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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Explorando a variação genética natural das espécies selvagens relacionadas ao tomateiro no modelo Micro-Tom (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom) / Exploring natural genetic variation from wild species related to tomato in the Micro-Tom model (Solanum lycopersicum L. cv Micro-Tom)

Fernando Angelo Piotto 01 February 2008 (has links)
As espécies selvagens relacionadas ao tomateiro desenvolveram-se em uma ampla gama de latitudes que compreende o sul do Equador ao norte do Chile, ocupando diferentes habitats e constituindo uma fonte de diversidade genética natural. Essa diversidade tem sido utilizada no melhoramento de tomateiro, sobretudo para introgressão de genes de resistência a patógenos e mais recentemente de genes afetando a qualidade dos frutos. Embora a variação genética natural tenha a relevância de algo que foi selecionado na natureza e que pode ter implicações evolutivas, ela ainda é pouco explorada em estudos básicos. Para o uso intensivo desse recurso é necessário lançar mão de cruzamentos e retrocruzamentos em larga escala entre as espécies selvagens e o tomateiro cultivado (Solanum lycopersicum). Para tanto, dispomos de uma cultivar miniatura de tomateiro, a cv Micro-Tom (MT), a qual pode crescer nas mesmas condições requeridas para a planta modelo Arabidopsis thaliana. Com o uso da cv MT, podemos explorar de forma adequada a variação genética natural das espécies selvagens de tomateiro, sendo que a identificação de alterações fenotípicas é muito mais evidente quando podemos visualizar a planta como um todo. Dessa forma, vários alelos ainda não conhecidos foram resgatados dessas espécies, os quais levam a fenótipos distintos daqueles encontrados nos parentais, tais como frutos cor rosa-salmão vindo de S. neorickii, frutos de superfície opaca vindo de S. chmielewskii e frutos de coloração verde escuro vindo de S. galapagense. Esse modelo parece ser de especial importância para isolar genes de efeito maior. Assim, isolamos um locus vindo de S. pimpinellifolium que aumenta o número de flores por inflorescência da cv MT de 7 para 11. Sendo o tomateiro uma planta cultivada, os alelos oriundos das espécies selvagens, além de úteis para estudos genéticos e fisiológicos, podem ser aproveitados em programas de pré-melhoramento. / Tomato wild species evolved in a wide range of latitudes, from the south of Ecuador to the north of Chile, which comprise different habitats and are a source of natural genetic variation. This diversity is commonly used in tomato breeding, especially for the introgression of genes for resistance to pathogens and, recently, for fruit quality. Although natural genetic variation usually has an adaptive significance, which means that it may have evolutionary implications, it is still poorly explored in basic research. For the intensive utilization of this resource, it is necessary to perform large scale crosses and backcrosses between wild species and cultivated tomato. Aiming to this purpose, we used the miniature tomato cultivar, cv Micro-Tom (MT), which can growth in the same minimum requirements of the Arabidopsis thaliana model. Using MT one can adequately explore the natural genetic variation of wild species with less time and space requirements. In addiction, phenotypical alterations are more evident in MT, since one can easily visualize the whole plant. Thus, alleles hitherto unknown were isolated from tomato wild related species, leading to distinct phenotypes, such as pink-salmon fruits from S. neorickii, opaque fruit surface from S. chmielewskii and dark green fruits from S. galapagense. The MT model seems to be particularly adequate for the isolation of major genes and QTLs of great effects. Thereby, we had isolated a S. pimpinellifolium locus that increases the number of flowers per inflorescence, from 7 to 11, in MT. Being the tomato a cultivated plant, the alleles obtained in the wild species, besides to be useful for genetic and physiological studies, can be used in pre-breeding programs.

