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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos de diferentes protocolos de limpeza de resíduos do cimento endodôntico e a repercussão sobre a interface de adesão na dentina bovina /

Galoza, Marina Oliveira Gonçalves. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Milton Carlos kuga / Resumo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficiência do etanol a 95 % (Rinse-N-Dry [RD]) ou da solução de formamida (Endosolv R [ER]), associados com a microabrasão com micropartículas de vidro (Concepsis Scrub [Cs]), na limpeza da dentina impregnada com o cimento à base de resina epóxi (AH Plus) e seus efeitos sobre a interface adesiva. Quarenta espécimes de dentina foram impregnadas com o cimento endodôntico (AH Plus). Em seguida foram limpos com os seguintes protocolos (n = 10): G1(E), somente RD; G2(ER), somente ER; G3(E + Cs), RD e Cs; G4(ER + Cs), ER e Cs. No G5 (controle) nenhum tratamento foi realizado. Os espécimes foram analisados em SEM, para avaliar a presença de resíduos (500x) e contagem de túbulos de dentinários abertos (1000x). Outros 50 espécimes foram preparados esubmetidos a similares procedimentos e protocolos de limpeza. Após 7 dias, tubos contendo resina composta foram fixados na dentina com um sistema adesivo "condiciona-e-lava" (Scotchbond Multi-porpose; 3M ESPE; 3M; St. Paul; MN, USA) e submetidos ao teste de microcisalhamento. G2 e G4 demonstraram maior persistência de resíduos e menor incidência de túbulos dentinários abertos que G1 e G3(P<0.05) e não houve diferença entre G1 e G3 ou G2 e G4 (P>0.05). A resistência de união do sistema adesivo foi similar entre todos os grupos (P>0.05). A microabrasão imediata interferiu negativamente na ação dos protocolos de limpeza, porém todos mantiveram resíduos sobre a superfície dentinária. Entretanto, após 7 dias... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cleaning protocol of dentin impregnated with epoxy resin-based sealer (AH Plus) and the effects on the adhesive interface using 95% ethanol (Rinse-N-Dry [RD]) or formamide solution (Endosolv R [ER]) associated with microabrasion with glass microparticles (Concepsis Scrub [Cs]) . Forty dentin specimens were impregnated with endodontic sealer (AH Plus). Specimens were cleansed according to the following protocols (n = 10): G1 (E), only RD; G2 (ER), only ER; G3 (E + Cs), RD and Cs; G4 (ER + Cs), ER and Cs. No treatment was performed in G5 (control). The specimens were subjected to SEM in order to evaluate the residues persistence (500x) and open dentinal tubules counting (2000x). Another 50 specimens were prepared, subjected to similar procedures and cleaning protocols.7 days later, composite-resin-made specimens were performed on dentin using etch-and-rinse adhesive system, then submitted to micro-shear test. G2 and G4 showed higher residues persistence and lower incidence of open dentinal tubules than G1 and G3 (P <0.05). No difference was found between G1 and G3 or G2 and G4 (P> 0.05). Adhesive system bond strength was similar in all groups (P> 0.05). Microabrasion negatively affected the cleaning protocols action, all groups presented residues on the dentin surface. However, 7 days later the protocols did not affect the bond strength of etch-and-rinse adhesive system to dentin previously impregnated with epoxy resin-based sealer. / Doutor

Kontrast v obraze získaném pomocí ionizačního detektoru ve VP SEM / Contrast in image acquired by ionization detector in VP SEM

Goroš, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
This work deal with problems of investigation materials electron beam. This project is focuses on investigation materials by the help of method environmental scan electron microscopy (ESEM) and describes her patterns. The perfection of ESEM excel above all at studies non - conducting or water containing, often biological samples. These samples not to be in no way prepared or cut – and – dries, in contradistinction to classical scanning electron microscope and thanks is under investigation their native surface structure without desiccation breaking. The general aim is determination of contrast in image acquired by ionization detector.

Optimalizace tvaru čerpání diferenciálně čerpané komory pro novou koncepci elektronového mikroskopu / Optimizing the shape of the pumping chambers differentially pumped chamber for a new concept of the electron microscope.

