Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mineral oil"" "subject:"ineral oil""
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Obtenção e caracterização de cerâmica vermelha utilizando na matéria-prima resíduo argiloso do rerrefino de óleos mineraisSilva, Paula Luciana Bezerra da January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a incorporação de um resíduo da indústria petroquímica de rerrefino de óleos minerais, uma argila contaminada com hidrocarbonetos, como matéria-prima para a indústria cerâmica tradicional. O resíduo foi incorporado a uma massa cerâmica com o objetivo de obter produtos de cerâmica vermelha. As matérias-primas utilizadas foram caracterizadas quanto à composição mineralógica, química e granulométrica. Neste estudo, foram realizadas formulações com 0%, 3%, 5%, 10% e 15% em massa de resíduo para a obtenção dos corpos-de-prova. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos foram sinterizados nas temperaturas de 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C, 1150°C. Foram avaliadas as seguintes propriedades tecnológicas: absorção de água, porosidade aparente, retração linear de queima e resistência à flexão a quatro pontos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a incorporação de resíduo na massa cerâmica apresentou melhor desempenho nas suas propriedades tecnológicas, enquadrando-se a normas para produtos cerâmicos tradicionais, como telhas, blocos cerâmicos e pisos de revestimentos. Em consideração ao aspecto ambiental, as amostras foram submetidas aos ensaios de lixiviação, solubilização e emissões gasosas. Nos testes de lixiviação não foram encontrados elementos que a classificassem como resíduo perigoso de acordo com a NBR 10.004. Nos ensaios de solubilização, todas as composições com adição de resíduo na temperatura de 1000°C foram classificadas como resíduo classe II A – não inertes, enquanto a 1150°C foram classificadas como resíduo classe IIB- inertes. Em relação às emissões gasosas, estas apresentaram baixas concentrações dos elementos zinco, sódio, cálcio e silício na água coletada durante a queima. Os resultados indicaram a possibilidade de utilização deste resíduo na produção de cerâmica vermelha. / This work investigated the incorporation of a waste of the petrochemical industry of mineral oils rerefining, a clay contaminated with hydrocarbons, as raw material to traditional ceramic industry. The waste was incorporated into the ceramic mass to obtain red ceramics products. The raw material was characterized by the mineralogical, chemical and granulometric composition. In this study were incorporated 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 % waste weight to formulate the samples. The samples were sintered at temperatures 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C and 1150°C. The technological properties evaluated were: water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage and flexural rupture strength by the four point test. The results obtained showed that the waste added to the ceramic mass contributed to improve the quality of the ceramic samples. In the environmental aspects, the samples were submitted to leaching and solubilization tests and gaseous emissions. In the leaching test samples did not present elements classified as dangerous, according to NBR 10004. In the solubilization test, all compositions with waste, sintered at 1000°C, were classified as class IIA -not inert and at 1150°C class IIB - inert. The gaseous emissions demonstrated low concentration of the elements: zinc, sodium, calcium, and silicium in the water collected during the sinterization process. The results indicated the possibility of using this waste in the red ceramic production.
