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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação da contagem de células somáticas do leite como indicador da ocorrência de mastite em vacas Gir / Evaluation of milk somatic cell count as an indicator of mastitis occurrence in Gyr cows

Reis, Carolina Barbosa Malek dos 31 March 2010 (has links)
Os objetivos deste trabalho foram determinar a sensibilidade e especificidade do limiar de contagem de células somáticas (CCS) de vacas Gir para o diagnóstico de mastite subclínica causada por patógenos primários e secundários e avaliar os efeitos de rebanho, vaca, mês de coleta, quarto mamário, presença de infecção intramamária, tipo de microrganismo e suas interações sobre o logCCS e composição do leite. Avaliou-se a hipótese que o limiar da CCS para detecção de mastite subclínica é igual entre vacas Gir e Holandesas. Foram utilizadas 221 vacas Gir em lactação, provenientes de três fazendas comerciais. Foram coletadas amostras de leite individuais por quarto mamário e compostas uma vez por mês, durante um ano. Foram realizadas análises de CCS, composição do leite e cultura microbiológica. O quarto mamário e a vaca foram considerados unidades experimentais. Para determinar a sensibilidade, especificidade e odds ratio (OR) dos limiares da CCS para identificação de quartos infectados, foram utilizados quatro valores de CCS: 100, 200, 300 e 400 (x 103 células/mL), assim como a correlação entre a CCS e composição do leite. Não houve efeito do rebanho sobre o logCCS para amostras individuais de quartos mamários e compostas, mas vaca dentro de rebanho foi o principal fator responsável pela variação do logCCS. Houve efeito do rebanho sobre a composição do leite, assim como o mês de coleta apresentou efeito tanto sobre o logCCS quanto para a composição do leite, considerando as duas unidades experimentais. A presença de infecção intramamária afetou negativamente a composição do leite, exceto sobre o teor de gordura; sendo que os maiores teores de lactose, proteína e ESD foram encontrados em amostras sem isolamento bacteriano. Os maiores logCCS foram obtidos em amostras infectadas. O limiar da CCS de 100 x 103 células/mL apresentou, em ambas as unidades experimentais, maiores valores de sensibilidade e valor preditivo negativo. O limiar de 200 x 103 células/mL apresentou maior chance da ocorrência de mastite do que o limiar de 100 x 103 células/mL. Foi observada correlação negativa entre CCS com lactose e extrato seco desengordurado (ESD), mas a correlação foi positiva entre CCS com gordura e proteína, tanto em nível de quarto mamário quanto de vaca. Portanto, a composição do leite foi influenciada pela CCS, os teores de lactose e ESD diminuíram em altas CCS, enquanto que as concentrações de gordura e proteína aumentaram. / The aim of this study was to determine the sensibility and specificity of somatic cell count (SCC) threshold in Gyr cows to diagnosis the subclinical mastitis caused by primary and secondary pathogens, and to evaluate the effect of herd, cows, month, mammary quarter, intramammary infection, type of microorganism and their interactions on logSCC and milk composition. The hypothesis to be tested was that the SCC threshold to detection of subclinical mastitis is the same for Holstein and Gir cows. A total of 221 lactation Gir cows from three commercial dairy farms was selected. Composed and quarter individual milk samples were collected once a month, during one year for SCC, milk composition and bacteriological analysis. The mammary quarter and the cow were considered experimental units. To determine the sensibility, specificity and odds ratio (OR) from SCC threshold to identify the infected quarters four values of SCC: 100, 200, 300 and 400 (x 103 cells/mL) were used. It was also evaluated the correlation between SCC and milk composition. There was no effect of herd on logSCC in individuals and composed samples, but cow nested within herd was major factor responsible for the logSCC variation. The month of sampling presented significant effect on logSCC and milk composition in both experimental units. The intramammary infection presence affected negatively the milk composition, except of fat concentration. Higher lactose, protein and non-fat solids (NFS) percentages were found in negative samples and higher logSCC were observed in infected samples. The SCC threshold of 100 x 103 cells/mL presented the major sensibility and negative predictive value for subclinical mastitis detection. The threshold of 200 x 103 cells/mL had higher chance to have mastitis than the threshold of 100 x 103 cells/mL. It was observed a negative correlation between SCC with lactose and NFS; but the correlation was positive between SCC with fat and protein in mammary quarters and cow level. Milk composition was influenced by SCC, once the lactose and NFS percentages decreased in samples with high SCC and the protein and fat concentration increased.