Polách, Ondřej January 2015 (has links)
The present work deals with electron microscopy, electron microscopy primarily environmental. The main task of the work will draft the optimal shape of the differentially pumped chamber, dividing the pressure difference between tube and chamber with sample for a new concept of an electron microscope. By ANSYS Fluent will be analyzed pumping gas. Subsequently, according to the results obtained will be a modified form of the differential Chamber and to achieve the lowest gas pressure on the track of the electron beam.

Electron-beam induced synthesis of nanostructures: a review

Gonzalez-Martinez, I. G., Bachmatiuk, A., Bezugly, V., Kunstmann, J., Gemming, T., Liu, Z., Cuniberti, G., Rümmeli, M. H. 16 December 2019 (has links)
As the success of nanostructures grows in modern society so does the importance of our ability to control their synthesis in precise manners, often with atomic precision as this can directly affect the final properties of the nanostructures. Hence it is crucial to have both deep insight, ideally with real-time temporal resolution, and precise control during the fabrication of nanomaterials. Transmission electron microscopy offers these attributes potentially providing atomic resolution with near real time temporal resolution. In addition, one can fabricate nanostructures in situ in a TEM. This can be achieved with the use of environmental electron microscopes and/or specialized specimen holders. A rather simpler and rapidly growing approach is to take advantage of the imaging electron beam as a tool for in situ reactions. This is possible because there is a wealth of electron specimen interactions, which, when implemented under controlled conditions, enable different approaches to fabricate nanostructures. Moreover, when using the electron beam to drive reactions no specialized specimen holders or peripheral equipment is required. This review is dedicated to explore the body of work available on electron-beam induced synthesis techniques with in situ capabilities. Particular emphasis is placed on the electron beam-induced synthesis of nanostructures conducted inside a TEM, viz. the e-beam is the sole (or primary) agent triggering and driving the synthesis process.

Karakterizacija strukture i adhezivna svojstva gleđi / Characterization of the structure and adhesive properties of enamel

