Spelling suggestions: "subject:"microhabitat"" "subject:"microhabitats""
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Habitat Acoustics And Microhabitat Selection In An Ensiferan Assemblage Of A Tropical Evergreen Forest │Jain, Manjari 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Several animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, communicate using sound and they do so in a non-ideal medium, the habitat in which they live. As acoustic signals pass through the habitat, they suffer loss of information due to signal degradation, which is often determined by the acoustic properties of the habitat. Understanding the influence of habitat-induced constraints on signaling is vital to the understanding of evolution of signal structure. Over time signals can evolve their temporal and/or spectral characteristics so as to resist or reduce degradation. Conversely, signalers may modify their behaviour so as to improve transmission for effective communication.
The Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis (AAH) predicts that given the properties of the habitat in which animals communicate, signals should evolve so as to maximize their broadcast range and the number of potential receivers. The prediction of the hypothesis is that signal transmission is best in the native habitat as compared to non-native habitats. Since its inception, the idea of acoustic adaptation has been tested in several vertebrate species including birds, mammals and frogs but rarely in invertebrates. Moreover, most of these studies have been carried out at the macrohabitat level, such as transmission in forests versus grasslands. For animals with limited mobility such as invertebrates, a finer level of investigation at the microhabitat level is more relevant. Only one study on cicadas has investigated the predictions of the AAH at the microhabitat level. Besides, investigations done at the community level are largely missing in the literature. The effect of height on signal transmission is well documented, however, only one study on birds has investigated the AAH with respect to vertical stratification of coexisting species.
Among invertebrates, crickets are well known for their calling songs which males use to attract conspecific females over long distances. No study so far has tested the prediction of the AAH in these acoustically communicating invertebrates.
The central focus of this study was to test the predictions of the AAH in a natural assemblage of ensiferan (cricket) species. I examined the prediction of the hypothesis at the microhabitat level with respect to the vertical stratification of co-existing ensiferan species. The study was carried out on an assemblage of crickets in the wet evergreen forests of Kudremukh National Park in the Western Ghats in Southern India.
For this purpose, it was important to examine calling height and microhabitat selection in these animals because if the use of calling height and microhabitat was random, then there would not be any native height/microhabitat and the question of acoustic adaption would not arise.
Therefore, I first standardized methods to characterize the habitat of the crickets. Using resource selection functions, I then quantified microhabitat selection in 13 ensiferan species. I also examined the calling heights of these species. My results suggest that these species are microhabitat specialists and also distribute vertically within the forest with respect to calling height.
Based on the knowledge of the vertical distribution of these animals in the forest I then carried out playback experiments using natural calls of 12 species of Ensifera in their natural habitat. The transmission experiments were carried out at five heights in the forest, including the ground, different parts of the understorey as well as in the canopy. The study aimed to examine whether vertical stratification in the ensiferan species of Kudremukh is driven by selection for maximizing transmission range. I examined the effect of different heights on signal degradation. The investigation was carried out with respect to three different measures of signal degradation, namely, total attenuation, signal to noise ratio as well as envelope distortion. The results indicate a lack of overall support for the AAH with respect to vertical stratification of crickets in Kudremukh. However, a strong, independent effect of height of calling on signal degradation was found, with the ground being the worst layer for transmission and the mid-understorey (2 m) emerging to be good for all species with respect to all three measures of signal degradation.
I then analysed the transmission data from a different point of view, exploring the possibility of evolution of signal structures that may confer some advantages in terms of signal transmission, given the habitat-induced constrains on signal propagation. The idea was to examine why certain species perform better than others in terms of signal transmission. This investigation was aimed at characterizing the effect of call features on signal attenuation. I found that temporal features of calls did not have a strong effect on height-specific signal attenuation. While call duration had no effect on signal attenuation, duty cycle did influence attenuation profiles of the calls, with high duty cycle calls performing better than low duty cycle calls. However, there was no interaction of height with the temporal features of calls, eliminating the possibility of these features being shaped by microhabitat or height dependent transmission characteristics. Spectral features of calls, on the other hand, affected signal attenuation very strongly. As expected, low frequency calls performed better than high frequency calls and pure tone calls fared much better than the broadband calls, especially on the ground and the canopy.
To the best of my knowledge, this is the first study to carry out a rigorous quantification of microhabitat selection in Ensifera. This is also the first detailed examination of the Acoustic Adaptation Hypothesis at the microhabitat level, tested in a natural assemblage of coexisting invertebrate species.