Carry-over and interaction effects of different hand-milking techniques and milkers on milk

HE, Ran January 1986 (has links)
The main idea of this thesis is studying the importance of the carry-over effects and interaction effects in statistical models. To investigate it, a hand-milking experiment in Burkina Faso was studied. In many no electricity access countries, such as Burkina Faso, the amount of milk and milk compositions are still highly  relying on hand-milking techniques and milkers. Moreover, the time effects also plays a important role in stockbreeding system. Therefore, falling all effects, carry-over effects and interaction effects into a linear mixed effects model, it is concluded that the carry-over effects of milker and hand-milking techniques cannot be neglected, and the interaction effects among hand-milking techniques, different milkers, days and periods can be substantial.

Holšteino veislės įtaka Lietuvos juodmargių karvių produktyvumui ir pieno sudėčiai / Influence on Holstein breed on the milk production and composition of black and white cows

Kačinskaitė-Žuvaitienė, Dovilė 19 April 2007 (has links)
The aim of Master work is to valuate Lithuanian black and white cows productivity and milk composition considering the blood dimensions of holstein breed. All data had been made through statistical analysis by EXCEL computation as well as by statistical package „R“ (http://www.r-project.org) in the LVA Laboratory of Animals Research of Breeding Worth and Selection. It was stated that the average of the Holsteinization grade of the researched cows in stock was 79,38 percent, and only 7,1 percent of the researched cows average of the Holsteinization grade didn’t reach 50 percent. Intermediate correlation between the milk productivity and milk protein was found an unfavourable but statistical reliable coherence (r=-0,346, p<0,001) The highest milk productivity was by cows with Holsteinization grade of 87,5-98,5 percent, the best milk fat consistence in percent 62,5-74,0 percent of Holsteinization grade cows, and the best milk protein consistence was by cows with Holsteinization grade reaching up to 50 percent. Having developed holsteinization grade in a stock, the percent of cows productivity was set the little statistical reliable coherence (r=0,224, p<0,01). The greatest number of somatic cells (532,7 thousand/ml.) was found in milk of cows which had the holsteinization grade to 50 and 50,0-62,4 percent.

Urėjos kiekio piene tyrimai, susiję su mityba, pieno sudėtimi ir kokybe bei karvių reprodukcinėmis savybėmis / Investigation of urea concentration in milk in relation with nutrition, milk composition, quality and reproductive properties of cows

Savickis, Saulius 17 December 2010 (has links)
Urėja – vienas svarbiausių baltymų apykaitos produktų. Jį sintezuoja kepenys, o atrajotojams jis taip pat sintetinamas didžiojo prieskrandžio sienelėje iš amoniako, amino rūgščių ir amidų. Urėjos molekulė, maža ir neutrali, gali lengvai prasiskverbti į daugelį audinių. Ji laisvai praeina pro ląstelių membraną ir patenka į tarpląstelinį skystį, o iš ten – į kraujo plazmą ir laisvai filtruojasi šlapime. Palankiausia tyrimams terpė yra pienas, nes jis dažniausiai naudojamas įvairiems laboratoriniams tyrimams. Pieno urėja pradėta tirti ir duomenys apie šį rodiklį pradėti kaupti nuo 2002 m. sausio 1 d. Iki darbo pradžios 2006 m. jau buvo sukaupta daug tyrimo rezultatų. Analizei panaudoti patys naujausi 2006–2008 m. duomenys. Tai pirmas Lietuvoje atliktas visapusiškas urėjos rodiklio tyrimas, veisiamų karvių populiacijoje, panaudojant didelę duomenų imtį (5,4 mln. įrašų). Ir pirmą kartą Lietuvoje šiuolaikiniais tyrimų bei matematiniais ir genetiniais duomenų apdorojimo metodais įvertintos urėjos rodiklio kitimo priežastys, bei jos panaudojimo galimybės. Gautais rezultatais nustatyta urėjos kiekio įtaka reprodukcinėms karvių savybėms, aplinkos veiksnių įtaka urėjos kiekio kitimui, urėjos priklausomybė nuo karvių fiziologinės būklės, genetinė gyvulio įtaka urėjos kiekiui piene, urėjos koreliacija su kitais pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodikliais, urėjos kiekio paveldimumo koeficientas bei ištirta nevisaverčio ir subalansuoto racionų įtaka urėjos koncentracijai piene ir somatinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The Aim of the Research: To analyze the investigation of urea concentration and the dependence of its concentration in milk on various factors in the population of cows bred in Lithuania. To prepare proposals about the use of the research data about urea concentration for solution of ration balancing and cows healthiness problems. Main Objectives: 1. To evaluate the effect of non genetic factors on urea concentration in milk of the cows, bred in Lithuania. 2. To define the effect of congenerous copulation and heredity coefficient of milk urea. 3. To define the correlation of the heredity coefficients of milk urea and genetic correlation coefficients with milk production, composition and somatic cell count. 4. To define the relation between reproductive properties of cows and somatic cell count in milk and milk urea concentration. 5. To evaluate clinical importance of urea concentration for the prediction of cows’ healthiness and culling. 6. To study the effect of inadequate and balanced rations on urea concentration in milk and changes of somatic cell count during the experiment and at the level of the whole herd. Highly effective system for milk composition and quality evaluation is introduced in Lithuania. According to planned order and frequency milk composition and quality investigations are carried out for each controlled cow and each milk producer. Great number of milk investigation results and other additional data about dairy cows are collected in the database of the... [to full text]