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Obtenção e caracterização de cerâmica vermelha utilizando na matéria-prima resíduo argiloso do rerrefino de óleos mineraisSilva, Paula Luciana Bezerra da January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho investigou a incorporação de um resíduo da indústria petroquímica de rerrefino de óleos minerais, uma argila contaminada com hidrocarbonetos, como matéria-prima para a indústria cerâmica tradicional. O resíduo foi incorporado a uma massa cerâmica com o objetivo de obter produtos de cerâmica vermelha. As matérias-primas utilizadas foram caracterizadas quanto à composição mineralógica, química e granulométrica. Neste estudo, foram realizadas formulações com 0%, 3%, 5%, 10% e 15% em massa de resíduo para a obtenção dos corpos-de-prova. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos foram sinterizados nas temperaturas de 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C, 1150°C. Foram avaliadas as seguintes propriedades tecnológicas: absorção de água, porosidade aparente, retração linear de queima e resistência à flexão a quatro pontos. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que a incorporação de resíduo na massa cerâmica apresentou melhor desempenho nas suas propriedades tecnológicas, enquadrando-se a normas para produtos cerâmicos tradicionais, como telhas, blocos cerâmicos e pisos de revestimentos. Em consideração ao aspecto ambiental, as amostras foram submetidas aos ensaios de lixiviação, solubilização e emissões gasosas. Nos testes de lixiviação não foram encontrados elementos que a classificassem como resíduo perigoso de acordo com a NBR 10.004. Nos ensaios de solubilização, todas as composições com adição de resíduo na temperatura de 1000°C foram classificadas como resíduo classe II A – não inertes, enquanto a 1150°C foram classificadas como resíduo classe IIB- inertes. Em relação às emissões gasosas, estas apresentaram baixas concentrações dos elementos zinco, sódio, cálcio e silício na água coletada durante a queima. Os resultados indicaram a possibilidade de utilização deste resíduo na produção de cerâmica vermelha. / This work investigated the incorporation of a waste of the petrochemical industry of mineral oils rerefining, a clay contaminated with hydrocarbons, as raw material to traditional ceramic industry. The waste was incorporated into the ceramic mass to obtain red ceramics products. The raw material was characterized by the mineralogical, chemical and granulometric composition. In this study were incorporated 0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 % waste weight to formulate the samples. The samples were sintered at temperatures 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C and 1150°C. The technological properties evaluated were: water absorption, apparent porosity, linear shrinkage and flexural rupture strength by the four point test. The results obtained showed that the waste added to the ceramic mass contributed to improve the quality of the ceramic samples. In the environmental aspects, the samples were submitted to leaching and solubilization tests and gaseous emissions. In the leaching test samples did not present elements classified as dangerous, according to NBR 10004. In the solubilization test, all compositions with waste, sintered at 1000°C, were classified as class IIA -not inert and at 1150°C class IIB - inert. The gaseous emissions demonstrated low concentration of the elements: zinc, sodium, calcium, and silicium in the water collected during the sinterization process. The results indicated the possibility of using this waste in the red ceramic production.
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Electrical performance of ester liquids under impulse voltage for application in power transformersLiu, Qiang January 2011 (has links)
Ester liquids including both natural ester and synthetic ester are being considered as potential alternatives to mineral oil, due to their better environmental performance and for some liquids their higher fire point. Although these liquids have been widely used in distribution and traction transformers, it is still a significant step to adopt ester liquids in high-voltage power transformers because the high cost and severe consequence of a factory test failure and the high level of safety and reliability required in service for these units, tend to lead to a cautious approach to any step change in technology. Lightning impulse strength as basic insulation level is of importance for insulation design of power transformers and lightning impulse test is commonly required in the factory routine tests for high-voltage power transformers, so this thesis is aimed to investigate the electrical performances including pre-breakdown and breakdown of natural ester and synthetic ester under impulse voltage. Two types of field geometry were considered in the study, one is sphere-sphere configuration which represents the quasi-uniform fields inside a transformer and another is strongly non-uniform point-plane configuration which represents the situation of a defect or a source of discharge. In quasi-uniform field study, standard breakdown tests were carried out under negative lightning and switching impulse voltages. Influence of various testing methods on the measured lightning breakdown voltage was studied and the 1% lightning withstand voltage was obtained based on Weibull distribution fitting on the cumulative probability plot built up using the approximately 1000 impulse shots. As for strongly non-uniform field study, streamer propagation and breakdown event in ester liquids either with or without pressboard interface were investigated at various gap distances under both positive and negative lightning impulse voltages. A relationship between the results under lightning impulse and previously published results under step voltage was built up to predict the lightning breakdown voltage of ester liquids at very large gaps. The results indicated that impulse strengths of ester liquids for both breakdown and withstand in a quasi-uniform field, are comparable to those of mineral oil. In a strongly non-uniform field, streamers in ester liquids propagate faster and further, than in mineral oil at the same voltage level. Thus breakdown voltages of ester liquids are generally lower than those of mineral oil, which could be as low as 40% at a large gap distance of approximately 1000 mm. Introduction of parallel pressboard interface has no influence on the streamer propagation and thus does not weaken the breakdown voltage, but it tends to reduce the acceleration voltage particularly for mineral oil under positive polarity. Last but not least, a unique phenomenon of secondary reverse streamer (SRS) was observed in ester liquids, which occurs subsequently and well after the extinction of the primary streamer (PS) propagation within a single shot of impulse voltage and has the reverse polarity to the PS. The formation mechanism of SRS is explained mainly due to the reverse electric field induced by the residual space charges left by the PS.