Vicko Kristina 07 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Gleđ je supstrat adhezije direktnih i indirektnih ispuna, ljuspi, splintova, zalivača i ortodontskih bravica. Adhezija između materijala i zubnog tkiva je ključna za uspe&scaron;no sprovođenje različitih stomatolo&scaron;kih intervencija. Ova veza, bez obzira na brojnost i raznovrsnost novih materijala nije u potpunosti re&scaron;ena. CILJ: Ispitati mehaničke i hemijske osobine gleđi nakon tretmana različitim kondicionerima za pripremu gleđi. Odrediti tvrdoću i modul elastičnosti, odrediti hemijski udeo minerala kalcijuma i fosfata u povr&scaron;inskom sloju gleđi pre i posle nagrizanja različitim kiselinama i utvrditi uticaj prizmatičnosti gleđi na stepen nagrizanja gleđi primenom različitih kiselina. METODE: Sprovedeno je in vitro istraživanje na ekstrahovanim humanim zubima. U odnosu na primenjeni kondicioner analizirano je 192, od toga 96 uzoraka stalnih zuba i 96 uzoraka mlečnih zuba. Pripremljeni uzorci gleđi su analizirani pre i nakon primene četiri vrste kondicionera: 37% ortofosforne kiseline (Kerr, Gel etchant), 10% poliakrilne kiseline (GC, Dentin Conditioner), monomera estra fosforne kiseline (GC G bond), hidroksietilmetakrilata sa fosfornom kiselinom (3M Unitek, Transbond&trade; Plus Self Etching Primer). Određivana je tvrdoća i modul elastičnosti gleđi nanoindentacijom, struktura povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije, dok je hemijski sastav povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi određen metodom energetske disperzione spektroskopije. Rezultati modula elastičnosti unutar grupe mlečnih zuba ukazali su na postojanje statistički značajnih razlika između rezultata netretirane okluzalne povr&scaron;ine i svih tretiranih uzoraka okluzalne povr&scaron;ine, dok analiza tvrdoće gleđi u istoj grupi, ukazala je na statistički značajne razlike između vrednosti netretiranih i svih tretiranih uzoraka, na svim povr&scaron;inama, osim na uzorcima bukalne povr&scaron;ine tretiranih poliakrilnom kiselinom. U grupi stalnih zuba, postoje statistički značajne razlike vrednosti modula elastičnosti između uzoraka tretiranih ortofosfornom kiselinom, bez obzira na povr&scaron;inu zuba, u odnosu na grupe u kojima su kori&scaron;ćeni drugi kondicioneri, osim kada su poređeni uzorci lingvalne povr&scaron;ine stalnih zuba tretirani ortofosfornom kiselinom sa uzorkom - iste povr&scaron;ine tretirane Transbondom. Rezultati tvrdoće gleđi stalnih zuba pokazali su statistički značajne razlike između netretirane, kontrolne grupe i svih grupa testiranih kondicionera, bez obzira na ispitivanu povr&scaron;inu zuba. Svaki primenjeni kondicioner promenio je povr&scaron;insku morfologiju uzorka. Ortofosforna i poliakrilna kiselina, u najvećoj meri su uticala na pojavu polja nagrizanja tipa 1 i tipa 2. Primenom G bonda i Transbonda pored tipa 1, veliki udeo polja nagrizanja bio je tipa 5. Analiza hemijskih elemenata povr&scaron;inskog sloja gleđi uzoraka pre i nakon kondicioniranja ukazala je na smanjenje udela analiziranih elemenata, osim kiseonika čiji se maseni udeo povećao nakon tretmana sa svim kondicionerima u grupi stalnih i mlečnih zuba. ZAKLJUČAK: Vrednosti tvrdoće gleđi i vrednosti modula elastičnosti značajno se smanjuju nakon nagrizanja gleđi u stepenu koji je u zavisnosti od primenjenog kondicionera. Efekat nagrizanja aprizmatične gleđi je značajno manji u odnosu na stepen nagrizanja prizmatične gleđi, primenom svih testiranih kondicionera. Hemijski udeo minerala kalcijuma i fosfata u povr&scaron;inskom sloju gleđi je značajno niži posle nagrizanja u odnosu na vrednosti pre nagrizanja gleđi, međutim sam odnos Ca i P se ne menja.