Šėrimo sezoniškumo poveikis karvių sveikatai ir produkcijos kokybei / The Influence of Seasonality Feedings Rations on Cows Health and the Production Quality

Baltrušaitytė, Monika 05 March 2014 (has links)
Ūkininko karvės žiemą laikomos ant kilimėlių. Taikomas trumpasaitis laikymo būdas. Karvės vasarą išgenamos į ganyklas. Tiek tvartiniu, tiek ganykliniu laikotarpiu, karvės melžiamos automatizuotai į pieno linijas. Girdomos iš automatinių girdyklų, šeriamos du kartus per parą. Karvės tvartiniu laikotarpiu šeriamos koncentruotais pašarais, kukurūzų ir žolės silosu, šienu. Ganykliniu laikotarpiu jos gauna koncentruotųjų pašarų ir kultūrinių ganyklų žolės. Fermoje yra laikoma 100 melžiamų karvių, 38 telyčios, 26 veršeliai (iki 6 mėn. amžiaus). Fermoje laikomų galvijų veislės : Lietuvos juodmargės, Holšteinų, Lietuvos žalosios. 2013 metais vidutinis bandos produktyvumas buvo 5391,2 kg pieno, vidutinis pieno riebumas – 4,34 proc., pieno baltymingumas – 3,63 proc. Tyrimo rezultatai: Tvartiniu laikotarpiu kraujo serume nustatyta bendrųjų baltymų – 63,5 g/l,(p > 0,05), gliukozės – 3,35 mmol/l,(p<0,05), kalcio – 2,2 mmol/l, magnio – 0,95 mmol/l, fosforo – 1,75 mmol/l, (p<0,01). Ganykliniu laikotarpiu kraujo serume nustatyta bendrųjų baltymų – 65,4 g/l, gliukozės – 3,0 mmol/l, kalcio – 2,5 mmol/l, magnio – 0,87 mmol/l, fosforo 1,58 mmol/l. Kraujo tyrimai parodė, kad karvės yra sveikos, didelių nuokrypių nuo fiziologinių normų nebuvo. Pieno tyrimuose tvartiniu laikotarpiu nustatėme riebalų - 4,24 proc. (p<0,01), baltymų – 4, 05 proc. (p<0,01), laktozės – 4,51 proc. (p>0,01), urėjos – 19,8 mg% (p<0,01), somatinių ląstelių – 166,47 tūkst./ml (p<0,01). Ganykliniu laikotarpiu pieno... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In winter period those cows lives on the mats. The short leash storage method is applied. In the summer period cows stays in pasture. In both indoor and outdoor periods cows are milked in automated milk lines. They drink from automated watering place and they are fed twice a day. During the stable period cows are fed with concentrate food, corn and grass silage, hay. Following a free-range period they eat a concentrated food and cultivated pasture grass. In this farm there are a 100 dairy cows, 38 heifers and 26 calf (up to six months). The breeds of cows: Lithuanian Black and White, Holstein, Lithuanian red. In 2013 the average productivity of the herd was 5391,2 kg of milk. The average fat level - 4,34 prercent, milk protein level - 3,63 percent. The results: The results of blood test in indoor period have shown : crude protein – 63,5 g/l (p > 0,05). Glucosis – 3,35 mmol/l,(p<0,05). Ca – 2,2 mmol/l, Mg – 0,95 mmol/l, P – 1,75 mmol/l, (p<0,01). In grazing period, milk test have shown : crude protein – 65,4 g/l. Glucosis – 3,0 mmol/l. Ca – 2,5 mmol/l, Mg – 0,87 mmol/l, P - 1,58 mmol/l. The blood tests showed that the cows are healthy. There were no significant deviations from the norms. The results of milk in indoor period have shown : milk fat - 4,24 proc. (p<0,01). Milk protein – 4, 05 proc. (p<0,01). Milk lactose – 4,51 proc. (p>0,01). Milk urea – 19,8 mg% (p<0,01). Somatic cell – 166,47 tūkst./ml (p<0,01). The results of milk in grazing period have shown: milk fat –... [to full text]


