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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Оптимално управљање микро мрежама у карактеристичним радним режимима / Optimalno upravljanje mikro mrežama u karakterističnim radnim režimima / Optimal Control of Microgrids in Different Operation Conditions

Selakov Aleksandar 12 September 2017 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је дат концепт микро мрежа и описане постојеће методе у управљању и оптимизацији рада микро мрежа. Предложен је нови централизовани контролер микро мрежe заснован на технологији више-агентног система, који омогућава координацију три режима рада (повезани, острвски и хаваријски) и обезбеђује једноставну конфигурацију и комбинацију оптимизационих критеријума, уз уважавање широког скупа ограничења. Предложени модел примењен је на релевантни тест систем и резултати су приказани уз одговарајућу анализу резултата.</p> / <p>U disertaciji je dat koncept mikro mreža i opisane postojeće metode u upravljanju i optimizaciji rada mikro mreža. Predložen je novi centralizovani kontroler mikro mreže zasnovan na tehnologiji više-agentnog sistema, koji omogućava koordinaciju tri režima rada (povezani, ostrvski i havarijski) i obezbeđuje jednostavnu konfiguraciju i kombinaciju optimizacionih kriterijuma, uz uvažavanje širokog skupa ograničenja. Predloženi model primenjen je na relevantni test sistem i rezultati su prikazani uz odgovarajuću analizu rezultata.</p> / <p>Dissertation provides the microgrids concept and describes existing methods for control and optimization of microgrid operation. This paper proposes a novel, centralized, multi-agent-based, microgrid controller architecture, which provides the coordination of all three operation modes (grid-connected, island and emergency) and enables the easy configuration/combination of optimization goals that are subject to a given set of operational constraints.<br />The simulation results are presented for a typical microgrid test example.</p>

Mikro-úrovňové stochastické rezervování škod / Micro-level stochastic claims reserving

Rathouský, Marek January 2019 (has links)
This thesis covers, in detail, theoretical background of micro-level stochastic model, which includes definition and properties of non-homogeneous Poisson process. This the- ory is then applied to real data generated by MTPL portfolio. Estimates of provisions under micro-level stochastic model are calculated using ordinary Monte Carlo simula- tion method. Results obtained from micro-level stochastic model are compared to Mack Chain-ladder estimates. 1

Onkologische Ergebnisse sowie objektive und subjektive Erfassung der Kehlkopffunktion nach organerhaltender lasermikrochirurgischer Resektion und adjuvanter Radio(chemo)therapie bei lokal fortgeschrittenen Larynxkarzinomen / Eine Analyse der Therapieergebnisse an der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen / Oncological results, objective and subjective registration of larynx function after organ-preservation with transoral laser microsurgery and adjuvant radio(chemo)therapy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer

Ewen, Andreas 13 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Anatomie des Pterothorax der Phasmatodea, Mantophasmatodea und Embioptera und seine Bedeutung für die Phylogenie der Polyneoptera (Insecta) / Anatomy of the pterothorax of Phasmatodea, Mantophasmatodea and Embioptera and its significance for the phylogeny of Polyneoptera (Insecta)

Klug, Rebecca 23 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Energieversorgung autarker Sensorsysteme im industriellen Umfeld durch kinetische Energiewandler mit Schwerpunkt auf dem elektrostatischen Wandlerprinzip