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Factors Underlying Invasive Grass Fire Regimes in the Mojave Desert and its Consequences on Plant and Animal CommunitiesHorn, Kevin J. 08 July 2013 (has links)
Climate change and exotic plant invasions are significant anthropogenic threats to desert community structure and resilience . In the Mojave Desert, the invasive grass red brome (Bromusrubens L) is increasing fire frequency and extent in response to climatic factors. The resilience of this ecosystem will be affected by how plant and animal communities respond to fire. To better understand these dynamics, we studied the environmental factors underlying changes in invasive grass fire regimes in the Mojave Desert and its structural and functional effects on plant and animal communities. Following fire, reestablishment of native vegetation can be preempted by repeated burning associated with the abundant exotic grass red brome. Red brome density is correlated with various climate and landscape variables, but to establish causality, we experimentally assessed germination and growth of red brome. Red brome responded positively to fall precipitation, finer-textured soils, fertile-islands soils, and soils from burned landscapes. Red brome germination is maximized in wet fall periods when adequate water and optimal temperatures overlap . To evaluate landscape responses of pre- and post-fire plant communities and the potential for repeated burning we analyzed vegetation greenness (NDVI) data from 1985-2011 in response to temperature and precipitation. Landscape analysis indicated that the dominance of exotic grasses increases on post-fire landscapes. Following wet fall and winter seasons, high red brome productivity increases fire potential. Without mitigation, the establishment of an invasive-plant-driven fire regime is likely and may drive state transitions from arid shrublands to arid annual grasslands. Potential revegetation of post-fire landscapes will depend at least in part upon the physiological response of surviving vegetation to post-fire landscapes. Plant physiological responses to post-fire landscapes were generally neutral or positive, suggesting that revegetation of post-fire landscapes is not precluded by resource loss associated with fire and may even be enhanced by post-fire conditions. This will likely translate to increased reproductive potential of surviving plants. Alterations to small mammal populations will likely play a role in the reestablishment of vegetation (both native and exotics) as small mammals have strong top-down effects in arid ecosystems. Diversity and species richness responded negatively to burned landscapes as Merriam's kangaroo rat (Dipodomys merriami) increased in abundance while other species practically disappeared from burned landscapes. Merriam's kangaroo rat affects propagule sources through direct consumption, and seed dispersal. Increases in abundance and dominance of Merriam's kangaroo rat will likely alter plant recruitment.
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A Floristic Survey of the Lichens of the Spring Mountains, Nevada, USAProulx, Monica W. 16 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is the culmination of a graduate research project involving a floristic survey of the lichens of the Spring Mountain National Recreation Area (SMNRA), Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada. The project was based on extensive collections made between 1997 and 2007 as part of an air pollution biomonitoring program and a baseline established by Larry St. Clair (BYU). The Spring Mountains are a sky island mountain range in the Mojave Desert located less than an hour northwest of Las Vegas. A floristic survey of the lichen communities in the Spring Mountains represents a major addition to our understanding of the lichen flora of the Mojave Desert, a poorly studied region in western North America. This thesis also compares the lichen flora of the SMNRA with other lichen floras of the Mojave Desert based on a literature survey of all the lichen studies conducted in the Mojave Desert. The SMNRA species list represents 58% of the 217 species in 68 genera reported for the Mojave Desert. This survey of all reported Mojave lichen species reveals several interesting interactions related to species diversity, substrate, and growth form distribution patterns. These interactions appear to be influenced by two general factors: Microhabitat conditions and available substrates – which are further defined by differences in geological substrates, occurrence and development of woody plant communities, and a combination of environmental factors – elevation, temperature, precipitation, and insolation. Drier and warmer habitats are generally dominated by crustose species with some, mostly smaller, foliose taxa in protected microhabitats usually with shaded or northern exposures. Fruticose species are generally lacking or sparse with smaller thalli when found in hot and dry habitats. All the fruticose species reported from the Mojave Desert sites were rare and had very small thalli. Many foliose and fruticose species, with larger, more complex thalli and thus greater surface area, are more susceptible to higher rates of water loss and therefore occur less frequently in extreme arid locations. The lichen communities in the Mojave Desert respond to sharp contrasts in microhabitat conditions with exposed, lower elevation sites having lower numbers of species along with more drought resistant growth forms – crustose and squamulose species. The Spring Mountains NRA, with high elevation mountains and well developed woody plant communities, accommodates a large variety of microhabitat conditions spread over a complex temperature and moisture gradient. These conditions have resulted in the highest species diversity (124 species in 48 genera) and the greatest number of foliose and corticolous species when compared with all of the other Mojave Desert lichen floras.