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Comparison of Heat-Properties and its Implications between Standard-Oil and Bio-OilRückert, Marcel, Schmitz, Katharina, Murrenhoff, Hubertus January 2016 (has links)
An important criteria for optimising hydraulic systems is their size. Especially for tanks and heat exchangers oil parameters as heat capacity and thermal conductivity have a big influence on the size. Additionally, various oils differ in their parameters. Accordingly, the heat capacity and thermal conductivity need to be known. However, little research has been done. Data-sheets usually do not provide any thermal data. In this paper, the thermal conductivity is measured for varying types of hydraulic oils. The thermal conductivity is determined by a newly designed test-rig measuring the radial temperature difference in a tube at a quasi-static state using a constant heat flux. Thus, an overview over the thermal conductivity of different oils is achieved. Based on the results, a comparison between different types of fluid is made.
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Istovremeni uticaj permeabilnosti sloja, prečnika vlakna i ulazne koncentracije uljne faze na separaciju mineralnih ulja iz otpadnih voda / Simultaneous effect of bed permeability, fiber diameter and oil phase inlet concentration on the separation of mineral oils from wastewaterSokolović Srđan 26 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da dâ doprinos u proučavanju nedovoljno poznatih fenomena koalescentne filtracije, kako bi se smanjio obim potrebnih poluindustrijskih istraživanja prilikom projektovnja filtera za neku konkretnu primenu. Svi materijali korišćeni u ovoj doktorskoj disertaciji su otpadni materijali, čija primena kao filtarskog punjenja predstavlja poseban doprinos održivom razvoju. Jedan od ciljeva ove doktorske disertacije je proučavanje istovremenog uticaja promene permeabilnosti sloja i debljine vlakana na osobine sloja, pad pritiska i efikasnost separacije dispergovanog ulja iz kontinualne vodene faze. Uticaj geometrije sloja proučavan je na slojevima homogene i heterogene geometrije po dubini. Realizovano je detaljno ispitivanje izgleda, morfologije vlakana, kao i strukture sloja, izgleda i rasporeda njegovih pora, primenom skening elektronske mikroskopije i optičke mikroskopije. U radu je dat pregled istraživanja primene vlakana različite prirode (slobodnih i međusobno povezanih, krutih i elastičnih, različite debljine te time i različite vijugavosti) i njihovih slojeva. Takođe, dat je doprinos proučavanju istovremenog uticaja promena ulazne koncentracije dispergovane faze i permeabilnosti sloja. U veći deo ostvarenih istraživanja ukjučeno je i proučavanje uticaja prirode uljne faze, pri čemu je neophodno istaći da su sva korišćena ulja mineralnog porekla. Cilj optimizacije rada koalescera bio je da se pronađu uslovi u kojima se postiže maksimalna vrednost kritične brzine uz minimalni pad pritiska.</p> / <p>The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to contribute to the study of insufficiently known phenomena of coalescent filtration, in order to reduce the number of pilot plant experiments required for designing filters for some specific applications. All the used materials are waste materials the use of which as a filter media contributes to sustainable development. One of the goals of this doctoral dissertation is to study the simultaneous effect of changes in bed permeability and fiber thickness on bed properties, pressure drop and the efficiency of the dispersed oil separation from a continuous aqueous phase. The effect of bed geometry was studied by applying the beds of homogeneous and heterogeneous geometry in depth. A detailed examination of the appearance and morphology of the fibers, as well as the structure of the bed and the appearance and arrangement of its pores, was performed by scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. The doctoral dissertation gives an overview of the testing of fibers of different nature (free and interconnected, rigid and elastic, of different thickness and thus of different meandering) and their beds. The simultaneous effect of the changes in the input dispersed phase concentration and the bed permeability was also investigated. Much of the conducted research includes the study of the impact of the nature of the oil phase, and it is necessary to point out that all used oils are mineral oils. The goal of optimizing the operation of a coalescer was to find the conditions providing the maximum critical velocity value with a minimum pressure drop.</p>