</p> / <p>Dental enamel is a substrate for the adhesion of direct and indirect fillings, venners, splints, fissure sealants and orthodontic brackets. Adhesion between the material and dental tissue is key to success of various interventions in dentistry. Despite the abundance and variety of new materials, adhesion has not been fully resolved. OBJECTIVES: To investigate the mechanical and chemical properties of the enamel after treatment with different conditioners. Determine the hardness and modulus of elasticity, the chemical content of calcium and phosphate minerals in the surface layer of the enamel before and after etching with different acids, and define the effect of enamel prismaticity on the degree of demineralisation by applying different acids. METHODS: An in vitro study was performed on extracted human teeth. In relation to the conditioner used, 192 were analyzed, of which 96 were permanent teeth and 96 were decidous teeth. Prepared enamel samples were analyzed before and after the application of four types of conditioner: 37% orthophosphoric acid (Kerr, Gel etchant), 10% polyacrylic acid (GC, Dentin Conditioner), phosphoric acid ester monomer (GC G bond), hydroxyethyl methacrylate with phosphoric acid ( 3M Unitek, Transbond &trade; Plus Self Etching Primer ). The hardness and modulus of elasticity of the enamel were determined by nanoindentation, the structure of the enamel surface layer by scanning electron microscopy, while the chemical composition of the enamel surface layer was determined by energy dispersive spectroscopy. RESULTS: The results of the modulus of elasticity within the group of decidous teeth indicated statistically significant differences between the results of untreated occlusal surface and all treated occlusal surface samples, while the analysis of the hardness of the enamel in the same group indicated statistically significant differences between the values of untreated and all treated samples, on all surfaces except buccal surface samples treated with polyacrylic acid. In the group of permanent teeth, there are statistically significant differences in the value of the modulus of elasticity between the samples treated with orthophosphoric acid, regardless of the tooth surface, compared to the groups in which other conditioners were used, except when the samples of the lingual surface of permanent teeth were treated with orthophosphoric acid in comparison to same sample group treated with Transbond. The results of the hardness of the permanent tooth enamel showed statistically significant differences between the untreated, control group and all groups of conditioners used, regardless of the tooth surface tested. Each conditioner applied changed the surface morphology of the sample. Orthophosphoric and polyacrylic acid, to a large extent, influenced the appearance of etching patterns type 1 and type 2. Using G bond and Transbond alongside to type 1, a large proportion of the etching pattern was type 5. Analysis of the chemical components of the surface layer of the enamel samples before and after conditioning indicated reduction of the proportion of analyzed elements, except for oxygen whose mass fraction increased after treatment with all conditioners in the permanent and deciduous teeth group. CONCLUSION: The values of the hardness of the enamel and the values of the modulus of elasticity decrease significantly after etching of the enamel to a degree that depends on the conditioner applied. The etching effect on aprismatic enamel is significantly smaller than the degree of demineralisation of the prismatic enamel in all conditioners tested. The chemical content of calcium and phosphate minerals in the surface layer of the enamel is significantly lower after the conditioning, however the Ca and P ratio does not change.</p>