Schaufuß, Jörg 03 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird die Entwicklung eines kinetischen Energy Harvesters vorgestellt, der auf Grundlage des elektrostatischen Wandlerprinzips aus Vibrationen elektrische Energie generiert. Für die Umsetzung wurde eine Siliziummikrostruktur entworfen, die für Arbeitsfrequenzen unter 100 Hz ausgelegt ist. Die Zahnstruktur der verwendeten Elektroden ermöglicht Spaltabstände im Submikrometerbereich und folglich große Kapazitätsänderungen, die durch die Elektrodengeometrie zusätzlich mit einer höheren Frequenz als die mechanische Bewegung stattfinden. Vergleichsweise große Leistungsausbeuten und geringe Quellimpedanzen sind dadurch erreichbar. Die geometrischen Parameter der Elektroden wurden unter Berücksichtigung der auftretenden Fertigungstoleranzen und Wechselwirkungen zueinander optimiert. Für die Ausnutzung einer ausreichend großen Inertialmasse wurde ein feinwerktechnisch hergestellter Hebelmechanismus an die Mikrostruktur angekoppelt. Über diesen wird zusätzlich ein neuer Ansatz zur Abstimmung der Eigenfrequenz des Harvesters umgesetzt. Experimentelle Untersuchungen zeigten Ausgangsleistungen im einstelligen Mikrowattbereich bei Anregungen im Zehntel m/s²-Bereich. Durch fortschreitende Optimierungen der Fertigungstechnologie sind noch deutliche Leistungssteigerungen um mindestens zwei Größenordnungen möglich. Weiterhin wird ein Energiemanagementsystem vorgestellt, welches die effiziente Übertragung der Energie auf den Verbraucher ermöglicht. / In this work the development of a kinetic energy harvester using the electrostatic conversion principle is presented. The silicon microstructure is designed to work in frequency ranges below 100Hz. Its toothed electrode structure enables gap distances in the sub micrometer range and consequently high changes of capacitance. Additionally, due to the electrode geometry the frequency of the capacitance changes is higher then the frequency of the mechanical movement. Thus high power outputs and low source impedances can be reached. The electrodes geometric parameters were optimized considering manufacturing tolerances and interactions of the parameters. To reach a sufficient inertial mass, a lever mechanism manufactured by precision engineering was connected to the microstructure. This mechanism also allows the implementation of a new method of frequency tuning. In experimental tests power outputs in the single digit microwatt range under excitations of 0.3 m/s² were reached. In accordance of further optimizations of the manufacturing technology significantly higher outputs, by at least two orders of magnitude, are possible,. Furthermore an energy management system is presented, that allows the efficient transfer of the electrical energy to the consumer.

Role of <em>Fto</em> in the gene and microRNA expression of mouse adipose tissues in response to high-fat diet

Ronkainen, J. (Justiina) 25 October 2016 (has links)
Abstract Obesity is associated with greater risk of several diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) within the fat mass- and obesity-associated gene FTO are robustly associated with increased body mass index (BMI) in several age and ethnic groups. Studies with transgenic mice support a mechanistic role for FTO protein in energy metabolism. Fto-deficient mice are leaner than wild-type and overexpression of Fto leads to obese phenotype; however, the precise mechanism of FTO action in the control of BMI has remained obscure. Fto mRNA is most abundant in the brain while high expression is present also in white and brown adipose tissues (WAT and BAT, respectively). WAT stores the nutritional energy and BAT dissipates it to produce heat. Furthermore, these organs participate in a complex endocrine network affecting the whole body metabolism, which is more or less disrupted in obesity. In the browning process, white adipocytes begin to manifest brown characteristics. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small RNA molecules, which fine-tune post-transcriptionally the expression of genes important in several cellular processes, including WAT and BAT differentiation and browning of WAT. FTO has been shown to participate in these processes as well as miRNA regulation. The current study used a new Fto-deficient mouse model to reveal deeper insights into the role of Fto on genes affecting WAT and BAT differentiation and function, as well as WAT browning. Furthermore, the effects of Fto on the miRNA regulation in WAT browning and BAT were investigated. Our results supported a role for Fto in adipose tissue. Fto-deficient mice were resistant to diet-induced obesity and their WAT and BAT adipocytes did not become hypertrophic similar to wild-type on high-fat diet. Furthermore, the expression of genes affecting adipose tissue differentiation and function was altered in Fto-deficient WAT and BAT, especially after high-fat diet, and the changes may be mediated via altered miRNA expression. Fto-deficient WAT was more susceptible to browning, which in part contributed to the lean phenotype of these mice. Current study supported a role for Fto in whole body metabolism and adaptation of adipose tissue to changes in dietary environment. / Tiivistelmä Lihavuus on toistuvasti yhdistetty useisiin liitännäissairauksiin, kuten tyypin 2 diabetekseen ja metaboliseen oireyhtymään. FTO-geenissä (fat mass- and obesity-associated) esiintyvien yhden nukleotidin muutoksien (single nucleotide polymorphia, SNP) on useissa ikä- ja etnisissä ryhmissä raportoitu liittyvän korkeampaan painoindeksiin ihmisillä. Muuntogeenisillä hiirillä tehdyt tutkimukset tukevat FTO:n mekanistista roolia energia-aineenvaihdunnassa, sillä Fto-poistogeeniset hiiret ovat villityypin hiiriä laihempia ja sen yliekspressio johtaa ylipainoon. FTO:n tarkka rooli painon säätelyssä on kuitenkin vielä epäselvä. Fto:ta tuotetaan eniten aivoissa, mutta myös valkoisessa ja ruskeassa rasvassa. Valkoinen rasva varastoi ravinnosta saatavan energian ja ruskea hajottaa sitä lämmöntuotantoon. Näillä kudoksilla on lisäksi tärkeä rooli energia-aineenvaihdunnan monimutkaisessa verkostossa. Valkoisen rasvakudoksen ruskettumisprosessissa valkoiset rasvasolut alkavat muistuttaa ruskeita rasvasoluja. Mikro-RNA:t (miRNA) ovat pieniä RNA-juosteita, jotka hienosäätävät geenien ekspressiota transkription jälkeen ja vaikuttavat useisiin solun tärkeisiin tapahtumiin, myös valkoisen ja ruskean rasvasolun erilaistumiseen ja ruskettumiseen. FTO osallistuu näihin prosesseihin sekä miRNA-säätelyyn. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selventää Fto:n roolia valkoisen ja ruskean rasvakudoksen erilaistumisessa ja toiminnassa Fto-poistogeenisen hiirimallin avulla. Lisäksi selvitettiin Fto:n vaikutuksia valkoisen rasvan ruskettumiseen ja ruskean rasvan toimintaan osallistuvien miRNA:iden säätelyyn. Tulokset tukivat FTO:n roolia rasvakudoksessa. Fto-poistogeeniset hiiret eivät lihoneet rasvaisella ruokavaliolla eivätkä niiden rasvasolut varastoineet rasvaa yhtä paljon kuin villityypin hiirillä rasvaisen ruokavalion jälkeen. Lisäksi Fto-poistogeenisen rasvakudoksen erilaistumiseen ja toimintaan liittyvien geenien esiintyvyys muuttui erityisesti rasvaisella ruokavaliolla. Nämä muutokset voivat osittain selittyä muuttuneella miRNA-säätelyllä. Tulokset viittasivat siihen, että Fto-poistogeeninen valkoinen rasvakudos oli alttiimpaa ruskettumiselle, mikä osaltaan vaikutti Fto-poistogeenisten hiirten laihuuteen. Tutkimus tuki Fto-geenin roolia energia-aineenvaihdunnan säätelyssä sekä rasvakudoksen mukautumisessa ruokavalion muutoksiin.