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Effects of Forest Fragmentation on the Abundance, Distribution, and Population Genetic Structure of White-Footed Mice (<i>Peromyscus Leucopus</i>)Anderson, Christine Schandorsky 06 August 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Etude de l'impact de l'algue envahissante Caulerpa taxifolia sur les peuplements de poissons. Etude approfondie sur une espèce « modèle » : Symphodus ocellatus (Labridae)LEVI, Flora 22 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Nous avons étudié les mécanismes d'impact de l'algue envahissante Caulerpa taxifolia (Vahl) C. Agardh sur les poissons en Méditerranée, en particulier à l'aide d'une étude approfondie sur une espèce « modèle » : Symphodus ocellatus (Forsskål). Un suivi des peuplements de poissons ainsi que des expérimentations in situ ont été réalisés au niveau du département des Alpes-Maritimes, sur des milieux colonisés par l'algue et des milieux témoins. Caulerpa taxifolia qui forme des prairies de frondes très denses et hautes, de la fin de l'été jusqu'au début de l'hiver, représente une gêne physique pour l'accès à la nourriture benthique et aux microhabitats. Le suivi de deux récifs artificiels crées in situ a montré que l'envasement et l'obstruction de cavités par C. taxifolia diminuent la capacité d'accueil d'un milieu rocheux pour la faune ichtyologique. La raréfaction d'abris convenables mène à une augmentation de la mortalité des petits individus par prédation. L'étude de contenus digestifs ainsi que des acides gras corporels chez S. ocellatus montre un changement de régime alimentaire sur les milieux envahis (augmentation de la consommation de plancton au détriment des proies benthiques). En aquarium, nous avons montré que l'accessibilité aux proies benthiques diminue avec la densification de l'algue. Nous avons observé in situ que C. taxifolia pose également le problème de l'accès et de la détection des proies benthiques pour les rougets de roche Mullus surmuletus. Sur les milieux colonisés, le bilan énergétique global se traduit par des déficits de 21% dans le contenu lipidique corporel chez les jeunes S. ocellatus et de 59% dans les lipides de stockage du foie ainsi que par un déficit pondéral au niveau du foie et des ovaires chez les femelles reproductrices. Cependant, la qualité des œufs n'est pas affectée. Par ailleurs, in situ, les toxines de C. taxifolia n'ont pas d'influence sur le succès de développement embryonnaire de S. ocellatus.
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Ecologie évolutive d'un genre d'acarien hématophage : approche phylogénétique des délimitations interspécifiques et caractérisation comparative des populations de cinq espèces du genre Dermanyssus (Acari : Mesostigmata)Lise, Roy 11 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les acariens microprédateurs du genre Dermanyssus (espèces du groupe gallinae), inféodés aux oiseaux, représentent un modèle pour l'étude d'association lâche particulièrement intéressant : ces arthropodes aptères font partie intégrante du microécosystème du nid (repas de sang aussi rapide que celui du moustique) et leurs hôtes sont ailés. En outre, D. gallinae est une espèce d'importance économique, ce qui rend possible des comparaisons entre colonisation de milieux anthropisés et sauvages. Au début de l'étude, les espèces du groupe gallinae sont très mal délimitées. Les caractères morphologiques utilisés sont variables au sein de l'espèce, voire de la population, très chevauchants entre espèces. Afin de mieux comprendre les exigences écologiques du développement de D. gallinae et d'appréhender ses voies de dissémination, une investigation comparative basée sur des séquences d'ADN entre espèces du groupe gallinae a été adoptée. Un cheminement d'ordre taxinomique a permis de poser les bases nécessaires. Ensuite, l'exploration de certaines caractéristiques écologiques du groupe gallinae en relation avec sa phylogénie (spécificité d'hôte, flexibilité évolutive) a été menée à bien. Une espèce a été décrite, D. apodis, une lignée de D. gallinae constitue aussi une probable espèce inédite et D. longipes regroupe deux entités. Des différences écologiques marquées entre D. gallinae et les autres espèces semblent résulter non seulement de l'activité humaine, mais aussi de caractéristiques intrinsèques. Aujourd'hui, le rôle des flux commerciaux dans la dispersion de D. gallinae en élevage de pondeuses s'avère primordial, au moins en France, celui des oiseaux sauvages presque nul.