Off-axis Holografie im aberrationskorrigierten Transmissionselektronenmikroskop

Linck, Martin 01 July 2010 (has links)
Die off-axis Elektronenholografie im Transmissionselektronenmikroskop (TEM) erlaubt die quantitative Rekonstruktion der komplexen Objektaustrittswelle mit atomarer Auflösung. Die Auswertung der Phase dieser Welle ermöglicht die Unterscheidung der Atomsorten bzw. das Zählen der Atome in Projektionsrichtung sowie die Bestimmung von Atompositionen. Damit ist ein TEM über die einfache Abbildung hinaus ein sehr leistungsstarkes Messgerät zur quantitativen Analyse kleinster Strukturen bis hin zur atomaren Skala. Die Prozedur von der Aufnahme eines hochaufgelösten Elektronenhologramms über die Rekonstruktion bis zur bildfehlerkorrigierten Objektwelle ist jedoch sehr umfangreich und teils sehr anfällig für Artefakte. Diese Arbeit zeigt unter kritischer Betrachtung der einzelnen Einflüsse, wie dieser Weg zu beschreiten ist, um schlussendlich zu einer artefaktfreien, interpretierbaren Objektwelle zu gelangen. Im letzten Jahrzehnt haben Bildfehler-Korrektoren die höchstauflösende Transmissions-elektronenmikroskopie auf instrumenteller Seite revolutioniert. Auch die off-axis Holografie kann eine ganze Reihe von Vorteilen aus diesem elektronenoptischen Zusatzsystem ziehen. Neben der Analyse dieser einzelnen Verbesserungen, insbesondere der Phasensignalauflösung, wird gezeigt, wie es das Cs-korrigierte TEM zu optimieren gilt, um schließlich bestmögliche Ergebnisse für quantitative Objektanalyse zu erzielen. Zwei Anwendungsbeispiele zeigen experimentelle Ergebnisse der Elektronenholografie mit Cs-korrigierten Mikroskopen. Bei der Analyse ferroelektrischer Nanoschichten erweisen sich die einzigartigen Möglichkeiten der holografischen Auswertung im Zusammenspiel mit der nunmehr hervorragenden Signalauflösung als äußerst nützlich, um die ferroelektrische Polarisation zu ermitteln. Die Objektwellenrekonstruktion der Korngrenze in einer Goldfolie demonstriert weitere Verbesserungen für die Holografie, wenn zusätzlich eine neuartige Elektronenquelle mit höherem Richtstrahlwert zum Einsatz kommt. Einzelne Goldatome werden mit einem Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis von ca. 10 in Amplitude und Phase messbar. / Off-axis electron holography in a transmission electron microscope (TEM) allows reconstructing the complex object exit-wave quantitatively with atomic resolution. Analyzing the phase shift of this wave gives access to the atomic species and enables counting the number of atoms in projection direction as well as determining atom positions. Therefore, a TEM is a very powerful measuring device for quantitative analysis of smallest structures down to the atomic scale beyond simple microscopic imaging. The procedure of the recording of a high-resolution electron hologram, its reconstruction, and after numerical aberration correction finally ending up with the object-exit wave, is quite comprehensive and partially susceptible to artifacts. This work shows how to manage this procedure in order to obtain an interpretable object exit-wave, which is free of artifacts. In instrumentation within the last decade aberration correctors have revolutionized high-resolution electron microscopy. Also off-axis holography can benefit from this electron optical add-on module. Besides the exploration of each improvement, in particular the phase detection limit, this work demonstrates, how to optimize the Cs-corrected TEM in order to get best possible results for quantitative object analysis. Two application examples show experimental results of electron holography with Cs-corrected microscopes. For the investigation of ferroelectric nanolayers, the unique possibilities of the holographic evaluation together with the strongly improved signal resolution turn out to be very useful when determining the ferroelectric polarization. The object wave reconstruction of the grain boundary in a gold film demonstrates further improvements for holography, when additionally using a new electron gun with improved brightness. Single gold atoms become measurable with a signal-noise-ratio of about 10 in amplitude and phase.