Estudo da interação entre fitocromo e hormônios vegetais no controle do desenvolvimento / Analysis of the interactions between phytochrome and plant hormones in plant development

Carvalho, Rogério Falleiros 24 January 2008 (has links)
Muitas respostas moduladas pela luz durante o desenvolvimento das plantas também são reguladas por hormônios vegetais, levando à hipótese da interação entre ambos os fatores. Uma ferramenta valiosa para testar tal interação seria o uso de mutantes fotomorfogenéticos e hormonais, bem como duplos mutantes combinando ambos. Em tomateiro, embora sejam disponíveis mutantes com alterações na biossíntese de fotorreceptores e/ou na transdução do sinal da luz, bem como mutantes no metabolismo e/ou sensibilidade hormonal, esses estão presentes em cultivares diferentes, o que pode limitar seu uso de modo integrado e a construção de duplos mutantes. No presente trabalho, foram introgredidas em uma única cultivar de tomateiro, Micro-Tom (cv. MT), dezenove mutações afetando a biossíntese ou a resposta a fitocromo, bem como aos hormônios auxina (AUX), citocinina (CK), giberelina (GA), ácido abscísico (ABA), etileno (ET) e brassinoesteróides (BR). Tomando-se vantagem de tal coleção, duas respostas notadamente controladas tanto pela luz quanto por hormônios foram estudadas: alongamento e acúmulo de antocianinas em hipocótilos. Para tal, foram utilizadas as seguintes abordagens: i) tratamentos exógenos de diferentes classes hormonais em mutantes fotomorfogenéticos, ii) observação de hipocótilos de mutantes hormonais crescidos na luz e no escuro, iii) observação de duplos mutantes combinando mutações hormonais e fotomorfogenéticas. Assim, o acúmulo de antocianinas foi promovido pela CK e ABA e inibido pela GA, concordando com a redução no mutante deficiente em ABA (notabilis ou not) e no mutante hipersensível à GA (procera ou pro). Apesar do mutante com baixa sensibilidade à AUX (diageotropica ou dgt) acumular exageradamente antocianinas, a aplicação exógena não evidenciou o papel da AUX, sendo, porém, coerente com a sugestão de que esse mutante possui um balanço AUX/CK voltado para CK. Tanto a aplicação exógena quanto a avaliação nos mutantes epinastic (epi), super produção de ET, e Never ripe (Nr), baixa sensibilidade ao ET, sugerem uma função limitada desse hormônio na biossíntese de antocianinas. Na luz e no escuro, AUX, CK, ABA e ET exógenos resultaram na inibição do alongamento do hipocótilo, sendo coerente com a promoção em dgt (luz), promoção em sit (luz), inibição em epi (luz e escuro). Por outro lado, GA promoveu o alongamento corroborando a promoção em pro. Contrariando o efeito exógeno da CK, brt reduziu o alongamento na luz e no escuro. No escuro, o único mutante que apresentou alongamento do hipocótilo superior a MT foi o mutante deficiente na biossíntese do phy (aurea ou au). A utilização de duplos mutantes combinando phy- e alterações hormonais mostrou uma interação aditiva (au epi, au Nr, au dgt e au sit), sinergística (au pro) e epinástica (au brt) no acúmulo de antocianinas e alongamento do hipocótilo na luz, porém nessa última resposta, au dgt e au sit indicaram uma interação sinergística. Juntos, esses resultados indicam que, embora phy possui vias distintas da AUX, ET, ABA e GA no controle do acúmulo de antocianinas e alongamento do hipocótilo, parece que esse fotorreceptor partilha vias comuns com CK em ambas as respostas. / Many responses regulated by light during plant development are also regulated by plant hormones, suggesting an interaction between these factors. One important approach to test this hypothesis is the use of photomorphogenic and hormonal mutants and double mutant analysis. Mutants with altered photoreceptor biosynthesis, light signal transduction, hormonal metabolism and hormonal sensitivity are available in tomato. However, since they are in different cultivars, this can be a limitation for their use in a comprehensive study, as well as, for the construction of double mutants. In this work we performed the introgression of nineteen mutations in a single cultivar of tomato, Micro- Tom (cv. MT). These mutations affect biosynthesis or response to phytochrome (phy), auxin (AUX), cytokinin (CK), gibberellin (GA), abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET) and brassinosteroid (BR). Using this collection of hormone mutants, we studied two responses which are controlled by light and hormones: elongation and anthocyanin accumulation in hypocotyls. For this purpose, we used three approaches: i) hormonal treatment in the photomorphogenic mutants, ii) measurement of hypocotyl lengths from hormonal mutants grown under light and dark conditions and iii) double mutant (photomorphogenic-hormonal) analysis. Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by CK and ABA and inhibited by GA. This is in accordance with the reduction of anthocyanin accumulation in the ABA deficient mutant (not) and in the GA hypersensitive mutant (pro). Although the diageotropica (dgt), auxin-insensitive mutant, showed a high anthocyanin accumulation, the addition of auxin did not supported a role for this hormone in anthocyanin accumulation. On the other hand, this could be due to a low auxin-tocytokinin ratio presented by dgt. Data from mutants with altered metabolism and sensitivity of ethylene, epinastic (epi) and Never ripe (Nr) respectively, and from plants treated with this hormone suggest a limited role of ethylene in the anthocyanin biosynthesis. Exogenous AUX, CK, ABA and ET inhibited the hypocotyl elongation. This is coherent with the promotion of hypocotyl elongation in dgt and sit mutants under light conditions and inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in the epi mutant in the light and dark. On the other hand, GA promoted the hypocotyl elongation corroborating the same effect seen in pro. The brt mutant showed a reduced hypocotyl elongation in light and dark conditions, which contradicts the effect of exogenous cytokinin. The phytochromedeficient aurea (au) mutant was the only one to show an enhanced hypocotyl elongation in the dark compared to the wild type (MT). The combination between photomorphogenic and hormonal mutants (double mutants) showed additive (au epi, au Nr, au dgt e au sit), synergistic (au pro) and epistatic (au brt) interactions considering the anthocyanin accumulation and hypocotyl elongation. Synergistic interaction was observed in the elongation hypocotyl of the au dgt and au sit double mutants. These results indicate that phy and CK may share some signaling/metabolic pathways in the control of anthocyanin accumulation and hypocotyl elongation. On the other hand, our data do not support an interaction between phy and the hormones AUX, ET, ABA and GA in the control of hypocotyls elongation or anthocyanin accumulation.