Alūzaitė, Laura 05 March 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas buvo išanalizuoti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių pieno sudėties ir kokybės rodiklius. Darbo uždaviniai buvo išanalizuoti tiriamų melžiamų karvių pieno sudėtį ir kokybę, įvertinti ir palyginti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių pieno sudėtį, įvertinti ir palyginti skirtingai laikomų ir melžiamų karvių somatinių ląstelių skaičių piene. Tyrimui buvo pasirinktas ūkis, kuriame karvės laikomos dviejose fermose ir gyvuliai buvo laikomi bei melžiami skirtingais būdais. Kontrolinio melžimo metu buvo paimtas pienas tyrimams atlikti. Buvo nustatyti pieno riebalų, baltymų kiekiai, somatinių ląstelių skaičius tiriamajame piene. Duomenys analizuoti skaičiuokle „Excel“. Skaičiuojami statistiniai rodikliai: narių skaičius, aritmetinis vidurkis, aritmetinio vidurkio paklaida, duomenų statistinis patikimumas. Rezultatai laikyti patikimais, kai p<0,05. Nustatyta, jog didesnis pieno baltymingumas proc., riebumas proc., bei somatinių ląstelių skaičius tūkst./ml buvo karvių piene, kurios laikomos pririštos. Tai reiškia, kad šios fermos karvių pieno sudėties rodikliai aukštesni, bet dvigubai didesnis somatinių ląstelių skaičius (kokybės rodiklis) parodo, kad pienas gaunamas ne toks kokybiškas ir ferma turi problemų su karvių sveikatingumu. 8,3 proc. visų palaido laikymo karvių piene, bei 20,2 proc. visų pririšto laikymo būdo karvių piene, somatinių ląstelių skaičius viršijo 500 tūkst./ml. Rugpjūčio mėn. laikant karves palaidu būdu pieno riebumas proc. nustatytas mažiausias... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main goal of this thesis is to analize milk quality and composition in differently held dairy cows. To achieve this goal, first we analyzed the quality and composition in investigated cows; secondly, we eveluated and compared milk composition in differently held cows; finally, we eveluated and compared the number of somatic cells in differently held dairy cows. For analysis we chose a farm, which was divided into two. In both parts of the farm cows were held and milked differently. During the control milking we collected milk for analysis. We determined the amount of fat, protein and somatic cells in the analyzed milk. The data was analyzed using Excel with which we calculated the number of members, arithmetic average, standart deviation, and reliability. The results were reliable, if p < 0,05. We determined that the greater amount of protein (%), fat (%), the number of somatic cells thousands/ml was in dairy cows that are held tethered. This shows that, in this farm, milk composition is greater, but also the number of somatic cells is twice as big, which means that the milk quality is not good, and that there are health problems in this farm. 8,3 percent all loose cow's milk, and 20,2 percent pegged all manner of storage of cow milk somatic cell count exceeded 500 thousand./ml. In August keeping cows loose manner percent milk fat the lowest of the entire study period. In June and August keeping tethered cows milk protein content by percent was lower than in other... [to full text]

Ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo virškinamumas, jo poveikis karvių produktyvumui ir pieno sudėčiai / Digestibility of extruded protein additives and their influence on cow productivity and milk composition