Bone regeneration in novel porous titanium implants

Khouja, Naseeba, 1981- January 2010 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The objective of this study was to evaluate the in vivo performance of the novel press-fit dental implant fabricated via electron beam melting (EBM, Southern Methodist Univ.) and compare it to a commercially-available porous-coated press-fit dental implant (Endopore, Innova Corp.). Twelve cylindrical shaped implants 3 mm in diameter x 5 mm long were made by EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) using Ti6Al4V ELI alloy. Twelve commercial implants (Endopore, Innova Corp.) of the same geometry were used as controls. Samples were implanted in rabbit tibia and retrieved six weeks postoperatively. Six specimens from each implant type were embedded undecalcified, sectioned, and stained with toluidine blue (Sigma) for histomorphometry analysis. Bone-to-implant contact (BIC) was measured. On the six remaining samples from each implant type, the mechanical properties were evaluated by pushout test on a material testing machine. The samples were loaded at a loading rate of 1 mm/min. The pushout strength was measured and the apparent shear stiffness was calculated. The results were analyzed with a paired-t test. The histology shows osteointegration of surrounding bone with both implant types. Bone was found to grow into the porous space between the beads. Both the Endopore (Innova Corp.) and the EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) showed similar BIC. The mean BIC for the Endopore (Innova Corp.) and EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) implant were 35 ± 6% and 32 ± 9%, respectively. It failed to reach statistical significance (p > 0.05). The peak pushout force for Endopore (Innova Corp.) and EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) implants were 198.80 ± 61.29 N and 243.21 ± 69.75 N, respectively. The apparent shear stiffness between bone and implant for the Endopore (Innova Corp.) and EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) implants were 577.36 ± 129.99 N/mm; and 584.48 ± 146.63 N/mm, respectively. Neither the peak pushout force nor the apparent shear stiffness of the implants was statistically different between the two groups (p > 0.05). The results suggest that the implants manufactured by EBM (Southern Methodist Univ.) perform equally well as the commercial implant Endopore (Innova Corp.) in this current animal model.

Multiscale characterization of aging mechanisms in commercial LiFePO4 battery cathodes

Channagiri, Samartha A. 28 December 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Endodontski retretman-analiza skening elektronskom mikroskopijom / Endodontic retreatment –scanning electron microscopy analysis

