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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The bone marrow microenvironment in myelodysplastic syndromes : functional and molecular study / Le microenvironnement médullaire au cours des syndromes myélodysplasiques : étude fonctionnelle et moléculaire

Goulard, Marie 28 September 2017 (has links)
Les syndromes myélodysplasiques (MDS) sont un groupe de pathologies myéloïdes caractérisées par une hématopoïèse inefficace. Le rôle du microenvironnement médullaire (MM) dans l’histoire naturelle de ces pathologies reste incertain. Des anomalies du MM ont été décrites au cours des myélodysplasies et des modèles murins récemment publiés font penser qu’une altération du MM pourrait jouer un rôle dans le déclenchement et/ou l’évolution de ces maladies.Nous avons tenté de développer un modèle in vivo récapitulant l’histoire naturelle des myélodysplasies par des xénogreffes chez des souris NSG et NSG-S. Le faible taux de prise de greffe nous a amenés à développer un modèle in vitro de co-culture en 2D. Ce modèle est une bonne alternative pour les études de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour les patients atteints de myélodysplasies.Au cours de ce travail, nous avons également réalisé une étude systématique du stroma médullaire de patients atteints de syndromes myélodysplasiques dans le but d’identifier les anomalies fonctionnelles et moléculaires des cellules souches mésenchymateuses (CSMs), cellules centrales du MM pour leur interaction avec les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSHs).Les CSMs de MDS ont une clonogénécité diminuée. Nous n’avons pas observé de modification significative de leurs capacités de différenciation en ostéoblastes, adipocytes et chondrocytes ni dans leur capacité à supporter une hématopoïèse normale. Les CSMs de MDS présentent des modifications au niveau épigénétique et transcriptionnel pouvant expliquer l’altération des relations observées grâce à de l’imagerie enregistrée entre les CSMs de MDS et les CSHs dans un modèle de co-culture en 3D.Ces résultats montrent que les CSMs de MDS ont des modifications fonctionnelles et moléculaires et que ces anomalies perturbent leur relation avec les CSHs. / Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of clonal myeloid pathologies characterized by an impaired hematopoiesis. The role of the bone marrow microenvironment (BMM) remains unclear in the natural history of these diseases. Abnormalities of the BMM have been observed in myelodysplasia and a recent published murine model implies that alterations of the BMM could play a role in the trigger/progression of these diseases.Firstly, we tried to develop an in vivo model of MDS in NSG and NSG-S mice. The low rate of engraftment pushed us to develop a 2D co-culture model in vitro. This model is a good alternative to test new therapeutic strategies for MDS patients.In this study, we analysed mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) from the bone marrow of pretreated MDS patients in order to identify the functional and molecular abnormalities in those cells of the BMM, central for their interactions with the hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs).MDS MSCs have an impaired clonogenic capacity. We didn’t observed modifications of their differentiation toward osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic pathways and capacity to support of a normal hematopoiesis. MDS MSCs display epigenetic and transcriptomic modifications that could explain the alteration of the relationships between these cells and HSCs observed in imagery in a 3D co-culture model.These results showed that MDS MSCs have functional and molecular abnormalities and that these alterations could impair their relationship with HSCs.

C3 glomerulopathy: exploring the role of the glomerular micro-environment in disease pathogenesis