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Metodologia acústica para análise de óleo de transformador por sensores piezoelétricos / Acoustic methodology for oil transformers analysis by piezoelectric sensorsPalitó, Thamyres Tâmulla Cavalcante 08 May 2019 (has links)
Os transformadores são equipamentos fundamentais para o sistema elétrico e o acompanhamento regular de suas condições de operação é muito importante para que se reduzam custos associados ao seu ciclo de vida, bem como para que se possa garantir a sua confiabilidade e a sua durabilidade. As falhas elétricas ocorrem, muitas vezes, motivadas pela degradação do sistema isolante e consequentemente danificam o equipamento. O óleo é um dos componentes isolantes que se deteriora com facilidade devido ação de falhas ou variação de temperatura e umidade. O acompanhamento e a manutenção da qualidade do óleo isolante são etapas essenciais para proporcionar uma operação confiável dos equipamentos elétricos garantindo a confiabilidade do fornecimento de energia. Um dos parâmetros que pode ser monitorado no óleo é a água, pois esta reduz drasticamente a rigidez elétrica do dielétrico. Uma revisão na literatura relata alguns procedimentos de diagnósticos disponíveis para avaliar a condição do óleo de transformadores, tais como as análises físico química e a análise de gases dissolvidos (DGA). Pesquisas recentes revelam um tópico ressaltado que consiste na utilização de sensores acústicos para caracterização de líquidos, uma vez que essa análise possui a vantagem de ser não destrutiva, com possibilidade de aplicações não invasivas e em transformadores em operação. Neste contexto, esta tese propõem uma metodologia acústica para contribuir na detecção de umidade no óleo mineral isolante utilizando sensores piezoelétricos. A metodologia consiste na utilização de sensores para emitir e recepcionar os sinais transmitidos através de amostras de óleos de transformadores. Os experimentos foram realizados na faixa de MHz, utilizando transdutores comerciais e na faixa de kHz, utilizando um transdutor piezoelétrico desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Alta Tensão e materiais da USP de São Carlos. Medidas da amplitude do sinal são correlacionadas com o teor de água contido nas amostras de óleos. Os resultados revelam que é possível diagnosticar se as amostras de óleo estão aptas ou não para uso em transformadores. Em alguns casos é possível distinguir as quatro classes das amostras de óleo mineral isolante testadas: óleo novo (virgem), óleo regenerado, óleo sujo e óleo queimado. A metodologia proposta, além de ser inédita, se mostra promissora para auxiliar no diagnóstico de amostras de óleo mineral isolante em campo. / Transformers are fundamental equipment in electrical power system and constant monitoring their operating conditions is very important to reduce the costs associated with their life cycle, as well as to guarantee their reliability and durability. One of the main cause of electrical failures in power transformers is the degradation of the power transformer insulation system, which can cause permanent damages. A crucial element in their insulation system is oil used to insulate parts, but also to cool the equipment. Therefore monitor and maintain the insulating oil are essential steps to provide a reliable operation of the electrical equipment guaranteeing the reliability of the power supply. A review in the literature reports a wide variety of diagnostic procedures available to assess the condition of transformer oil, such as physical chemical analysis and dissolved gas (DGA) analysis. Recent research reveals a highlighted topic that consists of the use of acoustic sensors for characterizing liquids, since the acoustic analysis presents the characteristic of being non-destructive with possibility of non-invasive and application during transformer operation i.e. in line. In this context, this thesis proposes an acoustic methodology for the analysis of mineral insulating oil using piezoelectric sensors. The methodology consists of the use of sensors to emit and receive signals transmitted through oil transformer samples. The experiments were carried out in the MHz band, using commercial transducers and in the kHz band, using a piezoelectric transducer developed by the High Voltage and Materials Group from USP of São Carlos. Measurements of signal amplitude are correlated with the water content contained in the oil samples. The results show that it is possible to diagnose whether or not the oil samples are suitable for use in transformers. In some cases it is possible to distinguish the four classes of tested mineral oil samples. The proposed methodology is promising for the diagnosis of mineral insulation oil samples in the field.