Vukoje Karolina 09 December 2015 (has links)
<p>U slučajevima neuspe&scaron;ne endodontske terapije, neophodno je ponovno lečenje kanala korena. Ortogradni endodontski retretman podrazumeva uklanjanje postojećeg materijala za punjenje iz kanala uz dodatno či&scaron;ćenje, dezinfekciju i ponovnu finalnu opturaciju kanala. Važan korak u toku retretmana je &scaron;to potpunije uklanjanje postojećeg kanalnog punjenja kako bi se pristupilo svim delovima kanalnog sistema. Cilj doktorske teze bio je da se ispita kvalitet čis&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala korena nakon endodontskog retretmana pomoću skening elektronske mikroskopije (SEM). Posmatran je uticaj vrste materijala za opturaciju, uticaj upotrebe rastvarača i uticaj ručnih i ma&scaron;inskih instrumenata na količinu zaostalog materijala na zidovima kanala. Takođe, ispitan je uticaj ovih faktora na apikalnu transportaciju materijala i na vreme potrebno za retretman, a utvrđena je i učestalost o&scaron;tećenja kori&scaron;ćenih instrumenata. Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak činilo je 125 ekstrahovanih, humanih jednokorenih zuba. Nakon preparacije kanala korena, 120 zuba je podeljeno u dve grupe i napunjeno pomoću dva različita materijala za opturaciju (gutaperkom i resilonom). U zavisnosti od tehnike uklanjanja ovih materijala, grupe su dalje podeljene u odnosu na kori&scaron;ćene instrumente (Hedstrom, ProTaper i Twisted File) i u odnosu na upotrebu rastvarača (sa i bez hloroforma). Preostalih 5 zuba, bez kanalnog punjenja, kori&scaron;ćeni su kao kontrolna grupa. Nakon zavr&scaron;enog retretmana, korenovi su uzdužnim cepanjem razdvojeni, a odabrane polovine posmatrane na SEM-u. Mikrofotografije svake trećine kanala načinjene su pri uveličanju od 500x. Količina preostalog materijala za punjenje ocenjivana je pomoću skale. Otvoreni dentinski kanalići prebrojavani su na mikrofotografijama načinjenim pri uveličanju od 1000x, u odnosu na uvek konstantnu povr&scaron;inu. Rezultati: Analiza rezultata ukazala je na postojanje statistički značajne razlike u kvalitetu či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala u zavisnosti od uklanjanog materijala za opturaciju. Kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala bio je veći nakon uklanjanja gutaperke nego nakon uklanjanja resilona. Rotirajućim, ma&scaron;inskim instrumentima je efikasnije uklanjana gutaperka, a ručnim Hedstrom turpijama je bolje uklanjan resilon. Posmatrajući ceo uzorak, ProTaper instrumenti ostavljali su velike količine materijala na zidovima kanala nakon endodontskog retretmana. Međutim, uklanjanje materijala pomoću ovih instrumenata bilo je najbrže. Primena rastvarača značajno je doprinela bržem uklanjanju materijala, dok uticaj na kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala nije bio značajan. Posmatrajući kanal korena po trećinama, najveća količina materijala nalazila se u apikalnoj trećini, bez obzira na vrstu uklanjanog materijala i kori&scaron;ćenih instrumenata, i bez obzira na upotrebu rastvarača tokom retretmana. Učestalost o&scaron;tećenja instrumenata bila je značajno veća prilikom upotrebe Twisted File instrumenata. Apikalna transportacija materijala je bila veća tokom uklanjanja resilon materijala i kada su kori&scaron;ćene ručne Hedstrom turpije. Zaključak: Kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala nakon uklanjanja gutaperke je veći nego nakon uklanjanja resilona. Dizajn i vrsta instrumenata utiče na kvalitet či&scaron;ćenja zidova kanala korena. Upotreba rastvarača tokom retretmana ne utiče značajno na smanjenje količine materijala zaostalog na zidovima kanala. Ma&scaron;inski pokretani instrumenti i upotreba rastvarača značajno skraćuju vreme potrebno za endodontski retretman.</p> / <p>In cases when endodontic treatment fails, it is necessary to retreat the root canal. Orthograde endodontic retreatment requires the removal of the existing root filling material with additional cleaning, disinfection and refilling of the canal. An important step during retreatment is complete removal of existing filling materials, to regain access to all parts of the canal system. The aim of the doctoral thesis was to investigate the cleanliness of root canal walls after removal of two different obturation material. The retreatment efficacy was observed depending on the usage of solvent and different hand or rotary instruments. The amount of residual material on the canal walls was assessed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Also, apical transportation of the obturation material, working time and frequency of instrument damage during retreatment was recorded. Materials and Methods: The total sample consisted of 125 extracted, single-rooted human teeth. After root canal preparation, 120 teeth were divided in two groups and filled using two different obturation materials (gutta-percha and resilon). Depending on the technique of removing these materials, the groups were further divided, in relation to the used instruments (Hedstrom, ProTaper and Twisted File), as well as in relation to the use of solvent (with or without chloroform). The remaining 5 tooth without canal filling were used as a control group. After root canal desopturation, the longitudinaly splitted root halves were observed on SEM. Microphotography of each third were made at magnification of 500x. The amount of remaining filling material was evaluated by using a scale. Open dentinal tubules were counted on microphotographies made at a magnificiation of 1000x, on a surface that was always constant. Results: Analysis of the results indicated a significant difference in the cleanliness of the canal walls depending on the used obturation material. Cleanliness of the canal walls was higher after gutta-percha removal than after the removal of resilon.&nbsp; Rotary instruments were more effective in removing gutta-percha and Hedstrom hand files better removed resilon. ProTaper instruments left more residual material on canal walls, however endodontic retreatment with these instruments was the fastest. The application of solvent significantly contributed to faster material removal, while the impact on the increase of canal cleanliness was not significant. The largest amount of material remained in the apical third, regardless of the type of material removed and instruments used, and also regardless whether solvent was used for retreatment. The frequency of instrument deformation and fracture was significantly higher when Twisted File instruments were used. Apical transportation of material had a significantly higher occurrence during resilon removal and when manual Hedstrom files were used. Conclusion: Cleanliness of the canal walls was higher after the removal of gutta-percha than after the removal of resilon. The use of solvent is not significant on the increase of canal wall cleanliness, but significantly shortens the time needed for retreatment. There is a difference in the cleanliness of root canal walls depending on the used instruments. Engine-driven rotary instruments and the use of a solvent significantly shortens the time needed for endodontic retreatment.</p>