Estudo da interação entre fitocromo e hormônios vegetais no controle do desenvolvimento / Analysis of the interactions between phytochrome and plant hormones in plant development

Rogério Falleiros Carvalho 24 January 2008 (has links)
Muitas respostas moduladas pela luz durante o desenvolvimento das plantas também são reguladas por hormônios vegetais, levando à hipótese da interação entre ambos os fatores. Uma ferramenta valiosa para testar tal interação seria o uso de mutantes fotomorfogenéticos e hormonais, bem como duplos mutantes combinando ambos. Em tomateiro, embora sejam disponíveis mutantes com alterações na biossíntese de fotorreceptores e/ou na transdução do sinal da luz, bem como mutantes no metabolismo e/ou sensibilidade hormonal, esses estão presentes em cultivares diferentes, o que pode limitar seu uso de modo integrado e a construção de duplos mutantes. No presente trabalho, foram introgredidas em uma única cultivar de tomateiro, Micro-Tom (cv. MT), dezenove mutações afetando a biossíntese ou a resposta a fitocromo, bem como aos hormônios auxina (AUX), citocinina (CK), giberelina (GA), ácido abscísico (ABA), etileno (ET) e brassinoesteróides (BR). Tomando-se vantagem de tal coleção, duas respostas notadamente controladas tanto pela luz quanto por hormônios foram estudadas: alongamento e acúmulo de antocianinas em hipocótilos. Para tal, foram utilizadas as seguintes abordagens: i) tratamentos exógenos de diferentes classes hormonais em mutantes fotomorfogenéticos, ii) observação de hipocótilos de mutantes hormonais crescidos na luz e no escuro, iii) observação de duplos mutantes combinando mutações hormonais e fotomorfogenéticas. Assim, o acúmulo de antocianinas foi promovido pela CK e ABA e inibido pela GA, concordando com a redução no mutante deficiente em ABA (notabilis ou not) e no mutante hipersensível à GA (procera ou pro). Apesar do mutante com baixa sensibilidade à AUX (diageotropica ou dgt) acumular exageradamente antocianinas, a aplicação exógena não evidenciou o papel da AUX, sendo, porém, coerente com a sugestão de que esse mutante possui um balanço AUX/CK voltado para CK. Tanto a aplicação exógena quanto a avaliação nos mutantes epinastic (epi), super produção de ET, e Never ripe (Nr), baixa sensibilidade ao ET, sugerem uma função limitada desse hormônio na biossíntese de antocianinas. Na luz e no escuro, AUX, CK, ABA e ET exógenos resultaram na inibição do alongamento do hipocótilo, sendo coerente com a promoção em dgt (luz), promoção em sit (luz), inibição em epi (luz e escuro). Por outro lado, GA promoveu o alongamento corroborando a promoção em pro. Contrariando o efeito exógeno da CK, brt reduziu o alongamento na luz e no escuro. No escuro, o único mutante que apresentou alongamento do hipocótilo superior a MT foi o mutante deficiente na biossíntese do phy (aurea ou au). A utilização de duplos mutantes combinando phy- e alterações hormonais mostrou uma interação aditiva (au epi, au Nr, au dgt e au sit), sinergística (au pro) e epinástica (au brt) no acúmulo de antocianinas e alongamento do hipocótilo na luz, porém nessa última resposta, au dgt e au sit indicaram uma interação sinergística. Juntos, esses resultados indicam que, embora phy possui vias distintas da AUX, ET, ABA e GA no controle do acúmulo de antocianinas e alongamento do hipocótilo, parece que esse fotorreceptor partilha vias comuns com CK em ambas