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ANDRESSAANDRADEESILVA.pdf: 600806 bytes, checksum: 32dffc5e0a618b7e0c7a7056f1218c40 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-08-31 / The influence of the application of fresh cow's milk to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni) in the bean crop in combination with fungicide and adjuvant. The experiment was conducted at the Farm School “Capão da Onça”, owned by the “Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, in Ponta Grossa – Paraná. The experimental design was randomized blocks in factorial scheme 4 (milk doses: 0, 20, 35, 50 L ha-1) x 2 (presence or absence of fungicide azoxystrobin + cyproconazol) x 3 (no oil, mineral oil, vegetable oil) and four replications. The fungicide treatments azoxystrobin + cyproconazol (60 + 24 g ia ha-1) were applied at 24, 31, 41, 48 and 57 days after emergence (DAE). The assessments were started when the first symptoms of the disease appeared, at 45 DAE at the beginning of flowering, stage R5, with approximately 12 trefoil and then at intervals of seven days. Diagrammatic scale was used, analyzing 10 trefoil per plot, randomly selected of the central lines. The harvest was carried out in four rows of 2.5 m per plot to assess yield. The data of severity, area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and yield were subjected to analysis of variance and the means were significant when compared by the Tukey test at 5% probability. All treatments with milk proved to be superior to the control with no significant differences between the milk doses. Both in the presence and absence of fungicide, the AUDPC was lower compared with treatments without application of milk. The adjuvant vegetable oil had lower AUDPC values in the absence of milk. We observed the highest yields in the presence of fungicide with mineral oil adjuvant, considering the interaction between the fungicide and adjuvant factors. The use of milk to control powdery mildew in beans is economically and agriculturally viable, with no difference in disease control according to the dose of milk. / O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a influência da aplicação do leite de vaca in natura no controle do oídio (Erysiphe polygoni) na cultura do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris). O presente experimento foi conduzido na Fazenda Escola Capão da Onça, pertencente à Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, no município de Ponta Grossa – Paraná, o delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados, no esquema fatorial 4 (doses de leite: 0, 20, 35, 50 L ha-1) x 2 (presença ou ausência de fungicida azoxystrobin+cyproconazol) x 3 (sem óleo, óleo mineral, óleo vegetal) e quatro repetições. Os tratamentos com presença de fungicida azoxystrobin + cyproconazol (60 + 24 g i.a. ha-1) foram aplicados aos 24, 31, 41, 48 e 57 dias após a emergência (DAE). As avaliações foram iniciadas quando apareceram os primeiros sintomas da doença, aos 45 (DAE), no início da floração, estádio R5, com aproximadamente 12 trifólios e posteriormente em intervalos médios de 7 dias, analisou-se 10 trifólios por parcela, escolhidos aleatoriamente, nas linhas centrais das parcelas. Para avaliações de rendimento, foram colhidas quatro linhas de 2,5 m, por parcela. Os dados de severidade, área abaixo da curva de progresso da doença (AACPD) e rendimento foram submetidos à análise de variância e as médias quando significativas foram comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. Todos os tratamentos com leite mostraram-se superiores à testemunha e sem diferenças estatísticas entre si. Tanto na presença como na ausência de fungicida, a AACPD foi menor em comparação com os tratamentos sem aplicação de leite. O adjuvante óleo vegetal apresentou menores valores de AACPD, na ausência de leite. Observaram-se os maiores rendimentos na presença de fungicida com adjuvante óleo mineral, considerando a interação entre os fatores fungicida e adjuvante. A utilização do leite para controle do oídio do feijão é economicamente e agronomicamente viável, não havendo diferença no controle da doença conforme as doses de leite.
