley that provided evidence to special relativity to the more recent gravity-wave detection devices used by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) experiment. The purpose of this thesis is to understand how one can exploit anyons and its unique characteristics to build interferometers, and understand whether there are immediate advantages in doing so. Anyons are two-dimensional quasiparticles known for their unusual fractional statistics and applications in quantum computing models. To study their usefulness in the context of interferometry, we present a quantum computational approach to interference experiments. Next we give an introduction to anyon models and how they can be used to perform universal quantum computing. We propose a quantum circuit which implements a certain type of interferometer, and how it can be realized in different anyon models. Finally, we discuss a quantum computing model based on linear optics with fermionic anyons that would enable the creation of a logical version of our interferometer in terms of a physical interferometer.


RAFAELA SILVA DO NASCIMENTO 20 April 2023 (has links)
[pt] A busca por novas técnicas para a revelação de impressões digitais latentes é constante por conta da importância para a área de Ciências Forenses, em especial, na elucidação de crimes. O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o potencial da 4,7- di-m-toluilbenzo[c][1,2,5]tiadiazola (BTD 206) como novo marcador para aplicação na identificação dos grupos fundamentais e pontos característicos dos desenhos das impressões digitais, visando melhor contraste de imagem em substratos de diferentes cores, como capa de celular. Seis matrizes diferentes foram testadas para a análise preliminar do desenvolvimento do pó revelador. A matriz escolhida, carbonato de cálcio foi a que apresentou maior intensidade de luminescência no substrato. Esse pó revelador foi desenvolvido e avaliado através da espectrometria de luminescência em três diferentes concentrações. O programa Image J foi utilizado para o processamento das imagens. O pó revelador impregnado com a BTD 206 em metanol, na matriz carbonato de cálcio apresentou características que auxiliaram na melhoria da qualidade do contraste, que foi realizada a partir do histograma de imagem, que descreve a estatística dos níveis de cinza. Dessa forma, em uma imagem com melhor qualidade, é possível extrair informações da impressão digital, como grupos fundamentais e minúncias. O que auxilia em um confronto e identificação de um possível suspeito de um crime. O pó revelador desenvolvido com a BTD 206 teve um desempenho satisfatório para aplicação pretendida. / [en] The search for new techniques for revealing latent fingerprints is constant due to the importance for the area of Forensic Sciences, in particular, in the elucidation of crimes. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the potential of 4,7-di-m-toluylbenzo[c][1,2,5]thiadiazole (BTD 206) as a new marker for application in the identification of fundamental groups and characteristic points of drawings of digital prints, aiming at better image contrast on substrates of different colors, such as cell phone cases. Six different matrices were tested for the preliminary analysis of the developer powder development. The matrix chosen, calcium carbonate, was the one that presented the highest intensity of luminescence in the substrate. This developer powder was developed and evaluated through luminescence spectrometry at three different concentrations. The Image J program was used for image processing. The developer powder impregnated with BTD 206 in methanol, in the calcium carbonate matrix, showed characteristics that helped to improve the quality of the contrast, which was performed from the image histogram, which describes the gray levels statistics. In this way, in a better quality image, it is possible to extract information from the fingerprint, such as fundamental groups and minutiae. Which helps in a confrontation and identification of a possible suspect of a crime. The developer powder developed with BTD 206 performed satisfactorily for the intended application.

Construction of a Calcium Matter-Wave Interferometer

Erickson, Christopher Joseph 28 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
I describe the construction of a calcium matter-wave interferometer. The interferometer is based on a Ramsey-Borde scheme, and uses a thermal beam of atoms excited by an optical-frequency transition in calcium. In our experiment four pi/2 pulses of light are delivered to the atoms, which split and recombine the wave functions of the atoms. Our experimental design minimizes first-order Doppler shifts, and allows for the cancellation of systematic errors including phase shifts due to rotation and acceleration. I describe the individual components of the interferometer and its assembly. The requirements for the electronics used in the experiment as well as their design and performance are described in great detail. I also give an overview of the techniques used to passively stabilize the laser and optical components. Finally, I report on the current status of the experiment as well as detail future work to be done on the apparatus.