as respostas. / Many responses regulated by light during plant development are also regulated by plant hormones, suggesting an interaction between these factors. One important approach to test this hypothesis is the use of photomorphogenic and hormonal mutants and double mutant analysis. Mutants with altered photoreceptor biosynthesis, light signal transduction, hormonal metabolism and hormonal sensitivity are available in tomato. However, since they are in different cultivars, this can be a limitation for their use in a comprehensive study, as well as, for the construction of double mutants. In this work we performed the introgression of nineteen mutations in a single cultivar of tomato, Micro- Tom (cv. MT). These mutations affect biosynthesis or response to phytochrome (phy), auxin (AUX), cytokinin (CK), gibberellin (GA), abscisic acid (ABA), ethylene (ET) and brassinosteroid (BR). Using this collection of hormone mutants, we studied two responses which are controlled by light and hormones: elongation and anthocyanin accumulation in hypocotyls. For this purpose, we used three approaches: i) hormonal treatment in the photomorphogenic mutants, ii) measurement of hypocotyl lengths from hormonal mutants grown under light and dark conditions and iii) double mutant (photomorphogenic-hormonal) analysis. Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by CK and ABA and inhibited by GA. This is in accordance with the reduction of anthocyanin accumulation in the ABA deficient mutant (not) and in the GA hypersensitive mutant (pro). Although the diageotropica (dgt), auxin-insensitive mutant, showed a high anthocyanin accumulation, the addition of auxin did not supported a role for this hormone in anthocyanin accumulation. On the other hand, this could be due to a low auxin-tocytokinin ratio presented by dgt. Data from mutants with altered metabolism and sensitivity of ethylene, epinastic (epi) and Never ripe (Nr) respectively, and from plants treated with this hormone suggest a limited role of ethylene in the anthocyanin biosynthesis. Exogenous AUX, CK, ABA and ET inhibited the hypocotyl elongation. This is coherent with the promotion of hypocotyl elongation in dgt and sit mutants under light conditions and inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in the epi mutant in the light and dark. On the other hand, GA promoted the hypocotyl elongation corroborating the same effect seen in pro. The brt mutant showed a reduced hypocotyl elongation in light and dark conditions, which contradicts the effect of exogenous cytokinin. The phytochromedeficient aurea (au) mutant was the only one to show an enhanced hypocotyl elongation in the dark compared to the wild type (MT). The combination between photomorphogenic and hormonal mutants (double mutants) showed additive (au epi, au Nr, au dgt e au sit), synergistic (au pro) and epistatic (au brt) interactions considering the anthocyanin accumulation and hypocotyl elongation. Synergistic interaction was observed in the elongation hypocotyl of the au dgt and au sit double mutants. These results indicate that phy and CK may share some signaling/metabolic pathways in the control of anthocyanin accumulation and hypocotyl elongation. On the other hand, our data do not support an interaction between phy and the hormones AUX, ET, ABA and GA in the control of hypocotyls elongation or anthocyanin accumulation.