Xiao, Xue 15 December 2017 (has links)
C3 glomerulopathy (C3G) encompasses a group of severe renal diseases characterized by “dominant C3” deposition in the renal glomerulus. Patients typically present as nephritic nephrotics, with hematuria, hypertension, heavy proteinuria and edema. Within ten years of diagnosis, 50% of affected patients progress to end-stage renal disease and require dialysis or renal transplantation. No treatment is available to halt disease progression and thus both disease recurrence and allograft loss are common after transplantation. Genetic studies of C3G have firmly implicated dysregulation of the alternative pathway (AP) of complement in disease pathogenesis. In addition to genetic factors, acquired factors like autoantibodies can also exaggerate AP activity in the circulation to cause C3G. Although AP dysregulation in the circulation (i.e. fluid-phase dysregulation) has been well studied in these patients, AP activity in the glomerular microenvironment is not well understood. In this body of work, we used MaxGel, an ex-vivo surrogate for the glomerular extracellular matrix, to study AP activity and regulation. We showed that C3 convertase can be assembled on MaxGel and elucidated the dynamics of its formation and decay in the presence of complement regulators. We confirm that on MaxGel factor H (fH) inhibits C3 convertase formation and accelerates its decay, while properdin has a stabilizing effect. We also show that the complement factor H-related proteins (FHRs) are vital to the regulation of AP activity. Consistent with our MaxGel data, CFHR gene-fusion events have been reported as genetic drivers of disease in a few familial cases of C3G. One such familial case in which we identified and characterized the rearrangement event results from a novel CFHR5-CFHR2 fusion gene. The fusion gene is translated into a circulating FHR-5/-2 protein that consists of the first two SCRs of FHR-5 followed by all four SCRs of FHR-2. The structural repetition of SCR1-2 followed by another SCR1-2 motif facilitates the formation of complex FHR-1, FHR-2 and FHR-5 multimers, which have enhanced affinity for C3b and by out-competing fH, lead to impaired C3 convertase regulation in the glomerular microenvironment. Finally, we tested gene therapy as a tool to rescue the disease phenotype and restore fluid-phase AP complement control in a mouse model of C3G (Cfh-/-/huCR1-Tg mice). Using the piggyBac transposon system, we introduced a construct derived from complement regulator 1 (CR1) into Cfh-/-/huCR1-Tg mice. Delivery of sCR1-AC via hydrodynamic tail vein injection provided constitutive circulatory expression of sCR1-AC, and in animals followed for 6 months, we found that long-term expression of this complement regulator rescued the renal phenotype. These results suggest that sCR1 may be a potential therapy for patients with this disease.

Expression von Genen des WNT-Signalwegs in humanen Makrophagen nach MCF-7 Ko-Kultivierung und in murinen Makrophagen nach Mikrovesikel-Stimulation / Expression of genes of the WNT-Pathway in human macrophages after MCF-7 co-culture and in murine macrophages after stimulation with microvesicles

Pantke, Mathias 25 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Effets de courbure hors du plan sur la croissance des epithelia / The effects of out-of-plane curvature on the growth of epithelia

Yevick, Hannah 23 September 2014 (has links)
Dans de nombreux tissus épithéliaux, les cellules ne migrent pas sur des substrats plats mais font au contraire partie d’une monocouche bidimensionnelle courbée. C'est le cas par exemple pour les tubules rénaux, les acini du sein, les alvéoles pulmonaires ou bien les cryptes du côlon et de l’intestin. Cependant, malgré l’omniprésence de cette courbure hors plan in vivo, peu d’études expérimentales s’interrogent sur son influence sur le développement et la migration cellulaire. En effet, le comportement collectif des cellules au sein d’un épithélium à deux dimensions a été principalement étudié sur des substrats plans, négligeant ainsi l'influence de la topologie de l’environnement de culture sur le développement cellulaire. Dans ce manuscrit de thèse, nous exposons les différentes expériences menées afin de caractériser et de quantifier l’influence de cette courbure hors du plan sur le développement, la migration ainsi que les propriétés mécaniques des tissus épithéliaux. Un dispositif expérimental a été mis au point afin d’obtenir des courbures et des conditions initiales reproductibles. Afin de découpler l’effet du à la courbure de ceux dus au confinement latéral, nous avons reproduit les mêmes expériences sur des substrats plats où les cellules sont confinées dans des bandes adhésives de largueurs comparables au périmètre des tubes.En mettant en parallèle nos résultats sur ces deux types de substrats, nous suggérons que forcer les cellules à croître sur des cylindres de diamètre pertinent biologiquement induit de nouvelles propriétés biologiques qui sont à dissocier de l'effet du au confinement latéral du tissu. / That the mechanics of a cell’s microenvironment greatly influences cellular behaviors and phenotypes is well established. For example, the morphology, performance and even fate of a cell adhering to a substrate is highly influenced by the substrate rigidity. Similarly, cytoskeleton organization and cell polarity can be controlled by confining the cell to 2d micro patterns while micro or nano substrate topography influences cell adhesion and orientation. On the other hand, significantly less research exists regarding the effect of out of plane curvature on individual cells and cell assemblies, despite the intrinsic curvature of epithelial sheets which frequently form tubes, cysts, crypts, or villi with radii of curvature on the order of a few cell diameters. This thesis accordingly examines the relationship between the collective properties of epithelial tissue and out of plane curvature by employing micro fabricated environments to deconstruct the response of a cell monolayer to the geometry of its neighborhood. Curved substrates provide a controlled way to study the role of a fixed out of plane curvature on a system otherwise identical to the classic 2D assay. In particular, fibers with curvature radii between 0.5um-100um were populated with MDCK cells from a model epithelial, kidney-derived, cell line and the resulting migration dynamics and cell architecture quantified. The specific cellular behaviors induced by large curvatures provide plausible explanations of certain aspects of tubulogenesis.