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Efeito de formula??es oleosas de fungos entomopatog?nicos no controle do carrapato Rhipicephalus microplus / Effect of oil-based formulations of entomopathogenic fungi to control Rhipicephalus microplus ticksCamargo, Mariana Guedes 18 August 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-09-08T13:37:00Z
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2011 - Mariana Guedes Camargo.pdf: 1490617 bytes, checksum: fa92cbaf85207d3979daee781f5d74b1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-08T13:37:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Mariana Guedes Camargo.pdf: 1490617 bytes, checksum: fa92cbaf85207d3979daee781f5d74b1 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-08-18 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The formulations of entomopathogenic fungi to control ticks has been widely studied. The present study evaluated the efficacy of Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato (s.l.) and Beauveria bassiana oily formulations on different Rhipicephalus microplus stages. The efficacy of conidial aqueous suspensions was compared to the efficacy of conidia formulated in 10, 15 or 20% mineral oil. Twelve groups were studied: one control aqueous, three control groups oil-based at 10%, 15% or 20%, two fungal aqueous suspensions of M. anisopliae s.l. or B. bassiana and M. anisopliae s.l. or B. bassiana oil-based formulations at 10%, 15% or 20%. To prepare aqueous suspensions and oily formulations, fungal isolates were cultivated on grains rice in polypropylene bags. The conidial suspensions and formulations had concentration of 108 conidia/mL. Bioassays were repeated twice. After treatment, the biological parameters of engorged females were evaluated; the following parameters were evaluated in the bioassays with eggs: period of incubation, period of hatch and hatching percentage; in bioassays with larva mortality was evaluated. Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. and B. bassiana oil-based formulations were more effective than aqueous suspensions to R. microplus eggs, larvae and engorged females. Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. oil-based formulations caused significant effects in all biological parameters of engorged females while B. bassiana oil-based formulations modified significantly the nutritional index only. Metarhizium anisopliae s.l. and B. bassiana formulated in mineral oil caused a control percentage up to 93.69% and 21.67%, respectively, while M. anisopliae s.l. and B. bassiana aqueous suspension caused a control percentage of 18.70% and 1.72%, respectively. Eggs treated with M. anisopliae s.l. and B. bassiana oil-based formulations had reduced percentage of hatch up to 102.5 and 3.65 times, respectively. In the bioassay with larvae, M. anisopliae s.l. oil-based formulations caused approximately 100% mortality five days after treatment, while larva treated with B. bassiana oil-based formulations reached 100% mortality only at day 20 after treatment. Larva from oil-based control groups had mortality at day 15 after treatment, indicating possible toxic effect off the oil for this R. microplus stage. The results showed that M. anisopliae s.l., Ma 959 isolate, was more virulent to R. microplus engorged females, eggs and larvae than B. bassiana, Bb 986 isolate. The fungal mineral oily formulations tested were more effective than the aqueous suspension. Oil-based formulations at 10%, 15% or 20% enhances the activity of M. anisopliae s.l., Ma 959, and B. bassiana, Bb 986, to R. microplus tick and can be used as an adjuvant for oily formulations / A utiliza??o de formula??es de fungos entomopatog?nicos no controle de carrapatos tem sido amplamente estudada. O presente estudo avaliou a efic?cia de formula??es do isolado Ma 959 de Metarhizium anisopliae sensu lato (s.l.) e Bb 986 de Beauveria bassiana contendo 10%, 15% e 20% de ?leo mineral sobre ovos, larvas e f?meas ingurgitadas de Rhipicephalus microplus, al?m de comparar a efici?ncia entre formula??es oleosas e suspens?es aquosas dos mesmos isolados f?ngicos sobre as fases do desenvolvimento do carrapato R. microplus. Foram formados doze grupos: controle aquoso e controles com 10%, 15% ou 20% de ?leo mineral, suspens?o aquosa de M. anisopliae s.l. ou B. bassiana e formula??es de M. anisopliae s.l. ou B. bassiana contendo 10%, 15% ou 20% de ?leo mineral. Para o preparo das suspens?es aquosas e formula??es oleosas, os isolados f?ngicos foram cultivados em gr?os de arroz acondicionado em sacos de polipropileno. As suspens?es e formula??es conidiais utilizadas possu?am concentra??o de 108 con?dios/mL. Os bioensaios foram repetidos duas vezes. Os par?metros biol?gicos das f?meas ingurgitadas foram avaliados; em rela??o aos ovos foram avaliados os per?odos de incuba??o e eclos?o e o percentual de eclos?o, e para larvas foi avaliado o percentual de mortalidade. As formula??es oleosas de M. anisopliae s.l. e de B. bassiana foram mais eficazes sobre ovos, larvas e f?meas ingurgitadas de R. microplus do que as suspens?es aquosas. O isolado de M. anisopliae s.l. formulado em ?leo mineral causou altera??es significativas em todos os par?metros de f?meas ingurgitadas, entretanto, as formula??es oleosas do isolado de B. bassiana alteraram significativamente somente o ?ndice nutricional. Os isolados f?ngicos de M. anisopliae s.l. e B. bassiana formulados em ?leo mineral apresentaram percentual de controle de at? 93,69% e 21.67%, respectivamente, enquanto que o percentual de controle das suspens?es aquosas de M. anisopliae s.l. e B. bassiana foi de 18,70% e 1,72%, respectivamente. No tratamento de ovos, as formula??es oleosas de M. anisopliae s.l. e B. bassiana causaram redu??o no percentual de eclos?o de at? 102,5 e 3,64 vezes, respectivamente. No bioensaio com larvas, as formula??es oleosas de M. anisopliae s.l. causaram um percentual de mortalidade pr?ximo a 100% no quinto dia ap?s o tratamento, enquanto que as formula??es de B. bassiana atingiram este percentual somente no 20? dia ap?s o tratamento. Os grupos controle contendo ?leo mineral causaram mortalidade de larvas a partir do 15? dia ap?s o tratamento, indicando um poss?vel efeito t?xico do ?leo sobre este est?gio de R. microplus. Os resultados demonstram que o isolado Ma 959 de M. anisopliae s.l. foi mais virulento para f?meas ingurgitadas, ovos e larvas de R. microplus do que o isolado Bb 986 de B. bassiana. As formula??es oleosas dos fungos testados foram mais eficazes do que as suspens?es aquosas. O ?leo mineral utilizado nas concentra??es de 10%, 15% e 20% potencializa a a??o dos isolados Ma 959 de M. anisopliae s.l. e Bb 986 de B. bassiana contra o carrapato R. microplus, podendo ser utilizado como adjuvante em formula??es oleosas.