Kudlinskienė, Ieva 19 May 2014 (has links)
UAB „Naujasis Nevėžis“ 2012 metais buvo sukurta ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL-1 receptūra, šis produktas skirtas melžiamoms karvėms skirtingais produktyvumo tarpsniais. Baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL – 1 poveikio, karvių produktyvumui ir pieno kokybei, įvertinimui Lukšių žemės ūkio bendrovėje (Lauciškių komplekse) buvo atliktas 90 dienų trukmės bandymas. Bandymui analogų principu atrinkta 30 Lietuvos juodmargių karvių, jos suskirstytos į dvi grupes (kontrolinę ir bandomąją), po 15 gyvulių kiekvienoje. Kontrolinės grupės karvės buvo šeriamos įprastiniu racionu, sudarytu iš kukurūzų siloso, žolių šienainio, kukurūzų grūdainio, rapsų išspaudų, sojų išspaudų ir mineralų. Bandomosios grupės karvės šertos analogišku racionu, tačiau sojų išspaudos pakeistos baltyminiu priedu LAKTOMIL-1. Siekiant nustatyti LAKTOMIL-1 baltymų virškinamumo laipsnį didžiajame prieskrandyje ir plonosiose žarnose, bendradarbiavome su valstybiniu Estijos „Gyvybės Mokslų Universitetu“, Mitybos ir gyvūnų produktų kokybės katedra (Tartu). Baltymų ir sausosios medžiagos virškinamumas didžiajame prieskrandyje buvo nustatytas in sacco metodu. Tyrimui atrinktos trys karvės, kurioms į didįjį prieskrandį įvestos fistulos. Pašarų mėginiai buvo inkubuojami prieskrandyje 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 ir 72 valandas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL-1 virškinamumą in sacco metodu ir įvertinti skirtingo šėrimo poveikį karvių produktyvumui ir pieno sudėčiai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. in sacco metodu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object and tasks of work: Investigate extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1 ruminal digestibility, determine influence on cow productivity and milk composition. 1. Explore extruded protein additive ruminal digestibility using in sacco method; 2. Set extruded protein additive impact on dairy cows milk production and composition. Research methodology: In 2012 JSC „Naujasis Nevėžis“ specialists developed new extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1, for dairy cows in different stages of productivity. To investigate influence of extruded protein additive to cow’s productivity and milk composition, 90 days experiment was carried out in Lukšiai agricultural company (Lauciškiai farm). Analogues of the principle selected thirty Lithuanian Black/white breed cows, they were divided into 2 groups (control and experimental), each group containing 15 animals. The control group was fed a normal cow ration consisting of corn silage, grass silage, maize, rapeseed meal, soybean cake, and minerals. Experimental cows fed a similar diet, but soybean cake was replaced to extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1. During the investigation milk yield was determined by the control milking. Milk quality indices have been analyzed in PE “Milk Analysis” (“Pieno tyrimai”). Been studied milk protein, fat, lactose and urea concentration in milk content. Effective degradability of protein and dry matter was determined by the in sacco method using three fistulated cows. The cows were fed the same basal ration... [to full text]

Zastoupení mastných kyselin v mléčném tuku koz a ve vybraném mléčném produktu / Fatty acid composition of caprine milk and milk products

PECOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Changes occur in milk during the technological processing of raw milk, which also affect the properties of milk fat. Dairy products may have different properties compared to the raw milk. Chemical and microbial processes can alter the presence and distribution of individual fatty acids and thus influence the nutritional value of the product. The aim of this thesis was to assess the presence of fatty acids in milk fat of goat milk and to evaluate differences in the spectrum of fatty acids in goat milk and yoghurt produced from it.