The Role of miR-126/126* in Microenvironmental Regulation of Cancer Metastasis

Zhang, Yun January 2013 (has links)
<p>Cancer metastasis is the cause of about 90% of cancer patients' deaths. Despite significant improvements in the past three decades in understanding the molecular bases of oncogenic transformation of cancer cells, little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying tumour cells' alteration of their microenvironment, entrance into the circulation, and colonization of distant organs. In recent years, accumulating evidence has indicated that tumour microenvironment, which consists of a variety of cell types and extracellular matrix components&#65292;plays an important role in regulating the metastatic abilities of carcinoma cells. Co-opted by cancer cells, those stromal cells promote tumour progression via multiple mechanisms, including enhancement of tumour invasiveness, elevation of angiogenesis, and suppression of immune surveillance activity. </p><p>Using a series of human breast cancer cell lines with different metastatic potentials <italic>in vivo</italic>, we performed an unbiased screen examining expression of miRNAs, and found that miR-126 and miR-126*, whose expression are regulated by methylation of the promoter of their host gene Egfl7 inside tumour cells, were significantly negatively correlated with metastatic potential. Using both mouse xenograft models and <italic>in vitro</italic> assays, we showed that this pair of miRNAs suppressed breast cancer metastasis through shaping the tumour microenvironment without changing tumour cell autonomous properties. Specifically, miR-126 and miR-126* act independently to suppress the sequential recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and inflammatory monocytes into the primary tumour stroma, consequently inhibiting lung metastasis by breast tumour cells. Mechanistically, these miRNAs directly inhibit the production of stromal cell-derived factor-1 alpha (Sdf-1&alpha;, also known as Cxcl12), and indirectly suppress the expression of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 2 (Ccl2) by the cancer cells within the tumour mass in an Sdf-1&alpha;-dependent manner. In addition, in contrast with the majority of reports which have shown incorporation of only the guiding strand of the miRNA duplex into the mRNA-targeting RNA induced silencing complex (RISC), both strands of the miR-126 RNA duplex are maintained at a similar level and suppress Sdf-1&alpha; expression independently. </p><p>Collectively, we have determined a dynamic process by which the composition of the primary tumour microenvironment could be altered via a change in the expression of two tumour-suppressive miRNAs derived from a single miRNA precursor to favor metastasis by breast cancer cells. Importantly, this work provides a prominent mechanism to explain the clinical correlation between reduced expression of miR-126/126* and poor metastasis-free survival of breast cancer patients.</p> / Dissertation

Interaction of Brain Cancer Stem Cells and the Tumour Microenvironment: A Computational Study