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Resíduos impregnados com óleo mineral isolante na CEMIG: avaliação das técnicas de compostagem fitorremediação e processo oxidativo para seu tratamentoSantos, Flávio da Costa 08 March 2013 (has links)
This paper reports the study of soils contaminated with mineral insulating oil in order to propose remediation processes that are best suited to them. The processes of soil treatment methods involve physical, chemical and biological, and in many cases necessary combination thereof. The proper study of the effects that can be caused by the contamination of the soil above a classification comprising aspects such as adsorption desorption processes, leaching, solubilization, among others. Contaminated soils were used in the Triangulo Mineiro region, the classification being conducted following the procedures described by the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT), NBR 10004, NBR 10005, NBR 10006 and NBR 10007. From the obtained results it can be seen that the extent of contamination is limited to the area necessary to saturate the soil in the oil. Under the experimental conditions determined by Brazilian standards contamination is confined to this area, there are no processes and leaching significant. These results propose a great possibility that these remediation for contaminated soils can be implemented in the actual contaminated site without commitment and leaching processes that lead to environmental commitment. / O presente trabalho relata o estudo de solos contaminados com óleo mineral isolante com o objetivo de propor processos de remediação que sejam mais adequados aos mesmos. Os processos de tratamento do solo englobam métodos físicos, químicos e biológicos, sendo em muitos casos necessária a combinação dos mesmos. O estudo adequado dos efeitos que podem ser desencadeados pela contaminação do solo precede de uma classificação contemplando aspectos como forma de adsorção de dessorção, processos de lixiviação, solubilização entre outros. Foram utilizados solos contaminados da região do Triângulo Mineiro, considerando a classificação realizada através dos procedimentos descritos pela Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas (ABNT), NBR 10004, NBR 10005, NBR 10006 e NBR 10007. Pelos resultados obtidos pode ser verificado que a extensão da contaminação se restringe a área necessária para saturar o solo pelo óleo. Nas condições experimentais determinadas pelas normas brasileiras, a contaminação se restringe a esta área, não havendo processos de lixiviação e solubilização significativos. Tais resultados ensejam uma grande possibilidade de que a remediação para estes solos contaminados possa ser executada no próprio local contaminado sem comprometimento de processos de lixiviação e solubilização que levem ao comprometimento ambiental. / Doutor em Geografia
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A prospective randomized study to compare Nidoil and Ovoil cultur oils used to culture human embryos in IVF therapyDoyo, Kader January 2016 (has links)
Background: Since the initiation of assisted reproduction techniques, several studies has been performed to improve treatment results by development of culture conditions like embryo oil and culture media used. In this study, two embryonic oils from different companies, Nidoil and Ovoil were examined.Method: In this study, 47 human embryos were used. All embryos were donated for research purposes by couples who had been treated at the clinic in Uppsala University Hospital. The embryos were divided into two groups, one group was cultured with Ovoil and the other with Nidoil.Results: There was no difference between the two oils, the embryo quality was the same in both groups.CONCLUSION: The result was expected because both oils had the same composition and purity.
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