Reološka svojstva endodontskih silera / Rheological properties of endodontic sealers

Premović Milica 09 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Sistem kanala korena je složena celina koja pored glavnog korenskog kanala sadrži brojne lateralne, sekundarne, akcesorne kanale, apikalne istmuse i delte, kao i razgranatu mrežu dentinskih tubula. Kako korensko kanalni sistem ne može biti u potpunosti oči&scaron;ćen i dezinfikovan postojećim tehnikama instrumentacije, irigacije i intrakanalne medikacije, uloga kanalnog punjenja se ogleda u postizanju trodimenzionalne opturacije kanalnog prostora, &rdquo;pečaćenju&rdquo; preostalih bakterija i onemogućavanju njihovog prodora u periradikularna tkiva. Ispitivanjem reolo&scaron;kih svojstava mogu se bliže odrediti karakteristike tečenja i viskoelastična svojstva endodontskih materijala. Definisanje i razumevanje reolo&scaron;kih svojstava endodontskih silera u različitim uslovima doprinosi pravilnom rukovanju materijalom shodno primenjenoj tehnici opturacije. Cilj istraživanja: ispitivanje viskoelastičnih svojstava tri različita endodontska silera, uključujući i tečenje / prodor silera u dentinske tubule u kombinaciji sa različitim tehnikama opturacije. Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak činilo je 132 meziobukalna i meziolingvalna kanala korena prvih donjih molara. Nakon preparacije kanala krunično-apeksnom tehnikom i ProTaper endodontskim instrumentima, uzorak je podeljen u tri grupe u zavisnosti od ispitivanog silera (AH Plus, Sealapex i EndoREZ) i dodatno u četiri podgrupe shodno primenjenoj tehnici opturacije (hladna lateralna kompakcija, monokona tehnika, opturacija sa čvrstim nosačem gutaperke i topla vertikalna kompakcija), &scaron;to je činilo ukupno 12 grupa po 11 kanala. Nakon opturacije, uzorci su poprečno presečeni na rastojanju 3, 5 i 8mm od anatomskog foramena, kako bi se dobili preseci koji odgovaraju apikalnoj, srednjoj i koronarnoj trećini kanala. Koronarne povr&scaron;ine preseka su analizirane skening elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Mesto najdubljeg tubularnog prodora silera je izmereno i izraženo u mikrometrima i procentualno u odnosu na ukupno rastojanje dentinski zid kanala - spolja&scaron;nja povr&scaron;ina korena. Viskoelastična svojstva endodontskih silera su ispitana na dinamičkom oscilatornom reometru, frequency sweep testom, na četiri različite temperature: 25&deg;C, 35&deg;C, 40&deg;C i 65&deg;C. Rezultati: Tehnike opturacije silerom AH Plus koje primenjuju toplotu i pritisak daju značajno vi&scaron;u dubinu prodora silera u dentinske tubule u odnosu na tehnike koje ne primenjuju. Primena toplote i pritiska tokom opturacije silerom Sealapex nema značajnu ulogu u dubini prodora silera u dentinske tubule. Tehnike opturacije silerom EndoREZ koje ne primenjuju toplotu i pritisak daju značajno vi&scaron;u dubinu prodora silera u dentinske tubule u odnosu na tehnike koje primenjuju. Dubina prodora sva tri ispitivana endodontska silera u dentinske tubule je najvi&scaron;a u koronarnoj trećini, zatim srednjoj i značajno je niža u apikalnoj trećini kanala korena. AH Plus, Sealapex i EndoREZ ispoljavaju viskoelastični karakter sa dominantnim vrednostima elastičnog modula u odnosu na vrednosti viskoznog modula, na svim zadatim temperaturama, u opsegu primenjenih frekvencija i napona smicanja. Kompleksni viskozitet svih ispitivanih silera opada sa porastom frekvencije, na svim zadatim temperaturama. Sa porastom temperature kompleksni viskozitet silera AH Plus opada, dok za silere Sealapex i EndoREZ raste. Korelacionom analizom ustanovljena je jaka negativna korelacija između kompleksnog viskoziteta ispitivanih silera i dubine prodora u dentinske tubule: opadanjem kompleksnog viskoziteta dubina prodora silera u dentinske tubule raste. Zaključak: Odabir endodontskog silera treba da je zasnovan na tehnici opturacije koja se primenjuje.</p> / <p>Introduction: The root canal system has a complex anatomy with main root canal and many lateral, secondary, accessory canals, apical isthmuses and deltas, as well as numerous branched dentinal tubules. Due to its complexity, the root canal system cannot be completely cleaned, shaped and disinfected using available techniques of instrumentation, irrigation and intracanal medication. The aim of root canal filling is to achieve a three-dimensional obturation of the root canal space, entomb residual bacteria and prevent their penetration into the periradicular tissue. Defining and understanding the rheological properties of endodontic sealers in different conditions contributes to the proper handling of the material according to the obturation technique applied. The aim: testing the viscoelastic properties of three different endodontic sealers, including the flow / sealer penetration into dentinal tubules in combination with different obturation techniques. Materials and Methods: The total sample consisted of 132 mesiobuccal and mesiolingual root canals of first mandibular molars. After root canal preparation using ProTaper endodontic instruments, in crown-down manner, the sample is divided into three groups depending on the tested sealers (AH Plus, Sealapex and EndoREZ) and additionally into four subgroups according to the obturation technique applied (cold lateral compaction, single-cone technique, carrier &ndash; based obturation and warm vertical compaction), making a total of 12 groups of 11 canals. After root canal obturation, the samples were sectioned horizontally at 3, 5 and 8mm from the anatomical foramen, in order to get the sections that correspond to the apical, middle and coronary third of the canal. The coronal surfaces of the sections were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The maximum depth of sealer penetration was measured and expressed in micrometers and as a percent of the total distance: canal dentinal wall - the outer surface of the root. The viscoelastic properties of endodontic sealers were measured using frequency sweep test on dynamic oscillatory rheometer, at four different temperatures: 25&deg;C, 35&deg;C, 40&deg;C and 65&deg;C. Results: Obturation techniques with AH Plus that applied heat and pressure produced a significantly higher depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules as compared to techniques that did not apply. The application of heat and pressure during obturation with Sealapex had no a significant role in the depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules. Obturation techniques with EndoREZ that did not apply heat and pressure produced a significantly higher depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules as compared to techniques that applied. The depth of penetration of all three endodontic sealers into dentinal tubules was the highest in the coronary third, followed by the second and was significantly lower in the apical third of the root canal. AH Plus, Sealapex and EndoREZ exhibited viscoelastic character with dominant values of elastic over viscous modulus, at all specified temperatures, in the range of applied frequencies and shear stresses. Complex viscosity of all sealers decreased as the frequency increased at all temperatures. AH Plus showed decreased viscosity as the temperature increased, while Sealapex and EndoREZ demonstrated opposite behavior. Correlation analysis has established a strong negative correlation between the complex viscosity of the tested sealers and the depth of penetration into dentinal tubules: the decrease of complex viscosity increase the depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules. Conclusion: The choice of endodontic sealer should be based on the obturation technique applied.</p>

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