Interacción de Giberelinas y Auxinas en la fructificación del tomate

Serrani Yarce, Juan Carlos 06 June 2008 (has links)
El efecto de la aplicación de giberelinas (GAs) y auxinas durante la fructificación y desarrollo del fruto, ha sido investigado en tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv Micro-Tom. Los resultados indican que constituye un sistema adecuado para el estudio de la regulación hormonal en tomate. Para evitar la competencia entre frutos dentro del mismo racimo, solo un fruto por racimo y hasta dos racimos por planta se utilizaron en los experimentos. Ovarios no polinizados (emasculados) se desarrollaron partenocárpicamente en respuesta a la aplicación de GA3 > GA1 = GA4 > GA20, aunque no de GA19, y de diferentes auxinas tales como los ácidos indolacético (IAA), naftalenacético (NAA) y 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D), siendo este último el más eficiente. La morfología de los frutos inducidos por auxinas y giberelinas es diferente. En los frutos tratados con GA3 el tejido locular se desarrolla pobremente dejando las cavidades loculares vacías, mientras que los frutos tratados con 2,4-D presentan pseudoembriones y cavidades loculares llenas. A nivel interno, el GA3 indujo células de mayor tamaño en el mesocarpo interno, lo cual estaba correlacionado con un mayor nivel de ploidía (mayor MCV, mean C value), mientras el 2,4-D favoreció las divisiones celulares, por lo que el número de capas celulares en el pericarpo fue superior al tratamiento con GA3 y al polinizado. Los frutos polinizados tuvieron un mayor tamaño y peso que los frutos inducidos con GA3 aunque ambos fueron más pequeños y de menor peso que los tratados con 2,4-D. El grosor del pericarpo de los frutos inducidos con GA3 y 2,4-D no mostró diferencias hasta 20 días después de antesis, por lo que el tener menos células en el pericarpo (frutos inducidos con GA3) podría ser compensado teniendo un mayor tamaño celular. El uso de inhibidores de biosíntesis de GAs tales como el pablobutrazol (PCB) y LAB 198999 disminuyó la fructificación y desarrollo del fruto, efecto revertido con la aplicación de GA3. Sin embargo, en frut / Serrani Yarce, JC. (2008). Interacción de Giberelinas y Auxinas en la fructificación del tomate [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/2242

Impatiens Necrotic Spot Virus Resistance in Transgenic Impatiens walleriana and Lycopersicon esculentum

Sears, Vicki P. 29 January 2018 (has links)
vegetable crops. Micro-Tom is a model tomato cultivar used for research due to its small size and short time to fruiting. This project evaluated I. walleriana and Micro-Tom transformed with Agrobacterium. The construct contained GFP (green fluorescent protein) and hygromycin antibiotic-resistant selectable markers, and the antisense sequence of open reading frame of INSV nucleocapsid protein (N). The N gene is expected to confer INSV resistance by RNA interference or gene silencing. The presence of transgenes was confirmed by PCR. Transgenic Impatiens was selfed for two generations. Transgenic Micro-Tom was selfed for 4 generations. Spinach was used as an INSV reservoir. Impatiens, spinach and Micro-Tom were mechanically inoculated with INSV and evaluated visually, with assay tests, ELISA testing, and PCR. Spinach was successfully infected with INSV six times of seven attempts. Impatiens and Micro-Tom had no successful inoculations of three and five attempts, respectively. / Master of Science / Impatiens walleriana, also known as impatiens or ‘Bizzy Lizzy,’ is a popular ornamental plant. It has a wide variety of flower colors and grows well in shade. Impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) is an incurable virus that causes disfiguring dead spots on plants. Micro-Tom is miniature tomato used for research due to its small size and short time to fruiting. This project tested impatiens and Micro-Tom transgenic plants that had been genetically modified using bacteria. The bacteria had been modified to contain ‘markers’ which allow researchers to confirm the modifications were successful. It also contained a small piece of genetic material from the virus, which was expected to make the plants resistant to the virus by interfering with virus movement and reproduction. These transgenic plants were self-pollinated for multiple generations and tested to confirm the transgene was present. “Wild-type” (not genetically modified) spinach was infected with the virus by hand and infected spinach leaves were used to try to infect impatiens and Micro-Tom. The plants were inspected visually and leaves were tested for presence of the virus. Spinach was successfully infected with INSV six times of seven attempts. Impatiens and Micro-Tom had no successful inoculations of three and five attempts, respectively.