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Tree species as determinants of the structure of oribatid mite communities (Oribatida) and the incorporation of plant carbon and nitrogen in the soil animal food webEißfeller, Verena 08 February 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Ekologie lesního společenstva ptáků na Papui Nové GuineiCHMEL, Kryštof January 2017 (has links)
The thesis addresses several aspects of ecology of lowland rainforest avifauna in Papua New Guinea. It describes spatial and temporal distributional patterns of abundance and diversity of bird community and different feeding guilds. More specifically, spatial patterns were explored in relation to topography, tree species composition, forest structure including vertical forest strata and inter-specific associations. The thesis also focuses on nest survival in continuous and fragmented forest, particularly in relation to nest predation.
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Seleção de sítio de oviposição pelo opilião bromelícola Bourguyia hamata (Arachnida: Opiliones) em uma área de restinga no sudeste do Brasil / Oviposition site selection by the bromelicolous harvestman Bourguyia hamata (Opiliones: Gonyleptidae) in a sandy coastal forest in southeastern BrazilSouza, Francini Osses 21 February 2006 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo / The oviposition site selection may influence both offspring development and female fitness. Females of the harvestman Bourguyia hamata exhibit maternal care and oviposit almost exclusively inside the epiphytic bromeliad Aechmea nudicaulis in the Cardoso Island, SP. In the present study, I examined whether the morphological structure of the individuals of A. nudicaulis influences B. hamata oviposition site selection in a sandy coastal forest at Cardoso Island, SP, Brazil. Data about the presence of the egg-batches inside the bromeliads, the length of the rosettes (which are tubular), the bromeliad angle in relation to the soil and the amount of debris inside the bromeliads were obtained along a 700 m transect from February 2005 to January 2006. Additionally, I used data collected in 2001 about water volume inside the rosettes, as well as the variation in the humidity inside bromeliads with long (30-32 mm) and short (18-20 mm) rosettes, as well as in the external environment. The frequency of egg-batches was greater in individuals with angles among 90º to 150º, for which the amount of debris accumulated inside the rosettes was smaller. Longer rosettes were preferred as oviposition site by the B. hamata females. Moreover, bromeliads with longer rosettes accumulated more water inside them, keeping the humidity variation inside the bromeliads lower than the external environment. Females of B. hamata selected a single bromeliad species and also chose morphological characteristics of A. nudicaulis individuals. Females oviposited predominantly in bromeliads that accumulate more water and have small amounts of debris inside the rosettes, probably because these characteristics may promote a more adequate microhabitat for offspring development. / A escolha do sítio de oviposição pode ter várias implicações no desenvolvimento da prole e na aptidão da fêmea. As fêmeas do opilião Bourguyia hamata exibem cuidado maternal e utilizam exclusivamente a bromélia Aechmea nudicaulis como sítio de oviposição na Ilha do Cardoso, SP. Neste estudo investigou-se se características arquiteturais de A. nudicaulis podem influenciar sua escolha como sítios de oviposição por B. hamata na restinga da Ilha do Cardoso, SP. Dados sobre a presença de desovas no interior das bromélias, o comprimento das rosetas (em forma tubular), o ângulo da inclinação das bromélias em relação ao solo e a quantidade de detritos acumulada no interior das bromélias foram obtidos ao longo de um transecto de 700 m entre fevereiro de 2005 a janeiro de 2006. Adicionalmente, foram usados dados coletados em 2001 sobre o volume de água no interior da roseta, assim como sobre a variação de umidade ao longo do dia no interior de bromélias grandes (30-32 mm) e pequenas (18-20 mm) e também no ambiente externo. A freqüência de desovas foi maior em indivíduos com inclinações entre 90º e 150º, para os quais a quantidade de detritos no interior da bromélia foi menor. Rosetas maiores foram mais usadas como sítio de oviposição por fêmeas de B. hamata. Além disso, bromélias maiores acumularam mais água no seu interior, de forma que a variação da umidade relativa foi menor dentro das bromélias grandes quando comparada com o ambiente externo. Fêmeas de B. hamata, além de escolherem apenas uma espécie de bromélia, conseguem acessar também características estruturais dos indivíduos de A. nudicaulis. As fêmeas ovipuseram predominantemente nos indivíduos que acumularam mais água e possuíam menos detritos nas rosetas, provavelmente porque essas características devem promover um microhabitat mais adequado para o desenvolvimento da prole. / Mestre em Ecologia e Conservação de Recursos Naturais
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Spring Dispersal and Breeding Ecology of Northern Bobwhite in Southwest OhioLiberati, Marjorie R. 20 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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