Avaliação da dor em vacas claudicantes e a sua relação com as características físico-químicas do leite, parâmetros fisiológicos, termografia e limiar nociceptivo / Assessment of pain in lame cows and the relation with physical and chemical characteristics of milk, physiological parameters, thermography and nociceptive threshold

Passos, Lorena Teixeira January 2015 (has links)
As afecções podais podem alterar negativamente o comportamento, bem estar e produtividade das vacas leiteiras, mas ainda é preciso explorar mais seus efeitos sobre os atributos fisiológicos, limiar da dor e as características físico-químicas do leite. Esse estudo teve por objetivo verificar os efeitos provocados pelo desconforto de vacas com problemas podais severos no escore de locomoção, atributos fisiológicos, limiar da dor, variáveis termográficas e características físico-químicas do leite, além de avaliar a melhoria nessas variáveis após o tratamento. Foram utilizadas 34 vacas lactantes claudicantes, as quais foram classificadas quanto à locomoção antes e depois do tratamento. Foram diagnosticadas as lesões, avaliados a composição do leite, limiar nociceptivo, realizadas as medidas fisiológicas e imagens termográficas nos membros com e sem lesão. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o completamente casualizado com medidas repetidas no tempo, onde cada vaca foi considerada uma unidade experimental. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância, utilizando o procedimento Mixed do programa estatístico SAS versão 9.0. Vacas claudicantes apresentaram maior sensibilidade à dor. O tratamento reduziu o escore de locomoção e aumentou limiar nociceptivo, além de influenciar os valores de pH e cálcio iônico, pois maiores valores de pH foram observados no dia pré-tratamento enquanto maiores valores de cálcio iônico foram observados no dia 8. Houve pequena associação entre os valores termográficos e os escores de locomoção. Os maiores valores de pH foram encontrados no dia pré-tratamento, (dia -1), para vacas da raça Jersey, animais mais velhos ou para animais mais pesados; enquanto os valores de cálcio iônico foram superiores no 8° dia em relação aos demais dias. Não houve efeito de escores de locomoção alto x baixo sobre a composição do leite. Por outro lado, fatores ligados aos animais como estádio lactacional, peso, número de tratamentos anteriores, ordem de parto, raça e idade influenciaram as características físico-químicas do leite. / Lameness can negatively affect behavior, well-being and productivity, but it is still worthy to explore its effect on the nociceptive threshold, physiological attributes and the physicochemical characteristics of milk. This study aimed to verify the effects caused by the discomfort in severely lame cows on locomotion score, physiological attributes, pain threshold, thermographic variables and physicochemical characteristics of milk and assess improvement in these variables after corrective trimming and digital treatment. Thirty-nine severely lame lactating cows were classified according to locomotion score before and 1 week after trimming. In several days, injuries were diagnosed, milk composition evaluated, nociceptive threshold and physiological measurements were done, besides thermographic images of the hoofs with and without injury. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with repeated measurements over time, and each cow was considered an experimental unit. Data was subjected to analysis of variance using the mixed procedure of SAS statistical software version 9.0. Severely lame cows showed higher sensitivity to pain. Trimming and treatment reduced locomotion score and increased nociceptive threshold, as well as influence the pH and ionic calcium, because higher pH values were observed in the pre-trimming day while larger ionic calcium values were observed on day 8. Cows had higher thermographic values in the affected hoof. There was little association between thermographic values and locomotion scores. Higher pH values were found in the pre-trimming (day -1) in the milk of Jersey cows, older animals or heavier animals; while the ionic calcium values were higher on the 8th day compared to other days. There was no effect of high x low locomotion scores on milk composition. On the other hand, factors related to animals as lactation stage, weight, number of previous trimmings, calving order, breed and age influenced the physicochemical characteristics of milk.

Vliv obsahu potenciálně účinných bylin v pastevních porostech na příjem krmiv a jejich konzervaci / The influence of potentially effective herbs from grazing herbage on forage intake and its preservation.

VONDRÁŠKOVÁ, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation was a representation of chemical composition of herb samples, NDF degradability examination by in sacco method and energy evaluation. Degradability of dry matter was also part of results. During the years 2006 and 2007, twenty-four sampling of pasture herbage from three different farms and six sampling of meadow herbage were realized. The other aim of this study was a monitoring of pasture herbage composition in three farms using the seven-member combination scale abundance and dominance Braun-Blanquet. Chemical composition and high of pasture herbage was also determined. The aim of other study was to determine which of two kinds of dicotyledonous plants- Sanguisorba officinalis and Plantago lanceolata added to a meadow hay in amount of 10 % goats prefer. Seven goats of brown shorthaired and white shorthaired breed were used in four preference tests. The other part of this trial was a monitoring the influence of Plantago lanceolata on goat milk composition. There was 45 % of Plantago lanceolata added in a meadow hay for experimental goats.

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