Understanding of carbon partitioning in tomato fruit

Ali, Hazem Abd El-Rahman Obiadalla 10 June 2003 (has links)
Während der Entwicklung von Früchten der Tomate (Sorte Micro-Tom) wurde der Kohlenhydrat-Stoffwechsel untersucht. Es wurde ein Unterschied zwischen dem Metabolismus im Perikarp und dem des Plazenta-Gewebes gefunden. Stärke wurde in der Plazenta langsamer abgebaut als im Perikarp, während lösliche Zucker im Perikarp stärker akkumulierten. Die Aktivitäten der glykolytischen Enzyme tendierten zu einem Maximum 40 Tage nach der Blüte. Weiterhin wurde die Expression einiger plastidärer Transporter untersucht. Sowohl der Triosephosphat-Tranporter (TPT) als auch der Glucose-6-phosphat-Transporter wurden am stärksten in grünen Früchten exprimiert, während der Reife nahm die Expression ab. Der ATP/ADP-Transporter wurde während der Fruchtentwicklung nur schwach exprimiert.Es besteht die Hypothese, daß die Rolle der drei Enzyme plastidäre Fructose-1,6-Bisphosphatase (cp-FBPase), ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) und Glucan Wasser Dikinase (GWD) darin besteht, die Stärke-Akkumulation in der frühen Entwicklung der Tomaten-Frucht zu beeinflussen. Diese Hypothese wurde unter Verwendung der Antisense-Technik für die plastidären FBPase (unter der Kontrolle des B33 Promoters), sowie für die AGPase und die GWD (beide unter der Kontrolle des CaMV 35S-Promoters) in der Tomaten-Kultivar Moneymaker untersucht. Die Repression von plastidärer FBPase oder AGPase in der Frucht der Tomate scheint die Metaboliten-Konzentrationen nicht so stark wie in den Blättern zu beeinflussen. Der Grund hierfür ist wahrscheinlich, daß jede Veränderung durch die Fähigkeit der Frucht, Zucker zu importieren, abgepuffert wird. Auf der anderen Seite hatte die Repression des GWD Proteins in der Frucht der Tomate starke Effekte auf die Metaboliten-Konzentrationen. / Carbohydrate metabolism was studied during the development of fruits of the tomato cultivar Micro-Tom. The metabolism of the pericarp and placental tissues was found to be different. Starch being degraded more slowly in the placenta than in the pericarp, while soluble sugars accumulated to a greater extent in the pericarp. The activities of glycolytic enzymes tended to peak at 40 days after flowering. The expression of some plastidial transporters was also studied. Both the triose phosphate transporter (TPT) and Glucose-6-Phosphate (Glc-6-P) transporter were expressed greatest in green fruits, before declining. The expression of the triose phosphate transporter (TPT) was greater than that of Glc-6-P transporter. The ATP/ADP transporter was expressed to a low level throughout fruit development. The role of three enzymes Chloroplastic Fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (cp-FBPase), ADP-glucose Pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) and Glucan Water Dikinase (GWD) protein are thought to influence the accumulation of starch in early development in tomato fruit were studied in normal sized tomatoes of the cultivar Moneymaker using antisense technique under the control of the patatin B33 promoter in the case of cp-FBPase, and the CaMV 35S promoter in the case of AGPase and GWD protein. It appears that repression of cp-FBPase and AGPase in tomato fruits does not influence metabolite levels as greatly as it does in leaves, possibly because any alterations are buffered by the ability of the fruit to import sugars. On the other hand, the repression of GWD protein in tomato fruits has a strong effect on metabolite levels.

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