Newsletter für Freunde, Absolventen und Ehemalige der Technischen Universität Chemnitz 2/2008

Steinebach, Mario, Thehos, Katharina 02 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
viermal im Jahr erscheinender Newsletter für Freunde, Absolventen und Ehemalige der TU Chemnitz

Využití Kotlerových konkurenčních strategií v segmentu pojišťovnictví / The use of Kotler competitive strategies in the segment of insurance

Sukdolák, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This work is focused on the concept of competitive strategy Philip Kotler, to strengthen the market position of the company and help it compete more effectively. The theoretical part contains information on documents that are relevant to developing competitive strategies, and of course, knowledge about competitive strategy Kotlerových themselves. The practical part is focused on the insurance market in the Czech Republic, on which, respectively at selected companies operating in this sector will be given practical examples of these strategies.

Experimentální a numerická analýza reologických procesů v průběhu zrání betonu. / Experimental and numerical analysis of rheological processes during the concrete maturation.

Zvolánek, Lukáš Unknown Date (has links)
This doctoral thesis deals with the volume changes of structural concrete caused by its shrinkage. Great importance is given to the evaluation of concrete resistance against shrinkage cracking, too. A lot of physical and numerical experiments were carried out before results and conclusion of observed phenomena was publicized. The amount of physical tests and utilization rate of the experiments can be enlarged and intensified due to the usage of materials made of micro-concrete. Consequently, the design of concrete mixtures with the ordinary size of aggregate particle reflected the large knowledge obtained by micro-concrete. In this work, the effect of different fibres and its different amount was also researched. Finally, the optimized fibre concrete mixture was designed. During the testing, the unique method referred to as “Complex experiment” was developed. Obtained data from the Complex experiment allows predicting when the shrinkage cracks may occur. The final comparison between all tested materials made of concrete was performed by means of unique parameter referred to as “Critical degree of restraint”. It was proofed that the resistance of optimized fibre concrete against to shrinkage cracking is twice of ordinary concrete. Moreover, the shrinkage cracks did not occur in the developed fibre concrete during the observed period. Based on the obtained results the new scaling factors for the rheological model B4 were derived. Due to the new scaling factors, the model B4 describes the real behavior of special composite materials very well.

Podnikatelský plán pro rozvoj malé společnosti / Business Plan for Development of a Small Company

Košut, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis describes the creation of a business plan for a small company which deals mainly with the production of carbon-composite cylinders and shafts. The aim of the thesis is to find a conceptual solution how to ensure profitability of the company. The thesis describes methods of internal and strategic analysis and together with interviews with potential clients builds a probable financial plan and based on it offers conclusions.

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