Shahbandi, Nazgol 04 January 2012 (has links)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is one of the most common and aggressive primary brain tumours, with a median patient survival time of 6-12 months in adults. It has been recently suggested that a typically small sub-population of brain tumour cells, in possession of certain defining properties of stem cells, is responsible for initiating and maintaining the tumour. More recent experiments have studied the interactions between this subpopulation of brain cancer cells and tumour microenvironmental factors such as hypoxia and high acidity. In this thesis a computational approach (based on Gillespie’s algorithm and cellular automata) is proposed to investigate the tumour heterogeneities that develop when exposed to various microenvironmental conditions of the cancerous tissue. The results suggest that microenvironmental conditions highly affect the characterization of cancer cells, including the self-renewal, differentiation and dedifferentiation properties of cancer cells.


Fiore, Vincent F. 08 June 2015 (has links)
Fibrosis of vital organs remains one of the leading causes of death in the developed world, where it occurs predominantly in soft tissues (liver, lung, kidney, heart) through fibroblast proliferation and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM). In the process of fibrosis, remodeling and deposition of ECM results in stiffening of cellular microenvironment; cells also respond to these changes in the stiffness through engagement of their cytoskeleton and signaling via cell-ECM contacts. Thus, understanding to what extent the stiffness of the cellular microenvironment changes as a consequence of fibrotic progression, and how cells respond to this change, is critical. In this thesis, we quantitatively measured stiffness of the lung parenchyma and its changes during fibrosis. We find that the average stiffness increases by approximately 10-fold. We then investigated how changes in ECM rigidity affect the cytoskeletal phenotype of lung fibroblasts. We find a complex relation between expression of the glycoprotein Thy-1 (CD90) and ECM rigidity-dependent cytoskeletal phenotype (i.e. “mechanotransduction”). Finally, we investigate a mechanism for the regulation of rigidity sensing by Thy-1 and its involvement in intracellular signaling through cell-ECM contacts. Taken together, this work helps define in vivo parameters critical to the fibrogenesis program and to define unique cellular phenotypes that may respond or contribute to mechanical homeostasis in fibrotic diseases.

Inflammation-Dependent Regulation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Progression

Markowitz, Geoffrey Joseph January 2015 (has links)
<p>Liver cancer is a devastating disease that is the 5th most common cancer in men, 7th most common cancer in women, and the 3rd leading cause of cancer-related mortality. This disease arises from multiple etiological factors, including hepatitis viruses, environmental toxins, alcohol abuse, and metabolic syndrome, which induce a state of chronic inflammation. This diseased liver tissue background is a drastically different microenvironment from the healthy liver, especially with regards to immune cell prevalence and presence of mediators of immune function. It has been well-established that this altered tissue background contributes significantly to the tumorigenic process, yet its effects on the progression of the disease are more poorly understood. </p><p>To better understand the consequences of liver disease on tumor growth and the interplay with its microenvironment, we first utilized two standard methods of fibrosis induction and orthotopic implantation of tumors into the inflamed and fibrotic liver to mimic the liver condition in human HCC patients, and examined the immune infiltrate. Compared to non-diseased controls, tumor growth is significantly enhanced under fibrotic conditions. The immune cells that infiltrated the tumors are also drastically different, with decreased proportions of natural killer cells but greatly increased numbers of immune-suppressive CD11b+ Gr1hi myeloid cells in both models of fibrosis. In addition, there are model-specific differences: increased proportions of CD11b+ myeloid cells and CD4+ CD25+ T-cells are found in tumors in the bile duct ligation model but not in the carbon tetrachloride model. Importantly, the skewed immune infiltration into the tumor, while having some commonalities with the non-tumor tissue, had several distinct, tumor-specific populations. Induction of fibrosis also alters the cytokine production of implanted tumor cells, which could have far-reaching consequences on the immune infiltrate and its functionality. Taken together, this work demonstrates that the combination of fibrosis induction with orthotopic tumor implantation results in a markedly different tumor microenvironment and tumor growth kinetics. </p><p>Appreciating that the altered immune microenvironment dramatically shifts tumor progression, we sought to further explore the effects of individual inflammatory mediators on the development of the disease. Interleukin 18 (IL-18) is an inflammatory cytokine that is markedly increased in the circulation of patients with HCC correlated with poor prognosis. However, the precise role for IL-18 in HCC remains unclear, with reports presenting both pro- and anti-tumorigenic activities. To answer this question definitively, we interrogated in more detail the expression profiles of IL-18 in tissue specimens from HCC patients and conducted experimentation using multiple clinically relevant mouse models to explore the functional role of this cytokine in the context of HCC. Our results indicate that IL-18 exerts a tumor-suppressive effect mediated in large part by alterations in survival and functionality of T-lymphocytes which infiltrated the tumor microenvironment. This tumor-suppressive effect is however dependent upon the inflammatory milieu: In the absence of an inflammatory environment, whether from a chemical carcinogenesis model or a fibrosis induction model, loss of IL-18 signaling does not affect tumor growth. This effect is also stage-dependent. Taken together, our findings establish a tumor-suppressive role for IL-18 in established HCC and provide a mechanistic explanation for the complex relationship between its expression pattern and HCC prognosis. </p><p>In summary, this work demonstrates a dramatic shift in the microenvironment of developing HCC tumors in the presence of chronic inflammatory stimuli. This microenvironment, which more accurately models the situation in which tumors develop and progress in patients, alters the presence and functionality of many immune mediators. In particular, IL-18 signaling is a powerful mediator of tumor progression, however observation of its functionality is dependent on an inflammatory context. This work provides new insight into the complex processes underlying HCC tumor progression, and emphasizes the necessity for more accurate modeling of HCC progression in mice which takes into account the drastic changes in the tissue caused by chronic liver disease.</p> / Dissertation