ROSANA MEDEIROS MOREIRA 18 January 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação tem por objetivo avaliar metrologicamente os resultados dos ensaios de rendimento e consumo em aparelhos domésticos de cocção a gás e sua influência na classificação do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem desses aparelhos. A avaliação de conformidade e como as diferentes altitudes influenciam nos ensaios, acompanhadas de suas incertezas de medição, provêm de dados históricos do início do Programa Brasileiro de Etiquetagem em fogões e aos constantes questionamentos sobre a representatividade dos resultados dos planos interlaboratoriais, o que motivou a realização do estudo. A metodologia utilizada fundamentou-se em pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e experimental, que teve por finalidade coletar dados dos ensaios de rendimento e consumo em duas cidades com diferentes altitudes, discussão da norma com detalhamento dos algoritmos e tratamento estatístico dos dados coletados, onde a abordagem proposta se baseia na avaliação da normalidade, tratamento de outliers, cálculo do rendimento reportado a partir da medida de posição inversamente ponderada pela medida de dispersão de cada queimador e desenvolvimento dos algoritmos do cálculo de incerteza dos ensaios de rendimento e consumo. Neste cenário, os resultados mostram que a média aritmética, atualmente usada no cálculo do rendimento dos quatro queimadores da mesa do fogão, pode ser substituída pela média ponderada por variâncias estatisticamente não compatíveis entre si. Conclui-se que a incerteza dos ensaios do rendimento e consumo não foi suficiente para colocar em risco a mudança de faixa de classificação da etiqueta de eficiência energética do produto; entretanto, se observa uma diferença entre os resultados ao nível do mar e em altitude acima do nível do mar, o que sugere estudos futuros mais detalhados sobre os algoritmos de correção da grandeza altitude. / [en] This dissertation aims to metrologically evaluate the results of performance and consumption tests on domestic gas cooking appliances and their influence on the classification of the Brazilian Labelling Program for these appliances. The compliance assessment and how the different altitudes influence the tests accompanied by their measurement uncertainties come from historical data from the beginning of the Brazilian Labelling Program on stoves and from the constant questions about the representativeness of the results of the interlaboratorial tests, which motivated the realization of the study. The methodology used was based on bibliographic, documentary and experimental research, which aimed to collect data from income and consumption tests in two cities with different altitudes, discussion of the standard with details of the algorithms and statistical treatment of the collected data. The approach proposal is based on the evaluation of normality, treatment of outliers, calculation of the reported yield from the position measurement inversely weighted by the measure of dispersion of each burner and development of the uncertainty calculation algorithms of the performance and consumption tests. In this scenario, the results show that the arithmetic mean, currently used in the calculation of the performance of the four burners on the stove table, can be replaced by the weighted average by variances that are not statistically compatible with each other. It is concluded that the uncertainty of the efficiency and consumption tests was not enough to put at risk the change in the classification range of the energy efficiency label of the product. However, there is a difference between the results at sea level and at altitude above sea level, which suggests more detailed future studies on the altitude correction algorithms.

Creating Competitive Advantage by Rethinking B2B Software Pricing / Skapa konkurrensfördel genom att utvärdera B2B-prissättning av mjukvara

Adelstrand, Carl, Brostedt, Emil January 2016 (has links)
The choice of pricing model for software products is a complex procedure due to the different characteristics compared to physical products. This thesis investigates and compares software pricing models in a B2B setting, and describes how KAM plays a role in executing a pricing model. The research has been conducted as an opportunist case study on Adebro, a technology company in the B2B sector. The thesis have come to the following conclusions, with data from interviews and literature: Perpetual license is, and will continue to be, an attractive pricing model for Adebro. However, a subscription-based usage independent pricing model is also attractive for the future. Implications of switching pricing model would be largest when changing between a perpetual and subscription model, where revenue will have the most visual impact. The most important task for KAM is to communicate the change to current and new customers. KAM and the pricing model must also be structured to support each other to be successful. The thesis contributes to science by providing research on pricing models for manufacturing related software. However, studies concerning the weighting of importance for different pricing parameters would be of interest for the future.

Examining the taphonomic challenges to the 3D digitisation of fragmented bone

Holland, Andrew D. January 2017 (has links)
The utilisation of 3D digitisation and visualisation has grown considerably since 2008 and is becoming an increasingly useful tool for the digital documentation and metric analysis of archaeological artefacts and skeletal remains. It provides public access to rare and fragile specimens of palaeontological and palaeopathological importance whilst reducing the physical impact on these remains. Research in engineering and computer vision provides some insight into the impact of surface properties such as colour, specularity, reflectance and shape on the quality of the recorded 3D image, but within the archaeological and palaeontological disciplines comparable work has not yet been developed. If archaeology and anthropology are to provide long term reliable data from archaeological and palaeontological specimens in a way that doesn’t require repeated re-digitisation, we need to understand the impacts that the taphonomic histories of such samples have on our ability to 3D record them. Understanding the relationship of these taphonomic histories and the surface and optical properties will promote informed choices about the suitability of recording techniques. This thesis considers the taphonomic processes that affect the preservation of bone over archaeological, forensic and palaeontological timescales and the effect this has on the quality of 3D digital models. The digital refit of fragmentary bone samples is considered in relation to the effect of taphonomic alterations to bone. Conclusions regarding the key taphonomic factors and 3D digital model quality are drawn and areas of further work are identified. / Arts and Humanities Research Council

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