Extracellular Matrix as a Key Mediator of Mammary Tumor Cell Normalization

Bischof, Ashley Gibbs 08 June 2015 (has links)
Some epithelial cancers can be induced to revert to quiescent differentiated tissues when combined with embryonic mesenchyme; however, the mechanism of this induction is unknown. This dissertation is based on the hypothesis that because extracellular matrix (ECM) plays a critical role during organ development in the embryo, it also may mediate the differentiation-inducing effects of embryonic mesenchyme on cancer cells. To test this hypothesis, I first optimized methods to isolate ECMs from whole tissues or cultured cells, and to repopulate them with cultured cells, using embryonic tooth as a model system. In Chapter 2, I describe these studies and use them to demonstrate that embryonic ECM is sufficient to regulate odontogenic signaling, cell fate decisions and histodifferentiation during normal tooth development. In Chapter 3, I adapt these methods to show that culture of breast cancer cells with ECM derived from embryonic mammary mesenchyme decreases tumor cell proliferation, and stimulates differentiation, including formation of hollow acini and ducts as well as enhanced expression of estrogen receptor-alpha and decreased migration. Further, when the inductive ECMs were injected into fast-growing breast tumors in mice, they significantly inhibited cancer expansion. Critically, the differentiation observed with ECM was the same as that observed in co-culture with mammary mesenchyme cells, showing that ECM is playing a dominant role in tumor cell normalization. In Chapter 4, I then set out to determine the mechanism by which embryonic ECM normalizes tumor cells, I analyzed the contributions of bound cytokines, ECM composition and mechanics. Western blot analysis revealed several bound growth factors, which remained following decellularization; however, removal of these growth factors using high salt washes had no effect on ECM-mediated normalization of tumors. Further, using proteomics analysis I identified eleven ECM proteins present only within inductive ECMs and by testing these proteins in 3D culture, I found three proteins -- collagen III, biglycan and SPARC -- that increased lumen formation to a similar extent as embryonic ECM. These data confirm that mesenchyme-induced tumor cell normalization is mediated by the insoluble ECM, and reveal the identity of some of the inductive molecules responsible for these effects.

The saguaro tree-hole microenvironment in southern Arizona, I. Winter

Krizman, Richard Donald, 1931- January 1964 (has links)
No description available.

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